kim grandal and lesia yacht - re-creative resources...crystal chakra layouts utilize the vibrational...

Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht By © 2015 Kim Grandal and Lesia Yacht, All Rights Reserved

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Page 1: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht


© 2015 Kim Grandal and Lesia Yacht, All Rights Reserved

Page 2: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Are you looking for new methods to put your crystals to good use? Do you need help releasing negativity in your life? Are you looking for ways to enhance your meditation?

If so, this free booklet is just the thing for you! You will learn how to balance and clear your main chakras (energy centers) by using crystals in body layouts. You will also receive suggestions for alternative crystals and other enhancements to use in your layouts.

Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When the energy is balanced and flowing freely, you experience a sense of overall well-being so you can move forward in a positive direction in life.

Some important things to consider before diving in:

• Please read the disclaimer before performing any of these layouts. It’s on the next page.• When your meditation is complete, please sit up slowly and stand only when you are ready. It’s

important to be well grounded before continuing on with your day.• Please consult a doctor before using any of the essential oils we have recommended, to ensure they are

safe for you to use. Also note that some essential oils are not safe around pets. Please educate yourself.• Working with crystals is a very personal experience. We make some recommendations but only you

know what will truly work for you. Use these layouts as a guideline or stepping stone, and then build your own personalized layouts!

With much love and crystal blessings,

Kim and Lesia

Page 3: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

The information stated herein is for the purpose of accessing your own inner resources of healing energy through crystals. Never use crystal healing or any non-traditional complimentary healing

method in lieu of obtaining professional medical or psychiatric help. If you believe you have a condition requiring medical or psychiatric treatment, please seek professional treatment


The information in this manual is not intended for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease or condition. The information contained in this manual is for educational purposes only. Please consult your medical practitioner for any medical conditions you may have.

Re-Creative Resources and Druzy Holistics are not liable for claims of any nature that may result from information provided herein, or from your failure to obtain professional medical or psychiatric

help. You accept all risks and responsibilities concerning any actions as a result of using any information provided herein.

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 4: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the earth star chakra. Located just below the feet, this chakra is associated with grounding and our connection to Gaia (Mother Earth).

Crystals/Material Used:1 large lodestone, 2 Smokey quartz, 2 large clear quartz points, 2 black tourmaline, patchouli essential oil, carrier oil, cloth, paper towel, or wet wipe, red or burgundy candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You may choose to light candles, incense, play nature sounds, or any other additional methods that help you to relax.

Place a few drops of patchouli essential oil into a carrier oil and gently massage into feet. You may also diffuse the oil if you prefer. *Check with doctor and vet (if you have pets), before using an EO. *EO may stain clothing. Wipe hands of any excess oil. Next place the lodestone and Smokey quartz about 12 inches below your feet. Place the clear quartz points below the Smokey quartz and lodestone with the pointing facing up toward your body. Place black tourmaline in each hand.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or nature sounds. Imagine glorious earth energy coming up through your earth star chakra. You may also imagine that your legs are like roots of a tree, extending deep into Gaia. Lie in this position for about 20 minutes or for as long as you feel is comfortable for you. As with all meditations or wellness sessions, sit up slowly and stand only when ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and enjoy a nice glass of water. Affirmation: I am connected to Mother Earth.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals: hematite, shungite, black obsidian, black onyx, or black kyanite. Alternative essential oils: patchouli, cedarwood, ginger, ylang , or vetiver.

By Kim

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 5: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the root chakra. It is located at the base of the spine as well as the genitals on the front of the body. This chakra is associated with material needs, security, grounding, and survival.

Crystals/Material Used:1 black kyanite blade, 2 hematite, 2 small clear quartz points, 2 black tourmaline, 1 brecciated jasper, patchouli essential oil, carrier oil, cloth/wet wipe, and red candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You may choose to light candles, incense, play music, nature sounds, or any other methods that help you to relax.

Place a few drops of patchouli essential oil into a carrier oil and gently massage into feet. You may also diffuse the oil if you prefer. *Check with doctor and vet (if you have pets), before using an EO. *EO may stain clothing. Wipe hands of any excess oil. Place the black kyanite blade between your thighs with the point facing up toward your body. Place the brecciated jasper on your genitals, OR you can place a flat jasper on your tailbone beneath you. You can also skip this part if you are uncomfortable. Place the hematite on each hip bone (or next to hips) and quartz points facing upwards on the top of thighs. Place black tourmaline in each hand.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or nature sounds. Imagine glorious earth energy coming up through your root chakra. You may also imagine a red spinning ball of energy. Lie in this position for about 20 minutes or for as long as you feel is comfortable for you. As with all meditations or wellness sessions, sit up slowly and stand only when ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and enjoy a nice glass of water. Affirmation: I am safe and secure, grounded and have all that I need.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals: red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, shungite, black obsidian, or black onyx. Alternative essential oils: patchouli, cedarwood, ginger, ylang ylang, or vetiver.

