kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

jCHumb. XXVI. S A T U R D A Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1790. LEXINGTON: Printed by TOHN BRADFORD at his Office at the etmer of Main and Cross Streets where Subscriptions, Advertijimentt, this paper, ore thankfully received, and Printing iif its branches done with Care and Expedition. THE SWEET NEGLECT. By Ben. Johnson. TILLtobeneit, still to be cJ rest, W As you we e going to a lean S ill to be powder d, still perfum'd, Ladv U 1? to be presumed, "'Tho' Ati'v bid canfes are not sound, AH is not sweet, all-i- s not sound. Gv e me a look give me a face, 1 mahes limplicitv a grace; Robes loosely slowing are as free; S ,h e nege t moie taketh me, of Th v m 'he -- di'ie cs of art; lhe, ft" e but not my hea-r- . J Te following SKHIY ujed to be ia t ' tint illutnous I'rmce.- i- K ' G'orge I. at his time of re-l- nun from bufmefs, and unbend iigjrm regal concerns. , liOUl' tbe year 161 5. t,1P'e - wa a Nobleman in Ge'many, ofe daughter was courted by a .., r .,l .. WKon lio lmti made h progress in this is he imeirofirion of friends theo'd .r a conference with him & mhoH he. ntended, is hemarr.ed tomintatnhe-P'Hcan- . f v t ed, e mal to her quality. 10 vhihtic rrhei lepbed, that was no J an'wer ro his nuest'on: he desired a- - g in to know, what he had to main- tain he wit! ? To which the young Lord 'hen anfwe'el. he hoped that was no rpieftion for his inhen:ance uric as nublick a hi1: nme The Old Lord owned hi's nofTelions to be ". i) it ttni amej u ne nau hu- - th na mote secure than land, wheie xv rh to imintain his diughter The qucnVn was strange; but ended in thu. tharTiiefitherof thevoung lady pave bis nofuive resolve never 10 many h s ditghter, though his heir, and who 'vomUI hive such greif estates, b 'osmin whohals mnnunl trade, by b "h'ch he m' h' subsist it droe f -- h' o n connrrv. I he young j ) mj"e' of none at present ; b rather 'h n hle bis mistress. he re nered ' nl ' a year s 'ime, in Which he p om rel 'o acq' ire ore; in or-d- e 'o vh ce he C"' a b;ik' m iker, the m' ft mi?eniou hi could meet wi h, anl in fik monJi became ma-fr- of hi, trade, of v? h ge ier 'mprovements than hi 'eicher himfclf, and as a j- - o f of his incenuitv and extrror-- d so fhott a n v in time, y 11 h to hio vcung lad? ap ece ofum mafhip, of bis own peiffim-- a ' , a wbre tu ig t (k t, whuh for many eais aster becane a pene jI faftuon smng tbe ladies, bv- - he nime of drejjl g btsltetf, and 1 b i"'V into Eimlj'i' t'Ctn Germ my aid Uol'a'-- To compete 'he ling j i,.,f ot rhis relation, it so n- - ye s iner this nobleman s m.w- - x a- -, that he an) his fa'herin'rw fhannc ''he misfo 'lines of the w rs of the Pa' ee drove na el out ns tbeu eftaie ; and in Holland, so. fcHie Vers, cl'J 'Pis young Kiru ,v, flly, ay m ng b.&e s of to UKh an unparalleled e V ce ei Z s none could atiain; dd .u. -- . ,n I o,n ,h,t ,hn. .m Jerue Miofe ennrfines of ' ' ... .hnr are still made in the "Li red Provinces. g,1 KCrX LL thoje indeb-c- d to H-nr- y Rro j tu r are to make say. Vhttt to Mr IVm Kenntay who is v.i thonfed to receive and give receipts for thejame. BbNIMlN BKALL. Attorney in fatt for Heury pother. V THE VOL. III. T U C G A T t F. x iSc.fof different li.rh'er, happened A --. -- jf' .... w .IRf JL. JUST OPENED, And to be Sold, by ANDREW HO' VE & O, A large and general afpirtment of MERCHANDISE, Suitable to the pr'frnt and approaching Jeafon. wh'rlt w'll be sold on thelowefl tertts for CASH or COUNTRY PRO DUCE. Wanted immediately, a fejv Firkins good BU I"I F.R. Lexington, Jan. 12, 1790 U S T A R R I V E D And now opening for sale by PETER JAN UARY & S O N, Ar tbcir 5 ore m T.exinjton onpo'e tbe Printin' Office, a Urpe ipd c m p'eap aflbnment of GnOPS suwed toihefeifop, which tbe will W in retionab'c iciw for Cast, Co n Wheat, Rye, Butter, Pck, Salt.