kings leadership academy medium term plan year 9 gcse

Kings Leadership Academy Medium Term plan Year 9 GCSE Dance Learning Cycle 3 Module Jazz dance/ musical theatre (as a focus) GCSE Dance Year 9 This module will continue to cover requirements needed to successfully develop as a dancer. Focusing on Physical, Technical and expressive skills. The focus will take students through the development and evolution of dance. The prime focus will stop at 1950’s and how Jazz style influenced that period of time. Students will be required to compare the dance form to other styles and contrast the similarities between Jazz and other dance forms that were created due to its influence. Resources Additional Needs and focus on specific personalised learning. Building on Prior learning Students will continue to practise and improve on their performance skills, which is important in order to develop mastery as a dance performer. They will study the evolution of dance, and will practically focus on Jazz when in the 1930-1950’s it developed into other dance forms from different cultures to pop culture. Students will continue to practice the four main concepts of dance education- Perform Appreciate Evaluate Improve Students will be asked to perform their dance to an outside audience. [Primary school] They will develop the much needed performance skills in order to maximise their dance performance potential, focusing on the stylistic qualities of Jazz. Students will also establish key choreography skills, which will be developed via- teacher based phases studying professional work (Chicago) by Bob Fosse Creative workshop approach through improvisation using props (Relationships). Dance appreciation booklet- Further building the dance terminology students need in order to maximise marks in exam based questions. Students will further develop dance literacy (terminology). Jazz Booklet. Literacy focus- see pupil work book for more detail. Students will learn how to spell specific dance vocabulary. They will be measured on how well they use their dance vocabulary in question, evaluation tasks and when giving verbal feedback towards appreciating dance performances. Students will monitor their success of this in their log books. Overarching subject challenge question “How is Jazz dance performed differently to other styles of dance?” Lines of Enquiry

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Kings Leadership Academy Medium Term plan

Year 9 GCSE Dance Learning Cycle 3

Module Jazz dance/ musical theatre (as a focus) GCSE Dance Year 9 This module will continue to cover requirements needed to successfully develop as a dancer. Focusing on Physical, Technical and expressive skills. The focus will take students through the development and evolution of dance. The prime focus will stop at 1950’s and how Jazz style influenced that period of time. Students will be required to compare the dance form to other styles and contrast the similarities between Jazz and other dance forms that were created due to its influence.

Resources Additional Needs and focus on specific personalised learning.

Building on Prior learning

Students will continue to practise and improve on their performance skills, which is important in order to develop mastery as a dance performer. They will study the evolution of dance, and will practically focus on Jazz when in the 1930-1950’s it developed into other dance forms from different cultures to pop culture. Students will continue to practice the four main concepts of dance education-




Improve Students will be asked to perform their dance to an outside audience. [Primary school] They will develop the much needed performance skills in order to maximise their dance performance potential, focusing on the stylistic qualities of Jazz. Students will also establish key choreography skills, which will be developed via-

teacher based phases

studying professional work (Chicago) by Bob Fosse

Creative workshop approach through improvisation using props (Relationships). Dance appreciation booklet- Further building the dance terminology students need in order to maximise marks in exam based questions. Students will further develop dance literacy (terminology).

Jazz Booklet. Literacy focus- see pupil work book for more detail. Students will learn how to spell specific dance vocabulary. They will be measured on how well they use their dance vocabulary in question, evaluation tasks and when giving verbal feedback towards appreciating dance performances. Students will monitor their success of this in their log books.

Overarching subject challenge question

“How is Jazz dance performed differently to other styles of dance?”

Lines of Enquiry

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Week 1: What performance skills are essential in a Jazz performance? Week 2: How is the music used in correspondence to the movement when performing in a Jazz style? Week 3: How can we use a prop in a jazz performance? Week 4: What expressive quality does performing a Jazz Dance require? Week 5: What can we do to create more of a Jazz era feel to our performance? Week 6: assessment week Week 7: Gap

Exam Board Links: Progress Topic Statement

By the end of LC3 in GCSE Dance; Students will have practised, and created a Jazz performance. They will endeavour to perform towards the stylistic qualities needed in a Jazz performance. Pupils will take part in the AQA GCSE Dance syllabus 2016. Only draft version is ready. Assessment objectives from the Syllabus are below, pupils will be engaging in all areas; AO1: Perform dance, reflecting choreographic intention through physical, technical and expressive skills.

