king faisal documentary 2014


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KING FAISAL IBN ABDUL AZIZt h e e x p e d i t i o n

t h e e x p e d i t i o nGENESES AND EDUCATION

King Faisal is the third son for King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud. He was born after Turky Bin Abdul Aziz and Saud Bin Abdul Aziz. King Faisal is the fifteenth ruler of Al Saud and the third king of the modern Saudi state. His father, King Abdul Aziz, named him Faisal because he was of great admiration to his grandfather Imam Faisal Bin Turky Bin Abdullah Al Saud.

Al Faisal was born in the city of Riyadh on April 1906. He was born right after his father defeated his opponent Abdul Aziz Bin Metaeb Al Rasheed and eliminated his leverage in the battle of Rawdat Muhana where King Abdul Aziz ultimately liberated Al Qassem from Al Alrasheed and the Ottomans. King Faisal lived his early childhood in the house of his grandfather Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abdul Lateef Al Alsheikh. After his mother, Tarfa Bint Al Sheikh Abdullah Bin Abdul Lateef, passed away when he was five months old, his grandmother of his mother’s side, Haya Al Mugbel, looked after him most of his childhood and early youth. Prince Faisal lived in his grandfathers house where he benefited from the scientific, cultural and religious aspects until he traveled to Europe for the first time right after World War I in the year 1919. He learnt to read and write and memorized the Holy Quran on the hands of Sheikh Mohamed Musaibeh before he turned ten years of age.

Prince Faisal did not live a normal childhood. He joined his father’s invading armies when he was twelve and his companionship with his father King Abdul Aziz provided him with a good opportunity to learn war and politics in addition to adapting to the harsh desert life.


Prince Faisal accompanied his father, King Abdul Aziz; his father prepared him for leadership and command for a period that extended for over half a century. He guided him to participate in all aspects of military life and government affairs from when he was twelve years old when his father took him to the Battle of Yateb, to the northeast of Haiel, against Ibn Rasheed, prince of Haiel, in the year 1917. Later in the year 1919, he took him again to the battle of Haiel and he witnessed the surrender of Abdullah Bin Met”eb Al Rasheed. Later on, he personally led the third battle to subjugate the Asser riot in July 1922, and he participated in the siege of Jeddah in the year 1925 until its surrender. Moreover, he was the leader for one of the armies that subjugated Al Addarisah’s rote against Al Saud in November 1932 when the armies of the Yemeni Imam marched to Asser, so king Abdul Aziz sent his armies to Tuhamat Asser and assigned his sons, Prince Saud and Prince Faisal, to lead the two armies. Prince Saud’s army marched to Najran and entered it.

Prince Faisal proceeded with his army from Mecca during April 1932 and he arrived to Jezzan and concurred it. Thereafter, he marched to the depth of the Yemeni lands until he reached the city of Maydi, a Yemeni boarder city, and he occupied it. Then he marched to Al Hudaidah, a known Yemeni port and entered the city on the 5th of May 1934 then he retreated under orders from his father due to signing Al Tayef Treaty between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Yemen on 20th of May 1934.


From the windows of King Abdul Aziz’s council, Prince Faisal was introduced to the world of politics. His father decided to send him to the West during his early age, so right after World War I and the restoration of peace in Europe in the year 1919 he visited London to congratulate their victory. Since then, King Abdul Aziz granted Prince Faisal one chance after the other to polish his talents in political work, and he delegated him to many domestic and international missions.

His father assigned him to run the first Najdi government in Hejaz in 1925 when he assigned Prince Faisal as his viceroy to Hejaz in August 1926, Prince Faisal became the General Viceroy of King Abdul Aziz, and he was twenty years old.

He traveled to Europe for the second time in September 1926 in a political mission. On 20th of May 1927, he signed, on behalf of his father, the Jeddah Treaty with the United Kingdom, and that was the treaty where Britain recognized the Kingdom of Hijaz and Najed and cancelled the 1915 Augair Treaty. Moreover, he was assigned Minister of Foreign Affairs after the ministry was established in December 1930.

In accordance to the Government Machinery (Majless Al Wukala’) issued by King Abdul Aziz, Faisal became the President of the council in January 1932; later on, the government attached the Presidency of the Advisors Council, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Presidency of the Judiciary Authority and the Princes of the provinces to the Council. Back then, Faisal was twenty-six years old.

Thereafter, his father sent him to his third trip to Europe in the year 1932 where he visited Italy, France, the United Kingdom, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Kuwait. Following his fathers orders, he signed the Declaration of the Establishment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 23rd of September 1932.

