kentucky · 44 raiment, which to bo sure he re...

zanf for their utfrgtatue i &nd no one can d uibt the determination to meet these sanguinary edicts of G. Biitain with a temper that shall put a stop to them. This will be sound the cheapest, the only plan ot operation. When Gen. Charles Lee was surprised "by Col. Hat court in Jersey, and taken prsoncrin 1775, he was at fiist treated as a state ciimiual, confined with tin most severe custody, lefused to be ex-- tl angeei, and threatened with the dread ftl vengeance of British law. He had ac ip'-- J a co amission fiom Congress, will et onlnilf pay as Lieut Col. of tht 44 Raiment, which to bo sure he re lin u shed by letter as soon as he resolv- ed on entering the American service " severity of his confinement was roain-1- 1 W till alter the capture ol Burgoym ft' 11 the enemy, as cowering in reveisi hughtv ' piospcrit), relaxed in then vi ' I nieasui s toward him, admitted him to ' vvU'iGm liobfrtion and the su-- pt 1)1 o'iio'sat e.v-Yor- k, and finally tK ngid h 11 It is not pet imps as neneialiyk An. as it ought to be, that ti Am c in olficLis taken at DsttoifSc Qj envoivi v.ete tieated by the " gene-iw- "i Ei'o s ma manner the most tin-- Ji t"g, ti"" hi and humiliating paiad-c- d tltor. ,hth sneets of Montreal to the tunc ot Yankee Doodle, and the broad ldUher of tntii sut rounding captors, 01-- di rd to tike of their hats at somemonu-i- n nt or stvue and for a time even cr m'ded into a prison ship. These and co'matdlii intuits are of a surnar chiractcr, but infinitely infeiioi in tifect. to those this nation has experien- ced in the seizures and detention ofsevc-- 1 il ofthecrewsofthc Nautilus and Wasp; a d to the univeisal scenes of horror and confusion which must necessarily ensue, a 'V attempts to enfoice the regents in-- f" rd irjclanation attempts which it is fervently hoped the government of this abused country, will tes'st and counter- act lv all the means in its power. We 'Shall never cease to regret the misjud cd rejection of the bill introduced into -- Congress by Mr. Wi ight, as we arc satis- - !' UCe' 'liji n it only suine autu incising as tin , but many more will be ind'spensi-b- l 'o the attainment of this great object. How s ranee is it to see the, same men bill- - Realise as alledged, which Spbinofti. (Hie forth, president power accomplish " l . , .... v .. pus - ind pass mother bill (that respect- ing the noNDs) in a case where the povv-- i sot the executive officer were not only qunt as clear 's in the other case, but awiulcdandd filed by congress itself! The seiz it . n dp bv Com. Rodgers atlisoi i. Ma Gen Pinkney at Char-les'- o 1, -- u ac b i which all neiicans Tristreoc- - But way should the au-t- h v of e T S. 'ie svisls'l th'-re- ? U n i"sion, reUliafon ts humanity ; eff.c-- t a the moivex-imolary,th- nore nl i'h 'uic 111 asures of ret?liation w, li.itht nowerof the Aineiican govern-r,- u whi h Is a o ice resorted 10 would be t trnd J the most benr ficisl re-su- and h ch the conduct of the enc-i- n o i'y just St-- s but cbai enges. ' w ' in the war of the revolution the o ' 'wi to check his pcroJtual prone-- U ss to b baii'v , it will prove a v vv m.staki 11 a id m end a most painful cx rc'.se of hiiiiian" foibcufaai-- e to hold offiom thiSf measures no.v. Tuus 1 s for the rroriamition threatening, to hang, all the 'naturalized Americans V10 may be captured, that might be iret bv a prot-l- ration offering large bomties to eeiv seamen, officer and cner n concerned in biirtgingsafc- - Iv an n poi-t- , any armea K P' to O' nsh ves-,J- . enhancing the bounty in n rtion to the s'ze of the vessel, so .1 kethc ind-ice-- .t veryicapuvating 'his-t- slation of 1 ship of the line . o- fmrniff Snme countermine of t? s sort sriinst 'he k'it: vv rn late n 1. ' h, witbin our knowledge has had such an effect as to deter avoiun-teu- - f'.om tendering their sei-- v , a,.d which moreover ill injurious- ly lmnHe the rermiting. s 'o Mie spizure ol our seamen, tti siners of war, that should not be met ,iietiiii,iiisbe(l it hj'r mniid'-ra- - im-fh-tr- rr iiort.m-rrhai- navcuui aii'ft Whv should ed "oi prnmen assailed thiough Of of them per-lu'- .s limiable, un-- m n ms 'd!ii-- men Butsoiiiucli tlie better more likely that nt to brincr the minhteis condign ami' of the atrocity of the waifarc they wmiH vv-- ge us Such men as th"sc live" connectiois, families, friends. write, tnorjlize and noise. It is indeed di ulful such vie That granted was it ihcdful to execute such spy as Andre willv ifG Brit persists in th" have maikcd out, t arr"cr she ser,is a, hat intf follow this war. wc repeat will humane and mcnci- - mol,rattV nlllVt Willi SUllie striking salntirv examnles So Utt.e notice Ins brer, taken the sin, ;n iis oi'-ri- coir spo.idenee with E a"cnts. or bv congress, 01 ui i ovm"nt j,! ii. tnat 111- - :'VC every NvWe acted bri. And so It will be under the regent's pioclamation. Unless an immediate and corresponding attitude be taken by the American government, the yaid of the British navy be -- " l ""s with 'suture councils strengthen confidence reeking American blood, tar dy, extensive, and therefore most re- volting tetaliation will be the necessary but substitute for that early stand, which is firmly taken must prevent this hoi 1 id state of things. KENTUCKY GAZETTE. "Tiue to his chaige "e comes, the Herald of a noisy world; News all nations, lumb'nng'atliisback LEXINGTON, J NU VRY 26, 1813. oavnox ov suicide. On Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, Mr. Oiilvii. will in Mr Postluthwait'.s ISall room, .111 Oration on Suicide. I. S 'I lie passages selected for recitation vill be numerous and diveisified. M11 Smith, Yesterdiv was called on to have an inquest on touna in vv vv imams pasture, A' racc-fel- about one mile from town, near the Georgetown road, and on examination ol the body, we" sound it to be a Jlf. Jon Jiibb, late of Chailotte count, Virginia that be lest the hotel on day cvcnintr about 3 0 clock, alone that he had ill Ins pocket-boo- out 5530.0 in bink notes. He was stablnsl on the lest aide of Ins and cut to the bone on the right several cuts in his right hand nothing' lest in his pockets, excepts comb The verdict of the lury was" vvnruLMunnFH ;" Jmt we not able to make any certain dis. coverv whcie tbe murder was committed, or by whom so that at present compelled to leave the vile miscreant to the pun slime nt of affinity conscience and the sure- and just punishment oft! at Grid who punished Cain for the murder of his bi other, and fiom vvhoe all penetrating ec, he cannot conceal himself, nor the horrid act, although he inav for season escape the vengeance of his countrv. HKVJAMIV STOUT, Coroner Fayette County Monday, Jan. 15, 1313- - Mr.'Smiih will please publish the following It was Imnded to editor ot the on Fridav for nulilication but too late for ts anpearance in his Saturday Mr , have ohseivid invour paper of the 9th inst a letter fiom mvself to mv friend in this nlncc. dated " Dayton. IVe. 28, 1812." in -- C ..nn - man- - lav as de one was .Ton asn,uie had JlZ 'vv.i'iOut lesj si i':on to its XI,L blv with "i and tn.' nto as '2 manv lin from iiouy neck weie of the Dill- - Ol HIV linn- - loin in char?? it It is tome a plea- - f Wm.inrrni. tn hie sine, antl uhmt mvc w jhi"""i"- - ; fi iends; ss well as to tmsMf, to iepiir-an- he mav have sustained in the public esti- mation bv the ion of mv letter Mr Sprintrer haTinR since the date of my letter, made such statements is to mv Tioop, that altho' he not chirfte, that fiom acorn-binatio- n of unfortunate circumstances, he was prevented from diinr so he also produced tP.ilmmiv to nrove that he sell into Capt EU- - more'slines until we returned from the charee Mr Sprinirer (luring his whole prevous ser- vice had faithfjiUv done his tlutv, aster a full investigation into his conduct an honora- ble discharge "'is gnnted him GEO: mo TTKH, late Capt. 1st Toor 1st Uefft. K Vol C. Lexington, lari. "9. 