kevin manderson hydro tasmania: implementation of cyber security in a scada environment

Cri$cal Infrastructure Power U$lity and SCADA Security Kevin Manderson Hydro Tasmania

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Kevin Manderson, SCADA Systems and Security, Hydro Tasmania delivered this presentation at the 2013 Corporate Cyber Security Summit. The event examined cyber threats to Australia’s private sector and focussed on solutions and counter cyber-attacks. For more information about the event, please visit the conference website


Page 1: Kevin Manderson Hydro Tasmania: Implementation of Cyber Security in a SCADA environment

Cri$cal  Infrastructure  Power  U$lity  and  SCADA  Security  

Kevin  Manderson  Hydro  Tasmania  

Page 2: Kevin Manderson Hydro Tasmania: Implementation of Cyber Security in a SCADA environment

Hydro  Tasmania  

•  Tasmania  had  the  first  hydro  electric  power  sta$on  in  southern  hemisphere  at  Duck  Reach,  Launceston;  

•  Australia's  largest  renewables  generator  and  water  manager;  

•  30  power  genera$ng  sta$ons  (hydro,  gas  and  wind);  •  Dams,  tunnels,  weirs,  flumes;  and  •  Substan$al  monitoring  of  infrastructure  and  environment.  

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Safety  Moment  

•  October  7th  2013  – A  TEPCO  employee  carelessly  pressed  a  buUon  shuVng  off  cooling  pumps  that  serve  the  spent  fuel  pool  in  reactor  #4  —  thankfully  a  backup  kicked  in  before  any  cri$cal  consequences  resulted.  

•  Process  vulnerability  analysed,  managed  and  the  outcome  indicates  it  was  appropriately  controlled.  

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From  my  1884  edi$on  of    ‘The  Colonists  Guide  and  Cyclopaedia’  The  only  men$on  of  ‘secure’  is  securing  a  horse  to  a  slippery  pole  –  op$on,  clove  hitch  

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Another  Dic$onary  Defini$on  

se·∙cu·∙ri·∙ty  •   noun  \si-­‐ˈkyu̇r-­‐ə-­‐tē\:  the  state  of  being  protected  or  safe  from  harm  

•  :  things  done  to  make  people  or  places  safe  

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•  Security  could  be  described  as  ‘things  that  keep  my  systems  from  causing  harm’,  

•  ‘Safe  from  harm’  depends  on  the  nature  of  the  system,  •  Jus$fying  security  is  simply  an  NPV  analysis  of  the  consequence  –  but  the  likelihood  moves,    

•  Implemen$ng  good  controls  helps  by  having  experience  with  opera$onal  systems  being  aUacked,  and  

•  My  view  is  security  is  ‘mechanisms  to  stop  changing  the  control  I  have  over  my  systems  and  data  to  keep  the  systems  from  causing  harm,  without  my  knowledge’.  

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A  security  `something’  is  what  

•  Any  change  which  causes  the  overall  process  to  be  less  safe  or  in  an  unknown  state  or  safe,  

•  The  specifica$on  or  expecta$on  is  not  met,  •  So  what  can  have  an  impact?  – Malicious  hacker,  – A  ‘Snowden’  or  admin  event,  – Physical  interven$on,  – Negligence/Accident,  – Equipment/sooware  malfunc$on,  and  – Loss  of  services.  

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So  What  am  I  Keeping  Secure  

•  The  dispatch  process:  – Several  sliding  windows  of  $me  with  $ghtly  coupled  processes  occurring  across  a  group  of  closely  and  loosely  coupled  systems  •  Four  seconds  –  data  exchange  with  power  sta$ons,  •  Eight  seconds  –  control  data  exchange  with  AEMO,  •  Five  minutes  –  dispatch  interval,  •  30  minutes  –  market  interval,  •  Daily  –  repor$ng  and  other  processes,  •  A  number  of  ancillary  services,  and  • Other  contracted  and  mandated  services.  

•  But  am  just  the  custodian  of  data  in  part  of  the  chain  of  the  complete  process.  

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What  Is  Involved  

•  The  core  dispatch  process  is  a  con$nuum  of:    – receiving  targets  from  AEMO,  processing  them,    – sending  targets  to  power  sta$ons  ,  and  – receiving  remote  data  and  sending  data  to  AEMO.  

•  The  secondary  dispatch  processes  are  a  con$nuum  of  receiving  situa$onal  events,  local  alarm  processing/logging,  managing  water  and  other  local  risks    

•  Cut,  rinse  and  repeat  every  four  seconds,  ad  infinitum,      

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What  Adds  to  the  Mix  

•  A  requirement  for  redundant  systems,  

•  A  requirement  of  99.995%  up$me,  

•  The  need  to  get  some  data  from  corporate  and  other  sources,  and  

•  The  need  to  pass  data  to  corporate  and  others.  