By Kim

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 6: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the sacral chakra. Located just below the naval, this chakra is associated with our creativity, inspiration, sexuality, passion and how we feel and express our emotions.

Crystals/Material Used:1 flat carnelian, 2 orange calcite slices, 2 small clear quartz points, 1 aragonite cluster, 1 peach selenite, orange candle or orange salt lamp, orange essential oil, and a small cloth.

Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. Turn on your orange salt lamp or light your orange candle and place it in a safe place near you. Put a couple of drops of the orange essential oil on the flat carnelian and orange calcite slices. Please be careful not to get it on your clothing or other areas as it may stain. *Check with doctor and vet (if you have pets), before using an EO.

Place the aragonite cluster between your feet about six inches below your ankles. Then place one orange calcite slice beside each hip and a clear quartz point between each hip and orange calcite with the arrow facing toward your sacral chakra. Next, place the small cloth over your sacral area so that the flat carnelian which you will place at the sacral chakra does not stain your clothes. Lastly, place the peach selenite in your receiving hand.

Relax and clear your mind with a deep breathing exercise and visualize your sacral region relaxing, opening, releasing any pent up emotions you may have. Imagine a beautiful orange color filling your sacral area and swirling throughout this area. Lie in this position, quiet and relaxed for ten to twenty minutes, paying attention to any emotions and desires you may be feeling. Affirmation: I am a creative, sensual being filled with passion and vitality.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals you may want to try: Substitute aragonite cluster with Smokey quartz, the flat carnelian with orange aventurine, the orange calcite slices with fire agate and a moonstone in your receiving hand.

By Lesia

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 7: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the solar plexus chakra. Located just above the belly button, this chakra is associated with confidence, self-esteem, manifestation, will power, and joy.

Crystals/Material Used:2 citrine (I prefer natural but heat-treated works too), 2 tiger eye, 2 pyrite,4 small clear quartz points, and a yellow candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You may choose to light yellow candles, incense, play music, nature sounds, or any other methods that help you to relax.

Place the citrine a few inches above your belly button and the pyrite and tiger eye around the citrine. You can also place 4 small quartz points facing inward, toward the solar plexus. I feel you can also place the quartz points outward to expand the solar plexus, like the sun shining! Hold one citrine in your receiving hand.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or music. Imagine a glowing ball of yellow swirling on your solar plexus. You may also imagine that your solar plexus is like the sun shining brightly. Lie in this position for about 20 minutes or for as long as you feel is comfortable for you. As with all meditations or wellness sessions, sit up slowly and stand only when ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and enjoy a nice glass of water. Affirmation: I believe in myself, I am in control, and I have the ability to create my reality.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals: yellow jasper, yellow calcite, Smokey citrine, golden topaz, or amber.

By Kim

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 8: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the heart chakra. The heart chakra is associated with unconditional love of every kind, compassion, peace and the desire for happiness. It is said that it acts as the balance point of all chakras and influences our relationships and how we relate to others.

Crystals/Material Used:1 heart-shaped rose quartz, 1 large tumbled rose quartz, 2 small clear quartz points, 2 green aventurine, 1 rhodonite, 1 Smokey quartz, rose incense, and a pink candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. Light your pink candle and rose incense, and place them in a safe place near you.

Place the Smokey quartz between your feet about six inches below your ankles. Then place one green aventurine at each shoulder and the heart-shaped rose quartz just above your head. Next, place the tumbled rose quartz at your heart chakra with one quartz point immediately above it pointing toward your heart chakra and the other clear quartz point immediately below pointing toward your heart chakra. Hold the rhodonite in your receiving hand.

Relax and clear your mind with a deep breathing exercise and visualize your heart opening, releasing any pain or hurt and receiving love from the universe. Lie in this position in meditation mode for ten to twenty minutes and be aware of any physical feelings, emotions, images or messages received. Affirmation: My heart is open to love. Love radiates around and through me.

Alternatives/Variations:For those experiencing heartache or a heavy heart, you can substitute the green aventurine at your shoulder with malachite, the rose quartz at your heart with pink kunzite and the rhodonite in your receiving hand with chrysoprase.

