k+m seaweed harvesting management plan · k + m aquatic plant enterprises limited registered in...

Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan for K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Revision: 1.2 Created: 31 st July 2014 Modified: 26 th October 2014

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Page 1: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Seaweed Harvesting

Management Plan for

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Revision: 1.2

Created: 31st

July 2014

Modified: 26th

October 2014

Page 2: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Table of Contents

1. ) DESIGNATED HARVESTING SITES ............................................................................................................... 3

2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE .......................................................................................................................... 4


4. ) BIOMASS EVALUATION.............................................................................................................................. 6

i. Transects & Quadrats ................................................................................................................................ 6

ii. Stock Assessment – Site ‘A’ (Cullenstown – Bannow) .............................................................................. 11

iii. Stock Assessment – Site ‘B’ (Kilmore Quay) ............................................................................................. 15

vi. Site ‘A’ (Cullenstown – Bannow) GPS coordinates & photos of Quadrats ................................................ 17

vii. Site ‘B’ (Kilmore Quay) GPS coordinates & photos of Quadrats............................................................... 19

5. ) PROPOSED RECORD KEEPING .................................................................................................................. 20

i. Form 1 (Sheet 1 of 2) – Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan ................................................... 20

ii. Form 1 (Sheet 2 of 2) – Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan ................................................... 20

iii. Form 2 – Daily Harvesting Record Sheet ................................................................................................. 21

iv. Form 3 – Yearly Record ........................................................................................................................... 22

v. Form 4 (Sheet 1 of 2) – Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record ........................................................... 22

vi. Form 4 (Sheet 2 of 2) –Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record ............................................................ 23

Page 3: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd proposes to harvest seaweed from two separate areas. The map

below shows an overview of these, noted as Site ‘A’ and Site ‘B’:

Site ‘A’ extends from Cullenstown to Bannow, (Townlands: Cullenstown, Ballymadder, Blackhall,

Haggard, Bannow),Co. Wexford.

Site ‘B’ is located at Kilmore Quay (Townland: Nemestown), Co. Wexford

Page 4: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd proposes using sustainable harvesting methods. The seaweed will be

harvested by hand, in a non-linear pattern, using sickles to cut the seaweed from the rocks, leaving 150-

200mm above the holdfast. It is proposed that Site A (Cullenstown – Bannow) will be sub-divided into

three different zones, with seaweed being harvested from only one of each three zones per year. This is

to facilitate a three-year re-growth period. In relation to Site B (Kilmore Quay), and in light of its position

within a designated SAC, it is proposed to divide the site into four different zones, with seaweed being

harvested from only one zone per year, thereby allowing for a four-year regeneration cycle.


Site ‘A’ (Cullenstown – Bannow) will be divided into 3no. equal zones, A.1, A.2 & A.3.

Zone A.1 will be harvested in Year 1

Zone A.2 will be harvested in Year 2

Zone A.3 will be harvested in Year 3

Harvesting will continue on a 3-year rotation basis, to allow for the re-growth of seaweed plants.

Map below show the proposed subdivision of Site ‘A’:

Page 5: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Site ‘B’ (Kilmore Quay) will be divided into 4no. equal zones, B.1, B.2, B.3 & B.4.

Zone B.1 will be harvested in Year 1

Zone B.2 will be harvested in Year 2

Zone B.3 will be harvested in Year 3

Zone B.4 will be harvested in Year 4

Harvesting will continue on a 4-year rotation basis, to allow for the re-growth of seaweed plants.

Map below show the proposed subdivision of Site ‘B’:

Page 6: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH


i. Transects & Quadrats

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd, assisted by Bord Iascaigh Mhara, carried out a stock assessment of

both sites, Site ‘A’ and Site ‘B’.

Site ‘A’ was divided into three transects, Transect 1, Transect 2 and Transect 3 and Site ‘B’ was divided by

one transect, Transact 1. GPS coordinates for each transect were recorded.

Each transect line was divided into quadrats at equal spacing along each transect. All quadrats were

photographed and the GPS coordinates for each quadrat were recorded. Seaweed species from each

quadrat were collected, identified and weighed. Mean values were calculated by adding the results from

each quadrat and dividing by the number of quadrats per transect to estimate the biomass per square


In order to establish the area for each site, the area of seaweed cover was mapped using GPS

coordinates obtained on site. This area was then used, together with the mean value of biomass for each

quadrat, to calculate the overall biomass for each site.