99.9%  ("three  nines")  

8.76  hours  

43.8  minutes  

10.1  minutes  

99.95%  4.38  hours  

21.56  minutes  

5.04  minutes  

99.99%  ("four  nines")  

52.56  minutes  

4.32  minutes  

1.01  minutes  

99.999%  ("five  nines")  

5.26  minutes  

25.9  seconds  

6.05  seconds  

                                                                         Year          Month            Day        

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Situa$on  –  What  Bad  End  Game  

• What  could  be  the  target  – Aurora  class  event,  – System  black,  – Dam  failure,  and  – Or  Just  less  safe…    

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What  Touches  my  Systems  

•  The  systems  sit  in  locked  racks,  rela$vely  inert,  • What  can  have  an  impact?  – People,  – Data,  – Services,  and  – Physical  environment.  

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•  Cri$cal  infrastructure  SCADA  model:  – What  core  process  is  required,  – Secondary  processes/redundancy,  and  – Support  and  non  essen$al  systems.  

•  Tools:  – Defence  in  depth,  and  – Vulnerability  analysis  and  early  security  design.  

•  Start  from  the  End  Game:  – The  final  last  gasp  must  work,  – Analyse  processes,  interac$ons  and  impact  on  security,  and  

– Can  process  layers  be  bypassed?  

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What  Op$ons    

•  Air  gap  to  corporate/internet.  Doesn’t  work,  Nantanz/Iran  –  Stuxnet  via  USB  key,  

•  Tightly  lock  down  every  point.  Fails  by  social  engineering,  and  

•  Design  in  security  from  the  start.  Ongoing  vulnerability  analyses  rela$ve  to  actual  events,  conferences  and  research  -­‐  then  update  security  posture  as  needed.  Best  op$on.    

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Process  Analysis  

•  Analyse  to  find  the  paths/vectors  across  the  vulnerability  layers,    

•  I  think  of  each  process/layer  as  a  bubble  inside  or  touching  another  bubble,  and  

•  Consider  controls  for  each  layer  or  bubble:  – If  this  bubble  is  popped  will  the  system  be  resilient  and  the  next  bubble  remain,  

– Can  the  final  ‘must  keep  intact’  bubble  survive?  

– Can  any  vulnerabili$es  or  layers  be  bypassed.  

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SCADA  Good  Prac$ce  Guide  (GPG)  

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Layered  on  GPG    

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Process  Analysis  

•  Process  1  –  Environment  to  support  the  core  processes/must  remain  processes:  -­‐  Preserve  ‘data  chain’    for  dispatch  system  -­‐  AEMO  to  online  generators  and  return.  

•  Process  2  –  Redundancy  and  cri$cal  support:  -­‐  Primary  redundancy,  communica$ons,  compliance  ‘func$onality’.    

•  Process  3  –  Suppor$ng  systems:  -­‐  Test,  development,  other  support  systems.  

•  Process  4  –  Non  or  less  essen$al  services  and  systems:  -­‐  Historian,  repor$ng,  non  opera$onal  systems.  

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Hydro  Architecture  

•  The  GPG  is  a  baseline,    •  Addi$onal  $ers  of  access  control,  some  as  processes/layers,  others  as  diversity  in  the  boundary  traversal  and  monitoring  and  aler$ng,  

•  Hydro’s  produc$on  environment  has  about  40  servers/systems  integra$ng  the  produc$on  process.  Redundant  over  mul$ple  sites  and  communica$ons  paths.  Builds  on  the  GPG,  and  

•  Logging,  monitoring  and  aler$ng.  

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Process  Approach  

•  Vulnerability  analysis  for  each  process  flow,    •  Start  with  an  assump$on  that  all  external  interfaces  are  or  likely  to  be  compromised  (‘there  be  dragons’),  and  

•  Brainstorm  possibili$es:  – People,  – Services,  – Black  swans,  and  – All  hazards  approach  –  that  is,  all  or  none?  

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Deciding  on  Security  Barriers  

•  Aoer  analysis  iden$fy  the  process  change,  ownership  transfer  and  different  security  groups.  These  are  highly  likely  to  be  the  vulnerability  points,  

•  What  user  group  •  What  is  the  vulnerability:  From  AIC  (or  CIA):    

– Availability:  DOS/interrup$on,    –  Integrity:  data  or  control  injec$on/corrup$on,  and  – Confiden$ality:  data  access.  

•  What  consequences,  and  •  What  cost  to  control  (inputs  or  consequence).  