By Lesia

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 9: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the throat chakra. Located on the throat, this chakra is associated with speakingone’s truth, communication, self-expression, and listening.

Crystals/Material Used:2 blue lace agate, 2 angelite, 2 sodalite, 1 clear quartz point, and blue candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You may choose to light blue candles, incense, play music, nature sounds, or any other methods that help you to relax.

Place the angelite next to your ears and the blue lace agate on the sides of your neck (on either side of your throat). Place the sodalite directly on your throat. If you are using a rough piece, you may want to place a thin piece of tissue on your throat first since this is a sensitive area and the crystal may feel uncomfortable. Place a clear quartz point below your throat, facing upwards toward the throat chakra. Hold one sodalite in your receiving hand.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or music. Imagine a glowing ball of blue swirling on your throat chakra. Lie in this position for about 20 minutes or for as long as you feel is comfortable for you. As with all meditations or wellness sessions, sit up slowly and stand only when ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and enjoy a nice glass of water. Affirmation: I speak my truth with clarity and confidence and I communicate effectively.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals: blue kyanite, blue calcite, celestite, aquamarine, turquoise, lapis lazuli, or tanzanite.

By Kim

Crystal Chalra Layouts© 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 10: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the third eye chakra. The third eye chakra is said to increase your intuitive abilities, access spiritual guidance and is associated with the pineal gland.

Crystals/Material Used:1 clear quartz point, 1 flat amethyst crystal, 2 selenite points, 1 morganite, 1 black onyx, and 1 white candle.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. Light your white candle and place it in a safe place near you. Place the black onyx at your root chakra and themorganite on your heart chakra. Then place the two selenite points near each temple with the points facing in toward your temples and the clear quartz point immediately above the center of your head with the point facing away from your head. Lastly, place the flat amethyst crystal on your third eye, just above the brow in the middle of your forehead.

You can now relax with some deep breathing and visualize your third eye opening up and connecting with your higher-self or spirit. Lie in this position in meditation mode for ten to twenty minutes and be aware of any images, colors or messages received. Immediately following this layout, remove all crystals except the black onyx at the root chakra. Stay in a lying position for an additional ten minutes with the black onyx to ensure you are grounded and drink plenty of water. Affirmation: I am wise, intuitive and I see the bigger picture.

Alternatives/Variations:You can substitute the clear quartz point with a herkimer diamond point, the flat amethyst with a flat angelite crystal, the two selenite points with blue kyanite points and the black onyx with black obsidian. These substitutions create a much more powerful layout and should only be used by those more experienced! For those who have an overactive third eye and are overly sensitive to spiritual or psychic messaging, you may want to substitute the third eye crystal with ametrine and the crystals at the temples with two citrine points.

By Lesia

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 11: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the crown chakra. The crown chakra is said to be associated with providing knowledge, wisdom and clarity, calming the mind, and connecting us with our higher-selves, spirit guides and the Divine.

Crystals/Material Used:1 clear quartz point, 2 amethyst crystals, 2 sodalite, 1 lapis lazuli, 1 rose quartz, and 1 black tourmaline.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. Place the clear quartz point immediately above the center of your head with the point facing away from your head. Place the two amethyst crystals on each side of the clear quartz point and the two sodalite on each side of the temples. This forms a small semi-circle pattern around the upper portion of your head, creating a crystal energy circle. Now place the black tourmaline between your feet about six inches below the ankles. Then place the rose quartz at your heart chakra and the lapis lazuli on the center of your forehead.

You can now relax with some deep breathing and visualize your crown opening up and connecting with your higher-self or spirit. Lie in this position in meditation mode for ten to twenty minutes and be aware of the energy shifts and messages received. Affirmation: I have heightened awareness of all there is.

Alternatives/Variations:You can substitute the clear quartz point with an amethyst or celestite point. For our more experienced crystal friends, an auralite 23 crystal point can be used above the head and a labradorite can be used on the third eye chakra. You may also want to try removing the black tourmaline during the session, but ground yourself immediately following the body layout.

By Lesia

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 12: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective: The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the soul star chakra. This chakra is one of the transpersonal chakras and is located about 6-12 inches above the crown. It is often referred to as the “seat of the soul” and is said to help one tap into infinite energy and to understand one’s mission or soul purpose.

