
Ear Flaps CO 3 sts. Work I-cord 7". Work back and forth: Row 1: k3 Row 2: p3 Row 3: k into front and back of first st, k1, k into front and back of last st - 5 sts Row 4: k into front and back of first st, p1, k1, p1, k into front and back of last st - 7 sts Row 5: k into front and back of first st, (k1, p1) twice, k1, k into front and back of last st - 9 sts Cont in pattern as est, keeping to Seed Stitch pattern (knit the purls and purl the knits as they face you), until you have 23 sts. Work 4 rows even in Seed Stitch. Next Row: p1, ssk, work seed st to last 3 sts, k2tog, p1 - 21 sts Next Row: Work even in Seed St. Rep last 2 rows once more. Cut yarn. Place rem 19 sts on holder. Make another ear flap. Do not cut yarn and leave sts on needle. Join Flaps And Begin Hat With circular needles, work Seed St over 19 sts on needle. Using the Cable Cast On , CO 35 sts (for front of hat). Work Seed St over 19 sts on holder. Using the Cable Cast On, CO 23 sts (for back of hat) - 96 sts Join and mark beg of round. Work Seed St 5 rnds. Work St st until hat measures 4" from CO edge. Decrease Crown Change to double points when sts no longer fit on circulars. Rnd 1: *K6, k2tog; rep from * around - 84 sts Rnd 2: K Rnd 3: *K5, k2tog; rep from * around - 72 sts Rnd 4: K Rnd 5: *K4, k2tog; rep from * around - 60 sts Rnd 6: K

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Ear FlapsCO 3 sts. Work I-cord 7".Work back and forth:Row 1: k3Row 2: p3Row 3: k into front and back of first st, k1, k into front and back of last st - 5 sts

Row 4: k into front and back of first st, p1, k1, p1, k into front and back of last st - 7 stsRow 5: k into front and back of first st, (k1, p1) twice, k1, k into front and back of last st - 9 stsCont in pattern as est, keeping to Seed Stitch pattern (knit the purls and purl the knits as they face you), until you have 23 sts.Work 4 rows even in Seed Stitch.Next Row: p1, ssk, work seed st to last 3 sts, k2tog, p1 - 21 stsNext Row: Work even in Seed St.Rep last 2 rows once more.Cut yarn. Place rem 19 sts on holder. Make another ear flap. Do not cut yarn and leave sts on needle. Join Flaps And Begin HatWith circular needles, work Seed St over 19 sts on needle. Using the Cable Cast On, CO 35 sts (for front of hat). Work Seed St over 19 sts on holder. Using the Cable Cast On, CO 23 sts (for back of hat) - 96 stsJoin and mark beg of round.Work Seed St 5 rnds.Work St st until hat measures 4" from CO edge.Decrease CrownChange to double points when sts no longer fit on circulars.Rnd 1: *K6, k2tog; rep from * around - 84 stsRnd 2: KRnd 3: *K5, k2tog; rep from * around - 72 stsRnd 4: KRnd 5: *K4, k2tog; rep from * around - 60 stsRnd 6: KRnd 7: *K3, k2tog; rep from * around - 48 stsRnd 8: KRnd 9: *K2, k2tog; rep from * around - 36 stsRnd 10: KRnd 11: *K1, k2tog; rep from * around - 24 stsRnd 12: KRnd 13: *K2tog around - 12 stsRnd 14: KRnd 15: *K2tog around - 6 sts Cut yarn, leaving a tail. Thread tail through tapestry needle and through rem 6 sts and remove from needle. Pull tightly to close top of hat. Weave in ends on WS.

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Yarn: 100 gr. worsted weightNeedles: 3.75 mm (US #5) long dpns or short circular; and a longer circular.2 safety pins or stitch holders.

Size: this fits my 5yo, but it will easily fit about a 3-6.

Cast on 70sts. Join. Work 3" in K1,P1 ribbing.

Next row: Rib 10, Knit 50, Turn. Put remaining 10 sts on holder.Next row: Purl 50. Turn. Put remaining 10 sts on another holder.

Working on centre 50 sts. work back and forth in rows in stocking stitch until entire piece from beginning measures 9", ending with a Purl row.

Short row Head shaping:1st row: K34,Sl 1, K1, psso. Turn2nd row: P19, P2tog. Turn3rd row: K19, Sl 1, K1, psso. TurnRepeat row 2 and 3 until all 20 sts are on one needle, ending with 2nd row. Cut yarn.

