kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1809). (lexington, ky) 1821-08...

w r B E It; V I, i; tf is 1 I 7 :V, l!'t- - 3 1 New Sbeids NO. 31. TERMS Of Tin: ftentutftp Ba$ttte, UBUSnED KVZnY THURSDAY MOHNINC, "B.I.T. tJAYINa &Co. C TAj price to Subtcriben, it, THREE HOLTJUW ter annum, rxin is jjivaitci, tr FOUr. DOLLA11S at end of the year fJl nev sihicnptMit muit in every instance le paid m advance. (Ej TSe Tisra 07 isvsiiTistJro irf thit pa- pc, ere, nnx qxsti) for the jirtt insertion of every 15 u;jj or wuwr, and TWKSTr-riv- i cexts frr tain continuance; knver advertisements m the tasie proportion. . . 1 (" HZ comnmnicationi addfeiscJfJot.c sit, tort inta: te postpaid. ''".'" . (Ej .J.' advertisements not paid for in ad vance, mutt be paid for wir cfderea to be' discontinued. To ail.qsc indebted. f ?THERE are many subscribers to the Gazette jL who have only Riven tTieir names to tlie (support of the establishment since tie,year xoyj Many otners are in uriears lor the last Tear, It has become necessary that surh de. liiiquenta should make pavment immediately. otherwise we must make an effort to.colleot the many small suai3 which ure due to in.. "peaceatli is ne can,forcibly tfve must " All tlioe who do not avail themfelvas of this no- tice, may expect a call. as the J'ev Hunk Paper will scon bejjin so circuiaie, those in arrears are inforrtfed tlAt ve will in, all cates receive it 11 payment. Those subscribers at Bicholasville, VerSaillesj MountittrlTtifr, Win chester, Tinklbrt, Danville &e. are inform ed that their accounts have heen'sent to the Fostmaaterj. 16 whom thevaie reauested to uiake payment.' Others, at u tlUuntf will pay to our agents.thr transmit the amount by mail. Longer delay cannot begiven. Ii V. GAVINS & Co: April 16th, J.821. '- - fr Mop Business. THE subscribers laving rented Mr. ll&rt't Walk lor a term 6t' seats, nth the intention ot carrying on t..c . Hope-Makin- g Business, In all its anoua branches, they will (five the lugheit price in CJ1SIITor IIVJJQ', delivered st said Wtlk, wheie '7.JM HOPE, T..9liVIi,iUl'Ji, of all doscrip. tion, may be had on the sTioi te'st notice, wr. panted nfequ&l quality ib any manufactured in tlie United Matti. Vuey wish ttf purchr2 e tjuanthy of TAIL '- -'- jtzofliirao!?' a xmiCE tsinfton, Jan. 15, 1321-- U; ' . ilaguirc, FTIAKESthis method of intdTming- hjs;iaend h ana tna puuuc, uiit ne nas commenced Fancy Weaving, Xa tllitc various branches, in the large Brick House, on Mechanic street, near'llr INN, where he will Weave Carpets, Double Coverlids, Table Linen, Summer Counterpines, And every other description of Weaving1 on the shortest notice and most moderate terms, for which he will receive Wheat, Wool, Peithen, Flas,l'lax Seed and flax Thread He will also exchange Spun Cotton lor good 1'lax Thread or will exchange any of the above articles for almost kjid of Coun-tj- y Produce. N H. The most elegant Colours will be d) ed for all kindu cf Capets, on the lowest term. Tebruary 15 7 MJ1LT LIQUORS. has roit saia: at his brewepa. Double Strong atSUOpr. bl gSperdo. Strong Ale, atft' ?l75pr doz. Hi own Stout, at y,9 pr bl gl 75 pr ioi. Vorter, at?S8pr bl glSOpr do;, Amber Cer, at S7 pr bl SI 25 pr doz Small Beer, at 3 pr. bl 75 pr doz 13tf Lexington, March 24 Valuable Land for sale. WILL sell tho phinlation on which Mr live'Tinssesslan fiv- - en the first of March next) about six miles J iVom Lexington, and near the load leading to Winchester Of this tract of Tliere are about 80 in cultivation, under fjood rre. never faihnc spnnes ot line water agoodcomfortableDvvelhng House and Bain, and other houses an Orchard of about 3C0 Urge Apple Trees also, Cherry, Pear and Pech Trees, l'or this valuable plantation, for which Iliave been offered $$8000, 1 am now willing to take t omething less than 500U dollars paid down. Tor further particulars, 1 refer to Mr. George lluntci, who In es on tne premises. JOHN CAUG1IEY. November 2) 1820-44- Sltf Negroes Wanted, to purchase, EIVE OR SIX WANTED NEGRO BOYS, andasmanv ClftLS, from 12 to 16 years old, for wliich a ? :n 7 a.. liDeiat-pnc- e win uc jinn. Enquire of Uie PRINTERS. June 7, 1821 23tf WOOL WANTED. FostletliWait, Brand 5 Co. Tin. GASH for GLEAN WASH VV ED'WOOL. Apply at Uieir I'actory, . .L Leauiston. ik. ,n Mav',8-1- , VOL. VII. ELEGANT SADDLERY AND PLATE JD WARE. Davul A. Sayre, Tl ESrECTFULLY inlurrnj his friends and iLth the public, that he has just received from I'hiiatfeiptuaana hew YorK, 111 addition to the creat variety of PLATED WAKE. Manufactured at his stand on Main street, nest door to the tventuefcy (.alette Office, , A LACii; ASSOlirMISNT ov ELEGANT oADDLLRY AND PLATED WARE, amoki which auk Sunerior Morocco. Hoir mid Seal Skins. " . Cotton and Worsted Girth und Strain ing Web , 'ijC ;.S;aljllerS ilk oMI COfOllf- f- ' ' Plush and Housings J' Horie Whips, Thongs and Lashes '- - , Tacks, Needles, ahu Awls ' " Improved Check Ylitts ' "- - 1 Stirrups, iluckles, Slides, Spurs &ci " Coach and Giir Steel Springs ' '". 13o do. Woodeu Springs 1 ; " Coach Steps " 'Men's U Women's Saddle TrceS",irond COACH LACli, FRINGE, TAS SELS & HARNESS AlOUNTIN UVhich he will dibpone of6n as ppod is Tjctter terms than thev can in the weitern country. " - T He haa just received, andw ill teep tnhand, , . an assortment of , Eldaut-TJras- a "Andirons, Shovels and TuLiCtyidleiticks Sc Door Knockers, ALSO, Bella of various size'i, Still Cocki, Riv- - cfoGu7i flibuntmg &e Wc. And iecelve oMeri lor all tinds of CAST ING, of "BUASS, fw J.uhmery, Clock Work, &.CT Ojnlers will be thanLfully received and puniftually attended to, and forwii-de- to any part ofthe state '-- " Also for sale as above, anew and a second hand GIG, which will be sold low for LeiirurtonUav lim 21Tf ' For 8aie, A VERY VALUABLE TWO STOKY i felclL M.ovs$ and lb , Tn thesTotvn of iWncfrealcr, Clark cly, HIS HOUSE stands at thecomer of Main 2L and Short-street- s, and the Lot o VIiin-tec- t frohi Short-s'te- et to Main-Cro- street. The aboiVilescnbttd house u&3 built bjfittiviu lJjage, sold and com eyed by ium toIioLs.t CUiLe, andbv said Clarke soill and conveyed to tho Preaident, Directors Sc Go of the Winchester ISank, ajl of which couv se iordad a the office ofthe tunty Cbt of Clark. The hiwer part ofthe building i 6ecupied"'at thistyne b Chailes C. Moore 4 Co. a a S.ore, and it is thought to be equal to ny tfcnd in this town lor a meioiituu auu uiu 'upper pan 01 the building is well calculatfSl for the accom- modation of private family, as Ufere U other necessary buildings on said A greut barg.un can be had in the puichae ot this property, 'as the Directory of said Bank ate determined to clove its concerns as e.uiy 1 posiible Application to be mide to Capt Chilton Allen, Peter Flanagan, Lscj orthe subscriber TIIOM.1S H OKJ.9l.L, Vres W (J M, March 30, 1821 lltf t LJVEHY STABLES. Fvy""' se c. Cj2 ,VM happy to to my friends and the puVlic ganefsll.,, tlu-- t 1 have, ut a r.;.