&c, AUU v r R & A I. E, TWO I ' L O T S On Main Stret, In the Town of Lexington. JUST PUBLISHED THE KENTUCKY T. "ft J T f sirl nALFv For the Year of our Lord '7 90. Printed on sine writing paper. And may be had at thin Olfi.-- e the Grofi dozen or finglc. hereby forewarn all prfi'ns from taking an affjgnrppnt on a note of liand pafled from me to William Cromwell, da- ted December the 7th 1789. The note is 1 think or tueic pounds ten fhiliings iind as I never received value thrtfiT, am determined not pay it un Lfs compelled by l.iw. N .'ban Young. Ja"niri 25, 1790. LL tlnje i'ldei'ed to Be janvn B all cfj Co ly 0 id note or open account, are r q.ufled tu nke imm'uiite pame t to Air William Kennedy', thole who fa 1 to comply, wav net expcB any farther indulgence, on barment, he will ghe ci edit or receipts is 'requited, which Jlatl be goud again (l BNJAiN BEALL & C. Dec. 26, 17.89. ' ' W "" M "i ."'? """ ne J"(' Appraised to ,2-1- JOHN JOHNS. 4Bft,9, 1789 All kinds of Clank Books for Merchants, Clerks, &c. made rrd to any pattern :. Also o'd books new bmmd, on reafon-bl- e terms, at this office. fjAKENupbytheJubfcnberltV 'S " J'ff a ,na, bay '' "' " "" ' JPK, . fd, about 4 fm 6 tnches ttlgll u nip Wot ? u r ' " fubferibers for the THR Britanica arc hceby that the fii ft volume is now rea- dy, and will be delivered on pa ment or 3. in Philadelphia, agreeable to thete msof the fubfenp'ion. The rubfcnber will be in Danville tbe 'i'ft of Marth next, on his wav to Philadelphia, and wll receive the due "n 'he (Oliver) of the first volume, fi m H eh of thefub (cribers as mav choose to send it by bun, r, fmin 'uch per'on ns thev may lol.'e ? rh, tb be de''vered to Ivm, ar ' ' w receive the books in Phila-c- e rni, 'lanfponthem out. and deli-- T rem 'n I.exirrjton, 'o the owners 'tl cv paying him 'he exrence ofcar-- r 'e ; he will take the rame cai e of the tr ney and books, as he does- of his iwii propei ly, hut will not nfk the iois ot either bv accident. AI.'rXA-NDK- PARKFR. Lexington, Feb. 12, 1790. C H A R I. E S V H i I E. CO P PER S MIT FT. Lwe of NE RptPFniUILY Informs carrying the on the Coppei Smith's business at this pi 'i e, .n ill i's vatious branches (to w t,; S' Ms, Brew and Die l.ettles&c. Alio, ciftv all hind of hrafs woik for imlN- - nnkes and repairs all k'nd of bials and tin wurk, likewifc epairs jII k nd; of locks and evs He buys all Ktnds ofoW oop) er, brrfft, pewrer an! lead Thofcwho ple.He tofavor lnm wi'hrheircuftom shall baeiheir wo.k done in the bed manner and on the shortest notice. Lexvgton, Dff. 8, 1789. fr AKFN up bv the fubferiber h'v- - v 1 ot South i, 1 miles lehwShm ' ons mill an ron gray ware, X ip rr old natural trotter, 14 hands ard r Jiff high no bra d perceivable nor natural iratk ; hpfirnifed to g, HUGH ALLXANDER. Feb. 15, 1750. fj AKrN ttphytliejubfcriber, living a' " halfa mile from the town of Lfii fto , a red V F KR , about 1 8 mi tls 6u, a ctop off the right ear. AjtuJeato 18 JOHN MAXWELL. Feb. II, T790. rp IKEN up iv the fubferiber liv I i g near lexit gton Fayette Conn fi. two leep the 01. e Had with a Intnl. the other white, loth ctofied in the lest ear and a fl't in the Right; Atpraijed to jft-- i CASPER KARSNLR Feb. 11 1790. fy AKTN up ly the fubferiber liirg 1 on Cane run, i"Jl'oodrord county, a red Irindled Heifer, about 2 years old lajljpt ing, marked with a crop in the lest ear. Appraised to . 1 10 ELIZABETH DAVIS. January 29, 1790. TAKFN up by the fubferiber, living county, a black Steer, with a white face, 3 yean old. a ctop in the lest ear. Appraised to .2 is. ELI CLEVELAND. TAKFN up by the fubferiber living County within two miles of the Clover bottom, a sorrel MARF, neither docked nor Branded, about 4. feet 7 inches high, Appraised to 10. FDWARD CATHERS. pni28, 1789- - To all to whom it may concern, TH E Trustees of the town of Lexington do hereby renpeft & direfj all persons thai have fences or incumberanccs in the Streets adjoin- ing the out lots, that they have them removed by the ift day of April next, so :ts to leave the full space affigned to each, Street clear of obstructions at which time they will give their personal attendance to see that the purport of this Advertisement lsihicl-l- y comptyed with. By order of the Board. ROBT. PARKER, Clk, Dec.5 1789. THE fubferiber not hnvitig any as yet, which has theap-pearan- ce of his plan of Jettltment at the Mujcie Shoalt Jucceeding, has in- duced Ir.m to defer Jetting out, until the fir1 of Oftober ntxt. I the mean time he intends to explore that couut-y- , and make same other arrangerm- - rst which will be neceffary for the j f ty of the place ; Aster which th' janie Terms will be held out as before B Ga.nes. Lexington, Jan. 26 1 790. I WILL give Cafti for I imchy I and Clover ieed and I will to hue two good Ij cliers, to drama pond, and im(iove a pie.e or n.itu-l- al meadow ground in tie vuin'y of Frankfort on Ken ruck), to com- mence work in April. J. Wilkin-bn- . Lexington Jan. 8, 1790. JUST OPE NED, Arid now toi lale, !.y G6UDY and WILLIAMS At their iiore in Lexington, opposite capt.Youngs Tavern, and near the new courtl.ouie, a neat and general ailott-me- nt of GOO 5 j Well adip.ed to the season ; winch will be sold on the mc ft reasonable terms for calh or Furr. TR A YED from the fifrfcrihn ott Cooper s run the 26th of Ja nary last, a I'keiyJ'trei hore 5 ears 0 d, 1 har.ds high, a large jlar i,i Ins sore- head branded thus, 9 6 on the rear side, (bod all round Atto a bay mare, aoout 6 years oid, fbod before, big with fori, 1 3 hands 3 inches Ivgh fomefnddiejfots. Whoever delivers the said creatures to M . John Metcalf on Cooper's run, or g'iesin telugencetohtm, fball have two . dollars reward 3 JOHN STAMPS. SAMUEL AYRES, SILVER SMITH il D J . W E L L E R. RESPECTFULLY informs that he has lately opended a (hop in Lex-Ing-o- n, on main (beet, nearly oppo- fite Mr. Collin's Tavern ,- - Ladies and Gentlemen, who honor him with their custom, may depend on having their commands complied withonthe most reasonable terms, and on the shortest notice. Lexington, Jan. 22, 1790, V "Tl e0raKOJWMW 8 large company willmeet at the$ &Crab orchard the nth of Mnrch ing border to flan early the next morning through the Wldemefs "g TOO0O09EQ03CO0QTOCOeO0000aCS p 1

