kentucky gazette and general advertiser. (lexington, ky...

R t- -' l .. Jmm ' .iiffgKwa " ttLlJ Vj s ifl'STn- - 4SX ' to scin jtLorT ok r.:JCv's WIHO' ORIGINAL. ANAt'SEON'i l5t ODE. COME hci e some yputh, the Muse lias taught To m.miclorms and picture thought, ' In ali her virgin charms display s lave tint's far away. IU-- r lucid form before me streams Ami hovers- round my p.ecious di cams: I)r-iv-v her ebon ringlets ilowihg, Gulden light's around them throwing, St re-a-m o'er the curls of silky twine, . Sweets th- -t breathe and tints that shine ; Her hrow in shadowy splendour trace, Glid'ngin the lines of grace JUIcndiiiy love with quaint leproof 'flal bid rude gazci J stand aloof? But, here; fond .11 tist, are ilieTlics To match the brilliance as her e)is ? SVirnhib they 1 iiiff lightning- stream; Love must siftotocij beam. "With l'ouid rosc-- i touch he.' check, Mcllawing'blcr.t uith dimple slc-- r Ktib'e-- then in honey ix,ip 'I'cfbrns her ;; lip, ,, sof'ciing round vvttr pencil thin Hound with feloon .r dimpK chin : But what sw set hrri her neck may form With gliding- hrles and tinctures warm There alfmust live and breathe iind move, That .tftrch-th- preikilt of love T A suntiy icil birdund hertunVd I.oot, transparent, unoonfin'd , , Folifishcre and there in amouious-pia- ? May kiss limbs and mc& away, , Just here" aid time a part concealing, In warmcrh'glit the rest is ve.ling.. Enough ' fair arti-r-t cease thy w ilea , .. She lives, shetrssibc-j- ray charmer crnSa' rJEMovA l; JAMES WJJER, ,, . HA'S removecT his Store to the apart-iwrr- it in Mr.'!, wis Sandeis's laige brick Kutife, nearly opposite Mr. Bradford's printing dfficc j wheie lie is opening a aGbrtment of GOODo, jult arriv- ed from Philadelphia coniiltu.g of DRYG'oODS, A GROCERIES, 1 HARD WARE, y oS"8"- - And will be sold very low for Caih, or lUjtable produce. He has rilj'o icceivtd per the Barge Ann, from New-Orlean- s, 3 f 40 Barrels of Louisiana Su G. io do. Loaf do. 1020 Dottles Bordeaux Claret, M 6 Lemi-jobn- s Sbrubf Lime ? i 9 T'cr, . . I 1.0 Gat. pampCdbby Logwoddi c: 500 to. Mistered Steele, To be sold by. th"e quantity, on a credit of 6i) arjd 90 days. , . Cafli ivill be Ptven for Clood Merchantable Hev.p. Lexington, July 25, 1806. FRESH &? GENUINE i MEDICISTES: Tufl received' from PhiladrlnriVa. th- - followirfjj article, via. Rh'eubaib, root and Spirits of wine, podcr spirits ollaender, Jallap in powder, 'linctuieof nijrra, Golumba root & poird. Gold tincture, Squill5 root, BaUam demaltha, Tuiiqei'ieroot liiitish oil, Ipecacuanha- - povder', Jleuteman's drops, imijruoii (wuk, Med.camentum, Cloi es jind mac Oil of am mon, Augr.candv, lialsam' cojrtiva; Jvlagnesij, white Venice turpencins,' Sat borax, Oil of Spike, Camphor, OH of laurin, Assalbetida, "Kss of peppTmint, Gum arsioic, Tlieriacenet, Cjutnlragacaud), Steers opodeldock, C im opium, r 'y stone, Gum's oTvai wus kinds Essence of lemon, Ungliih siillron, Ess. of bunramot ij jimmoni c, j Jumper oil Crem'or t.ulary Castor oil Flore s sulphur, White viliiol Aqua fol-j- i, Gum shsilac & copal ,Oii of it.iol, C) c water ot superior tlixtr of ltnol, quality Lasndv.r coropourid, Fish beiTics .Laudanum, lannatlatr Tincture 6f rhubarb, Bestl-e- arenotta for Tiflctuic of cantharr iheing des, Red ptccipiute mer. VciiotJ pills, eiry Anti-bil.ou- s pilb Crude mcicury Anderson's pills, Calomel Lei nun peal, Biuks Caiui.nnl.' iiottefs-- , Balsam of Peru In sorted sdinaj Liquorice root A ioe, Hose water B.icMtriol, Olange peal (Jiiill b lk, Gentian root IiuifJi of lead, Figs of the first qua! ""i Sweet oil hy the bottle 3d per lb: Saints of ...... l!ficin qi1. . r. unflli . try tiic ipiue, Wit'i a. number ot other articles. too ttdious to mention, all of which iv til be sold at a low rate for cash, xvlmldale and letail, I will lell the xv hole furniture with the mecieine, to any person inclining- to purchnfe. I. M. SCHAWL, Opposite Mr. Bradford's Printing Of-- fie, Mam Itieet, Le.tinrtoii. N."B. DU. J, M. SCHAWG, cures1 ruptures cfiViflualty without an iucifi'in. Vie alio cure thr tooth ach efficbially hen tlie tooth is hollow, never tore- - ;Bril to the same tooth. He gives his flillance in the various dtfeafes inci dent to tlielunnn body, 11. the practice or Physic nd Surgery. July 22, 1U06 FOR SALE, A NEGRO WOMAN, aVd two rriting GHII.UKLN. inquire pt the fubfenber, in LcMtigton. Heniy J'tirviancc. July id,i8o$. fucky. ? "- - 18 A Fa et c 'j.Ji Wdliam Gju!. ';;.i.' Ci. Turner, Ufarii.s, hz9- - Xj t(tl!tS, IN CMAWCL.. ON the Jnotiun . ti cunr Uihai t coumcl It i" orde, it, ilu.t J ncs Attain ai d liucv h wise, be- - 'd 'em. nl-- . 1. Uiw caiibC : aiiDltar-'- irn k t; b iliActiou of the eouH; lli.t iho dciiuUr.ts i'.e ijamin Turner, srd '...? ml Jime. Adiro ..rd Lncj Ids' Wisp, aic iioi iimabit.nts ot cOEWnon-vtylt- On the motion ot the LOiiiilaii.ant iy hia comuel It is ordered, tiut the b:.itl,dtf-ii-dsnt- s do aprn-a- r heie on the third day of our. next Se)teinbc-- r tm, aild answer ihcconi puuintij s out, or ine same win uc .aivcj for conAiscd, und that.this Older be inverted in soine aulMoritt-- paper according to law A Copy. Attcste,. THOsJ BODLEY, c.i'.c.c. TWENTY DOLLARS RE WARD. - the Tth of Utne at night, my ihop v.n 1)Viikc"ii onen.and two varJaOle SILVER WATCHES, ttakeil out ; one qf them capped win "liver, inakei's name, George, r.awm, Lfindon. No. 4S-!- . a.fnidil chip out of the face at the figure 6; the other a con)-- , mon lize watch, with a iiik maj ...rl krjhlvii! the naner in the caie flnim-- bv beiiio wet, f.nne marks of lull r, tiiH hjlanf,- - . hri-t- . ihename andnum ber not known. 