On 13th of January 1939, he traveled to Cairo then London to attend the Round Table Summit on the 7th of February 1939 and that Summit was called by the United Kingdom to look into the Palestinian issue. At that time, Prince Faisal was the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Representative of the Kingdom. After the Summit, he visited Paris.

In September 1943, during World War II, he and his brother Prince Khalid visited the United States of America for the first time as a response to an invitation from the American President Franklin Roosevelt. On his way back, he stoped in London and met with the British government and with King George the VI.

The French leader, General Charl Degol, wanted to participate in honoring Prince Faisal, so he invited him officially in the name of France. Prince Faisal met him in Algeria and then toured in North Africa where he visited Tunisia and then Cairo on his way back.

t h e e x p e d i t i o nOn 6th of April 1945, he traveled to the United Sates of America for the second time to sign on 12th of April the Joint Declaration prepared by the big countries to establish the United Nations.

On 16th of April 1946, he visited Syria with his brother Prince Mansur bin Abdul Aziz, Former Minister of Defence, to participate in the annual ceremonies for the ending of the French occupation on Syria; after that, he visited Lebanon and met with President Beshara Al Khuri.On June 1946, he visited the United Sates for the third time to discuss the project of the United Nations Declaration in San Francisco that was signed on the 26th of the same month. He also attended the United Nations’ session held in September 1947 to discuss the Palestinian issue, and Prince Faisal opposed the division resolution that was issued on 29th of November 1947.

Prince Faisal was a regular in all the United Nations’ sessions to contribute in defending all the Arabian issues. He represented the Kingdom in the Arab Governments Presidents Conference – Cairo where they met on 8th of December 1947 to discuss the UN resolution regarding the division of Palestine.

In August 1951, he visited London to discuss the marine boarder lines between Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Kuwait in addition to the conflict of the Braimi Oasis with the British Prime Minister Lord Morris; the discussions were concluded on the 25th of August. Moreover, he represented Saudi Arabia in the Round Table Summit - Dammam in January 1952 to elaborate on the eastern Saudi boarders, and in March 1953, he visited the United States and met the American President Eisenhower at the White House.

King Abdul Aziz assigned Prince Faisal as Vice Prime Minister in the year 1953 in addition to his position as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Prior of being the King of Saudi Arabia in 1964, he met with most of the renowned leaders and politicians around the world such as Winston Churchill, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Harry Truman, Antoine Eden, Mussolini, Charl Degol and many others.

t h e e x p e d i t i o nTHE CAREER OF KING FAISAL

Viceroy of Hijaz and Head of the Government: Prince Faisal undertook the presidency of the government in the holy city of Mecca with a council of advisors in January 1926, and he was only 19 years old. On the 13th of August 1926, his official title became “Viceroy of Hijaz” or “the General Viceroy” and then President of the Advisors Council in 1927.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: On the 19th of December 1930, the Directorate of Foreign Affairs became the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and his father appointed him as the Minister in addition to his previous work as Viceroy.

President of the Government Machinery: On the 15th of May 1932, King Abdul Aziz created the Machinery (Al Wukala’) system which was a form of a cabinet, and he assigned Prince Faisal as its president.

Vice Prime Minister: On October 1953, King Abdul Aziz issued a resolution to establish the Cabinet, and he appointed his son Prince Saud as its president conditionally that he must name a Vice Prime Minister. Prince Saud appointed Prince Faisal in that position. King Abdul Aziz passed away one and a half months later.

The Viceroy Divan in Hijaz: When King Saud attached Hijaz to his kingdom, he assigned Faisal as his Viceroy to Hijaz.

The Crown Prince Faisal: after the death of King Abdul Aziz Al Saud on the 9th of November 1953, Prince Saud was inaugurated King of Saudi Arabia and his brother Prince Faisal as the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia on the same day. On the 17th of August 1954, King Saud assigned Prince Faisal, the Crown Prince, as the Prime Minister and President of the Cabinet.

Faisal the King: On Monday the 2nd of November 1964, Crown Prince Faisal was inaugurated as King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia after the royal family and the scholars decided to depose King Saud. King Fasial’s rule continued for about eleven years and ended with his assassination on the morning of Tuesday the 25th of March 1975 by his nephew Prince Faisal Bin Mesa’ed Bin Abdul Aziz when King Faisal was expecting the Kuwaiti Petroleum Minister Mr. Abdul Mutaleb Al Kathemi and the Saudi Petroleum Minster Ahmed Zaki Yamani.