Crystals/Material Used: 1 selenite rod at least 6 inches long, auralite 23, magenta fluorite, danburite, golden herkimer diamond, black tourmaline, 1 large clear quartz point, 4 medium or small clear quartz points, candles (white, gold, or magenta, or all 3).

Procedure: THIS IS A VERY HIGH VIBRATIONAL LAYOUT – TAKE IT SLOW!Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You need plenty of head space. Light candles, incense, play music, binaural beats, or any other methods that help you to relax. Place the selenite rod directly above where your head will be. Place auralite 23, magenta fluorite, danburite, and the herkimer diamond, on top of the selenite. If they don’t fit or won’t lay flat, then you can place them on either side of the selenite. Place the large quartz point, and 2 medium or small ones above the selenite, facing upwards. Place 2 quartz points at the bottom of the selenite, facing upwards as well. Lay down underneath this layout, making sure the selenite is directly above your head. Place a large black tourmaline at your earth star chakra and one in your receiving hand. Grounding is VERY important here.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or music. Imagine a glowing ball of white or gold swirling above your head. You may even visualize sprinkles of golden or white light “raining down” on you. TAKE IT SLOW! Lie in this position for about 5-10 minutes or for as long as you feel is comfortable for you. You may then be able to progress to 20 minutes over time. It is extremely important to ground and sit up slowly with this layout. Stand only when you are ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and have a glass of water. Affirmation: I know my soul and purpose.

Alternatives/Variations: You can use a selenite point instead of a rod, and place crystals around the point. Other crystals include: clear herkimer diamond, stellar beam calcite, moldavite, phenakite, amethyst, blue kyanite, aurora quartz, apophyllite, super seven, or tanzanite. For grounding, you can also use lodestone or hematite.

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

By Kim

Page 13: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective: The objective of this body layout is to assist in balancing and opening of the 7 main chakras. When open, balanced and flowing freely, it is said that these energy centres provide an overall sense of well-being, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally.

Crystals/Material Used: 1 of each/can be flat, tumbled or pyramid shaped) red jasper, carnelian, yellow jasper, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst, clear quartz, white candle, chakra meditation music (optional).

Procedure: Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. Light your white candle and place it in a safe place near you and begin your chakra meditation music. Place the red jasper at your root chakra at the top of your legs (the chakra is located at the base of your spine). Next, place the carnelian at your sacral chakra, just below your navel and the yellow jasper at your solar plexus, between your ribs just above your navel. Then place the rose quartz at your heart chakra and the lapis lazuli at your throat chakra. Lastly, place the amethyst at your third eye in the middle of your forehead and the clear quartz at your crown chakra just above your head.

Relax and clear your mind, breathing deeply while listening to soft music. Starting at the root chakra, visualize a red light glowing at the base of your tailbone and imagine this red light extending to your legs and feet, connecting you to Mother Earth.Working your way up your body, picture an orange light glowing just below your navel swirling in a clockwise direction, opening and releasing that which no longer serves you. Do this with each chakra. For solar plexus imagine a bright yellow light swirling and warming you. For the heart chakra, envision a pink light opening your heart. For the throat chakra, imagine a blue light swirling around your throat region and releasing all negativity. At the third eye, visualize an indigo colour and take note of any wisdom messages you may receive. At the crown, feel the white light opening your crown chakra at the top of your head and feeling as one with the entire universe. Finish this meditation with deep breathing and picturing all energy centres open as you breathe in and flowing smoothly as you breathe out. Remove the crystals, starting from the crown chakra and working your way down. Drink plenty of water immediately following this session.

Alternatives/Variations:Alternative crystals you may want to try starting at the root chakra: black tourmaline, orange calcite, citrine, green aventurine, angelite, charoite, rutilated quartz.


Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Top to BottomClear Quartz, Amethyst, Lapis

Lazuli, Rose Quartz, Yellow Jasper, Carnelian, Red Jasper

Page 14: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Objective:To assist with clearing energy blockages within the chakra system.

Crystals/Material Used:1 clear quartz double-terminated point, OR 2 clear quartz single-terminated points. You may also wish to have whatever crystals are related to the specific chakras you are wanting to unblock, candles, essential oils, etc. See all other layouts for examples.

Procedure:Select a quiet area where you will be comfortably lying down. You may choose to light candles, incense, play music, nature sounds, or any other methods that help you to relax.

Place your chakra layout first. In this example, there is a blue lace agate for the throat chakra and a rhodochrosite for the heart chakra. You can be more elaborate if you’d like, using the other layouts in this manual or your own. Then place a double-terminated clear quartz point in between the two chakra layouts. If you don’t have one, you can use 2 single-terminated clear quartz points, one facing up and one facing down as indicated in the pictures. This helps the energy flow in both directions.