Map showing Site ‘A’ vertices (See also A3 sized map – Map 4):

Page 7: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Map showing Site ‘A’ divided into transects (See also A3 sized map – Map 5):

Map showing Site ‘A’ Transect 1 – Quadrats 1-17 (See also A3 sized map – Map 6):

Page 8: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Map showing Site ‘A’ Transect 2 – Quadrats 1-10 (See also A3 sized map – Map 7):

Map showing Site ‘A’ Transect 3 – Quadrats 1-7 (See also A3 sized map – Map 8):

Page 9: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Map showing Site ‘B’ vertices (See also A3 sized map – Map 9):

Map showing Site ‘B’ - Transect (See also A3 sized map – Map 10):

Page 10: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Map showing Site ‘B’ Transect 1 – Quadrats 1-14 (See also A3 sized map - Map 11):

Page 11: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

ii. Stock Assessment – Site ‘A’ (Cullenstown – Bannow)

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow

Site ID: Site A

Transect ID: Transect 1




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Q1 0.000 1.143 0.288 0.000 0.000

Q2 0.769 0.420 0.194 0.014 0.000

Q3 0.163 1.704 0.212 0.005 0.004

Q4 0.025 1.308 0.358 0.239 0.000

Q5 0.271 0.925 0.000 0.000 0.003

Q6 0.224 1.143 0.067 0.000 0.000

Q7 0.000 0.520 0.022 0.000 0.000

Q8 0.644 0.047 0.121 0.000 0.009

Q9 0.062 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q11 0.451 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q12 0.992 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q13 1.112 0.000 0.540 0.000 0.000

Q14 0.335 1.405 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q16 0.180 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Q17 0.000 0.710 0.000 0.000 0.000

Total 5.228 9.325 1.802 0.258 0.017

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 0.25m2) 0.308 0.549 0.106 0.015 0.001

These averages apply to 0.25m2. Multiply by 4 for 1m2

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 1m2) 1.230 2.194 0.424 0.061 0.004

Seaweed Species Identified / Wet weight (Kg)

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 1


(500mm X 500mm)

Page 12: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow

Site ID: Site A

Transect ID: Transect 2




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Q1 - - 0.815 0.007 -

Q2 - 1.518 0.274 0.014 -

Q3 1.122 - 0.267 0.007 -

Q4 0.562 2.254 0.100 0.002 -

Q5 0.028 3.005 - - -

Q6 1.634 0.609 - - -

Q7 0.148 2.298 - - -

Q8 0.394 1.797 - - -

Q9 0.743 - - - -

Q10 0.087 0.956 - - -

Total 4.718 12.437 1.456 0.031 0.000

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 0.25m2) 0.472 1.244 0.146 0.003 0.000

These averages apply to 0.25m2. Multiply by 4 for 1m2

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 1m2) 1.887 4.975 0.582 0.012 0.000

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 2


(500mm X 500mm)

Seaweed Species Identified / Wet weight (Kg)

Page 13: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow

Site ID: Site A

Transect ID: Transect 3




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Q1 0.127 - 1.635 0.034 -

Q2 0.418 - 0.162 - -

Q3 - - - - -

Q4 0.553 - - - -

Q5 - - - - -

Q6 1.570 - - - -

Q7 0.338 - - - -

Total 3.006 0.000 1.797 0.034 0.000

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 0.25m2) 0.429 0.000 0.257 0.005 0.000

These averages apply to 0.25m2. Multiply by 4 for 1m2

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 1m2) 1.718 0.000 1.027 0.020 0.000

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 3


(500mm X 500mm)

Seaweed Species Identified / Wet weight (Kg)

Page 14: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow

Site ID: Site A




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Transect 1 1.230 2.194 0.424 0.061 0.004

Transect 2 1.887 4.975 0.582 0.012 0.000

Transect 3 1.718 0.000 1.027 0.020 0.000

Sub-Total 4.835 7.169 2.033 0.092 0.004

Average kg/m 1.612 2.390 0.678 0.031 0.001

Area of site (m2)


Total Site

Tonnage 605 896 254 12 0

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Total Biomass Calculation


Seaweed Species Identified (Kg/m2)

604,540 896,354 254,225 11,560 15

See 4.v below for additional notes

on biomass volumes.