1813 P S lnvmrpmerof the 1'h, rou thro mis-tik- state the number of the whole detach-men- t to be 390 it oinrht to be 590. We are ntreroelv sorvv to stite that the in. trepid Kinni.E Ins tlifd "f the wound he in the baltl- - of Maslssineva. In th deith of Mess s Tlmnir and Piatt, our town has lost two useful citizens, and tlic cpuntrv two uSuntWs soldirs V arc happv to hear that Alu. UYHO SMITH on the recovery, and is espicted in lo.'ti in a sew days. The Lexington Troop of Cavalni, command- ed bv Capt Gimir.r T'uittmi, arrived this place 011 Tuesdiv list Thev were met some dUtinrp finm town and escorted in bv Hrrre rumU ns rUuens. The repeited huzzas which hurst from the multitude as thev ' ed up Mim-stree- t, evinced the iny which was felt at their return, and the hih opinion en- tertained their biavery and cood conduct during the late expedition to the Massissine-vv- a towns , . As a testimony of pntmme tor tneir suner- - s ibsoltltdv indispensible a- - I ;ps during the and the valor dis. ot the plaved in the entrac;emcnt wun u.e .i"m, v, in the citizens ot tins pnee cave jiii. " mil his tinop a Dinner at Capt on Thmsdav last Feelintrs of grvtittide and patriotism pervaded everv bo-so- and ioy for the return of their friends and neitrhhors beam-- d on everv countenance. Dr Walter Wai field and lohn Mdlowel, Esq acted as Presidents, Col. ISeniamin nfil.u.,, nl Iternard Gaines, as Vice f.e Iv bnvztiie of their seamen rrf.1(l7nts Snrli .1 V hv no means cquiva- - f.,.1 .v. tjtiffl. who. in coniunction with Is iv : so", unh'ss to be hanged, theirs Rov. Edwards commanded the late successful .J l,.n llhWH. tne UI'VM v W...I- - ivoutiia- - r'l" i' t.neu 1 mil .. ..,.-..-- -,, , . innTrtfl etl on dv"- - iwuiiri,. s be - cgted tol honor tIie comnanv - u bv them yd whv should the ' presice Gov, Uonard, Mr Onhie, mn- - s"im n lii th - nnlv anvil 01 this sa5 , ,,, stialitrers attend d 'ts K ' ,. ..... aim -- iii. . - ' , . ip rc'dl tt'On ' '( 'iy snmru an - quests Alter me ciiiui wjs lem.i.. .,, ..- - heals ' Th-r- c toasts were and cheered wit. l on th, im.ncent lowing rj, ur ' re- - nnl A. lr T ,,,7 ?, n' tm time nam- - ipiiriouc iaii'ii " - ,.1 ' "ire we si.uc uui " e not their be th- - n ? thove is - to complain rsncctVolc The on to a make a Thev etn 1 to tlms. is But so a ,! to s' e nds to it be f.,1 . 'nd Lv administra r 1 r.V.c isthai and an ineffectual deliver ticwi Satin paper. march. expedition, oclamation Public uvnrlitinil f i, ' l' a a , I a a vv e ai e a s I Ll,ij 1 is a of i s u ;, , ,r- - ...u ri' ' rOASTS. The Wli Dec. 1812 A dav worthy to 1 ecoided in the annals of American glo ry. The the be Hrroes of Afairanainzsau praises of the pattiotic are the best eulngi-11- m on their conduct, the gratitude of their country, ihe rirncsi revaiu ui mrn os.... Disi ace to the traitor who w ill not re- - ., .;, i umms ot niscnunirv. aim i uiv J - .1 iirKss. mill nnl Ulpl- - to trc mciui i - come to his b'lsom the defenders of her riyhts The Volunteers of KentuckyFirst in he field of danger, and first in ihe rolls of Slorv . Our Navy 'The triumphs of us infancy latcsheivn what mav be expected from he mammy of its strength. Our jirmy As vet an infant Hercules, mt destined soon to destroy the (Vgantic Monster of ambition that trampling on .ur liberties. Great Britain "Slav she soon learn thit e verf-eanc- e of a free people, though .ncre mercif 1, is no: less terrible thau the wrath of tyrants and thunders ns despotism. General Washington Ii it ac a criss ike he present that Ins orth is trdl) slit, and his loss properly lamented. arms will the did and and -.,t of his friends diid vanquish the prejudices of his enemies. Generals Clarke, Scott and Logan -- The gu mli.tiib and her es ot Kt mucky. General Harrison May his successes fulfil the promises of his past conduct, and equtl the high expeciations of his country The Congress of the U. S. Let them remember wo have engaged in ni arduous struggle for our rights rtiic that their coun- try looks to them tor safety. , The Aational Union A walj of ada mant against foreign aggressions nerveless be the arm that will not shield it from liij'u rv, .ccuised be the heart thrit will medi-lal- e its destruction. The warriors of Columbia Let them TCollect the noble sufieuns of their fa thers, and r that ihe reward o! generous patriotism is immortality ot taWe, lnun-irta'it- ff bliss" Riddle, 1'iArf and the other heroes who sell at Mussastinijay The career 01 tlieir glory wi short, 0 it tlit e of their virtues will br Hail ' all hail ' the Pati lot's grave, Valor's vuiei able bed ' Ha.l' the mcmoiV ot the brave, Hail ' the spu its of the dead. Vol. UN rEliKh By John McDowell, Capt-- i Gi-okg- 1 Korrtu, Cunniundti ot thi L xi ig on I ro p of CSvali . Hy Ur Halter Uailetd, .Via- - jor Jawes McIJovrtLL, one of the herces 01 AldbSa-st- ii way, litjiorter the..Urbana Hatch Toteer. It is with Rleasure we announce to our readers, tlmt njgreat portion of the Noith-Wester- n Army is now on the move for Detroit. Gen. Winchester witn the Lest wing, it is said, is now at the Rapids ot the iake ot the Mauine. F'om the last accounts, the Vnginia and Penn sylvania troops weieat vv.tlnn twenty five miles ot UierKap.fls, & will piocecd on in a shoit time, is not al- ready there Gen. Tuppct will march in a icvv days with the Ohio foice to meet the two wings at the Uapids. 