kingwood courier

the Kingwood Courier Vol 2 Issue 4 May 2011 Prom A Night in Vegas Senior Wills Mustang Men heartfelt goodbyes Annual pageant Kingwood High School 2701 Kingwood Drive Kingwood TX, 77339

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2011 Senior Issue


the Kingwood Courier Vol 2 Issue 4 May 2011

PromA Night in Vegas

Senior Wills Mustang Men

heartfelt goodbyes

Annual pageant

Kingwood High School 2701 Kingwood Drive Kingwood TX, 77339

Overall, this year has been an awesome way to reinvent ourselves as a high school in the community by making changes to previously static traditions. From the beginning, it has been a little hectic, but we pulled it off nonetheless. Our football season even was affected by this year of changes. Turner Stadium was modified and improved for this year’s season, but with that our spirit crew was highly limited in our activities, but we had fun regardless! Homecoming, in all its madness, was one of the most succesfull dances we have had in a while, even though it was extremely early this year. Secondly, we were able to bring back the Homecoming Parade that used to be a staple in our school. I think this is the beginning of having our community revolving even more around KHS, and more importantly a more cohesive environment for all of the clubs and organizations. Another big change we had was the 80’s dance. Instead of being at the start of school, it was at the beginning of the second semester. Also, it was one of the first dances we’ve had in a few years that was at the high school. Although restrictions were a little tighter than normal, I can honestly say that was the best 80’s dance I’ve been to in my four years . Lastly, and my personal favorite, was Talent Show. This year we had an unbelievable line-up filled with musical acts, mimes, tai-kwon-do, drum-line, and even some comedy. In addition, a big thanks goes to the Theatre Dept. for helping us with the show. So, all in all, its been a wonderful year, and I’m so happy I had the opportunity to represent Kingwood High School this year, and hopefully leave it well off for the next president, Carlos. Thank you so much KHS, and I will always remember my Wolf-Pack.

Your 2010-2011 Student Body President,

Connor Curfman

Letter from your student body president


photo by Caity Kramer

Inside the issueSenior

Table Of Contents STaff

The Kingwood Courier is the student magazine published by the advanced Journalism-Magazine class at Kingwood High School. Letters or comments are welcomed and encouraged, but they must be signed, The Kingwood Courier is a member of the University Interscholastic League and the American Scholastic Press Association. The articles herein are the individual views of the authors. These views may not necessarily be shared by the Kingwood Courier Staff and its advertisers, or the teachers, administrators, and students of the Humble Independent School District. All advertisements are paid for by individual businesses in the surrounding community.

Top Ten.................................4

Senior Favorites.... ...................6


Senior Picnic.......................10


Mustang Men..........................12

A.P. Art ..............................14

Senior Goodbyes ................16

Senior Wills........................23

cover photo by Caity Kramer

Seniors Caroline Hodges Spencer Williams Sam Mendez Veronica Martinez Brice Jackson Brenden Hubert Kaci Ingram 2011-2012 Editors-in-Chief Kaitlyn Beckert Sydne Steward2011-2012 Section Editors Alyssa Kahl Nicole Morris Jensesn Nizzi Jillian Vitarius Luke Taylor Staff Reanna Brock Caity Kramer Amy LeBus Trenton Stringer Adviser Michelle PalmerPrincipal Melissa HayhurstPrinter Mirror Publishing