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · lhe, ft" e but not my hea-r-. J Te following SKHIY ujed to be

jCHumb. XXVI.

S A T U R D A Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1790.

LEXINGTON: Printed by TOHN BRADFORD at his Office at the etmer of Main and Cross Streets where Subscriptions, Advertijimentt,this paper, ore thankfully received, and Printing iif its branches done with Care and Expedition.


TILLtobeneit, still to be cJ rest,W As you we e going to a lean S

ill to be powder d, still perfum'd,Ladv U 1? to be presumed,

"'Tho' Ati'v bid canfes are not sound,AH is not sweet, all-i- s not sound.

Gv e me a look give me a face,1 mahes limplicitv a grace;

Robes loosely slowing are as free;S ,h e nege t moie taketh me, of

Th v m 'he -- di'ie cs of art;lhe, ft" e but not my

hea-r- .

JTe following SKHIY ujed to be ia

t ' tint illutnous I'rmce.- i-

K ' G'orge I. at his time of re-l-

nun from bufmefs, and unbend

iigjrm regal concerns.

, liOUl' tbe year 161 5. t,1P'e

- wa a Nobleman in Ge'many,ofe daughter was courted by a.., r .,l .. WKon lio lmti madeh progress in this is ui.nlhe imeirofirion of friends theo'd

.r a conference with him &

mhoH he. ntended, is hemarr.edtomintatnhe-P'Hcan- .

fv t ed, e mal to her quality. 10

vhihtic rrhei lepbed, that was no Jan'wer ro his nuest'on: he desired a- -

g in to know, what he had to main-

tain he wit! ? To which the young

Lord 'hen anfwe'el. he hoped thatwas no rpieftion for his inhen:anceuric as nublick a hi1: nme TheOld Lord owned hi's nofTelions to be

". i) it ttni amej u ne nau hu- -

th na mote secure than land, wheiexv rh to imintain his diughter ThequcnVn was strange; but ended in

thu. tharTiiefitherof thevoung ladypave bis nofuive resolve never 10 manyh s ditghter, though his heir, and

who 'vomUI hive such greif estates,b 'osmin whohals mnnunl trade, byb "h'ch he m' h' subsist it droef -- h' o n connrrv. I he youngj ) mj"e' of none at present ;b rather 'h n hle bis mistress. here nered ' nl ' a year s 'ime, in Which

he p om rel 'o acq' ire ore; in or-d- e

'o vh ce he C"' a b;ik' m iker,

the m' ft mi?eniou hi could meetwi h, anl in fik monJi became ma-fr-

of hi, trade, ofv? h g e ier 'mprovements than

hi 'eicher himfclf, and as a

j-- o f of his incenuitv and extrror-- d

so fhott an v in time,y 11 h to hio vcung lad? a p ece

ofum mafhip, of bis own peiffim-- a

' , a wbre tu ig t (k t,whuh for many eais aster becanea pene jI faftuon smng tbe ladies,bv- - he nime of drejjl g btsltetf, and 1

b i"'V into Eimlj'i' t'Ctn Germ my

aid Uol'a'-- To compete 'he ling ji,.,f ot rhis relation, itso n- - ye s iner this nobleman s m.w- -

x a- -, that he an) his fa'herin'rwfhannc ''he misfo 'lines of the w rs

of the Pa' e e drove na elout ns tbeu eftaie ; and in Holland,so. fcHie Vers, cl'J 'Pis young Kiru

,v, flly, ay m ng b.&e s ofto UKh an unparalleledeVce ei

Z s none could atiain; dd.u. -- . ,n I o,n ,h,t ,hn.

.m Jerue Miofe ennrfines of '' ... .hnr are still made in the

"Li red Provinces.

g,1 KCrXLL thoje indeb-c- d to H-nr- y Rro

j tu r are to make say.

Vhttt to Mr IVm Kenntay who is v.i

thonfed to receive and give receipts for

thejame. BbNIMlN BKALL.Attorney in fatt for

Heury pother.