1 he whole, of Gen. Harrison s lorces, when concen- - sated. will make an army of about 8,000 effectives A great supply of provisions are now but a short distance in the tearofihe ar- my, and every necessaiy preparation is made for its conveyance near one thou sand pack-horse- s, and a numbei ot bring, sleds, advanc line former, Murat, than Weanticipaie any obstacle whatever. From accounts given spies there yet remains the Rapids a large quantity The frest From wag GLORIOUS KKWS "c," tcrday. Ltired which .813. My bin, October T tin- - nlinsure inform detachment under Col. Lewis successful in attack upon the post of enemy at ; their force consisting ot some died which were attacked by tioops about 3 18th Tne action continued until night. The Indians their aU lies ran off with a piece of aitillery, in tin- - of the action loss about killed, and 2 with Raism. will have tor scrawl. VM. H. Niles' Weekly Register. GLLN1" TAUS. was pioperb observed in paper, news claiation ot war all enemy very uicrnnui with, Instou ot Itntam, a whole eenlurv past, piestnls so ucliv e he r and ships hvr with as Never sour vessels, ioice, under baule, ... m ,s Little Guernere, l"io- - and total loss in killed wdunded iu Atn iete enemy ol same ; "ay sight the tame which lCMHinded titleimost parts the eaitb, wheie ships, Spa-nis- line, among in contended houis ships and some vessels, whole ami wnmided. was as have tuitroud httfc "Wsl? above, a ftw minutes figntine;. These fact 303. Brig Devonshire, with codfisfiv calculated to excite anil re- double to give Columbia long opportunity their vviongs At Trafalgar, no sour Itnttsh ships lost as men as sour, beaten, the Victoiy, George, Tcmeraire, Uelle-lopho- Helbsle, Colossus, and Achilles excep- ted, which were in the very hottest and suffcied a great deal most; and although these seven ships had between 5 and 6000 on board, they had only killed and wounded; at tm rate, Tattle lielt, Guernere, Frolic and Macedonian ought to have had but 130 injured, comparing their great ships above men- - but This tioned, and admitting that as nol as to )0Il a brilliant cruise : Cap- - we . o n . - rf otheis three heivy armed ' I)g but had 0I8 they j gar; d ,, neither of which Now, by three, would ' have been number English killed at Trafalgar, is Nelson had entraired verai 01 smiin value. American ships ol line, instead ot as many Fiench and Spanish British have gained greatest victories with very little comparative loss. Sir Richard J Strachan, with the Csesar, and the Hero, and Naumr, cacn, in a 01 nouis a KenUeme Leiinirton nair, lour rrencn o. ire line, Un 01 thf performed tins whuhhe captured) had only in wglie palld TANIOCINI -- Uer whole, though says, in coUctloll WAX FIGU,jESj "the sought admiration- - brfoim f t, ancient might late Macedonian, U .... il ., .. 1. ui.i 111. m.i . ..l ouu. dvi., aui'i.u. our trigate lii lintish com- pel us to build ships line ; and when e liave them, sour will not taken by sour British vessels, no moie than LONDON, Nov. female at mstadt lately poisoned her own bi other, through a principle of humanity ind (thai piety. was and his lecovery was despaired ot by the physicians I he that he. parents, doated on him, weie exluustmgthtmselves attendance to whom I give liberal wages and vvatchmgs, believed that it was boys ot s or y'ears meritorious thb "'" taken as JpjnenUces to learn ma-ma- n out ot pain opium to making business by subscribe!, 1 mother, on .1 n ti m1 . (k " "- -' ".v.1., mc discoverinpr nati ujuiiiiiij; been ed by his sister, died a distraction, father took his bed, spake again, and suivived Only a sew days. daughter was convicted upnnliernvvn con- fession, and broken a wheel LONDON G AZET IE Is ednesday, November 11. l'onuo OrritE, Nov 1813. " A dispatch, which the following is a copy, been this day received fiom Excel- lency Gen Viscount Cathcart, his Majesty's Ambassador EiiCiordmaiy and I'lenipoten-tir- v al court St l'cteisburgh, to Viscount one MaieTiiy's Secietarles ot FETEiisBURnu, 1812 " Loul t have pleasure acquaint gonsare now enipioyed lest wing. youi Lnidslnp, are a consideiable ntliubei wag- -' and Te Deum is to ung in eons, aad pack-hois- employ- - thedra between a most ed on the Ohio the nunibei ot Fren'ch 18th, almicS) affair of near Moscow, teams and the ugln wing wj11 undci e defeated are be mucli crtater those witheieat loss; and for deliverance the lest. that the maicli Moscmw Gen Winzmgerode the zm of the army will not be retarded "cl'er, - T lehiilletiii is not nublished. I have by of ot von river our th-,- would did the of 33 and 27 lua Tn ale our our of of of 803 of ra,a UP of 80 of ana be 135 i,.v.tiiw will of of the 13j ill, of be by liv- - CTPAAt of of of of 27, to ot be tor on the on vvei to of on ot on by vet at we tie its ..,, on the honor to enclose i of note 1 itccivtd, by the Lmperors com mand " a ttanslation of the (iffic.ial account defeat of Marshal St Cyr, by Count Wittgenstein, and of til- ing ot n October, as also that ot the ot viaisuai ujcuoiuuu s The Eastern mail, expected yesterday "''? "2! s" '"?!"..., ..I.. Vl- - ""' " mornincai'riK d'after tins was ...'. d to of gcneial of cavalry, put to pi ess. have stopped it, to in ind Te Ueum uctorv vas sunff )CS. the following highly intelligence. "It appears Prince Srhvvartzenbcrg has to the w estw ard. leav coi pa have bi en cut off; that prov ot SCIOTO JAN ,., entirely cleared ot enemy. Head Quarters, No th H anj ,i,at dmiral TehichagolF may probably Army, January 20, j nae leaci,e(i Minsk about or afltr the Jl hvi- - to that the was completely the the the Raisin there, nun behind on the instant. considerably is 10 Meigs. h avenging1 engagement thirtv-thie- e weguen packhoises morning inclosed PuloUk promoti GZE1TK txiRA, honor (Signed) "CATHCART" AMERICAN PRIZE (cOSTINUElly) Indians, and a company militia, J7ThepuzbrifcsentintotheChtsipeake placed pickets, o'clock, suffered Our captains United btates bug Argus, again gale and Maidstone frigate We theielore deduct number general account, though think lQfter cent, idded. would em- brace actually dull published and twentv wounded. General Bii'ish ves-el- s, sunk, Winchester marched vcstei ..esiroeilh) the Patvot otNew-Yoi- men, to take command at tne mg .,.j He about neaviiy ainieu, fectiv, tins dispatch- - ",6t companies Gen eikins brig- - ,mtnt My handsale can xouri3end foui i,er men hardlv hold hich must wounded. 'Ihe fvrnse. this HARRISON. To R. Fron Loudon when that lintish dillereni sea. The for incidents dtsti the little blushes had tliem same anv cucumstances, lose, the Belt. he, Macedonian and 318, and loin uicee-- i..,.rV, co new the the ible Trafalgar, has French like force, only been the lad'en zeal, mtny the have sight, men tne with that was at,er part wound- - ed rule what the The their naval guns, even, men who loss He who will put nim iuuut. poiso state never The alive upon THE l'UA. Lord Principal Oct. the that guns ther lbant copy have this 2Jth Icpiuse sen that have be, &.c by the was driven a f one the tl not the prizes not 2&6 287. 283. 2S9. 290 292. 293 294 burnt and day 250 dur a urir o o ,a)3. the ,, ,, . ,. iuuu ei- - -- ' - . ... - --- tor wpmiru I am at moment 1 s J mg. ln which the the cold, that and 0f were killed the be my klvt lv J. It a oiu d. m at naval Great no we ot bv inpn snips vi of of loss, uavt.e, he of them 9. eeing .4A in said of "' We seamen 1 to bv we it bi ,. itter seveie of 1 vv nti it tit of bv injured, a d had ouly woun ded He mail board lecovep bv Bona brought to Bali mort on latuidi) last. 296. Brig 'II, "packet trom Idoe-- t Denur-n-, l an com mi,r and lady cap ined HUh Fiver f i ai d thaip'it. The Fiver h .captmeda ut c'rogers the lsl she leh sd t- - with the anil prisont-16- , and sent her as a tl n Demarara; and .or Car-micli- itturned a let'er her capt. for kind m '297 Brig Criterion, sent into Is'evv- - Ynt k Schooner Neptune captured the so little damaged Revenue ,,, tPii minutes alter battle, either ot them to her could engaged, and would have defeated, formalities, a sirengui world, several British smaller British Almost bvzxi wonder, flesued Koyal !,.