1 will give the aoove will deliver rewaru to anv uenon wnu said watches to me in Lexington. , Edtid. West. FOR RENT OR SALE. JSRUKL Subscriber offers to rent the frWrn TllAVELLER!. HALL, for one. year or a longer term, or to sell lttorij-o- payable in tne yonowing way, wi. Cash paiculown, S4000 Nejrices, store goods.cordage, to-"- ) bacco. salt, iron, or, horsey paidf 3000 Ldayn, or approxed indorsed notes at C a shoit date, s - Land in the vicinity ot Lexington, 1000 The, oal'ince in eight equal an."x uualpajmenb, With iterest Irom the date, of equal annual l 17,000 payments of. Ju'.f cash, and half p approved produce, w:ui uuercsi from the date, J - S25.000 - w n a ni7 nprnn who rents or purchases may have the refusal of the furniture and stock of Liquors at a reasonaoie rai.e. . Kooert nraatey. Lex'uigton, Jlay 16, 18g6. , KENTUCKY, Fayette Circuit Court, Jure Term, 1806, Aluertus Bright, bamucl w CcJioe, ti. Jolin M'Gchee,! Y) ' comfclalnai.ts, V 1.1 Chancer. O'agamst J Thomas Enelish, d?f:..dant, ON Modern, leave is sru'en the parties to make James M'Gehee, 3 complain- - ant. and !cae is also rriven thecompiainaat.3 to amend their bill, which amendment was filed; and it appearing to the satis-factio- n of the court, that the dsfendant is not an inhabitant of this common .vaelth, I' it or- dered, that the said defendant do appear here on the third diy of our next September term, and answer the complainant's bill, or that the same will betaken for confessed, and that a co-p- v of this order be inserted in some audiorizcd paper agreeable to law. A copy, Attesie, Tbos. Bodley, c. 1. c. c. 7, NOTICE. persons are hereby sore warned from taking an aflignmtnt of a John 1806. lum r i- f .. . w. - . j me irom payment 01 tne bond ; xvhich xvas by in his lite time, to Laldwell. , John Nasb. Prince Edward, Virg. March 31ft, 1806. THE ST AGE For the Olympian Springs, WILL leave Maj. WAGNON'S in Lexing-ton- , every Monday return The Stage is now furnished with excellent horses, and a good careful driver. C. BANKS. Springs, 5, 1806, TiAen up bv AtthuT Parvin. livinsi rbe J J r t ' f roau icauiug irom ijexington to ks mill, Cbesnut Sorrel Horse, Threeot- about thirteen hands high, a small star, neither docked nor branded, to 25 dollais, be- fore me, IIUME,j.p. Bourbon ay 1 1806. Taken up by Tliomas livinir Ti 1 .' ..'!. . " fjouuiuii cuiuiiv nu 1 s creeK, Jl niacii Mare, Twelve years old, hands three ..,!. -- ,. i',-i- vl :.. i... iiicuc (;, a iiiiiii 111 ncr i:iee,una j. vVhite lpot on. her notlril, the lest hind soot white as high as the middle of the leg with a brown hoife colt a flar in appraised to 3o dollars. Given under mv hand this 31ft of Mav, iJ:6. SAMUEL K FOR FOR CASH, 4'A Likely Negro That is active, (tiong and healthy, En. qturc a: this oiKce. U Jily z63 1906. tJrroi Ymli "X T O DUV- JK KIT 2 KcaUhy, and 2? wcjl grown Apply to tiepunlci here. of 3d June, lbOS. J vi I UE G LEAVE O inform mv friends. iK'Kf J le c -- iai cue pun il.X' he!-- , that Iluie ju-.- t rccciicd )f& Fresh art KS SHOUS OF ALL KINDS, fefl i at sle at my Ilojt anJ ijjwa oie ccjre, on snori s;reei, ST:': next d.or to Mr. Keisi-- r s ta. ?&flei'ki nrn. anil n?nrlv nniii.ifi llif to wit : Men's liny and coarse Shoes, Boys' sine and coarse cio. Ladies lesthei-Slippct- at 6s. 6d. a pair, At. Fancv Kid Shoes1, d4. K'd, with heels and spring heels, of all colours, do. Spintjl-- d and plnin Kid of all colours do. Spangiea ana plain Morocco sup-pa- 's of all colours. Misses Kida'id Moioeco Slippers. Cluldrens' M iocco of all and Lea thor JeflTcTsons', &.c. Uo. The above artides I warrant to be a? good as eer came to the state, or (nat'e in the Unit, ed States; as I havr-non- e but picked w 01k, I do not want to natter the public!: with an as the shew for itself. MOROCCO SKINSot allcoloursftLeather, Shoe binding of ajl cdloiu-s- , and Shoe Strings, (Joucsoals, anuiiiacic iau ui u suueriur qua- lity also, afew'pairKATES. . . A L, s u, Tifadelra andSherry Wines, f Jamaica Hum, French Brandy, Lime Juice, r Cotree, Tea and Sugar, Indig), Madder, Ginger, Pepper, Cinnamon and Cloves, Salmon, Mackarel and Herring. Which I intend to sell at reduced prices. William Ross. June 30, 1805. v THE SUBSCRIBER' Makes & sells xvoman'i good lined and bound rrrs at 6m n nair hv retail The qualify ofhis woi k apd the unusual low price, xvill &t! the conceives; lecure him .."". the pt'.cniiranementof a dif- - J$&. public, xvho have, annually ecu iiuiu ems place troni 20 to dollars a year tor the article of women's flioes ; by their him encouragement in this nar- - tial experiment, they will loon induce other lhoemakers to tollow the example, and thereby slop the importation and save the money amongit ourieives. oV. Prentiss, Adioininc Prison, Lexington N. B. Wlvolefale orders complied ivith on terms advantageous mer- - chants. Journeymen and apprentices wanted. . May 23, 8o6. tf , S 1 OLEN ait of my ftdble lot, in Lexington crtrtrfe night of the 17th current, a dark bay hflrfc, fupppfed to be about fifteen hands high, and eight or nine years old, a sew xvhite hairs on his sorehead. mane inclining- - to the lest side, rather a fliort tail, and some xvhite hairs just above th lest ham, appearing to have been otcafiontd by a tied round it, no brands recollected. I will fatisty any person amply xvho will deliver hie the horse, or give fucb information that I get linn and will give 20 dollars reward for apprehending the thief. 