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Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar

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Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 2

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns on Facebook Advertising

Mark: Hi guys, this is Mark Mcrae and I can see some of our regulars here. Hi David, hi Jeff, hi John,

Michael, Rich... Today we have Bond and Kevin Halbert who are with us and our guest today

are Keith Krance and Ralph Burns. Just a little bit of history of how I met Heath and Ralph

is that over the years I have hired and worked with a lot of people on Facebook to help me

with my Facebook marketing and I never really got any good results. I've always had a lazy

eye looking for somebody, a company, or anyone who could really help lift my Facebook

marketing. Keith and Ralph kept popping up. I saw the cutting edge in Facebook marketing

right now I think. A lot of people seem to agree with me. I'm going to introduce Keith and

Ralph right now but another thing that I just want to mention, their website is Dominate

Web Media. They also have a book on Amazon. The Amazon book is on my screen just now.

It’s The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising. Welcome Keith and Ralph.

Ralph: It's good to be here.

Keith: Thanks for having us.

Mark: Our format today will be Keith and Ralph will share some of the information that they know

about Facebook and then we will have myself, Bond, and Kevin ask a few questions. And

then any questions that they have from the audience. Feel free to write in the chat and we

can ask Keith Ralph at the end of it. One thing I want you both is how did you get started

and how did you joined up?

Keith: How did we get started in the world of Facebook advertising and how it kind of dried up?

Mark: Yeah.

Keith: Good question. Long story short, I actually went to college to become an airline pilot. I kind

of did that whole route and ended driving and flying for Horizon Air or Alaska Air for about

6 years. So I've done about 4,000 hours. Through that process my entrepreneurial spirit

started kicking in and I ended up getting into some real estate back in the early 2000's and

leveraging some of that stuff into local business. I ended up owning a part of two different

franchises between the period of a couple of years, four to six different locations. In about

2008, 2009 I started digging in to this whole online marketing world. I really started going

to the local GKIC Dan Kennedy out here in Glazer-Kennedy Insider Circle. So I started

learning direct response marketing, right? Then I just started falling in love with this

internet world.

Long story short from there as I was learning direct response marketing I've seen a couple

of Facebook ads and I'm like, "What a second here." There's a few times where we spent

$10,000 a month on a billboard on a not so busy road. It was really not very good tracking

place or anything, we're doing direct mail and buy back. We cannot grade direct mail back

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 3

then but you know the typical co-op, local TV and radio stuff. Then all of a sudden... We put

up the billboard but instead of paying that $10,000 we actually put it up for free and pay

every time a car would pull over that's in our exact ideal audience, it's like a digital

billboard, it was all display like our exact ideal car. And then who would pay for that until

they pulled over and call the number on the billboard or with the website. That's kind of

when I went, "Wow, this is crazy." I kind of went all-in in Facebook.

Basically a few years later I connected with Perry Marshall through a client that we were

working with. And then started doing stuff with Perry Marshall and he asked me to write

the book with him. So we ended up doing about three programs together for his audience

and co-authored the book. The next thing you know Ralph came to one of my programs.

Ralph, you can probably tell how we [Unintelligible 00:04:37], it's kind of organically. It's

been a pretty cool relationship how it's gone down, really.

Ralph: I got into Facebook advertising because I was fired from my job so I had to... I came from

the corporate world and Fortune 500 companies. But I started my own blogging. After

reading the 4-Hour Workweek. They found about that and they figured out a way to get me

out of there and I was a director of sales at that point in time. They downsized me out of the

job. But I did know how to do pay-per-click advertising on Google. And then I migrated into

Facebook as an affiliate and that's why you can basically target age, gender, and where they

live. After about the fourth or fifth time my wife walking in on me doing Christian mingle

ads on Facebook I decided I should probably diversify a little bit. So I went to a lot of other

different types of media.

I went away from Facebook for a while but then when I started doing huge media buys as

an affiliate in the pay-per-click arena and then Facebook changed their whole advertising

platform about 2 years ago and I think that's when I met Keith. When Facebook finally

partnered up with Big Data which makes it really the most powerful advertising platform

in the world in our opinion. That's why we focus so much on it. We met at a conference and

hit it off. And then we started working together on an initial basis and now we're full-blown

partners and dominate web media. It's a pretty good ride, that's for sure.

Mark: Just so everybody knows, I'll tell you how cutting edge these guys are. I'm actually a client

of Keith as well. We were on a conversation one day. Someone called in, and I can't

remember whether it was Keith or Ralph who says, we just got this in right now that

Facebook has just changed within the last 30 minutes how they're approaching something.

