kenzo tange and tadao ando


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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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  • 1. INTRODUCTION Kenzo Tange was a Japanese architect & urban planner. LIFE PERIOD:4 September 1913- 22 march 2005. He was one of the most significant architects of 20th century ,combining traditional Japanese styles with modernism. He designed major building on five continents. Tange was also an influential protagonist of the structuralist movement.
  • 2. He was influenced by Le Corbusier ,was a master in the use of reinforced concrete. Kenzo Tanges work marked a revived awareness of japanese architectural traditions expressed through contemporary interpretation of architectural form. Tange demonstrated that a unique regionalism could be Developed,and recognized,within the circumstance of international style.
  • 3. DESIGN THEORY He was pioneer of movement known as METABOLISM. METABOLISM arose in Japan after world war 2 ,and much of work produced by the movement is concerned with housing issues. In his view, the traditional laws of fixed forms and function were obsolete. His vision for cities of future inhabited by a mass society were characterized by a large scale, flexible and expandable structures that evoked the process of the organic growth.
  • 4. MAJOR WORKS Hiroshima peace memerial museum ,Hiroshima 1955. Yoyogi national gymnasium for the 1964 summer olympics, Tokyo. St. Marys Cathedral (Tokyo Cathedral), Tokyo in 1964. Nanyang technological university, Singapore 1986 UOB plaza in Singapore in 1992. Fuji television HQ building, Odaiba, Tokyo in 1996. Tokyo metropolitan government building in 1991.
  • 5. Hiroshima peace memorial museumThe rhythmical facade comprises vertical elements that repeat outward from centre. Kenzo tanges own houseit is fused with a more traditional japanese design that uses timber and paper. The house is based on the traditional japanese module.
  • 7. The most famous work by kenzo tange. Built for the Olympics in 1964. It is comprised of two buildings. Inspired by the skyline of the Colosseum in Rome The gymnasium has a capacity of approximately 16,000 & smaller building can accommodate up 5,300 people Its aerodynamic monumental and suggestive design became an icon of the japanese capital and a benchmark in the metabolist movement distancing himself from the international style.
  • 8. LOCATION The two gym are placed in a landscape platform. Infact ,despite their monumental size,they give the impression that the park itself,emphasizing its relationship with the surrounding environment.
  • 9. CONCEPT Inluenced by Le Corbusiers Philips Pavilion and Eero Saarinens hockey stadium at Yale University, Tange became intrigued with structure and its tensile and geometric potential. Tange employs a central structural spine(two large steel cables) from where the structure and roof originates. Both axes are arrranged in an east-west ,which is also the predominant direction of plot
  • 10. THE MAIN GYM The main gym accommodate swimming events,but also basketball and hocky games. It can accommodate about 10,000 people. The space is organised symetrically,distributing the stands to the north to south, emphasizing the eastwest direction in both the roof and the location of entrances.
  • 11. STRUCTURE The structure concept is based on a main spine that consists of two steel cables of 13 in diameter,anchored to two slabs of concrete on either end of the building and two structural towers. Cables describe a parabolic curve (catenary) from which smaller wires are placed perpendicularly ,to form a tent like roof.
  • 12. ROOF STRUCTURE The roof over stands ,having different curvature from that of the cables,generates an elegant and graceful roofing structure ,whose surface,concave and convex at the same time ( a mix of parabola and hyperbola) is called a hyperbolic paraboloid.
  • 13. FACADE Kenzo tange takes advantage of the gap between the two curves to propose an imposing triangular access,which despite having a monumental scale,seem to be born of earth,giving the building a feeling of lightness. Both accesses are preceded by concourses or squares, which are distinguished from the rest of the park by small atrium.
  • 14. FACADE Another detail that provides visual lightness to the structure is graceful cantilevers containing the stands that give the impression that the building would levitate. These stands also accommodate the rhythmically arranged opening
  • 15. FACADE The rhythm is also applied at the entrance,where the V shaped metal structure of different size is displayed in a dynamic way.