1. BLEDSOE. Lexington, July23, 1806. jicauug 10 eue latisiatuon 01 tne court that he is not an inhabitant of this coin monwea!th'"on the motion of the corn-plaina- by his counsel, it is ordered, that said defendant do appear here on the third day of the next September teim, and answer the complainant's bill, or that the same will be taker as confelT-e- d ; and that a of this order be forthwith inserted in some authorifed pa- per of Kentucky, for eight weeks A copy. Tefte, wm WALK. REED, D. Clk. Woodford county sc"V. TJcen up by Thomas Redd, mill, CAJJAY HORSE COLT, one year old, sour xvhite feet, and his legs white up nearly to the knees, a bald face and both eyes glazed, no brand perceptible ; appraised to sis. teen dollars. HOBT. ALEXANDER. May 5, 1806. A0LOFTUS NOEL, R TAILOR, ESPECTFULLY informs the Citizens Lexington and the Public irC general, that lie has bufmefs in theHoitre late- ly occupied by Maj. Moirifon,(on Short Street,) where he intends to purfive the same in alius various branches, and hces from his knowledce of the above bqlinels, with the (Inaefc attention and a deire to please, to merit a (hare of public patronage. Ladies and Gentlemen, who will be so obliging as to savour him with their cuilom, may rely 011 having their work dine in the most failnona-M- e and best manner, ph the shortest notice anuuu lenns- - LOFTUS NDKt N. B. Oneortuo Apprentices will be" taken 'o the above btusine-ss- . y 1 iiehuuscnucrlias forsle nn n. r.' Ichet with Hair.ess, 0.1 b tanis (o;. r, .. BOND, executed by me, as lecunty tor, Clarke, late merchant of this coun-irt- e ef Kentucky, set. ty, to Henry Caldwell, now a relident of Circuit court, May term Kentucky. The bond, according to my nuRdgar. complainant, IN befi recollection, is dated June 1790 or CJgainft CHAN- - 1791, payable on the 25th of December, peter Lahr, deferi(iant) SCERY. following, and is for a iomewhatl THE defendant not having entered exceeding one hundred and leventy his appearance herein agreeable to law pounds, Virginia currency. A late de- -' and the rules of this court and ;t a rt-p- . rF Ptitiri Hiiurarn rnnntv r.onrf has : .. i n? . .... exonorateU (did discharged Clarke, strut morning, and on Saturday. Olympian July onihtc sour years old, apprailed JOHN countyM 2, , .. ui ayior fourteen e,.i, 1 . nil Iras. with his face, both DONNEL, j.p.n.c. SALE Youn? SALE, or Lwangton, colours Copperas, slip I cerning cajui 25,000 the to with his rope the copy Caldwell's of commenced - jvjafon Donnel, 1H VALUABLE PilOPl R I Y l-- bALIi. 700 acres Milu.uv Land, lvititr cm " llinf, Ti V o ' 1 T X U , Z MoU - J " Ji "? ,UnU i iIl'recufcf T T "TJ.J? 1.irw'"d """y liruHi creek, N. W. T. where tlieroad' "u" liuui to L.11U iconic this trift contains about three himd, Ji! AcfV of rich bottom, the well inhered; has on it a good lVt, aud is ari excellent Itandfor a nub.; ic houle. 500 acres ditto ditto, lying-o- Glover Lick creek, a biauchof the Eat! fork of the Little Miami, N. W. T. in a good neighboihood, about tl'iree miles from Dunhanis-Tow- u, seven from Willianis-buig- , and eleven to twelve from the O-li- river. 1000 acres ditto ditto,lvitig 011 Brush creek, a sew miles' from New Market, N. W. T 5000 acres, lying on Eank Lick ci eek, Kentucky, pait of two tracts, contain. mg 6000 acies, lurveyed and patentee ior William Jones. 4000 acies, Clarke county, Kentucky, part of a traft of eijjiit thousand acres, surveyed andpatentedfor Richard Chin- - nevortli. 3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken- tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed and patented for George Underwood. 1200 acres, M?lon county, Kentucky, surveyed and pa'tented for Moody aiul M'AliIhn. 100X) acres Military land, on the xva tcrs of ltulTell's creek, Green river., 325 acres, Tefferfon county, Kentuc. ky, about sour miles from Louisville, 40 acres ot this tract is cleared. 1I61 -2 acres.Fra nkliii county, Ken tucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn. about six miles fromFrankfort ; on that tract are confiaerable improvements A House and xvell improved Lot in the town of Paris, on Main ftregt, nda adjoining; Mr; Hughes's tavern. ,m . An Inn and Out Lot in said Also a House and xvell improved Lot tn this place The above ,described property xvill be sold low ser Cash, Hemp and Tobac co, or on givfng bond xvith good fecuri ,ty, a considerable credit may, be had. For further particulars efiauireofAn drew F. Prjce, attorney in fact for (or to the lublcriber.) JOHN JORDAN Jun Lexington Kentucky, Tanuary-- H. 803. S -- r FOR SALh. A (jfeat Bargain may be bad in that HANDSOMZ. SEAT OF LAND WHEREON I now live, of 451 acres, lying on Liavicrs tork ot tlkhorn, 111 Fay-ett- e county , eight miles from LeJcington ; there is about 120 acres of open land the dwelling house is brick, two flories, 47 by 22,finished in a neat plain rnannei two grist mills in cood renair. hivino lately been built anew, the dam and all! the under works ot the mills are locust timbers : and the mills are cenerallv al lowed to grind faster than any mills in the quarter; one pair of the stones are , trench burrs the Ipnngs and flock wa f 1 cer are very extennve, ana was nex-e- r known to sail. There islikewifeon the place a diflillery, convenient to the mills. I will takevis "dollars ner acre for it in cash, selling the whole together, or I will sell 100 acres xvith the mills anddiflillerv on it, for yr.6qo cash, xvhich is the threat en Dar-ga- mat nas ueer ottered tor iale any where in the quarter-tw- o stills,one of 127 gallons, the other of do gallons. ixate tne improvements at only a mode- rate price and the land xvill not come to 40 (hillings per acre a sew negroes be tween tne age 01 12 anci ia yeais would be received inpayment it is needlefsto mention further particularsas any per- - lon wiiinngtouuy can viewtne premiles for sale also, tbe studhorse LAMPLIGHTER. It Is xvell known that his fieure and blood is equal to any horse in the state, and as a foal getter is in as high repute as any other horse known of I will take 1000 dollars for him, and no less two or three good geldings would be receiv ed in payment. , John Rogers. & CASH WILL be given for three or sour Likely Young Negro Men, Under goodcharactei, frpm the age of 17 to 1. enquire at tne stoi q ot . S. & G. Trotter. Lexington, Julyl, 1806 tf. TO BE SOLD, n Friday tbe 15 th day of Aupruft next. ALL MY STOCK OF HORSES, ConnlVing of three full bred studs. several sine geldings, and a Lumber of sine brood mares and sillies, about half of tliem tull bred. Nine months credit will e given the purchasers uoon rnvinn- bond with approved security to , I. Sthreflily. July 14, 1806. tAuff. 