Relax. Listen to your breathing, heartbeat, or music. Imagine the energy flowing freely between the chakras. You may also focus on the individual chakras, seeing them spinning and glowing. As with all meditations or wellness sessions, sit up slowly and stand only when ready. Give gratitude for what you have received and enjoy a nice glass of water. Affirmation: I release what no longer serves me.

Alternatives/Variations:You can just use clear quartz points in between the chakras you feel are blocked and not use the chakra layouts.

By Kim

Crystal Chakra Layouts © 2015 Lesia Yacht and Kim Grandal All Rights Reserved

Page 15: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Re-Creative Resources is a company dedicated to assisting those on a spiritual journey of wellness and joy. In 2006, I founded the company and offered consultation, education, and resources for those who enhance the lives of the elderly in various health-care settings. Many thousands of recreational

professionals from around the world have utilized the resources and trainings provided by my company, Re-Creative Resources. In 2012, the company expanded its services to include crystal

resources and spirituality. To date, our services include:

*An on-line crystal store with a variety of crystals and gemstones and the most personalized assistance in helping you select crystals. I refer to myself as the Crystal Foster Mom!

Stop by an adopt a crystal!*Crystal healing (many types of sessions available)

*Crystal Coaching (need some help learning about crystals and what to do with them?) *Oracle, energy, crystal, and/or intuitive readings.

*Wonderful resources to aid in the exploration and growth of one's spirituality.*Education, resources, training materials and products for Activity and Recreation Professionals who

work with Seniors and individuals with disabilities.

Hi, I am Kim Grandal. I am a mom, wife, friend, business owner, crystal lover, singer, among many other things. Most of all, I am simply ME. I know I am a natural crystal healer for I feel it in my being. I studied under Hibiscus Moon of the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy and received certification as a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) and Certified Advanced Crystal Master (ACM). I also studied under Ashley Leavy of the Love and Light School of Energy Medicine where I received certification as a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH), Certified Crystal Reiki Master (CCRM) and Certified Stone Grids Practitioner (SGP). I continue to study and learn all I can about crystals, energy healing, and other spiritual/metaphysical concepts.

I am also an intuitive, an empath, and I am claircognizant. I have some awesome Kimtuition, as I call it. We all have abilities and I enjoy helping others to open their spiritual gifts. It is an honor to join you on your spiritual journey. Please feel free to follow or friend me on Facebook at Many blessings <3 Kim.

Learn More/Contact/LinksWebsite:

FB Biz Page:

Email: [email protected]

Page 16: Kim Grandal AND Lesia Yacht - Re-Creative Resources...Crystal Chakra Layouts utilize the vibrational energy and colors of crystals to promote wellness on all levels; physically, mentally,

Druzy Holistics provides expertise in crystal healing & reiki both remotely and in a relaxing & therapeutic environment, resulting in improved health of the body, mind &

soul. Our mission is to make a difference in our clients' lives by providing a holistic method of healing as part of their overall health program & educate each client in how

to utilize this energy in everyday life.

We provide individual sessions, consultation & workshops with genuine compassion & customized care. By knowing the science behind the energy of crystals, each client can expect a safe, soothing & enriched experience, resulting in a higher degree of overall

well-being. For details about our various services, I invite you to visit my website, Facebook page & MeetUp page. See links on the right.

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lesia Yacht & I am a mother, sister, grandmother & loyal friend to some very special souls. I love to write, hike, play in my garden & am told I am one of the best listeners around, even when words are not spoken. I am also a certified crystal healer (CCH) & reiki practitioner (RP), with a passion for improving people's lives & making this world a better place to be.

I have always had an interest in rocks & crystals. I took a leap of faith, trusted my intuition & went to school to obtain my certification in crystal healing from a science teacher & energy healer. I have opened my own heart-centred business, Druzy Holistics, offering individual crystal & reiki sessions, consultations & group workshops.

Coming from the corporate executive world with a Masters in Business (MBA), managing a national multi-branch company as C.O.O., I have experience running various types of workshops, communicating & engaging those involved. Today, I am grateful to be facilitating numerous types of energy healing sessions & workshops with a goal of reviving vibrations. Wishing you all much peace, love, light & crystal blessings!

Learn More/Contact/

Please feel free to contact me at anytime:Phone: (647) 628-8950

Email: [email protected]