Face ribbing: With right side of work facing and using circular needle long enough to fit around face opening, rib across 10 sts on first holder, pick up and knit 26 sts along side of face edge, knit across 20 sts, pick up and knit 26 sts along other side of face opening, rib across 10 sts on 2nd holder. Join, and place marker for beginning of round.

Work 9 rnds of k1, p1 ribbing. Cast off loosely in ribbing.

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No. 2918Helmet and Mittens for Girl or Boy

SIZES: 4 (6) yrs.

MATERIALS: SPINNERIN Moth-Proofed WHIRL-KNIT 3 2-oz. Skeins 1 Pr each of Knitting Needles Nos. 6 and 10 1 Bone Crochet Hook No. 6

GAUGE: 3½ sts = 1 in; 11 rows = 2 insImportant: Accurate gauge is absolutely essential.

PATTERN: Ribbing of K2, P2 and Stockinette St.

HELMET: Starting at lower edge of back with No. 10 needles, cast on 72 (80) sts. Knit 4 rows. Change to stockinette st and work 2 rows. 1st Dec Row: K5 (6), K2 tog, *K10 (11), K2 tog; repeat from * 4 times, K5 (7). Work 3 rows. 2nd Dec Row: K5 (6), K2 tog, *K9 (10), K2 tog; repeat from * ending with K4 (6). Repeat this dec row every 4th row

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twice (48 (56) sts). Work even until desired length to Neck Ribbing: Change to No. 6 needles and work in ribbing of K2, P2 for 1½ ins. Change to No. 10 needles and stockinette st and work 2 (3) ins or required length to Face Opening: Starting with a knit row K17 (20), bind off next 14 (16) sts, K17 (20). Work back and forth on last 17 (20) sts for 12 (14) rows, ending with a purl row. Break off and slip these sts to end of needle. Attach yarn to other side and starting with a purl row, work to correspond, ending with a knit row. Cast on 14 (16) sts at end of needle, then knit across the last 17 (20) sts. Work even on 48 (56) sts until 1½ (2) ins above face opening, ending with a purl row. Shape Crown: K5 (4), *K2 tog, K5 (7); repeat from * 4 times, K2 tog, K6 (5) (6 sts dec in row). Repeat this dec every knit row 4 (5) times more 18 (20) sts, always having 1 st less between dec on every dec row. K2 tog across next knit row. Break off yarn leaving a 12-in end. Draw end through remaining 9 (10) sts and fasten tightly. With same yarn, seam back of helmet. On right side, work 1 row of SC around face opening.

Items you'll need:

Size 6 (US), 4.25mm Straight Needles 1 Skein Lion Wool or comparable worsted weight yarn, for each color used

Note:- the example images show two colors - if you make the hat a solid color you will only need 1 skein of that color.

Small crochet hook Yarn needle (optional - for weaving in loose ends)

Gauge: When working in St. st, 5 sts and 7 rows = 1 inch


Body of the Hat:

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Cast on 84 k 8 rows in rib knit (k2, p2) * Repeat to endOptional: Attach a different color to being new stripek27 rows in St. st.Optional: Attach another color for final stripek13 rows in St. st, ending with a purled rowNote: If you want your hat to be longer or shorter, you can add or subtract rows here before you begin decreasing.


(k10, k2tog)* Repeat 7 times to endNext Purl(k9, k2tog)*Purl(k8, k2tog)*Purl(k7, k2tog)*Purl(k6, k2tog)*Purl(k5, k2tog)*Purl(k4, k2tog)*Purl(k3, k2tog)*Purl(k2, k2tog)*Purl(k1, k2tog)*Purl(k2tog)*


   Cut the yarn, leaving a long tail, and pull through remaining stiches, securing in first loop. Use the remaining tail to join the sides together. If you used multiple colors, use the tails from the color change to join that color's section together. Weave in any remaining ends.

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Yarn: Bernat Denimstyle (3.5 oz/ 100 g) or yarn of choice, Hat, 1 ball, Scarf, 2 balls

Hook: Size 5 mm (U.S. 8) knitting needles or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge:18 sts and 24 rows = 4" [10 cm] in stocking st.

Size:Scarf: Width: 9 1/2" [24 cm] Length: 49" [125 cm]


Scarf:Cast on 39 sts.1st row: (RS). Knit.2nd row: P1. *K1. P1. Rep from * to end.Rep these 2 rows until work from beg measures 49" [124.5 cm].Fasten off.