-- t ezpente rebuilt my In a manner superior to anv in the State, and upon the tame ground on whice they ioin1r-l- y stood. I respectful!) solicit the patronfige ofmv former customers and the public gen- erally. I shall endeavour and hope to give satisfaction to all who Tav call. WILLIAM BOWMAN. Lexington. Miv 3''. 1820 22tf Lexington rtrni?. Iron & Lcll CONTINUES to carry on the FOUNDER in the town of Lezinir- ton, second door below the 'Ihcatie, Water street, where all kind:; o fisaas and Iron Wovii Zkhh May be had on thfe shortest notice. Also, will be kept on hand BELLS for Taverns, Houses and Horses; iefined Wagon, Caiiia and Gigg UOXES ( Hatter's, Tailor's and PLAT IRONS : Scale Weights and Woffle Irons , Gun Mountings and Clock Castings; ItiveU and Still Cocks, with many othci articles too tedious to mention. Lexington, .Time 13,11819 25tf 3 amfcs IS . Davis , TTILL practice Law in the Payette Courii t V His office will be (oui.d over the lokin formeily occupied by Ja. Iliggin, esq 1,,-s- t iloor below Prazer's torni. lie nlEd.Tes huu- - jelftobi diligent End ia buuii vt..hued t Uuu. Au0 V.J- - 2..1 "Trueto hischarge-- he comes, tlie Heraldof 4 noisy LEXINGTON, K. TIlUBSTjjlY NEW GOOD! THE subscribers are just receiving a nlete assortment of Spring Sc Suinmex Gobi C01I3T1NO or ALICOES, Cambrick Mushn3 Canton Cranes Lutesrings, Senslisws, and Mantuas Hook and Fancy Muslii. Irish Lbieus Superb Blue Cloths and Cashmere Nankins, Morocco bhoes, ike. Sic. -- c, ALSO, Goffce and Sugar, Imperial TEAS Indigo, Madder aU Maokcrel in Daneli Halt UarreU " ttm f. i'ou, t'jmim Nails and Wjjidow uujia idttJllKUHfAHISiV tobnUiaMEDN tmammammfmmR They atia keep a constant tvpply of icO.W.lh cj isot superior Ulazed Rilie Giin-Powde- r, H the Keg or Canisters Atso, Cotton Tcxr-.a- , Of all nies from the Pactorv of Paailrt'wuni. UJrandit Co. all of which they offer for Sale at uieir uuai low prices for CASH. TILFORD & TROTTF.i? liejinrton. Feb 22. 1S21 8 - NEW GOODS.- - riffl Subcvmbcr bivs ust rccc.ed a fresh ..rr,j , T rxTt HANDLE, COKSITT IT PAXT Xtt TOKLOWR, T1ZI SUPKRFINE and Common CLOTHS, & other CJ1SSIMZSZS, TMtan Plaid CLOAKS. Canton Crapes, ' Lanton Crape Robes and Shan-ls- , Scarlet Cassimere Shawls, - Cicilian Stripe and other Calicoes'' ' ,, WISH LIMITS, Scotch Ginghams, , ljng Cloth and otlfcr Cotto S!7rXTIX03r Domestics Thread LaPcs and j, Glimson andther A'iii HOWS, ' Ho,;iiery and trlovcs ot all Lmd., Woi-ste- Shirts, Fancy Cravats, Black Silkn, cut Velvet, SAt6s, Fine Muslins, Silk and Cohort Lcj, & Tittle Ladies' Morocco fF.iAA'A C SsIOES, wc. An trsuAi Groceries, IXBrdwai;p, Queens ware Sjc. M. J. NOITVEL. T exineon, .TanUarv llltltj 1821 'Hf NEW GOODS. .- - RrffAS JUST RECBIVEntinjKtditiontobi 1 1 tormerStocka general Aesortment of ' Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware and Cutlery, Well selected, and purchased at .Jhe cheypejt CASH HOUSES in Philadelphia, all of which he offers lor sale at cry reduced .prices, for mau mnanu. . I?. 11. 11. A. GATEWOOD T.artieuhrlv re. queets those iudebtcd to him, to" toint; for. wau uiil icttle their rcspectn e du.s. Thue persons who made purche st M?j j .iuin vv vvi ia e on tne atn ot Marcti last, sue alio requested to com. forward and take up their lespective. notes, wltirh hive been placed in mj hands for collection, otner-wis- t. pioper officers will have lo call on them R A. GATE WOOD. I exinfton, December 98. Io20 52 ' 3on SticlvVAcy, HAS FOI1 SALE, OA- - TUB 'LOWEST TERMS, AT HIS XKJ? STOLE, (ppobiiE wlcKLifrr's CATjna, I EST quality of COZ-rrC- . Mojisses, Rice, 6 Mackerel, Oi leans and Oftio Sucrai. Wins. kev bytiie barrel, I'dwdei, Shot. Lead, Loir woou, iwauciei, ooppTass, un v unoi, Aqua tones, hpsoin and Glouiiir stlis. together wiuiavaiietv ot uiiUUL.I.iL.o. and ar ticle3. AM). iT HIS OLD St A.VD, An assortment cf Garden Seeds, Dry and Ready Mixed PATA'TS, Spirits Tur. .nd Glue of a superior quality, AlSt). a Carriage, (Onj,,nqw and simple constructionl ftroneor two harse3j-- J.' CE Ki 18 " iayj, I81 Qr' f T.&,.:. . .' Ullttti Ut CHHtLjlll .", ft. vv.xZ ciRCurrf w j one cr 1. Polly Salliers, Complainant', Against Isaac Salliers, Defendant, in ciiakokrv roa a divbucpt. r tlllS day tame the Complainant Vv her B. uiunvl, and ltappeunnir to tuc satisfac tion ot tne court, unit tue ueienuant, Isaac Salliers, is no inhabilait of tins state, and he hivyig la.lcd to enter his appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules ot this Court : On the motion ofthe by hercoun. sel, it is ordered, that unless, tlie said defend- ant Isaac feulhers do appear here on or before the hrstdaj ot our next September term, and answer tlie Complainant's bill herein, the same will be taken for confessed against him . And it is turtnci orcereu, tuat a copy ot tins orderbe inserted in some authorized newspa per publisneu in tins state tor-tw- o i.iontlij successively. A Copy Teste, JOSEPH TOWLER, d.c.fx.c. July 12, 1821. 28 'I TAKEN UPbyJohnRupordontlie waters of George's Creek, a Sorrel' Mate, with ablane face, about 15 hands high, thr.e or sour vears old her near hind white, in tne ngiie " wittiiu tip. pr.iisea to g55 before mo tlis 17th daj" of Aiay, loi- - 28 Matthew Thompson, j. c. c. 1?v"miig all "kinds, trT a v vYwntTTen It thv IHtttlwclLS QattQ world; Newsfrom all nations iumb' his back M0JKNIK6, AUGUST 2, NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. & tiii commibsionersJappoinwd un-- Jl dcrthe 1 1 ih aitichi of the Treaty ot Amity, Settlement, imd Limits, be- tween the United States of America and nis Catholic Majesty, V concluded at WashinKton, on the 22J day ot Tcbua-ly- , 1819, to ascertain the full amount and Validity ofthe claims mentioned, or referred to, intlic baid Treaty, bcinfj or- - Sani?ua as a bourd, according to the provisions ot the Treaty and the act of Congress that case tiidde aiid niovi- - Ltfed, have pasaed the following Orders ; 01 which all those nrterestLd v.ll be rarastak(n.oifct: . I m - - 'I' -- W?naHTBiiBUiianBiBa tlcment, and Limits , uftnTCelnuKiOTiiLcii states oFAmenca and his Catholic Ma- jesty, concluded at Washington, on the 22d of February, 1819,.vhiph arc to be received by this Commission, do file a memoiial ofthe sams with the Secreta- ry of the Board ; to the end, that the) may be hereafter duly examined, and the validity and anjouat thereof xlecided upon, according to. the suitable and au- thentic testimony