key principles for preparing the dcsd community plan 1.integration – social, economic,...

Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1. Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well- being focused on outcomes and people centred delivery. 2. Whole System Approach – Civic & Community Leadership, Partnership Working, Participation & Engagement, Transparency & Openness, Equality & Diversity. 3. Robust evidence base – Identification of real rather than perceived need allowing targeted interventions to bring about measured improvements and support ongoing monitoring and evaluation of impacts.

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Page 1: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan

1. Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on

outcomes and people centred delivery.

2. Whole System Approach – Civic & Community Leadership, Partnership

Working, Participation & Engagement, Transparency & Openness,

Equality & Diversity.

3. Robust evidence base – Identification of real rather than perceived need

allowing targeted interventions to bring about measured improvements

and support ongoing monitoring and evaluation of impacts.

Page 2: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

STRATEGIC SOCIAL WellbeingHealth & Communities

ECONOMIC WellbeingBusiness and Culture

ENVIRONMENTAL WellbeingEnvironment and Regeneration


  CROSS CUTTING: Good Relations  

Sustainability   Rural Development    

Connectivity and Access    Communications

Community Development:PartnershipShared space Diversity and ethnicityNeighbourhoods Communities

 Health and Wellbeing:Health education and promotionPromotion, control and enforcementCommunity safetySports developmentLeisure Services

 Early InterventionUNICEF Child RightsFamily SupportLiterary & NumeracyLife Stages


Entrepreneurship, Enterprise and Regional Competitiveness:Job creationStart-up, inward and indigenous investmentInnovation, R&DMarketingSpecialisation & Industry clustersStrategic alliancesSocial economy

 Education and Skills:Employability Lifelong learning New technologies ManufacturingSchools, colleges, university Tourism, Arts, Culture:Assets growth and promotion Festivals, Arts and EventsLanguage development Creativity

Physical Regeneration:Planning and physical regenerationVillage, town and city centresSocial and Affordable Housing Natural and built environment Conservation Promotion

 Infrastructure, Energy and Transport:Integrated transport RenewablesWasteBroadband

Page 3: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Proposed Thematic Groups

Social Well-being

• Community Development

• Early Intervention

Economic Well-being

• Entrepreneurship, Enterprise & Competitiveness

• Education & Skills

Environmental Well-being

• Physical Regeneration

• Health & Well-being

• Tourism, Arts & Culture

• Infrastructure, Energy & Transport

Page 4: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Proposed Thematic Groups

• Support the preparation of the Community Plan.

• Increase participation and collaboration.

• Participants bring experience, expertise, knowledge and willingness to

work for the betterment of their local community.

• Largely 3 main functions:

1. Identify the needs, challenges & inequalities.

2. Identify current provision of public, private & community services –

What is working well.

3. Identify strategic priorities and key actions to achieve agreed


Page 5: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Process So Far….

• July 2014 c. 130 people attended a workshop on the introduction to

Community Planning.

• September 2014 c. 130 attended a workshop on how we might go

about preparing a Community Plan.

• November 2014 Community Plan Task and Finish Group

Advise on evidence gathering methodology

Consider an overall framework for a community plan and the process for

developing it

Co-design the 3rd workshop for all stakeholders – February 2015

• November 2014 Commence statistical baseline: Establishing the

evidence base

Page 6: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Robust Evidence Base

Establishing Baseline Position:

1.Collation of official statistics

2.Citizen Survey 2015

Questionnaire – 1400 households

Focus Groups (including Section 75 groups)

Page 7: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Collation and interpretation of official data sources

• A lot of these data are available for our local areas.

• We want to compile them and see how the situation has changed in

preceding years and set down a marker to help direct and assess the

effectiveness of the Community Plan going forward.

• Work with stakeholders to fully understand what the data are telling us in

the light of local knowledge.

• This collation of data is only one part of the process.

Page 8: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

Citi-scope Survey and Citizen Survey

Citi-scope survey 2009 and 2012

Underlying Principles:

• Inclusivity

• Openness

• Transparency

• Strong stakeholder involvement

• Best Practice

• Apply these principals to 2015 Citizen survey across the new Derry City and

Strabane District Council area

Page 9: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

2015 Citizen Survey

• Citizen Survey in early 2015.

• 1,400 households, randomly selected across the new Council area.

• Recruitment of enumerators – community based approach – training and

capacity building – long term positive impact.

• Survey will ask questions not necessarily collected by official sources.

• An attempt to ‘fill in the gaps’.

Page 10: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred

How Citizen Survey feeds into Community Plan

Community Plan

Page 11: Key Principles for Preparing the DCSD Community Plan 1.Integration – Social, Economic, Environmental Well-being focused on outcomes and people centred


• Comprehensive 360o review

• Broad based information data set

• Stakeholder Buy-in

• Context of need/where we are so that we can determine where we want

to be