Students will further develop their understanding of different dance forms. Focus on Jazz, and how the Jazz style has influenced other dance forms. They will develop specific technical moves required in Jazz, which they will be assessed on towards their performance assessment.

AO2: Create dance, including movement, material and selected aural setting, to communicate choreographic intention. Students will develop and explore movement towards Jazz. They will use professional works to inspire them. They will

compare and contrast the stylistic qualities of Jazz with other genres.

AO3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills. They will create their own sequences towards the stylistic qualities of the dance and towards the overall Jazz theme. They

will build on prior knowledge towards creating dances using Actions, Dynamics, relationships and space. Students will also concentrate on group formations, isolation of joints, unison and cannon and the musicality needed to perform and create Jazz dance.

AO4: Critically appreciate own works and professional works, through making analytical, interpretative and evaluative judgments. Students will gain valuable experience of appreciating own work and peers. They’ll be introduced to the professional

choreographer Bob Fosse, who was a multi award winning director and choreographer, in particular dance. He choreographed performances- Chicago, Sins Sing Sing and Rich Mans Frug. They will compare performances, continuing to develop their dance vocabulary/ literacy.

At the end of the LC3 Assessment- Practical assessment- Jazz performance based assessment;

Commitment towards the dance

Performance skills (performing to a primary school TBA)

Choreography Coursework: Set notes- towards own choreography. Written assessment: Learning CYCLE 1 & 2

Bob Fosse- choreography inspired Beyonce- Single Ladies

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Comparing and contrasting dance styles- Jazz and its influence.

Dance Literacy: Pupils will continue to be encouraged to develop their dance vocabulary needed to successfully appreciate dance form and to also prepare them for their theory paper at the end of the course. Highlighting that, they will further establish their own knowledge of dance vocabulary, with more focus towards Pupils will also be asked to complete written tasks, they will be assessed on their literacy towards specific areas-

Spellings of the Dance Vocabulary

Definitions and Knowledge of key words

Using the key words in sentences and dance appreciation

Seeing how they use the dance vocabulary in a mean full way, demonstrating conviction towards exam type questions and during appreciation tasks. (Gap week)

Week 1 2 HOURS Monday morning. 1 hour Thursday

Week 1: What differences can you see or feel when performing Jazz dance? Dance Leader of the Week: Hypothesis 1: All different dance styles evolved from another style.

Learning Intensions: Jazz Dance To further develop student’s skills in all dance forms. Learning cycle 3 practical element will focus on Jazz dance. Students will learn key Jazz actions and movements. They will be incorporated into a Jazz dance, led by teacher and further developed and created by students. Students will focus on the Jazz choreographer Bob Fosse, who they will study and appreciate his work. Theory- Students will observe and compare Jazz dance to a mixture of dance forms. Students are to establish their own appreciation skills through evaluating the Actions and performance skills a dance creates and question the stylistic qualities of a performance. AQA dance syllabus- AO1: Perform dance, reflecting choreographic intention through physical, technical and

expressive skills. AO3: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of choreographic processes and performing skills.

Specific learning Objectives lesson 1:

1. To develop the understanding of the stylistic qualities and performance skills needed to successfully perform a Jazz Phrase.

2. Improve on your own performance, demonstrating knowledge and understanding on how to commit to the physical demands of Jazz.

Success Criteria 1- [Identified list of qualities and skills needed to perform Jazz Dance]

Monday Practical: PowerPoint Dancer Log Books Thursday- PowerPoint

Use of seating plan on Thursday. Personalised- REACH tasks, pupils can push to achieve a specific GP.

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1.1 GP3- I can perform 3 of the qualities and skills needed towards the phrase with some sense of style. 1.2 GP4- I Can perform 4 of the qualities and skills needed towards the phrase with conviction 1.3 GP5- I can confidently perform 5 qualities and skills needed towards the Jazz phrase with a clear sense of style. 1.4 GP6- I can confidently perform 6 qualities and skills needed towards the Jazz phrase, providing a good use of stylistic

qualities in my performance.

