kilkenny now mag sept 2012


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Kilkenny Now Mag Sept 2012


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Look at these two beautiful pictures taken in Woodstock, Inistoige, that were sent in by a Anne-Marie Griffith.

Well done Anne-Marie and thanks for sending them in. They are fantastic shots.

Send in your photos and we will publish the best ones. Make them funny, sad, exiting, poignant or just a really good photo. Just make sure they are interesting.

Send your photos to:[email protected]

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necessarily the views of Kilkenny Now.

Kitchen Refurbishment

Kilkenny Celebrities

A Long Way To Go...

Control Arthritis Pain

Yoga For Back Pain

Teeth Whitening Info

Bad Breath

Body Language



Gullivers Eye

Restaurant Tricks For Home

Parenting Advice

Dealing With Teenagers

Silence Is Golden

Kilkenny Fun

Natural Beauty Tips

Mulch Your Flower Bulbs















Carnival Cover Photo Courtesy of:Mark

Letter from Editor

As the kids go back to school, and we pack up ourbar-b-que and garden furniture all we can do is lament the non-existent summer.When we were kids we played outside all summer long. We got wet, but only from paddling pools in the garden. At least that’s how I remember it. Was really all sunshine and lollipops? Either way it could not have been as wet as summer 2012.Let’s look forward. Lets hope we have nice September, a fantastic Halloween season, a warm winter and a wonderful Christmas.I for one intend to focus on the positive. Its only weather. As a wise man once said to me outside a bar in Tralee; “Ah, liquid sunshine”.Roll on the autumn and winter.







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by: Joanna Harris Creating a brand new kitchen in a home is what most people opt for while redecorating a house. Years of cooking may produce some certain deterioration in every kitchen. Kitchen refurbishment can offer a new life for your old kitchen without disturbing its original look. Besides cooking, kitchen is also a place where more activities can be seen. Kitchen refurbishment can be done on a do-it-yourself basis to avoid unnecessary expenses. Time conscious people can choose professional help for better and quicker results.Planning is very much important for any type of renovation works and kitchen refurbishment is not an exception here. It should be clear whether to go for whole kitchen refurbishment or slight renova-tion works. Budget is also a key factor in determining the type of renovation works. Kitchen refurbishment involves plenty of works like cupboard renovation, worktop replacement, plumbing works, flooring works etc. It is always wise to get advice from experienced people rather than going for it in an uninitiated way. Proper knowl-edge on different works like plumbing, wiring and carpentry is an added advantage for performing renovation works.Work Process Modern kitchen involves the usage of different cabinets for storing food and kitchen utensils. Refurbishing the kitchen cabinets is one of major works involved in kitchen renovation. During the course of

time, cabinets may deteriorate due various agents like smoke, resi-due, and food spilling. Moreover, cabinets may lose their glow over a period of time. Painting is a better option to recreate the proper glow on kitchen cabinets. And remember to remove the crease and old finish before painting. Another major work involved in kitchen refurbishment is worktop renovation. Repairing the old worktops by painting or laminating is not a bad idea as you can save some money. However, if the work-top is really outdated or irreparable, then it is fine going for a new one. Worktops are available in plenty of materials like steel, timber, granite etc. Material should be chosen according to one’s prefer-ence and budget allotment. Other works like sink repairs, window remodeling, flooring, stove installation, chimney installation and interior decoration should be done with proper knowledge. Sink repairs involves certain plumbing knowledge. For beginners, it is worth not disturbing the pipe lines without proper knowledge in plumbing works.Variety of kitchen appliances like stoves, refrigerators, hoods and dishwashers are available in different colours and styles. Decorating your kitchen with modern appliances may also be a fine element of kitchen refurbishment and for sure it’ll give it a new look. Article courtesy of:

Kitchen Refurbishment

Kitchen Image Courtesy of: Buy Buy Kitchens (

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Gillette ambassador Brian O’Driscoll visited Health Express pharmacy, MacDonagh Junction Kilkenny August 4th 1-2pm. The staff of Health Express pharmacy won a merchandising competition when the new Gilette Fusion razor was launched last year. The girls decorated a vintage Aston Martin in MacDonagh Junction which had grown men stopping in their tracks to admire and take photos of the car.


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The hard work paid off when they were chosen from all pharmacies in Ireland to win the prize.The afternoon of the 4th of August saw a great turn out to greet this rugby legend. Brian met many of his Kilkenny fans signing jerseys, books, etc and happily standing in for

photos with his fans and staff. A true gentleman whose visit caused great excitement in our Marble City.

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A Long Way to Go for a Sun Tan An Irishman’s experience of working in Afghanistan & Saudi Arabia in 2011 / 2012

About the author: Noel Scanlon Where do I start.......I am from Co. Clare in the West of Ireland, grew up in East Clare in a rural background, raised by foster parents on a farm which I remember I really liked, studied at Limerick Institute of Technology, met my wife Laura just before I graduated, then spent a little time doing post-grad studies in Denmark, came back home, worked for a few different Architectural Practices, and we got married in 1998, built a home in East Clare where we still live, we have 2 wonderful sons, Daithí & Oisín, founded my own

business in 2003, worked with BNI from 2007 to 2011, and made the big jump to work in Afghanistan in 2011, as a direct result of the worsening economic conditions at home, that led on to a position in Riyadh, Saudi here I am, A Long Way to go for a Sun Tan......

I was sitting in the office today working away, it was lunchtime and a lot of the guys were heading to the Kitchen for lunch, a very normal day, but just then, a bang and the office first I ignored it as you become accustomed to all sorts of noises and thought that it was just another controlled explosion which are common on base, however there was something different about this..

I headed towards the kitchen and heard another bang and then noticed a column of smoke in the air, I then knew this was something more significant, today, I had really arrived in Afghanistan and would feel and smell the conflict in this country.

As the afternoon wore on, the tension mounted, the camp was locked down and I was trying to find out where

the rest of our team were as they were working on different projects around the camp. Helicopters were becoming more numerous and noisy, there were chinooks flying over us and sending out so much dust that you could hardly see around you.... Was it frightening? Yes, but not in a way that I felt that I or the others were in any immediate threat, this was all about a Country fighting against itself, a civil war if you like...

