kildonan teacher training institute€¦ · - teaching of vocabulary, comprehension, pragmatics,...

Kildonan Teacher Training Institute Associate Level Certified Level CERTIFIED LEVEL - COURSE I (40 hours coursework) November 1, 2, 3, 15, 16 2019 - Knowledge of dyslexia and reading disabilities - Review of basic phonology and handwriting instruction - Case management and professional communications - Formal and informal assessment measures - Understanding and interpretation of standardized testing - Student prole and matching lesson plans - Knowledge of methods and programs derived from O.G. CERTIFIED LEVEL - COURSE II (40 hours coursework) - e stages of words attack and the O.G. lesson plan - Review of phonology, phonics, and handwriting instruction - Study of morphology and advanced elements of the language - Exploration of the systematic, structured writing process - Teaching of vocabulary, comprehension, pragmatics, and study skills - AOGPE Code of Ethics 2019 -20 Orton-Gillingham Training & Practicum TWO WEEK ASSOCIATE LEVEL COURSE WORK & SUBSEQUENT PRACTICUM (70 hours coursework) Oered June 2020 Dates to be announced (Includes 10 Additional Hours of Training Beyond the Required 60 Hours) is includes the following topics: - Dyslexia and reading disorders - e rationale of the Orton-Gillingham Approach - Phonology and morphology - e motor component and the writing process - Vocabulary, reading comprehension, and uency - Assessment and diagnostic-prescriptive teaching - e student prole, lesson plan, and teaching materials - e Academy structure and requirements Space is limited to twenty participants. Cost for the full ten day course is $2,000.00, which includes lunch and snacks. Dinner and accommodations on campus are available for an additional fee of $750.00. Contact us: Visit our website or contact KTTI Director, Kathleen Stewart, at [email protected] or 845-373-2028 for an application or additional information

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Page 1: Kildonan Teacher Training Institute€¦ · - Teaching of vocabulary, comprehension, pragmatics, and study skills - AOGPE Code of Ethics 2019-20 Orton-Gillingham Training & Practicum

Kildonan Teacher Training Institute

A s s o c i a t e L e v e l C e r t i f i e d L e v e lCERTIFIED LEVEL - COURSE I (40 hours coursework) November 1, 2, 3, 15, 16 2019

- Knowledge of dyslexia and reading disabilities- Review of basic phonology and handwriting instruction- Case management and professional communications- Formal and informal assessment measures- Understanding and interpretation of standardized testing- Student profile and matching lesson plans- Knowledge of methods and programs derived from O.G.

CERTIFIED LEVEL - COURSE II (40 hours coursework)

- The stages of words attack and the O.G. lesson plan- Review of phonology, phonics, and handwriting

instruction- Study of morphology and advanced elements of the language- Exploration of the systematic, structured writing process- Teaching of vocabulary, comprehension, pragmatics, and

study skills- AOGPE Code of Ethics

2 0 1 9 - 2 0 O r t o n - G i l l i n g h a m Tr a i n i n g & P r a c t i c u m


Offered June 2020 Dates to be announced

(Includes 10 Additional Hours of Training Beyond the Required 60 Hours)

This includes the following topics: - Dyslexia and reading disorders- The rationale of the Orton-Gillingham Approach- Phonology and morphology- The motor component and the writing process- Vocabulary, reading comprehension, and fluency- Assessment and diagnostic-prescriptive teaching- The student profile, lesson plan, and teaching materials- The Academy structure and requirements

Space is limited to twenty participants. Cost for the full ten day course is $2,000.00, which includes lunch and snacks. Dinner and accommodations on campus are available for an additional fee of $750.00.

C o n t a c t u s :V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e

K i l d o n a n . o r g

o r c o n t a c t K T T I D i r e c t o r ,K a t h l e e n S t e w a r t , a t

k s t e w a r t @ k i l d o n a n . o r g o r8 4 5 - 3 7 3 - 2 0 2 8

f o r a n a p p l i c a t i o n o r a d d i t i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n

Page 2: Kildonan Teacher Training Institute€¦ · - Teaching of vocabulary, comprehension, pragmatics, and study skills - AOGPE Code of Ethics 2019-20 Orton-Gillingham Training & Practicum

Kildonan Teacher Training Institute & Camp Dunnabeck

Kildonan Teacher Training Institute (KTTI) is an outgrowth of the Kildonan School founded by Diana Hanbury King to serve the needs of dyslexic students. KTTI's mission is to empower individuals with dyslexia and support literacy widely through the education of teachers in the best practices of the Orton-Gillingham approach by offering

trainings, practicum supervision, and student diagnostics.

Camp Dunnabeck, the oldest residential camp of its kind, was established in 1955 by Diana Hanbury King to support intelligent children who are having difficulty in their academic work because of dyslexia or language-based learning disabilities. The Orton-Gillingham Approach is used throughout both those programs.

Course Trainers

Kathleen Loftus Stewart, AOGPE Fellow, Director of The Kildonan Teacher Training Insitute, began Language her Orton- Gillingham odyssey at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has worked in a variety of settings including a therapeutic school, private practice, and private and public schools. She was trained at the Certified level By Diana Hanbury King and worked at the Kildonan School for fourteen years. She holds an MA and MAT in English and holds certification in New York and Massachusetts.

Laurie J. Cousseau, AOGPE Fellow,, has more than twenty years as an educator working in a variety of settings: independent schools, a public charter school, a working farm, and Amherst College. Additionally, she is IMSLEC certified as an Instructor of Training, has a Master of Arts in Reading Education, holds Level II Vermont certifications as a Reading Specialist PreK-12 and Middle Grades English Language Arts and is a Certified Academic Language Therapist. In North Carolina, she was the Associate Director of Teacher Training at an Academy accredited school for dyslexic students, as well as Director and mentor of a regional Tutoring Resource. She has had extensive experience providing 1:1 and small group tutoring at both the Associate and Certified levels. She has served on a number of boards including the NC branch of the IDA. She has widely presented at a number of regional conferences and schools.

Christine A. Thompson, AOGPE Fellow in Training, Director of Language Training for Camp Dunnabeck, completed a B. S. in Elementary Education from the State University of New York at Plattsburgh and has completed her M. S. Ed. in Elementary Reading and Literacy in the online program at Walden University. She has worked at Camp Dunnabeck for fourteen summers and was a teacher and tutor at The Kildonan School from 1987 to 2019. She was trained in the Orton-Gillingham approach by Diana Hanbury King and Laurie Cuddy. She is currently at the Certified level in the Academy of Orton-Gillingham Practitioner and Educators. She supervises and mentors Dunnabeck tutors.