kentucky disclosure! mill. - university of ·...

KENTUCKY CORN AND COB MILL. is well known that there is Jtri-a- l economy in crushing IT or grinding tiie kernels of all grain before feeding it to stock, una that there is much nutriment in the cob when properly brolcen or trround. And the only reason that iuiIU arranged to produce these desired results have not been more generally introduced among planters ami farmers, has been llieir'coinplex arrangement and high cost. In the Kentucky Corn and Cob Mill, of which the above isau accurate eii:rruvinr, we clu'.m to have pro- duced a machine at once ellicienl, substantial and cheap, while its arrangement is so simple that the most ordinary hand can adjust and operate it. This machine, unlike any other, is regulated by means of a single set screw, which is easily moved by hand, and is applied directly under the centre of the mill. Anv one using these Mills will linn a clear saving of one q carter of their corn over the old plan of feeding. We warrant these Mills to eive entire satisfaction. use them for thirty days and If rot satisfied, can return them and gel their money. They will grind Corn and Cob as line as desired, .it the following rate per hour, with one horse: .No. 1,4 10 a bushels per hour. Weight Kil Us. Price S25 W). No. 2, 6 to 8 bushels per hour. W eight 4U0 s. Prw S30 00. Adding frelsrlit from Louisville. The above prices includes the complete Mill ready t" hitch to without any further expense, and can be set in operation in live minutes time. For sale by , V.. L. FA.Ml' EL, .Not. 26, 1855. tf. Frankfort, Ivy. USE THE MAGIC IMPRESSION PAPE OK WRITING WITHOUT PE' OR INK. copying F leaves, flower?, plants, pictures, paterns for embroi- dery, marking linen indelibly and manifold writing;. T uis article is absolutely tlie best portable inkstand in tlie Ituown world, for a'suiall, quantity folded and placed in the pocket constitutes a traveling inkstand, which can- not be broken. No pen is ueeded; forany stick sharpen edto a point writes equally as well asthe best gold pen n the universe. For drawing it is indispensible. it is, indeed, the whole art of drawing and paiiiti:;r, tr.uelr. lathe lesson. Auv leaf, plant or ilowar cau be transfer- red to the pages ofan album with a minute and distinct resemblance of nature. With equal facility pictures and einbroiderv patterns are takeu, and have received the hlgbesteulogiuins from the fair sex; aud, indeed, a more tasteful present for a lady couid not be produced. The luagic Paper will also mark linen or other articles so as to remain perfectly indelible. Mi the washing in the world falls to bring it out. Any child can use it with ease. With this Magic Paper, one or four copies of every letter written can be secured without any additional labor whatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient ar- ticle extant. It is used to a great advantage by reporters of the public press, telegraphic operators aud hosts of others. Each package contains four different colors black, Dlue, green and red, with full printed instructions, forali to oblan Ave hundreddistinctnnpressions. Ills put up in beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truth- ful likeness of the proprietor attached. Kadi aud every package vtir.nte.. Price S3 a dozen or five for Si. Single pacl.lig iii cents. Address, post-pai- N H I' BB li LL , No. 1GT, Broadway, New York. OPINION'S OF THE PRESS. HcuBtLt's Maoic Impression Paper. We refer our readers to theadvertisjinent in another column, setting forth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention. The cheapness should induce all to give it a trial. Phil- adelphia Merchant. ' It i3 unsurpassed for neatnessand utility, and should meet with the sale it richly deserves. Tribune. Just what the people has long desired, and recommend itself to every individual of taste and refinement. Jour and Courier. Oct. 22 1855 3m. Owen Circuit Court. GEO. W. GARDNEK'S Adm'r. 1 vs. In Equity. GEO. W. GARDNER'S heirs cred. ) rnilli administrator, heirs and creditors of George VV. 1 Gardner, deceased, are hereby uotitled that I will at- tend at my residence In Owen county, Ky., near Owen-to- from this lime until first day of March next, to hear proof by the creditors on their claims against the deceas- ed, and also to credit and settle their claims against tiie estate of deceased. By order of the Owen Circuit Court, Nov. 30, lPOO. JOEL HEKNDON, ec. 7, 1855 W'lm Master Commissioner. DISSOLUTION. partnership of EVANS & SWIGERT was THE on the 15th inst., by mutual consent. H. Evans w ill settle up the business of the late firm. II. EVANS, Nov. 21. If55. DAN. SWIGERT. FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS! VS. WEST & CO. having taken an Agency for the of W. T. SMITH & CO'S Fresh Baltimore Oijs-te- which they .warrant to bo as good if not superior to any in Ihis city,"are prepared to supply all their friends and customers, cither by the case or can. Dec. 5. Yeoman copy. Buck Wheat Flour. received per S. B. Klue Wing, a fresh supply of Pennsylvania JJuck Wheat Flour, and for sale by Nov. 10. 1riAV ck TOl-'O- . Java and Rio Coffee. Cf BAGS, (60 pockets) Old GoverninentJava Colfec; U Sl bags prime Kio Lotlee. Just received. Aug. 2J, om. W. U. KEENK. Srandies and Wines. i n PCRGS. superior Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira 1U and Sherry Wine, jus, received direct fro:n Soston. Aug. 22, 1155. W. H. KEE.NE. " NOTICE. future no person will be admitted within the Ceme- tery Grounds on the Sabbath unless by written permis- sion of some of the officers of the Company. The law will be enforced against all trespassers. Visitors are not permitted to disturb the Shrubbery, Fruit, or Flowers. August 20 tf. M. BROWN, President. NEW GOODS. I AM now receiving my fall stock of liooU, 8hoes, Hals, Caps, nnd Books, which I will take great pleasure in snowing to all who may favor me with a call. Sept. 10. HUMPH KE V EVANS. Sugar and Coffee. have in store and for sale WE hhds prime N. O. Sugar; 1U chests Clantied Suar lor preserving:; 20 bblsCrushed Sugar. 5 bbls Loaf Sugar; 30 pockctsold Government Java Coffee: l.j bags prime Rio Coffee; 3 chests prime G. P. Tea; 2 chests prime Black Tea. July 13. GRAV cv TODD. LIFE INSURANCE. I AM prepared to insure the lives of Negroes (j Al on favorable terms. d Aug. 10, 1855 tf. Cider Vinegar. r BBLS. good Cider Vinegar, for sale bv J Sept 3. GRAV V TOIID.- Old Crow Whisky. gt BBLS"Crow WhisLy," six tears old, forsale bv ' ' CO Oct. 56. v. H. KEEXK. Srandy Peaches. 3 BBLS. Pure Spirits for making Brandv Peaches. Just 4 received and lor sale bv "P'- - a- - ' GRAY 4: TODD. .1(1 rnir ETS strickl' Pi"'111 Government Jova ' J ieeivua anti I tor anla bv 5ov. 14. W. H. KEE.NE. WATER-PROO- F BOOTS WD C ALF-SK- GAITERS A new supply by express A Saturday. Ihciegoodshavegivenuniversal sat Call and see them at - HUMPHREY EVA'S' Dtc- - Boot and Shoe Store. CANVASSED HAMS. WE hare Id store 200 A. Macklin fc Ron's exnra surar canvassed ham, also 125 pul up bv Heradou Stephens. For ale bv Oct. i, 1855. GRAY & TODD. Mackerel. a BBLS. lareNo. 5 Mackerel; d AH bbU large Mackorel; h kits Large iUckerol. Received and for tale bv SepU 3. GRAY St TODD. DISCLOSURE! WE are often asked why we sell FURNITURE so much cheaperthan other (lenient in thearticle. For the benefit of all we will explain. It is the impression at. borne and abroad that DOXOX & GRAHAM keep everything, and persons wishing an outtit for house- keeping, call on us and find in our more-roo- almost every article necessary for from a Koll ing pin utj to a sutrar cured Hum, Table ware, Spicks, fcc. A c. Then they want Fl'RNITUKE. "Not calculating irom the proceed of pronts," but lrom tue tact mala complete outfit can be purchased at our house for house keeping, relieves the nurehar irom much trouble auc many bin all bills, we have, for the accommodation of our customers, recently enlarged our furniture roorus, ana can now, and will in luturo be ante 10 oner induce ment? to all wishingto purchase provided lowest jig- - ures oe an inducement. It would be an endless undertaking to furnish a com plate catalogue of the articles we otler lor sale, in addi- tion to Furniture; but, feeling a desire to henefltthe pub lic, w e venture 10 can nuenuon 10 a verv lew, astotiows The Chain Pump, Decidedly the cheapest and moat desirable Pump ever in vj:jh-u- , uuuk arrameu 10 pr nunu w en w ntn pui up ry tis. v e are prepared to turmsn iron anil vv ood curbing, and Iron,Zink,aod Wood Curbing at very low price. Atmospheric and Suction Pump. This description of Pump is generally well known; they perform satisfactorily in shallow weJU or cisterns, but their liability to freeze renders them troublesome- - The Suction and Force Pump. A n:ost excellent Pump, upon the same principles of the Atmospheric Pump, citoablo of lifting waterthirtv-thre- e feet, and then forcing it tifty or sixty feet, from a short leaner noe; uul sun tins pump is also liable to treeze and burst, unless tlie valve is opened by elevating the i iranr pumping. . Earthen Tubes, A new invention for sewers and drains, coaling only six cent- per foot easily put down and very dunible:'cer- - uuun me nest, ana cheapest drain evermventert, A LARGE SUPPLY OF Metalic Burial Cases of all sizes, from twenty-tw- o inches lo seven fnt lonp, ornamental and plain finish, covered with fine cloth and fringe, tfec, silver mounted and bronzed. Having II rat introduced these Cases In our city, proven by trinl to be most admirably adapted lor prose'rvmg the mortal remains, the decided preferem-- given them over the old fashioned wooden box, the increased demand in thu city, county, and adjoining counties has induced us to purchase a nrst rate I1KAKSE, which, together with any number of CARRIAGES ordered, will attend all fiinend occasions desired. We have also a large lot of Wooden Buxes to enclose the Metalic Cases, which we will furnish at$l for small and $3 for largest size?; atd in every instance where we furnish Burial Casen, Boxes, or Hacks, we warrant the bills satisfactory, nnd no ertor-do- n. Cordage. Hemp, Manilla ind Cotton Rope, Carpet Warp, and lh best article of Cotton Yarns, of all sizes and numbers. Tar, Ky the barrel. Mattrasses. Double, Single, Lounge, Trundle, and ( iibUes, Hi!,-- , Colton and Shuck. Axes. Hunt's Douglass Axes, the best article now In use; Hand Min jlatcnets arid Hammers. Nails. Cut, Wrouhtnud Horse Shoe Nails, of the best brand. Window Glass Of all jslies.nnd Putty iu large and small iiuantitiej, on hand. Willow Ware. Market, School, Key, Bell, Pear, ana Traveling round. Oval and square Clothes Boskew. Paints. White Lead; Liuiced Oil; White, Copal and Japan Var- nish; LlLhurg?, and Ochre; water aud tire proof Paints, ground In oil, an excellent paint for porch floors, steps. Glass Ware. Tumblers of various patterns and prices. Glasa Bowls, Fish Globes and Flower Vases, Bird Founts, Azc. Tin Ware. Ornamental Chamber Setts: Dlain and Jananned Tin Ware of even' description; and in additlou we have a large supply of Patent Coffee Pots. Owning tho rl?ht to manufacture aud sell these ines- timable Cotlee rots, we take pleasure In recommending thein to every family, with a warrantee lo j;lve satisfac- tion or no pay. We eanuot in detail give further particulars. By way of variety, wc have always ready for sale, Salt Fih Bird Cages. Ox Yokes, Ladies' Mending Cotton, Wheel Burrow s, Patent Medicine, Cotton Floor M;;ps. Stone Ware, Bird Seed, Ploughs, Family Flour, Meal, Ironing and Preserve Stoves, Kay Carpeting, Cedar aud Pine Ware, Colognes, Violins. Buggy, Kidiu?, aud Stock Whips, Cow and Sheep Bells, Kazors, Pocket Cutlerv, and Victoria Pens, Swoet Oils, Clothes Pius. Minnow Seins, and Partridge Nets. Please call, examine, and buy from DOXON or GRAHAM, Xo. 6, St. Clair St., Frankfort. Ky. Oct. JUST IN THE EIGHT TIME. A. SONNEBERG V 7HO with hasjust returned from the Fast and Cincinnati S20,000 Worth of Ready Made Clothing which he promises to sell upon better terms 4an can b fouud iu any other establishment in the city. Let remember that I am now receivvig aud a id ready to sell at prices to suit the most fastidious, th most extensive lot of SPRING AN D SL 3UIER CLOTHING, of alt descriptions, sizes and colors, ever brought to Frankfort. My stock consists of everything ir, the Gen- tlemen's Furnishing line. It has been selected rxpress-l- y and especially fortius market. I have on hand, and w ill always keep coBirdcte sortmenl of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Hats, Caps, &e.; together with every article usually fouml in u Clothing: Store. Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Cloibinj; would Jo well to givo mo a call, as 1 am :it:?!led I hey cannot do belter at anv other establishment in the citv. Oct. 15, 18dS. A. SOriAEBEKG. VARIETY. GUTTA PERCHA PENS. N excnllentarticle of various stvles, for sale ar li. Dr. MILLS' Drugstore. WRITING PAPER. Plain arfid Fancy. Note, Letter, am Cap paperat ' Dr. MILLS- - Urns Store. ENVELOPES. Of all kinds, plain. fancy, and colored at nr. .MILLS' llrug Store.. INK. W riting ink of all colors, black, hlue, and red, at lr. MILLS' Drug Store. SUPERIOR TOBACCO. u article that all lovers of the weed must nrn noun 43 the be-t- , at Dr. MILLS' Urue Store. CONFECTIONERS. (.urn drops of all flavors, candied V)ns Hoot. Lozen ges of various kinds, at lr. MILLS Drue Store. PURE HAVANA CIGARS, The very best hi the town, flue flavorvd. and from the genuine Havana leaf, at ur. .'i ijiiO nruff store. CRYSTALIZED GINGEK. Special attention is called to the article as iltaunt aromatie eonfectiou, it cannot be excelled, at Dr. MILLS' firu(c Store. JaJN-t- KLAGKiJSG. A lot of Mason's superior blacking on hand, at Br. MILLS' DrugSlore. SNUFF. All varieties on hand, Kappee, Maccobuy, Scotch. Natchetoches, at Dr. MILLS' Drug Slore. LEXINGTON MUSTARD. Tiiis article Is obtained direct from the manufacturer, and warranted, at Dr. MILLS' Drug Store. ' EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING. All the various kinds used for this purpo.v, Ro-o- Lemon, Vanilla, Almond, Orange, &e., at Dr. MILLS' Drugstore. March 13, 1854- - Bacon, Lard, &c, &c. lbs Sugar Cured Canvassed Hams; 3000 2000 lbs Sugar Cured plain Hams: luuii lbs uacon siaes; 2500 Bacon Shoulders; 150 kegs prime Lard; 2 doz Beef Tongues; 20 packages Mackerel; 2 obis Due Salmon. In store and for site bv July 13. GRAY ek TOJ1D. ' Dissolution of J. T. LUCKETT having dissolved partnership, B& business of the firm will be settled up. BiBier of the partners Is authorized to use the name of the iWrn in settlement, and to receivo monev due the firm. BfcN. LUCKETT, MsyE3,lS55. 1XO. T. LUCK-ET- PEEFUMEEY AND IF A N C Y A RTI C L ES . mills' just received the most elegant and extensive HAS of FINK A XI) FANTV AHTICLKS evr brouent to brauktort. Tlie toek con sists of Hair KruAhe of even- style Fine Cologi and price, Kxtracts for the iinndk'l. Cloth brushes, Kxtractpfor flavoriue, Nail Brushes, Toilet Water, Tooth Brushes. Fancy Soaj-s- Hat Brushes, Hair Pins, Powder Hulls, Dentri rices Hair Pomades. Cosineticsi, Puff Combs, Smelling Salt, Tucking Comb. Confections, Dressing . ombs, Toilet Boilles. h Coiniw. Note Paper. pocket Coinb, Envelopes. Side Combs, Sealing Wax, India Kubber Cuui-- . Amandine, Was Matches, Satchels, Violin and GiuIarSirif:.? Toilet Powde-rs- HairOils, Drawing t r;tyon, Lead Pencils, Curling Brushes, Pencil Points. Pins aud Needles. The selection is In re nnd varied, eontaining article- of every price and pattern. Among the extra'-'-- ' for th Hftiidkercliief mav be found tlie following: UPPER TEN. A new and fashionable perfume that ranriot f;i! please. licence Fiojuet, Oriental Drops, Prairie Flowers Bo- - quet ue L aiiiornie, KOfiu'i oe Araoie, mlet, .Magnolia Ashland Flowers, and a very large mini be of other. Nov. 11, 1KVJ. MORTIMORE'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND. riiHIS truly celebrated prepamiion, clH carious alii; J. for oaeli and every description of Khei'matic Com- plaints, is already too wvll known and esteemed throughout the United Slates, to require anv lengthy no tice of its paramount virtues. It eradicates this hereto fore incurable and distressing disease from the system. and stands unrivalled In tlie nliaruiacv of medicine We do not propose to make unqualified statements or lo force a nostdum before tlie public, but simptv to re quest those most interested SI FFERERS THK31SELVK S. to procure from the agent in their vicinity, a circular, and not only read the testimony of those who have ex perieuced its invaluable: curative powers, but 10 write to, or call upon, the convalescents so that the statement' may emanate from the Fountain Hkad u course which will satisfy the most incredulous, and one bv winch li reputation of the Rkmlhy is certain of being sustained. write also to the proprietor.?, who will accord even- in formation, and furnish names of undoubted character from every section of the Union, numbering among thorn some ol the most eminent Physicians, Clergymen Editors, nnd prominent citizens, rendering the ndiabili ty and efficacy of the remedy beyond tlie rench of douht or mistrust. MORTIMORKS COMPOUND Is a Vegetable Extract, an Internal Remedy, prepared axpressly fur this one diseasi:; and this it will cure in every form. fith.T Inflammatory (Acute) or Chronic, no matter or how long standing. Sold by J. M. .IILLS. Frankfort, Ky. 1HE ABOVE HAS I tiR f..LE THE GREAT ALTERATIVE, MORTIMORE'S li 1 TT K II C 0 11 1) 1 AL A Nil BLOOD PL'RIFIElt. This invaluable remedy lor every description of Nervous Affections, and for diseases of the Livkp. and Kidneys has obtained .i popularity wherever intm-duce- unprecedented in the history of any other medi- cal preparation ever brought before the public. Many of our most Km incut Physicians have thorough- ly tested its merits, and now prescribe HuKtlie most ef- fective Alterative and Blood Purifier ever kaon u. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the He;m. Night Sweatsand Attection of the Lungs, will readily yield to the Influence of this unrivaled remedy. Physical De- rangements or Irregularities especially with Fe walks producing debility and prostration of the system may be at once obviated and removed by the use of the Bitter Cordial and Blood Furlller. which is a vegetable sprout, pleasant to take and perfect- ly safe to be used in any state of health, even bv the mo! delicate female or child. Price one dollar per bottle. DOWNING & CO., Proprietor. No. 1, Barclav street (Ator Houe.y Sept. 30, 1853 by. LANDS, FOR FORFEITURE. IF the taxes, Interest, ami cost are not paid on the fol- lowing lands, on or before the lbth. day of February next, the lame will be forfeited to the Commonwealth of Kentucky: No. 1.VJ4 Dr. John Simpson, 1.633 acres of land, Lo gan county, Big Barren River, entered, surveyed and patented to v . j. strong; tax due, ih;v-j-- i: amount 323 40. No. Jj9U John Ramsey's heirs, 9,93.). pari of IO.51H) acres, Washington couutv, waters of Chiplin; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, $1(11 37. No. John Wister, John M. Price, und C.J. Whi ter, 2,500 acresof land, Henry county, waters Sand Ripp and 6 mile, entered, surveyed, and patented, H. Marshall; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, $12 75. No. 2571 Jasper Cope, bCu acres, Butler county. Green River; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount $S 16. No. 2G78 Isaac Willis, U3Uacre3, 1'tnon county, I rade- - water, patented Will .Mercer; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, $1G 08. No. 2874 Allen Riergs, lie1; acres, south side Green River; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, GO cent. No. 3090 A. J. Brown and D. F. Worceswr, 13,333 acres, part of 40,000, Greenup and Lewis counties, Ohio and Kinnacanick, entered, surveyed and patented John Marshall; tax due, l5:;-j-- 4; amount, $b PI. No. 3119 Augustus J. Brown, 20.000 acres of land. Greenupand Lewis counties Ohio and Kinnaeanict; surveyed and patented Johu Marshall; tax aue, 1852-3-- 4; amount, $10 20. No. 3159 John W . White, 100 acre;, Scott eountv Ea gle creek; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount 51 cents. INo. Jlb.i v . v. Dickinson, 1,111 acres, Mejntne county, between Fleming-bur- and Iron Work; tax, ltti2-3-- 4: amount, 11 M. No. 322 Joseph Chapman, acre, Marshall county, Military; i:.: due, 121 to 154; amount, S28G 4. o. J2o0 J. l. .viassie, 100 acres, irmves eountv, S. e. q. s. 29 T. 3 N. K. 2 K; tax due, 1835 to 1854: amount, 15 30. No. jvjI Ja. Humphrey, low acres, eountv. S. w.q. a. 14 T. 5 R. 1 K; tax due, lrt35 to 154: amount. 15 30. No. Wm. II. Furthiitj;, Jno. F. Furthinif. Wm. II. Ervan and Richard W. Bnan, (two last infant heirs of Sandy Farthing.) 51C, part of 1.0331, acres. Hopkins county, Deercn-ek- , John Brown; tax due, 101 to 1854; amount, $50 90 o. 1) nknowu heirs oi Moses Robins, deceased. 310 part of 1.033 acres. Hopkins counts. Deer creek, patented John Brown; tax 1801 to 1854: amount, $31 17. under mv nann nu ;in uav 01 (Jetoher. ih.t. TilO. S. PAGK, Auditor Public Accounts. 50 per cent interest is due on the first ear's tuxes. 100 per cent on the second year's lax; and 100 per cent on the third year's tax. Coats for advertising, 25 cents n eachtraci orlot. Oct. 8, 1855 2atu3mw&:tw. 100,000 COPIES SOLD! T LOYirS GREAT STKAMBOAT WORK will be ready A oaor about the twenty-jonri- h of October contexts: First Application of Steam. Life of John Fitch Engraving of his llrt Boat. Life of Robert b ulP-- hngraving of his ftrst Amerii an Boat on the Hudson River. Rob't Fulton and Livingston's first Ohio River Boa- t- Correct Likeness Full Hartieulari. Latrobe'i First Boat. FirsiSteubenville Boat. First Explosion on the Western Waters; from an Maps of the Western Waters; Towns, Cities and Di- - tanceslaid down corrcctU. List of Steamboat Explosion since 1I2; Names of Killedand Wounded; J.i- -t ol Meamboats now afloat. Correct views of Pittsburg, W heeling, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans, in 1855; .Sketch of each place; Population, Busines, A:c., v . Fast Time of I na is on the Ohio and Mississippi River.-- . List of Steam boat Officers on the Western Waters. The New Menmbai Law va :th Cinments Life Boats. DisaMters (mi the l.;ikcs ames of Lust, Killed and Wounded. The High Water iu lnlrt. 