I went to look at BBC on the internet as I felt a hunch that something significant was happening and sure enough, there it was, all the word you associate with this conflict right here beside me, fierce fighting, gun battle and suicide bombers, right here within hearing distance of me, I could feel the vibrations, see the helicopters flying over and most

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of all, could sense the tension...

I have spent one month here this week, working as a Project Manager for a Facilities / Construction Co. here at FOB Tarin Kowt, living on a Military Camp with 6000 soldiers and 500 Contractors like me, but today, I have really arrived here....

It transpired that this was Taliban attack on the Governor’s Compound in the town of Tarin Kowt which is just a few hundred metres from the entrance to the Military Base where we live and work....

22 people were killed that day including innocent women and children and a well known BBC

reporter in this region, It was one of the oddest days I have ever experienced being in a war zone but being essentially safe from it yet so close to it that you sense it in every way, you hear it, smell it, feel it.....

The noise of the choppers continued well into the evening and night time, some as Medical Evacuation, some as Military Missions....

Here is the BBC Report on the day....

Afghanistan: Deadly attack in Tarin Kowt, UruzganInsurgents have carried out a gun and bomb attack in the south Afghan town of Tarin Kowt, Uruzgan province, leaving at least 22 dead, officials say.


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They said the violence included three suicide bombings followed by fighting in a market, adding that all eight attackers had now been killed.The dead include Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, a local BBC reporter.The Taliban say they carried out the attack, which comes amid renewed violence in Afghanistan.NATO says it is providing air support to Afghan forces in Tarin Kowt.TV station stormed Afghan intelligence officials said at least one bomb exploded near the governor’s office and one near the offices of a security firm owned by a local militia commander. It is not clear where the third bomb was detonated.

Most of the fighting took place near these offices, which are close to the main market and a building which houses a local radio and TV station.The BBC’s Bilal Sarwary says the market was attacked from four sides, but the siege was broken by elite forces.Residents said heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and assault rifles were used by both sides.Health officials said 22 people had been killed including three women and 40 injured most of them civilians.Among the dead is Ahmed Omed Khpulwak, a reporter for the BBC Pashto radio service as well as the

Pajhwok news agency.He was one of several people killed when the TV and radio station was attacked.BBC Global News director Peter Horrocks said: “The BBC and the whole world are grateful to journalists like Ahmed Omed who courageously put their lives on the line to report from dangerous places.”Two soldiers were among the dead but no senior government officials have been harmed, officials said.Doomsday’ Eyewitness Mohammad Dadu, a butcher at the market, told the BBC: ‘’I didn’t have time to close my shop. I saw two dead bodies and four injured people with blood on their clothes.“It feels like doomsday. Everyday people came to the market to shop. But today people are here collecting the dead and injured bodies of their relatives. There is blood, smoke from explosives and everyone has fled the area.”Afghan militants have stepped up their attacks as NATO troops begin the handover of security to local forces in parts of the country.On Wednesday the mayor of the volatile city of Kandahar was killed in a suicide attack.Two weeks ago, President Hamid Karzai’s influential half-brother, Ahmad Wali Karzai, was killed in the same city.

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By James Madhok

If you feel pain on your joints, legs and hands, combined with visible swelling on these areas, then you are likely suffering from arthritis pain. This kind of problem may have a lot of contributing factors such as age, improper diet, vitamin deficiency, lack of exercise and

unhealthy habits. Arthritis pain can affect your daily activities and you must immediately

How to Control Arthritis Painseek proper medical advice to treat it properly.

Fortunately, there are now many available ways to handle arthritis pain. One remedy which you have to do is to lose weight. Your weight adds extra stress to your joints, which causes your arthritis pain to act up. So be sure to eat the right balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. Take more foods rich in vitamins C and D which help repair and build up your bone tissues and also maintaining calcium level in your body.

A good exercise regimen is a must to help control arthritis pain. Exercise keeps your weight down and also helps provide movement to your body parts. You may have to ask some advice from your doctor or health practitioner to give you an exercise routine that would not cause pain and discomfort when doing these exercises. Some basic light walking and stretching are the common exercises that are recommended to start the routine. A good massage also helps relieve some of the pain.

Proper medication is given to help control arthritis pain. Your doctor would be able to give you prescriptions to control pain without side effects. For a quick fix to relieve pain, you can use a heating pad or warm compress on your body parts. A good, warm shower would also help ease the pain. You can also apply some

topical medicines like medicated cream, balm or ointment to reduce the pain on your joints.

Try to make use of natural and organic medicines to help alleviate your arthritis. You can use the tea and clay compress which is similar to the hot compress. Just boil

some chamomile or lavender tea leaves and combine with French green clay to form a mixture. Place a cloth around your joint, and then apply the clay mixture. Wrap another cloth around it to secure in place. Let it stay for a while until your pain is gone. Aside from oral medications and topical applications, you can opt to use cortisone injections. This is given by the doctor in case cortisone cream is ineffective to relieve arthritis pain. If the cortisone injection is not enough to relieve you from your pain, then you can ask your doctor to prescribe you immunosuppressive drugs which affect the immune system. The immune system is one of the major factors that cause arthritis pain. These drugs help settle down the immune system, which then results to reduce the pain of your arthritis. All possible treatments are available for you to use. Only in cases of severe arthritis pain must you consider surgery as your final option. You have to talk to your doctor so you would know how everything will affect your life after surgery. You may need to undergo therapy to completely heal thereafter.

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It’s common for fit, young people to attend yoga classes and getting involved in fitness activities. But many people don’t realise the numerous benefits of yoga for the more mature amongst us. Throughout the city older people are quietly and cheaply fixing their back problems and relieving pain through the enjoyable art form of yoga.Much like a soccer league, with everything from retirement and junior teams to senior and national teams, yoga and Pilates have different levels and groups to suit different members of the community. Yoga is well known for creating a bendy physique but it also helps to alleviate and manage osteo and reaumathoidal arthritis, osteoporosis, bulging and slipped discs, frozen shoulders and many stress related back and hip problems. Good yoga schools offer advanced and challenging classes for the young and active and gentler flexibility classes for the older members of the community. A good yoga school also offers men only classes aimed at gents, regardless of age, who want to fix back, hip, neck, knee and hamstring problems, but don’t feel comfortable in a class taught by and aimed at women. But before you put your health in someone else’s hands

and get on track for a healthy and happier future, make sure the teacher’s up to the job. Here’s a list of helpful questions for you to ask your prospective tutor:

• Where did you train and for how long? There is a big difference between courses taught over a space of 1 or 2 years and the short yoga teacher courses offered abroad.