concerning tlie same, which may be then required. The said men orial must be addresser! to this Board, must set foith, paiticularly and minutely, the' various facts and circum- stances whence tire tight to prefer such claim is derived; end must be cnfic. oy the affidavit of the claimant. . " And, in Older that claimants m$y be informed ofwhdtisnow considered by the Commissioners as essential to be and established before any such memorial can bt received by tnis bodrd, it it. further " Qideted, That "each daiment shall declare, in his said memorial, fornd in behalf ot whom tile said claim is prefer- red ; fjud whether the amount thereof, and of every part thcreof.if'allowed, dpes now, and, at the time when the said claim arose, c!id belong solely and absolutely to the said claimant, or to any other, pud, is any, wlia'tpersot..And in casss of claims preferred for the benefit of any other than the clairmtht, the memorial t bo exhibited must farther t,et forth,' when, .! Why, and ...... by vhat means, .. Such na3 cecome entitled or anv saidlT1 claim. A he fnemorhl, i etuiu-e- to L. f cxjiiblTea by all claimant, must aUo set toith, and certainly declare, whether the claimant, as well as any other furhvhose benefit the claim is preferred, is now, and at the time t. hen the laid was, t citLen of the United States of America tvhere he ia now, and at the utne the said claim arose was, and is any, what change do- miciliation has siucc taken place. The said mcnioual also set forth, whoth- - er the cldirnmit, or any ether who may have bccnat atiy time entitled to the a- - mount claimed, or any pan thereof hath ever ieteiYed?ny,and,it any, what, mm of money, or other equivalent or indem- nification, for tue loss or injury sustain ed, (.atiafaclioii lor which i:. iheiciit Hik ed. " And that time mar be allowed to claiteia.it3jo prepare and file the me- - l moiials atr6ve mentioned; it is further URERED, That when this board shall adjourn to-da- it will adjoin n to meet again on the 10th c!a)"ot Septem ber nest;, at which lime it will pioceed to dec ide whether any memorials which may have been filed with the Secretin)', in pursuance ol the above orders, shall bz received for examination. " ORDERED, That a copy of these proceedings be published by the Secrc- - taty oi this board, in ait tne puouc ga- - Stdtcs, arc usually printed.'1 By older, T. WATKIKS, . Sucretarr to the Commission, Under the 11th article ofthe PlontV. Treaty Jlathinrtan, 14th Jurf, IBai 0 Just Publishad, JA0 MAI' he "had AV THIS OtriCE, (PllJCB 50 ClKT.,) ' TO "1; CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, Oii several important Doctrines of Iiel'gioa, BY BARTON W. STONE, E. C. C. Lexington, Ainl 1910 InOTICK. THE heretofore existing Samuel Trotter, George Trot- ter, Jr. dee'd. and Robert (. Dudle'', trading under tlie firm of liOBERT G HUDLEX ii Co. wus dissolved in the month oi Deoem- - ber,;18i5, and the ot the came parties composing the iirm .of S,iMCTEL ii GiSyfUii lutuiy&it u uu. exjnreu iy limitation on the first day of January last. KotRje is therefor Given. That the'Books, Notes and all other Papers of said concerns, are deposited witlibAML TROTTER, as partner and airent 0f w-i- a firms, for the purpose of icctiving all debts due to tliein, and liqumating uiose due by said hrms. It 13 iiecessaiy to the parties concerned, that speedy payments should bemadtf, and in ca3e ol failure tuits willbe'commenced without de- lay. (Signed) SAMUEL TUO ITER, JOHN POPE, 1 Exe'rt. cf Gecr?. JAMES TROTTER, S Trotter, Jr. liee'd ELIZA TROTTER, Executrix. Lexington, Feb. 23d. 1820 . HAGS at ths ffi cfle Kfaltif ' WANTED ' ' '' jpentine, Oil, Arnishes, WndoWUlais, Putrffcttes jn hich the lawstof the United complainant soot blind eve p. oi Qlve, in THE 821. PROPOSALS' , For pulUildngjn Lexington, A'y,'a Semi-Mint- lyPaptr,tobtentiiled the f' CORRECTQH. BY J. P. NEILSON S; CO. rpHH eenlial olrect8 of this work will be A tlie inculcation and diffusion of whole some political truths and 'principles, and the .irompt conectkm oi vice in whatever fcrm it may appear. The n.oml depravity aDd paes-n- . tollies of the tunes are (it subjects for the animadversion ol the press. In doing this the Editors ill carefully avoid bringing the num ofpnvute individuals into public review , but tliay will, at the same time, ua judiciously as possible, employ the weapons of Itidicule.Wit, haiV;V rlit uumor ana tarcatni to protect the WWMWl iynliWi' iMtailaiiai Ti portant trust ot public a; etjuajT Thit7.aicv maybe aided in their irioii3 lobors as much as possible, a general request is giv en to ALL lor tiior correspondence. It will be tee pro- vince ot the eoitors to iielcct the matter pub-hsha- d ; but they emphatically promise to obseive, iu CI eases, the necessary rul-- 3 ol secrecy. . CONDITIONS. THE CORRECTOR will be published re gularly once in every two weeks, on sine pa- per, man tctavoform, and will contain nearly as much matter as any faper in the state. The price to subscribers wdMie TWO DOL- LARS, per arinum, payable in advance. Ine ciose oi each year will complete a vol ume, at which time a title pate will be The first nuuiber will appear by tlie 15th of June. Persons having subscription papers, are re quested to return tlie names to the editors without delay. The first number appeared on the ?lst of June 'Lexington, 1321. List oi' Letters EMAINING in the Post-offic- e tt Ver-- E feL stillr- - Wv. which is not 1&lc?n ntit betorn the first day "of Oct.nett, will be nent to the General Post-onic- c i dead Ieuc-- Naitcy Ashley liiibella Hamilton Ueftey Allen 'mi Hancock Jr. Wm. Adg-e- - " JUX Samuel Ayreo Jeue John Atkuia i David L Jackson Sanil. Akin Wm Johmton Ii John EinkeaJ Ssmuel Bucklty Joa &.,Jr,o rCinteul WR Brat ken JosKinkead Si Son George Blackburn, Jr Jo Kinke.d 2 Ii ja!i Rhone WAV KirtMR" llei.i Ewv A ArcTid Kink ed Jeruniiau Buckler ii... - Fu5.v utii RkWBDOnj-- ., - " - W. Buford W B Long Win Ii .Blackburn John Long Jr Rebecca Bergeu .lofen A Leo' Snieop Bufo.'d (kLong StUrothsr Dank Bell Wm B La Fore; lames S. Berryman 3 Edwd Lewis banJi B Bird .lames C Long AnTerica llerry Hen! Hllard laria Ulnhton Kichols'Lafoi .Mrs M Buck, er. Lewis Berry Johnson M alone A L Brooks John Moody C . Frederick M'PsUn NB Cooke !. Co Win M.Cuddy N B Cooke Jcittiuab Mcrlqn John G. Collins Cspt M'Knight Hginnah Coiiovtr baml Mehe W Crwitinan Vm M'Kinney fs'iscTJruti Ucr Cyius M'Craefeen CathaiineEi Ciaia' Thos Miintgomery Saml. Clagget tdwJ liitchell James Coleman I. ichd Manning Lanslott CUik A M'llniht 2 H Crittenden James Mitchdm Lewis Craig Q John M'Kinney Wm P Clow 2 Wn M'Bride Jeirembb Colliiu Wm Mayo & Co Q Col. A. Combs John MOss George