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Example  -­‐  Part  of  Cri$cal  Path  

•  Basic  func$onal  requirements:  – Cri$cal  to  process,  data  burst  every  8  seconds,  – ICCP  (IEC  60870)  traffic,    – Bidirec$onal,  high  availability,  and  – To/from  external  provider.  

Data  to  and  from  AEMO.  

SCADA  and    Dispatch  processing  

Power  sta$ons  

Page 23: Kevin Manderson Hydro Tasmania: Implementation of Cyber Security in a SCADA environment

Process  -­‐  Cri$cal  Path  

Data  to  and  from  AEMO  

SCADA  and  Dispatch  processing  

Power  sta$ons  

•  Func$onal  requirements:  –  Cri$cal  to  process,  data  

burst  every  8  seconds,  –  ICCP  traffic,    –  Bidirec$onal,  high  

availability,  and  –  To/from  external  provider.  

•  Controls  implemented:  –  High  availability  cross  

connected  ‘enhanced  firewalls’,  

– Mul$ple  firewalls/vendors,    – Monitor  link  status,  – Only  allow  ICCP  traffic,  and  –  Redundant  paths.  


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What  Else  for  Hydro  

•  Diversity  of  security  barriers,    •  Golden  images  for  switches,  

•  Scripted  builds  for  install  and  then  security,  •  ‘Whitelis$ng’.  Hash  lists  of  known  and  known  bad  and  regularly  compare,  check  updates,  

• Monitoring  (IDS,  Full  data  packet  capture,  SMS  alarms,  environment),  and  

•  Data  valida$on.  

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Now  Layer  the  ASD/DSD  35  List  on  Top  

1.  Applica$on  whitelis$ng  2.  Patch  applica$ons  3.  Patch  opera$ng  systems  4.  Least  privilege  5. Mul$  factor  authen$ca$on  6.  Firewalls  7.  Segmented  systems  8.  IDS/IPS  and  monitoring  9.  <down  to  35>  

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ASD  List    

•  Targeted  at  securing  the  IT  components,    •  Notes:    – In  many  SCADA  or  process  control  environments  patching  is  poorly  done,  

– I  know  of  one  current  opera$onal  SCADA  system  running  under  Windows3.11,  and  

– I  know  many  cri$cal  infrastructure  systems  where  patching  is  years  old.  

•  But  in  SCADA  environments  generally  everything  else  is  far  beUer  than  average.  

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ASD  List    

•  Excellent  for  keeping  individual  systems  secure,  

• Many  secure  systems  contribute  to  keeping  an  overall  complex  process  secure,  par$cularly  at  the  less  process  intensive  boundaries,  and  

•  Consider  where  the  IT  component  is  important  in  the  process  chain.    

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Our  Observed/Heard  of  Events  

•  Nil  IT  security  •  Hydro:  – May  2005,  CBD  power  fail  caused  transport/access  issues,  – Had  a  significant  power  failure  event  in  April,  and  – Air-­‐condi$oning  event  in  June.  

•  Others:  – Data  from  the  field,  range  failures:  

•  SCADA  input  of  10^38  to  another  SCADA  system  ,  received  ok  but  process  failed  with  a  squaring  func$on.  

– Peoples  ac$ons,  par$cularly  when  fa$gued:  • October  2013,  Tepco  –  operators  pushed  big  red  buUon,  and  • October  2013,  loosened  pipe  and  drenched  in  radioac$ve  water.  

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Root  Causes  

•  CBD  power:  Substa$on  trip,  alternate  travel  paths  not  considered,  

•  Power  failure:  Occurred  during  regular  UPS  tes$ng,  system  deigned  to  survive  

•  Air-­‐condi$oning:  Occurred  during  regular  generator  tes$ng,  unexpected  but  survived  (now  monitored/controlled),  and  

•  Data  10^38:  no  limit  checking,  

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How  to  build  a  secure  system  

•  Use  the  AG  Good  Prac$ce  Guide  as  a  guideline  for  the  separa$on  of  form/func$on  and  privileges,    

•  Use  the  ASD  35  point  security  guide  to  help  with  ongoing  hardening  and  maintenance  procedures,    

•  Build  for  mul$ple  concurrent  failures.  Expect  mul$ple  unrelated  failures  to  occur  simultaneously,  and  

•  Think  all  hazards  during  analysis.  

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Think  Alternate  Security  

•  Who  went  to  Ruxcon?  •  Other  white/grey/black  hat  

conferences,  •  Use  a  range  of  tools  and  

test  your  systems,  •  Do  pen  tes$ng,    •  Think  touch==own,  

physical  security  is  cri$cal,    •  Simple  can  be  good,  •  Be  aware  of  what's  

happening,  and  •  xkcd  is  good…    

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Comments  or  Ques$ons