• Are you Yoga Alliance Certified? Yoga alliance Certification guarantees a high level of proficiency.

• Have you done any specific training into Yoga as Therapy? (certification from Yoga Therapy Ireland or similar organisation)

• What is the maximum class size? A good yoga teacher should be able to guarantee you a class of 12 or less people, any more than this you will not get the personal attention needed to ensure you’re practicing safely.

• Has the teacher heard of your particular complaint/condition? A yoga teacher should be interested and knowledgeable with regard to any conditions/complaints that you may have.

• Is the teacher trying to just fill a space in a class rather than ensuring you’re getting the right treatment for your needs?

The advantage of going to a school offering many different classes rather than an individual teacher is the wider choice of classes enables you find a class that’s tailored to your needs. At Kilkenny School of Yoga we make sure all our teaches are trained to the highest standard possible and that classes are available for everyone regardless of age, gender or fitness level.

Wave Goodbye To Back-Pain With Yoga

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White set of teeth can do a lot to your image and personality. When your teeth are discolored, there tend to be some kind of drop in your public confidence. If you have a discolored set of teeth you will find it increasingly difficult to talk and laugh aloud opening in public places. This is not to say that you do not want to laugh but you just feel that you may become a cynosure of all eyes as a result of the color of your teeth.The obvious need to have a more cleanly looking and whiter set of teeth has lead to the increase demand for teeth whitening solutions. Many toothpaste and teeth care manufacturing companies have embarked on a rather aggressive marketing option for their products. This has as well increased the need for people to have whiter set of teeth.One known perfect option when it comes to ensuring that your teeth become very clean is going for teeth whitening. A large number of those that have increased the demand of these whitening products are those that got their teeth discolored as a result of ageing, smoking and other related issues.There tends to be an even higher demand for these products when more and more could see the power in action. Naturally humans as we know are meant to embrace more what has been proven to work for other people. As a

Good Information on Teeth Whitening

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direct effect of the growing interest in teeth whitening, there are now a lot more ways that people can have their teeth whitened to perfection.

Perfect teeth whitening by professional:With this option, the result is more guaranteed to produce a perfect result. Since this option is carried out by a professional dentist, you can be sure that your teeth will come out looking whiter than you ever thought.The dentist will need to have your teeth examined before deciding if you really need a whitening procedure or not. The test is to ascertain the degree of color damage. After the test has been carried out on your teeth only then will he or she be able to form an opinion on what formula to be recommended for your use. You are sure that which ever one he recommends will do the magic.No two tooth whitening cases are the same and as such the dentist will be in a better position to tell you what the result will be. You have to note that some session are more successful than the others. So you should not expect the same result as someone else. The result mainly depends on the degree of teeth damage.

Normal teeth whitening:This can be said to be a home based and self implemented system. You are the one that will carry out the process by yourself without the assistance of the dentist. The procedure is by applying these whitening gel on the affect part of the teeth from time to time. There is no fast or instant means of getting your teeth whitened with this method. So, do not be deceived that your teeth will become white instantly. For a good and long lasting result, you need to follow all the instructions on the product guide. You need to ensure that you have a good knowledge of the effectiveness of any whitening gel before parting with your money.

White Tongue and Bad BreathBy Gary Wickman

Halitosis is the ‘official’ name for bad breath. Bad breath though it sounds like a minor problem can actually cause you a great deal of stress for many reasons – it’s embarrassing for you every time you open your mouth, it can ruin your chances in romance and it can even stifle your career. That and of course it’s not that nice for your friends and family either... Fortunately in many cases bad breath is treatable and it may just be that you need to floss a little harder or use a mouth wash on a regular basis. However in other cases it can have a more specific visible cause – and if you notice you have a white tongue as well as bad breath then this can suggest a range of causes.

Oral ThrushOne cause of bad breath coupled with a white tongue is oral thrush. This is a condition caused by the bacteria ‘candida’ – a bacteria that we all have in our mouths but that can cause problems in large quantities. This is a fungal infection and can often occur when you have a low immune system caus-ing an imbalance. This will normally die down after you have managed to address the condition causing your low immune system. You may notice you have a white tongue when you have flu or cold symptoms and lots of rest and drinking lots of water is the order of the day here. It is also believed that some medications can increase the amount of candida in the mouth so you should check with your doctor if you suspect this may be the case.

DehydrationA white tongue can also be a sign of dehydration and this might contribute to bad breath as it prevents the mouth from producing enough saliva to wash and disinfect the inside of the mouth (we produce less saliva during the night which is why we have bad breath in the morning). Make sure you drink lots of water then to prevent this from happening and aim for around seven glasses a day.

BacteriaAlternatively a white tongue can just be the build up of sulphu-rous compounds which are developed by the bacteria in our mouths. This is the excretion of the bacteria that lived beneath the tongue and it is a common cause of bad breath. This tends to occur when people forget to brush their tongue and rather just brush their teeth. Make sure that every day after brush-ing your teeth, you then scrape your tongue with the brush to remove any bacteria or compounds that may have gotten on it during the day. More bacteria lives on the tongue than any-where else in the mouth so to miss this out of your cleaning re-gime is folly. Some toothbrushes come with a ‘tongue scraper’ on the reverse of their head specifically for this task. Using a mouth wash can also help you to remove bacteria from the areas you might normally miss with a toothbrush. Alternatively you can swill salt water with some baking soda which will have a similar effect.

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Body language can be an extremely powerful or attractant or deterrent when it comes to building relationships with others. Could you be unknowingly undermining your networking efforts through your body language?

Here’s a good experiment to implement, sooner rather than later. The next time you’re out networking, take along a trusted friend and have him observe your body language. Here are several things you can ask him to focus on regarding your performance at this event:

• Eye contact. Are you making good eye contact throughout the conversation? Or are you looking behind the person to see who else is at the event?Arm movement. What are your arms doing? Are they folded (“I’m bored”) or tucked behind your back (“I’m interested”)?