King Faisal took credit for introducing many reformations in different aspects of the government especially in economics, education and social development. He is the one who introduced Saudi Arabia to the world and built and earned respect, solemnity and leverage for his country on the Arabic, Islamic and international communities. His political approach was based on many foundations including the protection of his country’s independence and identity, conservation of the constitution of the Arab League and defending the Islamic solidarity.

He had always demanded the establishment of an organization that gathers the Islamic countries, and he visited many Muslim countries and states to promote and explain his vision; finally, he succeeded to establish the Organization of Islamic Conference that produced the First Islamic Summit on the 18th of April 1965.

During 1973, Al Faisal worked hard to support the Saudi Armed Forces and, in the same year, he exported the campaign of embargoing the Arabian oil from the United States and the countries that support Israel. The American TIMES named him the Man of The Year – 1974.

Al Faisal is the man who stroked Henry Kissinger, the American Secretary of State, when he told him his famous words: “Do you see those trees, my fathers and grandfathers lived for hundreds of years on their fruits, and we are willing to return back to the tents, live like them and dispense oil if the stronger, and you most particularly, continued helping our enemy. King Faisal visited Jerusalem for the first time after visiting Jordan after the 1948 war, and he assured his willingness to visit the city for the second time and prayed at the Holy Aqssa Mosque after liberation, but he passed away sooner. Al Faisal threatened the West that he will shutdown all the oil wells if Al Quds was not returned to the Muslims.

King Faisal devoted his sincere attention to industrial, agricultural, financial and economical companies. Some of the agricultural projects that were accomplished during his era are the Irrigation and Sewage Network and the Ahsa Sand Project in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, he built Abha Dam in the Southern Province, Afforestation Project, Animal Resources Project and an Agricultural Insurance Bank. History will never forget that it is he, King Faisal, who reformed the economical and administration systems when the government treasury declared bankruptcy. He is the one who prepared the Five Years Ambitious Strategic Plan and the Administrative Provinces System and brought the international investment companies to support the government services sectors.

During King Faisal’s epoch, the cultivations were remarkably expanded and the explorations for new water resources were very encouraging. As part of the quest for metals, the government established the General Company for Petroleum and Minerals. Moreover, the government established the Agricultural Credit Bank, invested in fallow lands, encouraged all the projects concerned with sweet water, mining and established the General Establishment for Petroleum and Minerals (PTROMIN).

t h e e x p e d i t i o nHis Highness carried out many reformations including the social affair projects such as the social security, youth care programs, social care homes, the Labor Law, social insurance and many other projects and programs; additionally, he developed land, air and maritime transportation, communication and railways.

In the field of education, he delegated thousand of students to the United States and United Kingdom, and they became those who later on established the base for the civil services and the modernization movement in the Kingdom. Furthermore, King Faisal was the man that legislated the regulations for women education despite the difficulties and challenges and the Saudi TV despite all the objections and opposing. During his era, he attached King Abdul Aziz National University to the government and gathered all the colleges and scientific institutes into a university that became known as Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University and converted the Petroleum College to the University of Petroleum and Minerals.


Al Faisal used to sit with common people when he was a king the very same way he used to sit with them when he was a prince. His court was open for anybody between Maghreb and Isha prayers. At dinnertime, he simply used to walk to his dinning room and who ever wished to follow him may do so. When he finished dinner, he would return back to the guest court to sit for few minutes then leave to the mosque for prayers and then finally to his home to meet with his relatives and close friends. He used to sit in the center of his court and to his right the royal princes of Al Saud seated according to their age and to his left all other guests were seated. He used to stand up to greet most of his visitors, and they used to salute him according to the traditional fashion. Most people used to bow to kiss his hand, but he usually gently pulled his hand. In some cases, he let them do so, despite his hate for that, but he did so because he did not want some people to misunderstand it as rejection.

Al Faisal had another open court during the early morning time at his office at the Cabinet palace. Whenever he could afford time between his official or urgent meetings, he used to meet people not just for greetings or to answer to needs, but also to talk about some issues or subjects of his choice, subjects raised in front of him or new developments in the communities. He was a capable speaker with strong arguments and a focused mind.

Nobody ever noticed that King Faisal had any special friends or private times. He never treated anybody in a special way or distinguished any man from the other. Some men used to drive with him or travel with him like King Khalid, Prince Faisal Bin Saud and Prince Fahed Bin Sa’ad, but his brother Prince Sultan was the man who was always with him and he used to come to King Faisal’s home everyday. King Faisal was a devout Muslim committed to the Islamic ethics and traditions. He did not smoke, drink or gamble.

