kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

5 of Concrete. HOUSti; of REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES. I nw u e 21, ,fR Hit fngtoi from tJr committee apfoi ited to at tugir ana oring in a bill for fcur"ig t authors and in Viators the en lu five right of publifb-in- g and v- - d g their rcjpclivt wri- tings am invenfo s, retorted one for that purfoc, wlfch was read and laid mi hm tnhl0 The engro'fed mi far e(labh(hingn deportment of foreign ciffams war read ath-rdtim- and when the que ion of fafft ,g it was about to be put Mr. IVhite moved that the bill be re commit- - ltcl This motion was made in order for a re confidemtion ; it was contended that ly the dectfion of the Houje upon it on Monday the principles of the bill w e materially altered, aud that it was im- - portanttlntjuchafubtett fbould under- - go the mofl thtiougk canvass. The queHon on this motion being Xtiut. was lost . Mr then moved that th? bill lie on the table till thisday, winch was carried. The house then fok up the amend-m- i of the S'nate t) th: tmpojl b ll, yhth hat been non concuued by this and on which the Senate Jlnl infilled T e fiifl amendment refpefUng the enading fltle, aster same delmte, vas concurred u, wth sun her amend- ment, that injhad of " Be it enaHed ly the S'nate ant Repr'je titties. ' it Jl'tiuid run, ' Bi n etnllei by the t' a' d II .'i c R'teje 'J Is tKMfnw dme it idn-re- a toby the S ''is wn to 'f i.e out thenanje neat-i- t g id'jiumn tirnbetwe'tioitrcommer cial a.lie md titers, r i riling the du It sonnrdei t fi't'its T lis hmuht on a c nidcr .hie d'b te- - mIiicIi aritwis clrejly a repetition of the uptime t ad lanced ii te . the bill was het,r, the houje, ill" forir lute, we think it not - jai to i toil ' The qu lion for concurrence lev gpu Wieg.t Mi b a ma, onty of tvo. J he h u e odjohrned I) I1AV- - Illl f?l. Tne h,u e met purjtunt to adjourn- - tre t Tie '? ed I til hich was yefler d a 'lid t lit on ihr t'ibte was taken ti, a ' r ai a third time O thijU ilio, (ha, I th- - bill pass the eyt' n'id iaeswere iequ red by one fi th tf the meinbert, and were as follow, ayes 29 luiu 2 ' l n h n e tnentooK into co" uleriiion theaie mrnts infifld m, the S, ;nt, it of Unci, foico to rojeand it atame d'd, but houj' not b'i n , ,ds v ?o though the repoit, ih . . fi ' itn m rrow August CON 1'- - N T O N, Dinvil'p- - Tnlv 1. i7lo. rLVhRAL comeinm? O this Diftuff apnmfl use of were fubm. tied to which were. cad, and motion, committee foi diaW inn nn a urn iff Jince to the I.xccu cc convention tlieir liere on 'I e in e heir cnfideiation the pa ic s rr t m cfei ed, ind have i Iii. owing and VK uncwri ten the Diiruft of tal'v , un lei foi'eft impie(Iinn. that fntuicfi'u-ario- n of coun'tv ill dti en tfit cm Uifl of un zeo , ai d th f ec,;ti never attain a ftdti. i.t pmfpe rity, bur by ihei' draw ng forth and neevety rotnce f artive com-m- e ceandm in inc np 'net oris of lo.l- bv cx- - of induftrj, diicarding thtir unmanly fonder for the of n luxury and foppe v, and leifen in iheit expeiKCiby a decent fiuR pledge om'el' ci each to theothei as private citizens, That we will not, af'e1 the I'd day ofForuary next, make use f on ifelvc. o fuiTer to be uled in our f m es. ex cept in case of fickneH, any v me, i urn, brandy or other fpir'tu liquors, which shall not be made within the Diftncr of Kentucky. That we will not, aster the fii ebruary ncxr, impoit cu gauze, nik or lace.