• Positioning. Are you standing in a manner that is open and welcoming, or blocking people out of your conversation? Are you leaning on something, as if bored or tired? Are you unable to shake hands because you’re juggling a plateful of food?

• Facial expressions. Are you smiling, or holding back a yawn? Are you showing interest? What does your face say?

Take time to discuss your friend’s observations and reactions. Listen to the feedback, become more aware, and make adjustments accordingly. Our body language is primarily subconscious–we’re usually not aware of it, or the hidden messages it sends. That’s why we need the help of someone we trust to give us honest feedback.

People check you out visually within the first seven seconds of meeting you. With that in mind, try these two actions in the next few weeks to help ensure that you are making positive and powerful first impressions:

1. Look in the mirror before leaving the house and ask yourself, “What message am I sending to those who are meeting me for the first time? What opinions will they have of me before I even open my mouth?”

2. Become more aware of your body language by getting feedback. What are you saying without speaking a word? Take someone with you to your next networking function and ask them to provide honest, direct feedback on your body language.

Body Language Can Be the Silent Killer of Conversations

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Features’ and ‘Benefits’….Two of the most common words in business.Two of the most commonly misunderstood.A ‘feature’ describes something. A ‘benefit’ explains how your future is enhanced by it.“This toothpaste is minty” – feature: it describes the toothpaste“This toothpaste will help your breath smell nice” – benefit: this outlines why you’ll be better off after using itBut “this toothpaste is the mintiest on the planet” is not a benefit. It is describing how uniquely wonderful the toothpaste is. And, because it’s describing, it’s a feature – albeit a unique, glorious one.The phrase Unique Selling Point (USP) has contributed to many organisations selling by describing their own wonderful uniqueness… “we are the fastest, best, smallest, smartest”… These are simply fancy features, not benefits to others.Have a look at your organisation’s website and brochures – do they talk about how great you are, or how much the customer will benefit after using you?

Persuade others it’s in their interest to do what you want

Three simple guidelines with benefits:They focus on the customer, so usually contain the word ‘you’A phrase is only a benefit if the customer – not you – perceives it as suchBenefits happen in the future, because they have not happened for the customer yet. This future-focus led me to coin the word ‘AFTERs’ instead of ‘benefits’. Why is your customer better-off AFTER buying?Unless your audiences perceive that saying ‘yes’ will enhance their future, they’re less likely to do what you want.Action pointLook at the words you use to sell your ideas, your propositions, yourself. Do you tend to describe the greatness of your idea (ie list its features)? Or major on how much it will benefit your audience?If it’s the former, increase their engagement by…asking yourself ‘how does my content benefit them?’ensure you emphasise these benefits throughout, especially at the start, to engage them early.

This tip was created by communication expert Andy Bounds.To see more of his advice visit

Andy Bounds

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On August 29th, 2012 as the Irish Team marches into the Olympic Stadium for the Opening Ceremony, it will mark the final step on a long and winding road. For some this will be the last mile in a

journey started many years ago, and for others, it is a milestone along a road yet to be travelled. But for each and every one of the team members, London will be a pinnacle in their sporting career, built on the foundations of immense effort, dedication, sacrifice, commitment, belief and passion.For Paralympics Ireland, the planning and preparation to deliver the best-prepared team for London began many years ago. Supporting our athletes to chase their dream, Route 2012 & the Eye on London 2012 Performance Plan laid down the standards and milestones that needed to be achieved in order for all to reach their goals.The first milestone on the journey to London was the appointment of the CEO of Paralympics Ireland, Liam Harbison as Chef de Mission of the Irish Team. Harbison, working closely with Performance Director, Nancy Chillingworth set about managing a successful qualification campaign as well as putting the key supports in place for athletes to perform at the Games.2010 was a pivotal year in our athletes’ calendars, hosting many World Championships in respective sporting disciplines. Athletes focussed on their preparations whilst the first of six Renault Ireland Team 2012 Training Camps’ of the London cycle was held in Limerick. Athletes continued to perform with distinction on the world stage including Mark Rohan winning Gold at the UCI World Paracycling Championships. Plans were also a foot to finalise the Irish Sports Council PreGames Holding Camp

at a suitable location in Europe. The final decision was to locate the Irish Team in the Portuguese City of Coimbra and Move Sports were contracted as our support agency on the ground in Portugal.2011 saw the announcement of the Paralympic Ireland sports panels and athletes continued with their preparations for London. Preparations are meticulous by their very nature, the necessary sacrifice consuming every aspect of the athletes’ life. Goals for each are different and individual. To some it will be a personal best, or a place in the final and for others, it may be targeting the ultimate prize in gold.Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to go out and create it”. In creating their future, each athlete has planned and plotted in minute detail each step towards their ultimate goal. The year was crucial as the qualification period for London began with the announcement of the relevant qualifying standards. The London Strategy group, tasked with producing detailed preparation recommendations for athletes for London, published their documents after extensive research. Two further camps were hosted in Limerick.Following a summer of intensive competition, both Athletes and Staff, travelled to Coimbra, Portugal to the Pre Games Base Familiarisation Camp and experienced first hand the climate and training conditions they would face the same time the following year when they will be in their final


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preparation phase before London.In December 2011, the selection criteria for each of the Paralympic Sporting disciplines were publishedand the focus of the athletes clearly turned to securing their place on this Irish Team. The road to London competition and training continued for athletes, primary focus resting on the achievement of the qualification standards by the closing date of June 9th. Over the course of the year, Irish athletes continued to perform exceptionally at International level with successes for Michael McKillop and Catherine O’Neill at the IPC World Athletics Championships as well as for Mark Rohan, Catherine Walsh and Fran Meehan, and Colin Lynch reigning supreme over the year. Ongoing support of the Eye on London 2012 Programme ensured our athletes were afforded the best support available in their quest.Administration and contact with London increased steadily as preparations continued at pace right up the selection deadline of June 19th when the 49 athletes from 10 sports were officially ratified to represent Ireland in London. The size of this team is impressive, despite the Irish Team not comprising of a Football squad of 12 on this occasion, the actual team size was maintained. Two further Domestic Camps will take place before London with the first ever camp Northern Ireland Camp on June 28th for four days and the final Renault Ireland Team 2012