15. 7 en Dollars Reward. AN-AWA- from :he fubferi- - r, hvinfj on the head of TelTainine cieek in JelTimine county, on. the 23rl of June, a negro man named PETER, about 43" or 4 years of age, flendtr made. about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, of an uncommon brisk, lively walk; rather of .down look when spoken to. I will s'"- - " uuurtrs u taken in tne itate, tt in reslonahle charges is delivered to me ; flrN is taken out of the (Tate twen- ty dolla'rs and all teafonable charges. James Coger. July 9, 1806. tf. pd. 3s. FO BE HIRED, ?A Ah.Cj.KOWOMANtotheend t iSAiesr. She (s well acniinint-r- l & 1 -- . W1M1 cqokngand xvaflnng, and ran be recommended. Apply to the Piir.ter. , July 15, leOo. tf ' LAST Nu 1 ICE. 1 I - LT. thof; indJiuJ to the Uu I ot Sett;: c! :ii'ir.'n ., Inl,,. .'. e- - . I.'IPW 11, Jl I,' -- ..upny u men reipective accejUnis to LUiciis riuhu, who is hereby duly to receive the same. '1 hole who do not theinfelvcs ot this no- tice, may rtfE rtlured, that indulgence; will noi be i, r.n -- r March, ,nn suits will be indifcunu-natelymflmite- d. 'J' Jordan jr. N. . HEMP. and HOGS' LARD, will be .ece.ved as the market price, in payment. J- - J- - 1 mi!M), January 28. 1805, tf MADISON CIRCUIT fa. x . , ,. June 7cfm 4 joiepn ivioore, complainant, vgatiitt William Drydet's heirs and Samuel RKe, defendants. IN CHANCERY. ON motion of the complainant, and it appealing to the fatisfaftion of the qourt that the defendant Samuel Rice, is .int an inhabitant ot this ftnt,. is ;. - Idered that the said absent defendant do- - appear nere on the nrit day of the next' September term, to fliew caafc, is any he can, Why the complainant bill Ilia!!" not be taken as- - conten"ed,"and th-a- t a copy o.f this order be mfeited in the Ken'wcky Gazette two monihs, apreea ble to an aft of the general aiTembiy of Kentucky, c. A copy. Tefte, . t Will. Irvine C. M. C. C. BLUE DYING. 4T Mrs. Reiser, takes this method of informing the public, that (lie has commen- ced the Blue Uying business, next door llov-?.lr- . Huiton, the saddler, where die will Uye cotton, yarn,, and thread, or any kind of home made cloth, .which (he will warrant to (land its color, as fte djcj with hot dye. She will dye the above articles as chaapas they can be dolie any where in , and receive produce in pavment February 2$, 1806. WARM y TOD'S COLD BAT J In his Stone-Hous- on Water-Stree- t, Lea. ingeon, Having completed foiVr for the, accommodation of person!, wishing-- use them The terms will be, for a'sui-l- a ticket of admission, a quarter of a dollar but persons who lake six tickets may be supUed ioi one dollar. , Each ticket will admit one person. Lsdies and Gcnilcmi-- n .11 r,nA ,. ... dance provided at all houis of the day and "l3.J vautu lui. m. rod. July ly 1S06. J. BLEDSOE, J Has fixed his it L x:ngteu. HE will continue to P,act c La in the C J e atti ed; in the Co m of Appeala and the Feifti J Court at Frankfort. K's office is the one -- e. ly occupied by mr. James Hughes He mere to be punctual in the discharge of his profes' sion J duties. Lexington, June 25, 1806. BOURBON CIRCUI r COURT, Alay I'rm, iBoU1. lhoroas Rule Complainant, jp againlt S James Twinelum & others Difmianti IN CHANCERY. ' The defendant Twineham not having entered his appearance herein agreeab y to the adt df fTemuIy and rules of this court, and it appearing to the fatisfditr- - 011 ofthecourt,that heis not an inhabitant of this commonwealth : On the motion, of the complainant by hiscouuirl, it ls ordered, that he do appear here n. the third day of the next August Term,and answer the complainant's bill Ti . , copy of this order be" forthwrth infer .d iui ciyne ip. iomeotie of the Gazettes' of this State. A copy. THO: ARNOLD, Clk. To be sold at the plantation ns rhu.jL, Webb, dec. on Monday the 11th day bf Au gust next, on the waters of Elkhorn (David fork) Fa) ette county, ten miles cast of hef. ington, the following property, to wit: Hor- ses, mares and colts, among which are several mases and colts equal, ifnot supa-io- r to anv m the state for blood, figure, size and activity. Also, the stock of cattle, sheep, hogs, house-hol- d furniture and farming utensils, &c fc Twelv e months credit will be giv en for all s,in.3 above forty shilKnirs. bv crivin? bnnrl ,..i, L pi eyed security. Those who have any "de- - mandsagamst saidpUte wili jit-.s- e to make thcinkiioun. t POLLY WEBB Adm'x. ISAAC WEBB, Adm'r June 18th, 1806. NOTICE A Ti,r ..i :. , , . v nuii. luieiucii v no nave borfot .juikcuii s iim.'uments irom Uoctor'Sfmi- - ltd Blown, while he. ;., I . ..!.. .. ' " Init J r. V.n.laUarl t ickTspo Scld, now in Lexington. June 20, iSdo. tf. SALT ! The PUDIIC aie mlnrmirl l.o the United .. States Saline, belov trf inntif h r. r I. ")T1 ! ..v iuuitui l r ansm iit-.,,,- , neted with so much ipirit and luccc-f- """'- - 4""""ty 01 juf now lspre-at- fuper.or to the demarj : ( v ra ti-- 0 land ou.'hcls ,'uvini, !.,. ,"' '. - o " ".cumulated "; the price is reducea to five ihd- - n1 v,rBiu currency, pertielliel. April 10, i8c5. I ' i v 1 t. A