-Mn- kind, -t- hat we wil. not aster the a ft mentioned day, any broad cloth which malleoli mo.c thanthirty fl'dlingsa yard, or any narrow cloth which fii ill cost more than if'eenfhil- - l'n5- - a yrd, any impored 'mens wh.cb ih-- ll cod moie than six (hillings a yard, lhal wc Wl" ' he utmofiofojr pow- - er promote, ino ease and use ma- - & ' of the IMrift. I h ' ' ewil 1sfar as our cxtmnle lnfl e,lce "''I P" P'omore a dt- - cent and h .Durable 'm ality Hut we will n .1 t i 'cnl on fO the prii c pie. llae e iiii'r - moil n' out p.uve " e he we fa e n hviiirief- - f 'hf l'i r ift. In tllitii'iny w he eof e e ei n o sub ft' bv.' I. r ames Svn M n wil, 7h Cim'll, G'Orgr Ifuter, fimei ?i.r ', I(rillitm K' ttKd fTirry ln er, Thot K'niedy, n v R'c, IF hv ... J ',, T D wed B'nj m; Login, A'vn ,J1.iti", Ni.hvi'Hu'lon, G N i hulas. D ivid Leitch, , Rjohei That theD fl t of Ken tiKnv c iii never a in i cnl p of-i- e ty mil he mh . i ., , f mited ion. of nul i!i . ihill iik e,c il.e p oJ id ons and 'inrul rfmes il the e mil" y . and y a it i ce.oT mi e c be i c o c . lha be nerin c cum fla.ue. ut ne Di ' ' i c l I " maiuiijcUiie o ' c l vvo'-vu- n, totion-- , linen , u. cn'ric, lea "Cl J" ' i,oni in e n od hIiOii. V' fal ul pork and b- - t, luuei, theere, so t iilow and c md es R solved, I h-- t p e'ent circ m ft-- " c1"' "' ae alio a.a(. cd vvj .in.i cwuifjui iiMti n i tr.( rO rhi; of fpiiiis fiom j; an and o ne iubets in IulIi fj nn u es r. with p 'ei atteitj.jii a en oma ement won d be fuilicient loi eneial tun fmn iicin That piercnt li.cuvn-f- l iuo l (he Oillnd e, er is prudent nn i luveifaiy foi it-- , mh ib t.m's loalv u " "'m tlie use of foieiuri h'XUi e, ' ,,e alfocntors, in c iih county, to aW0"". anmully, on their S'epti-inbe- r court da, atoinniK eeof seven to rar. ry into the piopo.'cd afTjci-a- t r -- Rfnhed ThTt it be recommended to etch rtee, foio beenol'en, to depute rnnuall; , two of members ,0 attend a general meennR of the ado- - Clat0rs. to be held on thefourth Mon- - da n Novonber at Danville, LexmR- - ton am1 "ard's town he filft meeting to he held at Danvilleon Monday in Nov next Rejolved, That the said county com tnittees and annual general meeting oupht to such rules and re gulanons as will rend to promote incrcafeandufcof the production, and mmiifictures of the D ftnet and to exe'u le all article- - of sore gn piowth and miHifacture, which the ciicum-fiance- s of theDiftnct will enable her inhabitants L " At a CQWENTION begr i and held JortHmmtri ti of Kentucky, the Cov'tffiBefli Da ivllc. tn the county . of MAcer on monda the lothdas of fi'h, 1 the yeir of our Ltrd i"8o. fl'h cli diy iiifli a pointed iv law for the meeting of the A 'na rrttf v' h' tmmvtti oeat- - ed andtotk their jeats. a" ' lha lhls dsfii.ib!e end will be tnoft to the bid hi laying an im' nl n rerttin gonds, s , 'ualy obtaid by alfuc a ions to refufmg to concw iherewtuammmittce in'ofor that pm, ore. cfconfeie-ceua- t apt ointe I on the pari Resolved, That be rccr.mmended tf the hot, co filit'nofMepis Bouitio hc '"rubitant? the D to not,Fttz'i"ions and M diflon. enter in oafl" eiations for carrvinc in o Tl,ehiu,enf tintoaccmnvtteeonthe cxeuition the principles and nraiiue till rorel, i fl ne, the wirde; -- rmcnt ; con'aine 1 in the ne coIumops. alter i?r- -" n fomr nmendmenti tl ti Rejolved, That it be recommended "fin'ed the LEXi fro-TOf- y. ?9, Li V 0 telolutioi.s anaTocationoftheirhatmantsof the foiein luxmies, the confider'aiionof iheconvcn.ion, on oic'eieith beiclencitoihe tixe whoaictoiriorttoihenext pioceedings heci'mmitree, accoiding tootder, In b t.l rh a fieci'o tul adociation re'"luti(.n. the inhabitants of Ken the the v on her it chenfli ifaftme e.ife the pro ihe fpiritc emons solemnly ft day ofl puichaTeany puichife imported the 2nJ i' 1 li eo Rejolved, a the 'be leIMnfl nj dilhlhnfi the txecjtioi) Lomm