ken brandt


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Chapter Four: Ken Brandt

Of the about 120 people scattered through out the Unitedstates, and the about 75 to whom I mailed “Clarification”,

two people stand out as the most noxious farces: Ken Brandt

and Henry Dziczkowski, H.D. because of his “Honor and

Glory” of defiling the word of God, and K.D. because of a

message he preached. The title of this message was “Take a

Stand” (Brandt has now taken over the MBS as its self 

 proclaimed president)

When I mailed “Clarification” I knew it would evoke some

ire, I really didn’t care, and I wanted this to happen. The

reason being that these people in toto are too pusillanimous

to react with any rebuke or rebuttal. I knew that if anyone did

object, it would be in the form of a righteous letter of 

indignation…and it was. Below is the letter I had prepared in

advance for Bro. Take-a-Stand Ken Brandt.


From: Allan Lewicki and Isaiah 1:18

To: Ken Brandt

Regarding: “Doctrine” 2 Timothy 3:16

“…they will not endure sound doctrine…”  The following

will be limited to just one book, and that so as to falcate

verification; “Studies in Progressive Revelation Vol. 1” by

Richard E. Rhoades.

Direct quotes from the above book written by Dusty

Doctrine-Doctrine Rhoads

1) His “Creed”, page 258 XIV: “The Bible is the complete

and PERFECT Word of God and is trustworthy in all



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2) Page 353: Lines 10 & 11 “…I haven’t found a single

place that I would call error, nor do I deem it necessary

to delete or substitute anything”

3) Page 265: Lines 13, 14 & 15 “As to why I believe the

Bible is the complete and perfect Word of God, I have

reason to believe it to be SELF EVIDENT.”

4) Page 349: Lines 18, 19 & 20 “…the KJV underwent a

lot of correction before finally coming to the place whereit was error free…”




RESEARCH JOB WELL? …I would be the last to

suggest that ONE WORD be removed from it”

With the last quote in mind, even though I could site many

words from just about all of this “Gospel Preacher’s”

writings, I will limit myself to the above “ONE WORD”…

One, that’s right just one is all that is necessary to make my


Prior to continuing I need to establish a context. I have

recently done a word study concerning Paul’s use of “we and

us vs. they and them” I can site twelve references: From

Romans; 1:5, 3:31, 8:16 (this one can also be coupled with 1

Jn 4:6). From Corinthians: 1 Cor 5:8, 2 Cor 2:11, 2: 15 & 16,

3: 14 & 15, 13:8. From First Thessalonians; 2:4, 3:8 (note

“if”). From Second Thessalonians; 4:3. From Titus 1:16

From the above listing and elsewhere there are several that

are particularly pertinent:


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A) Don’t endure sound doctrine

B) Corrupt the Word of GodC) Believe not the Truth

D) Hold the Truth in unrighteousness

E) Preach “another gospel and another Jesus”

With special emphasis on C) above, does or does not the

“Gospel Preached” in question hold to be true or false:

a) Psalms 33:4, 101:3, 117:2, 119:38, 43,49,160

b) Proverbs 30:5 & 6

c) Deuteronomy 4:2

d) 1 Thessalonians 5:22

e) Revelation 22:18 & 19

Do you recognize this list?…To continue, given a) throughe); A) through E); and quotations 1) through 5):

{ Parenthatical Note: “…this list” is from the Scriptures I

referenced in Chapter One }

Kindly explain page 53 of the above referenced book!!

To be sure, Line 18, the last word of that line.

Tell me that’s a misprint!? Looky-here, Webster has a

word…it’s even English: FARCE ! I suppose you think I’m

going to politely not notice this…don’t you…after all…far 

 be it from me to perturb your lovey-dovey “unity”

The above probably will not sink in until you read this letter 

100 times, so I will help you. “Farce” as defined by Webster,

noun; something absurd or ridiculous


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On the other hand there are several things that I have come

to an understanding of, deep truths! Thanks to R. E. Rhoads I

have a very clear understanding of what Paul meant in

Romans 1:18 when he said “…hold the truth inuprightness…” Tell me…the above quotes, 1) through 5)…

are they true? Yes or No! How, pray tell… and evidenced by

replete contradictions in ALL of his writings…how does he

hold them??

Oh… “ALL”, I don’t mean some of all, or half of all, or 

most of all…I mean ALL…of ALL!