Success criteria 2- 2.1 GP3- I can identify some areas of improvement and make some adjustments to my performance. 2.2 GP4- I can identify and describe my strengths and weaknesses towards the jazz phrase and make improvements on them. 2.3 GP5- I can evaluate my performance towards the stylistic qualities and skills needed in the jazz phrase, and commit to

improving them. 2.4 GP6- I can analyse my performance and my peers, providing clear links to my own stylistic qualities towards Jazz and make

improvements by committing to practise. Tasks: Practical

1. Students watch Bob Fosse ‘Sing Sing Sing’ Jazz performance. 2. Discussion regarding the style of the dance and characteristics that they witnessed. 3. Identified stylistic qualities and performance skills identified from students. 4. Teacher led phrase development, students learn. 5. Students to video using iPads in 2’s- students to identify key stylistic qualities they used. Is there a clear style?

Physical skills? Technical SKILLS- Expression? 6. Group performance- teacher to video 7. Group appreciation- Teacher feedback 8. Students use log books to capture feedback from teacher (group targets) and students discuss with peers individual

targets. REACH TASKS- Students demonstrating higher level of performance, use REACH card-

Look over the Sing Sing Sing performance- what are the dances expressions like? What are they doing to make their performance outstanding?

Can you put these qualities to your own performance?

Identify what you intend to do and then video your performance.

SHARE with teacher and class. Homework- Learn BASIC key words: Jazz movements terminology- definition and description of that movement.

Thursday Theory- 1.1 GP3- I can Identify some comparisons and similarities of Jazz dance. 1.2 GP4- I Can describe key comparisons and similarities of Jazz dance

Dance vocab booklet.

Personalised task sheets. Reach tasks planned.

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1.3 GP5- I Can evaluate the comparisons and similarities of jazz dance 1.4 GP6- I Can Analyse the comparisons and similarities of Jazz dance Tasks: 1 Students will take part in a picture games, of still pictures of performances, from the performances

students will need to decide which are Jazz dance which are not. 2 History of Jazz powerpoint. 3 Students to watch a selection of performances from the pictures. 4 Students to use task sheet- some will have promts to help them. 5 Class discussion. 6 Students to chose two different performances (one Jazz and another identified as not Jazz). Students to

write an appreciation of the two dances comparing styles. 7 Student to peer mark work using success criteria grid. REACH: Select a another different type of dance style we haven’t studied yet, and make the same comparisons with Jazz dance.

Week 2 1 hour lesson Plus 1 hour of volunteering in a club.

Week 2: How is the music used in correspondence to the movement when performing in a Jazz style? Hypothesis: The skill ‘Musicality’ is essential in Jazz dance.

Dance leader of the week: Learning Intensions: This week, students will further develop the Jazz phrase. Students will focus on the musicality of the dance. Focusing the cues and gestures that Jazz dance entails. Students will watch another professional dance from the musical Chicago. Students will focus on developing the dance further. They will focus on key Bob Fosse characteristics- repletion, contrast, isolation, cannon.

1. Understand the importance of technique in Jazz dance. 2. Perform to the stylistic and technical qualities needed to perform the dance. 3. Develop your knowledge and understanding to create and develop the phrase. 4. Theory: To develop the critique ability to identify good technique and produce mean full appreciations of dance.

Success Criteria 1 1.1 GP3: I can list 3 characteristics of jazz dance technique. 1.2 GP4: I can list and give a clear account of 4 characteristics of Jazz dance technique. 1.3 GP5: I can describe 4-5 characteristics of jazz dance technique giving examples. 1.4 GP6: I can explain the identify of 5 or more characteristics of Jazz dance technique giving meanful examples.

Video DOWNLOAD Ipads

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Success criteria 2. 1.1 GP3: I can perform some of the techniques demonstrating some sense of Jazz dance style. 1.2 GP4: I can perform the techniques well, demonstrating a sense of jazz dance style. 1.3 GP5: I can perform the technique required in the Jazz dance, demonstrating a good sense of style. 1.4 GP6: I can perform the techniques required in Jazz dance, demonstrating a high sense of stylistic qualities. Success criteria 3. 1.1 GP3- I can change the motif and develop it using 2 choreographic devices with the help of my teacher.\ 1.2 GP4- I can develop a motif confidently on my own using 4 choreographic devices with very little help of my teacher. 1.3 GP5- I can develop the motif confidently using 6 choreographic devices. Completely developing the motif to my own

ability. No help from teacher is needed. Teaching content:

1. What is musicality? Student s to discuss the importance of musicality towards the over arching question. Use of white boards. Students develop the definition of Musicality.

2. Show students to different performances- both performances have different techniques- Jazz (heavy emphasise of musicality) contemporary dance (not using the music , dancing against the beat).