Al Faisal, especially after he became king, renounced worldly pleasures, and he never cared much for the simples of greatness or grandeur and he was never fascinated by the shine of power. He loved hunting and falconing, and his second hobby was (The Najdi Traditional Dance) which is also called (the Sword Dance) or (the War Dance).

King Faisal used to wear normal clothes, and he was known by wearing Al Hassawi aba, which is a locally made gown. This type of clothes was very cheap in price compared with the Syrian aba. His convoy was very simple when passing through the roads of Riyadh, Jeddah or Mecca without any security escort. He used to sit in his private car in the seat next to the driver, which was something he inherited from his father.

King Faisal used to dress just like that of his people composed of kaffieh or a turban called (Ghutrah) and it was usually white. On top of that, he wore a black or golden headband. A photo taken of him when he was the Viceroy of Hijaz proved that he dressed between Najdi and Hijazi costumes. Sometimes he used to wear a jacket under his aba and that was the common costume for the

t h e e x p e d i t i o nofficial employee and merchandisers in the major Saudi cities. He never wore western clothing since that contradicted with his nature and traditions. Al Faisal was not the only eastern leader who did so, but many Arab leaders still wear their national costumes as a form of contact with their people. Al Faisal’s insistence on wearing the traditional Arabian costumes was due to his pride of his nation, interactive response with his natural habitat and expression for his faith that civilization and sophistication was not a matter of changing clothes or appearance but in ethics, personalities and minds.

King Faisal was not known for scattering money or giving it to those that do not need it; on the other hand, his generosity was very clear in his charity works and generous donations for Islamic projects and programs like mosques, schools, hospitals and charitable institutions all over the world. He reviewed the grants distribution systems without reducing the money paid to people that suffered financial problems or crises. Moreover, many Arabian and foreign reporters received much of his care and generosity.

During the period of his viceroy in Hijaz, he issued a resolution to all government departments to apply the Advisory Council resolution by using the Arabic language in all official correspondences and to adopt accurate and high quality writing.

v i s u a l i z a t i o n f o r t h e s c r i p tThe prospect is to build the film material in two approaches. It starts with focusing attention on the most important civilization foundations King Faisal established in Saudi Arabia. For example, his expansion and works in education especially the universities and womens education where he opened the first girls’ school and developed and established many universities and launched television, which was considered a huge social penetration, back then.

This approach that the film shall start with the present and move back to his birth in 1906 with fast snap shots that demonstrate his childhood and his relation with his father and their companionship during his wars for the establishment of the kingdom.

The film then moves to his first trip to the west and then it dramatically documents according to the following sequence:After winning World War I, the United Kingdom invited King Abdul Aziz, the Sultan of Najd and its Suburbs, to visit London so he accepted the invitation and promised to send one of sons.

London expected Abdul Aziz to send his eldest son, Saud, but he delegated his second son Faisal. The British government assigned one its senior officials, Mr. Humphrey, to accompany the young prince in his trip. Prince Faisal and his delegation left Riyadh on the 1st of August 1919 through Ahsa then Bahrain. His ship arrived to India and then directly to Britain. He arrived on the 14th of October 1919. King George VI received the prince at the Thrown Court on the 30th of October. Prince Faisal presented to King George, on behalf of his father, two swords and a book signed “King Abdul Aziz – Ruler of Najd, Ahsa, Qateef and their Suburbs and Leaders of the Clans”. On the other side, King George presented to Prince Faisal two portraits of him that he signed by hand.

After Prince Faisal finished his visit to England, he traveled to Paris due to an invitation from the French government and stayed their for a while. Prince Faisal visited many important places in France and witnessed many of the infestations caused by war. Then he visited Belgium. This trip took about six months and was sort of an educational trip for the prince that enriched his information and enlight-ened his mind.

Thereafter, the film shall continue focusing on the key elements that formed his administrative personality and skills that qualified him for the positions and assignments he took as Viceroy of Hijaz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice Prime Minister, Crown Prince then President of the Cabinet and Prime Minister. These elements must obtain special attention since they were where the activates of Al Faisal in the administrative and economical aspect were formed.