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ANAt'SEON'i l5t ODE.

COME hci e some yputh, the Muse lias taughtTo m.miclorms and picture thought,

' In ali her virgin charms s lave tint's far away.IU--r lucid form before me streamsAmi hovers- round my p.ecious di cams:I)r-iv-v her ebon ringlets ilowihg,Gulden light's around them throwing,St re-a-m o'er the curls of silky twine, .

Sweets th- -t breathe and tints that shine ;Her hrow in shadowy splendour trace,Glid'ngin the lines of graceJUIcndiiiy love with quaint leproof'flal bid rude gazci J stand aloof?But, here; fond .11 tist, are ilieTlicsTo match the brilliance as her e)is ?

SVirnhib they 1 iiiff lightning- stream;Love must siftotocij beam."With l'ouid rosc-- i touch he.' check,Mcllawing'blcr.t uith dimple slc-- rKtib'e-- then in honey ix,ip

'I'cfbrns her ;; lip, ,, sof'ciing round vvttr pencil thinHound with feloon .r dimpK chin :

But what sw set hrri her neck may formWith gliding- hrles and tinctures warmThere alfmust live and breathe iind move,That .tftrch-th- preikilt of love T

A suntiy icil birdund hertunVdI.oot, transparent, unoonfin'd , ,

Folifishcre and there in amouious-pia- ?

May kiss limbs and mc& away, ,Just here" aid time a part concealing,In warmcrh'glit the rest is ve.ling..Enough ' fair arti-r- t cease thy w ilea , ..

She lives, shetrssibc-j- ray charmer crnSa'


HA'S removecT his Store to the apart-iwrr- it

in Mr.'!, wis Sandeis's laige brickKutife, nearly opposite Mr. Bradford'sprinting dfficc j wheie lie is opening a

aGbrtment of GOODo, jult arriv-

ed from Philadelphia coniiltu.g ofDRYG'oODS,


oS"8"- -

And will be sold very low for Caih, orlUjtable produce.

He has rilj'o icceivtd per the Barge Ann,from New-Orlean- s,

3 f 40 Barrels of Louisiana SuG.

io do. Loaf do.1020 Dottles Bordeaux Claret,M 6 Lemi-jobn- s Sbrubf Lime? i

9 T'cr, . .I 1.0 Gat. pampCdbby Logwoddi

c: 500 to. Mistered Steele,

To be sold by. th"e quantity, on a creditof 6i) arjd 90 days. ,

. Cafli ivill be Ptven forClood Merchantable Hev.p.

Lexington, July 25, 1806.

FRESH &? GENUINEi MEDICISTES:Tufl received' from PhiladrlnriVa. th- -

followirfjj article, via.Rh'eubaib, root and Spirits of wine,

podcr spirits ollaender,Jallap in powder, 'linctuieof nijrra,Golumba root & poird. Gold tincture,Squill5 root, BaUam demaltha,Tuiiqei'ieroot liiitish oil,Ipecacuanha- - povder', Jleuteman's drops,

imijruoii (wuk, Med.camentum,Cloi es jind mac Oil of ammon,Augr.candv, lialsam' cojrtiva;Jvlagnesij, white Venice turpencins,'Sat borax, Oil of Spike,Camphor, OH of laurin,Assalbetida, "Kss of peppTmint,Gum arsioic, Tlieriacenet,Cjutnlragacaud), Steers opodeldock,C im opium, r 'y stone,Gum's oTvai wus kinds Essence of lemon,Ungliih siillron, Ess. of bunramotij jimmoni c, j Jumper oilCrem'or t.ulary Castor oilFlore s sulphur, White viliiolAqua fol-j- i, Gum shsilac & copal,Oii of it.iol, C) c water ot superiortlixtr of ltnol, qualityLasndv.r coropourid, Fish beiTics.Laudanum, lannatlatrTincture 6f rhubarb, Bestl-e- arenotta forTiflctuic of cantharr iheing

des, Red ptccipiute mer.VciiotJ pills, eiryAnti-bil.ou- s pilb Crude mcicuryAnderson's pills, CalomelLei nun peal, BiuksCaiui.nnl.' iiottefs--

, Balsam of PeruIn sorted sdinaj Liquorice rootA ioe, Hose waterB.icMtriol, Olange peal(Jiiill b lk, Gentian rootIiuifJi of lead, Figs of the first qua! ""i

Sweet oil hy the bottle 3d per lb:

Saints of ......l!ficin qi1.. r.unflli.try tiic ipiue,

Wit'i a. number ot other articles.too ttdious to mention, all of whichiv til be sold at a low rate for cash,xvlmldale and letail, I will lell thexv hole furniture with the mecieine, toany person inclining- to purchnfe.

I. M. SCHAWL,Opposite Mr. Bradford's Printing Of--

fie, Mam Itieet, Le.tinrtoii.N."B. DU. J, M. SCHAWG, cures1

ruptures cfiViflualty without an iucifi'in.Vie alio cure thr tooth ach efficbially

hen tlie tooth is hollow, never tore- -

;Bril to the same tooth. He gives hisflillance in the various dtfeafes inci

dent to tlielunnn body, 11. the practiceor Physic nd Surgery.

July 22, 1U06


rriting GHII.UKLN. inquire pt thefubfenber, in LcMtigton.

Heniy J'tirviancc.July id,i8o$.

fucky. ?"- - 18 AFa et c 'j.Ji

Wdliam Gju!. ';;.i.'Ci.

Turner, Ufarii.s, hz9- - Xj t(tl!tS,

IN CMAWCL..ON the Jnotiun . ti cunr Uihai t

coumcl It i" orde, it, ilu.t J ncs Attain ai dliucv h wise, be- - 'd 'em. nl-- . 1. UiwcaiibC : aiiDltar-'- irn k t; b iliActiou ofthe eouH; lli.t iho dciiuUr.ts i'.e ijaminTurner, srd '...? ml Jime. Adiro ..rd LncjIds' Wisp, aic iioi iimabit.nts ot cOEWnon-vtylt-

On the motion ot the LOiiiilaii.ant iyhia comuel It is ordered, tiut the b:.itl,dtf-ii-dsnt- s

do aprn-a- r heie on the third day of Se)teinbc--r tm, aild answer ihcconipuuintij s out, or ine same win uc .aivcjfor conAiscd, und that.this Older be inverted

in soine aulMoritt-- paper according to lawA Copy. Attcste,.