T U C G A T t F. x




A -- . --jf'.... w .IRfJL.

JUST OPENED,And to be Sold, by

ANDREW HO' VE & O,A large and general afpirtment of

MERCHANDISE,Suitable to the pr'frnt and approachingJeafon. wh'rlt w'll be sold on thelowefltertts for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE.

Wanted immediately, a fejv Firkinsgood BU I"I F.R.Lexington, Jan. 12, 1790


And now opening for sale by


Ar tbcir 5 ore m T.exinjton onpo'etbe Printin' Office, a Urpe ipd c mp'eap aflbnment of GnOPS suwedtoihefeifop, which tbe will W inretionab'c iciw for Cast, Co n

Wheat, Rye, Butter, Pck, Salt.&c,

AUU v r R & A I. E,


On Main Stret,In the Town of Lexington.


T. "ft J T fsirl nALFvFor the Year of our Lord

'7 90.Printed on sine writing paper.

And may be had at thin Olfi.-- e

the Grofi dozen or finglc.

hereby forewarn all prfi'nsfrom taking an affjgnrppnt

on a note of liand pafled fromme to William Cromwell, da-

ted December the 7th 1789.The note is 1 think or tueicpounds ten fhiliings iind as I

never received value thrtfiT,am determined not pay it unLfs compelled by l.iw.

N .'ban Young.Ja"niri 25, 1790.

LL tlnje i'ldei'ed to Be janvnB all cfj Co ly 0 id note or open

account, are r q.ufled tu nke imm'uiitepame t to Air William Kennedy', tholewho fa 1 to comply, wav net expcB anyfarther indulgence, on barment, he willghe ci edit or receipts is'requited, whichJlatl be goud again (l

BNJAiN BEALL & C.Dec. 26, 17.89.

' ' W "" M "i."'? """ ne J"(' Appraised to


JOHN JOHNS.4Bft,9, 1789

All kinds of Clank Books forMerchants, Clerks, &c. maderrd to any pattern :. Alsoo'd books new bmmd, on reafon-bl- e

terms, at this office.

fjAKENupbytheJubfcnberltV'S " J'ff a ,na, bay

'' "' " "" ' JPK,. fd,

about 4 fm 6 tnches ttlgll u nip Wot


r' "

fubferibers for theTHR Britanica arc hcebythat the fii ft volume is now rea-

dy, and will be delivered on pa mentor 3. in Philadelphia, agreeable tothete msof the fubfenp'ion.

The rubfcnber will be in Danvilletbe 'i'ft of Marth next, on his wav toPhiladelphia, and wll receive the

due "n 'he (Oliver) ofthe first volume, fi m H eh of thefub(cribers as mav choose to send it bybun, r, fmin 'uch per'on ns thev maylol.'e ? rh, tb be de''vered to Ivm,ar ' ' w receive the books in Phila-c- e

rni, 'lanfponthem out. and deli-- T

rem 'n I.exirrjton, 'o the owners'tl cv paying him 'he exrence ofcar-- r

'e ; he will take the rame cai e of thetr ney and books, as he does- of hisiwii propei ly, hut will not nfk theiois ot either bv accident.

AI.'rXA-NDK- PARKFR.Lexington, Feb. 12, 1790.

C H A R I. E S V H i I E.


Lwe of NE

RptPFniUILY Informscarrying


on the Coppei Smith's business at thispi 'i e, .n ill i's vatious branches (tow t,; S' Ms, Brew and Die l.ettles&c.Alio, ciftv all hind of hrafs woik forimlN- - nnkes and repairs all k'nd ofbials and tin wurk, likewifc epairsjII k nd; of locks and evs He buysall Ktnds ofoW oop) er, brrfft, pewreran! lead Thofcwho ple.He tofavorlnm wi'hrheircuftom shall baeiheirwo.k done in the bed manner and onthe shortest notice.

