kimia bahan makan 11

Nama : Dess Kasturi NIM : 06101181320012 Question : Are there any additives you would ban ? And why ? Or should some be made compulsory to improved our diet ? Answer : Well, i will avoid some additives but most seem pretty safe to me. I would ban some but keep the others. Additives according to WHO (World Health Organization) is a substance - a substance added to food in small amounts to improve the color, shape, taste, texture, or extend the storage period. Requirements increase in food additives, namely: 1. Improving the quality or nutrition. 2. Making the food look more appealing. 3. Improving the taste of food. 4. Make the food to be more durable or not quickly stale or rotten. Based on the functions, either natural or synthetic, additives classified as dyes, sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, and antioxidants. Additives in food is usually listed on the packing. According to nutrition experts from the International Hospital Bintaro, Banten, an outline of the additivescan be divided intothree. There are generally natural, so it is safe

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bahan makanan


Page 1: Kimia Bahan Makan 11

Nama : Dess Kasturi

NIM : 06101181320012

Question :

Are there any additives you would ban ? And why ? Or should some be made compulsory to

improved our diet ?

Answer :

Well, i will avoid some additives but most seem pretty safe to me. I would ban

some but keep the others.

Additives according to WHO (World Health Organization) is a substance - a

substance added to food in small amounts to improve the color, shape, taste, texture, or

extend the storage period. Requirements increase in food additives, namely:

1. Improving the quality or nutrition.

2. Making the food look more appealing.

3. Improving the taste of food.

4. Make the food to be more durable or not quickly stale or rotten.

Based on the functions, either natural or synthetic, additives classified as dyes,

sweeteners, preservatives, flavorings, and antioxidants. Additives in food is usually listed on

the packing.

According to nutrition experts from the International Hospital Bintaro, Banten, an

outline of the additivescan be divided intothree. There are generally natural, so it is safe and

no toxic effect at all. The next typeis the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake), which is always set

limit its daily use in order to protect the health of consumers. The latter is apreservative that

is not fit for consumption, dangerous as borax, formalin and rhodamine B.

From these descriptions, I think our health is maintained although consumption of

foods containing additives to the way we can choose the food with clever. When choosing

foods, look at the content of what the meal and consume these foods in reasonable limits.

Examples of additives are safe to eat

1. Benzoic acid

2. Propionic acid

3. Sorbic acid

4. Sulfur dioxide

Page 2: Kimia Bahan Makan 11

5. P-hydroxy ethyl benzoate

6. Potassium benzoate

7. Potassium sulfite

8. Potassium bisulfite

9. Potassium nitrate

10. Potassium nitrite

resourch :

Page 3: Kimia Bahan Makan 11

Saya akan menghindari zat aditif pada makanan, tetapi ada juga zat aditif yang aman. Saya menghindari beberapa tapi tetap mengkonsumsi juga (yang aman).

Zat aditif menurut WHO (World Health Organization)  adalah zat – zat yang ditambahkan pada makanandalam jumlah sedikit untuk memperbaiki warna, bentuk, cita rasa, tekstur, atau memperpanjang masa penyimpanan. Persyaratan penambahan zat aditif dalam makanan yaitu:

1. Memperbaiki kualitas atau gizi makanan.2. Membuat makanan tampak lebih menarik.3. Meningkatkan cita rasa makanan.4. Membuat makanan menjadi lebih tahan lama atau tidak cepat basi atau busuk.

Berdasarkan fungsinya, baik alami maupun sintetis, zat aditif dikelompokkan sebagai zat pewarna, pemanis, pengawet, penyedap rasa, dan antioksidan. Zat aditif dalam makanan biasanya dicantumkan pada kemasannya.

Menurut pakar gizi dari RS Internasional Bintaro, Banten, secara garis besar zat aditif dibedakan menjadi tiga. Ada yang umumnya bersifat alami, sehingga aman dan tidak berefek racun sama sekali. Jenis berikutnya adalah ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake), yang selalu ditetapkan batas penggunaan hariannya guna melindungi kesehatan  konsumen. Terakhir adalah zat pengawet yang memang tidak layak dikonsumsi,  alias berbahaya seperti boraks, formalin dan rhodamin B.

Dari keterangan tersebut, menurut saya, kesehatan kita tetap terjaga walaupun mengkonsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat aditif dengan cara kita bisa memilih makanan dengan pintar. Ketika memilih makanan, lihatlah kandungan apa saja pada makan tersebut dan konsumsilah makanan tersebut pada batas yang wajar.Contoh zat aditif yang aman dikonsumsi sewajarnya1. asam benzoat,2. asam propionat,3. asam sorbat,4. sulfur dioksida,5. etil p-hidroksi benzoat,6. kalium benzoat,7. kalium sulfit,8. kalium bisulfit,9. kalium nitrat,10. kalium nitrit,