THOsJ BODLEY, c.i'.c.c.



the Tth of Utne at night, myihop v.n 1)Viikc"ii onen.and two varJaOle

SILVER WATCHES,ttakeil out ; one qf them capped win

"liver, inakei's name, George, r.awm,Lfindon. No. 4S-!- . a.fnidil chip out of

the face at the figure 6 ; the other a con)-- ,

mon lize watch, with a iiik maj...rl krjhlvii! the naner in the caieflnim-- bv beiiio wet, f.nne marks of lullr, tiiH hjlanf,- - . hri-t- . ihename andnumber not known. 1 will give the aoove

will deliverrewaru to anv uenon wnu

said watches to me in Lexington. ,

Edtid. West.


JSRUKL Subscriber offers to rent thefrWrn TllAVELLER!. HALL, for one.

year or a longer term, or to sell lttorij-o-

payable in tne yonowing way, wi.Cash paiculown, S4000Nejrices, store goods.cordage, to-"- )

bacco. salt, iron, or, horsey paidf 3000Ldayn, or approxed indorsed notes at C

a shoit date, s -Land in the vicinity ot Lexington, 1000

The, oal'ince in eight equal an."x

uualpajmenb, With iterest Iromthe date, of equal annual l 17,000payments of. Ju'.f cash, and half p

approved produce, w:ui uuercsifrom the date, J -


- w n a ni7 nprnn who rents or purchases

may have the refusal of the furniture and stock

of Liquors at a reasonaoie rai.e. .

Kooert nraatey.Lex'uigton, Jlay 16, 18g6. ,

KENTUCKY,Fayette Circuit Court, Jure Term, 1806,

Aluertus Bright, bamucl wCcJioe, ti. Jolin M'Gchee,!Y) ' comfclalnai.ts, V 1.1 Chancer.O'agamst J

Thomas Enelish, d?f:..dant,ON Modern, leave is sru'en the

parties to make James M'Gehee, 3 complain- -

ant. and !cae is also rriven thecompiainaat.3 to

amend their bill, which amendment wasfiled; and it appearing to the satis-factio- n

of the court, that the dsfendant is notan inhabitant of this common .vaelth, I' it or-

dered, that the said defendant do appear hereon the third diy of our next September term,and answer the complainant's bill, or that thesame will betaken for confessed, and that a co-p- v

of this order be inserted in some audiorizcdpaper agreeable to law.

A copy,Attesie, Tbos. Bodley, c. 1. c. c.

7, NOTICE.persons are hereby sore

warned from taking an aflignmtnt of a



r i- f ... w. - . jme irom payment 01 tne

bond ; xvhich xvas byin his lite time, to Laldwell.

, John Nasb.Prince Edward, Virg.March 31ft, 1806.

THE ST AGEFor the Olympian Springs,

WILL leave Maj. WAGNON'S in Lexing-ton- ,

every Monday returnThe Stage is now furnished with

excellent horses, and a good careful driver.C. BANKS.

Springs, 5, 1806,

TiAen up bv AtthuT Parvin. livinsirbe J J r t 'f roau icauiug irom ijexington to

k s mill,Cbesnut Sorrel Horse,

Threeot- about thirteenhands high, a small star, neither dockednor branded, to 25 dollais, be-

fore me,IIUME,j.p.

Bourbon ay 1 1806.

Taken up by Tliomas livinirTi 1 .' ..'!. . "fjouuiuii cuiuiiv nu 1 s creeK,

Jl niacii Mare,Twelve years old, hands three..,!. -- ,. i',-i- vl :.. i...iiicuc (;, a iiiiiii 111 ncr i:iee,una

j. vVhite lpot on. her notlril, the lest hindsoot white as high as the middle of theleg with a brown hoife colt

a flar in appraised to3o dollars. Given under mv hand this31ft of Mav, iJ:6.


K FOR FOR CASH,4'A Likely Negro

That is active, (tiong and healthy, En.qturc a: this oiKce.

U Jily z63 1906.

tJrroiYmli "X T


JK KIT 2 KcaUhy, and2? wcjl grown Apply to tiepunlci here.

of 3d June, lbOS.

Jvi I UE G LEAVEO inform mv friends.

iK'Kf J le c -- iai cue punil.X' he!-- , that Iluie ju-.- t rccciicd)f& Fresh art

KS SHOUS OF ALL KINDS,fefl i at sle at my Ilojt anJ

ijjwa oie ccjre, on snori s;reei,ST:': next d.or to Mr. Keisi-- r s ta.

?&flei'ki nrn. anil n?nrlv nniii.ifi llifto wit :

Men's liny and coarse Shoes,Boys' sine and coarse cio.

Ladies lesthei-Slippct- at 6s. 6d. a pair,At. Fancv Kid Shoes1,

d4. K'd, with heels and spring heels, ofall colours,

do. Spintjl-- d and plnin Kid of all coloursdo. Spangiea ana plain Morocco sup-pa- 's

of all colours.Misses Kida'id Moioeco Slippers.Cluldrens' M iocco of all and Lea

thor JeflTcTsons', &.c. Uo.The above artides I warrant to be a? good

as eer came to the state, or (nat'e in the Unit,ed States; as I havr-non- e but picked w 01k, Ido not want to natter the public!: with an

as the shew for itself.MOROCCO SKINSot allcoloursftLeather,

Shoe binding of ajl cdloiu-s- , and Shoe Strings,(Joucsoals, anuiiiacic iau ui u suueriur qua-

lity also, afew'pairKATES.. . A L, s u,

Tifadelra andSherry Wines, fJamaica Hum, French Brandy,Lime Juice, rCotree, Tea and Sugar,Indig), Madder,Ginger, Pepper, Cinnamon and Cloves,

Salmon, Mackarel and Herring.Which I intend to sell at reduced prices.

William Ross.June 30, 1805.

v THE SUBSCRIBER'Makes & sells xvoman'i

good lined and boundrrrs at 6m n nair hv retailThe qualify ofhis woi k apdthe unusual low price, xvill

&t! the conceives; lecure him.."". the pt'.cniiranementof a dif- -J$&. public, xvho have,

annually ecu iiuiu emsplace troni 20 to dollars a year torthe article of women's flioes ; by their

him encouragement in this nar- -

tial experiment, they will loon induceother lhoemakers to tollow the example,and thereby slop the importation and save

the money amongit ourieives.oV. Prentiss,

Adioininc Prison, LexingtonN. B. Wlvolefale orders complied

ivith on terms advantageous mer- -

chants. Journeymen and apprenticeswanted. .

