kentuckians for the commonwealth, 2011. what are your strongest classroom memories? boring or...

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 2011

Upload: andrew-adams

Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 2011

What are your strongest classroom memories?

Boring or Inspiring?

Relevant or Irrelevant?

Useful or Useless?

Oppressive or Liberating?

Confidence building or crushing?

Leadership development training in KFTC:

Values experience, insights and talents of all participants. Builds skills, confidence, understanding, and ability to make change! Encourages strategic thinking and collective action. Builds commitment to KFTC’s vision and goals of organizing.

- Models KFTC’s values, including commitment to diversity, equality and democracy.

Spiral model of training for change:

A framework for workshop designIdentify participants (Who is it for?)Clarify your purpose. (What do you want

participants to learn?)

Develop learning objectives. (What is the spiral-like sequence of steps to achieve your purpose?)

Select learning/teaching methods for each objective.

Review the overall flow (opening, breaks, closing).Establish times and facilitators for each section.Identify and prepare any materials needed.

Define Participants and PurposeWho are likely participants? How should

that information be factored into the workshop design?

What is the purpose of the workshop? For participants to learn……

Define your learning objectivesWhat is the spiral-like sequence of steps you

will use to achieve the workshop purpose? One example:Learn why people chose to attend this workshop.Develop a shared analysis of the current political

landscape and trends in KY. Reflect on ways Kentucky’s political landscape impacts

the people and places we care about. Review KFTC’s approach to integrated voter

empowerment. (What do we do, how and why?)Review tabling and door-to-door tips and practice.Review key races in 2012 and identify opportunities

and goals for local voter empowerment work.

Choose learning/teaching methods

Put it all togetherFlow: Will you do an icebreaker? Do you want to

create ground-rules? What breaks will you build-in? How will you wrap-up and evaluate the workshop?

Timing: How much time will you need for each section? Is there enough time? If not, what gets cut or modified?

Facilitation: If there is more than one facilitator, who will take the lead in each section? What agreements do you need with each other?

Materials: Newsprint? Markers? Tape? Projector? Computer? Handouts? Nametags? Refreshments?

Questions? Tips? Best practices?

What questions do you have about workshop design?

What do you find most difficult or most helpful about this approach?

What other lessons or tips can you share from your experience?