Cathsle And Muldrow Goodloe Carter JVy 0 Cleik Wcodlordc c Pimeon Newm&n J) Warren Oilutt William Dickey Juhanna Olfutt Abm. Dale Geo II Offutt Francis Dunnington P John Deair John Prall Wm. Dale Williamson pitman John Dawson George PaytUli' W m Duvril John Ppmbertoji Abiiah Davis . Jarob U Payne Jod Davidson John Powell J3 Ieuis Peiry John Elliott Jaines Parrisli Jos Edding 'Jl Robert Evan Isbelli Richardsoji Jesie Ellis Win Reeds - J' Win Rik Col JohnTrancirct Thos He' bi'rn John 4' S '1'hos Ford Jolinamith Ausaiom t ora David Steele 6rsu D 1'ant Col W Steele S Wm Steel Jr - Robert Gardner C John G Stanhope John Grant Andert.on ShipjK Isaac Grey John Sanders William Gilham Thos Stevenson Lewis Garnett Wm Smith Robert Gavlc Thos W. Sellcu " II Giltner Sheriff of Woodford Mart Guinn T Richaid li mini Catlmrine Tarrant 0 Wm Grrdon Eliiha Thurman Cernchuj Gough Jane . Trabuc 4 James Torbitt Clari ss. Hickman Tspley Thomas Robert Holenran W Jane Harris Zepheniah Walden I'hoa llarjier Denj Walker ugaF Hawkins JosB White James L Herait John Williams 2 flames Hawkins John U Waring; 2 John Hauna & co 2 Ghesley, Wooldiidge Michcsl Hf.rper MrWilhoit 2 Wnali Hevdmi 1 hos White John Hughs , Catharine Woods Andrew Hutchinson Fredk VallJ Elizabeth Hopkins Wm Walker Henry H Hazard Wm Woods John M Hopkins N W Watkins John Hammofis 2 L C J Wihon Wm F.llaslett Y Joel Henry 2 W D Young1 Johu Y Iliter Douglass Young lr.V.,1 Vnnno JOS. VV. BRYSON,A.r.wA BlaaiiB of ever i kind rortalcttt this OJlcc. .VOL. XXXV. Rocht 'st er Springs. One tale South f PerrywU,, en theliead fan JLexmgtw, Kentucky, to JTathvtlte, Trnn. . --Trc. L. Ik Rochester, 0 TILL eonUnoM to keep the 3PRlNG,aad C? is now well prepared to accommodate 1 ravellers and Wmiturs. and hnnatnj.. frencral sititfacticn on i,rmi i -- -- -.- -. Die. V JOHN noCHESTES. March tOflSZl lS-6- P. S. The editois of the Argus, rnuvkfort, Ky ; Gazette, Lexington, and the paper at RussellYjllc, will pubbsh the above in their papers six montlis, and forward their accounts to the subscriber, Danville. J, R. Girinm-viUc- i Syrringa, CJIarrodsburRh. KcRluckv. f3jIE Subscribers having taken possession of ftK245Sf11Pl!P,nSBJias Propnetbm, uiox&l!Kug!icJtIiaHthLhriii:eJ.Mirj,"SKw tinued as whfpT'Umlfcr tnJiSiiittygii John (lahiik, for the accommortSinnTnlKli''.; V nn W,1. K WUkHH Xt'. 1 ft ' r must nu upj iimiB. proper to cul xne ar- rangements tliatare now maknip, in addition to the present improvements, wdl enable them to Tender comfurtable and agreeable, those who miy rcjortto tlie Springs. AMOS EDWARDS, DANIEL M. HEARD, Jiov. ZSlh, 180. 50lf Iix. Danifcl Ji. HeaYd, OPhERS bis MEDICAL SERVICES to tho of Harrodsburcrh and the circum jacent country, and pledges himself to be faith Jul in the (liscn&rge ot lus professional duties His Shop will be at the Spnnjrs, where he may alwavo be sound, except when attending to rroieMionai engagements. ureenriile springs, .Nov. 23, 1B20 3 MAIL ROEBERT. N tlia serenleelh of April hit, the fol- lowing Dills were enclosed, posUee paid and put into this office, and a special Mail made up, ,by request, for Baltimore, Mary- land, since which, no account of them hu been rtceived; consequently, I have every fcason to believe they have been taken out at oome of tlie Poit Offices, or are mislaid or mitcarried. Any information that may lead to their recovery, or detection of th thief (is stolen,) will be thankfully received. Inclosed with the lefthalfs of the first nam ed bills) ,to Capt. John Snyder, of Baltimore, iu uo new lore, .Albany : oyj, j xota qv 1813. 10 do d 5041, N 25th Nov. 1815. 10 do do T43, K 2nd Jan. 181 1. lft(lo . jIMi770, vV25thJNrWritil3. 5 do do 43, B 3d. Aug. 1814-- - ,do do, 896, II 16th Oct. 180J. 10 do Meciiimc and Farmers Itinls"Albt. ny, : ; 1W, K. 24th July 1811. S do do 8801, 10th June, lblf. 5 do Union Bar.kTif South Carohni. : 243, D 7th April 18ir-- 10 do State Bank cf North Carolina, pay t able at Fayettcville, 1150, C'5th Nor. 1818 i do do T&rlborough, 54?8, C 4th July 1813 The right halfs inclosed in a letter to Joh P. Poor, Esq. The lest halfs, to Ctpt, John Snrder. , iOO dolls. U. S. Bank, payable t!)e Offlco ef Diacounte-i- d Deposit, Washington. JVo. Lettcr7Datet. T, . 264, A 1st Feb. 1817, 50 lis"1' Sa G21, AlstFeb. 18ir, U0 do- - d. 7767, A lit Jan. 1817, 50 do B'k. of Diricn 990, A 20th May 18ir Inclonsd with tlie right halfj of the above. to John F. Poor, Esq. 0 dolls. United State Bank at Philadel- phia s : 7511, B 7th Sept. tS19. S do do 6191, A 7th April, 1819 ., do do payableat office of deposits PqjUmouth, N. H 841, G 21th March 1819, 10 do Union Bank of GeprgetowH, , 167, F 14th JaT1815, 10 do Bank of Virginia, payable at Peter, burg, : 6788, 88, A 14th April 1815 S do do Wilmington 644, B 1st Ja'n. 181J. 6 do in small bills of North Carolina, 1 T do In do Bank of Nevvbern, 2 do A bill of Virginia, payable at Frederi icktburgb.TNo. and dates not noted, g358 Total. It appears, on reference ts tlie Post OSes Books at this place, tha the mail so request- ed to be put up, contained the above letters, marked paid, one for 50 cents, and the'otfier 75, Also, two unpaid letters 25 each: tlie two latter only were received. Post Maitersand Bank officers, as well as all other. humane and honest citizens, are respectfully requeu- ed to d in the detection and recovery ofthe above bills and letters, as this is not the only loss that has occurred in the remittance of mo. iney hence by Had. RICHARD Is. I'AXSO:". Vinccones, Ind 1 June f, 1821. ? J Fajcttc Circuit Court, JUJVE TERM; 1821. Gilbert Simpson's heirs, Complainants, Vs. Gilbert Simpson's admr's. See. Defendant It! OIUNOKHT. njlHIS day came tlie complainants by theii jl. eounte'l, and it appearing to the satisfae. tionof the court, that the Defendant Samuel Morrow, is no inhabitant of this state, and ho Iiaving sailed to enter Ji appearance herein agreeably to law and the rules of thia court on the motion of the complainants by theii? counsel, il is ordered, that unless the said De fendant do appear here on ofbefpre the first day of our nextSeptemberterro and answer the complainant's bill herein, the sameVUl be taken for confessed against him and it is further ordered, that a copy of tins order bo inserted in some authorised newtp'aper in this state for two months suceewive Atteste, THOS. BODLEY, c.f,cs. June "28 26-2- Fayette county, set . 'pAKEN up by William Boner, near Walnut A, Hill Meetinghouse, on BAY MARE", C or 6 j ears old, about fifteen lands high, shod all round, in low order, has a Urge scar oa her withers appraised to glO. Given tra- der my band this 14th May, 1821 WALLER lUJLLQCK.j p, Acopy-- Rt:. 3.M:CJiJE9,(;,ft K W" ,. N v