May 23, 8o6. tf

, S 1 OLENait of my ftdble lot, in Lexington

crtrtrfe night of the 17th current, a darkbay hflrfc, fupppfed to be about fifteenhands high, and eight or nine years old,

a sew xvhite hairs on his sorehead.mane inclining- - to the lest side, rather

a fliort tail, and some xvhite hairs justabove th lest ham, appearing to havebeen otcafiontd by a tied round it,no brands recollected.

I will fatisty any person amply xvhowill deliver hie the horse, or give fucbinformation that I get linn and willgive 20 dollars reward for apprehendingthe thief. 1. BLEDSOE.

Lexington, July23, 1806.

jicauug 10 eue latisiatuon 01 tne courtthat he is not an inhabitant of this coinmonwea!th'"on the motion of the corn-plaina-

by his counsel, it is ordered,that said defendant do appear hereon the third day of the next Septemberteim, and answer the complainant's bill,or that the same will be taker as confelT-e- d

; and that a of this order beforthwith inserted in some authorifed pa-per of Kentucky, for eight weeks

A copy. Tefte,wm WALK. REED, D. Clk.

Woodford county sc"V.

TJcen up by Thomas Redd,mill,

CAJJAY HORSE COLT,one year old, sour xvhite feet, andhis legs white up nearly to the knees,a bald face and both eyes glazed, nobrand perceptible ; appraised to sis.teen dollars.

HOBT. ALEXANDER.May 5, 1806.


ESPECTFULLY informs the CitizensLexington and the Public irC general, that

lie has bufmefs in theHoitre late-ly occupied by Maj. Moirifon,(on ShortStreet,) where he intends to purfive the samein alius various branches, and hces from hisknowledce of the above bqlinels, with the(Inaefc attention and a deire to please, tomerit a (hare of public patronage. Ladiesand Gentlemen, who will be so obliging as tosavour him with their cuilom, may rely 011having their work dine in the most failnona-M- e

and best manner, ph the shortest noticeanuuu lenns- -

LOFTUS NDKtN. B. Oneortuo Apprentices will be" taken'o the above btusine-ss- . y1 iiehuuscnucrlias forsle nn n. r.'

Ichet with Hair.ess, 0.1 b tanis (o;. r, ..

BOND, executed by me, as lecunty tor,Clarke, late merchant of this coun-irt- e ef Kentucky, set.

ty, to Henry Caldwell, now a relident of Circuit court, May termKentucky. The bond, according to my nuRdgar. complainant, INbefi recollection, is dated June 1790 or CJgainft CHAN- -1791, payable on the 25th of December, peter Lahr, deferi(iant) SCERY.following, and is for a iomewhatl THE defendant not having enteredexceeding one hundred and leventy his appearance herein agreeable to lawpounds, Virginia currency. A late de- -' and the rules of this court and ;t art-p- . rF Ptitiri Hiiurarn rnnntv r.onrf has : .. i n? .....exonorateU(did dischargedClarke,


morning, and onSaturday.

Olympian July


sour years old,


JOHNcountyM 2,

,..ui ayior

fourteene,.i, 1 .nil

Iras.with his face, both

DONNEL, j.p.n.c.























l-- bALIi.700 acres Milu.uv Land, lvititr cm

" llinf, Ti V o '1 T X U


ZMoU - J " Ji "? ,UnUiiIl'recufcf T T"TJ.J? 1.irw'"d """y

liruHi creek, N. W. T. where tlieroad'"u" liuui to L.11U iconicthis trift contains about three himd, Ji!AcfV of rich bottom, thewell inhered; has on it a goodlVt, aud is ari excellent Itandfor a nub.;ic houle.

500 acres ditto ditto, lying-o- GloverLick creek, a biauchof the Eat! fork ofthe Little Miami, N. W. T. in a goodneighboihood, about tl'iree miles fromDunhanis-Tow- u, seven from Willianis-buig- ,

and eleven to twelve from the O-li-

river.1000 acres ditto ditto,lvitig 011 Brush

creek, a sew miles' from New Market,N. W. T

5000 acres, lying on Eank Lick ci eek,Kentucky, pait of two tracts, 6000 acies, lurveyed and patenteeior William Jones.

4000 acies, Clarke county, Kentucky,part of a traft of eijjiit thousand acres,surveyed andpatentedfor Richard Chin- -

nevortli.3332 2-- 3 acres, Mason county, Ken-

tucky, part of 5000 acres, surveyed andpatented for George Underwood.

1200 acres, M?lon county, Kentucky,surveyed and pa'tented for Moody aiulM'AliIhn.

100X) acres Military land, on the xvatcrs of ltulTell's creek, Green river.,

325 acres, Tefferfon county,, about sour miles from Louisville, 40acres ot this tract is cleared.

1I61 -2 acres.Fra nkliii county, Kentucky, on the North fork of Elkhorn.about six miles fromFrankfort ; on thattract are confiaerable improvements

A House and xvell improved Lot inthe town of Paris, on Main ftregt, ndaadjoining; Mr; Hughes's tavern. ,m

. An Inn and Out Lot in said to.vnAlso a House and xvell improved Lot

tn this placeThe above ,described property xvill be

sold low ser Cash, Hemp and Tobacco, or on givfng bond xvith good fecuri,ty, a considerable credit may, be had.For further particulars efiauireofAndrew F. Prjce, attorney in fact for (orto the lublcriber.)

JOHN JORDAN JunLexington Kentucky,

Tanuary-- H. 803. S --rFOR SALh.

A (jfeat Bargain may be bad in thatHANDSOMZ. SEAT OF LAND

WHEREON I now live, of451 acres,lying on Liavicrs tork ot tlkhorn, 111 Fay-ett- e

county , eight miles from LeJcington ;there is about 120 acres of open landthe dwelling house is brick, two flories,47 by 22,finished in a neat plain rnannei

two grist mills in cood renair. hivinolately been built anew, the dam and all!the under works ot the mills are locusttimbers : and the mills are cenerallv allowed to grind faster than any mills inthe quarter; one pair of the stones are,trench burrs the Ipnngs and flock wa

f 1cer are very extennve, ana was nex-e- r

known to sail. There islikewifeon theplace a diflillery, convenient to the mills.I will takevis "dollars ner acre for it incash, selling the whole together, or I willsell 100 acres xvith the mills anddiflillervon it, for yr.6qo cash, xvhich is the threaten Dar-ga- mat nas ueer ottered tor ialeany where in the quarter-tw- o stills,oneof 127 gallons, the other of do gallons.ixate tne improvements at only a mode-rate price and the land xvill not come to40 (hillings per acre a sew negroes between tne age 01 12 anci ia yeais wouldbe received inpayment it is needlefstomention further particularsas any per- -lon wiiinngtouuy can viewtne premiles

for sale also, tbe studhorseLAMPLIGHTER.