Training Camp in Limerick on the August Bank Holiday weekend.On August 16th, the bulk of the team will travel to Coimbra, Portugal to the ISC PreGames Holding Camp and from there move onto their base in the Paralympic village in London on the 24th. From the Opening Ceremony on August 29th-September 9th, our athletes will challenge the boundaries of our expectations, allowing us to share their dreams, and experience the roller coaster ride that is Paralympic competition.We enter these games in a fantastic position with five current world champions and competing across eight events and two world record holders across four events. They are part of an Irish team which has a valuable blend of experience; with John Twomey impressively competing in his tenth Paralympic Games, and youth; with several Paralympic debutants who are aiming to impress on the biggest stage of all.Paralympics Ireland is grateful for the continuing support of the Irish Sports Council, Sport NI & our various Partners and Sponsors and all the dedicated volunteers who have tirelessly supported our athletes on the journey to London. Four years of meticulous preparation, training and competing is now almost complete and with this in mind, we welcome and encourage your support for what we expect will be a truly spectacular ten days of sporting achievement.

Check Out: for more info.

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As I watched our five Olympic medal winning athletes being paraded through their respective towns I couldn’t but think back to my thoughts and debates of the past couple of weeks. Should we be happy with just five medals? Should we be content with being great at boxing, good at show jumping but average or less than average at the other two hundred and one sports played at these games?The medal haul of these games equals Ireland’s best achievements in the Olympics to date, we also won a single gold, one silver and three bronze in Melbourne so, maybe, these games should be compared with that and lauded as a great success for Irish sport.But, of course, it wasn’t a great success! We had only a couple of other entrants that came anywhere close to a medal and the rest were anything but competitive. Where are our track and field athletes gone? Our great tradition of middle distance running is fading fast and we may not even see an Irish singlet in these races in Rio.I am a fan of Olympic sporting tradition because, to me, it embodies all that is true of personal achievement. Ignore the cretins that cheat or lose ungraciously, they just don’t get it. I’m talking about Katie Taylor or Jessica Ennis; athletes that spend each and every day learning their craft, practice until they bleed in the search for greatness. These are the idols of today and tomorrow.We can argue that there is not enough funding for the athletes, we can blame the GAA for enticing our sporting boys and girls to

their codes and preventing them from joining up, and we can even blame parents for not pushing their children hard enough to try. We can blame and argue until we are blue in the face but it won’t change the fact that it is all and none of the above.Our national sport is Gaelic and it is just unfortunate that it is not played at an international level or we would guarantee gold every time. It’s not the fault of the GAA that their two codes are so popular in this country and we cannot criticise them for exploiting or protecting this position. While Gaelic sports may not provide Ireland with much of a worldwide appeal it does give localities targets and titles to aim for and this may be just as important as a boxing gold in any Olympics.Why should parents support their kids in the pursuit of sporting greatness? Unless they are playing Golf or Soccer, the chances of making a decent living from sport is slim and the sacrifices usually outweigh the rewards. The Olympics come along once every four years and the athletes train for most of that time, night and day, winter and summer. Paddy Barnes was on a grant of €40k and he would have lost half of that had he not won a medal. These are not the riches we would normally associate with sports and, while Paddy may still be an amateur, it is not a lot of money to cover expenses, kit and travel.This brings me to the third oft discussed issue; funding from the state. It takes a lot of cash to build and run facilities, cover the expenses of the athletes, hire trainers and specialists and pay for the travel, marketing and other operating costs

related to the pursuit of sporting success. We are a small debt ridden nation without the

financial clout or reserves of others but we do what we can with the little we have.

The Boxing Centre of Excellence and

Gulliver’s eye

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the Aquatics Centre are just two examples of investment that have either already paid dividends or soon will.If we can’t afford to be better at more sports then, maybe, we should just concentrate on the ones we are good at now. Had we won more than one gold medal would that really have made any difference to the celebrations? I think not. It doesn’t matter if the sport is national or international; we support and celebrate regardless of the outcome. The likelihood that Kilkenny will claim the Liam McCarthy Cup again this year won’t prevent the supporters of other counties cheering on their teams in the somewhat vain hope that this year they might just beat the Black & Amber.The boys in green in Poland this year are the shining example of what true support really is. Never mind the ludicrous comments spewed by Roy Keane in lambasting the cheering of a poor team achieving an even poorer result. He spent his playing career in a winning team and seems to have forgotten that until recently; Irish football has always flattered to deceive and now doesn’t even bother with the flattery.I’ve spent many nights arguing that some of the public money given to the FAI, IRFU and GAA should be spent on our athletes, swimmers, cyclists and sailors and I now sit contrite in the knowledge that I am, most probably, wrong in my argument. Neither the Irish football or Rugby National teams will likely ever win the World Cups in their respective sports nor will Gaelic Football or Hurling generate the national excitement that Katie’s gold medal has, but all three sports will always be supported by casuals and fanatics alike.It pains me to say that our next Ronnie Delaney or Sonia O’Sullivan will be born great and not bred by any man made training camp. Katie Taylor already had the talent and her coaches merely provided the necessary skills to bring that talent to the fore. If you are bereft of talent then no amount of coaching is going to help and we don’t have the cash to do anything about it.We only got medals in boxing and show jumping

and failed in all those other sports but I would have given many body parts to just be at the Olympics let alone participate. I should not care that most of our athletes could not compete with the opposition but take pride that we were represented by those able and willing to try, and we were represented well.So forget the fact that we may not see Olympic gold for another twenty years, forget the fact that Kilkenny will always be better than Dublin at Hurling and forget the fact the our Soccer team is still crap. Whether they play for the local club, the County or the Country, they play for you and me and that should be enough.

[email protected]

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Successful restaurant chefs produce delicious, visually appealing food quickly, often at high volume, sometimes in limited space and always with a tight rein on cost. Many of their tried-and-true methods adapt surprisingly well to home kitchens. You can put their tricks to use to pull off multicourse meals, have everything ready simultaneously, wow your dinner companions with artful presentation and serve a crowd with ease.