Letter from your student body president

3photo by Caity Kramer

at kingwood high


top ten seniors

Lilly Liu

Weigie Lin1 2

Lisa Swank

Rachel Redondo


Divya Unni8

senior issue4



Trace Russel3

Valerie Sorgie

Caroline Werlang


Anh Huynh

9Sarah Walton


senior issue 5


Most Friendly

Most Handsome & Beautiful

senior issue6

Mr. & Miss KHS

Best Dressed

SENIOR Favorites

Most Likely to Succeed

Not in attendance

Paige Sullivan


Andrew Bratsman

Rachel Chapin &

Andrew Bratsman

Patrick McClernon & Emily Sewell

Weijie Lin &



Reid Limegrover &

Caitie Bass

photos courtesy of scott tate photography

senior issue 7


Most MusicalMost Humorous Most Athletic

Beauty & Brains

Most Artistic

Most Dramatic

Most TalkativeMost Talented

Todd Griffin &

Sandra Peck

Dillon Henderson & Morgan Muckleroy

Melissa Krue

ger &

Ryan DeLange

Kyler Sommer &

Ellen Chancell


Matt LaCour & Emily Ballard

Jase Skarbovig &

Anne Nelson

Greg Lupton & Dallas Brown

Michael Reiter &

Amanda Cashmareck

senior issue8

prom a night in vegas

photos by Caity Kramer & Kaitlyn Beckert

senior issue 9

prom a night in vegas

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

As senior year comes to a close, the graduation festivities begin. On Friday March 25, the Senior Picnic was held. Inspired by Elementary Super Kid’s Day, the seniors enjoyed a fun day where they got free food and played games.

Photos and captions by: Amy Lebus and Caity Kramer

The Travis Riley Band entertained the se-niors with fun music all afternoon.

Aubrie Miller and Ashley Robichaux win the three legged race.

Seniors got competitive with the tug-of-war area.

Senior Picnic

10 Senior Issue

The parachute was one of the senior’s favorite activities. AKSuggs an

d Luke Henderson

Photos and captions by: Amy Lebus and Caity Kramer

University Interscholastic LeagueUIl

State Awards

District Awards

Regional Awards

UIL regional participants stop at Bucee’s on the way to Waco, where they competed at Baylor University. Photo by Sydne Steward

11Senior Issue

Calculator Applications

Editorial Writing

Computer Applications

Informative Speaking Literary Criticism

Mathematics Persuasive SpeakingNumber sense

Ready Writing Chris Hsu 2 Han Ross 3

Jason Dayvault 1 Phillip Hensley 2

Ethan Howely 3

Sydne Steward 3 Suruchi Avasthi 1 Dillon Henderson 2

Weijie Lin 1 Courtney Stephen 3

Chris Hsu 2 Jullian Duran 2Chris Hsu 1

Literary Criticism

Weijie Lin 5Alex Adamson 6Ethan Howely 8

Informative Speaking Computer Applications

Jason Dayvault 2 Phillip Hensley 3

Suruchi Avasthi 5

Literary Criticism Weijie Lin 5Alex Adamson 7Ethan Howely 12

Computer Applications Jason Dayvault 9 Phillip Hensley 12

M u s t a n g M e n

senior issue12

Its Raining Men

KHS held the annual Mus-tang Men competition on Tuesday, April 19th, 2011. This competition includes junior and senior male students that compete in a pageant to win the ulti-mate title of The Mustang Man. The competitors were put into groups in which they had to per-form a dance for the judges and audience. In the competition there were three different stag-es that the Mustang Men were able to compete in: dance, swim wear, and talent. According to some, though, Mustang Men means more to them than just dance routines and musical extravagan-za. “I view the event as a way of life. It’s basi-cally a collection of men or a man auction,” junior Jeff Wahrmund said. The particpants take their job very seri-ously, and make lasting friendships with their fel-low mustang men. “Mustang Men... It’s a way of life” Junior Miles Mckinnon said. After a long time of preparing and making

By: Luke Taylor


Andrew Bratsman2011 Mustang Man

videos for the competition, Andrew Brattsman was crowned 2011 Mus-tang Man. Some may ask, why even do Mustang Men? So we asked the Mustang Men ourselves. “I am doing Mustang Men to give the world a taste of what it is like to be a mustang man,”

Brattsman said. Mustang Men also serves as a fund raiser put on by Student Council. Mustang Men also serves as a Kingwood High School tradi-tion that raises school spirit and participation. A tradition within mustang

men, the umbrella dance, is per-formed to “It’s Raining Men.” All the participants pull out their umbrellas and perform the dance at the beggining to the show, set-ting a precedent for the dances to come.