It Is xvell known that his fieure andblood is equal to any horse in the state,and as a foal getter is in as high reputeas any other horse known of I will take1000 dollars for him, and no less twoor three good geldings would be received in payment.

, John Rogers.

& CASHWILL be given for three or sour

Likely Young Negro Men,Under goodcharactei, frpm the age of 17 to

1. enquire at tne stoi q ot. S. & G. Trotter.

Lexington, Julyl, 1806 tf.

TO BE SOLD,n Friday tbe 15 th day of Aupruft next.

ALL MY STOCK OF HORSES,ConnlVing of three full bred studs.

several sine geldings, and a Lumber ofsine brood mares and sillies, about half oftliem tull bred. Nine months credit will

e given the purchasers uoon rnvinn-bond with approved security to

, I. Sthreflily.July 14, 1806. tAuff. 15.

7 en Dollars Reward.AN-AWA- from :he fubferi- -

r, hvinfj on the head of TelTaininecieek in JelTimine county, on. the 23rlof June, a negro man named PETER,about 43" or 4 years of age, flendtr made.about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, of anuncommon brisk, lively walk; rather of.down look when spoken to. I wills'"-- " uuurtrs u taken in tne itate, ttin reslonahle charges is delivered tome ; flrN is taken out of the (Tate twen-ty dolla'rs and all teafonable charges.

James Coger.July 9, 1806. tf. pd. 3s.


iSAiesr. She (s well acniinint-r- l& 1 -- .W1M1 cqokngand xvaflnng, and ran berecommended. Apply to the Piir.ter. ,

July 15, leOo. tf '

LAST Nu 1 ICE. 1I - LT. thof; indJiuJ to the Uu I

ot Sett;: c ! :ii'ir.'n., Inl,,. .'. e-- .I.'IPW 11, Jl I,'

-- ..upny u men reipective accejUnis toLUiciis riuhu, who is hereby duly

to receive the same. '1 holewho do not theinfelvcs ot this no-tice, may rtfE rtlured, that indulgence;will noi be i, r.n -- rMarch, ,nn suits will be indifcunu-natelymflmite-


'J' Jordan jr.N.

. HEMP.and HOGS' LARD, will be .ece.ved asthe market price, in payment.

J- - J- -1 mi!M), January 28. 1805, tf

MADISON CIRCUIT fa.x . , ,. June 7cfm 4joiepn ivioore, complainant,

vgatiittWilliam Drydet's heirs and Samuel RKe,

defendants.IN CHANCERY.

ON motion of the complainant, andit appealing to the fatisfaftion of theqourt that the defendant Samuel Rice, an inhabitant ot this ftnt,. is ;. -

Idered that the said absent defendant do--appear nere on the nrit day of the next'September term, to fliew caafc, is anyhe can, Why the complainant bill Ilia!!"not be taken as- - conten"ed,"and th-a- t acopy o.f this order be mfeited in theKen'wcky Gazette two monihs, apreeable to an aft of the general aiTembiy ofKentucky, c.

A copy. Tefte, .

t Will. Irvine C. M. C. C.

BLUE DYING. 4TMrs. Reiser, takes this method

of informing the public, that (lie has commen-ced the Blue Uying business, next door llov-?.lr- .

Huiton, the saddler, where die will Uyecotton, yarn,, and thread, or any kind ofhome made cloth, .which (he will warrant to(land its color, as fte djcj with hot dye.She will dye the above articles as chaapasthey can be dolie any where in ,

and receive produce in pavmentFebruary 2$, 1806.

WARM yTOD'SCOLD BATJIn his Stone-Hous- on Water-Stree- t, Lea.ingeon,Having completed foiVr

for the, accommodation of person!, wishing--use them The terms will be, for a'sui-l- a

ticket of admission, a quarter of a dollar butpersons who lake six tickets may be supUedioi one dollar. ,

Each ticket will admit one person.Lsdies and Gcnilcmi-- n .11 r,nA ,. ...

dance provided at all houis of the day and"l3.J vautu lui.

m. rod.July ly 1S06.

J. BLEDSOE, JHasfixed his it L x:ngteu.

HE will continue to P,act c La in theC Je attied; in the Co m of Appeala and the Feifti JCourt at Frankfort. K's office is the one -- occupied by mr. James Hughes He mereto be punctual in the discharge of his profes'sion J duties.

Lexington, June 25, 1806.


lhoroas Rule Complainant, jpagainlt SJames Twinelum & others Difmianti

IN CHANCERY. 'The defendant Twineham not having

entered his appearance herein agreeab yto the adt df fTemuIy and rules of thiscourt, and it appearing to the fatisfditr- -011 ofthecourt,that heis not an inhabitantof this commonwealth : On the motion,of the complainant by hiscouuirl, it lsordered, that he do appear here n. thethird day of the next August Term,andanswer the complainant's bill Ti . ,copy of this order be" forthwrth infer .diui ciyne ip. iomeotieof the Gazettes' of this State.

A copy.THO: ARNOLD, Clk.

To be sold at the plantation ns rhu.jL,Webb, dec. on Monday the 11th day bf August next, on the waters of Elkhorn (Davidfork) Fa) ette county, ten miles cast of hef.ington, the following property, to wit: Hor-ses, mares and colts, among which are severalmases and colts equal, ifnot supa-io- r to anv mthe state for blood, figure, size and activity.Also, the stock of cattle, sheep, hogs, house-hol- d

furniture and farming utensils, &c f cTwelv e months credit will be giv en for all s,in.3above forty shilKnirs. bv crivin? bnnrl ,..i, L

pi eyed security. Those who have any "de- -mandsagamst saidpUte wili jit-.s- e to makethcinkiioun. t


June 18th, 1806.

NOTICE ATi,r ..i :. , , . vnuii. luieiucii v no nave borfot.juikcuii s iim.'uments irom Uoctor'Sfmi- -

ltd Blown, while he. ;., I . ..!.... ' "Init J r. V.n.laUarl t

ickTspoScld, now in Lexington.

June 20, iSdo. tf.


The PUDIIC aie mlnrmirl l.othe United

..States Saline, belovtrf inntif h r. r I. ")T1 !..v iuuitui l r ansm iit-.,,,-,

neted with so much ipirit and luccc-f-

"""'- - 4""""ty 01 juf now lspre-at-fuper.or to the demarj : ( v ra ti-- 0

land ou.'hcls ,'uvini, !.,. ,"' '.- o " ".cumulated"; the price is reducea to five ihd- -n1 v,rBiu currency, pertielliel.April 10, i8c5.


' i

v 1t.