Page 15: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

iii. Stock Assessment – Site ‘B’ (Kilmore Quay)

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Kilmore Quay

Site ID: Site B

Transect ID: Transect 1




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Q1 0.704 0 0 0 0

Q2 0.545 1.15 0 0 0

Q3 0 3.3155 0 0 0

Q4 0.0186 2.25 0 0 0

Q5 0.061 1.56 0.156 0 0.00156

Q6 1.15 0 0 0 0

Q7 0.542 0 0 0 0

Q8 1.8 0 0 0 0

Q9 1.144 0 0 0 0

Q10 0 1.925 0.322 0 0

Q11 0.137 0 1.254 0.001 0

Q12 1.096 0 0.373 0.03786 0

Q13 0.01828 1.905 0.854 0.00422 0

Q14 0 0 1.05 0 0

Total 7.21588 12.1055 4.009 0.04308 0.00156

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 0.25m2) 0.5154 0.8647 0.2864 0.0031 0.0001

These averages apply to 0.25m2. Multiply by 4 for 1m2

Average wt (kg) of

species (per 1m2) 2.0617 3.4587 1.1454 0.0123 0.0004

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 1


(500mm X 500mm)

Seaweed Species Identified / Wet weight (Kg)

Page 16: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

iv. Stock Assessment – Summary of Total Biomass (Tonnes)

Site Fucus







stellatus /



Site ‘A’ 605 896 254 12

Site ‘B’ 296 496 164 2

v. Note re extent of Seaweed Cover / Biomass Calculations

Stock assessments were carried out in March and early April ‘14. In the months prior to this, January and

February in particular, violent storms along the south coast of Ireland caused major damage to seaweed

stock, dramatically reducing the amount of available biomass. Secondly, the natural reproductive cycle

of seaweed, results in an increase in overall biomass volumes during the summer months. In

consideration of these two points, we regard our calculation of the biomass to be extremely


Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Site Location Name: Kilmore Quay

Site ID: Site B




nodosumFucus serratus


stellatus or






Transect 1 2.0617 3.4587 1.1454 0.0123 0.0004

Total 2.0617 3.4587 1.1454 0.0123 0.0004

Area of site (m2)


Total Site

Tonnage 296 496 164 2 0.1

Seaweed Stock Assessment - Total Biomass Calculation


Seaweed Species Identified (Kg/m2)

295,863 496,346 164,376 1,766 64

See 4.v below for additional notes

on biomass volumes.

Page 17: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

vi. Site ‘A’ (Cullenstown – Bannow) GPS coordinates & photos of Quadrats

Quadrat Easting Northing Photo Quadrat Easting Northing Photo

Q1 Q10

Q2 Q11

Q3 Q12

Q4 Q13

Q5 Q14

Q6 Q15

Q7 Q16

Q8 Q17


Site 'A' - Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 1

Page 18: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Quadrat Easting Northing Photo Quadrat Easting Northing Photo

Q1 284615.224 106886.122 Q6 284585.681 106934.641

Q2 284609.852 106898.358 Q7 284581.139 106943.535

Q3 284604.583 106910.190 Q8 284575.837 106954.628

Q4 284596.259 106919.811 Q9 284567.675 106959.782

Q5 284591.757 106927.798 Q10 284561.327 106964.809

Site 'A' - Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 2

Quadrat Easting Northing Photo Quadrat Easting Northing Photo

Q1 286753.934 107600.269 Q5 286752.441 107636.574

Q2 286752.811 107608.272 Q6 286750.981 107643.443

Q3 286750.430 107618.736 Q7 286750.942 107653.793

Q4 286752.874 107628.274

Site 'A' - Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 3

Page 19: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

vii. Site ‘B’ (Kilmore Quay) GPS coordinates & photos of Quadrats

Quadrat Easting Northing Photo Quadrat Easting Northing Photo

Q1 297053.7859 103457.3449 Q8 297095.5973 103389.1769

Q2 297059.2796 103447.6040 Q9 297104.4627 103378.7697

Q3 297063.1084 103437.4486 Q10 297110.9624 103368.4052

Q4 297065.4256 103427.5121 Q11 297116.3303 103357.0020

Q5 297075.2056 103418.2786 Q12 297123.2009 103347.3922

Q6 297082.7656 103409.4365 Q13 297127.1310 103336.1819

Q7 297087.6456 103399.3532 Q14 297136.4190 103326.0589

Site 'B' - Seaweed Stock Assessment - Transect 1

Page 20: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Form 1

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Foreshore Lic Exp Date : _____________________________

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow Sheet No: 1 of 2

Site ID: Site A

Target Species :

Ascophyllum nodosum

Fucus vesiculosus

Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C. crispus


nodosumFucus vesiculosus Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C.