Senior Andrew Bratsman stole the show at this years’ show of Mustang Men. He competed in the swim suit and talent compititions and made it through all the judge’s cuts. Making it to the top ten and then to the top five, Brats-man was crowned the 2011 Mustang Man.

senior issue 13

senior issue14



Alex King

Muska JahanBy Reanna Brock

senior issue 15


Joelle Hunt

Michael Trammel

My Family: You’ve been putting up with my craziness for eighteen years. I cannot imagine what I would have done without Mom to drive me to everything, Dad to give me advice on chemistry or algebra, Claire and Charlotte to listen to my problems (and laugh of course), or Austin and Andrew to make me laugh. Thank you so much for everything you


Nicky: I’m so glad we sat by each other in sixth grade science class. I have no idea how I would have survived middle and high school without you. You are such a bright, kind person and you al-

ways know just how I feel.

Savana: You’ve been such a good friend these 7 years. I’ve always ad-mired how incredibly talented you are in everything you attempt. I love our intellectual conversations about books, movies, and everything. I will always

look back on our sleepovers with happy memories of my best friends: the girls of

the Greentree Park gang.

Courier Staff: I’ve loved working on this staff these two years: Sam and Spence Thanks for always putting up with me.. We’ve been a really good team this year and I’m so proud of our work. Sydne and Kaitlyn: You are both so talented. Best of luck next year, I know you guys are going to take The Courier so much further than we ever could. Mrs. Palmer: You have been a fantastic advisor, I have learned so much about not only journalism, but myself through

being in your class.

I never expected to be here when I started out at Kingwood but I would not change any decision I have made over the past four years. I’ve had an amazing support system: I couldn’t have gotten through the high school without these people:


senior goodbyes16

Anneke: You are the best friend any-one could possibly have. Ever since kin-dergarten, you have always been there for me, no matter what. From our crazy movie marathons to awkward boy sto-ries, we have so many memories. I could not have asked for a more loyal friend. I can’t wait to visit when you go off to


Justin: You have been such an im-portant part of my life for the past two years. I cannot imagine high school without you. Thank you for always be-ing there to make me smile and keep

me from stressing myself out. (:

Morgan: You always make everyone feel so special: like they are the most important person in your life. Thank you for 13 years of friendship, of always making my day, helping me learn how to look pretty, and being a great friend.


know I talk too much, you’re always there to listen. Ten years from now, you better be working at Disney. If you’re not, I will surely be depressed. Evan Rabalais, Paige Woodward, and Ay-hmee Hufford. You three are my life. If I am not at school, or at home, I’m with you three. You guys take up most of my time, and it’s gonna suck when I have to leave. From East End to hang-ing out at Paige’s, no matter where we are, we always figure out some way to have fun. I love y’all. Brenden Hubert, ever since we first got into trouble with the bus driver who will not be named, we have been best friends. We are one and alike, our crazy wierdness combined is enough to keep the whole world entertained, and that’s an understatement. Without you, I can honestly say these last two years would have been con-siderably more boring. Kayla Johnson, we have known each other since sophomore year, but

it was just this year that we got really close. You have been the perfect end-ing to an already amazing four years. To all of those who have gone un-named, know you have not been for-gotten. To each and every one of you, I give thanks. Without all of you, I would be nothing. My friends make me who I am, and I can’t say thank you enough. I will definitely miss all of this.