- guard LIsT. wind, ltnnore, a captain ti c Baiba- - fcnglisli n board, timbre, High plymg btteen o cniiiiiii-sar- y r treatment release ot miiaiiripiiM, uiivcn ui prisoners, the proper trom 299. Schooner Neptune, with a cargo comparative effect sue, they would , ,',1, fish. &c. sent to Portland, the hive fuugbt such ships were opposed p.even, e Salem ; on her way the to them at same time, with 'former to the latter place wrecked success In ten off to the of the many ot them the largest the with the the . many futtr ffiem.aKd the tars the the the men orce the n,g the of Courageux vi. wnn the Hie the bv. with men. Dai by ihe in EX 11, his the his Mv the now made, Utile them ol ot aster of of drew and carco saved ihe the the by but the Hve the the the hl!l ing the ince the soon of the the the the the the the ing '.ine of the uoin the two men was tin own ovei tint the by tht ent into 'nu- - 72 tuci- - mill his tin by .i,n, aim the sdl bv of the was men ihe stoi out bis 300 Schoonei driven ashore tne coast ff Nova Scotia, and burnt, the Revenge of Salem 301. Brig Fancy, sent into New-Londo- n b Joel Barlow, privateer S02. Sloon and Pamelia, captured hi Philadelphia was wreck ed on Chiiicctcagus stiea--tie- rn;i car sav.t, into Prance, by the Decatur priva- teer. J his vessel was captured not far from our own coast, the " yankees'r thinking that the cargo would do better in France than at home, manned sent-ih- prize on a trading voy age, without cei-imo- ny. ; 304 Schooner , from Quebec, sent i' tn. New-Yor- k by the Retaliation ot that port. 303 Ship of '2'2 guns and full of men, aster an engagement of 35 minutes, driven shbie at mouth of the Dema-rar- a river, by the General New-ior- k. privateer has remrned each hav men ot vessels; gmt have vet ai rived She also seized jatid ave rFHEATRE. Exhibition of Natural i3" Artificial Curl :MRa, ostites. SNELL informs the ladiesl guns vuiee al and snips there will the iTVLlAN killed andwounckd 0, w.lj enuny to Well h captain tire. that of girl, lus State "St. some 0imma Deau compliminmy everyprospect' thekevengeof ArmstiongoF lespecifully pic he will also exhibit on the stage female AtKlUAN GUUUAK. F01 particulais see Lex.ngton, Januaiy 26, 1813. Hemp Wanted By JEItEMIMI NEAVE. LexinETton, January ''S, 1812 f HPHKEE or sour Turners or Filers, who h ve been ..ccustoined to work in machinery then Also ivvo nightly smart xteen seventeen age, to save them young' the k'e he aie .1 llinrvmhl,il4iT r tliat lie to very also b? ffll i 26n. estern were have trom all 291, mivates river frnm and ade. so pen, Olllt ot tturch "t to 298. have their two trom 15b7 on Nellv ' on style bills' "6 Lexington. January 25, 1312. W anto'd. and adminlsteiing Casllereagh, interesting JOIIA' .wjin b 4-- tt C.JA7 WILL lii: GIVEN .TO-f- t By Samuel & George Trotter. January 22, '813. , 4 tf npAKEN up by Asiel Elliott, living in Kr or. county, Barboui sv die, one hark Ley Filley, two years old, light made, no bia-id- s peiceivble, appraised to g 9 Given under my hand this 7th day of December, 1812 4-- VE.YJ.1JIIIJV KirCIIEN.j p. 'j'AKEN up by William Johnson, living lljruson county, five miles below Cyi f,ii. ana, on the road leading to Falmouth, a light sorrel horse, with a blaze mhis face, about 15 hands one i tch high, three years old, a "atuial trotter, appraised to fifty dollars J.1MES KENRT Januaiy 23d, 1S13. 4-- llath County, November 2 1812, T'KKEN ;ip by Edmund Otkley, on Slate creek, 2 miles troni blate forfe, one It AY MAKE 13 hands 3 inches high, no b.and perceivable, ludged, to be 20 year old, op-- pi aised to before me. ' 0 HKLEY rJ"'KEV up by George V ltucker, Iivin in - Voodtord county, about 3 antl an half miles from Versailles, on the itfjd leadmp to lublill's ferry, a Bay Jotse, 14 and an half hands high, sour yeais old, and a in his, appraised 10 S 25 Given under ;ny hand this 28th November, 18li. 4-- HAND' II. RA1LFY, J P. rJ,AKEN up by Thos Smith in Jessamine A county, on Clear creek, ONE IILACIC MAItE, adpidged to be 7 yeaisold, a sUr in the foieiiead, the near limdfool white, 14 1- -t hands high, appraised to 55 30. IttCH'D LFON. November 27, 1812. 3 't rp VlvEN up by Andiew Johnson, in Urn net county, on the Diy ridge iod, abou 14 mile', from the conn house, one BAY $1 HE, about 7 years old, 13 1 2 hands high, branded on the near shoulder and buttock with an f- iber off hind soot white, a star m her sort In id and shod befoic; appraised to fifteen dollars A11NEU GAINES, J r b t October 3d, 1812 3-- 'p VKEN up by the subcriber, on Ued ruer, in Montgomery county, one bright B Vr HOitSE, 8 years old, 14 hands and a half lugb, a small white on the near hird soot, bob tail, no brands j appraised to foitv dollais HUGH MAXM ELL. January 12, 1313 ? ' For hale. T wish to sell the house and lot m vvl ich I S. now live on short-siree- a very convenient? and new brick house, 2 stones high, 32 feet in hont, and 22 baek, made of good materials and well finished, together with a one s orv stone kitchen, 26 feet long, and 18 w ide, divi- ded in two rooms, and a small log houe, and Inn- stable. The lot fronts short street, 66 o . , n-- 1 a ft , ,rt o ci.ui f .Oi i,as but 'tet' an" lu , , r. T v." I? '1 as by the go sent and the near lu S5 star teet vviue also a iov aujuiunn; mc ,.u.e u, feet 9 inches in fiont, and running the same distance back, with a two story log house, 22 feet by 16, also a log kitchen and brick smoke house, ten feet squaie also a five ifcre out lot, on the Gem gctown road Inch I will sell altogether, or divide into one acre lots, tnsint the nurchaieis All the above pro pel ty will be sold reasonable fur cash, and pay ments made easy by JAMES EAUFS, Lexington, Jan. 19, 1813 3-'-3k Morrison, Jioswclls & Siitloii HVVL lately received from Plnladelpi a, a splendid assortment ot MfclH HAMHZE, of the most fashionable kmd, which will ha sold cheap for cash only. 17 tf Lt x ngton, pril 17, 11 Flint Gl.ib Manulact'r. & RNCELL, respectfully inmrm TREVOlt and the public in gener I, that they have established a Flint Glass Mini., factoiy on the Moiion-- al tU, opposite Wood-stree- t, Pittsburgh Orders jr anyirtielesin their line, will he thankfully received and promptly executed, Pittsburgh Jan 1, 1813 up ,by William UunUp, J K TAKEN from Lexington, on Boon's toaa aGUEYorUUN HORSE, tour yeais old, 14, and an halt hands high, has a black down his back, branded on the off side under-th- e mane S &. 8 on the ne?r jaw &SSS on the near shoulder, and on the neai thnrl B- - nra.sedtoS-2- . HlOOla jOctob-- i l.Qt'Jj.XaiT. ' i