us alte-nat'e- H thefourth ember recommend the todowithoiiAv it convention. The IhnoraV.! V.T)c-- e Was unammovjly eleiled Ptefdii.t (j th.s ctnveiittO'i, Oideied, that Mi Thomas Todd b: appointed tlcrk of this cotnentton. O 'c cd, That a committee ofprhi lprlirtr nud plpflmnt lip nhhninttd '"Jl1-- ' "" - - ....,.. V". Aid a ctmm ttee wa' appointed of Mr William Kennedy, Mr. Canard, Mr Logan, Mr L'e, Mr. Muter, Mr Ct. dwell, Mr Todd, Mr. Camp bell Mr Mai (ball and Mr Thomas Ken- - nedy, who are to examine the Calfi cates of EteSion, fromthe J'xeraicoun lies in this Dtfintl and make report thereon to the convention On notion, that the rules of the lojl convention be received and adopted for the Government of the convention Oidccd, Tint :he said rules be re. f erred to a committee of Mr Campbell, Mr.Tayior H,' ll'illhm Kennedy, M' Rufell, Mr. Thtmat Kennedy and Mr Michir, who arc tn tabe the same vito confederation ana mike r'rt thereon () de ed, Thit M' Jofbun be appointed Serge int at aunt to this comeniion. ad that he betequejled to gv h attend ce accordingly Tf convention then aljourneJ until tomoircw morning ten o clock Tif'OAV, the list davof uly i7Ro Pie ronve ntion met according load jots l"ilf M Cimpb'H from the committee aptitn " I to tak' into confiderttion the th- - r.,i.f of the lull convntion retmr to I tit . ttll . Mttllt l,,l hbt. . 1... ' it i' t.r'n 1'ltO rn ttllttrtt'ti., nnii (W wi,ii fnritl ' ' .t.w... n...-.- j, v, vt ... rut itrt i,a, r'q nr- - 0'i' ihit'nts th'reto, wrch said ruP'as ing ftuli alt'iat'i i m the t'rrs a: pre-o- m' i' I h' retd tn s vlace an i then lent tropolv hath D flrirt r. r. del v'l th' same in at .',...,.. the eletks n lie w't re they were igxinrexd and a gre'i ti. O i mo'hn, the AI of A Tem'iH in- tituled " A'n?! cinremi g the ere 1'on or th' Diflr ? of Ke iturky tiro an in d"e lent Stye 'ttrlltdthei thdiyof Dec-mh- r.1- - fv . r.'e mhns of Co ires, and the ft ' .1 C -- l'tntion w re read and order-- i t b'i'"r"lto a rommittee of the wh le content on v 11 11 u to Jet on the ftue op the Ui fti Re r vcd. That this etinv itinn do now rejolve ttl'lt into a rontrn'ttee of uic wnoic on rn' itiie or wt uiiria. Mr Shelby na elefl-dt- o the Chair. A A aster jnme t m th' frit d tk rejum the Chiir a'drh' Chiirmvl hid liken it to ftnliiierit'i'i the li of the Difltifl aid other m t'er to them ft erred o d had made Jose pro grejs therein but hnv'ng time to go throng 1 the Jake, hid dtreSed hmto move 'or leave to It agiin tomatrow, with h ts granted ,k f 'e d, Tint it he aflandingruley f thu convention that the hur oj ad- join menl (hall be at ten o'clock, T roiivfififfrj then adjourned, the lid dayof July 1789. lh convention met according toad-j- w met t. Mt llilliam Kennedy from the com- - uiitteeof prmleaaei and eleaiom teticr- - ttd thai the romittiftee hnd tnbert ttitn rt . ? tft rrn - " "il 'c Initio to again tomorrow, granted 'IlIUEsnAY co mention accural g ad were hidbe-fSiet'iec- o vtutio enr to the oj nit ai c' f, om l'i! gi'f ". rgi i.ii, totlr con it) tfuf i ir cei, tint with e ft on. , Vity lieutc taut, addieTcd tot!,- - ! i - H C thiscohvention, vrh chbeiigt id, were oi.mooi, 'j'u'ted to neu tii' , ' O i motion, O de c-- u t' e cm'.. tntttee win i nas to to any, f d charged Jrum Jrh'.er fiocee it rejolution committed to & comi,.s.tee o? wlwleyeftetdav ' Tint the said rejo'tttionls committed to a committee of the whoU sit today, on the ft je i.f tlie DiflriSt. Resolved That this convei tin c'orcv rejolve itjelf into a committee o whoh ontherflaie oe the Mr. was elected to the chair Aster jome time J'pet the Pr"side Si fofumed chair, and the C iamwn