{ Additional parenthetical explanation: “All” according to

R.E.R. never means all of all, it only means some of all…

Dah!…yea-yea, he did have a somewhat erudite reason: you

have to glean from the context if it is “all” without

exception, or “all” without distinction }

There’s another thing you can ponder…“They”…the above

referenced verses… are they to you, for you, or ABOUT


{ More parenthetical explanation: Quoting R.E.R. “All the

Bible is for you but it is not all to you”…or was it the other 

way around? Regardless, the Maranatha Bible Society makes

a prodigious amount of fuss as to any particular verse being

“to you” or “for you” }

I’m not done. As long as I’m going to get down on anybody,

I’m going to get all the way down. But first, as before, I have

to establish a context: Bible Truths that are of paramount

importance. Since they are so important I’m sure anyone

reading this will be able to answer a few very simple

questions…that assumption is because whoever reads this

will no doubt have “studied to show himself approved”

{ A favorite verse of the MBS II Timothy 2:15 }


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Throughout the entire Bible; What is the difference between

the: holy spirit, holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, and the Holy Ghost.

 Note the capitalization! How many times and by whom is

“Holy Spirit” used…How many times and by whom is “HolyGhost” used, the same for holy spirit and holy Spirit. I know ,

I wonder if you know…I wonder if you think it matters? If 

you don’t know or don’t care, you’ll find out at the White

Throne Judgment how much it matters! Continuing with the

same matter of “study”…and this especially with regard to

Paul…sometimes he says Jesus Christ and sometimes he

says Christ Jesus…have any of you pondered why? Since theministry of the late R.E.R. was entirely based on Paul-Paul-

Paul, it seems to me that this is one of the things he would

have made a point of teaching his disciples…didn’t he!?

I can answer the above questions but I will not “edify” the

maranatha bible cult with my answers. I will however supply

a doctrinal reason why: It’s the verse after one of their favorites: I Cor 14:37 is the one I’m referring to as their 

favorite…the reason “why” of the forgoing is the next verse.

Just in case you don’t have your calculator and have

difficulty figuring it out, it’s 1 Cor 14:38.

With all of that said, my next issue is “The Gospel”…all true

disciples of R.E.R. believe the gospel…don’t they?…What

“Gospel” do they believe?? …The Gospel of the Grace of 

God…really!! What do they believe it according to ??

Just in case I’m on a theological plane too elevated for a

mere mortal let me make more quotations, and again from

the same book reference at the start.

“The Scriptures”!!

What “Scriptures”?? How about page 257, VII…or how

about page 88, lines 7 & 8. Does or does not these referenced

“Scriptures” line up with what Paul told Timothy to study…


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see second Timothy 3:15…are or are not “The Scriptures”

able to “…make thee wise unto salvation…”?

To continue with “The Scriptures”, Paul uses “as it iswritten”, for it is written”, “it is written” etc. referring to the

Old Testament Writings 41 times. He uses variations of 

“according to the scriptures” 6 times; variations of “for the

scripture saith” 9 times. Those references add up to 56, Fifty-

six! It seems to me that Paul placed a most serious emphasis

on “The Scriptures”

A Direct Challenge

Somebody, anybody…all of you put together…even with

your cats and dogs…show me…in the framework of the two

above paragraphs…taking as your documentation, ALL of 

the tapes ever made by R.E.R. All of the videos, ALL of his

 books…ALL of ANYTHING produced by this man

Show me Chapter and Verse, where he preached the

Gospel According to the Scriptures!

Maybe this will take a while to sink in, so allow me to

approach the same matter from a different perspective. You

 people believe the gospel do you?…really! You all studied toshow yourselves approved? You are all such “Rightly Word

Dividers” are you!

All right, answer an elementarily simple question: Since your 

“gospel” starts with “…Christ died for our sins according to

the scripture”

Tell me, the crucifixion…what was the month, the date

and the day of the week?


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AND , for answer to the above s ite CHAPTER 


I’ll even give you a great big hint: What was the very firstCOMMANDED HOLY DAY by God Almighty…give up?

Read the 12th chapter of Exodus. Oh, by the way…that

 particular chapter is just one of the Scriptures referred to by

Paul. Just in case any of you really does study and come up

with the correct answer to this question…call me, I have

another question. The next question, that I will not herein

state, it is an acid test to see if you really do believe thegospel.

I’m still not done. Maybe you would appreciate some help,

and some “wisdom” from somebody who has loudly

 proclaimed to have “studied” Below is a letter from ken

  brant, this is the response he sent concerning my



Dear Allen,

I received your treatise in the mail and at first thought

that I would not respond, but then this came to mymind,"Truth is violated by falsehood and out-raged by

silence," thus I feel a need to reply.