Planning & PreparationThe French term “mise en place” refers to the philosophy of “everything put in place” used in well-run commercial kitchens. In his book “The Elements of Cooking,” award-winning food writer Michael Ruhlman recommends using this mark of a professional in your home kitchen to conquer complicated recipes and multicourse meals with ease.In its strictest sense, mise en place streamlines the actual cooking process by putting everything you need for a recipe at your fingertips---chopped, measured and ready to go. But mise en place applies equally well to all stages of a meal, including planning. “How many parties have you done when you’re in a total flurry at the end? The meal may come out on time, but

Restaurant Tricks You Should Try at HomeSteal a few secrets from the pros to turn out restaurant-quality food from your own kitchen by Deb Barracato (

the kitchen ends up absolutely upside down,” says Jeff Larson, a private chef. You can avoid this all too common scenario by taking a few minutes beforehand to jot down a menu plan with estimated time requirements and ordered steps for each dish. “Plan a menu you can be successful with, leaving no more than three things to do at the last minute,” Larson recommends. This is particularly vital when you cook for a large holiday gathering or are the host of a dinner party for friends.

Cooking in StagesParcooking food allows restaurant chefs to plate seemingly complicated meals within minutes of receiving a guest’s order. You can use this technique at home to bring multiple dishes to the table simultaneously --- still hot, with nothing overcooked --- by preparing proteins and vegetables ahead of time.Jordan Holcomb, sous chef, recommends blanching and shocking vegetables up to a few hours ahead of dinnertime. Cook the vegetables to the point of crisp-tender, and lock them in with a quick plunge into an ice bath. When it’s time to serve, you simply heat the vegetables in the microwave or a saute pan for two or

“How many parties have you done when you’re in a total flurry at the end? The meal may come out on time, but the kitchen ends up absolutely upside down.”

Jeff Larson, private chef

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three minutes, tops.He also precooks mashed potatoes, holding them at serving temperature in a tight “pillow-pack” of plastic wrap. He recommends using commercial-quality plastic wrap because it holds up to the heat. Mound the hot mashed potatoes in the center of a length of plastic wrap. Fold the plastic around the potatoes tightly. Wrap the package, seam side down, in another piece of plastic wrap. Do this a third time, then store the potatoes in a warm oven or under a foil tent until you’re ready to plate the meal. “Now you basically have your own piping bag,” Holcomb says, explaining that if you snip off one corner, you can squeeze the potatoes onto the plate with an attractive swirl rather than plopping them in a blob off a spoon.You can handle the protein portion of the meal in advance too, making it possible to cook steaks, for example, without a crowd of hungry guests staring anxiously at you across the grill. About half an hour before your friends arrive, grill the steaks to rare or medium rare, turning them by 45 degrees on each side to achieve the attractive crosshatch pattern. Let the steaks cool to room temperature on a cookie sheet while the oven preheats to 400 degrees F. “Once the meat rests and cools, you have about six minutes (in the oven) before it starts to cook again,” Holcomb explains. So if you want the medium rare steaks you pulled off the grill to stay medium rare, reheat them in the oven for five or six minutes; if you want to carry them on to medium or more, leave them for an additional five to 10 minutes.

Presentation PointersProfessional chefs abide by the adage “we eat with our eyes first,” and artful plate presentation can elevate a ho-hum dish into an elegant meal. You don’t need a culinary degree, or even an especially artistic eye, to turn your ordinary Wednesday night dinner into a visual feast.If you’re like most home cooks, you serve the standard meat-starch-vegetable meal in a three-point landing on the plate --- a hunk of meat, a pile of vegetables and a mound of starch relegated to their own quadrants. But unless you’re feeding a toddler who refuses to eat when the food touches, you can do much better. Simply integrating the elements of a meal into a composed stack makes for a much more interesting aesthetic. Start with a base of starch, be it rice or potatoes or something more complex, then balance the meat on an angle against it. Add the vegetables in a circle around the outer rim of the plate, or stand them up next to the meat to add height. Finish the plate with a drizzle of sauce down the sides and around the edges of the stack.Holcomb offers another easy tip to up the visual appeal of your meal: Slice your meats before plating them. If you’re serving a chicken breast or pork tenderloin, for example, cut it on the bias into three or four pieces that you can fan out on the plate.Whenever appropriate, cook cuts still on the bone and use them as a focal point on the plate, he adds. Build a teepee out of chicken drumsticks; cut the meat away from the end on a bone-in pork chop for a “lollipop” presentation; or separate a rack of lamb or pork ribs into several hunks, then use the bones to support standing sections.Finally, follow the lead of top restaurants and serve hot food on warmed plates and cold food on chilled plates to keep the food at the correct temperature longer. To do this at home, put a stack of plates in the oven and heat it to 200 or 250 degrees F., then turn off the oven. Or chill plates in the freezer for 10 minutes before serving salads or cold dessert.

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One of the toughest jobs that anyone in the world can have is that of a parent. Raising children is even more difficult for those who have to undertake the job without having a partner to help parent the kids.

Single parents face many more challenges because they often have to be both mother and father as well as hold down a job to keep a roof over their family’s heads and put food on the table. It’s hard to be everything to everyone but with these parenting help, you will learn how to be effectively raising children without pulling out all of your hair.

Be a Team Working together as a unit is essential for a family to function properly. This is especially true for single parents and working parents. When everything is left for one person to do, things become a lot more difficult.

You really must learn to delegate the household responsibilities so that everyone has certain chores that they are responsible to complete. Even very young can perform certain chores such as picking up their toys, piling the covers up on their beds or putting the laundry in the hamper. This type of teamwork is important for raising children who understand responsibility as well as improved child parent relationships.

Never Be a Friend Many parents try to be more of a friend to their kids rather than truly being a parent to them. This is a major problem

as the kids have difficulty learning how to respect people in authority.

You, the parent is the authoritarian in all of the child parent relationships in your family. Without you taking your position as head of the family, your children will think that they are on the same playing field as you. Remember, you are the parent and not your child’s friend.

Just Get Away Alone time is very important for parents, however it is usually pretty hard to find some time that you can have to yourself. The stress that single parents and working parents endure oftentimes can harm child parent relationships.