That's how on the edge these guys are. I know there's something to do with navigation

process and things like that that you just come up. And no one else I've ever spoken to was

that close to what was happening. What we're about to hear now is probably as good as

you're going to get right now. I'll leave it with you guys. I know just quite certain

[Unintelligible 00:07:06] about to share with us.

Keith: Here's a few things. First of all, those you guys in this program, give yourself a hand because

I remember my big bit game changing point was a program like this that I bought into. I

remember they had a 5-pay option and I had to do the 5-pay option. I didn't even know if

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 4

I'd be able to make the second month. Because of that program that I did with Perry I ended

up meeting people and encourage people to connect with the group and everything like that

as much as possible. Because just one connection ended up leading to a client, that ended

up telling another client who knew somebody else, and then ended up... We had to do a good

job to get to that point but it was awesome.

Since then we've definitely been in the Facebook ad stuff since the beginning. I just figured

it out, we used to say we've done I think 3 or 4 million Facebook ad spend but now... I'll

show a little screenshot here. We're doing about 30,000 to 45,000 a week on ad spend

between our different clients. Sometimes being able to stay on the cutting edge really helps

because we've got an account manager that helps with some of our stuff. And we're able to

get on the inner circle and some of the changes that's happening with Facebook. We're in

there with lots of different industries so we don't just do this for our business, we manage

client campaigns and tons of different industries. We have coaching clients like Mark where

we're really vested and deep into what you guys are doing.

We've been doing this for quite a while, since the beginning. Facebook video ads right now

is one of the hottest topics there is right now and I've been doing Facebook video ads since

4 years ago. A lot of the stuff that we've been talking about for a couple of years that we're

going to show you now is really becoming main stream and it's important to. What we're

going to talk about today is really kind of went on Facebook now as oppose to 12 months

ago. There's a big change that's happening and Mark knows exactly what I'm talking about.

We're trying to figure out landing page stuff and stuff like that because Facebook has... It

sucks in a lot of ways because they've crack down and they're in the position of shutting

down accounts for people, don't know why. They're banning a lot of ads and app. Clicks are

getting more expensive. There's all that happening yet at the same time more and more

people... The statistics as far as the end user hanging out on Facebook continue to rise. It's

crazy. I think 14 times a day is the average now on Facebook. People are there. You just

have to figure out how to reach them the right way. And also think about the whole process

and that's what we're going to talk about today which really takes some time to engineer

that process. And one of the things that we're best us is really engineering the process of

figuring out how to put your message in front of that end user and realizing that Facebook

is just the online version of the part of your coffee shop. You got to figure out how to sell to

somebody without being a duchy salesperson. We're going to show you how to do that.

How's that sound?

Mark: It sounds great.

Keith: Cool. If you want you can give me the screen. I'll go for a couple of slides here and then I

could walk you guys through a little bit of our new funnel now that we're super excited

about. Now, what I'm going to do here is... Feel free to jump in if you've got any questions.

If you feel like there's an urgent question or if Ralph and I are saying something that's just

over the audience's head. Feel free to hop in. What we're going to walk you through today

is how to build good will and generate quality leads and sales using Facebook. We're also

going to walk you through... A couple of weeks ago Ralph and I got invited by our Facebook

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 5

account manager to be on a private, agency-only webinar. It was about Facebook video ads,

and it was also just about some trends that are happening right now in general with

Facebook and Mobile. It was awesome, we had to give them our business manager ID and

stuff. It was a pretty cool webinar.

Some of the statistics were kind of crazy where growth and TV consumption is down 2%,

which makes sense. Digital is up 267%. TV still has a lot higher consumption than digital

right now but the growth, you'll see there's a huge difference. The main reason why is

people are consuming digital throughout the entire day. They're no longer just watching

TV, 75% of people now access their second screen, their phone or their tablet, during a TV

show because, "I like to multi-task while watching TV so I can still be productive. And we

all know how productive that is, right? People are on there and 800 million users are

logging on to Facebook every single day, an average of 14 times a day. That's big, that's a

huge number. It used to be 100 million total users a year and a half ago, now we're up like

a billion people, 800 million, 14 times a day. This is very interesting here. This is where the

trend is, and you want to really be able to capitalize on this mobile. First of all, this is a

statistic of video and mobile, video viewing is shifting to mobile and it's building... I love

video ads. We're not going to make this webinar about... but side here it says, "Purchase

intent of US internet users who watch smart phones 64% down to [Unintelligible 00:13:29]

just 52%.” The point there is that you got to figure out if there are people on mobile. We see

these with all of our ads, not just video, all of our lead gen ads, ads and they're re-targeting

people back to the order form in some cases. Which campaigns are winning in most cases?