1832, 1847- List of Plantation. on Mississippi iver. Important United States Supreme Court Steamboat De cisions. Three hundred page, with one hundred eni?raviiiu-s- handsomely bound. By remitting One Dollar rpost paid,) you will receive a copy of the above work. Orders from the trade solicited, and agents wanted in every town and citv to canvass for the work. Address JAS. T. LLOYD V CO Oct. 19 2m. Post Office Building,Cincinnati, 0. FANCY BASKETS, A-- LARGE line Fancy Work Stands; 4 5 doz. line Traveling Baskets; 6 doz. Fancy Baskets, various sues aud shapes; H doz. Plain, School, Card, Clothes, and Market Bas- kets; 10 Bets, different pattern, Table Mats; 6 bundles AlicantMnts; 2 doz. Fancy Shuck Mats: 1 doz. Fancy Into Mats; 1 doz. Fancy Wollenand Cotton Mats. Just received aud for sale bv Nov. 5, 1855. GRAY A- - TODD. HATS AND CAPS. F the ttOJtfasblonable stvles, can always be found at 0. HUMPHREY EVAN'S Hot. S1.18.1S. Shoe and Book Store. Louisville and Frankfort and Lexington and Frankfort Railroads. THROUGH TICKETS TO CINCINNATI. FA UK 4. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. OX and afn-- Monday, Ootobi'r Sv', 1H.V.. I'mwnjer will run as foilowa, viz: F1KST THAIX loaves Louisrilli- at 0 o'clovk, a.m., stopping 15 minutes for breakfast at Lasjransri', and ar- rives at Lexington at 11 a. in. Returning Train leaves Lexington at 1:1(1 p. m., ami arrives at Louisville at 6:35 p.m. SECOND THA IX leaves Louisville at 2:15 p. in., and arrives at Lexington at 7:11) p.m. Returning, leaves Lexington next morning at ti p. m..and arrives at Louis- ville at 11:10 a. in. Passengers bv tlieti o"rloek a. m. Train from Le.uisiil'.e eonneet. alter takingdinner, with Train of Cars lor Cov- ington and Stages at Parisl'orMaysville, and bv Stage at Frankfort for Salvisa. Harrodsburg and Danville, and at Lexington by Slage for Xicholasville, Danville. Lancas- ter. Stanford. Crab Orchard, W inehesier, Ml. Sterling, Richmond and Irvine. Passengers by the 2:1.1 p. m. Train from Louisville re- main overnight at Lexington and resume bv morning Train for Paris. Cynthiana and Covingion Stages from all the interior towns of the Stale and connect at Lex- ington and Frankfort with tlie afternoon Trains from tl'.ne places. 7 Tickets through to Cincinnati for SJ good for tw o days. Passengers will find this a pleasant route, comparative- ly exemptfrom tlie annoyance of dust in the cars, and pass through soino of the richest and inns', highly cultiva- ted portions of the State. TCP For furtlierinformation, please callalthe Depot, corner of Jeflurson and Brook streets. AT FKAXKFORT. The morning train Tor Louisville leaves Frankfortat 10 minutes before 8 o'clock; and Ilia afternoon train at 10 minutes past 3 o'clock. Tlie morning train for Lexington leaves Frankfort at 35 minutes after 9 o'clock, and the afternoon train'.'O minutes before G o'clock. SAMUEL GILL. Oct. 24, lx.15. Supt. L. & F. and L. & F. K. R. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS. :v- -. A UtA To Stiffalo, ia;ara Falls, Bosiuu & X. Y. VIA CINCINNATI, HAMILTON AND DAYTON AND MAD RIVKR AND LAKF. ERIE OiAlLROADS. FARE REDUCED! 0.LV FOLK D0LLAK8 FBOll CI.VCI.W VTI TO BLFFALOl! Scan Hour Railroad Ride from Cincinnati to tlir Lake. ONLY ROUTE FREE EROM DUST: Four Dollar Tickets Good on All Trains. HAMILTON AND DAYTON ROAD, Uie first to reduce Passengers leaving on the 6 A. M. train havelhree hours at Dauou. Through from Cincinnati to Sandu.-k- v without change of cars. Baggage cheeked to Hunalo. Depot in the West end of the citv. on Sixth street. f Cheapest and most pleasant route between Cin- cinnati and tlie Eastern cities. Passengers leaving Cincinnati bv 3:2H morning train of Cincinnati. Hamilton and Dayton Railr.iad, arrive at Sandusky at o'clock, P.M., and go immediutelv on board the splendid and gorgeous steamers' St. LAWRENCE, - - - Capu Mead. MISSISSIPPI, - - - Capu Hazard. Ana arrive in Buffalo next morning, after a refreshing night's sleep in time for early trains for Niagara Falls, New York, J'.oston, &c., arriving in New Yorkforsun-per- . r The roads composing this route from Cincinnati tothe Lake, are laid throughout with heavy T rail, and in con- struction of track, rolling machinery, comfort of cars, general management, and almost entire freedom from dust, is not surpassed by any road in the West. It parses through the densely populated and highly cultivated val- ley ot the Great .Miami and Mad rivers: also running through the large and beautiful towns of Hamilton, Dav-to- Springfield, I'rhana, liellefonlaino, Kenton. CareV, and Sandusky. The steamers of thisline were built expressly for com-for- l. safely and speed, and no efforts w ill bu'spared to render comfortable those who may patronize them. liy this route passengers have four or five hours tiie Lake. Fach boat is provided with splendid Hands, for the especial accommodation of pleasure trav- elers, and every facility afforded lo dancing parties. Reserved Stale Rooms will be telegraphed for by pas- sengers leaving their names at the Ticket Offices. The following rates of Fare including Meals and Siate Rooms on Lake steamers: FARE. Froni Louisville lo huffalo, From Louisville to HuUalo and hack. 13 00 From Louisville lo Niagara Falls, 7 (10 From Louisville to Niagara Falls aud back. 00 From Louisville lo New York, (all railroad from Hulfalo,) 11 00 From Louisville to New York, (by Hudson river steamers.) From 13 00 Louisville to New York, via Niagara. (all railroad.) - . - From 14 SU Louisville to Boston, via Albany. - 10 50 For through tickets and information please apply at v we iiuiiiu. oummuii aim vajiou itanroaa omee, North- west corner of Broadway andjjM-on- t streets, under the Snencer Home, or to .1. SlTrPf l'V p..nn.i o.s ou Walnut between Fourth and Fifth streets, one dow oouiu oi me uioson Mouse, or at No. 5;, South ide wain. oet.i een second and 1 bird streets, and nearly op- .v.i. udti jiuuar. uouis uie, IV). IrT'Take the cars at Jetlersonville for Cincinnati. For further information please call at the offices, as aoove. HENRY O. A ViES, Sup't. Sept. 1,1,4. J. W. PATTERSON, Agent. PITTSBLKG, PHILADELPHIA, BAL TniOKI AD EV YOUK. nAKh KEDUCED: New route opened io .New York X all tlie w ay by miiruad via Cincinnati, Hamilton and layton Kailroad. 'I he quickest, cheapest, and most pleasant route to Pi;t:jL'i;rsr, Philadelphia, Baltimore and York. le- - lA in ihc est end of the citv Only route via Pittsbursr and Philadelphia by which uiiuui. u. kftf ran ye Doianieu noni i ir.jinnati to .New ork. One ehanytf of ears than anv oth.r routr. Pafengi'r h ;;'injr Cineinnati on 3 o'clock Morning Train oi Cinoinnati, Hamilton and liayton Kailroad go mroun to i rrmnne wituoui cnanze ot cars, and after ha vint' thirty minutes for dinner, proceed by the Ohio and PentHjivania Kailroad, arriving in Pittsburg at ti o'clock, P. M. Lfavinjf Pittsburg via Pennsvlvania Central Kailroad, at 9 o'clock, P. M., and nrrivo'in Bal- timore and Philadelphia at YJ, o'clock and 30 minutes fnoon) next, day, and from thence via Kensington aud Jersey City, or Camden and Amboy railroads, arriving I II .C W HTIk ill , I . .U. Seiom Train Leaves Cincinnati, Hamiltou and i ay ion uanroaun o ciock, ana minutes every morn ing: arrives at Lreslhne 4:i0, P. M., and Pittsburg lii o'clock and 30 minutes, midnight, and after a comlorta-niebt'- s rest, resume by 7 o'clock, A. M., train, arriving in r uiiuuciiHiKi aim mtiLiuiurt; O ClCK aim .10 minutes, midniirhi. The only otticc iu Cincinnati at which through tickets can oe purcnascu irom Cincinnati to ew York via Pittsburg and Philadelphia is under the Spencer House, and one loor below the Gibson House, on Walnut street. FARE. hrom Louisville to Pittshurg, lirst class, - - 50 Prom Louisville to Pittsburg, front ears, - - 7 50 From Louisville to Philadelphia, - - - 10 50 rrom Louiszille to Baltimore, - p; 50 From Louisville to yew York via Philadel phia, all the way by railroad, - it) Mi Porthrouirh tickets and information please apply at i. in uu una jfaj ion itauroau wince, oiui-we- comer of Broadwav and Fourth Mr ets, under the Spencer House, ortoJ. V. SHIPLEY, atKailroad Office, on Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, one door South of tlie Gibson House, oral o., South side Main, between Second and Third streets, aud nearly opposite tlie Gait House, Louisville, Ky. lif'Take the ears at Jeffersonville for Cincinnati. For further information please cnlt at the otlices, as above. HEXKY O. AMES, Sup't. Sept. I, .!. J. W. PATTEKSON, Agent. I RI'IT AND OUNA31ENTAL TREES. VINES, SHRUBS. H, CULTIVATED AD FOR SALE Ed. D. Hobbs & J. W. "Walker, AT THK EVKRGHKE.V M RSEIll Tirt fvf mile Hast nf Louisville, Ky.. immctluitrht on the l.omsriltr ojitt Frankfort Railrt'nd. tho Fruits, Ornaments, Trees, '.C named Nursery, may be had by F application ti .. ii. Honors, jrm ir. :rankiri. Kv. TTpOrders'maj be addressed tu HOKBS& WALKKR, Williamson Post Office, Jefferson eountv, Kv., or to A. G, HODGES, Frankfort, K. Frankfort. Oct. 17. IhM. Old Copper Whisky. hlll.S. Old Copper Whisky, from one to eight years 2.30 old, ihe best lot of Whisitv for sale in Kentucky. Aug. ,1KV. "W. H. KEE.VE. Domestic Liquors. ... UUI.S. Domesli MisKy. Hrandy and iim. iil) recfived. Auc. 18S5. W. H. KKKNE. Sugar. .i HHDS. prime S. O. Snpar; it) 10 bbls. double refined White Sugar: 10 bbl. PreservingSugar. Just received. Auy.22,18i3. W. H. KEEXt W. H. OKAY. JAS. M. Tonn. GRAY k TODD CONFECTIONERS AND DEALERS IN f KINK GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, Fiue Tea., hpireH, FruilH. uU, :iiH1i anrt Anicrii-ii- rsaut.-- s und Pi.'l'.le., H;iv:ina Si gun. ForeisniUHl Vc. 11 KK OLD Wl.VKS, UKAlill, tiie., )!.! STASH. ORNER MaIN AMI I.EWl- - PTRtKTS. FKA.MvKOHl', KV. NOTIONS. c lOZ. boiiles natural Pine Apple; 1) 1 doz. jars Canton Ginger; doz. boxes Guava Jellj; doz. Fresh Peaches; i doz. fresh Strawberries; V doz. cans fresh Lobsters; 2 doz. cans frch Salmon; 10 whrde, . and can- Sardine?: y.i. cans Spiced Ojsters; i cans Pickled Lobsters; 5 baskets Olive Oil, afresh;'' l!t boxes Preserved Citron; boxes assorted Preserves.; 10 boxes Hraudied Fruits; 10 blb.N. Almonds; 1 bb lrecans; J bid. .Nuts. 1 bbl. English Walnut; l2 bbls. Cocoanuts; "5 boxes .M. K. liaisin.; '.Ml boxes Layer Kaisins; 10 boxes Sultana Kaisins; 2 kefjrt Xante Currants; Quaker Herbs. Maiorum Sae. Savory, Thyme, die. 3 doz. Finnish Walnut Catsup; tl doz. Mushroom Catsup; 8 doz. assorted Catsup; 1 doz. French Mustard: , I doz. White Pepper: 6 doz. Cayenne pepper; 10 lbs. Tapioca; 10 lbs. Sauo; 3 doz. Cox's Gelatine; 4 doz. Shred lo lbs. Cooper's 5 hhda. prime N. 0. ugar; Hi) bbls. L rushed Suar; 10 bbls. Powdered Suirar; 6 bbls and 4 boxes double reuned Loiif Sugar; -- 0 bbls. granulated Siir:ir; ifO pockets, and 5 bajrs ot prime old Jav&Cofleej 1. bags. Jiguira Cottee; ','0 bai;s, prime Kio Cotlee; 10 clie.-t.-- ,, superior G. P. Tea; 4 chests, superior black Tea; CO box various brands Chewing Tobacco: 1 bbl. Smoking Tobacco; kJ gross SrnokinK Tobacco in papers; 10,0t0 superior high flavonl Havana Cigars; 5,Uf!0 German Cigars; 1 ease 2.UW," U?uesy' German ; Cn,0iui half Spanish Clears; (j jars Moccaboy Miul!; i.' jara Scotch SnufJ; 12 doz tine Oiard )iiand; ij doz tine Madeira Wine; 6 doz fine Pale Sherry Wint; doz Que Old Port Wine; 12 doz Old Whisky; . ' doz Schneidam Schnapps; SO boxes prime Western Keserve Cheese; LI boxes English Dairy Cheese; 5 boxf'sPine Apple Cheese; 500 lbs. superior Dried Deef; 6 doz. Deef Tongues; 2. 0 Bacon Hams; 400 lbs. Bacon side-- f bbls. large No. 3 Mackerel; 10 kits fine Mackerel; i kits line Salmon; 2 bids, rlnealmon. Any of tiie abo e articles e wU ell to jnnutyil on four months time. Dee. 17, KVi. GK A Y A TODD. TIIE WEST GOIXO EAST. rn HE poim ot' the compass won't change, buiWEST J. of WF.ST"Shasei'rtainlv moved on p.ini Eastward. W EST k CO.. Having taken ihe corner store of Dartow"? new bbn-k- lia e opened there a line supply of Groceries, Liquors, Confectioneries, iruiis, &e., which they uirer ai most reasonable prices. Part of their stock may he apeeiiied as follows: GROCEK1KS. ."i.'i hiids Prime N. O. Sugar; a bbla I'lantation Molasses. 