3. Students to be questioned of the difference of technique in both performances? What difference does Jazz dance have? Using the words and music, lots of isolation of limbs/ fingers/hips, legs.

4. Students to discus and make notes in their log books. 5. Aim of the lesson. 6. Students warm up up- corner work and Jazz style sequences- Pivot steps, pique passe, stag leaps, jetes, hip walks,

jazz runs, chasses. Students to learn these basic jazz movements. 7. Rehearsal from last weeks phrase. 8. Teacher led add on to the dance- 9. Students then develop this section of the dance using- repetition, different dynamic, Cannon (students to go in

groups) formations. 10. Students practise- perform- evaluate-improve –perform.- Use of log books to capture feedback and evaluation. 11. Video analyses.

Homework: Using a prop or a chair- watch clip (Link sent on google classrooms) and tell me how you can use this clip as stimulus for your own performance? How do they use the chair? How do they use the hat? AO4: Critically appreciate own works and professional works, through making analytical, interpretative and evaluative judgments.

4. Theory: To develop the critique ability to identify good technique and produce mean full appreciations of dance Success Criteria 3- Thursday Theory-

Google classrooms drop box for homework.

Students: split from group. Support from TEACHER- work with higher ability student

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1.1 GP3- I can identify some of my own strengths and weaknesses and establish targets to help myself improve. 1.2 GP4- I can clearly identify and describe my own strengths and weaknesses and produce meanful targets that will allow

me to improve on my Jazz technique. 1.3 GP5- I can evaluate my performance well and make correct judgements of my performance, clearly identifying my

own S&W to make correct improvements. 1.4 REACH GP6- I can analyse my performance well and make excellent judgements of my own and others performances,

creating a well developed action plan that compares myself to a professional performer. Teacher content:

1. Students to use their performances they have videoed from Mondays LESSON. 2. Starter: allow students to watch their performance, and identify S&W giving descriptions towards GP. 3. Get STUDENTS to pair up with another, and complete the same observing another peer. 4. Students to compare critiques. 5. Show student’s teachers critique of a GCSE student (youtube) 6. GP6 CRITQUE example. 7. Discus with students how they can make their critiques better using the example? 8. Mind map on board, allow students to work on the sheet highlighting key points from the example. 9. Redraft their critique.

Week 3 Week 3: How can we use a prop in a jazz performance? (Students Homework from last week will reate to this question) Hypothesis: Props are part of the relationships within a dance or dancer. Dance leader of the week: Learning intensions: This week students will be introduced to using props in a performance. Students will use Hats and Chairs, which is part of the iconic Jazz dance concepts. It is important that students understand the importance of what a prop brings to a dance, and how as developing choreographers they can manipulate it and use it effectively in a performance, towards their motifs and developed phrases. Students will watch a professional Jazz dance performance that use hats. They will use this as a stimulus and to show the skills and precision needed to successfully use a prop in a jazz dance performance. Students will measure their effectiveness of Exam board: AO4: Critically appreciate own works and professional works, through making analytical, interpretative and evaluative judgments. AO2: Create dance, including movement, material and selected aural setting, to communicate choreographic intention

AO1: Perform dance, reflecting choreographic intention through physical, technical and expressive skills.

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Specific learning objectives:

1. To develop the skills needed to successfully perform using a prop. 2. To develop the desire needed to improve on on weaknesses. 3. Theory: Understand the importance of using props and how it can be used successfully in a performance.

Success criteria 1 1.1 GP3- I can use a prop (hat) with some sense of effectiveness in my performance. 1.2 GP4- I can use a prop (hat) and demonstrate the desired skills needed in my performance. 1.3 GP5- I can use a prop (Hat) and demonstrate good control with using effective skills needed in my performance. 1.4 GP6- I can use a prop (hat) and demonstrate excellent control by using a Varity of skills in my performance successfully. Tasks

1. Homework and standards check. 2. Students watch professional video. Answer question- 3. What skills did you see that helped them control the use of the prop in the performance? 4. Students will split up into two groups- Dance leader (Neave AND Emily: High learners/ And teacher with low ability) 5. Challenge- who can produce the best Jazz PHRASE using the motif we already have, but implementing a prop. 6. Winners will have opportunity to teach the rest of the class. 7. Students will perform their version, vote at the end. 8. Practise –perform- evaluate- improve- perform again. 9. Video groups. 10. Link all dance phrases and motifs together. Perform again and evaluate as a class.