Where to begin? Kingwood High School has been a huge tool in my development as a person. From the teachers, to the classes, and our beloved APs... Now I have to admit that the most influential teachers throughout my high school career have been Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Kerbow. Between the both of you, you know more about my life and its pointless drama then most of my friends and fam-ily. I know that no matter what happens, I can always come to you guys. You are the two people whom I trust the most, and I can’t begin to thank you enough. Now, on to the Newspaper gang. SPAM, where would I be without you two. Sam Mendez and Caroline Hodges, you know just how to keep me in check and know just what to say to get me going. Charlotte Wright, Char, you are a 20 on the crazy scale, and I am a 20 on the messed up scale. Knowing that, I think it’s safe to say we are perfect together. Ever since freshmen year, you have always been there for me. Even though I

senior goodbyes 17

senior goodbyes18

Samuel Mendez

Speroline (Spence and Caroline)- This year running the magazine with you guys has been awsome.Us as a team has been so much fun producing the style we want and working together to create it. I wish we could somehow always do this together and I'll miss it next year.The Boys (Eric, Glenn, an Gunner)- Well, there is so much I could say about hanging out this year, but I don't have nearly enough space. I just have to say thank you guys for making my senior year more enjoyable than I ever could have thought. Next year, I will always fly and take road trips to see you guys.Katie Flood (Katie Flood)- So, wer’e not dating right? You have progressively become one of my best friends this year and I couldn't be happier about it. It has been so much fun having ran-dom adventures and lunches with you this year. Next year I will have to come and see you multiple times REGAHDLESS of the circumstances. You, me and the boys are chilling this summer and it will be Legen-wait for it...Christian Weiss (Christian Weiss)- So this one time I met you in ninth and then we became closer than than the average man and wife two years later. Our quote connection and argument relation is uncanning. Well, you have made choir, physics, and this year so enjoyable and full of ridiculous laughs, especially at someone elses expense.Dj aPAULo (Paul Soni)- Best friends since one year old. That's all that really needs to be said, but I'm going to go ahead and say that you have done what everyone else has ever since we were kids. We have coutless inside jokes and have spent probably more time with each other than some roomates. I'll see you all this time next year and can't wait. Sals.

Veronica Martinez “Live from New York, it’s Satuday Night!” are the famous words I always wanted to write on an essay or even say the words out loud. Most importantly, I would love to work as a head writer, like the funny woman Tina Fey, or maybe even help broadcast on the comedy night show, Saturday Night Live. I started out in newspaper because my oldest sister was in it during her high school years and I wanted to see what it’s all about having to be a reporter adn take pictures for your story and be a sec-tion editor or even the editor in chief. I joined the staff so it can help me start my career as a broadcaster and a publicist and move to New York or California. These past three years in Newspaper/Magazine have been a blast. I enjoy the staff and the wonderful and brilliant advisor, Mrs. Palmer. I would love the thank God: for, well, helping me start on which career I want to do and for everything

you have done. My parents: for dealing with all the things I’ve put both of you through, but you two always get me to where I need to go, and for always lecturing about how hard life is going to be while away in college. I’m very blessed for having you two as my parents and thank the world and the Lord for you guys. I’m glad that I can talk to you guys whenever I’m in trouble. I know that you will always be there for me. Thank you so much, you two taught me everything I need to know to get through life and its crazy roll-ercoaster rides. I love you two verry much! My five amazing sisters: Anjela, Alexa, Katherine, Elizabeth, and Stephanie: I love you all and I love quoting all of the funny movies. Thank you for being here for me. My grandparents: thank you all for being here for me and everything. Samantha Naves: Well, I’m so happy that we are best friends all these years and I know you always have my back and I always have yours. You will always be in my heart no matter what, thank you and I love Sammy! Jasmine Manning: You’ve been my best friend since freshman year and I’m really glad I met you, the best memory of you was in grade 10 in English, first day of school. I’m going to miss you next year! I love you Jazzypoo! Nick Faraklas: Farak-laslaslas!!! my dear best friend I’m glad that I met you this year. Math class was awesome and I’m going to miss it! Anyways, you are too funny and always have me laughing. I love you best friend! Palmer: thank you for always being here for me and helping me get through things, and I really appreciate you for all of what you’ve done for this newspaper this year because without you I don’t even know what would happen. I’m going to miss you Palmer! Sam: wow, what can I say about you, you are a wonderful editor and you are very chill and very indie which is very cool for your style. I love how we talked about Donnie Darko and our love for Quentin Tarantino movies. Caroline: thank you for being there for me, you always have a way to cheer me up. I enjoy having you as an editor this year, thank you for everything that you have done for newspaper. Sydne and Kait-lyn: congratulations to the both of you for being the next editors in chief in newspaper for next year. Reanna: you always have a smile on my face and always brighten up my day. I’m going to miss you! Luke: you just stay the same, honestly I didn’t even know what to say about you but that you always make me laugh. Clarissa Kitson: you’re awesome and always make me laugh!I