As is true throughout the Scriptures, whenever the truth

is being taught or proclaimed, there appears Sanballat

(Neh.4), or Alexander the coppersmith, (2Tim.4:14), to try

to thwart the work of God. This can always be traced back

to the subtle wiles of the devil. He is always in opposition

to the truth of God. What you wrote was not for the

clarification of any truth, the edification of truth or

edification of those who hold the truth dear. It was rather


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a spirit of vindictiveness against Dusty and the truth that

he taught. You know that you have held ill-feel~ ings

toward him for many years because he did not agree with

 your ideas in the book of Revelation and now are finallyexposing your feelings toward us. I find it very revealing

that you could not approach Dusty and discuss these things

face to face. It seems very demeaning to now try to

destroy his credibility after he is gone. I'm not sure your

exact intent in mailing this letter, but it certainly was not

for the glory of God.

I do not hold Dusty or any other man to be infallible. I am

grateful for the truth Dusty taught me and the gospel he

preached, for it saved my soul and has built me up in the

faith. I have always checked the Scriptures (per his

insistence) to see "if these things be so." I have never

taken any man's word for the truth without seeing it for

myself in the Scriptures. When it proves to be a "thussaith the Lord", then I believe it.

I write this letter in defense of the truth and without any

malice or intent of vengeance, for that belongs to God.

Ken Brandt

As I read your letter note that you are in doubt as to my

motives, I will come back to that. So as not to break my train

of reasoning, I have made a challenge, show me chapter and

verse the scriptures of this “gospel” you all hold so dear.

I have noted in your letter that you have stated in writing thatthe gospel that was preached to you by R.E.R. has saved you.

I note also that you have stated that you have “checked the

Scriptures”. Since, as a matter of foundational doctrine, you


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have a “thus saith the Lord” perhaps you should edify me

with the scriptures of the gospel according to the scriptures.

I wonder if it will get through to anybody that this paragonof gospel preaching, this stalwart defender of the truth, this

champion of doctrine (Elymas Bar-jesus the 2nd aka Richard

E. Rhoades) …never preached the Gospel…According to

The Scriptures !!

Read, taking the brant letter as an example…to see if these

things be so… Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, theeleventh chapter, the fourth verse. If there is one thing I can

attribute to Dusty Rhoads, it’s what he has taught me by his


If there is anything worse that a heretic it’s a farce!

My Motives

I recall a discussion I have had with one particular N.T. word

#5569. The subject was the fourth chapter of Paul’s letter to

the Ephesians…spiritual gifts…I know what one of mine is.

The following verses are directly relevant to my motives.

The Book of the Prophet Ezekiel

Chapter Three, Verses Seventeen through Twenty-One

Hey all you lovey-dovey members of the lovey-dovey

karkiss of lovey-dovey kryst…you can all continue to splash

around in your lovey-dovey puddle of diarrhea and end up at

the White Throne Judgment, or you can study what Paul has

suggested…The Scriptures…the ones that are able to make

thee wise unto salvation. Should you end up standing next to

the latest incarnation of Elymas Bar-jesus and his beloved

side-cake the late brother pig-lover. You will NOT be able to

say that I didn’t warn you!


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Looky-here; If you can’t site chapter and verse for “gospel

according to the scriptures”…Hey…you got no scriptures!

Guess what else, you believe another gospel and worship

another jesus.

Hey brother 6.8% biblical {take a bible and count the

number of pages of scripture, divide that number by the

number of pages written by Paul…6.8%} “spirit of 

vindictiveness” …why such a wimpy-ass word? I have the

same love and compassion for the late Rev. Holy Farce as

Paul has (note present tense) for anyone preaching another gospel. I have the same love and compassion for all of his

disciples as Elijah has for the priests of Baal. I have the same

love and compassion for his lovey-dovey elders as Samuel

has for Saul. I could keep going but it gets my blood pressure

too high, and having that happen over a bunch of farces is

not worth it…especially if I get started on one of my favorite

verses…Psalms 139:21 & 22

Written by My Hand:

Allan Lewicki


End of letter 


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Note to the Reader

There are two versions of “Progressive Revelation”. The

original book is entitled:

“Studies in Progressive Revelation Vol. 1”

Evidently my letter to Ken Brandt (the subject of this

chapter) caused him so much consternation that he (yes “he”

not R.E.R., see chapter X) rewrote the book. The title of the

 New Improved version is:

“Studies in Progressive Revelation, Third Addition 1998”

What Brandt did in his re-write was expunge all of the

embarrassing proclamations of R.E.R. However, in a manner 

that is ludicrously farcical, replace them with ejaculations

that are even more damning. Check pages 70 and 257 of this book…26 books in the New Testament. Again, see chapter X

One more thing: R.E.R. liked to tout himself as the Sage of 

Biblical Wisdom and Father of the most paramount doctrine

of what he coined “Progressive Revelation”…and all of his

disciples believed him.

Excuse me Dusty Rhoades, excuse me, excuse me…I

Googled “Progressive Revelation” and what appeared on my

computer is just one more reason that I that I think you are

the latest incarnation of Elymas Bar-jesus.


Ken Brandt

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