Success criteria 2 2.1 GP3: I have shown some sense of commitment to improve on my weaknesses and made some improvements. 2.2 GP4: I have shown a good sense of commitment to improve on my weaknesses and made meanful improvements. 2.3 GP5: I have shown an excellent sense of commitment to improve on my weaknesses and made good improvements. 2.4 GP6: I have shown outstanding commitment to improve on my weaknesses and made improvements that had influenced

the groups performance. TASKS-

1. Students video using their iPads their performance. 2. Students to observe their performance and complete feedback/evaluation table in log books. 3. Students are to improve on key areas identified. 4. Students then perform and peer video’s- student to then work together and identify if their peer have committed

to improving the skills identified, highlighting their control using the hat as a prop. 5. Improve AGAIN and complete feedback booklet again- students should have improvements, if not continue after

school. 6. Students evaluate the performance as a group- same process as above. 7. Students should use vocabulary needed- check list for students.

A3 task sheet towards Motif set notes. Bob Fosse performance- Billie GENIE Past pupil GCSE dance video- Jazz PERFORMANCE- student achieved A* AWARD.

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REACH- Watch the professional clip again, what is it that makes them professional, what is it that you could take and apply it into your own performance. Success Criteria 3- Theory Thursday! Over two weeks (Project and presentation) Grade points are situated in student’s log books for reference. Tasks:

1. PowerPoint and introduction to the project. 2. Success criteria personalised for each targeted grade point. 3. Expectations of research and for the content that should be in the powerpoint. 4. Students are to start their research and produce their PowerPoint, students work in two’s, High ability students on

their own. 5. Project will co-inside with exam board assessments

Following week- students will deliver content (Due to Brathay trip SA may be out).

Week 4

Week 4: What expressive quality does performing a Jazz Dance require? MID TERM ASSESSMENT Hypothesis: If no Expressive qualities are evident in a jazz dance, it wouldn’t be dance. Learning intentions: 3.1.2 syllabus performance-

Students are to understand the essential skill expression is in a Jazz dance performance. They are to understand the umbrella of different expressive qualities; Facial expressions, Jazz attitude, isolation, conviction, projection, musicality, rhythmic cues. These elements are important to possess in any performers repertoire.

Students will concentrate on their expressive skills and look at exam board success criteria to help them understand the importance to demonstrate it in their own performances. Using professional work as an inspiration to motivate students to portray the energy needed in JAZZ.

Exam board: AO1: Perform dance, reflecting choreographic intention through physical, technical and expressive skills.

Learning objectives:

1. Understand and acquire the knowledge needed towards expressive quality and skills in a Jazz dance performance. 2. To be able to improvise, and create effective use of expressive skills.

Success Criteria 1 1.1 GP3: I can make some references and identify expressive skills in a performance. I try to use some expressive quality in my own performance. 1.2 GP4: I Can make effective judgements and identify expressive skills in a performance. I make a good attempt of using expressive qualities in my own performance.

PowerPoint Dance tasks cards: Flight and assisted flight. Bob Fosses- Sing SING SING

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1.3 GP5: I can make good evaluations of expressive skills in a performance. I can use expressive qualities in my own performance with conviction. Tasks:

1. Discusion on question. 2. What is expression? Why is it important in everyday life? Why is it important in our dialect? Why is it important in

dance? Pictures of these three categories, students to discuss what the pictures all have in common? They all use expression.

3. What expressive skills are there? Class draw up a list. 4. Observe class performance- what expressive skills are we demonstrating from this list? 5. Can we improve on our expressive skills? Class targets.

Success Criteria 2

2.1 GP3: I can make some suggestions to implementing expressive aspects to my performance. 2.2 GP4: I can recommend and use my suggestion towards expressive aspects in my performance, and perform them with

a sense of style. 2.3 GP5: I can improvise and measure the best expressive qualities to use during my performance and perform them with

a good sense of style. 2.4 GP6 REACH: I can improvise confidently and apply/ select effective expressive qualities to my performance and

perform them confidently with a good sense of style. Tasks:

1. Students to watch performance- Bob Fosse 2. What expressive quality is evident through out? What would have happened if it didn’t have this expressive

quality? 3. How can we use this as an inspiration- key targets added. 4. Task to Improvise expressive movement we could apply to specific parts of our performance. 5. Students identify area for improvement, and make adjustments. Using the list of expressive qualities to help guide. 6. Students perform and observe each others performances. 7. Use of log books for peer feedback 8. Teacher to assess student’s ability to add expressive content and demonstrate it successfully in a performance. 9. Class to chose a best performance- class to use as a whole group- Dance leaders teach other students. 10. Perform- evaluate- improve- perform.