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  • zanf for their utfrgtatue i &nd no one cand uibt the determination to meet thesesanguinary edicts of G. Biitain with atemper that shall put a stop to them.This will be sound the cheapest, the onlyplan ot operation.

    When Gen. Charles Lee was surprised"by Col. Hat court in Jersey, and takenprsoncrin 1775, he was at fiist treatedas a state ciimiual, confined with tinmost severe custody, lefused to be ex-- tl

    angeei, and threatened with the dreadftl vengeance of British law. He hadac ip'-- J a co amission fiom Congress,will et onlnilf pay as Lieut Col. of tht44 Raiment, which to bo sure he relin u shed by letter as soon as he resolv-ed on entering the American service" severity of his confinement was roain-1- 1

    W till alter the capture ol Burgoymft' 11 the enemy, as cowering in reveisi

    hughtv ' piospcrit), relaxed in thenvi ' I nieasui s toward him, admitted himto ' vvU'iGm liobfrtion and the su-- pt

    1)1 o'iio'sat e.v-Yor- k, and finallytK ngid h 11 It is not pet imps asneneialiyk An. as it ought to be, thatti Am c in olficLis taken at DsttoifScQj envoivi v.ete tieated by the " gene-iw- "i

    Ei'o s m a manner the most tin-- Jit"g, ti"" hi and humiliating paiad-c- dtltor. ,hth sneets of Montreal to the

    tunc ot Yankee Doodle, and the broadldUher of tntii sut rounding captors, 01-- di

    r d to tike of their hats at somemonu-i- nnt or stvue and for a time even

    cr m'ded into a prison ship. Theseand co'matdlii intuits are of a

    surnar chiractcr, but infinitely infeiioi intifect. to those this nation has experien-ced in the seizures and detention ofsevc-- 1

    il ofthecrewsofthc Nautilus and Wasp;a d to the univeisal scenes of horror andconfusion which must necessarily ensue,a 'V attempts to enfoice the regents in-- f"

    rd irjclanation attempts which it isfervently hoped the government of thisabused country, will tes'st and counter-act lv all the means in its power. We'Shall never cease to regret the misjudcd rejection of the bill introduced into --

    Congress by Mr. Wi ight, as we arc satis- - !'UCe' 'liji n it only suine autu incising astin , but many more will be ind'spensi-b- l

    'o the attainment of this great object.How s ranee is it to see the, same men

    bill- - Realise as alledged, which Spbinofti. (Hieforth, president power

    accomplish " l . , .... v ..pus - ind pass mother bill (that respect-

    ing the noNDs) in a case where the povv-- isot the executive officer were not only

    qunt as clear 's in the other case, butawiulcdandd filed by congress itself!

    The seiz it . n dp bv Com. Rodgersatlisoi i. Ma Gen Pinkney at Char-les'- o

    1, -- u ac b i which all neiicansTristreoc- - But way should the au-t- h

    v of e T S. 'ie svisls'l th'-re- ?U n i"sion, reUliafon ts humanity ;

    eff.c-- ta the moivex-imolary,th- norenl i'h 'uic 111 asures of ret?liation

    w, li.itht nowerof the Aineiican govern-r,-u whi h Is a o ice resorted 10 would

    be t trnd J the most benr ficisl re-su-and h ch the conduct of the enc-i- n

    o i'y just St-- s but cbai enges. 'w ' in the war of the revolution theo ' 'wi to check his pcroJtual prone-- U

    ss to b baii'v , it will prove a vvv m.staki 11 a id m end a most painfulcx rc'.se of hiiiiian" foibcufaai-- e to hold

    offiom thiSf measures no.v. Tuus1 s for the rroriamition threatening,

    to hang, all the 'naturalized AmericansV10 may be captured, that might be

    iret bv a prot-l- ration offering largebomties to eeiv seamen, officer andcner n concerned in biirtgingsafc- -Iv an n poi-t-

    , any armeaK



    nsh ves-,J- . enhancing the bounty inn rtion to the s'ze of the vessel, so.1 kethc ind-ice-- .t veryicapuvating'his-t- slation of 1 ship of the line. o- fmrniff Snme countermine of

    t? s sortsriinst 'hek'it: vv


    late n1. ' h, witbin our knowledge has

    had such an effect as to deter avoiun-teu- -

    f'.om tendering their sei-- v, a,.d which moreover ill injurious-

    ly lmnHe the rermiting.s 'o Mie spizure ol our seamen,

    tti siners of war, that should not be met


    it hj'r mniid'-ra--

    im-fh-tr- rr iiort.m-rrhai- navcuuiaii'ft Whv should ed

    "oi prnmen assailed thioughOf of them per-lu'- .s

    limiable, un-- mn ms'd!ii-- men Butsoiiiucli

    tlie better more likely thatnt

    to brincr the minhteis condign

    ami' of the atrocity of the waifarc theywmiH vv-- ge us Such men as

    th"sc live" connectiois, families, friends.write, tnorjlize and

    noise. It is indeed di ulful such vieThat granted was it

    ihcdful to execute such spy as Andrewillv ifG Brit persists in th"

    have maikcd out,t arr"cr she ser,isa, hat intf follow this war.wc repeat will humane and mcnci-


    mol,rattV nlllVt Willi SUlliestriking salntirv examnles So Utt.enotice Ins brer, taken thesin, ;n iis oi'-ri- coir spo.idenee with

    E a"cnts. or bv congress, 01 uii ovm"nt

    j,! ii.tnat 111- -


    every NvWe acted bri. And so It will beunder the regent's pioclamation. Unlessan immediate and corresponding attitudebe taken by the American government,the yaid of the British navy be --" l ""s

    with 'suture councils strengthen confidencereeking American blood, tardy, extensive, and therefore most re-volting tetaliation will be the necessarybut substitute for that earlystand, which is firmly taken must preventthis hoi 1 id state of things.

    KENTUCKY GAZETTE."Tiue to his chaige

    "e comes, the Herald of a noisy world;News all nations, lumb'nng'atliisback

    LEXINGTON, J NU VRY 26, 1813.

    oavnox ov suicide.On Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock, Mr.

    Oiilvii. will in Mr Postluthwait'.sISall room, .111 Oration on Suicide.

    I. S 'I lie passages selected for recitationvill be numerous and diveisified.

    M11 Smith,Yesterdiv was called on to have an inquest

    on touna in vv vv imams pasture,A' racc-fel- about one mile from town, nearthe Georgetown road, and on examination olthe body, we" sound it to be a Jlf. Jon Jiibb,late of Chailotte count, Virginia that belest the hotel on day cvcnintr about 30 clock, alone that he had ill Ins pocket-boo-

    out 5530.0 in bink notes. He was stablnslon the lest aide of Ins and cut to the boneon the right several cuts in his right handnothing' lest in his pockets, excepts combThe verdict of the lury was" vvnruLMunnFH ;"Jmt we not able to make any certain dis.coverv whcie tbe murder was committed, orby whom so that at present compelledto leave the vile miscreant to the pun slime ntof affinity conscience and the sure- and justpunishment oft! at Grid who punished Cain forthe murder of his bi other, and fiom vvhoe allpenetrating ec, he cannot conceal himself, northe horrid act, although he inav for seasonescape the vengeance of his countrv.