love singing Nicki Minaj with you! Oh I want your dress! Love you. A wonderful person once said, “I love people who make me laugh. I hon-estly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person,” those words came out of the famous actress, Audrey Hepburn. She also said, “Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it’s at the end of your arm, as you get old-er, remember you have another hand. The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.” I’m inspired by an awesome rapper Nicki Minaj

who said, “My haters motivate me.”

senior goodbyes 19

&Brice jacksonnnn I am Brice Jackson and I had such an awesome senior year mostly because I finally got my first car... Mustanggggg. The teachers were pretty cool. My favorite teacher would probably be my crazy teacher, Mrs. Payton. Physics sucked but she made the class awesomeeee. Oh gosh, my MAP teacher was 100% the best MAP teacher in the whole school. Ms. Cummings, who I have had since sophomore year at KHS, made every friday after 2nd period such a joy. I’m gonna miss it here but looking forward to getting out into the real world!

senior goodbyes20

&Brice jacksonnnn

&Brice jacksonnnn&Brice jacksonnnn Brenden Hubertttt Hi! My name is Brenden Hubert, some of you know me, some don’t! For those who do, you know im verrry outgoing and fun to be around! For those who don’t know my story, I live with my lovely aunt and uncle. I moved to King-wood last year before summer ended and spent my full junior year here. It was tough trying to get along with the different type of kids in Kingwood but I made it happen, and I turned out to be very liked. I was in the 2011 talent show and made the top 10 in the 2011 Mustang Men! Friends! friends like Brice made this year amazing. From Blackops, sleep overs, working together, free movies, church, and so many other things... this year has been GREAT. I’m gonna miss Kingwood, and for you children that are so ready to get out, this is for you...“You’re gonna miss this, you’re gonna want this back, you’re gonna wish these days hadn’t gone by so fast. These are some good times, so take a good look around, you may not know it now, but you’re gonna miss this.”

senior goodbyes 21

senior goodbyes22


I am Kaci Ingram, and I’ll have to admit that high school was pretty neutral for me. I had some good, bad, and downright pathetic days, but graduation is getting closer, and I feel this summer is gonna be EPIC.

I LOVE MUSIC. It has been a major part of me ever since I was little. I love listening to alternative and rock bands, like Nirvana, Anberlin, Yellowcard, The Strokes, Taking Back Sunday, Jimmy Eat World, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, and Sleeping With Sirens. But Kanye West? Ke$ha? Lady Gaga? Not so much...I may love music, but I can be VERY PICKY when it comes to what I love.

If I had to say something to the “freshies” of the future, it would be this: LAZINESS WILL KILL YOU IF YOU LET IT. If you know without a doubt what you want to be in five, even ten years from now, then you have to work for it. And I confess, I thought about being a music major a little later on then I should have, but now, I am positive about my future, and am willing to do whatever it takes to make my dream of being on tour...playing the music I love...the greatest reality.

senior wills 23

senior wills24

Class of 2012

Try ‘N keep up off da floor, LOL.