ported, that the committee hid taken themitterstntoconfideration, to and hai come to a reiolutio which he read his plhititndih'n theclerk stabJhjji're fnat again lead, amended dhftwngf&d as follows v.z: 7&F" ' r ir ofh t of th rim. tint th' t rmes ow of ted h- f ' r.retnn 'or iH tenaratio . r ,U. lt,i ttifl or K nturky ftm I .d lt. an materially alteiei fr,n thfe r, ,'., rjv off ed and i greed to on both d i tint Jaid al"ratio ot the (.,',M , in uriQU to v.H i a'.e oy th- - p-- o pleofthisDJlr'Q. Re'olv e 1 e cl., e, T'nt a me noi i albepref'ntei torh' etifw ,tf- - ns tire dn..l f.. - '..'I...... ' t 01 as Will llllk them rnl t ti.r. fcrmerh off ere i by lrigi ,ta, a, d agreed to on the part of the f aid Diftricl of h being in the affirmative, Ayer is-No- cs i 3 U.i 1 h motion of Mr Taylor, andfe- - condedbyMr Muter O dee Tint the nam's of the pyer and noes on the foregoing tejol-tion- , 'ie injeited in the Journals J he name of thoje .. ho ot,- - h the njjirmat.yp rv Mi Gtu v Mr. Calihiell. M R wovi. M f.di. M, M' I t.l. Mi It Mr Utiiiain. M f-- tw , r r Qrjnt Mr.Smitl M' Sir Mi '" p n,,e dy Wr R , u , ian Mr M - r Is, Mjtfhttl Mi Ci ttrwl .f. u. M v Mr. I hot Kninetlv 4. h. Mr '1 Mont- - gomer and Mr. ') ,vtj J he .times of h . ,t,o vot'i in the vegat ve are- - M Sauher, Mr. tumilfli M L wis M Rt, el 7tr. V'.o. Mr Li.iord M Iffiham Til' feu . r, ,e Mr r ., Mr C,W,, M: Reynold,, Mr Logan, Mi. Httjioi. O.dered, That a committee be ap. to draw up memorial the foregoing resolution, And a committee was nhtolrtteA r r. Muter, Mi. Marfball, Mr. Garrard', (li l Mr. nnvlt ns. t ....r. ..- - ' Taylor, Logan,' Mr. Edwards', tIr la TM Tr... rr j , . A P'rfons indebted to the iUbkr lur. are Rene it d tn pay up their re(p.(lL-n- e halluces to .Vr. David Krr ofLXingron, who isautl.o.n i to little all m tl my io t.ncc. thattheromir.iiteeofthew'io'eMr Mu hir M L not - ' '" "- - "" " " - nenncay ana Mr. conji .f icerj the cervfiiates of eleflitn Campbell; who are to prepare the Jaid from the ral counties and find that memorial, and make report theieen te they are vnde agreahle to law moriow. - Mr. M rh ill m-.- a motion for th The convention then adjourned, convention to come to the following The in our next 1 solution. vis. Ke.olved, That it is the opinion of l! this convention that a separation of the Diflrifl of Kentucky from the State of JS ' r raed away, from the fub-Firgin- ia, and an erefiion of the kribn, living un cane run Dijlrtti mte a separate and inJenendent about sour milts from of the Unien is nece Tary and .. . rt ,,. expedient which being read '"f ed to be referred to a of the Y m,,re nbout '4 hands whole convention '"g'N as)out 8 jears o d, bran- - Uefolved, That this convention do dd on the near buttock D now resolve itself into committee of WnncverdHivr rs the lid mare the whole on the said lejoluvon ' tllC l ' "" lhM Mr Shelby waselefled ,0 the Clnir , Arter time spent Mr D 'I'ars, or to the r'efumed the Chair, and the chairman '""bcr '' D rs reported that the committee had taken HUGH M VVILLIARIS thejaid into confide! ation and "S- - 24 1789. 13 hid made same tronrtPr thereon hut i . Jiavillfr time thrt.w.r.1. r. -- vs w ' ii0 sire sit whicfy ti The convention then adjourned. th 22dday of July, i7s0. The met to t jtindry letters ; from the Ireh-d.- nt of Congrejj governor Virg. togi ',j t Jit contl- - Oide.ed, whtchisto the District. Shelby the t emie- - ferred, in deli veredinat to Whereas the i vention the ndmt gG;Keril ftnlhl.M Ken- tucky resolved Croiiittt mr ,, lit'i- - and pointed a agreeable to Odd. Mr. letueand resorted remainder lev' Member committee a lorn Prudent Solution TAYIS. I 1