    HKVJAMIV STOUT,Coroner Fayette County

    Monday, Jan. 15, 1313- -

    Mr.'Smiih will please publish the followingIt was Imnded to editor ot the

    on Fridav for nulilication but too late forts anpearance in his Saturday

    Mr ,

    have ohseivid invour paper of the 9thinst a letter fiom mvself to mv friend in thisnlncc. dated " Dayton. IVe. 28, 1812." in

    -- C ..nn - man- -lav as de one was .Tonasn,uie had JlZ'vv.i'iOut lesj si i':on to its XI,L
















    Dill- -

    Ol HIV linn- -

    loin in char?? itIt is tome a plea- -

    f Wm.inrrni. tn hiesine, antl uhmt mvc w jhi"""i"- - ;fi iends; ss well as to tmsMf, to iepiir-an-

    he mav have sustained in the public esti-

    mation bv the ion of mv letter MrSprintrer haTinR since the date of my letter,made such statements is to mv Tioop,that altho' he not chirfte, that fiom acorn-binatio- n

    of unfortunate circumstances, he wasprevented from diinr so he also producedtP.ilmmiv to nrove that he sell into Capt EU- -

    more'slines until we returned from the chareeMr Sprinirer (luring his whole prevous ser-vice had faithfjiUv done his tlutv, aster afull investigation into his conduct an honora-ble discharge "'is gnnted him

    GEO: mo TTKH, late Capt. 1stToor 1st Uefft. K Vol C.

    Lexington, lari. "9. 1813P S lnvmrpmerof the 1'h, rou thro mis-tik-

    state the number of the whole detach-men- tto be 390 it oinrht to be 590.

    We are ntreroelv sorvv to stite that the in.trepid Kinni.E Ins tlifd "f the wound he

    in the baltl- - of Maslssineva. In thdeith of Mess s Tlmnir and Piatt, our townhas lost two useful citizens, and tlic cpuntrvtwo uSuntWs soldirs V arc happv to hearthat Alu. UYHO SMITH on the recovery,and is espicted in lo.'ti in a sew days.

    The Lexington Troop of Cavalni, command-ed bv Capt Gimir.r T'uittmi, arrived thisplace 011 Tuesdiv list Thev were met somedUtinrp finm town and escorted in bv HrrrerumU ns rUuens. The repeited huzzaswhich hurst from the multitude as thev

    ' ed up Mim-stree- t, evinced the iny which wasfelt at their return, and the hih opinion en-tertained their biavery and cood conductduring the late expedition to the Massissine-vv- a

    towns , .As a testimony of pntmme tor tneir suner- -

    s ibsoltltdv indispensible a- - I ;ps during the and the valor dis.ot the plaved in the entrac;emcnt wun u.e .i"m,



    the citizens ot tins pnee cave jiii. "mil his tinop a Dinner at Capt

    on Thmsdav last Feelintrs ofgrvtittide and patriotism pervaded everv


    and ioy for the return of their friendsand neitrhhors beam-- d on everv countenance.

    Dr Walter Wai field and lohn Mdlowel,

    Esq acted as Presidents, Col. ISeniaminnfil.u.,, nl Iternard Gaines, as Vicef.e Iv bnvztiie of their seamen rrf.1(l7nts

    Snrli .1 V hv no means cquiva- - f.,.1 .v. tjtiffl. who. in coniunction withIs iv : so", unh'ss to be hanged, theirs Rov. Edwards commanded the late successful.J l,.n llhWH. tne UI'VM v W...I- -ivoutiia- - r'l" i' t.neu 1 mil .. ..,.-..-- -,, , .innTrtfl etl on dv"- - iwuiiri,.s be - cgted tol honor tIie comnanv-u bv them yd whv should the ' presice Gov, Uonard, Mr Onhie,mn- - s"im n lii th - nnlv anvil 01 this sa5 , ,,, stialitrers attend d 'tsK ' ,. ..... aim -- iii. . - ' , .ip rc'dl tt'On ' '( 'iy snmru an - quests Alter me ciiiui wjs lem.i.. .,, ..- -

    heals ' Th-r- c toasts were and cheered wit.l on th, im.ncent lowing rj,ur '

    re- -



    lrT ,,,7 ?, n' tm time nam- - ipiiriouc iaii'ii " -

    ,.1 ' "ire we si.uc uui "

    e not theirbe

    th- - n ? thove is- to complain

    rsncctVolcThe on

    to a

    make aThev etn1 to

    tlms. is But soa


    s' e nds toit be

    f.,1 .

    'ndLv administra



    r.V.c isthai












    i,' l'





    vv e ai e












    ;, ,

    ,r- -

    ...u ri' 'rOASTS.The Wli Dec. 1812 A dav worthy to

    1 ecoided in the annals of American glory.




    Hrroes of Afairanainzsaupraises of the pattiotic are the best

    eulngi-11- m

    on their conduct, the gratitude of theircountry, ihe rirncsi revaiu ui mrn os....

    Disi ace to the traitor who w ill not re--., .;, i umms ot niscnunirv. aimi uivJ - .1 iirKss. mill nnl Ulpl- -to trc mciui i -come to his b'lsom the defenders of herriyhts

    The Volunteers of KentuckyFirst inhe field of danger, and first in ihe rolls of

    Slorv .Our Navy 'The triumphs of us infancy

    latcsheivn what mav be expected fromhe mammy of its strength.

    Our jirmy As vet an infant Hercules,mt destined soon to destroy the (VganticMonster of ambition that trampling on.ur liberties.

    Great Britain "Slav she soon learn thite verf-eanc- e of a free people, though

    .ncre mercif 1, is no: less terrible thau the

    wrath of tyrants and thunders ns despotism.General Washington Ii it ac a criss

    ike he present that Ins orth is trdl) slit,and his loss properly lamented.

    arms will the





    of his friends diid vanquish the prejudicesof his enemies.

    Generals Clarke, Scott and Logan --Thegu mli.tiib and her es ot Kt mucky.

    General Harrison May his successesfulfil the promises of his past conduct, andequtl the high expeciations of his country

    The Congress of the U. S. Let themremember wo have engaged in ni arduousstruggle for our rights rtiic that their coun-try looks to them tor safety. ,

    The Aational Union A walj of adamant against foreign aggressions nervelessbe the arm that will not shield it from liij'urv, .ccuised be the heart thrit will medi-lal- e

    its destruction.The warriors of Columbia Let them

    TCollect the noble sufieuns of their fathers, and r that ihe reward o!generous patriotism is immortality ottaWe, lnun-irta'it- ff bliss"

    Riddle, 1'iArf and the other heroeswho sell at Mussastinijay The career 01tlieir glory wi short, 0 it tlit eof their virtues will br

    Hail ' all hail ' the Pati lot's grave,Valor's vuiei able bed 'Ha.l' the mcmoiV ot the brave,Hail ' the spu its of the dead.

    Vol. UN rEliKhBy John McDowell, Capt-- i

    Gi-okg- 1 Korrtu, Cunniundti ot thiL xi ig on I ro p of CSvali .

    Hy Ur Halter Uailetd, .Via- -jor Jawes McIJovrtLL, one of the herces01 AldbSa-st- ii way, litjiorter

    the..Urbana Hatch Toteer.

    It is with Rleasure we announce toour readers, tlmt njgreat portion of theNoith-Wester- n Army is now on the movefor Detroit. Gen. Winchester witnthe Lest wing, it is said, is now at theRapids ot the iake ot the Mauine. F'omthe last accounts, the Vnginia and Pennsylvania troops weieatvv.tlnn twenty five miles ot UierKap.fls, &will piocecd on in a shoit time, is not al-ready there Gen. Tuppct will march ina icvv days with the Ohio foice to meetthe two wings at the Uapids. 1 he whole,of Gen. Harrison s lorces, when concen- -sated. will make an army of about 8,000effectives

    A great supply of provisions are nowbut a short distance in the tearofihe ar-my, and every necessaiy preparation ismade for its conveyance near one thousand pack-horse- s, and a numbei ot


    sleds, advancline

    former, Murat,than


    obstacle whatever.From accounts given spies there yet

    remains the Rapids a large quantity









    .813.My bin, October

    T tin- - nlinsure informdetachment under Col. Lewis

    successful in attack uponthe post of enemy at ;their force consisting ot somediedwhich were

    attacked by tioops about 318th

    Tne action continued until night. TheIndians their aU

    lies ran off with a piece of aitillery, intin-- of the actionloss about killed, and 2


    Raism. will have

    tor scrawl.VM. H.