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:V,l!'t- -



New Sbeids NO. 31.

TERMS Of Tin:ftentutftp Ba$ttte,


"B.I.T. tJAYINa &Co.

C TAj price to Subtcriben, it, THREEHOLTJUW ter annum, rxin is jjivaitci,tr FOUr. DOLLA11S at end of the yearfJl nev sihicnptMit muit in every instance lepaid m advance.

(Ej TSe Tisra 07 isvsiiTistJro irf thit pa-

pc, ere, nnx qxsti) for the jirtt insertion ofevery 15 u;jj or wuwr, and TWKSTr-riv-i cextsfrr tain continuance; knver advertisements mthe tasie proportion. . . 1

(" HZ comnmnicationi addfeiscJfJot.c sit,tort inta: te postpaid. ''".'" .

(Ej .J.' advertisements not paid for in advance, mutt be paid for wir cfderea to be'discontinued.

To ail.qsc indebted.f ?THERE are many subscribers to the GazettejL who have only Riven tTieir names to tlie

(support of the establishment since tie,yearxoyj Many otners are in uriears lor the lastTear, It has become necessary that surh de.liiiquenta should make pavment immediately.otherwise we must make an effort to.colleotthe many small suai3 which ure due to in.."peaceatli is ne can,forcibly tfve must " Alltlioe who do not avail themfelvas of this no-

tice, may expect a call. as the J'ev HunkPaper will scon bejjin so circuiaie, those inarrears are inforrtfed tlAt ve will in, all catesreceive it 11 payment. Those subscribers atBicholasville, VerSaillesj MountittrlTtifr, Winchester, Tinklbrt, Danville &e. are informed that their accounts have heen'sent to theFostmaaterj. 16 whom thevaie reauested touiake payment.' Others, at u tlUuntf willpay to our agents.thr transmit the amount bymail. Longer delay cannot begiven.

Ii V. GAVINS & Co:April 16th, J.821. '-- fr

Mop Business.

THE subscribers laving rented Mr. ll&rt'tWalk lor a term 6t' seats, nth the

intention ot carrying on t..c .

Hope-Makin- g Business,In all its anoua branches, they will (five the

lugheit price in CJ1SIITor IIVJJQ', deliveredst said Wtlk, wheie '7.JM HOPE,

T..9liVIi,iUl'Ji, of all doscrip.tion, may be had on the sTioi te'st notice, wr.panted nfequ&l quality ib any manufactured intlie United Matti. Vuey wish ttf purchr2 etjuanthy of TAIL

'- -'- jtzofliirao!?' a xmiCEtsinfton, Jan. 15, 1321-- U; '

. ilaguirc,FTIAKESthis method of intdTming- hjs;iaend

h ana tna puuuc, uiit ne nas commenced

Fancy Weaving,Xa tllitc various branches, in the large BrickHouse, on Mechanic street, near'llr

INN, where he will Weave

Carpets, Double Coverlids,Table Linen, Summer

Counterpines,And every other description of Weaving1 onthe shortest notice and most moderate terms,for which he will receive Wheat, Wool,Peithen, Flas,l'lax Seed and flax ThreadHe will also exchange Spun Cotton lor good1'lax Thread or will exchange any of theabove articles for almost kjid of Coun-tj- y

Produce.N H. The most elegant Colours will be d)

ed for all kindu cf Capets, on the lowestterm. Tebruary 15 7


has roit saia: at his brewepa.Double Strong atSUOpr. bl gSperdo.Strong Ale, atft' ?l75pr doz.Hi own Stout, at y,9 pr bl gl 75 pr ioi.Vorter, at?S8pr bl glSOpr do;,

Amber Cer, at S7 pr bl SI 25 pr dozSmall Beer, at 3 pr. bl 75 pr doz

13tf Lexington, March 24

Valuable Land for sale.

WILL sell tho phinlation on which Mrlive'Tinssesslan fiv- -

en the first of March next) about six miles J

iVom Lexington, and near the load leading toWinchester Of this tract of

Tliere are about 80 in cultivation, under fjood

rre. never faihnc spnnes ot line wateragoodcomfortableDvvelhng House and Bain,and other houses an Orchard of about 3C0

Urge Apple Trees also, Cherry, Pear and

Pech Trees, l'or this valuable plantation,

for which Iliave been offered $$8000, 1 am

now willing to take t omething less than 500U

dollars paid down. Tor further particulars, 1

refer to Mr. George lluntci, who In es on tnepremises.

JOHN CAUG1IEY.November 2) 1820-44- Sltf

Negroes Wanted,

to purchase, EIVE OR SIXWANTED NEGRO BOYS, andasmanvClftLS, from 12 to 16 years old, for wliich a

? :n 7 a..liDeiat-pnc- e win uc jinn.

Enquire of Uie PRINTERS.June 7, 1821 23tf

WOOL WANTED.FostletliWait, Brand 5 Co.

Tin. GASH for GLEAN WASHVV ED'WOOL. Apply at Uieir I'actory,

. .L Leauiston.ik. ,nMav',8-1- ,



PLATE JD WARE.Davul A. Sayre,

Tl ESrECTFULLY inlurrnj his friends andiLth the public, that he has just receivedfrom I'hiiatfeiptuaana hew YorK, 111 additionto the creat variety of PLATED WAKE.Manufactured at his stand on Main street, nestdoor to the tventuefcy (.alette Office,, A LACii; ASSOlirMISNT ov


amoki which aukSunerior Morocco. Hoir mid Seal Skins.

" . Cotton and Worsted Girth und Straining Web

, 'ijC ;.S;aljllerS ilk oMI COfOllf- f- ' 'Plush and Housings

J' Horie Whips, Thongs and Lashes'- - , Tacks, Needles, ahu Awls '

" Improved Check Ylitts' "- - 1 Stirrups, iluckles, Slides, Spurs &ci

" Coach and Giir Steel Springs '

'". 13o do. Woodeu Springs 1; " Coach Steps

" 'Men's U Women's Saddle TrceS",irond


UVhich he will dibpone of6n as ppod isTjctter terms than thev can in theweitern country. " -

THe haa just received, andw ill teep tnhand,

, . an assortment of ,

Eldaut-TJras- a "Andirons, Shovels andTuLiCtyidleiticks Sc Door Knockers,

ALSO,Bella of various size'i, Still Cocki, Riv- -

cfoGu7i flibuntmg &e Wc.And iecelve oMeri lor all tinds of CASTING, of "BUASS, fw J.uhmery, ClockWork, &.CT

Ojnlers will be thanLfully received andpuniftually attended to, and forwii-de- to anypart ofthe state


Also for sale as above, anew and a secondhand GIG, which will be sold low for

LeiirurtonUav lim 21Tf '


i felclL M.ovs$ and lb ,Tn thesTotvn of iWncfrealcr, Clark cly,

HIS HOUSE stands at thecomer of Main2L and Short-street- s, and the Lot o

VIiin-tec- t frohi Short-s'te- et to Main-Cro-

street. The aboiVilescnbttd house u&3 builtbjfittiviu lJjage, sold and com eyed by iumtoIioLs.t CUiLe, andbv said Clarke soill andconveyed to tho Preaident, Directors Sc Go ofthe Winchester ISank, ajl ofwhich couv eyar.eese iordad a the officeofthe tunty Cbt of Clark. The hiwerpart ofthe building i 6ecupied"'at thistyneb Chailes C. Moore 4 Co. a a S.ore, and itis thought to be equal to ny tfcnd in thistown lor a meioiituu auu uiu 'upper pan 01

the building is well calculatfSl for the accom-modation of private family, as Ufere U othernecessary buildings on said A greutbarg.un can be had in the puichae ot thisproperty, 'as the Directory of said Bank atedetermined to clove its concerns as e.uiy 1

posiibleApplication to be mide to Capt Chilton

Allen, Peter Flanagan, Lscj orthe subscriberTIIOM.1S H OKJ.9l.L, Vres W (J M,

March 30, 1821 lltf t


Fvy""' se c. Cj2,VM happy to to my friends andthe puVlic ganefsll.,, tlu--t 1 have, ut a

r.;.--t ezpente rebuilt my

In a manner superior to anv in the State, andupon the tame ground on whice they ioin1r-l- y

stood. I respectful!) solicit the patronfigeofmv former customers and the public gen-

erally. I shall endeavour and hope to givesatisfaction to all who Tav call.

