kiryas joel - dec fine for wetlands violation

Download Kiryas Joel - DEC Fine for Wetlands Violation

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Post on 21-Nov-2015




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Yet another fine that the Village of Kiryas Joel agreed to pay to the DEC. This one is due to a wetlands violation in November 2013, just one month before an annexation petition was submitted that would practically double the size of the municipality.


  • XVII. Entire Agreement

    The provisions hereof shall constitute the complete and enti re Order between Respondent

    and the Department concerning the violations sct forth above. No terms, condit ions.

    understandings or agreements purporti ng to modify or vary the terms hereof shall be binding

    unkss made in writing pursuan t 10 Paragraph XV hereof. No informal adv ice. guidance.

    suggestions or comments by the Department regarding reports. proposals, plans, specifications.

    S\:hed ulcs or

  • XIX. Effective DIlle.

    Thi s Order shall not become effective until it is signed by thc Regional Director on beha lf

    of thc Commissioner.

    Datcd: New Paltz. Ncw York

    {o/t" .20]4

    JOSEPH J. MARTENS Commissioner Department or Environmental Conservation

    BY~ M.&;.]:D~' Regional Director, Region 3 Department of Environmental Conservation

    Thi~dcr o~,~~;:CIH hus becn rc opp 'd bY ... e giOnO ] A om

    ~and as'm1onn.

    By: _________ --"-J-_

    ZACKARY D. KNAUB Rcgional Attorney


  • Vi llage of Kiryas Joe l Case R3-20131122-175


    Respondent hereby consents to the issuance and entry or thi s Order without further notice. waives its right to a heari ng in this Illallcr. and agrees to be bound by the terms. conditions

  • I{espondent: Site or Facility: nEC Case No.:

    Schedule uf C omplia nce

    Village or Ki ryas Joel rresh wate r Wetland MO- II : Rimenev Court and Me ron Drive R3-20 131 122- 175

    Ih:s"ONOt-: NT IS It EQ u mEn TO S t-: U ; -CElnIFY T IM[ I. Y COMI'LETION O F t-: AC II O F TilE

    ,\ CT IV lTlt:S REQ UI RE!) KY TillS Scmmu u :.

    J. Respondent shall immcd iately cease and desis t fro m nny and all fu ture violations of the Ne w York State En viro ll mental Conservati on La w and the ru les and reg ulatio ns enacted pursuant thereto .

    2. Self-certificlltion : Responde nt shall submit to DEC. within fifi een ( 15) days o f c OJch m ilestone date Set forlh in th is Schedu le of Com pliance. a s igned s tatement certifying that Ihe work requi red was com pleted by that date. and that the work was done in the manner rCllu ircd by this Order.

    S ubmission of Ihe required certifielttion sh:1 1I be consider ed an a ffirmative representation by Ihe Respondent of the truth of its contents. Any f

  • I{esl>()ndent: Site or l':Icilit)' : nEC eliSe No.:

    Schedule of Compliance, continued

    Village of K iryas Joel Freshwater Wetland MO-II : Rimenev Court and Mcron Drive RJ -20131 122-175

    3. Remedial Activities llRd Milestones: Re!;pondent shall timely perform the activities sct lo rlh below in a good and workmanlike manner and supply all required labor. eq ui pment and m

  • Respondent: Site or Facility: nEC COlse No.:

    Schedule or Compli:mcc, continued

    Village of Kiryas Joe l Freshwater Wetland MO-II ; Rimcnev Court and Meron Drive R.3-20131122-175

    H. Within 90 Days of Acc,:cplnncc by the Department of the .Illan for Remediation:

    Respondent shall implement thc DEC-approved rcmedial plan. and upon completion of work. arrange for site inspection by DEC Bureau of Habitat starr.


  • .--. ~~'

    32.013 (8190)-101


    Date 'It ..,.)' ( /' /,\

    LocationllN1h t%:A4- VL'-' \.~ Receiv~o;~(~~ , 0fl , j;0ir~,,~ In the a"lount of C. Fore { U { (

    r;; iJDD,-/ .. #

    ~ 'oJ. 0/,;) / '2,2..


    ~heCk Department Representative ~ei2!~L __ -;;-___ -r ____ _ NumberOf{"t/I./,r Titlem~ ' 7

    o Money Order


    MONROE. NY 10949


    '-..I '

    016445 11367J2eO

    DATE SEPTEMBER 30 , 2014

    6~D~~T6:: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION I $ 15,000.00 FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/ 100 ***************************** DOLLARS ~=ff. ....-

    TO Bank

    MEMO COle .VJ, 23 ' 2.0,3 it 1'l. - /7, .OI~~~5. I:02~OI3~?31: 3q83033~? ~ .

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