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · Tne h,u e met purjtunt to adjourn--tre t Tie '? ed I til hich was yefler




UNITED STATES.I nw u e 21,

,fR Hit fngtoi from tJr committee

apfoi ited to at tugir ana oringin a bill for fcur"ig t authors and inViators the en lu five right of publifb-in- g

and v- - d g their rcjpclivt wri-

tings am invenfo s, retorted one forthat purfoc, wlfch was read and laidmi hm tnhl0

The engro'fed mi far e(labh(hingndeportment of foreign ciffams war readath-rdtim- and when the que ion of

fafft ,g it was about to be put Mr.IVhite moved that the bill be re commit- -

ltclThis motion was made in order for a

re confidemtion ; it was contended thatly the dectfion of the Houje upon it on

Monday the principles of the bill w e

materially altered, aud that it was im- -

portanttlntjuchafubtett fbould under- -

go the mofl thtiougk canvass.The queHon on this motion being

Xtiut. was lost .

Mr then moved that th?bill lie on the table till thisday, winchwas carried.

The house then fok up the amend-m-

i of the S'nate t) th: tmpojl b ll,yhth hat been non concuued by this

and on which the Senate Jlnlinfilled

T e fiifl amendment refpefUng theenading fltle, aster same delmte, vasconcurred u, wth sun her amend-

ment, that injhad of " Be it enaHedly the S'nate ant Repr'je titties. ' itJl'tiuid run, ' Bi n etnllei by the t'

a' d II .'i c R'teje'J Is tKMfnw dme it idn-re- a toby the

S ''is wn to 'f i.e out thenanje neat-i- t

g id'jiumn tirnbetwe'tioitrcommercial a.lie md titers, r i riling the du

It sonnrdei t fi't'its T lis hmuht on

a c nidcr .hie d'b te- - mIiicIi aritwisclrejly a repetition of the uptime t adlanced ii te . the bill was het,r, the houje,ill" forir lute, we think it not -

jai to i toil '

The qu lion for concurrence lev gpuWieg.t Mi b a ma, onty of tvo.

J he h u e odjohrnedI) I1AV- - Illl f?l.

Tne h,u e met purjtunt to adjourn- -

tre t

Tie '? ed I til hich was yeflerd a 'lid t lit on ihr t'ibte was taken

ti, a ' r ai a third timeO thijU ilio, (ha, I th- - bill pass the

eyt' n'id iaeswere iequ red by one fi thtf the meinbert, and were as follow, ayes

29 luiu 2 '

l n h n e tnentooK into co" uleriiiontheaie mrnts infifld m, the S, ;nt,

itof Unci,


rojeand it atame d'd, buthouj' not b'i n , ,ds v ?o though therepoit, ih . . fi ' itn m rrow

AugustCON 1'-- N T O N,Dinvil'p- - Tnlv 1. i7lo.

rLVhRAL comeinm?Othis Diftuff apnmfl use of

were fubm. tied towhich

were. cad, and motion,committee foi diaW

inn nn a urn iff Jince to the I.xccucc

convention tlieir liereon


e in e heir cnfideiation thepa ic s rr t m cfei ed, ind have

i Iii. owing and

VK uncwri tenthe Diiruft of tal'v , un lei

foi'eft impie(Iinn. that fntuicfi'u-ario- n

of coun'tv ill dti entfit cm Uifl of un zeo , ai d thf ec,;ti never attain a ftdti. i.t pmfperity, bur by ihei' draw ng forth and

neevety rotnce f artive com-m- eceandm in inc np'net oris of lo.l- bv cx- -

of induftrj, diicarding thtir

unmanly fonder for the of n

luxury and foppe v, and leifenin iheit expeiKCiby a decent fiuR

pledge om'el' ci each totheothei as private citizens,

That we will not, af'e1 the I'd dayofForuary next, make use f on ifelvc.o fuiTer to be uled in our f m es. except in case of fickneH, any v me, i urn,brandy or other fpir'tu liquors,which shall not be made within theDiftncr of Kentucky.