That is why taking time for yourself is not only well deserved but needed in order to be a good parent. Even if you can only squeeze one hour each

Parenting Advice for Single Parents on Raising ChildrenRaising children is more difficult for those who have to undertake the job without having a partner to help parent the kids. Follow these parenting advice to help you raising children successfully on your own and strengthen child parent relationships.

by Noah Brown

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week to get away from everything, you should do it. You’ll feel better about yourself and you will see less trouble in your child parent relationships.

One on One Time Kids always compete to get their parents’ attention and this can be overwhelming when you are raising children without a spouse or partner. Since there is only one parent, all of your kids will want to have your attention.

Parenting advice: This is easily solved by creating small blocks of time in which you will spend doing something special with that child. It needn’t cost you any money. You could go for a bike ride, play a game of Go Fish or simply read a book together. Whatever it is that you choose to do together doesn’t really matter; as long as you spend the time to build your child parent relationships

you’ll be raising children who are happy and well adjusted.

Prioritize Your Life Single parents can’t be at more than one place at a time and unfortunately, teachers and activities instructors don’t seem to understand the simple fact that you are raising children on your own. You’ll need to set priorities as to which event you will be attending on a particular day.

The best parenting help is to engage your kids in a conversation about which event they would most like you to attend. This will help them to understand that you wish you could attend all the events but you can’t. Knowing this concerns you will help your kids develop healthier child parent relationships.

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By an eHow Contributor

As if parenting teenagers isn’t difficult enough, millions of single parents find themselves facing that challenge alone. Despite the challenges, some of the approximately 12 million single parent families includes well-adjusted teens and parents.

Instructions1. Create a home that is secure and loving so that everyone feels safe. Say, “I love you” regularly.

2. Keep channels of communication open. In any parent-teen relationship,

communication is one of the most important

determinants for a successful relationship. Never forget to listen.

3. Remember that teenagers are still children who need boundaries, guidance and a role model. No matter what type of stress you’re under, you still need to be a parent to your teen, not a buddy. And your teen doesn’t need to play at being a parent either.

4. Respond to teenagers honestly when they express worries about present circumstances or the future. Teens do worry about what will happen if something happens to you. They also worry about you when it’s time for them to leave for college. Don’t dismiss their worries, but try to provide some reassurance with that honesty.

5. Get help from a counselor specializing in teenagers and family therapy if life at home seems to be

spiraling out of control. When a marriage breaks up during the teen years, teenagers may experience upsetting feelings that leads to major rebellion.

6. Realize that it’s normal for teens to rebel, whether a marriage has broken up or

not. Not everything is about your status as a single parent. Sometimes teenagers rebel because they’re teenagers.

7. Recognize that single parents can’t be both mother and father to teenagers. If the other birth parent isn’t a part of your child’s

life, see if a relative of the same sex can take a special

interest in your child.

How to Deal With Teenagers as a Single Parent

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ASK any parent what the best thing about a new school term is and their response is probably the quietness. Our reporter Anne O’Hare goes in search of this ever-elusive and ever-transient quality across the border, to Rostrevor in County Down.

THERE’S a quality of wildness that exists among the foothills of the Mournes above Rostrevor, which coincides with utter solitude.And it’s among these hills that the small community of Benedictine Monks have made their home for the past eight years.Serenity pervades, within the walls of the Holy Cross M o n a s t e r y , punctuated only by the haunting sound of G r e g o r i a n chant. And it’s for this reason I have

decided to come and investigate that ever-elusive, ever-transient quality known to few – silence.Fr Mark Ephrem is the monastery’s superior and has been a Benedictine monk for over 33 years. He reveals silence is not just for monks and he believes it is an essential form of being. He said: “I think while it is true monks are silent,

it’s not just monks who are called to be silent. There is no value in

just a void, essentially it’s about tuning into our inner

voice of love.“When you begin to

experience silence there is usually a

lot of turbulence and interference going on inside. It’s like trying to tune into the correct radio station, you experience a

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go as far as to say society fears silence. For many, silence is more threatening to us than noise.“The most serious consequence of both this inner chattering and the noise and activity of the modern world is they separate us from our true selves. And getting to know our true self can have a liberating effect on us.”Fr Mark was eager to point out his community offers a calming refuge to those with faith, and those with none.

“Today, for example, at table,” before he continued he gently joked ‘table’ was a more theologically correct way of describing lunch. He continued: “We had nine guests staying with us, eight of whom were from the Protestant traditions. In fact, over half our guests who stay are non-Catholic.”My report may have begun in search of the benefits of a still mind, yet I was about to learn the real meaning of the word ecumenism. What I discovered was at Holy Cross Monastery, there are also equal virtues at play – tolerance and compassion. Reconciliation, the brother’s state, between Christians in Northern Ireland is central to the mission of the Rostrevor Benedictines, maybe the up-shot of experiencing the authentic self through regular extended periods of silence. They also state that to find peace where Christians of varying creeds can worship together is a greatly treasured gift in Northern Ireland. Where division and trauma have hardened hearts and undermined trust.Hope continues to pervade too, both in the hearts of the Benedictine’s and their many hundreds of guests they welcome each year and hail from both sides of the border. A kind of testimony to the serenity contained within the walls of this humble little monastery, near Kilbroney, in Rostrevor.

crackling noise and discordance.“But, after an extended period of silence, during those first few days, the inner dialogue quietens down and you begin to achieve that essential stillness. Like murky water as it settles. Above all, through this process we can experience a profound sense of inner peace.”

According to some rather significant statistics in an article published in Time Magazine recently, ‘Get Thee to a Monastery,’ there has been a startling increase in the number of people looking for the solace and escape offered by traditional abbeys.Monasteries and abbeys usually associated with medieval myth are besieged with would-be retreatants and booked months in advance.The article added that medical doctors will soon

be prescribing extended periods of silence on a regular basis, simply to recharge the batteries and

survive the intensity of society’s high

stress levels.Fr Mark suggests that this appears

to be part of a growing trend at Holy Cross too. He adds: “Today everyone complains about noise pollution, but at the same time the greatest contradiction is everyone seems to

be buying into it. “In fact, I would

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SHOP RIDDLEThere is a sign in a shop that reads:

Buy 1 for €1.00

10 for €2.00

100 for €3.00

I needed 913 and still only paid €3.00.

How could this be financially viable for

the shop-keeper?