Ralph: All the inventory is on mobile right now. It's cheaper first off, it's more abundant and we

see it as... As long as you have a mobile enabled landing page and a mobile enabled website

it's much more responsive overall. There's definitely times when you want to use a PC and

also tables is thrown into the PC side of things depending on what you're targeting is like

inside Facebook. But mobile is where it's at right now.

Keith: But you want to be on both. Facebook and Instagram account for 23% of the total time spent

on mobile just in general, calling somebody, doing whatever, texting, 23% of the people are

on Facebook and Instagram. It's more than Twitter, Snapchat, and all the other social

networks and stuff like that that are app-based combined. They're on there. This is actually

a screenshot of inside of our business manager. You'll see here just a weekly span, May 10-

16, 20 ad accounts, 44,000. We're anywhere between typically 30, 45, 50 per week. We're

averaging about 100,000 to 280,000 depending on the month, in ad spend. But like I said,

that's between [Unintelligible 00:15:15] clients and some coaching clients, and in several

different industries, and there's been in several different industries for a long time, really

since about 2009, so doing Facebook ads.

Nobody likes that guy. Have you ever met that guy at the party or a conference where you

shake his hands and 30 seconds later he's trying to either set-up an appointment with you,

or pitch you his financial planning services. What do you want to do with that guy? You

want him to turn around and kick his butt out the front door, right, or worst. Nobody likes

that guy, right? The thing is Facebook is the party. Facebook is not Google. Facebook is not

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the Yellow pages. Google will replace the Yellow pages. Facebook, people are hanging out,

yes, the targeting is amazing especially with, like Ralph had mentioned partner categories

where we can now target people based on income, we can target people based on job title,

we can target people based on the car they drive, we can target people based on the fan

pages they like. Or we can target people based on web browsing history, the types of

website that they're browsing on the internet because every single website out there that

has a Facebook like button, share button, Facebook is collecting that data. We can target

people amazingly on Facebook, but the problem is most of those people aren't lying in bed

at night thinking about your product or service, or even coming up with a solution. Solving

that problem that your product or service sells. We have to figure out, and we're going to

walk you through today is how to do that.

Just imagine if you're at the same party and instead of 30 seconds after shaking your hand

he tries to pitch you his financial planning. Instead he shakes your hand and he asks you

about do you have any kids? I said, "Yeah, I've got two kids." He said, "You're planning on

going to college?" "Yeah, hopefully." "Go check out this website. There's a great tip where

there's kind of a loophole that most people don't realize that you actually, literally pay for

half their college tuition without having to invest too much money. It's pretty cool tip. Check

it out. By the way, do your kids play any sports?" You see what happened there? He gave a

little tip. He created some goodwill, then changed the subject, and they became friends.

Just imagine that you leave that party. Instead of leaving that party and complaining to your

wife or husband about this dude that you met that's trying to pitch you 30 seconds later.

You're telling your wife or husband about this dude that you met that gave you this great

tip, right? You go home and you go to sleep. You wake up the next morning, you breakfast,

you get in the car, and you're off to work. You drive by a billboard and you see a picture of

that same guy on a billboard with a call to action that says something like, "Visit my website

or call this number to get a free financial evaluation to see if you can afford to pay for

college" or something like that. Do you think you'd have a high likelihood of going to that

website, calling the number, or even following through and taking action with that ad? Of

course you would, right? Because the day before he provided value you're like, "Oh yeah,

that's that guy." And then if you do show up there it's going to be a lot different than you

calling the number with a very skeptical with your guard up. You're going to be a lot more

open. Open arms, that's the difference. That's what you want to try to do on Facebook. Not

only do you want to do that on Facebook because it works, it's what Facebook wants you to

do. It's how you're going to keep your cats safe and it's how you're going to get cheaper opt-

ins and more customers.

A year ago you can get away with being that guy, that's the thing. You can drive a basic ad

on Facebook directly to a squeeze page and get a 45% opt-in rate, no big deal, right? Get $2

leads, but you can't do that anymore. Even if you do get that ad approved, your cost per

click and cost per lead are going to be probably 3, 4, 5 times more than they were a year

ago, if not more. I know we've got a client, they're having a hard time changing their funnel

because it's just slow moving. Their lead cost are triple to four times they were a year and

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a half ago. But we've got other clients in similar spaces that are not having that problem

because their nimble and they're doing the stuff that we're going to show your right now.

I'll show you an example right here. Here's an example of the old way. Just because I said

it's the old way it does not mean you cannot drive traffic from Facebook to a landing page.

