kerala public schools academic year 2020-21 class :ii …

KERALA PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 CLASS :II HOME ASSIGNMENT DATE: 08.10.2020 to 22.10.2020 SUBJECT ASSIGNMENT MATHS CHAPTER 8FRACTIONS Work to be done in the school text book Page number 134, 135, 136 (Test zone) 137 (Mental Maths) CHAPTER 13DATA HANDLING Work to be done in the school text book Page number 187, 189, 190(Fun Zone), 191(Test Zone) Extra questions to be done in the maths notebook 1. Write the fraction for the shaded part:- 2. Write the numerator and denominator for the given fractions:- a. b. C. 3. Read the table and answer the following questions: Q1. How many pears are there? Q2. Which fruit is maximum in number? Q3. Which fruit is minimum in number? Q4. What is the total number of fruits? Project: page number 137 and 138 (scrapbook) Page number 188 Activity zone (notebook)

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ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 CLASS :II HOME ASSIGNMENT DATE: 08.10.2020 to 22.10.2020
Work to be done in the school text book
Page number – 134, 135, 136 (Test zone) 137 (Mental Maths) CHAPTER 13– DATA HANDLING
Work to be done in the school text book
Page number – 187, 189, 190(Fun Zone), 191(Test Zone)
Extra questions to be done in the maths notebook
1. Write the fraction for the shaded part:-
2. Write the numerator and denominator for the given fractions:-
Q1. How many pears are there?
Q2. Which fruit is maximum in number?
Q3. Which fruit is minimum in number?
Q4. What is the total number of fruits?
Project: page number 137 and 138 (scrapbook)
Page number 188 Activity zone (notebook)
SCIENCE Ch-3 Animals that help us
Read the chapter thoroughly:
A. Fill in the blanks with correct words.
1. Animals that can be kept at home or on farms are called domestic animals.
2. Milk help us to grow and stay healthy.
3. Beeswax is used to make candles.
4. Silk is used to make sarees.
5. We get leather from the skin of dead animals.
B. Choose the correct option.
1. In which of these places do we find animals?
(a) forests (b) farms (c) homes (d) all of these
2. Which of these animals cannot be tamed and kept at homes?
(a) foxes and jackals (b) lions and tigers (c ) snakes and crocodiles (d) all of these
3. Which of these animals would you keep in a stable?
(a) cow (b) hen (c) horse (d) sheep
4. Which of these are not milk products?
(a) ghee and curd (b) ice cream and curd (c ) butter and cheese (d) honey and
eggs 5. Which of these are not made of leather?
(a) jackets and belts (b) shoes and bags (c ) sweaters and sarees (d) all of these
6. Which of these do we get eggs from?
(a) hens and ducks (b) cows and goats (c ) horses and sheep (d) silkworms and
1. Animals that give us milk - cows buffaloes
2. Animals that give us eggs- hens ducks
3. Animals that give us meat- goats chickens
4. Animals that give us leather- snakes camels
5. Animals that carry loads for us- oxen elephants
D. Write T for the true statement and F for the false one.
1. All animals can be tamed and kept at farms. F
2. Some animals give us milk. T
3. We get eggs from hens and ducks . T
4. We get wool from silkworms. F
5. We keep animals such as cows and lions as pets at
home. F
1. What are domestic animals? Give two examples.
Ans- Animals that can be kept at farms or homes are called domestic animals. For eg.
cow and horse.
2. What are milk products? Give three examples.
Ans. Foodstuffs which are made from milk are called milk products. For eg- butter, ghee
and curd.
Ans. We get silk from silkworms.
4. What is used as leather? Name two things we can make from leather.
Ans. The skin of dead animals like goats, sheep, buffaloes and camels are used as
leather. Two things which are made from leathers are shoes and jackets.
5. What are pets? Give two examples.
Ans. Animals that live in our homes are called pets. For eg- parrot and dog.
Activity- Stick two pictures of the following in the white side of the notebook:
A- Animals and their homes
B- Food that animals give us
C- Food items we make from milk
NOTE- Answer the above questions and activities to be done in science notebook.
1) :- i) |
ii) |
iii) |
:- ( )
2) :- ( )
i) –
ii) –
iii) –

3) ? ( )
i) ?
– |
ii) – ?
– |
iii) ?
– l
iv) ?

