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Business Letters

are formal lettersused for business-to-business, business-to-client, or client-to-


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Pa rts of Business Letters

H eading or LetterheadCompanies usually use printed paper

where heading or letterhead is specially designedat the top of the sheet. It bears all the necessaryinformation about the organization¶s identity.

DateDate of writing. The month should be fully

spelled out and the year written with all four digits .

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Pa rts of the Business Letters

The Inside AddressIn a business or formal letter you should give the

address of the recipient after your own address.Include the recipient's name, company, address andpostal code. Add job title if appropriate. Separate therecipient's name and title with a comma. Doublecheck that you have the correct spelling of therecipient 's name.

The Inside Address is always on the left margin.If an 8 1/2" x 11" paper is folded in thirds to fit in astandard 9" business envelope, the inside addresscan appear through the window in the envelope.

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The Greeting Also c a lled the s a lut a tion. The type of

s a lut a tion depends on your rel a tionship with therecipient. It norm a lly begins with the word "De a r"a nd a lwa ys includes the person's l a st n a me. Useevery resource possible to a ddress your letter toa n a ctu a l person. If you do not know the n a me orthe sex of your receiver's a ddress it to De a rMa d a m/Sir. As a gener a l rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon. It is a lsoa ccept a ble to use a comm a .

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The Subject Line (option a l)Its inclusion c a n help the recipient in de a ling

successfully with the a ims of your letter. Norm a llythe subject sentence is preceded with the wordSubject: or Re: Subject line m a y be emph a sizedby underlining, using bold font, or a ll ca pit a lletters. It is usu a lly pla ced one line below thegreeting but a ltern a tively c a n be loc a ted directlya fter the "inside a ddress," before the "greeting."

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The BodyThe body is where you expl a in why you·re

writing. It·s the ma

in pa

rt of the business letter.Ma ke sure the receiver knows who you a re a ndwhy you a re writing but try to a void st a rting with"I". Use a new p a ra gr a ph when you wish tointroduce a new ide a or element into yourletter. Depending on the letter style you choose,p a ra gr a phs m a y be indented. Reg a rdless of form a t, skip a line between p a ra gr a phs.

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The Compliment a ry CloseThis short, polite closing ends a lwa ys with a

comm a . It is either a t the left m a rgin or its leftedge is in the center, depending on the BusinessLetter Style th a t you use. It begins a t the s a mecolumn the he a ding does. The tr a dition a l rule of etiquette in Brit a in is th a t a form a l letter st a rting "De a r Sir or M a d a m" must end "Yours f a ithfully",while a letter st a rting "De a r " must end "Yourssincerely". Note: the second word of the closing isNOT ca pit a lized.

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Sign a ture a nd Writer·s identific a tionThe sign a ture is the l a st p a rt of the letter. You should

sign your first a nd l a st n a mes. The sign a ture line m a yinclude a second line for a title, if a ppropri a te. The

sign a ture should st a rt directly a bove the first letter of thesign a ture line in the sp a ce between the close a nd thesign a ture line. Use blue or bl a ck ink.

Initi a ls, Enclosures, Copies ±



re to be included if someone other tha

n thewriter types the letter. If you include other m a teri a l in theletter, put 'Enclosure', 'Enc.', or ' Encs. ', a s a ppropri a te, twolines below the l a st entry. cc me a ns a copy or copies a re sentto someone else.

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Business Letter Styles

Business letters gener a lly conform fourform a ts: Block, Semi-Block, Modified Block,a nd Modified Semi-Block. P ut simply, "Semi-"

me a ns th a t the first lines of p a ra gr a phs a reindented; "Modified" me a ns th a t the sender'sa ddress, d a te, a nd closing a re signific a ntlyindented.

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Business Letter Styles

B locka block form a t

letter, (1) a ll text is

a ligned to the leftm a rgin, (2) p a ra gr a phsa re not indented. 3)p a rts a nd p a ra gr a phsa re sep a ra ted bydouble or triplesp a cing.

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Business Letter Styles


In a Semi-Blockform a t letter, (1) a ll text is

a ligned to the left m a rgin,(2) p a ra gr a phs a reindented.

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Business Letter Styles

M odified B lock StyleIn the modified

block style the returnaddress, date, complimentary closing andthe signature line areslightly to the right of the center of the paper.

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Business Letter Styles

Modified Semi-Block

In a ModifiedSemi-Block form a t letter,

(1) a ll text is a ligned tothe left m a rgin, exceptfor the a uthor's a ddress,d a te, a nd closing; a nd

(2) p a ra gr a phs a reindented.

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Sa mples of Business Letters

Letter of Resignation Letter of Termination

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Sa mples of Business Letter

Letter of Application Proposal Letter Proposal Letter