2 bblsSuear House Molasc; 2 bbls Gulden Syrup; 2 hhds Clarilied Sugar. 5 bbls Double Kefined Sugar; 5 bbls Double refined Powdered Sugar; 2 bbU Loaf Sugar; 10 sacks Kio Cotlee; ' aacksJava Cofil-e- ; 2 doz bags Table Sail; 3 dnz boes Jabie Salt; 20 bags Kuckwneat Fiou r; Tierce Kiee; 10 boxes Star Candles: IU boxes 1 alio Candle; 12 boxes Eng. Dairv Cheese; 10 boxes Western Keserve ChtfeJe", l(t boxes Superior Kosin Soaps; Fine assortmunt of Green nnd lilackTeas. , it bills No. 3, large Mackerel; 2 bbls Butter Crackers; 2 bbls Walter Crackers: 12 bbls SuperiorCider Vinegar; 2 boxes trench Chocolate: Dec. 7. 1h;,5. Confectioneries, Fruits, &uts, &c DOZ. bottles fresh Pine Appka; V, doz jars Canton 4 doz jars fresh Fickies; 2 doz cans fresh Strawberries; it doz cans fresh Lobsters; 12 doz and cans Sardines: 2 doz cans spiced Oysters; 2 baskets fresh olive Oil; 10 boxes assorted Preserves; 5 boxes brandied fruits; 4 bbls soft sUeli Almonds; 1 bbl Pecans; bbl Brazil N'ut: bbl English Walnuts; 1 bbl Naples Walnut: 1 bid Coeoanuts; i'J boxes new M. R. Kaisins: 1 boxes Sultana Kur-ins- ; 2 kegs Zante Currents; 2 Quaker Herbs. vc; : 2 doz English Wainut Ketchup; 2 doz Worcestershire Sauce; 2 doz Mushroom Catsup; 2 doz assorted do; I box Cayene Pepper; 1 box Shred lsingias.; 1 box Cooper's Isinglass; 2 boxes assorted Jellies: 2 boxes assorted Pickle?; 2" drums fresh Figs 1 frail fresh Dales. December. CO liquors. . Ql'AKTKK ca-- k lino pale an.l durk Brandy: ) :t eiirhlli casks superior paie Otnr'i firnnn: l'J l:isk.-t- superior Champagne; 5 baskets Hcidsii'k (.'liainpajrrie; j cak Slierry Wine; cask (in. Madeira Wine: '4 cask ulii Port Wine: ill bbls line Bourbon Whisky, Fine botlk'cl Liquors of all kinds; December?. WEST Proclamation by the Governor. 9100 RKWARD. In thr 7ittme and by the authority of the Common- wealth of Kentucky iyHERE.-S,i- has been represented to mo that JAK- - .MAN, a slave. the property of Thos. Reynolds, Esq., in September, IPr."), did, in .Icamino county, Kentuck, kill and murder HoitA t, a slave, and biimw going it large. Now. there fore, T. CJf A KLESS. MO HE HEAD Govern- or of said Commonwealth, do hereby oiler a reward of Oue Hundred Dollars tor the apprehension of ihe said Jarman, and his deli very to the jailer of .b;s.amine coun-t- v w itliin one vear from i date. ' .V TESTIMONY n'JlEhF.OF, 1 h; hereunto set my band, anti caused the seal of ?L. S. S the Commonwealth to be affixed. Hone at ( Frankfort, this sixth day of September, lrvj, and int!ie h earcf tho ('nnnnoii- - wealtb. By the Governor: C. S. MiUJKIlKAH. JMaso.v Tkou n, Seeretar) ot'Siate, hkscription. .lanuan i abont 30 ycar old.aoniu i . t hiish, and "Jack catuplevinn. S LAND. VOU FO a FLIT I' HE. rK llictaxc i mere st, and t are not juiid on the t..l lowinsr l:tnd, on or before the lOtlnlav it hehruarv the iainc will be forfeit lo the Conimonwe.-iltl- i of Kentucky: .No. Levi BhimMieirs, lull, tmrt.,f-j4l- i acres. O recti county, wat.-- r ot J.ittle Barren, oripnallv Min ev.-- tor f.ita Miinmers.m nca.lrit; it certirlcaie No. 76. ami na- - tente.t to Levi Blunt; taxes from 141 to 1H54: anionut. 3 iV.. Given ineler mv hand im- - lclth ,Jav of October, IM;. THO. S. PAGK. .Hvditor Public .lecounts. M per cent intere-- t is due on the tlrst year's taxes. 1110 per cent on the second year's tax; and 100 per cent on the third year's tax. Costs for advertisinu.i.'.". cents on each tract. Oct. , lcvV. '.Jaiii3uiWtx'tw. Boys, Look Here ! ! 1 HAVK lust received TWO DOZEN' NICE. W ARM 1 JACKfiTs alias BOl'.VDABOt TS, made of Mix-c- d Tweed Cassimere. which 1 am tellinp: rerv cheap. Oct. 19, 1855. JOH.N M. XOIJD. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAKTFOKD, CON.NKCTICUT. Chanon-i- l by tlie I,.'eisluiurc oi' the of ConuecticuV Ny pp'rpelual Chant-- granted in iVlay . inii. CAPITAL $200,000, With a large surplus securely invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the state of Connecticut. MlHlS Company is controlled and managed by a Board J of Officers, consisting of men of the highest charac- ter and standing, and may be relied upon as safe. The annexed .statement shows the condition and responsibili- ty of the Company; First. The name of the Company is the "Charter Oak Life Insurance Company," and is located in the City of Hartford, State of Connecticut. Srcond. The amount of it Capital Stock is two hun- dred thousand dollars, say &20U(HjO. Third. The amount of it Capital Stock paid up isonf hundred thousand dollars, and tlie balance of .said stock secured to be paid by obligations approv ed by the Direc- tors of said Company, and by the Comptroller of Public Accounts of Connecticut. Fovrth. The Assets of the Company, including -- 1st. The ain't of cash on hand ami in ihe hands of agents or other persons. - $17,323 15 2d. Thf Company own no real estate. 3d. Koinls owned by the Company none except bonds, and mortgages of real ecc. 4th. Ibtsto the Couip'ny.sefured by mori gage at 9 per cent, int., first mortgage coit, 1(1,00 W Loans on hidorsed notes, secured by bond and mortgages. Vc, - V1 ,t'Jt) 00 th. Debts otherwise secured, are obliga- tions lor the Capital Stock, approved as aforesaid - inn,f;uo tn Cash loans on indorsed promissory note. with collateral securities, - - - vO.ltiu 91 fith. Loans to the insured at interest, secur- ed by policies - L.yJiI IB 7th. All other securities are Hank of Hert- ford County Stock, CrO shares, - 0?.rx; Ou City of Hartford G per cent, stock, - - 17,1X) bu Fifth. Amount ol'liabilitiesduo or notdue to banks or other creditors, is dividend to mutual members, payable at the discre- tion of the Company, . :J3,3.-J- ; Z't Sirth. Looses adju st ed'and duo none. Seventh. Losses adjusted and not uue, .... Fighth. Losses unadjusted none. Ninth. Loss's in suspense wait- ing farther proof none. Tetk. All other claims ag'nsi the Company none. Eleventh. The greatest am'u insured iu anv one risk. 5,0fX) Tireffth. The Company has no rule regulating ihy am'v The undersigned herby certify that the foregoing is a just and correct statement 01 ihe'allairs of the Coinpanv. Signed: ALFRED OILL, President. Iajj. C. Walkley, Secretary. Hartford, Feb. ti, ih.v,. E. J). DICKERMAX. General Jirfnt. Application for Insurance received bv John C.'Htr.N-Doy- , Agent. Frankfort, Ky., who will furnish applicant.-wit- h pamphlets containing rates, conditions. Vc. The Agency of his Company, at Frankfort, Ky., has been In existence one year last May. during which time s had occurred. This rick was that takeu bv the late Isaac P. Blaekwell, for the benefit of his wife. One pre- mium only had been paid (about 874,) on S .,(: k The whole .?.",( 1U1 was paid to Mr&. lllackw ell. whose acknowl- edgment is given below. This presents one of the many instances in which the benefits of Life Insurance is fully illustrated. The assur- ed had failed in business. left nothing for his wife, except what resulted from the insurance on hi life, which he had been so thoughtful in mxkiue. J. V. HKR.DO., Agent, December 17. Frankfort, Ky. Frankfort. Oef. ni, lsf.r. .John C. Hlrndon, Ks., Agent of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Co.: Dkar Sir: Allow me, through vou, to express mj gratitude for Die receiptor five thousand dollars, the full amount of the risk taken for mv beneUt bv my late husband, Isaac P. Hlackwell. I most highly appreciate the benefit resulting to me from this provident act of m late husband, and will ever remember it w ith gratitude'. Hoping that the Company may be prosperous in all time to come, and that it may continue to extend it protection to the widow and orphan. I remain vours d:e.. SUSA.V E. HLACKWELJ,. H A 11 TFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP HARTFORD, C'OXXECTICl'T. Capital stork, 300,OOl Amount Paid l'p, S210.000 IHE annexed statement of the condition of the made 1st January, UiOO, shows the condition an-- responsibility of the Company. 1. The name of the Company is the Hartford Fire In- surance Company, audits location Is at Hartford. Connecticut. 2. The Capital Stock of tlie Company H ?0,biJO 00 3. The ain't of its Capital Stock paid up i lJitJ,tioo no 4. The aaets of the Company are as fol lows: Cash on hand and in the hands of AgenU. $44,204 tC 500 shares Hartford Bank stock, - - G3,&00 00 G8 shares Ehoenix Bank stock, - - 7,820 00 110 gharesB'k of Hartford county stock, 10.K0 U; in shares B'lc HartTd eo. stock (new,) 3.CS0 OU shares Farmers and .Mechanics Bank stock, - 00 13 shares City Bank stock, - - 5,074 lib 200 shares Exchange Bank stock. . 11,600 to ;m shares .Mercantile Bank stock, - 5,2'jO On 100 shares Charter Oak Bard: sleek, - KUjuo 00 100 shares Charter Oak B'k stock (new.) 550 bo 50 snares Connecticut fiiver Banking Company stock, - 1,9,j0 Ht loO shares Hartford, Providence, and Fishkill Kailroad stock. - - - j. 000 00 CO shares Connecticut River Railroad stock, j o(jo 00 SO shares Hartford and New Haven K. R. stock, 5,750 ;o li'u shares Connecticut River Companv atock, I 3,000 00 Bills receivable, secured by approved persona! security or ample collater- als - - - - - - - IOC.COj 76 r. No liabilities lo banks or others, due or not due. 6. No losses adjusted and due. 7. Amountof lossesadjusicdand nut due, 04 H. Amountof losses unadjusted, - 1:",0'M 3i !l. Losses in suspense, waiting for further proof, included in last answer above, in. All ulher claims against the Company l,l,8;"J) txi 11. The rule of tlie Company is not to exceed $iO.0uin any one risk subject to loss by a single fire. Yi. The amount insured in a city or village depends upon itssize; generally, all the desirable riok'to be Lid. subject to the rule last abo,ve named. 13. I he amount injured in anv one block of buildings depends upon its size ami construction, subject 10 the rule above referred to. 14. The act of incorporation is the same a.i tiled in July, lVl. C. B. BOWERS. Secretary.. Hartford, Jauur.rj' 'J?, Iroa. StAI'K iF CuSNECTH'L'T, fiJ Hartford county. Pearsonally apjieared C. B. Bowers, Secretary of ihe Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and made, oath that the foregoing statement, by him subscribed, istrue, ac- cording to his beat kimw ledge and belief. Before me: R. G. POAKF, Justice of the Peatt. Lpon applicfition ff.r insurance, nil necess?irT informa- tion will be given by 4. C. IIER.l)b., Dec. 17, lc.".!. Agent, ot Frankfort, Ky, oYapj LEWIS. Tin, Copper, & Sheet Iron Manufactory. OLD RANK BUILDIKf;, PT. CLAIR ST., FKWRFOKT, KV. ft. Mmk niHK undersisned would inform hisfriendsand the pub-- lie that he has opened a shop and commenceu above business iu all its branches. He will warrantall work done by him to give satisfaction, and hope by dili- gence aud promptness in business, to merit and receive a portion of the public patron.-ure- . Those persons w sh- ine work in his line are respectfully requested to call on tie would also inform his friends and the public thatne will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of COOKING STOVES, and WOOD and COAL STOl tS, of the best quality, which he will sell on accommodating le0?' l7,1855-- by. EDWAKD LEWIS.