    Niles' Weekly Register.

    GLLN1" TAUS.was pioperb observed in paper,

    news claiation ot warall

    enemy very uicrnnuiwith, Instou ot

    Itntam, a whole eenlurv past, piestnlsso ucliv e he r and ships

    hvr withasNever sour vessels,ioice, under baule,... m ,s Little Guernere, l"io- -

    and total loss in killedwdunded iu

    Atn iete

    enemy ol same ; "ay

    sight the tamewhich lCMHinded titleimost parts

    the eaitb, wheie ships, Spa-nis-line, among

    in contended houisships and

    some vessels, wholeami wnmided. was

    as have tuitroudhttfc "Wsl?

    above, a ftw minutes figntine;. These fact 303. Brig Devonshire, with codfisfivcalculated to excite anil re-

    double to give Columbialong opportunity their

    vviongs At Trafalgar, no sour Itnttsh shipslost as men as sour, beaten,the Victoiy, George, Tcmeraire, Uelle-lopho-

    Helbsle, Colossus, and Achilles excep-ted, which were in the very hottest

    and suffcied a great deal most; andalthough these seven ships had between 5 and6000 on board, they had only killedand wounded; at tm rate, Tattle lielt,

    Guernere, Frolic and Macedonian ought tohave had but 130 injured, comparing their

    great ships above men- -


    Thistioned, and admitting that as nol as to )0Il a brilliant cruise : Cap- -we . o n . - rf otheis three heivy armed' I)gbut had 0I8they jgar; d ,, neither of whichNow, by three, would 'have been number English killed atTrafalgar, is Nelson had entraired verai 01 smiin value.American ships ol line, instead ot as manyFiench and Spanish

    British have gained greatestvictories with very little comparative loss.Sir Richard J Strachan, with the Csesar,

    and the Hero, and Naumr,cacn, in a 01 nouis a KenUeme Leiinirton

    nair, lour rrencn o. ire line, Un 01 thf performed tinswhuhhe captured) had only in wglie palld TANIOCINI --Uerwhole, though says, in coUctloll WAX FIGU,jESj"the sought admiration- - brfoim f t, ancientmight late Macedonian, U .... il ., ..1. ui.i 111. m.i . ..l ouu. dvi., aui'i.u.

    our trigate lii lintish com-pel us to build ships line ; and when eliave them, sour will not

    taken by sour British vessels,no moie than

    LONDON, Nov.female at mstadt lately poisoned her

    own bi other, through a principle of humanityind (thai piety. was and his lecoverywas despaired ot by the physicians I he

    that he. parents, doated on him,weie exluustmgthtmselves attendance to whom I give liberal wagesand vvatchmgs, believed that it was boys ot s or y'earsmeritorious thb "'" taken as JpjnenUces to learn ma-ma- n

    out ot pain opium to making business by subscribe!,1 mother, on .1 n ti m1

    . (k" "- -' ".v.1., mcdiscoverinpr nati ujuiiiiiij;been ed by his sister, died adistraction, father took his bed,spake again, and suivived Only a sew days.

    daughter was convicted upnnliernvvn con-fession, and broken a wheel

    LONDON G AZET IEIs ednesday, November 11.

    l'onuo OrritE, Nov 1813." A dispatch, which the following is a copy,

    been this day received fiom Excel-lency Gen Viscount Cathcart, his Majesty'sAmbassador EiiCiordmaiy and I'lenipoten-tir- v

    al court St l'cteisburgh,to Viscount oneMaieTiiy's Secietarles ot

    FETEiisBURnu, 1812" Loul t have pleasure acquaint

    gonsare now enipioyed lest wing. youi Lnidslnp, area consideiable ntliubei wag- -' and Te Deum is to ung in

    eons, aad pack-hois- employ- - thedrabetweena most

    ed on the Ohio the nunibei ot Fren'ch18th, almicS)


    near Moscow,teams and the ugln wing wj11 undci e defeatedare be mucli crtater those witheieat loss; and for deliverance

    the lest. that the maicli Moscmw Gen Winzmgerode the zmof the army will not be retarded "cl'er,- T lehiilletiii is not nublished. I have





    th-,- would




    33 and




    ale ourour of







    of 80of








    by liv- -CTPAAt






    ot betor on the

    on vveito of

    on otonby








    the honor to enclose i of note 1itccivtd, by the Lmperors com

    mand" a ttanslation of the

    (iffic.ial account defeat of Marshal StCyr, by Count Wittgenstein, and of til-ing ot n October, as alsothat ot the ot viaisuai ujcuoiuuu s

    The Eastern mail, expected yesterday "''? "2! s" '"?!"..., ..I..Vl- - ""' "mornincai'riK d'after tins was...'. d to of gcneial of cavalry,put to pi ess. have stopped it, to in ind Te Ueum uctorv vas sunff )CS.

    the following highlyintelligence. "It appears Prince Srhvvartzenbcrg

    has to the w estw ard. leav coi pahave bi en cut off; that prov ot

    SCIOTO JAN ,., entirely cleared ot enemy.Head Quarters, No th H anj ,i,at dmiral TehichagolF may probably

    Army, January 20, j nae leaci,e(i Minsk about or afltr the Jl

    hvi-- to thatthe wascompletely the

    the the Raisinthere, nun


    on the instant.


    is 10





    thirtv-thie- e







    GZE1TK txiRA,

    honor(Signed) "CATHCART"


    Indians, and a company militia, J7ThepuzbrifcsentintotheChtsipeakeplaced pickets,




    United btates bug Argus,again gale and

    Maidstone frigateWe theielore deduct number

    general account, though thinklQfter cent, idded. would em-

    brace actuallydull published

    and twentv wounded. General Bii'ish ves-el- s, sunk,Winchester marched vcstei ..esiroeilh) the Patvot otNew-Yoi-

    men, to take command at tne mg .,.j Fnlmcii.thHe about neaviiy ainieu,fectiv, tins dispatch- - ",6t

    companies Gen eikins brig-- ,mtntMy handsale can xouri3end foui i,er men

    hardlv hold hich must wounded. 'Ihefvrnse. this




    whenthat lintish

    dillerenisea. The

    forincidents dtsti

    the little blushes had tliemsame

    anv cucumstances, lose,the Belt.

    he, Macedonian and318, and loin uicee--

    i..,.rV, co

    new the

    the ible Trafalgar,has


    like force,





    mtny the have



    with thatwas at,er

    partwound- -

    ed rule what


    The their naval








    nim iuuut.poiso state


    Thealive upon

    THE l'UA.



    the that guns


    copy have





    be, &.c

    by the wasdriven a f

    onethetl not

    the prizes not

    2&6 287. 283. 2S9. 290 292. 293294 burnt and

    day 250 dura urir o o ,a)3.the ,, ,, . ,.

    iuuu ei- - -- ' - . ... - ---tor wpmiruI am at moment

    1 s Jmg. ln which the thecold, that and 0f were killed

    the be my klvt lv


    It aoiu d.


    at naval Greatno



















    1 to





    itter seveieof


    vv nti it




    injured, a d had ouly wounded He mail boardlecovep bv Bona brought to Balimort on latuidi) last.