Finishing:Cut 8" [20.5 cm] lengths of yarn. Taking 3 strands tog, knot into fringe across ends of scarf.

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Hat:Cast on 78 sts.1st row: (RS). K2. *P2. K2. Rep from * to end of row.2nd row: *P2. K2. Rep from *to last 2 sts. P2.Rep last 2 rows until work from beg measures 11 ins [28 cm] ending on a 2nd row.Shape top: 1st row: *K2tog. P2tog. Rep from * to last 2 sts. K2tog. 39 sts.2nd row: *P1. K1. Rep from * to last st. P1.3rd row: K1. *P1. K1. Rep from * to end of row.Rep last 2 rows once more then 2nd row once.7th row: *K2tog. Rep from * to last st. K1. 20 sts.8th row: Purl.9th row: (K2tog) 10 times. 10 sts. Break yarn leaving a long end. Draw end through rem sts and fasten securely.

Sew center back seam, reversing seam half way for turn back.

Related Projects

You may provide a direct link to this pattern, but may not copy it to your web site. Feel free to run off copies for your charity crafting groups.

MATERIALS:You can adjust the pattern to fit whatever size head you want.  Child sized 3-9 years  (10-13) (teen-adult size) Size 10 (6 mm) (size 4 UK) knitting needles 2 oz of bright colored Worsted Weight/10 ply UK -  yarn  (Use 2 strands of yarn held together to make this extra cozy, this will make the hat a bit larger)

Cast on 60 sts (70) (80) Row 1: K2, P2, K2 across line, ending with P2. Row 2 - 6:  Repeat Row 1.

Row 7: Knit across Row 8: Purl across Repeat these 2 rows until hat is 8" (9 1/2") (10") from start, ending with a purl row.

Start Decrease 1st decrease row- K2 together across the row. Next row: Purl

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Next row: K2 together across Last row: Purl across.  Cut a 14" tail of yarn, thread a yarn needle with it.  Carefully pull the last row of knitting from the needle and thread the needle through every stitch.  Pull tightly then whip stitch the seam shut.

Add a Pom Pom to the top.

Basic Cabled CapRevised 6 March 2003

This cap is worked in the round on double-pointed needles. It can be made in different sizes by varying the yarn and needle size, or the number of cable repeats. The red cap is shown in a sport weight yarn, and with ten cables fits a small child (head about 16") in worsted weight it will fit a larger child (18"). For an adult-sized head (20-22") you'll need to use 12 repeats or a bulkier yarn. Instructions are given for both sizes.

Note: "ssk" means slip, slip, knit. That is, slip 2 stitches as if to knit, place left needle tip through these two stitches and knit them together. It is equivalent to sl 1, k1, psso, but easier to work. Also note: the photo of the red cap is from an earlier version of the pattern. These instructions give decreases as shown in the turquoise/navy cap.

Instructions:Cast on 80 stitches (100 sts for larger size) and join into a circle, being careful not to twist stitches. Work in K1P1 rib for one inch. Still working the ribbing pattern, in the next round increase by 20 stitches (to 100 for small size and 120 for larger size) by adding a backward loop after every 4th or 5th stitch.

Cable Pattern: Rnds 1-4: (p2, k6, p2) around. Rnd 5 (Cable left): (p2, hold 3 stitches on cable needle to the front of the work, k3, k the three sts from the cable needle, p2) around. Rnd 6: work like rnd 1.

Repeat these 6 rounds until the cap has a total length of 5 to 7 inches, depending on size desired, and continue in pattern through the next Rnd 1.

Top decreases:[Sorry, I ran out of the turquoise yarn and had to finish in navy.]

On what would be round 2, work a decrease each side of each cable, thus: (p1, k2tog, k4, ssk, p1) around.

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Work two rounds of: (p1,k6, p1) around.Next round, decrease 2 sts within each cable: (p1, hold 3 sts to front, k1, k2tog; on the held stitches, ssk; k1, p1) around.Knit 3 rnds of: (p1, k4, p1) around.Decrease round: (p1, hold 2 sts to front, k2 tog; on the held sts, ssk; p1) around.Work one rnd: (p1, k2, p1) around. As you work, adjust so that all of each knit rib and purl rib are on the same needle, as you'll be knitting them together on the next round. P the first stitch of the round onto the last needle.Decrease rnd: (ssk, p2tog) ten times.Last rnd: (k1, p1) around, break off yarn and pull through the remaining stitches (20 or 24), drawing tight.Sew a pompom or other ornament at the top.