1 250 200 80 3

2 250 200 80 3

3 250 200 80 3

750 600 240 9



Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan

Year Calendar Year

Quantity of each Target Species (Wet weight in Tonnes)


Proposed Total

Quantity to Harvest

Estimated Yearly Bio-mass (Tonnes):





Note: Biomass calculat ions

are based on stock

assessment carried out .

Refer to K + M - Site A


Stock Assessment for

further details.

Form 1

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Foreshore Lic Exp Date : _____________________________

Site Location Name: Kilmore Quay Sheet No: 2 of 2

Site ID: Site B

Target Species :

Ascophyllum nodosum

Fucus vesiculosus

Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C. crispus


nodosumFucus vesiculosus Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C.


1 100 60 30 0

2 100 60 30 0

3 100 60 30 0

4 100 60 30 0

400 240 120 0



Proposed Total

Quantity to Harvest

Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan

Year Calendar Year

Quantity of each Target Species (Wet weight in Tonnes)


Estimated Yearly Bio-mass (Tonnes):





Note: Biomass calculat ions

are based on stock

assessment carried out .

Refer to K + M - Site B

(Kilmore Quay) Stock

Assessment for further



i. Form 1 (Sheet 1 of 2) – Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan

ii. Form 1 (Sheet 2 of 2) – Typical Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Plan

Page 21: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

iii. Form 2 – Daily Harvesting Record Sheet

Form 2

Harvest Reference Number:

Date of Harvest:

Site Location :

Site ID:

Harvest Zone :

Harvester No. 1 Name:

No. 2 name:

Species Harvested :Harvesting


Quantity Harvested

(Wet weight in Kg)



Daily Harvesting Record Sheet

Page 22: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

iv. Form 3 – Yearly Record

v. Form 4 (Sheet 1 of 2) – Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record

Form 3

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Foreshore Lic Exp Date : _____________________________

Rotation Year: Sheet No. _____/_____

Calendar Year:

Harvest Ref. No. Date Site Location Site ID Harvest Zone Species Harvested Harvesting Method Harvested By Quantity Harvested



Yearly Seaweed Harvesting Record Sheet

Form 4

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Foreshore Lic Exp Date : _____________________________

Site Location Name: Cullenstown - Bannow Sheet No: 1 of 2

Site ID: Site A

Target Species : Estimated Bio-mass :

Ascophyllum nodosum 896

Fucus vesiculosus 605

Fucus serratus 254

M. stellatus/C. crispus 12


nodosumFucus vesiculosus Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C.







Total Quantity


Quantity of each Target Species (Wet weight in Tonnes)

Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record

Year Calendar Year Comments

Page 23: K+M Seaweed Harvesting Management Plan · K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH 2. ) HARVESTING TECHNIQUE K + M

Se aSe aSe aSe a… ththththe e e e d i f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !di f f e r e nc e !

K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd

Natural Seaweed Fertilisers & Plant Food

Thornville • Killinick • Co. Wexford

T: 053-9175995

F: 053-9175995


K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Limited Registered in Ireland No: 536416 VAT Registration No: IE3231014FH

Form 4

Company Name : K + M Aquatic Plant Enterprises Ltd Foreshore Lic Exp Date : _____________________________

Site Location Name: Kilmore Quay Sheet No: 2 of 2

Site ID: Site B

Target Species : Estimated Bio-mass :

Ascophyllum nodosum 496

Fucus vesiculosus 296

Fucus serratus 164

M. stellatus/C. crispus 2


nodosumFucus vesiculosus Fucus serratus

M. stellatus/C.








Total Quantity


Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record

Year Calendar Year

Quantity of each Target Species (Wet weight in Tonnes)


vi. Form 4 (Sheet 2 of 2) –Sustainable Seaweed Harvesting Record