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is well known that there is Jtri-a-l economy in crushingITor grinding tiie kernels of all grain before feeding itto stock, una that there is much nutriment in the cobwhen properly brolcen or trround. And the only reasonthat iuiIU arranged to produce these desired results havenot been more generally introduced among planters amifarmers, has been llieir'coinplex arrangement and highcost.

In the Kentucky Corn and Cob Mill, of which theabove isau accurate eii:rruvinr, we clu'.m to have pro-

duced a machine at once ellicienl, substantial and cheap,while its arrangement is so simple that the most ordinaryhand can adjust and operate it. This machine, unlikeany other, is regulated by means of a single set screw,which is easily moved by hand, and is applied directlyunder the centre of the mill.

Anv one using these Mills will linn a clear saving ofone q carter of their corn over the old plan of feeding.

We warrant these Mills to eive entire satisfaction.use them for thirty days and If rot satisfied,

can return them and gel their money.They will grind Corn and Cob as line as desired, .it the

following rate per hour, with one horse:.No. 1,4 10 a bushels per hour. Weight Kil Us. Price

S25 W).

No. 2, 6 to 8 bushels per hour. W eight 4U0 s. PrwS30 00. Adding frelsrlit from Louisville.

The above prices includes the complete Mill ready t"hitch to without any further expense, and can be set inoperation in live minutes time. For sale by, V.. L. FA.Ml' EL,

.Not. 26, 1855. tf. Frankfort, Ivy.


MAGIC IMPRESSION PAPEOK WRITING WITHOUT PE' OR INK. copyingF leaves, flower?, plants, pictures, paterns for embroi-

dery, marking linen indelibly and manifold writing;.T uis article is absolutely tlie best portable inkstand intlie Ituown world, for a'suiall, quantity folded and placedin the pocket constitutes a traveling inkstand, which can-

not be broken. No pen is ueeded; forany stick sharpenedto a point writes equally as well asthe best gold penn the universe. For drawing it is indispensible. it is,indeed, the whole art of drawing and paiiiti:;r, tr.uelr.lathe lesson. Auv leaf, plant or ilowar cau be transfer-red to the pages ofan album with a minute and distinctresemblance of nature. With equal facility pictures andeinbroiderv patterns are takeu, and have received thehlgbesteulogiuins from the fair sex; aud, indeed, a moretasteful present for a lady couid not be produced.

The luagic Paper will also mark linen or other articlesso as to remain perfectly indelible. Mi the washing inthe world falls to bring it out. Any child can use it withease. With this Magic Paper, one or four copies of everyletter written can be secured without any additional laborwhatever, making it the cheapest and most convenient ar-

ticle extant. It is used to a great advantage by reportersof the public press, telegraphic operators aud hosts ofothers.

Each package contains four different colors black,Dlue, green and red, with full printed instructions, foralito oblan Ave hundreddistinctnnpressions. Ills put upin beautifully enameled colored envelopes, with a truth-ful likeness of the proprietor attached. Kadi aud everypackage vtir.nte.. Price S3 a dozen or five for Si.Single pacl.lig iii cents. Address, post-pai-

N H I' B B li L L ,

No. 1GT, Broadway, New York.OPINION'S OF THE PRESS.

HcuBtLt's Maoic Impression Paper. We refer ourreaders to theadvertisjinent in another column, settingforth the merits of this pleasing and ingenious invention.The cheapness should induce all to give it a trial. Phil-adelphia Merchant. '

It i3 unsurpassed for neatnessand utility, and shouldmeet with the sale it richly deserves. Tribune.

Just what the people has long desired, and recommenditself to every individual of taste and refinement. Jourand Courier.

Oct. 22 1855 3m.

Owen Circuit Court.GEO. W. GARDNEK'S Adm'r. 1

vs. In Equity.GEO. W. GARDNER'S heirs cred. )rnilli administrator, heirs and creditors of George VV.

1 Gardner, deceased, are hereby uotitled that I will at-

tend at my residence In Owen county, Ky., near Owen-to-

from this lime until first day of March next, to hearproof by the creditors on their claims against the deceas-ed, and also to credit and settle their claims against tiieestate of deceased.

By order of the Owen Circuit Court, Nov. 30, lPOO.JOEL HEKNDON,

ec. 7, 1855 W'lm Master Commissioner.

DISSOLUTION.partnership of EVANS & SWIGERT was

THE on the 15th inst., by mutual consent. H. Evansw ill settle up the business of the late firm.

II. EVANS,Nov. 21. If55. DAN. SWIGERT.



VS. WEST & CO. having taken an Agency for theof W. T. SMITH & CO'S Fresh Baltimore Oijs-te-

which they .warrant to bo as good if not superior toany in Ihis city,"are prepared to supply all their friendsand customers, cither by the case or can.

Dec. 5. Yeoman copy.

Buck Wheat Flour.received per S. B. Klue Wing, a fresh supply of

Pennsylvania JJuck Wheat Flour, and for sale byNov. 10. 1riAV ck TOl-'O- .

Java and Rio Coffee.Cf BAGS, (60 pockets) Old GoverninentJava Colfec;

U Sl bags prime Kio Lotlee. Just received.Aug. 2J, om. W. U. KEENK.

Srandies and Wines.i n PCRGS. superior Pale and Dark Brandy, Madeira1U and Sherry Wine, jus, received direct fro:n Soston.

Aug. 22, 1155. W. H. KEE.NE.


future no person will be admitted within the Ceme-tery Grounds on the Sabbath unless by written permis-

sion of some of the officers of the Company. The lawwill be enforced against all trespassers. Visitors are notpermitted to disturb the Shrubbery, Fruit, or Flowers.

August 20 tf. M. BROWN, President.

NEW GOODS.I AM now receiving my fall stock of liooU, 8hoes,

Hals, Caps, nnd Books, which I will take greatpleasure in snowing to all who may favor me with a call.


Sugar and Coffee.have in store and for saleWE hhds prime N. O. Sugar;

1U chests Clantied Suar lor preserving:;20 bblsCrushed Sugar.

5 bbls Loaf Sugar;30 pockctsold Government Java Coffee:l.j bags prime Rio Coffee;

3 chests prime G. P. Tea;2 chests prime Black Tea.

July 13. GRAV cv TODD.

LIFE INSURANCE.I AM prepared to insure the lives of Negroes (j

Al on favorable terms. dAug. 10, 1855 tf.

Cider Vinegar.r BBLS. good Cider Vinegar, for sale bvJ Sept 3. GRAV V TOIID.-

Old Crow BBLS"Crow WhisLy," six tears old, forsale bv' 'CO Oct. 56. v. H. KEEXK.

Srandy Peaches.3 BBLS. Pure Spirits for making Brandv Peaches. Just4 received and lor sale bv

"P'- - a- - ' GRAY 4: TODD.

.1(1 rnir ETS strickl' Pi"'111 Government Jova' J ieeivua antiI tor anla bv

5ov. 14. W. H. KEE.NE.

WATER-PROO- F BOOTSWD C ALF-SK- GAITERS A new supply by expressA Saturday. Ihciegoodshavegivenuniversal sat

Call and see them at- HUMPHREY EVA'S'Dtc- - Boot and Shoe Store.

CANVASSED HAMS.WE hare Id store 200 A. Macklin fc Ron's exnra surar

canvassed ham, also 125 pul up bv HeradouStephens. For ale bvOct. i, 1855. GRAY & TODD.

Mackerel.a BBLS. lareNo. 5 Mackerel;d AH bbU large Mackorel;

h kits Large iUckerol. Received and for tale bvSepU 3. GRAY St TODD.

DISCLOSURE!WE are often asked why we sell FURNITURE so

much cheaperthan other (lenient in thearticle. Forthe benefit of all we will explain. It is the impressionat. borne and abroad that

DOXOX & GRAHAMkeep everything, and persons wishing an outtit for house-keeping, call on us and find in our more-roo- almostevery article necessary for from a Kolling pin utj to a sutrar cured Hum, Table ware, Spicks, fcc.A c. Then they want Fl'RNITUKE. "Not calculatingirom the proceed of pronts," but lrom tue tact malacomplete outfit can be purchased at our house for housekeeping, relieves the nurehar irom much trouble aucmany bin all bills, we have, for the accommodation ofour customers, recently enlarged our furniture roorus,ana can now, and will in luturo be ante 10 oner inducement? to all wishingto purchase provided lowest jig- -

ures oe an inducement.It would be an endless undertaking to furnish a com

plate catalogue of the articles we otler lor sale, in addi-tion to Furniture; but, feeling a desire to henefltthe public, w e venture 10 can nuenuon 10 a verv lew, astotiows

The Chain Pump,Decidedly the cheapest and moat desirable Pump everin vj:jh-u- , uuuk arrameu 10 pr nunu w en w ntn pui up rytis. v e are prepared to turmsn iron anil vv ood curbing,and Iron,Zink,aod Wood Curbing at very low price.

Atmospheric and Suction Pump.This description of Pump is generally well known;

they perform satisfactorily in shallow weJU or cisterns,but their liability to freeze renders them troublesome- -

The Suction and Force Pump.A n:ost excellent Pump, upon the same principles of theAtmospheric Pump, citoablo of lifting waterthirtv-thre- e

feet, and then forcing it tifty or sixty feet, from a shortleaner noe; uul sun tins pump is also liable to treezeand burst, unless tlie valve is opened by elevating the

i iranr pumping.

. Earthen Tubes,A new invention for sewers and drains, coaling only sixcent- per foot easily put down and very dunible:'cer- -uuun me nest, ana cheapest drain evermventert,


Metalic Burial Casesof all sizes, from twenty-tw- o inches lo seven fnt lonp,ornamental and plain finish, covered with fine cloth andfringe, tfec, silver mounted and bronzed.

Having II rat introduced these Cases In our city, provenby trinl to be most admirably adapted lor prose'rvmg themortal remains, the decided preferem-- given them overthe old fashioned wooden box, the increased demand inthu city, county, and adjoining counties has induced usto purchase a nrst rate I1KAKSE, which, together withany number of CARRIAGES ordered, will attend allfiinend occasions desired. We have also a large lot ofWooden Buxes to enclose the Metalic Cases, which wewill furnish at$l for small and $3 for largest size?; atdin every instance where we furnish Burial Casen, Boxes,or Hacks, we warrant the bills satisfactory, nnd no ertor-do- n.

Cordage.Hemp, Manilla ind Cotton Rope, Carpet Warp, and lhbest article of Cotton Yarns, of all sizes and numbers.

Tar,Ky the barrel.

Mattrasses.Double, Single, Lounge, Trundle, and ( iibUes, Hi!,--,Colton and Shuck.

Axes.Hunt's Douglass Axes, the best article now In use; HandMin jlatcnets arid Hammers.

Nails.Cut, Wrouhtnud Horse Shoe Nails, of the best brand.

Window GlassOf all jslies.nnd Putty iu large and small iiuantitiej,

on hand.Willow Ware.

Market, School, Key, Bell, Pear, ana Travelinground. Oval and square Clothes Boskew.

Paints.White Lead; Liuiced Oil; White, Copal and Japan Var-nish; LlLhurg?, and Ochre; water aud tire proof Paints,ground In oil, an excellent paint for porch floors, steps.

Glass Ware.Tumblers of various patterns and prices. Glasa Bowls,Fish Globes and Flower Vases, Bird Founts, Azc.

Tin Ware.Ornamental Chamber Setts: Dlain and Jananned TinWare of even' description; and in additlou we have alarge supply of

Patent Coffee Pots.Owning tho rl?ht to manufacture aud sell these ines-

timable Cotlee rots, we take pleasure In recommendingthein to every family, with a warrantee lo j;lve satisfac-tion or no pay.

We eanuot in detail give further particulars. By wayof variety, wc have always ready for sale, Salt FihBird Cages. Ox Yokes, Ladies' Mending Cotton, WheelBurrow s, Patent Medicine, Cotton Floor M;;ps. StoneWare, Bird Seed, Ploughs, Family Flour, Meal, Ironingand Preserve Stoves, Kay Carpeting, Cedar aud PineWare, Colognes, Violins. Buggy, Kidiu?, aud StockWhips, Cow and Sheep Bells, Kazors, Pocket Cutlerv,and Victoria Pens, Swoet Oils, Clothes Pius. MinnowSeins, and Partridge Nets.