WILLIAM BOWMAN.Lexington. Miv 3''. 1820 22tf

Lexington rtrni?. Iron & Lcll

CONTINUES to carry on the FOUNDERin the town of Lezinir-

ton, second door below the 'Ihcatie, Waterstreet, where all kind:; o

fisaas and Iron Wovii Zkhh

May be had on thfe shortest notice. Also, willbe kept on hand BELLS for Taverns, Housesand Horses; iefined Wagon, Caiiia andGigg UOXES ( Hatter's, Tailor's and PLATIRONS : Scale Weights and Woffle Irons ,

Gun Mountings and Clock Castings; ItiveUand Still Cocks, with many othci articles tootedious to mention.

Lexington, .Time 13,11819 25tf

3 amfcs IS . Davis ,

TTILL practice Law in the Payette Couriit V His office will be (oui.d over the lokin

formeily occupied by Ja. Iliggin, esq 1,,-s- t

iloor below Prazer's torni. lie nlEd.Tes huu--

jelftobi diligent End ia buuiivt..hued t Uuu. Au0 V.J- - 2..1

"Trueto hischarge-- he comes, tlie Heraldof 4 noisy


NEW GOOD!THE subscribers are just receiving a

nlete assortment ofSpring Sc Suinmex Gobi

C01I3T1NO orALICOES, Cambrick Mushn3Canton Cranes

Lutesrings, Senslisws, and MantuasHook and Fancy Muslii.Irish LbieusSuperb Blue Cloths and CashmereNankins, Morocco bhoes, ike. Sic. -- c,

ALSO,Goffce and Sugar, Imperial TEASIndigo, Madder aU Maokcrel in Daneli

Halt UarreU "ttm

f.i'ou, t'jmimNails and Wjjidow uujia idttJllKUHfAHISiVtobnUiaMEDN tmammammfmmRThey atia keep a constant tvpply of icO.W.lh

cj isot superior Ulazed

Rilie Giin-Powde- r,

H the Keg or Canisters Atso,Cotton Tcxr-.a-,

Of all nies from the Pactorv of Paailrt'wuni.UJrandit Co. all of which they offer for Saleat uieir uuai low prices for CASH.

TILFORD & TROTTF.i?liejinrton. Feb 22. 1S21 8 -


riffl Subcvmbcr bivs ust rccc.ed a fresh..rr,j ,



TMtan Plaid CLOAKS.Canton Crapes, 'Lanton Crape Robes and Shan-ls- ,

Scarlet Cassimere Shawls, -

Cicilian Stripe and other Calicoes'' ' ,,WISH LIMITS,Scotch Ginghams, ,

ljng Cloth and otlfcr Cotto S!7rXTIX03rDomestics Thread LaPcs and j,

Glimson andther A'iii HOWS, 'Ho,;iiery and trlovcs ot all Lmd.,Woi-ste- Shirts,Fancy Cravats,Black Silkn, cut Velvet, SAt6s,Fine Muslins, Silk and Cohort Lcj, & TittleLadies' Morocco fF.iAA'A C SsIOES, wc.

An trsuAiGroceries, IXBrdwai;p, Queens

ware Sjc.M. J. NOITVEL.

T exineon, .TanUarv llltltj 1821 'Hf


RrffAS JUST RECBIVEntinjKtditiontobi1 1 tormerStocka general Aesortment of '

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery,

Well selected, and purchased at .Jhe cheypejtCASH HOUSES in Philadelphia, all of whichhe offers lor sale at cry reduced .prices, formau mnanu. .

I?. 11. 11. A. GATEWOOD T.artieuhrlv re.queets those iudebtcd to him, to" toint; for.wau uiil icttle their rcspectn e du.s.

Thue persons who made purche st M?j j.iuin vv vvi ia e on tne atn ot Marctilast, sue alio requested to com. forward andtake up their lespective. notes, wltirh hivebeen placed in mj hands for collection, otner-wis- t.

pioper officers will have lo call on themR A. GATE WOOD.

I exinfton, December 98. Io20 52 '


TERMS, AT HIS XKJ? STOLE,(ppobiiE wlcKLifrr's CATjna,

I EST quality of COZ-rrC- . Mojisses, Rice,6 Mackerel, Oi leans and Oftio Sucrai. Wins.

kev bytiie barrel, I'dwdei, Shot. Lead, Loirwoou, iwauciei, ooppTass, un v unoi, Aquatones, hpsoin and Glouiiir stlis. togetherwiuiavaiietv ot uiiUUL.I.iL.o. and article3.

AM). iT HIS OLD St A.VD,An assortment cf

Garden Seeds,Dry and Ready Mixed PATA'TS, Spirits Tur.

.nd Glue of a superior quality,AlSt). a Carriage,

(Onj,,nqw and simple constructionlftroneor two harse3j-- J.' CE Ki

18 " iayj, I81Qr' f T.&,.:. . .'Ullttti Ut CHHtLjlll .", ft.vv.xZ ciRCurrf

w j one cr 1.Polly Salliers, Complainant',

AgainstIsaac Salliers, Defendant,

in ciiakokrv roa a divbucpt.r tlllS day tame the Complainant Vv her

B. uiunvl, and ltappeunnir to tuc satisfaction ot tne court, unit tue ueienuant, IsaacSalliers, is no inhabilait of tins state, and hehivyig la.lcd to enter his appearance hereinagreeably to law and the rules ot this Court :

On the motion ofthe by hercoun.sel, it is ordered, that unless, tlie said defend-ant Isaac feulhers do appear here on or beforethe hrstdaj ot our next September term, andanswer tlie Complainant's bill herein, thesame will be taken for confessed against him .

And it is turtnci orcereu, tuat a copy ot tinsorderbe inserted in some authorized newspaper publisneu in tins state tor-tw- o i.iontlijsuccessively. A Copy Teste,

JOSEPH TOWLER, d.c.fx.c.July 12, 1821. 28

'I TAKEN UPbyJohnRupordontlie watersof George's Creek, a Sorrel' Mate, with

ablane face, about 15 hands high, thr.e or sourvears old her near hind white, intne ngiie " wittiiu to g55 before mo tlis 17th daj" ofAiay, loi- -

28 Matthew Thompson, j. c. c.

1?v"miig all "kinds,trT a v vYwntTTen It thv

IHtttlwclLS QattQ

world; Newsfrom all nations iumb' his back



& tiii commibsionersJappoinwd un-- Jl

dcrthe 1 1 ih aitichi of the Treatyot Amity, Settlement, imd Limits, be-

tween the United States of America andnis Catholic Majesty, V concluded atWashinKton, on the 22J day ot Tcbua-ly- ,

1819, to ascertain the full amountand Validity ofthe claims mentioned, orreferred to, intlic baid Treaty, bcinfj or--Sani?ua as a bourd, according to theprovisions ot the Treaty and the act ofCongress that case tiidde aiid niovi- -

Ltfed, have pasaed the following Orders ;01 which all those nrterestLd v.ll berarastak(n.oifct: .


m - - 'I' --W?naHTBiiBUiianBiBatlcment, and Limits , uftnTCelnuKiOTiiLciistates oFAmenca and his Catholic Ma-jesty, concluded at Washington, on the22d of February, 1819,.vhiph arc to bereceived by this Commission, do file amemoiial ofthe sams with the Secreta-ry of the Board ; to the end, that the)may be hereafter duly examined, andthe validity and anjouat thereof xlecidedupon, according to. the suitable and au-

thentic testimony concerning tlie same,which may be then required. The saidmen orial must be addresser! to thisBoard, must set foith, paiticularly andminutely, the' various facts and circum-stances whence tire tight to prefer suchclaim is derived; end must be cnfic.oy the affidavit of the claimant. .