The rhythm of the movie changes to get more details oriented when Al Faisal became the king in 1964 until his assassination in 1975, and this part of the movie focuses on three main aspects:• His personality as a king and as a man• His domestic reformations and achievements• The international challenges that passed through the area, the impacts of the 1967 War, the Khartoum Conference (known also as the

v i s u a l i z a t i o n f o r t h e s c r i p t3 NO’s Conference), Yemen Revolution – 1962 and the developments followed by the revolution, the Aqssa Mosque burning – 1969 and all the following consequences including the efforts aiming to gather the Muslim countries, the October (Ramadan) War – 1973 and its regional changes and the issues related to oil and the rising of OPEC role and the ownership of the companies after 1973. Additionally, the consequences of the Palestinian issues and its rising to the top of the Arabian and international agendas.

I expect the production to include photos of King Faisal’s personal collection, manuscripts, and rare photographic collections that documents the life of King Faisal since he entered the world of politics until his martyrdom. The exhibition titled “Shahid wa Sha-heed” (Witness and Martyr) displays five rare speeches for King Faisal and many other records and movies that are displayed for the first time in addition to the last interview with CBS before his death.


Prince Turky Al Faisal : President of the Board of Directors of King Faisal Center for Islamic Studies and Research

Abdul Rahman Bin Suliman Al Ruashid:The Chronicler of the Saudi Royal Family

Dr. Ahmed Zaki Yamani

Henry Kissinger :– Former American Secretary of State

Prince Mohamed Al Faisal

Prince Saud Al Faisal

Prince Khalid Al Faisal

Willard A. Beling: Author of KING FAISAL and the Modernization of Saudi Arabia

Alexy Vasiliev: The Russian author who finished the book about the biography of King Faisal started by Igor Timofeev


Sultana Bint Ahmed Al Sedari. She is the sister of Princess Hissa Bint Ahmed Al Sedari, wife of his father King Abdul Aziz. Princes Sultana gave him his elder son AbdullahPrincess Effat Al Thnian. She was born in Istanbul in 1916 and she was raised there. Her official title was Queen Effat. She gave birth for princes Mohamed, Saud, Abdul Rahman, Bandar and Turky and princesses Sara, Latefa, Luoluoa and Haifa. She passed away on the 17th of February 2000.Princess Haya Bint Turky bin Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Turky Bin Abdullah Bin Mohamed Bin Saud. She gave birth to Princes Khalid and Sa’ad.


• Prince Abdullah Al Faisal: he is the eldest son of King Faisal. His mother is Sultana Al Sedari. Prince Abdullah was born in 1921 and he occupied the position of the Minister of Home Affairs then the Minister of Health. He is a great poet. • Prince Mohamed Al Faisal: he was born in 1937, and his mother is Effat Al Thnian. He graduated from Hilto Collage, California. He worked at the Ministry of Agriculture until 1964 and then he was assigned as the Governor of the General Establishment for Water Desalination. Thereafter, he resigned from his position in 1979 and made himself available for his private projects including Faisal Islamic Bank that is running operations in Bahrain, Egypt, Sudan and Turkey.• Prince Khalid Al Faisal: he was born in 1941, and his mother is Haya Bint Turky bin Abdul Aziz Bin Abdullah Bin Turky Bin Abdullah Bin Mohamed Bin Saud. He studied at Princeton, USA and Oxford, UK. He worked as the Director of Youth Care at the Ministry of Work and Social Affairs and then the Prince of Assir Province. He is the General Manager of King Faisal Charity Establishment and President of King Faisal International Prize.• Prince Saud Al Faisal: he was born on the 27th of July 1940, and his mother is Effat Al Thnian. He graduated from Princeton in 1965 with a degree in economics. He spent eight years at the Ministry of Petroleum where he finally became the Undersecretary for Minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani in 1970. Later on, he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs since 1975 and he is still occupying this position.• Prince Abdul Rahman Al Faisal: he was born on the 18th of August 1941, and his mother is Effat Al Thnian. He graduated from the British Military School – Sandhurst in the year 1963, he served as the Commander of the Heavy Artillery Army then he retired from the service.• Prince Sa’ad Al Faisal: he was born in 1942 and he is the full brother of Prince Khalid. He studied at Princeton and Cambridge. He worked as the Vice President of PETROMIN.• Prince Bandar Al Faisal: he was born in 1944, and his mother is Effat Al Thnian. He graduated from Kzanual at the Royal British Air Force after he was awarded his high school from the United Kingdom.• Prince Turky Al Faisal: he was born in 1945, and his mother is Effat Al Thnian. He is the youngest son for King Faisal. He studied in three American universities. He was the President of the General Intelligence Office, Ambassador to London and Ambassador to Washington.