That we will not, aster the fii

ebruary ncxr, impoitcu gauze, nik or lace.-Mn- kind, -t- hatwe wil. not aster the a ft mentionedday, any broadcloth which malleoli mo.c thanthirtyfl'dlingsa yard, or any narrow clothwhich fii ill cost more than if'eenfhil- -

l'n5- - a yrd, any impored 'mens wh.cbih-- ll cod moie than six (hillings a yard,lhal wc Wl" ' he utmofiofojr pow- -

er promote, ino ease and use ma- -& ' of the IMrift.I h ' ' ewil 1sfar as our cxtmnle

lnfl e,lce "''I P" P'omore a dt- -cent and h .Durable 'm ality

Hut we will n .1 t i 'cnl on fOthe prii c pie. llae e iiii'r -moil n' out p.uve " e he wefa e n hviiirief-- f 'hf l'i r ift. Intllitii'iny w he eof e e ei n o sub

ft' bv.' I. r amesSvn M n wil, 7h Cim'll,G'Orgr Ifuter, fimei ?i.r ',I(rillitm K' ttKd fTirry ln er,Thot K'niedy, n v R'c,IF hv ... J ',, T D wedB'nj m; Login, A'vn ,J1.iti",Ni.hvi'Hu'lon, G N i hulas.D ivid Leitch,

, Rjohei That theD fl t of KentiKnv c iii never a in i cnl p of-i- e

ty mil he mh .i ., , f mited

ion. of nul i!i . ihill iik e,cil.e p oJ id ons and 'inrul rfmes ilthe e mil" y . and y a it i ce.oT mie c be i c o c .

lha be nerin c cumfla.ue. ut ne Di ' ' i c l I "

maiuiijcUiie o ' c l vvo'-vu- n,

totion-- , linen , u. cn'ric,lea "Cl J" ' i,oni in e n od hIiOii.

V' fal ul pork and b- - t, luuei, theere,so t iilow and c md es

R solved, I h-- t p e'ent circ mft--

" c1"' "' ae alio a.a(. cdvvj .in.i cwuifjui iiMti n i tr.( rOrhi; of fpiiiis fiom j; a n ando ne iubets in IulIi fj nn u es r. withp 'ei atteitj.jii a en oma ementwon d be fuilicient loi eneial tunfmn iicin

That piercnt li.cuvn-f- l

iuo l (he Oillnd e, er is prudentnn i luveifaiy foi it-- , mh ib t.m's loalvu " "'m tlie use of foieiuri h'XUi e ,

' ,,e alfocntors, in c iih county, toaW0"". anmully, on their S'epti-inbe- r

court da, atoinniK eeof seven to rar.ry into the piopo.'cd afTjci-a- t

r --

Rfnhed ThTt it be recommendedto etch rtee, foio beenol'en, todepute rnnuall; , two of members,0 attend a general meennR of the ado- -

Clat0rs. to be held on thefourth Mon- -

da n Novonber at Danville, LexmR- -ton am1 "ard's town hefilft meeting to he held at Danvilleon

Monday in Nov nextRejolved, That the said county com

tnittees and annual general meetingoupht to such rules and regulanons as will rend to promoteincrcafeandufcof the production, andmmiifictures of the D ftnet and toexe'u le all article- - of sore gn piowthand miHifacture, which the ciicum-fiance- s

of theDiftnct will enable herinhabitants L


At a CQWENTION begr i and heldJortHmmtri ti of Kentucky, theCov'tffiBefli Da ivllc. tn the county

. of MAcer on monda the lothdas offi'h, 1 the yeir of our Ltrd i"8o.fl'h cli diy iiifli a pointed iv law forthe meeting of the

A 'na rrttf v' h' tmmvtti oeat- -ed andtotk their jeats.

a" ' lha lhls dsfii.ib!e end will be tnoftto the bid hi laying an im' nl n rerttingonds, s , 'ualy obtaid by alfuc a ions torefufmg to concw iherewtuammmittce in'ofor that pm, ore.

cfconfeie-ceua- t apt ointe I on the pari Resolved, That be rccr.mmended

tf the hot, co filit'nofMepis Bouitio hc '"rubitant? the D tonot,Fttz'i"ions and M diflon. enter in oafl" eiations for carrvinc in o

Tl,ehiu,enf tintoaccmnvtteeonthe cxeuition the principles and nraiiuetill rorel, i fl ne, the wirde; -- rmcnt ; con'aine 1 in the ne coIumops.alter i?r- -" n fomr nmendmenti tl ti Rejolved, That it be recommended

"fin'ed the

LEXi fro-TOf- y. ?9,Li V



the foieinluxmies, theconfider'aiionof iheconvcn.ion,

on oic'eieithbeiclencitoihe

tixe whoaictoiriorttoihenextpioceedings

heci'mmitree, accoiding tootder,In b t.l

rh a

fieci'o tul adociationre'"luti(.n.

the inhabitantsof Ken the

thev on

her it

chenfliifaftme e.ife the

pro ihe fpiritcemons


ft dayofl puichaTeany

puichife imported














alte-nat'e- H

thefourth ember





The IhnoraV.! V.T)c-- e

Was unammovjly eleiled Ptefdii.t (jth.s ctnveiittO'i,

Oideied, that Mi Thomas Todd b:appointed tlcrk of this cotnentton.