" And, in Older that claimants m$y beinformed ofwhdtisnow considered bythe Commissioners as essential to be

and established before any suchmemorial can bt received by tnis bodrd,it it. further "

Qideted, That "each daiment shalldeclare, in his said memorial, fornd inbehalf ot whom tile said claim is prefer-red ; fjud whether the amount thereof,and of every part thcreof.if'allowed, dpesnow, and, at the time when the said claimarose, c!id belong solely and absolutelyto the said claimant, or to any other,pud, is any, wlia'tpersot..And in casssof claims preferred for the benefit of anyother than the clairmtht, the memorial tbo exhibited must farther t,et forth,'when,

.!Why, and vhat means,.. Such na3 cecome entitledor anv saidlT1claim. A he fnemorhl, i etuiu-e- to L.

fcxjiiblTea by all claimant, must aUo settoith, and certainly declare, whether theclaimant, as well as any other furhvhosebenefit the claim is preferred, is now,and at the time t. hen the laid

was, t citLen of the United Statesof America tvhere he ia now, and atthe utne the said claim arose was,

and is any, what change do-

miciliation has siucc taken place. Thesaid mcnioual also set forth, whoth- -

er the cldirnmit, or any ether who mayhave bccnat atiy time entitled to the a- -

mount claimed, or any pan thereof hathever ieteiYed?ny,and,it any, what, mmof money, or other equivalent or indem-nification, for tue loss or injury sustained, (.atiafaclioii lor which i:. iheiciit Hiked.

" And that time mar be allowed toclaiteia.it3jo prepare and file the me- -

l moiials atr6ve mentioned; it is furtherURERED, That when this board

shall adjourn to-da- it will adjoin n tomeet again on the 10th c!a)"ot September nest;, at which lime it will pioceedto dec ide whether any memorials whichmay have been filed with the Secretin)',in pursuance ol the above orders, shallbz received for examination.

" ORDERED, That a copy of theseproceedings be published by the Secrc- -

taty oi this board, in ait tne puouc ga- -

Stdtcs, arc usually printed.'1By older, T. WATKIKS,

. Sucretarr to the Commission,Under the 11th article ofthe PlontV. Treaty

Jlathinrtan, 14th Jurf, IBai 0

Just Publishad,JA0 MAI' he "had AV THIS OtriCE,

(PllJCB 50 ClKT.,)

'TO"1; CHRISTIAN CHURCHES,Oii several important Doctrines of Iiel'gioa,

BY BARTON W. STONE, E. C. C.Lexington, Ainl 1910

InOTICK.THE heretofore existing

Samuel Trotter, George Trot-ter, Jr. dee'd. and Robert (. Dudle'', tradingunder tlie firm of liOBERT G HUDLEXii Co. wus dissolved in the month oi Deoem- -

ber,;18i5, and the ot the cameparties composing the iirm .of S,iMCTEL iiGiSyfUii lutuiy&it u uu. exjnreu iylimitation on the first day of January last.

KotRje is therefor Given.That the'Books, Notes and all other Papersof said concerns, are deposited witlibAMLTROTTER, as partner and airent 0f w-i-

a firms,for the purpose of icctiving all debts due totliein, and liqumating uiose due by said hrms.It 13 iiecessaiy to the parties concerned, thatspeedy payments should bemadtf, and in ca3eol failure tuits willbe'commenced without de-

lay. (Signed)SAMUEL TUO ITER,JOHN POPE, 1 Exe'rt. cf Gecr?.JAMES TROTTER, S Trotter, Jr. liee'dELIZA TROTTER, Executrix.

Lexington, Feb. 23d. 1820

. HAGSat ths ffi cfle Kfaltif 'WANTED ' ' ' '

jpentine, Oil, Arnishes, WndoWUlais, Putrffcttes jn hich the lawstof the United


soot blindeve







PROPOSALS' ,For pulUildngjn Lexington, A'y,'a Semi-Mint-

lyPaptr,tobtentiiled the f'


rpHH eenlial olrect8 of this work will beA tlie inculcation and diffusion of whole

some political truths and 'principles, and the.irompt conectkm oi vice in whatever fcrmit may appear. The n.oml depravity aDd paes-n- .

tollies of the tunes are (it subjects for theanimadversion ol the press. In doing this theEditors ill carefully avoid bringing the numofpnvute individuals into public review , buttliay will, at the same time, ua judiciously aspossible, employ the weapons of Itidicule.Wit,

haiV;Vrlit uumor ana tarcatni to protect theWWMWl iynliWi' iMtailaiiai Ti

portant trust ot public a;etjuajT Thit7.aicvmaybe aided in their irioii3 lobors as muchas possible, a general request is giv en to ALLlor tiior correspondence. It will be tee pro-vince ot the eoitors to iielcct the matter pub-hsha- d

; but they emphatically promise toobseive, iu CI eases, the necessary rul-- 3 olsecrecy. .

CONDITIONS.THE CORRECTOR will be published re

gularly once in every two weeks, on sine pa-per, man tctavoform, and will contain nearlyas much matter as any faper in the state.The price to subscribers wdMie TWO DOL-LARS, per arinum, payable in advance.

Ine ciose oi each year will complete a volume, at which time a title pate will be

The first nuuiber will appear by tlie15th ofJune.

Persons having subscription papers, are requested to return tlie names to the editorswithout delay. The first number appearedon the ?lst of June 'Lexington, 1321.

List oi' LettersEMAINING in the Post-offic- e tt Ver-- E

feL stillr- - Wv. which is not 1&lc?n ntit betornthe first day "of Oct.nett, will be nent to theGeneral Post-onic- c i dead Ieuc--Naitcy Ashley liiibella HamiltonUeftey Allen 'mi Hancock Jr.Wm. Adg-e- - " JUXSamuel Ayreo JeueJohn Atkuia i David L JacksonSanil. Akin Wm Johmton

Ii John EinkeaJSsmuel Bucklty Joa &.,Jr,o rCinteulW R Brat ken JosKinkead Si SonGeorge Blackburn, Jr Jo Kinke.d 2Ii ja!i Rhone WAV KirtMR"llei.i Ewv A ArcTid Kink edJeruniiau Bucklerii... -

Fu5.v utii RkWBDOnj-- .,- "- W. Buford W B LongWin Ii .Blackburn John Long JrRebecca Bergeu .lofen A Leo'Snieop Bufo.'d (kLong StUrothsrDank Bell Wm B La Fore;lames S. Berryman 3 Edwd LewisbanJi B Bird .lames C LongAnTerica llerry Hen! Hllard

laria Ulnhton Kichols'Lafoi.Mrs M Buck, er.Lewis Berry Johnson M aloneA L Brooks John Moody

C . Frederick M'PsUnN B Cooke !. Co Win M.CuddyN B Cooke Jcittiuab McrlqnJohn G. Collins Cspt M'KnightHginnah Coiiovtr baml MeheW Crwitinan Vm M'Kinneyfs'iscTJruti Ucr Cyius M'CraefeenCathaiineEi Ciaia' Thos MiintgomerySaml. Clagget tdwJ liitchellJames Coleman I. ichd ManningLanslott CUik A M'llniht 2H Crittenden James MitchdmLewis Craig Q John M'KinneyWm P Clow 2 Wn M'BrideJeirembb Colliiu Wm Mayo & Co QCol. A. Combs John MOssGeorge Cathsle And MuldrowGoodloe Carter JVy 0Cleik Wcodlordc c Pimeon Newm&n

J) Warren OiluttWilliam Dickey Juhanna OlfuttAbm. Dale Geo II OffuttFrancis Dunnington PJohn Deair John PrallWm. Dale Williamson pitmanJohn Dawson George PaytUli'W m Duvril John PpmbertojiAbiiah Davis . Jarob U PayneJod Davidson John Powell