a p p e n d i xKING FAISAL’S TEN DAUGHTERS ( Sorted by age)

• Al Anood (born in 1923)• Hissah• Sara• Loulouh (the wife of Prince Saud bin Abdul Muhsen)• Mashael• Latefa (the wife of Prince Abdul Aziz Al Thnian)• Al Juhara• Haifa (the wife of Prince Bandar Bin Sultan)• Munirah


• Executive Producer (In charge of supervising the project from A - Z)• Interview Producer (In charge of contacting guests and setting up the interviews and dates and also in charge of working on the logistics of the interviews, coordinating with the research department)• Assistant Producer (Assisting all the producers)• Historian (To validate all the research and informations that has been conducted by the research team)• 6 Professional Researchers From 5 Different Countries (Two will be choosen from Saudi Arabia and the rest will be choosen according to their credentials and knowledge in this particular field)• Secretary


• Presenter (we can discuss the possibilty of having her/ him offscreen or onscreen to link all the events together and create a smooth flow in the pace of the documentary)• Actors/ Actresses And Extra Figurants (in case we agree to create a staged renactement of the King’s life and journey to the 5 different cities). This will all be shot on location except for the Saudi Arabian part; it will be shot either in Egypt, Dubai or any other similar geographic country.• Excecutive Producer• Interview Producer• Assistant Producer• Director• Assistant Director• Production Coordinator (in charge of coordinating the visas, the hotels and other production assignements)• Director Of Photography (hired from the country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)

• 2 Lighting Assistants (hired from the country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad) • Production Manager (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad) • 2 Cameramen (in all the trips, except for the interview part there will be 3 cameramen) (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad) • 2 Assistant Cameramen (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)• Sound Engineer (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)

P R O D U C T I O N R E Q U I R E M E N T S• Make Up Artist (hired from country of destination) (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)• Assitants To Make Up Artist (for the staged acted scenes) (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in from abroad) • Hair Stylist (hired from country of destination)• Assistant Hair Stylist (for the staged acted scenes) (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)• Casting Director: (for the staged acted scenes) (hired from country of destination except for Saudi Arabia, we will fly in people from abroad)• Runner/ Driver (hired from country of destination)


• Post -Production Producer• Director• Assistant Director• 2 Editors • Sound Designer• Music Composer• Voice Over Talent (Arabic/ English)• Arabic/ English Translator As Well As Other Languages• English / Arabic Subtitling• Head Of Animators• 3 Animators And Graphic Designers

CAMERA AND LIGHTING REQUIREMENTS (it will be decided once we agree on the budget) (mainly we are looking to shoot the whole doucmentary on high definition cameras)

P R O D U C T I O N S C H E D U L E PRE-PRODUCTION PHASE: (Total preproduction Time: 6 Months)

RESEARCH & SCRIPTING:• 2 Months research• 1 Months Scripting and revisions and having a final Draft

INTERVIEWS & PRODUCTION ARRANGEMENTS (will be taking place in parallel)• Three Months interview arrangements (Depending on the guests and if we manage to get to them. Otherwise it will take a bit longer but During that time we will be shooting the interviews with the ones already confirmed)• Three Months Production Preparations and Final Directorial Plan (this will include traveling at least once to the destined countries for • • Location Reece and deciding on the locations to film) ( the producer, director and assistant to include for traveling)• 1 Day Travel• 2 Days checking locations & Assessing Technical Requirements & finalizing production Plan• 1 day meeting with guest if possible or representatives to discuss the agenda and the topics • 1 day departure PRODUCTION PHASE: (Total Production Time in each Country: 3 weeks• Except for Saudi Arabia. It will take more than a month where most of the King’s life and event took Place). The Total time in 5 coun-tries: 4 months)

TRAVELING AND FINAL REECE: (5 days)• 1 Day Traveling ( Except for the USA)• 3 Days checking locations & Assessing Technical Requirements for the last time• 1 Day departure

SHOOTING: (14 Days)• 3 Days shooting Main interview and supporting interviews• 5-6 Days shooting the staged Scenes• 4 Days Main interview related locations & Spheres of Activity• 1 Day Contingency

P R O D U C T I O N S C H E D U L E POST PRODUCTION PHASE: (Total Pre-production Time: 3 months and a half)• 1 Month viewing, Script Adjustments, and VO recording• 1 Month Offline editing• 2 weeks revisions on Offline• 1 Month final editing, Graphics, Animation and Music Composition

total time for the completion of the documentary: 1 year and 2 months time