O 'c cd, That a committee ofprhilprlirtr nud plpflmnt lip nhhninttd

'"Jl1-- ' "" - - ....,.. V".

Aid a ctmm ttee wa' appointed ofMr William Kennedy, Mr. Canard,Mr Logan, Mr L'e, Mr. Muter,Mr Ct. dwell, Mr Todd, Mr. Camp

bell Mr Mai (ball and Mr Thomas Ken- -

nedy, who are to examine the Calficates of EteSion, fromthe J'xeraicounlies in this Dtfintl and make reportthereon to the convention

On notion, that the rules of the lojlconvention be received and adopted forthe Government of the convention

Oidccd, Tint :he said rules be re.

ferred to a committee of Mr Campbell,Mr.Tayior H,' ll'illhm Kennedy, M'Rufell, Mr. Thtmat Kennedy and MrMichir, who arc tn tabe the same vitoconfederation ana mike r'rt thereon

() de ed, Thit M' Jofbunbe appointed Serge int at aunt to thiscomeniion. ad that he betequejled togv h attend ce accordingly

Tf convention then aljourneJ untiltomoircw morning ten o clock

Tif'OAV, the list davof uly i7RoPie ronve ntion met according load

jots l"ilfM Cimpb'H from the committee

aptitn " I to tak' into confiderttion theth- - r.,i.f of the lull convntion retmrto I tit. ttll. Mttllt l,,l hbt. . 1...' it i' t.r'n1'ltO rn ttllttrtt'ti., nnii (W wi,ii fnritl' ' .t.w... n...-.- j, v, vt ... rut itrt i,a, r'q nr- -0'i' ihit'nts th'reto, wrch said ruP'as ing ftuli alt'iat'i i m the t'rrs a: pre-o- m'

i' I h' retd tn s vlace an i then lent tropolv hath D flrirt r. r.del v'l th' same in at.',...,..the eletks nlie w't re they were igxinrexd and agre'i ti.

O i mo'hn, the AI of A Tem'iH in-

tituled " A'n?! cinremi g the ere 1'onor th' Diflr ? of Ke iturky tiro an ind"e lent Stye 'ttrlltdthei thdiyofDec-mh- r.1- - fv . r.'e mhns ofCo ires, and the ft ' .1 C -- l'tntionw re read and order-- i t b'i'"r"ltoa rommittee of the wh le content onv 11 11 u to Jet on the ftue op the Uifti

Re r vcd. That this etinv itinn donow rejolve ttl'lt into a rontrn'ttee ofuic wnoic on rn' itiie or wt uiiria.

Mr Shelby na elefl-dt- o the Chair.A A aster jnme t m th' frit d tk

rejum the Chiir a'drh' Chiirmvl

hid liken it to ftnliiierit'i'i the li

of the Difltifl aid other m t'er tothem ft erred o d had made Jose progrejs therein but hnv'ng time to gothrong 1 the Jake, hid dtreSed hmtomove 'or leave to It agiin tomatrow,with h ts granted ,k

f 'e d, Tint it he aflandingruleyf thu convention that the hur oj ad-

join menl (hall be at ten o'clock,T roiivfififfrj then adjourned,

the lid dayof July 1789.lh convention met according toad-j- w

met t.Mt llilliam Kennedy from the com- -

uiitteeof prmleaaei and eleaiom teticr- -

ttd thai the romittiftee hnd tnbert ttitn


. ?tft rrn- " "il 'c Initioto again tomorrow,


'IlIUEsnAYco mention accural g ad

were hidbe-fSiet'iec- o

vtutio enrto the oj

nit ai c' f, om l'i! gi'f ". rgii.ii, totlr con it) tfuf i ir cei,

tint with e ft on. , Vitylieutc taut, addieTcd tot!,- - ! i - H Cthiscohvention, vrh chbeiigt id, wereoi.mooi, 'j'u'ted to neu tii' , '

O i motion, O de c-- u t' e cm'..tntttee win i nas to to any, f dcharged Jrum Jrh'.er fiocee itrejolution committed to & comi,.s.tee o?wlwleyeftetdav '

Tint the said rejo'tttionlscommitted to a committee of the whoU

sit today, on the ft je i.ftlieDiflriSt.