Please call, examine, and buy fromDOXON or GRAHAM,

Xo. 6, St. Clair St., Frankfort. Ky.Oct.



withhasjust returned from the Fast and Cincinnati

S20,000 Worth of Ready Made Clothingwhich he promises to sell upon better terms 4an can bfouud iu any other establishment in the city. Let

remember that I am now receivvig aud a idready to sell at prices to suit the most fastidious, thmost extensive lot of

SPRING AN D SL 3UIER CLOTHING,of alt descriptions, sizes and colors, ever brought toFrankfort. My stock consists of everything ir, the Gen-tlemen's Furnishing line. It has been selected rxpress-l- y

and especially fortius market.I have on hand, and will always keep coBirdcte

sortmenl of

Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers,Hats, Caps, &e.;

together with every article usually fouml in u Clothing:Store.

Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Cloibinj; wouldJo well to givo mo a call, as 1 am :it:?!led I hey cannotdo belter at anv other establishment in the citv.

Oct. 15, 18dS. A. SOriAEBEKG.


N excnllentarticle of various stvles, for sale arli. Dr. MILLS' Drugstore.

WRITING PAPER.Plain arfid Fancy. Note, Letter, am Cap paperat '

Dr. MILLS- - Urns Store.ENVELOPES.

Of all kinds, plain. fancy, and colored atnr. .MILLS' llrug Store..

INK.W riting ink of all colors, black, hlue, and red, at


u article that all lovers of the weed must nrn noun 43

the be-t- , at Dr. MILLS' Urue Store.CONFECTIONERS.

(.urn drops of all flavors, candied V)ns Hoot. Lozenges of various kinds, at lr. MILLS Drue Store.

PURE HAVANA CIGARS,The very best hi the town, flue flavorvd. and

from the genuine Havana leaf, atur. .'i ijiiO nruff store.

CRYSTALIZED GINGEK.Special attention is called to the article as iltaunt

aromatie eonfectiou, it cannot be excelled, atDr. MILLS' firu(c Store.

JaJN-t- KLAGKiJSG.A lot of Mason's superior blacking on hand, at

Br. MILLS' DrugSlore.SNUFF.

All varieties on hand, Kappee, Maccobuy, Scotch.Natchetoches, at Dr. MILLS' Drug Slore.

LEXINGTON MUSTARD.Tiiis article Is obtained direct from the manufacturer,

and warranted, at Dr. MILLS' Drug Store. '

EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING.All the various kinds used for this purpo.v, Ro-o-

Lemon, Vanilla, Almond, Orange, &e., atDr. MILLS' Drugstore.

March 13, 1854- -

Bacon, Lard, &c, &c.lbs Sugar Cured Canvassed Hams;

3000 2000 lbs Sugar Cured plain Hams:luuii lbs uacon siaes;2500 Bacon Shoulders;

150 kegs prime Lard;2 doz Beef Tongues;

20 packages Mackerel;2 obis Due Salmon. In store and for site bv

July 13. GRAY ek TOJ1D. '

Dissolution ofJ. T. LUCKETT having dissolved partnership,B& business of the firm will be settled up. BiBier

of the partners Is authorized to use the name of the iWrnin settlement, and to receivo monev due the firm.

BfcN. LUCKETT,MsyE3,lS55. 1XO. T. LUCK-ET-


IF A N C Y A R T I C L E S .

mills'just received the most elegant and extensiveHAS of FINK A XI) FANTV

AHTICLKS evr brouent to brauktort. Tlie toek consists ofHair KruAhe of even- style Fine Cologi

and price, Kxtracts for the iinndk'l.Cloth brushes, Kxtractpfor flavoriue,Nail Brushes, Toilet Water,Tooth Brushes. Fancy Soaj-s-

Hat Brushes, Hair Pins,Powder Hulls, Dentri ricesHair Pomades. Cosineticsi,Puff Combs, Smelling Salt,Tucking Comb. Confections,Dressing . ombs, Toilet Boilles.

h Coiniw. Note Paper.pocket Coinb, Envelopes.Side Combs, Sealing Wax,India Kubber Cuui-- . Amandine,Was Matches, Satchels,Violin and GiuIarSirif:.? Toilet Powde-rs-

HairOils, Drawing t r;tyon,Lead Pencils, Curling Brushes,Pencil Points. Pins aud Needles.

The selection is In re nnd varied, eontaining article-of every price and pattern. Among the extra'-'-- ' for thHftiidkercliief mav be found tlie following:

UPPER TEN.A new and fashionable perfume that ranriot f;i!please.

licence Fiojuet, Oriental Drops, Prairie Flowers Bo- -

quet ue L aiiiornie, KOfiu'i oe Araoie, mlet, .MagnoliaAshland Flowers, and a very large mini be

of other. Nov. 11, 1KVJ.


riiHIS truly celebrated prepamiion, clH carious alii;J. for oaeli and every description of Khei'matic Com-plaints, is already too wvll known and esteemedthroughout the United Slates, to require anv lengthy notice of its paramount virtues. It eradicates this heretofore incurable and distressing disease from the system.and stands unrivalled In tlie nliaruiacv of medicine

We do not propose to make unqualified statements orlo force a nostdum before tlie public, but simptv to request those most interested

SI FFERERS THK31SELVK procure from the agent in their vicinity, a circular,and not only read the testimony of those who have experieuced its invaluable: curative powers, but 10 writeto, or call upon, the convalescents so that the statement'may emanate from the Fountain Hkad u course whichwill satisfy the most incredulous, and one bv winch li

reputation of the Rkmlhy is certain of being sustained.write also to the proprietor.?, who will accord even- information, and furnish names of undoubted characterfrom every section of the Union, numbering amongthorn some ol the most eminent Physicians, ClergymenEditors, nnd prominent citizens, rendering the ndiability and efficacy of the remedy beyond tlie rench of douhtor mistrust.


Is a Vegetable Extract, an Internal Remedy, preparedaxpressly fur this one diseasi:; and this it will cure inevery form. fith.T Inflammatory (Acute) or Chronic, nomatter or how long standing.

Sold by J. M. .IILLS.Frankfort, Ky.



li 1 T T K II C 0 11 1) 1 A LA Nil

BLOOD PL'RIFIElt.This invaluable remedy lor every description of

Nervous Affections, and for diseases of the Livkp. andKidneys has obtained .i popularity wherever intm-duce-

unprecedented in the history of any other medi-cal preparation ever brought before the public.

Many of our most Km incut Physicians have thorough-ly tested its merits, and now prescribe HuKtlie most ef-

fective Alterative and Blood Purifier ever kaon u.Neuralgia, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the He;m. Night

Sweatsand Attection of the Lungs, will readily yield tothe Influence of this unrivaled remedy. Physical De-

rangements or Irregularities especially with Fe walksproducing debility and prostration of the system maybe at once obviated and removed by the use of the

Bitter Cordial and Blood Furlller.which is a vegetable sprout, pleasant to take and perfect-ly safe to be used in any state of health, even bv the mo!delicate female or child.

Price one dollar per bottle.DOWNING & CO., Proprietor.

No. 1, Barclav street (Ator Houe.ySept. 30, 1853 by.


IF the taxes, Interest, ami cost are not paid on the fol-

lowing lands, on or before the lbth. day of Februarynext, the lame will be forfeited to the Commonwealth ofKentucky:

No. 1.VJ4 Dr. John Simpson, 1.633 acres of land, Logan county, Big Barren River, entered, surveyed andpatented to v . j. strong; tax due, ih;v-j-- i: amount323 40.

No. Jj9U John Ramsey's heirs, 9,93.). pari of IO.51H)

acres, Washington couutv, waters of Chiplin; tax due,1852-3-- 4; amount, $1(11 37.

No. John Wister, John M. Price, und C.J. Whiter, 2,500 acresof land, Henry county, waters Sand Rippand 6 mile, entered, surveyed, and patented, H. Marshall;tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, $12 75.

No. 2571 Jasper Cope, bCu acres, Butler county.Green River; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount $S 16.

No. 2G78 Isaac Willis, U3Uacre3, 1'tnon county, I rade- -water, patented Will .Mercer; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount,$1G 08.

No. 2874 Allen Riergs, lie1; acres, south side GreenRiver; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount, GO cent.

No. 3090 A. J. Brown and D. F. Worceswr, 13,333acres, part of 40,000, Greenup and Lewis counties, Ohioand Kinnacanick, entered, surveyed and patented JohnMarshall; tax due, l5:;-j-- 4; amount, $b PI.

No. 3119 Augustus J. Brown, 20.000 acres of land.Greenupand Lewis counties Ohio and Kinnaeanict;surveyed and patented Johu Marshall; tax aue, 1852-3-- 4;

amount, $10 20.No. 3159 John W . White, 100 acre;, Scott eountv Ea

gle creek; tax due, 1852-3-- 4; amount 51 cents.INo. Jlb.i v . v . Dickinson, 1,111 acres, Mejntne

county, between Fleming-bur- and Iron Work; tax,ltti2-3-- 4: amount, 11 M.

No. 322 Joseph Chapman, acre, Marshallcounty, Military; i:.: due, 121 to 154; amount, S28G 4.

o. J2o0 J. l. .viassie, 100 acres, irmves eountv, S. e.q. s. 29 T. 3 N. K. 2 K; tax due, 1835 to 1854: amount,

15 30.No. jvjI Ja. Humphrey, low acres, eountv.

S. w.q. a. 14 T. 5 R. 1 K; tax due, lrt35 to 154: amount.15 30.No. Wm. II. Furthiitj;, Jno. F. Furthinif. Wm. II.

Ervan and Richard W. Bnan, (two last infant heirs ofSandy Farthing.) 51C, part of 1.0331, acres. Hopkinscounty, Deercn-ek- , John Brown; tax due, 101to 1854; amount, $50 90

o. 1) nknowu heirs oi Moses Robins, deceased.310 part of 1.033 acres. Hopkins counts. Deer creek,patented John Brown; tax 1801 to 1854: amount, $31 17.

under mv nann nu ;in uav 01 (Jetoher. ih.t.TilO. S. PAGK,

Auditor Public Accounts.50 per cent interest is due on the first ear's tuxes.100 per cent on the second year's lax; and100 per cent on the third year's tax.Coats for advertising, 25 cents n eachtraci orlot.Oct. 8, 1855 2atu3mw&:tw.


A oaor about the twenty-jonri- h of October

contexts:First Application of Steam.Life of John Fitch Engraving of his llrt Boat.Life of Robert b ulP-- hngraving of his ftrst Amerii an

Boat on the Hudson River.Rob't Fulton and Livingston's first Ohio River Boa- t-

Correct Likeness Full Hartieulari.Latrobe'i First Boat.FirsiSteubenville Boat.First Explosion on the Western Waters; from an

Maps of the Western Waters; Towns, Cities and Di- -

tanceslaid down corrcctU.List of Steamboat Explosion since 1I2; Names of

Killedand Wounded; J.i- -t ol Meamboats now afloat.Correct views of Pittsburg, W heeling, Cincinnati,

Louisville, St. Louis and New Orleans, in 1855; .Sketchof each place; Population, Busines, A:c., v .

Fast Time of I na is on the Ohio and Mississippi River.-- .List ofSteam boat Officers on the Western Waters.The New Menmbai Law va :th Cinments Life

Boats.DisaMters (mi the l.;ikcs ames of Lust, Killed and

Wounded.The High Water iu lnlrt. 1832, 1847-

List of Plantation. on Mississippi iver.Important United States Supreme Court Steamboat De

cisions.Three hundred page, with one hundred eni?raviiiu-s-

handsomely bound. By remitting One Dollar rpostpaid,) you will receive a copy of the above work.

Orders from the trade solicited, and agents wanted inevery town and citv to canvass for the work.

Address JAS. T. LLOYD V COOct. 19 2m. Post Office Building,Cincinnati, 0.


LARGE line Fancy Work Stands;4 5 doz. line Traveling Baskets;

6 doz. Fancy Baskets, various sues aud shapes;H doz. Plain, School, Card, Clothes, and Market Bas-

kets;10 Bets, different pattern, Table Mats;6 bundles AlicantMnts;2 doz. Fancy Shuck Mats:1 doz. Fancy Into Mats;1 doz. Fancy Wollenand Cotton Mats. Just received

aud for sale bvNov. 5, 1855. GRAY A- - TODD.

HATS AND CAPS.F the ttOJtfasblonable stvles, can always be found at0. HUMPHREY EVAN'S

Hot. S1.18.1S. Shoe and Book Store.

Louisville and Frankfort and Lexingtonand Frankfort Railroads.


WINTER ARRANGEMENT.OX and afn-- Monday, Ootobi'r Sv', 1H.V.. I'mwnjer

will run as foilowa, viz:F1KST THAIX loaves Louisrilli- at 0 o'clovk, a.m.,

stopping 15 minutes for breakfast at Lasjransri', and ar-rives at Lexington at 11 a. in. Returning Train leavesLexington at 1:1(1 p. m., ami arrives at Louisville at6:35 p.m.