  • 16. MATERIAL & EXTERIOR Tange used concrete, metel and steel , favourite material of the mid-60s, and exploited the versatility of these to achieve dynamic and sculptural forms.
  • 17. INTERIOR Tange used the space between the two catenary arched to allocate a large skylight ,which adds a dramatic effect within the space . He used a similar system in his St Mary Cathedral in Tokyo.
  • 18. THE MINOR GYM It has a capacity for 5,300 spectators and used for minor sports. The space is organized around two non- concentric circles, and therefore some stands are larger than opposite,unlike the main gym, this has one structural column and one single entry.
  • 20. FACADE A small square precedes the gym, landscaped with a small Japanese - style pond. As in the other gym, the roof also seems to be rising from the park. For the smaller gym ,the Japanese master used the same principal, only instead of using two slabs, using a single like a gigantic mast.
  • 22. TADAO ANDO
  • 23. Tadao ando is a Japanese architect Ando has led a storied life, working as a truck driver and boxer prior to settling on the profession of architecture, despite never having taken formal training in the field.
  • 24. Awards Alvar Aalto Medal, 1985 Pritzker Prize, 1995 RIBA Royal Gold Medal, 1997 AIA Gold Medal, 2002 Neutra Medal for Professional Excellence, 2012 Buildings Row House, Sumiyoshi, 1979 Church of the Light, Osaka, 1989 Water Temple, Awaji, 1991 Projects Rokko Housing I, II, III, Kobe, 1983-1999 Practice : Tadao Ando Architects & Associates
  • 25. DESIGN PHYLOSOPHY Ando's architectural style is said to create a "HAIKU" effect, emphasizing nothingness and empty space to represent the beauty of simplicity. He favors designing complex spatial circulation while maintaining the appearance of simplicity. As a self-taught architect, he keeps his Japanese culture and language tightly in his mind while he travels around Europe for learning experience. He has used simple geometric shapes in his design. Tadao Ando's body of work is known for the creative use of natural light and for architecture that follow the natural forms of the landscape.
  • 26. Andos buildings are often characterized by complex three dimensional circulation paths. These paths interweave between interior and exterior spaces formed both inside large scale geometric shapes and in the spaces between them.
  • 27. AZUMA HOUSE Row House in Sumiyoshi , also called Azuma House Azuma House, a small two-story, cast-in-place concrete house completed in 1976, is an early work that begins to show elements of his characteristic style.
  • 28. FLOOR PLANS It consists of three equally sized rectangular volumes: two enclosed volumes of interior spaces separated by an open court-yard.
  • 29. SECTION
  • 31. Chuch of light
  • 32. Building type: Christian church Built : in 1989 Building area : 113 sq meters. Structure: reinforced concrete The Church of the Light is a small structure about size of a house. This building is one of the most famous designs of Tadao ando.
  • 33. CONCEPT The church is seen as a place of retreat where the outside world is forgotten and the natural world is emphasized in a rather abstract manner vis-a-vis Andos control of light. use light in a way that would strengthen the power of religion. This church beckons the fundamental simplicity of Christianity with its low tech, yet powerful design.
  • 34. SITE PLAN Church of light(sometimes called Church with Light") was an annex to an existing minister house & wooden church later on a Sunday school was built on that site .
  • 35. PLAN The chapel is consists of a rectangular volume of three cubes (5.9m wide x 17.7m long x 5.9m high) that are punctured by a wall at a fifteen degree angle that never actually touches the other wall or ceiling of the chapel. circulation into space is controlled by the angled wall.
  • 36. MATERIAL Reinforced concrete and wood are the main elements of construction in the chapel. while the space is primarily defined by the concrete volume, wood is used for all of the elements that one engages such as tables, pews and floor. The one element carried through Tadao Ando's structures is his idolization of the reinforced concrete wall. The importance given to walls is a distinct departure from Modernist architecture. They are usually made of 'in-situ' poured in place concrete. These walls are thick, solid, massive, and permanent . The main reinforced concrete shell of the Church of the Light is 15 inches thick.