Tapestry Needle

Sizing: Preschooler (3 & 4 years old)

Abbreviations: CO: Cast On PM: Place Marker RPT: Repeat K2tog: Knit two together MC: Main color CC: Contrasting color St st: Stockinette stitch

Instructions for knitting hat in the round:CO 44 sts with MCPMJoin in the round being careful not to twistRound 1: K2, P2 to end of roundRepeat 5 more times.Continuing to work in MC, work in st st for 6 rounds (knit every round)Switch to CC for 2 rounds in st st

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Work MC for 2 rounds in st stWork CC for 2 rounds in st stWork MC for 6 more rounds in st st

Decrease:(Switch to DPNs when needed and work entire decrease portion with MC)Round 1: K2, K2tog to end of round.Round 2: KnitRound 3: K1, K2tog to end of roundRound 4: KnitRound 5: K2tog to end of round

Using tapestry needle, break yarn leaving a long tail. Thread through remaining stitches and pull tightly. Weave in ends. Add a large pom pom if desired.

Instructions for knitting hat flat:CO 44 sts with MCRound 1: K2, P2 to end of roundRepeat 5 more times.Continuing to work in MC, work in st st for 6 rowsSwitch to CC and work 2 rows st stWork MC for 2 rows in st stWork CC for 2 rows in st stWork MC for 6 more rows in st st

Decrease:(Switch to DPNs when needed and work entire decrease portion with MC)Round 1: K2, K2tog to end of round.Round 2: Purl

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Round 3: K1, K2tog to end of roundRound 4: PurlRound 5: K2tog to end of round

Using tapestry needle, break yarn leaving a long tail. Thread through remaining stitches and pull tightly. Seam up the back and weave in ends. Add a large pom pom if desired.

© Jennifer Dickerson 2012Please note: Patterns are for personal and charity use only.If you enjoy the pattern, please link to it, but do not copy the pattern to your own website or blog.

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Infant [Toddler, Child]Shown in Toddler

Finished Measurements

Circumference: 14 [16, 18] inches (flat and unstretched).Depth: 6¾ [7¾, 8¼] inches

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Cascade Yarns 220 Wool [100% wool, 220 yards/201 meters per 3.5 ounce/100 gram skein];

#7828 - Neon Yellow; 1 skein or#7816 - Bluebell; 1 [1, 2] skein(s)

Recommended needle sizes

US #6/4 mm, dpns or circular (if you wish to use magic loop technique)US #7/4.5 mm dpns or circular (if you wish to use magic loop technique)Do not hesitate to change needle size to obtain correct gauge.


cable needlestitch holder or waste yarnstitch markertapestry needlepompom making tool


After blocking:24 sts and 28 rnds = 4 inches with larger needle in cable pattern 29 sts and 32 rnds = 4 inches with smaller needle in rib20 sts and 28 rows = 4 inches with larger needle in St st

Pattern Notes

This is a cabled hat worked seamlessly in the round. It can be made in two versions: one with nice earflaps with an upside-down small cable pattern or starting with 2x2 ribbing. After completing ribbing the hat is worked in cables. The earflaps finish with i-cord strings and small pompoms. All stitch decreases are made between the cables for neater look. At the top of the hat there is a 1½-2 inch pompom in the same colorway. The hat is great for boys as well as girls, depending on the color of the yarn. Different sizing is achieved by alterations in cable length as well as their number.

Cable Cast-On - Start by placing a slip knot on the left hand needle. Knit on one stitch leaving 2 stitches now on the left hand needle. Now insert the needle between the two stitches, wrap and bring through. Transfer the newly created stitch onto the left hand needle.

Special Abbreviationcn – cable needle

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Cable Chart

Cable Key

Pattern Stitchesm1p - make one purlwise; with left needle lift running strand between stitches from front to back, then purl into the back loop of the strand;m1k - make one knitwise; with left needle lift running strand between stitches from front to back, then knit into the back loop of the strand.