Resolved That this convei tin c'orcvrejolve itjelf into a committee o whohontherflaie oe the

Mr. was elected to the chairAster jome time J'pet the Pr"side Si

fofumed chair, and the C iamwnported, that the committee hid taken

themitterstntoconfideration, toand hai come to a reiolutio

which he read his plhititndih'ntheclerk stabJhjji're fnat

again lead, amended dhftwngf&d asfollows v.z: 7&F"

' r ir ofh t of th rim.tint th' t rmes ow of ted h-

f 'r.retnn 'or iH tenaratio . r ,U. lt,ittifl or K nturky ftm I .d lt. anmaterially alteiei fr,n thfe r, ,'., rjvoff ed and i greed to on both d itint Jaid al"ratio ot the (.,',M ,

in uriQU to v.H i a'.e oy th- - p-- o

pleofthisDJlr'Q.Re'olv e 1 e cl., e, T'nt a me noi i

albepref'ntei torh' etifw ,tf--ns tire dn..l f.. -

'..'I...... 't 01 as Will llllk them rnl t ti.r.fcrmerh off ere i by lrigi ,ta, a, d agreedto on the part of thefaid Diftricl of

h being in the affirmative,Ayer is-No- cs i 3

U.i 1 h motion of Mr Taylor, andfe- -condedbyMr Muter

O dee Tint the nam's of the pyerand noes on the foregoing tejol-tion-

, 'ieinjeited in the Journals

J he name of thoje .. ho ot,- - h thenjjirmat.yp rv Mi Gtu v Mr.Calihiell. M R wovi. M f.di. M,

M' I t.l. Mi It MrUtiiiain. M f-- tw , r r QrjntMr.Smitl M' Sir Mi '" p n,,edy Wr R , u , ian Mr M - r Is,Mjtfhttl Mi Ci ttrwl .f. u.

M v Mr.I hot Kninetlv 4. h. Mr'1 Mont- -gomer and Mr. ') ,vtj

J he .times of h . ,t,o vot'i in thevegat ve are- - M Sauher, Mr.tumilfli M L wis M Rt, el 7tr.V'.o. Mr Li.iord M Iffiham Til'feu . r, ,e Mr r .,Mr C,W,, M: Reynold,, Mr Logan,

Mi. Httjioi.O.dered, That a committee be ap.

to draw up memorialtheforegoing resolution,And a committee was nhtolrtteA r r.

Muter, Mi. Marfball, Mr. Garrard',(li l Mr. nnvlt ns. t ....r.

..- -' Taylor, Logan,' Mr. Edwards',tIr la TM Tr... rr j ,


A P'rfons indebted to theiUbkr lur. are Rene it d tn

pay up their re(p.(lL-n- ehalluces to .Vr. David Krr

ofLXingron, who isautl.o.n ito little all m tlmy io t.ncc.

thattheromir.iiteeofthew'io'eMr M u hir M L


- ' '" "-- "" " "- nenncay ana Mr.conji .f icerj the cervfiiates of eleflitn Campbell; who are to prepare the Jaidfrom the ral counties and find that memorial, and make report theieen tethey are vnde agreahle to law moriow.

- Mr. M rh ill m-.- a motion for th The convention then adjourned,convention to come to the following The in our next 1

solution. vis.Ke.olved, That it is the opinion of l!this convention that a separation of the

Diflrifl of Kentucky from the State of JS 'rraed away, from the fub-Firgin- ia,

and an erefiion of the kribn, living un cane runDijlrtti mte a separate and inJenendent about sour milts from

of the Unien is nece Tary and .. . rt ,,.expedient which being read '"fed to be referred to a of the

Y m,,re nbout '4 handswhole convention '"g'N as)out 8 jears o d, bran- -

Uefolved, That this convention do dd on the near buttock Dnow resolve itself into committee of WnncverdHivr rs the lid marethe whole on the said lejoluvon ' tllC l' "" lhMMr Shelby waselefled ,0 the Clnir ,

Arter time spent Mr D 'I'ars, or to ther'efumed the Chair, and the chairman '""bcr '' D rsreported that the committee had taken HUGH M VVILLIARISthejaid into confide! ation and "S- - 24 1789. 13hid made same tronrtPr thereon hut i .

Jiavillfr time thrt.w.r.1.r. -- vs w ' ii0sire sit whicfyti

The convention then adjourned.

th 22dday of July, i7s0.The met to t jtindry letters; from the Ireh-d.- nt

of Congrejj governor Virg.

togi ',j


Jitcontl- -






t emie- -

ferred,in deli



Whereas the ivention






Croiiittt mr


lit'i- -


pointed a agreeableto









lorn Prudent