    296. Brig 'II, "packet tromIdoe-- t Denur-n-, l an commi,r and lady cap ined

    HUh Fiver f i ai dthaip'it. The Fiver h .captmedaut c'rogers the lsl sheleh s d t- - with theanil prisont-16- , and sent her as a tl n

    Demarara; and .or Car-micli-itturned a let'er

    her capt. for kindm

    '297 Brig Criterion, sent into Is'evv- -Ynt k

    Schooner Neptune captured theso little damaged Revenue

    ,,, tPii minutes alter battle, either ot them to hercould engaged, and would have defeated, formalities,

    a sirengui

    world, severalBritish

    smaller British









    ltnnore, acaptain

    ti c

    Baiba- -fcnglisli

    n board,timbre,

    Highplymg btteen

    o cniiiiiii-sar- y



    releaseot miiaiiripiiM, uiivcn ui

    prisoners, the proper

    trom 299. Schooner Neptune, with a cargocomparative effect sue, they would , ,',1, fish. &c. sent to Portland, the

    hive fuugbt such ships were opposed p.even, e Salem ; on her way theto them at same time, with 'former to the latter place wrecked

    successIn ten off

    to theof

    the many ot them thelargest thewith the


    manyfuttr ffiem.aKd

    the tarsthe


    menorce the


    the of





    bv. withmen.










    Mv thenow







    drew and carco saved








    ingthe ince















    two menwas tin own ovei tint



    tht ent into

    'nu- -

    72tuci- - mill




    the sdl bvof

    the was






    300 Schoonei driven ashore tne coastff Nova Scotia, and burnt, the Revengeof Salem

    301. Brig Fancy, sent into New-Londo- nb Joel Barlow, privateer

    S02. Sloon and Pamelia, capturedhi Philadelphia was wrecked on Chiiicctcagus stiea--tie- rn;i car


    into Prance, by the Decatur priva-teer. J his vessel was captured not farfrom our own coast, the " yankees'rthinking that the cargo would do betterin France than at home, manned sent-ih-

    prize on a trading voy age, without cei-imo- ny.;

    304 Schooner , from Quebec, senti' tn. New-Yor- k by the Retaliation ot thatport.

    303 Ship of '2'2 guns and full ofmen, aster an engagement of 35 minutes,driven shbie at mouth of the Dema-rar- a

    river, by the GeneralNew-ior- k. privateer has remrned

    each hav

    menot vessels;


    have vet ai rived She also seized jatid ave

    rFHEATRE.Exhibition of Natural i3" Artificial Curl


    SNELL informs the ladieslguns vuiee al and

    snips there willthe iTVLlANkilled andwounckd 0, w.lj

    enuny to Well hcaptain















    pic he will also exhibit on the stagefemale AtKlUAN GUUUAK.

    F01 particulais seeLex.ngton, Januaiy 26, 1813.

    Hemp WantedBy JEItEMIMI NEAVE.

    LexinETton, January ''S, 1812 f

    HPHKEE or sour Turners or Filers, who h vebeen ..ccustoined to work in machinery

    then Also ivvonightly smart xteen seventeen age,

    to save them young' thek'e



    .1 llinrvmhl,il4iT rtliat lie















    ade. sopen,








    theirtwo trom









    January 25, 1312.

    W anto'd.




    JOIIA' .wjin b4-- tt

    C.JA7 WILL lii: GIVEN .TO-f- t

    By Samuel & George Trotter.January 22, '813. , 4 tfnpAKEN up by Asiel Elliott, living in Kr or.

    county, Barboui sv die, one hark LeyFilley, two years old, light made, no bia-id- speiceivble, appraised to g 9 Given undermy hand this 7th day of December, 1812

    4-- VE.YJ.1JIIIJV KirCIIEN.j p.'j'AKEN up by William Johnson, living

    lljruson county, five miles below Cyi f,ii.ana, on the road leading to Falmouth, a lightsorrel horse, with a blaze mhis face, about 15hands one i tch high, three years old, a "atuialtrotter, appraised to fifty dollars

    J.1MES KENRTJanuaiy 23d, 1S13. 4--

    llath County, November 2 1812,T'KKEN ;ip by Edmund Otkley, on

    Slate creek, 2 miles troni blate forfe, oneIt AY MAKE 13 hands 3 inches high, no b.andperceivable, ludged, to be 20 year old, op-- pi

    aised to before me.' 0 HKLEY

    rJ"'KEV up by George V ltucker, Iivin in- Voodtord county, about 3 antl an half

    miles from Versailles, on the itfjd leadmp tolublill's ferry, a Bay Jotse, 14 and an halfhands high, sour yeais old, and a in, appraised 10 S 25 Given under ;nyhand this 28th November, 18li.4-- HAND' II. RA1LFY, J P.rJ,AKEN up by Thos Smith in JessamineA county, on Clear creek, ONE IILACIC

    MAItE, adpidged to be 7 yeaisold, a sUr inthe foieiiead, the near limdfool white, 14 1- -thands high, appraised to 55 30.

    IttCH'D LFON.November 27, 1812. 3 't

    rp VlvEN up by Andiew Johnson, in Urn netcounty, on the Diy ridge iod, abou 14

    mile', from the conn house, one BAY $1 HE,about 7 years old, 13 1 2 hands high, brandedon the near shoulder and buttock with an f-iber off hind soot white, a star m her sort In idand shod befoic; appraised to fifteen dollars

    A11NEU GAINES, J r b tOctober 3d, 1812 3--

    ' p VKEN up by the subcriber, on Ued ruer,in Montgomery county, one bright B Vr

    HOitSE, 8 years old, 14 hands and a half lugb,a small white on the near hird soot, bob tail,no brands j appraised to foitv dollais

    HUGH MAXM ELL.January 12, 1313 ? '

    For hale.T wish to sell the house and lot m vvl ich IS. now live on short-siree- a very convenient?and new brick house, 2 stones high, 32 feet inhont, and 22 baek, made of good materialsand well finished, together with a one s orvstone kitchen, 26 feet long, and 18 w ide, divi-

    ded in two rooms, and a small log houe, andInn- stable. The lot fronts short street, 66o . , n-- 1 a ft , ,rt o ci.ui f .Oi

    i,as but 'tet' an" lu , , r. T v." I?'1












    teet vviue also a iov aujuiunn; mc ,.u.e u,feet 9 inches in fiont, and running the samedistance back, with a two story log house,22 feet by 16, also a log kitchen and bricksmoke house, ten feet squaie also a fiveifcre out lot, on the Gem gctown road InchI will sell altogether, or divide into one acrelots, tnsint the nurchaieis All the above propel ty will be sold reasonable fur cash, and payments made easy by

    JAMES EAUFS,Lexington, Jan. 19, 1813 3-'-3k

    Morrison, Jioswclls & SiitloiiHVVL lately received from Plnladelpi

    a, asplendid assortment ot MfclH HAMHZE,

    of the most fashionable kmd, which will hasold cheap for cash only.

    17 tf Lt x ngton, pril 17, 11

    Flint Gl.ib Manulact'r.& RNCELL, respectfully inmrmTREVOlt and the public in gener I,

    that they have established a Flint Glass Mini.,factoiy on the Moiion-- al tU,opposite Wood-stree- t, Pittsburgh Orders jranyirtielesin their line, will he thankfullyreceived and promptly executed,

    Pittsburgh Jan 1, 1813up ,by William UunUp, J KTAKEN from Lexington, on Boon's toaa

    aGUEYorUUN HORSE, tour yeais old, 14,and an halt hands high, has a black

    down his back, branded on the off side under-th-e

    mane S &. 8 on the ne?r jaw & S S S on

    the near shoulder, and on the neai thnrl B--

    nra.sedtoS-2- . HlOOlajOctob-- i l.Qt'Jj.XaiT. 'i