Lexvgton, Dff. 8, 1789.

fr AKFN up bv the fubferiber h'v--v 1 ot South i, 1 miles

lehwShm ' ons mill an ron gray ware,X ip rr old natural trotter, 14 handsard r Jiff high no bra d perceivablenor natural iratk ; hpfirnifed to g,

HUGH ALLXANDER.Feb. 15, 1750.

fj AKrN ttphytliejubfcriber, livinga' " halfa mile from the town of

Lfii fto , a red V F K R , about 1 8

mi tls 6u, a ctop off the right ear.AjtuJeato 18


rp IKEN up iv the fubferiber livI i g near lexit gton Fayette Conn

fi. two leep the 01. e Had with aIntnl. the other white, loth ctofied inthe lest ear and a fl't in the Right;Atpraijed to jft-- i


fy AKTN up ly the fubferiber liirg1 on Cane run, i"Jl'oodrord county, a

red Irindled Heifer, about 2 years oldlajljpt ing, marked with a crop in the lestear. Appraised to . 1 10

ELIZABETH DAVIS.January 29, 1790.

TAKFN up by the fubferiber, livingcounty, a black Steer,

with a white face, 3 yean old. a ctopin the lest ear. Appraised to .2 is.


TAKFN up by the fubferiber livingCounty within two

miles of the Clover bottom, a sorrelMARF, neither docked nor Branded,

about 4. feet 7 inches high, Appraised


pni28, 1789- -

To all to whom it may concern,

TH E Trustees of the town ofLexington do hereby renpeft &

direfj all persons thai have fences orincumberanccs in the Streets adjoin-ing the out lots, that they have themremoved by the ift day of April next,so :ts to leave the full space affignedto each, Street clear of obstructionsat which time they will give theirpersonal attendance to see that thepurport of this Advertisement lsihicl-l- y

comptyed with.By order of the Board.

ROBT. PARKER, Clk,Dec.5 1789.

THE fubferiber not hnvitig anyas yet, which has theap-pearan- ce

of his plan of Jettltment atthe Mujcie Shoalt Jucceeding, has in-duced Ir.m to defer Jetting out, untilthe fir1 of Oftober ntxt. I the meantime he intends to explore that couut-y- ,

and make same other arrangerm-- rstwhich will be neceffary for the j f tyof the place ; Aster which th' janieTerms will be held out as before

B Ga.nes.Lexington, Jan. 26 1 790.

I WILL give Cafti for I imchyI and Clover ieed and I will tohue two good Ij cliers, to dramapond, and im(iove a pie.e or n.itu-l- al

meadow ground in tie vuin'yof Frankfort on Ken ruck), to com-mence work in April.

J. Wilkin-bn-.

Lexington Jan. 8, 1790.

JUST OPE NED,Arid now toi lale, !.y

G6UDY and WILLIAMSAt their iiore in Lexington,

opposite capt.Youngs Tavern,and near the new courtl.ouie,a neat and general ailott-me- nt


GOO 5j

Well adip.ed to the season ;winch will be sold on the mc ftreasonable terms for calh orFurr.

TR A YED from the fifrfcrihn ottCooper s run the 26th of Ja nary

last, a I'keiyJ'trei hore 5 ears 0 d,1 har.ds high, a large jlar i,i Ins sore-head branded thus, 9 6 on the rear side,(bod all round Atto a bay mare, aoout6 years oid, fbod before, big with fori,1 3 hands 3 inches Ivgh fomefnddiejfots.Whoever delivers the said creatures toM . John Metcalf on Cooper's run, org'iesin telugencetohtm, fball have two .dollars reward



il DJ . W E L L E R.

RESPECTFULLY informsthat

he has lately opended a (hop in Lex-Ing-o- n,

on main (beet, nearly oppo-fite Mr. Collin's Tavern ,-

- Ladies andGentlemen, who honor him withtheir custom, may depend on havingtheir commands complied withonthemost reasonable terms, and on theshortest notice.Lexington, Jan. 22, 1790,

V "Tl e0raKOJWMW8 large company willmeet at the$&Crab orchard the nth of Mnrch ingborder to flan early the next morningthrough the Wldemefs "gTOO0O09EQ03CO0QTOCOeO0000aCS