v) ?
– l
4) :- ( )
- ?
) ) -
) )
) )
5) l
iv) -
6) |
i) - |
ii) - |
iii) - |
iv) - |
7) |
i) x
ii) x
1- |
2- |
3- (pg-no-50) |
4- |

5- - | ( )
6- | ( )

– 14


2- :- ( )
* ?
* ?
* ?
* – ?
* ?
Topic – Chapter -6 - Capital Letters, Full Stops and Question Marks
I. Jack is always forgetting his capital letters, full stops and question marks. Can
you help him by writing his sentences again?
1) jack and zara are best friends
2) jack lives in california
3) jack and zara love to play in puddles
4) today is sunday so jack is going to zara’s house
5) jack and zara were born in the month of june
6) jack loves to eat fruits
7) what does zara like to eat
II. Put the correct punctuation marks.
1) I am so happy to see you again
2) Which way is it to the amusement park
3) The park was very crowded
4) Can you please bring the book
5) I just want to go home
6) When is your birthday
7) Yesterday I went to the market
Composition – My Father
Note: - All the above exercises to be done in English notebook.
Comprehension: - Page no- 110& 111 Grammar land book Comprehension 1 (To be
done in Grammar land book)
Ch 6 Capital Letters, Full Stops and Question Marks – Pg 101 & 102 Ex- A (To be done
in Grammar land book)
Read the chapter (English Access)
Draw/Stick pictures of the things we get from animals (3 things)(Atleast 6
animals). ( To be done in Scrap book)
• Draw the picture of the chapter.
• Word bank:-
1. grandmother
2. cleaned
3. garden
4. gladly
5. tend
6. neighbour
7. painter
8. laughed
9. turpentine
10. weave
11. indeed
12. tailor
13. happily
14. grew
15. scissors
• Synonyms:-
1. card this wool- brush wool using a pair of cards so that it can be made into a
3. turpentine – oil used to mix paint
4. spin – the act of rotating rapidly
5. gladly – happily
2. Pelle’s coat only grew shorter !
3. Pelle took a pair of scissors and cut off the lamb’s wool.
4. Pelle cleaned the garden and granny carded Pelle’s wool.
5. Pelle went to the store and bought a bottle of turpentine for painter.
6. Mother weaved the wool into cloth.
• True / False : -
1. Pelle has a little horse. False
2. The lamb’s wool grew longer but Pelle’s coat grew shorter. True
3. Grandmother asked him to clean the garden. True
4. Pelle coloured his wool with paint. False
5. Pelle dyed his wool red. False
6. The lamb was happy. True
• One word answer: -
Ans – Pelle
Ans – Pelle
3. “I will my dear, if you will clean up my garden”. Who said this?
Ans – Grandmother
Ans – Turpentine
5. Which colour did he use to dye his wool?
Ans – Blue
Ans – Mother
Ans - Tailor
8. Who took care of the little sister, when mother was weaving the yarn?
Ans – Pelle
• Question / Answer: -
1. Who was Pelle?
Ans – Pelle was a little boy. He had a little lamb. He took care of it all by himself.
2. What did Pelle ask his grandmother to do?What did his grandmother ask him
to do in return?
Ans – Pelle asked his grandmother to card the wool for him.His grandmother asked
him to clean the garden in return.
3. What did Pelle asked his other grandmother?
Ans – Pelle requested his other grandmother to spin the wool into yarn.
4. Why was the painter laughing?
Ans – The painter was laughing because Pelle asked him for some paint to colour his
5. What did Pelle buy from the store?
Ans – Pelle bought a bottle of turpentine for the painter and blue dye to colour his wool.
6. What did Pelle ask the tailor for? What did the tailor asked him to do in return?
Ans – Pelle requested the tailor to make a suit for him.The tailor asked Pelle to bring
wood and feed his goats in return.
• Make sentences: -
a) scissors -
b) paint –
c) happily –
d) yarn –
e) suit –
• Jumbled words: -
a) lowo –
b) omterharndg –
c) locrou –
d) ainptre –
e) ortial –
Note: All the above exercises to be done in English notebook.
Work to be done : Complete page 22 and page 23
as per instruction given in your drawing book.
Dr.Rachana Nair
Director Academics