SECOND THA IX leaves Louisville at 2:15 p. in., andarrives at Lexington at 7:11) p.m. Returning, leavesLexington next morning at ti p. m..and arrives at Louis-ville at 11:10 a. in.

Passengers bv tlieti o"rloek a. m. Train from Le.uisiil'.eeonneet. alter takingdinner, with Train of Cars lor Cov-ington and Stages at Parisl'orMaysville, and bv Stage atFrankfort for Salvisa. Harrodsburg and Danville, and atLexington by Slage for Xicholasville, Danville. Lancas-ter. Stanford. Crab Orchard, W inehesier, Ml. Sterling,

Richmond and Irvine.Passengers by the 2:1.1 p. m. Train from Louisville re-

main overnight at Lexington and resume bv morningTrain for Paris. Cynthiana and Covingion Stages fromall the interior towns of the Stale and connect at Lex-ington and Frankfort with tlie afternoon Trains fromtl'.ne places.

7 Tickets through to Cincinnati for SJ good fortw o days.

Passengers will find this a pleasant route, comparative-ly exemptfrom tlie annoyance of dust in the cars, andpass through soino of the richest and inns', highly cultiva-ted portions of the State.

TCP For furtlierinformation, please callalthe Depot,corner of Jeflurson and Brook streets.

AT FKAXKFORT. The morning train Tor Louisvilleleaves Frankfortat 10 minutes before 8 o'clock; and Iliaafternoon train at 10 minutes past 3 o'clock.

Tlie morning train for Lexington leaves Frankfort at35 minutes after 9 o'clock, and the afternoon train'.'Ominutes before G o'clock.

SAMUEL GILL.Oct. 24, lx.15. Supt. L. & F. and L. & F. K. R.


:v- -. A UtA

To Stiffalo, ia;ara Falls, Bosiuu & X. Y.VIA CINCINNATI, HAMILTON AND DAYTON



Scan Hour Railroad Ride from Cincinnati totlir Lake.

ONLY ROUTE FREE EROM DUST:Four Dollar Tickets Good on All Trains.

HAMILTON AND DAYTON ROAD, Uie first to reducePassengers leaving on the 6 A. M. train havelhree

hours at Dauou.Through from Cincinnati to Sandu.-k- v without change

of cars.Baggage cheeked to Hunalo.Depot in the West end of the citv. on Sixth street.f Cheapest and most pleasant route between Cin-

cinnati and tlie Eastern cities.Passengers leaving Cincinnati bv 3:2H morning train

of Cincinnati. Hamilton and Dayton Railr.iad, arrive atSandusky at o'clock, P.M., and go immediutelv onboard the splendid and gorgeous steamers'

St. LAWRENCE, -- - Capu Mead.MISSISSIPPI, - - - Capu Hazard.

Ana arrive in Buffalo next morning, after a refreshingnight's sleep in time for early trains for Niagara Falls,New York, J'.oston, &c., arriving in New Yorkforsun-per- .r

The roads composing this route from Cincinnati totheLake, are laid throughout with heavy T rail, and in con-struction of track, rolling machinery, comfort of cars,general management, and almost entire freedom fromdust, is not surpassed by any road in the West. It parsesthrough the densely populated and highly cultivated val-ley ot the Great .Miami and Mad rivers: also runningthrough the large and beautiful towns of Hamilton, Dav-to-

Springfield, I'rhana, liellefonlaino, Kenton. CareV,and Sandusky.

The steamers of thisline were built expressly for com-for- l.

safely and speed, and no efforts w ill bu'spared torender comfortable those who may patronize them.

liy this route passengers have four or five hourstiie Lake. Fach boat is provided with splendid

Hands, for the especial accommodation of pleasure trav-elers, and every facility afforded lo dancing parties.

Reserved Stale Rooms will be telegraphed for by pas-sengers leaving their names at the Ticket Offices.

The following rates of Fare including Meals and SiateRooms on Lake steamers:

FARE.Froni Louisville lo huffalo,From Louisville to HuUalo and hack. 13 00From Louisville lo Niagara Falls, 7 (10From Louisville to Niagara Falls aud back. 00From Louisville lo New York, (all railroad

from Hulfalo,) 11 00From Louisville to New York, (by Hudson

river steamers.)From

13 00Louisville to New York, via Niagara.

(all railroad.) - . -From

14 SULouisville to Boston, via Albany. - 10 50

For through tickets and information please apply atv we iiuiiiu. oummuii aim vajiou itanroaa omee, North-west corner of Broadway andjjM-on- t streets, under theSnencer Home, or to .1. SlTrPf l'V p..nn.i o.sou Walnut between Fourth and Fifth streets, one dowoouiu oi me uioson Mouse, or at No. 5;, South idewain. oet.i een second and 1 bird streets, and nearly op-.v.i. udti jiuuar. uouis uie, IV).

IrT'Take the cars at Jetlersonville for Cincinnati.For further information please call at the offices, as

aoove. HENRY O. A ViES, Sup't.Sept. 1,1,4. J. W. PATTERSON, Agent.


nAKh KEDUCED: New route opened io .New YorkX all tlie w ay by miiruad via Cincinnati, Hamilton andlayton Kailroad.

'I he quickest, cheapest, and most pleasant route toPi;t:jL'i;rsr, Philadelphia, Baltimore and York. le- -

lA in ihc est end of the citvOnly route via Pittsbursr and Philadelphia by which

uiiuui. u. kftf ran ye Doianieu noni i ir.jinnati to .Nework.One ehanytf of ears than anv oth.r routr.Pafengi'r h ;;'injr Cineinnati on 3 o'clock Morning

Train oi Cinoinnati, Hamilton and liayton Kailroad gomroun to i rrmnne wituoui cnanze ot cars, and afterha vint' thirty minutes for dinner, proceed by the Ohioand PentHjivania Kailroad, arriving in Pittsburg at tio'clock, P. M. Lfavinjf Pittsburg via PennsvlvaniaCentral Kailroad, at 9 o'clock, P. M., and nrrivo'in Bal-timore and Philadelphia at YJ, o'clock and 30 minutesfnoon) next, day, and from thence via Kensington audJersey City, or Camden and Amboy railroads, arrivingI II .C W HTIk ill , I . .U.

Seiom Train Leaves Cincinnati, Hamiltou andi ay ion uanroaun o ciock, ana minutes every morning: arrives at Lreslhne 4:i0, P. M., and Pittsburg liio'clock and 30 minutes, midnight, and after a comlorta-niebt'- s

rest, resume by 7 o'clock, A. M., train, arriving inr uiiuuciiHiKi aim mtiLiuiurt; O ClCK aim .10 minutes,midniirhi.

The only otticc iu Cincinnati at which through ticketscan oe purcnascu irom Cincinnati to ew York viaPittsburg and Philadelphia is under the Spencer House,and one loor below the Gibson House, on Walnut street.

FARE.hrom Louisville to Pittshurg, lirst class, - - 50Prom Louisville to Pittsburg, front ears, - - 7 50From Louisville to Philadelphia, - - - 10 50rrom Louiszille to Baltimore, - p; 50From Louisville to yew York via Philadel

phia, all the way by railroad, - it) Mi

Porthrouirh tickets and information please apply ati. in uu una jfaj ion itauroau wince, oiui-we-

comer of Broadwav and Fourth Mr ets, under theSpencer House, ortoJ. V. SHIPLEY, atKailroad Office,on Walnut street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, onedoor South of tlie Gibson House, oral o., Southside Main, between Second and Third streets, aud nearlyopposite tlie Gait House, Louisville, Ky.

lif'Take the ears at Jeffersonville for Cincinnati.For further information please cnlt at the otlices, as

above. HEXKY O. AMES, Sup't.Sept. I, .!. J. W. PATTEKSON, Agent.



Ed. D. Hobbs & J. W. "Walker,AT THK EVKRGHKE.V M RSEIll

Tirt fvf mile Hast nf Louisville, Ky.. immctluitrht on thel.omsriltr ojitt Frankfort Railrt'nd.

tho Fruits, Ornaments, Trees, '.Cnamed Nursery, may be had by F

application ti .. ii. Honors, jrm ir.

:rankiri. Kv.TTpOrders'maj be addressed tu HOKBS& WALKKR,

Williamson Post Office, Jefferson eountv, Kv., or toA. G, HODGES, Frankfort, K.

Frankfort. Oct. 17. IhM.

Old Copper Whisky.hlll.S. Old Copper Whisky, from one to eight years

2.30 old, ihe best lot of Whisitv for sale in Kentucky.Aug. ,1KV. "W. H. KEE.VE.

Domestic Liquors.... UUI.S. Domesli MisKy. Hrandy and iim.

iil) recfived.Auc. 18S5. W. H. KKKNE.

Sugar..i HHDS. prime S. O. Snpar;it) 10 bbls. double refined White Sugar:

10 bbl. PreservingSugar. Just received.Auy.22,18i3. W. H. KEEXt

W. H. OKAY. JAS. M. Tonn.


KINK GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS,Fiue Tea., hpireH, FruilH. uU,

:iiH1i anrt Anicrii-ii- rsaut.-- s und Pi.'l'.le., H;iv:inaSi gun. ForeisniUHl Vc.

.vi.sd11 KK OLD Wl.VKS, UKAlill, tiie.,


NOTIONS.c lOZ. boiiles natural Pine Apple;1) 1 doz. jars Canton Ginger;

doz. boxes Guava Jellj;doz. Fresh Peaches;

i doz. fresh Strawberries;V doz. cans fresh Lobsters;2 doz. cans frch Salmon;

10 whrde, . and can- Sardine?:y.i. cans Spiced Ojsters;i cans Pickled Lobsters;

5 baskets Olive Oil, afresh;''l!t boxes Preserved Citron;

boxes assorted Preserves.;10 boxes Hraudied Fruits;10 blb.N. Almonds;

1 bb lrecans;J bid. .Nuts.1 bbl. English Walnut;l2 bbls. Cocoanuts;

"5 boxes .M. K. liaisin.;'.Ml boxes Layer Kaisins;10 boxes Sultana Kaisins;

2 kefjrt Xante Currants;Quaker Herbs. Maiorum Sae. Savory, Thyme, die.

3 doz. Finnish Walnut Catsup;tl doz. Mushroom Catsup;8 doz. assorted Catsup;1 doz. French Mustard: ,I doz. White Pepper:6 doz. Cayenne pepper;

10 lbs. Tapioca;10 lbs. Sauo;3 doz. Cox's Gelatine;4 doz. Shred

lo lbs. Cooper's5 hhda. prime N. 0. ugar;

Hi) bbls. L rushed Suar;10 bbls. Powdered Suirar;6 bbls and 4 boxes double reuned Loiif Sugar;

-- 0 bbls. granulated Siir:ir;ifO pockets, and 5 bajrs ot prime old Jav&Cofleej1. bags. Jiguira Cottee;','0 bai;s, prime Kio Cotlee;10 clie.-t.-- ,, superior G. P. Tea;4 chests, superior black Tea;

CO box various brands Chewing Tobacco:1 bbl. Smoking Tobacco;kJ gross SrnokinK Tobacco in papers;

10,0t0 superior high flavonl Havana Cigars;5,Uf!0 German Cigars;

1 ease 2.UW," U?uesy' German ;

Cn,0iui half Spanish Clears;(j jars Moccaboy Miul!;i.' jara Scotch SnufJ;

12 doz tine Oiard )iiand;ij doz tine Madeira Wine;6 doz fine Pale Sherry Wint;

doz Que Old Port Wine;12 doz Old Whisky;

. ' doz Schneidam Schnapps;SO boxes prime Western Keserve Cheese;LI boxes English Dairy Cheese;5 boxf'sPine Apple Cheese;

500 lbs. superior Dried Deef;6 doz. Deef Tongues;

2. 0 Bacon Hams;400 lbs. Bacon side--

f bbls. large No. 3 Mackerel;10 kits fine Mackerel;

i kits line Salmon;2 bids, rlnealmon.

Any of tiie abo e articles e wU ell to jnnutyilon four months time.

Dee. 17, KVi. GK A Y A TODD.

TIIE WEST GOIXO EAST.rn HE poim ot' the compass won't change, buiWESTJ. of WF.ST"Shasei'rtainlv moved on p.ini Eastward.