Cable stitchesc4 over 4 right – sl 4 to cn, hold in back, k4, then k4 from cnc4 over 4 left – sl 4 to cn, hold in front, k4, then k4 from cnc3 over 4 right – sl 3 to cn, hold in back, k4, then k3 from cnc3 over 4 left – sl 3 to cn, hold in front, k4, then k3 from cnc3 over 3 right – sl 3 to cn, hold in back, k3, then k3 from cnc3 over 3 left – sl 3 to cn, hold in front, k3, then k3 from cnc2 over 3 right – sl 2 to cn, hold in back, k3, then k2 from cnc2 over 3 left – sl 2 to cn, hold in front, k3, then k2 from cnc2 over 2 right – sl 2 to cn, hold in back, k2, then k2 from cnc2 over 2 left – sl 2 to cn, hold in front, k2, then k2 from cnc1 over 2 right – sl 1 to cn, hold in back, k2, then k1 from cnc1 over 2 left – sl 1 to cn, hold in front, k2, then k1 from cnRight Twist – sl 1 to cn, hold in back, k1, then k1 from cnLeft Twist – sl 1 to cn, hold in front, k1, then k1 from cn

Skills Required

knitting in the round (possibly using magic loop technique), knitting on dpns, cables, i-cord, pompoms.


If you wish to make an ear-flapped version start with the instructions for earflaps. Otherwise, go straight to instructions for the hat without earflaps.

Hat With EarflapsBefore staring earflaps make sure you know the cable pattern stitches.

EarflapsUsing larger needles, cast on 4 sts. Row 1 (RS): Knit across.Row 2: Purl across.Row 3: K1, m1k, p2, m1k, k1: 6 sts.Row 4: P2, k2, p2.Row 5: K2, m1p, p2, m1p, k2: 8 sts.

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Row 6: P2, k4, p2.Row 7: K2, m1p, p4, m1p, k2: 10 sts.Row 8: P2, k6, p2.Row 9: k2, m1p, p6, m1p, k2: 12 sts.Row 10: P2, k8, p2.Row 11: K2, m1p, p3, Left Twist, p3, m1p, k2: 14 sts.Row 12: P2, k3, p4, k3, p2.Row 13: K2, p3, k4, p3, k2.Row 14: P2, k3, p4, k3, p2.Row 15: K2, m1p, p2, c1 over 2 left, c1 over 2 right, p2, m1p, k2: 16 sts.Row 16: P2, k3, p6, k3, p2.Row 17: K2, m1p, p3, k6, p3, m1p, k2: 18 sts.Row 18: P2, k4, p6, k4, p2.Row 19: K2, p3, c2 over 2 left, c2 over 2 right, p3, k2.Row 20: P2, k3, p8, k3, p2.

For Size Infant OnlyRow 21: K2, p3, k8, p3, k2.Row 22: P2, k3, p8, k3, p2.Cut yarn leaving a long tail to weave into the hat once attached. Slip sts to waste yarn or stitch holder and set aside.

Sizes Toddler And Child OnlyRow 21: K2, m1p, p3, k8, p3, m1p, k2: 20 sts.Row 22: P2, k4, p8, k4, p2.Row 23: K2, p4, k8, p4, k2.Row 24: P2, k4, p8, k4, p2.

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Row 25: K2, m1p, p3, c2 over 3 left, c2 over 3 right, p3, m1p, k2: 22 sts.Row 26: P2, k4, p10, k4, p2.Row 27: K2, p4, k10, p4, k2.Row 28: P2, k4, p10, k4, p2.

For Size Toddler OnlyRow 29: K2, p4, k10, p4, k2.Row 30: P2, k4, p10, k4, p2.Cut yarn leaving a long tail to weave into the hat once attached. Slip sts to waste yarn or stitch holder and set aside.

For Size Child OnlyRow 29: K2, m1p, p4, k10, p4, m1p, k2: 24 sts.Row 30: P2, k5, p10, k5, p2.Row 31: K2, p4, c3 over 3 left, c3 over 3 right, p4, k2.Row 32: P2, k4, p12, k4, p2.Row 33: K2, m1p, p4, k12, p4, m1p, k2: 26 sts.Row 34: P2, k5, p12, k5, p2.Row 35: K2, p5, k12, p5, k2.Row 36: P2, k5, p12, k5, p2.Row 37: K2, p4, c3 over 4 left, c3 over 4 right, p4, k2.Row 38: P2, k4, p14, k4, p2.Cut yarn leaving a long tail to weave into the hat once attached. Slip sts to waste yarn or stitch holder and set aside.

Make the second Earflap in the same way. Do not cut yarn after finishing the second one.