Crossing GuardDuring WWII, there was a bridge connecting Germany and Switzerland, and on the German side, there was a sentry tower with a guard in it. He would come out every three minutes to check on the bridge, and he had orders to turn back anyone who tried to get into Germany, and shoot anyone trying to escape without a pass. There was a woman who desperately needed to get into Switzerland, and she knew she didn’t have time to get a pass. It would take her at least six minutes to cross the bridge, but she managed to do it. How?

It’s a jungle out thereYou’re riding a horse. To the right of you is a drop and in front of you is an elephant moving at the same pace and you can’t overtake it. To the left of you is a hippo running at the same speed and a lion is chasing you. How do you get to safety?

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Natural beauty has as much to do with what is going on inside you as it does what is going on outside of you. The stressors in our lives can show up on our faces, and even our hair and nails can all be affected. Here are a few beauty tips to help keep you feeling beautiful inside and out!

1. Learn to let go and practice deep breathing.It’s really easy to get so wired up that we forget to breathe. It’s time to make it a habit to constantly take in some deep breaths now and again especially if you are out in the open where there is fresh air. Deep breathing can help get a relaxed mind and help you take in much needed oxygen that can assist in the circulation of your blood. Sometimes to help you let go of stress and do that old count to three before you say anything is to take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it to a count of 10 and let it go out through your mouth. You will find that can be very helpful. Try it a few times and you will see how it can relax your mind as well as help get more air in.

2. In the mood for a snack?Why not treat yourself for a non-fat yogurt and combine it with your favorite fruit slices? Dairy products such as yogurt are naturally rich in Calcium to strengthen bones and vitamin A which plays a great role in making our skin beautiful. Non-fat yogurt also contains friendly bacteria known as probiotics to enhance digestive processes. There are also brands that offer non-dairy soy based yogurts that take a little getting used to because they are not same thickness that dairy yogurts are. If you can’t have dairy meaning cow, look into goat or even sheep products. There is always more than one way to get Calcium into you.

3. Never be without a lip balm.Using lip balm helps maintain the condition of your lips which in turn helps to enhance your natural beauty. No likes to kiss chapped flaking lips, and that means you too guys! So to keep your kisser ready to be kissed it is always best to carry a lip balm wherever you may go. Lip balm can prevent your lips from drying out by helping keep them moisturized.. Lip Balms are one of the best ways to prevent or cure lip chapping. With the right kind of lip balm, it can also soften your lips. Personal favorites? BLSoaps! And Vitamin E by Reviva Labs for nighttime lip care.

4. Be mindful of what you apply on your hairWhen you apply certain things on your hair, such as gel, hairspray, or mousse, you should do it sparingly. This is because, using it excessively can irritate your scalp and it will cause build up.

Avoid shampoo or hair products that are filled with sulfates - It is always best to check on the label of the shampoo that you are about to buy from the grocery store. Sulfates can be harsh to your hair, which can dry up its cuticle of your hair.

5. Fast ways to find makeup ideas that is right read magazines. You can learn more about the latest various makeup techniques by reading the latest beauty magazines. This does not mean that you should limit yourself to just reading the articles about applying makeup, check out all the pictures of celebrities and see how their makeup experts enhanced their beautiful faces. Great way to find new beauty tips for sure!

6. And last but just as important, looking for the newest most up to date beauty tips?Check out blogs. That’s right, you hear me, beauty bloggers will have the latest products, tips, how’s to than any beauty magazine will. And most bloggers look like you and me, and not all air-brushed into no longer looking believable.Gone are the days were you would need to acquire the best information you had to go to your local department store about applying makeup. You can simply do it by accessing the internet, and checking out blogs about it. Lots of blogs are launched with topics related to makeup. Aside from offering informative articles, you can also post your questions on these blogs, which may be answered by the person behind it, or by other people who are visiting the site.

6 Natural Beauty tipsBy Kim sNyder

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by Michael J. McGroarty

Flower bulbs need a good, long, winter’s sleep. Like some people we know, if they wake up before they are fully rested, they get kind of cranky, and then they don’t bloom well at all. Actually what happens is during a mild winter, the soil stays too warm, and the bulbs begin to come out of dormancy early. They start to grow, and once the tips emerge above the soil line, they are subject to freezing

if the temperatures dip back down below freezing. And that’s usually what happens. After the bulbs have emerged, they freeze and then don’t bloom at all, or if they do it’s a very sad display. Another reason this happens is because the bulbs are not planted deep enough. They may have been deep enough when you planted them, but as the soil goes through the freezing and thawing process, the bulbs can actually work their way up in the ground. One way to keep your flower bulbs sleeping longer, which will protect them from freezing, is to mulch the bed. In the fall just apply a 3-4” layer of well composted mulch. This layer of mulch will do a couple of things.

It will maintain a higher moisture content in the soil, which is good, as long as the soil isn’t too soggy. Well composted mulch also adds valuable organic matter to the planting bed. Organic matter makes a great natural fertilizer. A 3-4” layer of mulch also acts as an insulator. It will keep the soil from freezing for a while, which is good because you don’t want the bulbs going through a series of short cycles of freezing and thawing.

Mulch Your Spring Flower Bulbs in theAutum for a Beautiful Spring Display

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Then when the temperatures drop below freezing and stay there for a while, the soil does eventually freeze. Then the mulch actually works in reverse and keeps the soil from thawing out too early. Keeping it in a frozen state is actually good because the bulbs remain dormant for a longer period of time. When they finally do wake up it is spring time, and hopefully by the time they emerge from the ground the danger of a hard freeze is past and they will not be damaged. If you can keep them from freezing, they will flower beautifully. The extra organic matter will help to nourish the bulbs when they are done blooming, and the cycle starts all over again. We also plant annual flowers in the same beds with our spring bulbs. By the time the

danger of frost is past and it’s time to plant the annuals, the top of the bulbs have died back and are ready to be removed. The mulch that is added in the fall also helps to nourish the annual flowers, as well as improve the soil permanently. Anytime you add well composted organic matter to your planting beds, you are bound to realize multiple benefits. The key words here are “well composted”. Fresh material is not good.

Michael J. McGroarty is the author of this article.Visit his most interesting website: and sign up for his excellent gardening newsletter.Article provided by:

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