J3 Ieuis PeiryJohn Elliott Jaines ParrisliJos Edding 'JlRobert Evan Isbelli RichardsojiJesie Ellis Win Reeds -

J' Win RikCol JohnTrancirct Thos He' bi'rnJohn 4' S'1'hos Ford JolinamithAusaiom t ora David Steele6rsu D 1'ant Col W Steele S

Wm Steel Jr -Robert Gardner C John G StanhopeJohn Grant Andert.on ShipjKIsaac Grey John SandersWilliam Gilham Thos StevensonLewis Garnett Wm SmithRobert Gavlc Thos W. Sellcu

"II Giltner Sheriff of WoodfordMart Guinn TRichaid li mini Catlmrine Tarrant 0Wm Grrdon Eliiha ThurmanCernchuj Gough Jane . Trabuc

4 James TorbittClari ss. Hickman Tspley ThomasRobert Holenran WJane Harris Zepheniah WaldenI'hoa llarjier Denj WalkerugaF Hawkins JosB White

James L Herait John Williams 2flames Hawkins John U Waring; 2John Hauna & co 2 Ghesley, WooldiidgeMichcsl Hf.rper MrWilhoit 2Wnali Hevdmi 1 hos WhiteJohn Hughs , Catharine WoodsAndrew Hutchinson Fredk VallJElizabeth Hopkins Wm WalkerHenry H Hazard Wm WoodsJohn M Hopkins N W WatkinsJohn Hammofis 2 L C J WihonWm F.llaslett YJoel Henry 2 W D Young1Johu Y Iliter Douglass Young

lr.V.,1 VnnnoJOS. VV. BRYSON,A.r.wA

BlaaiiB of ever i kindrortalcttt this OJlcc.


Rocht 'st er Springs.One tale South fPerrywU,, en theliead fanJLexmgtw, Kentucky, to JTathvtlte, Trnn.

. --Trc. L. Ik Rochester,0 TILL eonUnoM to keep the 3PRlNG,aadC? is now well prepared to accommodate1 ravellers and Wmiturs. and hnnatnj..frencral sititfacticn on i,rmi i-- -- -.- -.Die.

V JOHN noCHESTES.March tOflSZl lS-6-

P. S. The editois of the Argus, rnuvkfort,Ky ; Gazette, Lexington, and the paper atRussellYjllc, will pubbsh the above in theirpapers six montlis, and forward their accountsto the subscriber, Danville. J, R.

Girinm-viUc- i Syrringa,CJIarrodsburRh. KcRluckv.

f3jIE Subscribers having taken possession offtK245Sf11Pl!P,nSBJias Propnetbm,uiox&l!Kug!icJtIiaHthLhriii:eJ.Mirj,"SKw

tinued as whfpT'Umlfcr tnJiSiiittygiiJohn (lahiik, for the accommortSinnTnlKli''.;

V nn W,1. K WUkHH Xt'. 1 ft ' rmust nu upj iimiB. proper to cul xne ar-rangements tliatare now maknip, in additionto the present improvements, wdl enable themto Tender comfurtable and agreeable, thosewho miy rcjortto tlie Springs.


Jiov. ZSlh, 180. 50lf

Iix. Danifcl Ji. HeaYd,OPhERS bis MEDICAL SERVICES to tho

of Harrodsburcrh and the circumjacent country, and pledges himself to be faithJul in the (liscn&rge ot lus professional dutiesHis Shop will be at the Spnnjrs, where he mayalwavo be sound, except when attending torroieMionai engagements.

ureenriile springs, .Nov. 23, 1B20 3

MAIL ROEBERT.N tlia serenleelh of April hit, the fol-lowing Dills were enclosed, posUee paid

and put into this office, and a special Mailmade up, ,by request, for Baltimore, Mary-land, since which, no account of them hubeen rtceived; consequently, I have everyfcason to believe they have been taken outat oome of tlie Poit Offices, or are mislaid ormitcarried. Any information that may leadto their recovery, or detection of th thief (isstolen,) will be thankfully received.

Inclosed with the lefthalfs of the first named bills) ,to Capt. John Snyder, of Baltimore,

iu uo new lore, .Albany: oyj, j xota qv 1813.

10 do d 5041, N 25th Nov. 1815.10 do do T43, K 2nd Jan. 181 1.lft(lo . jIMi770, vV25thJNrWritil3.5 do do 43, B 3d. Aug. 1814---,do do, 896, II 16th Oct. 180J.

10 do Meciiimc and Farmers Itinls"Albt.ny, : ; 1W, K. 24th July 1811.

S do do 8801, 10th June, lblf.5 do Union Bar.kTif South Carohni.

: 243, D 7th April 18ir--10 do State Bank cf North Carolina, pay table at Fayettcville, 1150, C'5th Nor. 1818

i do do T&rlborough, 54?8, C 4th July 1813The right halfs inclosed in a letter to Joh

P. Poor, Esq. The lest halfs, to Ctpt, JohnSnrder. ,

iOO dolls. U. S. Bank, payable t!)e Offlcoef Diacounte-i- d Deposit, Washington.

JVo. Lettcr7Datet. T,. 264, A 1st Feb. 1817,

50 lis"1' Sa G21, AlstFeb. 18ir,U0 do- - d. 7767, A lit Jan. 1817,50 do B'k. of Diricn 990, A 20th May 18ir

Inclonsd with tlie right halfj of the John F. Poor, Esq.

0 dolls. United State Bank at Philadel-phia s : 7511, B 7th Sept. tS19.

S do do 6191, A 7th April, 1819., do do payableat office of depositsPqjUmouth, N. H 841, G 21th March 1819,

10 do Union Bank of GeprgetowH,, 167, F 14th JaT1815,

10 do Bank of Virginia, payable at Peter,burg, : 6788, 88, A 14th April 1815

S do do Wilmington 644, B 1st Ja'n. 181J.6 do in small bills of North Carolina, 1T do In do Bank of Nevvbern,2 do A bill of Virginia, payable at Frederiicktburgb.TNo. and dates not noted,

g358 Total.It appears, on reference ts tlie Post OSes

Books at this place, tha the mail so request-ed to be put up, contained the above letters,marked paid, one for 50 cents, and the'otfier75, Also, two unpaid letters 25 each: tlie twolatter only were received. Post MaitersandBank officers, as well as all other. humaneand honest citizens, are respectfully requeu-ed to d in the detection and recovery oftheabove bills and letters, as this is not the onlyloss that has occurred in the remittance of mo.

iney hence by Had.RICHARD Is. I'AXSO:".

Vinccones, Ind1 June f, 1821. ? J

Fajcttc Circuit Court,JUJVE TERM; 1821.

Gilbert Simpson's heirs, Complainants,Vs.

Gilbert Simpson's admr's. See. DefendantIt! OIUNOKHT.

njlHIS day came tlie complainants by theiijl. eounte'l, and it appearing to the satisfae.

tionof the court, that the Defendant SamuelMorrow, is no inhabitant of this state, and hoIiaving sailed to enter Ji appearance hereinagreeably to law and the rules of thia courton the motion of the complainants by theii?counsel, il is ordered, that unless the said Defendant do appear here on ofbefpre the firstday of our nextSeptemberterro and answerthe complainant's bill herein, the sameVUlbe taken for confessed against him and it isfurther ordered, that a copy of tins order boinserted in some authorised newtp'aper in

this state for two months suceewive

Atteste, THOS. BODLEY, c.f,cs.June "28 26-2-

Fayette county, set .'pAKEN up by William Boner, near Walnut

A, Hill Meetinghouse, on BAY MARE", C

or 6 j ears old, about fifteen lands high, shodall round, in low order, has a Urge scar oaher withers appraised to glO. Given tra-

der my band this 14th May, 1821WALLER lUJLLQCK.j p,

Acopy--Rt:. 3.M:CJiJE9,(;,ft

KW" ,. N