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Join Earflaps To HatUsing smaller needles and working across second Earflap, k2, p3[4, 4], k8[10, 14], p3[4, 4], k2; using cable cast on method, cast on 38 [46, 50] sts; with RS of first Earflap facing, k2, p3[4, 4], k8[10, 14], p3[4, 4], k2; cast on 7 [9, 11] sts, pm, cast on 7 [9, 11] sts. Join for working in the round, making sure not to twist the sts: 88 [108, 124] sts.Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 1½ [2, 2½] inches, ending last rnd at marker.

Proceed to Both Versions.

Hat Without EarflapsUsing smaller needles, cast on 88 [108, 124] sts, and join for working in the round making sure not to twist the sts. Mark beginning of round with st marker. Work in k2, p2 ribbing for 1½ [2, 2½] inches

Both VersionsChange to larger needles.

Infant [Child] Sizes OnlyIncrease Rnd: P1, m1k, k15, p2, m1k, k15, (p2, k16) 3 [5] times, p1: 90 [126] sts.

All SizesStart working according to cable pattern, beginning with the 10th [5th, 2nd] rnd of chart or written instructions. When you get to decreasing stitches, you might want to consider switching to dpns for more comfortable work.

Written Cable Pattern:Rnds 1-7: P1, k16, (p2, k16) around to last st, p1.Rnd 8: P1, c4 over 4 right, c4 over 4 left, (p2, c4 over 4 right, c4 over 4 left) around to last st, p1.Rnds 9-15: P1, k16, (p2, k16) around to last st, p1.Rnd 16: P2, c3 over 4 right, c3over 4 left, (p4, c3 over 4 right, c3over 4 left) around to last 2 sts, p2.Rnds 17-22: P2, k14, (p4, k14) around to last 2 sts, p2.Rnd 23: P3, c3 over 3 right, c3 over 3 left, (p6, c3 over 3 right, c3 over 3 left) around to last 3 sts, p3.Rnds 24-28: P3, k12, (p6, k12) around to last 3 sts, p3.Rnd 29: P2, p2tog tbl, c2 over 3 right, c2 over 3 left, p2tog, (p4, p2tog tbl, c2 over 3 right, c2 over 3 left, p2tog) around to last 2 sts, p2.Rnds 30 and 31: P3, k10, (p6, k10) around to last 3 sts, p3.Rnd 32: P1, p2tog tbl, k10, p2tog, (p2, p2tog tbl, k10, p2tog) around to last st, p1.Rnd 33: P2, k10, (p4, k10) around to last 2 sts, p2.Rnd 34: P1, p2tg tbl, c2 over 2 right, c2 over 2 left, p2tog, (p2, p2tg tbl, c2 over 2 right, c2 over 2 left, p2tog) around to last st, p1.Rnd 35: P2, k8, (p4, k8) around to last 2 sts, p2.Rnd 36: (P2tog tbl, k8, p2tog) around.Rnd 37: P1, k8, (p2, k8) around to last st, p1.

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Rnd 38: (P2tog tbl, c1 over 2 right, c1 over 2 left, p2tog) around.Rnds 39 and 40: P1, k6, (p2, k6) around to last st, p1.Rnd 41: (P2tog tbl, Right Twist, Left Twist, p2tog) around.Rnds 42 and 43: P1, k4, (p2, k4) around to last st, p1.Rnd 44: (P2tog tbl, Left Twist, p2tog) around.Rnd 45: Purl around.Rnd 46: (P2tog tbl, p2tog) around.Cut yarn; thread tapestry needle with end and weave end through remaining sts, gathering tightly to close.


I-Cord Strings Using smaller needles, pick up 4 [or 6 sts for a thicker cord] along the tip of first earflap. Work every row back and forth as follows: (K1, put thread in front of piece, slip 1st as if to purl, put thread behind piece) across; repeat the instructions on all rows on RS and WS. This creates a round string. When your string is long enough knit sts tog 2 by 2 at the same time when binding off.

Repeat for the second earflap.

Pom-pomUsing your preferred method, make a 2-inch pompom for the top of the hat and 2 smaller pompoms for the ends of the i-cord strings, if you wish. Trim up and shape the pom-poms nicely.

Weave in loose ends with tapestry needle. You may also block the hat to required head circumference. Add a pom-pom on the top after blocking. Use yarn and needle to thread all pompom strings into the top of the hat; secure on inside of hat. Weave in all yarn ends on the inside of the hat.