Biddies Grady

Julia Berg

Darling Julia! To you I leave the indiemo-

bile and story-time during car rides home

and the sago palm.

Sami Carley

Emily Burnett

I leave you the ability to stay positive

throughout senior year because it will be

over before you know it.

Love, your Big Sis,

Taylor Burnett

Drew Her

pin, M

itch Rho

des, M

ale Kie,

6th Pe


I leave all my chillness and good memories.

Jake Joh





I leave you my amazing voice. You are one of

my favorite underclassmen, and we need to

stay friends forever. I love you!

Kyle Jo


Zach M


For you Zach, I leave my collection of Jack

Johnson CD’s.

Scott D



Buds w

ith Mr. W


Hello my junior friends! Each of you guys are super awesome! I will miss you all :)


Blanca T

orres (your favorite senior)

Kimmi Long

I leave you my place in yearbook. I

know you will do great things.

Ami Palmer

senior wills 25

Anna Goedjen, Mia

Purrazzella, Elizabeth

Greeves, Jessica Hiney

We leave you with the blue and silver eye

liner to spread the spirit at football games.

We have had so many good times with you

girls and will miss you more than ever! Good

luck next year, you “Big Bad Seniors!”Emilie Gentry & Amanda L'Italien

Sarah Bowdoin, Emma Adams

& Hallie AbbingtonI leave you three with a brilliant sense of humor to get

through the rest of high school. I’m done foes! Continue to make me proud with your hilarity and memories.

Love you guys!

Melissa Boice

senior wills26

Nathan WalkerI hope that “neither evil tongues, rash judgements. . .nor all the dreary [passings] of daily life, shall e’er prevail against [you], or disturb [your] cheerful faith that all which [you]

behold is full of blessings” (Wordsworth).

Amanda Walker

Anna GoedjenWe've made so many unforgettable memories this year. I leave you with the responsibility of the flutes. I'm go-ing to miss you and your weird-ness next year! I love

you so much! Good luck and have fun next year!

Emilie Gentry

senior wills 27

The Group Plus Michael

We leave you with our awesome creeper shot skills. Take tons of

“so presh” pictures next year! Love,

Emily Hergenrother & Katherine


Michelle Biancardi

I leave you my procrastination skills because, some-

times, there are things more fun than homework!

Love, your Big Sis,

Katherine Biancardi

Alice KahlI leave you all of our wonderful past and future memories, hop-ing you will never forget.Scott Davis

Nimah RazaI leave you all my English IV notes. You will need them!Ami Palmer

Ian WoodI leave you the keys to my ride.Love, the Big Dog,Charlie Wood

Austin JohnsonI leave you our secret hackie sack alliance in choir. Good luck!Kyle Jones

senior wills28

Bill BeckerNi hao no de didi! Wo ai ni! Ni shi hen hao ren! :)Mio White

Julie SwankI leave you our Thursday morning traditions of Starbucks

coffee and Kingwood Bagel. May you always enjoy the relaxation. Love, your favorite sister,Lisa Swank

SamanthaI leave you all my love, my skills at writing songs, and the hope for a

peaceful future.Cory WyGorney

Mrs. Kerbow

You were the best teacher I ever had in all my years of high school.

I want to thank you for all the good times. I will come back and


Ami Palmer

Miles McKinnon

Party ‘til you [can’t anymore], brah!


Biddies Grady

Lexi Carley

Lexi! To you I leave the green

animal and the Nugget! Have

fun without me! Love you!

Sami Carley

Thomas HajdukI am leaving you in charge of setting up beach volleyball on Fridays.Scott Davis

senior wills 29

Draven WirickI leave you my song writing skills and my tennis skills. One day you will be able to serve like me. I love you!

Kyle Jones

Kate SawyerI leave you the song “I’m Goin’ In” by Lil

Wayne for reasons I cannot explain, but you will understand. Love, your favorite neighbor,

Kyle Jones


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