Success Criteria 3- Theory Thursday (assessment- due to brathay engagement) Please see assessment paper in log books for success criteria. This is personalised for each grade point.

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Week 5 Students to attend dance club- they will teach their motif to younger students.

Week 5: Assessment Week Monday: Learning intentions: Assessment of two areas Component 1 & 2: Choreography and performance skills Focus on students ability to perform Jazz.

1. Pupils will perform as a class/ group. 2. They will be assessed on their ability to contribute to the choreography. 3. Students will be assessed by an audience, year 7 students invited to watch and make a group

assessment. 4. Students have created and developed dance motif’s towards the performance. 5. They will be assessed on how they use choreographic devices- see assessment grid in log book. 6. Students will be assessed on their performance skills separately using the assessment grid in

log books. 7. Performances will be videoed so pupils can look back and evaluate themselves in GAP week.

Thursday: 1 hour Question paper exam.

Assessment sheets and grading criteria. 3 assessments 2-3 gp 3-4 gp 4-5 gp

Week 6 Week 6: What can we do to create more of a Jazz era feel to our performance? Hypothesis: Stage setting is an essential part of a dance performance/ display. Learning intensions: Students will develop the knowledge and understanding of the importance of stage setting and how it contributes to a dance performance. Aim is to establish students with the desired skills to think about how stage settings can be designed. Students will look at specific features that can compliment a performance and help tell the story or theme of a performance so that the audience are in captivated. Exam Board: This is an important feature that students are required to develop the skills to produce their own stage settings. This is an essential element towards their: Choreography assessment and Appreciation assessment o professional work. Take a look at some stage setting aspects-


Props on stage

Colour scheme

Stage or outside

Dance for camera

Two different Jazz dance works- different stage settings. Contemporary stage setting?

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Costume design Students will watch two difference performances Bob Fosse- ‘The Rich Mans frug’ (setting; stage made into a 1950’s club) Chicago musical clip- on film. Assessment: Students will be performing this to an audience- students will be marked by the audience and by teacher. Audience mark is towards the group/ team performance. Teacher will mark individual effort. AQA: AO1 &AO4. Learning Objectives-

1. To develop the understanding of stage design towards a performance and how it contributes to the choreographic intent.

2. To develop the mental mentality to practise- perform and improve on a group performance.

Success criteria 1 GP3-I can Identify some characteristics of the stage designs in professional work. Make some contributions and suggestions towards the group dance stage design. GP4- I can Describe the stage designs from the professional work. I can make good contributions and suggest usable ideas towards the group dance stage design. GP5- I can can make a clear evaluation of the stage deigns in the professional work, commenting on the comparisons between both. I use it as an inspiration and contribute to the group stage design. Success Criteria 2

GP3- I can work as a team but give minimal commitments towards the performance. GP4- I work well in the team by making an attempt to commit to the rehearsal discipline by improving on my own performance. GP5- I work efficiently in a team taking on commitments to improve the performance as a individual and as a group. GP6- I work as a leader in the dance team, making improvements to the quality of my performance and I help others to improve on their own performance as a group.

Teacher Content-

1. Students to watch and compare dance performance work. 2. Compare and contrast the set design. 3. Students use log books. 4. How does the set design help contribute to the performance? 5. How can we use these ideas for our own performance? 6. 15 Mins task- Design your stage- in twos- Success criteria for stage in booklet. 7. Students present- teacher picks best one. 8. Students produce a rehearsal schedule and conduct it in lesson. 9. Using iPads and log books to capture evaluations

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Thursday Theory lessons- Exam preparation. SA OUT at Brathay Work provided to cover

Week 7 Week 7: Gap-

Monday Practical- Pupils will receive their own exam mark. REACH tasks will be given in order for pupils to further improve and understand where they failed to get marks. Students will look back at video’s from lesson. And self assess against the criteria towards their Jazz performance. Thursday- Written Exam GAP work. REACH tasks for pupils, looking over exam questions and responses. This will be personalised to each student.

Peer marking.

Teacher- Exam papers marked and REACH tasks organised.

Personalised REACH tasks for pupils to complete.