W EST k CO..Having taken ihe corner store of Dartow"? new bbn-k-

lia e opened there a line supply of Groceries, Liquors,Confectioneries, iruiis, &e., which they uirer ai mostreasonable prices. Part of their stock may he apeeiiiedas follows:

GROCEK1KS.."i.'i hiids Prime N. O. Sugar;

a bbla I'lantation Molasses.2 bblsSuear House Molasc;2 bbls Gulden Syrup;2 hhds Clarilied Sugar.5 bbls Double Kefined Sugar;5 bbls Double refined Powdered Sugar;2 bbU Loaf Sugar;

10 sacks Kio Cotlee;' aacksJava Cofil-e- ;

2 doz bags Table Sail;3 dnz boes Jabie Salt;

20 bags Kuckwneat Fiou r;Tierce Kiee;

10 boxes Star Candles:IU boxes 1 alio Candle;12 boxes Eng. Dairv Cheese;10 boxes Western Keserve ChtfeJe",l(t boxes Superior Kosin Soaps;Fine assortmunt of Green nnd lilackTeas. ,

it bills No. 3, large Mackerel;2 bbls Butter Crackers;2 bbls Walter Crackers:

12 bbls SuperiorCider Vinegar;2 boxes trench Chocolate:

Dec. 7. 1h;,5.

Confectioneries, Fruits, &uts, &cDOZ. bottles fresh Pine Appka;

V, doz jars Canton4 doz jars fresh Fickies;2 doz cans fresh Strawberries;it doz cans fresh Lobsters;

12 doz and cans Sardines:2 doz cans spiced Oysters;2 baskets fresh olive Oil;

10 boxes assorted Preserves;5 boxes brandied fruits;4 bbls soft sUeli Almonds;1 bbl Pecans;

bbl Brazil N'ut:bbl English Walnuts;

1 bbl Naples Walnut:1 bid Coeoanuts;

i'J boxes new M. R. Kaisins:1 boxes Sultana Kur-ins- ;

2 kegs Zante Currents;2 Quaker Herbs. vc; :

2 doz English Wainut Ketchup;2 doz Worcestershire Sauce;2 doz Mushroom Catsup;2 doz assorted do;I box Cayene Pepper;1 box Shred lsingias.;1 box Cooper's Isinglass;2 boxes assorted Jellies:2 boxes assorted Pickle?;

2" drums fresh Figs1 frail fresh Dales.

December. CO

liquors.. Ql'AKTKK ca-- k lino pale an.l durk Brandy:) :t eiirhlli casks superior paie Otnr'i firnnn:

l'J l:isk.-t- superior Champagne;5 baskets Hcidsii'k (.'liainpajrrie;j cak Slierry Wine;

cask (in. Madeira Wine:'4 cask ulii Port Wine:ill bbls line Bourbon Whisky,

Fine botlk'cl Liquors of all kinds;December?. WEST

Proclamation by the Governor.9100 RKWARD.

In thr 7ittme and by the authority of the Common-wealth of Kentucky

iyHERE.-S,i- has been represented to mo that JAK- -.MAN, a slave. the property of Thos. Reynolds, Esq.,

in September, IPr."), did, in .Icamino county, Kentuck,kill and murder HoitA t, a slave, and biimw going itlarge.

Now. there fore, T. CJf A KLESS. MO HE HEAD Govern-or of said Commonwealth, do hereby oiler a reward ofOue Hundred Dollars tor the apprehension of ihe saidJarman, and his deli very to the jailer of .b;s.amine coun-t- v

w itliin one vear from i date.' .V TESTIMONY n'JlEhF.OF, 1 h;..vehereunto set my band, anti caused the seal of

?L. S. S the Commonwealth to be affixed. Hone at( Frankfort, this sixth day of September, lrvj,

and int!ie h earcf tho ('nnnnoii- -wealtb.

By the Governor: C. S. MiUJKIlKAH.JMaso.v Tkou n, Seeretar) ot'Siate,

hkscription..lanuan i abont 30 ycar old.aoniu i . t hiish, and

"Jack catuplevinn.


rK llictaxc i mere st, and t are not juiid on the t..llowinsr l:tnd, on or before the lOtlnlav it hehruarv

the iainc will be forfeit lo the Conimonwe.-iltl- i ofKentucky:.No. Levi BhimMieirs, lull, tmrt.,f-j4l- i acres. O recti

county, wat.-- r ot J.ittle Barren, oripnallv Min ev.-- torf.ita Miinmers.m nca.lrit; it certirlcaie No. 76. ami na- -tente.t to Levi Blunt; taxes from 141 to 1H54: anionut.

3 iV..

Given ineler mv hand im- - lclth ,Jav of October, IM;.THO. S. PAGK.

.Hvditor Public .lecounts.M per cent intere-- t is due on the tlrst year's taxes.1110 per cent on the second year's tax; and100 per cent on the third year's tax.Costs for advertisinu.i.'.". cents on each tract.Oct. , lcvV. '.Jaiii3uiWtx'tw.

Boys, Look Here ! !

1 HAVK lust received TWO DOZEN' NICE. W ARM1 JACKfiTs alias BOl'.VDABOt TS, made of Mix-c- d

Tweed Cassimere. which 1 am tellinp: rerv cheap.Oct. 19, 1855. JOH.N M. XOIJD.


OF HAKTFOKD, CON.NKCTICUT.Chanon-i- l by tlie I,.'eisluiurc oi' the of ConuecticuV

Ny pp'rpelual Chant-- granted in iVlay . inii.CAPITAL $200,000,

With a large surplus securely invested under the sanctionand approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts

of the state of Connecticut.

MlHlS Company is controlled and managed by a BoardJ of Officers, consisting of men of the highest charac-ter and standing, and may be relied upon as safe. Theannexed .statement shows the condition and responsibili-ty of the Company;

First. The name of the Company is the "Charter OakLife Insurance Company," and is located in the City ofHartford, State of Connecticut.

Srcond. The amount of it Capital Stock is two hun-dred thousand dollars, say &20U(HjO.

Third. The amount of it Capital Stock paid up isonfhundred thousand dollars, and tlie balance of .said stocksecured to be paid by obligations approv ed by the Direc-tors of said Company, and by the Comptroller of PublicAccounts of Connecticut.

Fovrth. The Assets of the Company, including --

1st. The ain't of cash on hand ami in ihehands of agents or other persons. - $17,323 15

2d. Thf Company own no real estate.3d. Koinls owned by the Company none

except bonds, and mortgages of realecc.

4th. Ibtsto the Couip'ny.sefured by morigage at 9 per cent, int., first mortgagecoit, 1(1,00 W

Loans on hidorsed notes, secured by bondand mortgages. Vc, - V 1 ,t'Jt) 00

th. Debts otherwise secured, are obliga-tions lor the Capital Stock, approved asaforesaid - inn,f;uo tn

Cash loans on indorsed promissory note.with collateral securities, - - - vO.ltiu 91

fith. Loans to the insured at interest, secur-ed by policies - L.yJiI IB

7th. All other securities are Hank of Hert-ford County Stock, CrO shares, - 0?.rx; Ou

City of Hartford G per cent, stock, - - 17,1X) bu

Fifth. Amount ol'liabilitiesduo or notdueto banks or other creditors, is dividend tomutual members, payable at the discre-tion of the Company, . :J3,3.-J- ; Z't

Sirth. Looses adju sted'and duonone.

Seventh. Losses adjusted andnot uue, ....

Fighth. Losses unadjustednone.

Ninth. Loss's in suspense wait-ing farther proof none.

Tetk. All other claims ag'nsithe Company none.

Eleventh. The greatest am'uinsured iu anv one risk. 5,0fX)

Tireffth. The Company has no rule regulating ihy am'v

The undersigned herby certify that the foregoing is ajust and correct statement 01 ihe'allairs of the Coinpanv.

Signed: ALFRED OILL, President.Iajj. C. Walkley, Secretary.

Hartford, Feb. ti, ih.v,.E. J). DICKERMAX. General Jirfnt.

Application for Insurance received bv John C.'Htr.N-Doy- ,Agent. Frankfort, Ky., who will furnish applicant.-wit- h

pamphlets containing rates, conditions. Vc.The Agency of his Company, at Frankfort, Ky., has been

In existence one year last May. during which time s

had occurred. This rick was that takeu bv the lateIsaac P. Blaekwell, for the benefit of his wife. One pre-mium only had been paid (about 874,) on S .,(: k Thewhole .?.",( 1U1 was paid to Mr&. lllackw ell. whose acknowl-edgment is given below.

This presents one of the many instances in which thebenefits of Life Insurance is fully illustrated. The assur-ed had failed in business. left nothing for his wife, exceptwhat resulted from the insurance on hi life, which hehad been so thoughtful in mxkiue.

J. V. HKR.DO., Agent,December 17. Frankfort, Ky.

Frankfort. Oef. ni, lsf.r..John C. Hlrndon, Ks.,

Agent of the Charter Oak Life Insurance Co.:Dkar Sir: Allow me, through vou, to express mj

gratitude for Die receiptor five thousand dollars, thefull amount of the risk taken for mv beneUt bv my latehusband, Isaac P. Hlackwell. I most highly appreciatethe benefit resulting to me from this provident act of mlate husband, and will ever remember it w ith gratitude'.Hoping that the Company may be prosperous in all timeto come, and that it may continue to extend it protectionto the widow and orphan.

I remain vours d:e..SUSA.V E. HLACKWELJ,.



Capital stork, 300,OOlAmount Paid l'p, S210.000

IHE annexed statement of the condition of themade 1st January, UiOO, shows the condition an--

responsibility of the Company.1. The name of the Company is the Hartford Fire In-

surance Company, audits location Is at Hartford.Connecticut.

2. The Capital Stock of tlie Company H ?0,biJO 003. The ain't of its Capital Stock paid up i lJitJ,tioo no4. The aaets of the Company are as fol

lows:Cash on hand and in the hands of AgenU. $44,204 tC500 shares Hartford Bank stock, - - G3,&00 00

G8 shares Ehoenix Bank stock, - - 7,820 00110 gharesB'k of Hartford county stock, 10.K0 U;in shares B'lc HartTd eo. stock (new,) 3.CS0 OU

shares Farmers and .Mechanics Bankstock, - 00

13 shares City Bank stock, - - 5,074 lib200 shares Exchange Bank stock. . 11,600 to

;m shares .Mercantile Bank stock, - 5,2'jO On100 shares Charter Oak Bard: sleek, - KUjuo 00100 shares Charter Oak B'k stock (new.) 550 bo

50 snares Connecticut fiiver BankingCompany stock, - 1,9,j0 Ht

loO shares Hartford, Providence, andFishkill Kailroad stock. - - - j.000 00

CO shares Connecticut River Railroadstock, j o(jo 00

SO shares Hartford and New Haven K.R. stock, 5,750 ;o

li'u shares Connecticut River Companvatock, I 3,000 00

Bills receivable, secured by approvedpersona! security or ample collater-als - - - - - - - IOC.COj 76

r. No liabilities lo banks or others, due ornot due.

6. No losses adjusted and due.7. Amountof lossesadjusicdand nut due, 04H. Amountof losses unadjusted, - 1:",0'M 3i!l. Losses in suspense, waiting for further

proof, included in last answer above,in. All ulher claims against the Company l,l,8;"J) txi11. The rule of tlie Company is not to exceed $iO.0uin

any one risk subject to loss by a single fire.Yi. The amount insured in a city or village depends upon

itssize; generally, all the desirable riok'to be Lid.subject to the rule last abo,ve named.

13. I he amount injured in anv one block of buildingsdepends upon its size ami construction, subject 10the rule above referred to.

14. The act of incorporation is the same a.i tiled in July,lVl. C. B. BOWERS. Secretary..

Hartford, Jauur.rj' 'J?, Iroa.StAI'K iF CuSNECTH'L'T, fiJHartford county.

Pearsonally apjieared C. B. Bowers, Secretary of iheHartford Fire Insurance Company, and made, oath thatthe foregoing statement, by him subscribed, istrue, ac-

cording to his beat kimw ledge and belief.Before me: R. G. POAKF,

Justice of the Peatt.Lpon applicfition ff.r insurance, nil necess?irT informa-

tion will be given by 4. C. IIER.l)b.,Dec. 17, lc.".!. Agent, ot Frankfort, Ky,

oYapj LEWIS.Tin, Copper, & Sheet Iron Manufactory.



niHK undersisned would inform hisfriendsand the pub--

lie that he has opened a shop and commenceuabove business iu all its branches. He will warrantallwork done by him to give satisfaction, and hope by dili-

gence aud promptness in business, to merit and receivea portion of the public patron.-ure-. Those persons w sh-

ine work in his line are respectfully requested to call on

tie would also inform his friends and the public thatnewill keep constantly on hand a general assortment ofCOOKING STOVES, and WOOD and COAL STOl tS,of the best quality, which he will sell on accommodating

le0?' l7,1855-- by. EDWAKD LEWIS.