We do this every single day. You just have to understand the whole process. I'm going to

show you what I mean. We went from $2.81 per website click to 29 cents in the same exact

audience. If you look at this right here, this reporting, this is probably by far the most

expensive audience you can target on Facebook because you're targeting some of these

audiences that are income overlaid, they're older aged, there's lots of different things. If you

look at this ad right here was driving traffic to a webinar, and it was a guy that was targeting

an audience of people who didn't know who he was, was not a guru, kind of is actually in

Australia or is Australia but not in the US. So he's getting a look how expensive those clicks

are, very, very expensive. If you look at the next screen you're going to see a cost per website

click of 29 to 34 cents. These audiences are actually even a little bit more expensive

probably. And you'll see it's the same exact, almost audience and same person. If you look

right here on the next slide. I'll have a screenshot of the other one, but it was just a basic ad

going to a landing page, a webinar. This ad right here, notice how it says blog post right

there? This ad is actually driving traffic to a blog post. There's a few different reasons why

it's getting such cheap clicks. But the main the reason why is it gets a high relevance score.

This is a new thing that Facebook has initiated and it's similar to Google's quality score. It's

a big, big deal that nobody right now is really understanding. I'm telling you right now.

There's not many people teaching what we're going to teach you guys today. It might feel

different or over your head a little bit but I promise you if you pay attention and put some

of this into action it will be game changing for you.

This post right here goes to a blog post where people do not have to opt-in for. If there's

calls to action on the blog post where people will opt-in and that's great. And if they don't

know it doesn't matter because the next day or so they're going to see a lead gen ad going

to a webinar. But the only people that might see that ad that's going to the webinar are

people that already visited this post. I'm going to show you guys a better example here in a

second. The point is that what can happen now is if you can use this, we call it good will

content to warm people up. You can take a click cost for almost $3 down to 30 cents. That's

10 times less. And when you're taking them to that blog post you can track every single

visitor that hits that blog. They can be automatically added to your website custom

audience. You have to think about this website custom audience as a list. It's like an invisible

list that Facebook owns but it's inside your Facebook account because now you can run any

ad to these people, promotional to a sales page, etc. I'm going to show a lot more details

here. This another example.

This is Betty Rocker and she sells recipe guys and fitness products and she is running her

stuff the new way, not the old way. She's got a lot of advice to do some other different things.

She does a lot of great stuff organically with her audience. What she's doing with Facebook

is this is one campaign where she's driving traffic. Yeah, I know. You've got the picture and

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 8

everything, that makes a difference. But we've got examples across aboard that

[Unintelligible 00:24:49] where you have a hot girl like this. The point is this ad right here

is averaging 9 cents per click the website, and it's going to this blog post which is 3,300

words. For those of you copywriters out there, if you want to win on Facebook, you not only

want to be able to write good copy that's compelling to get people to take action on your

ad, get people to take action on a landing page, but you also want to write high value

educational content that is seeding your opt-ins, seeding your sales product all along the

way. You're designing this process. This blog post right here is 3,300 words. Notice it's got

strong calls to action over here on the right side. This is a product right here. Actually this

is an opt-in page. Towards the bottoms there's links that go right to her sales page where

she's getting a 5% conversion rate from visitors from this page.

This right here is just some of the numbers this ad is running right now every day. It's an

evergreen ad because it's so much value if you look back here. You see this, it's got 2,000

likes and it's got 1,200 shares. That's really, really important. I call this the like to share

ratio. You have 2:1 ratio, right? This one is about more than that. It's like 5-3 right? The

point is there's over half of the amount of shares as there are likes. What that means is

people like this content. If this was going to an opt-in page, if you had 2,000 likes here you

might have 200 shares. It would be like 5:1 ration. What that means is this one has a lot of

shares. And also when they hit this page they don't bounce right back to Facebook, those

are the two most important things. If people leave Facebook and they bounce right back

and there's a low share rate, then you're going to have a low relevant score. You're going to

probably have 1 or 2. What that's going to do is your click cost are going to go way up and

you're going to lose impressions. What's happening to people right now that are running

on ads who are just purely lead gen, not doing any of this, and then they eventually get their

account shut down. That's the process.

Does she drive traffic to opt-in pages? Heck yeah she does. And she actually drives more

traffic to sales pages than she does to opt-in pages, because the only people that she driving

traffic to her sales pages are already warmed up. They've already consumed a piece of

content or liked your page. She's running like ads every single day too. This is what I'm

talking about. This right here are checkouts, these are orders, these are not leads. This right

here is a testimonial video ad going to the sales page and I can show that screenshot if you

guys want to. But these ones right here real planning blog post, that is this ad. This ad is

going to a blog post is generating sales every single day. It's generating leads to. What's

happening next is some people will click through to her sales page and then she'll have

video ad running, it's only targeting warmed up body [Unintelligible 00:28:31], their fans

or... They've read a blog post or they've watched a video. I'm going to show you guys this

whole map here in second. But I want to show you that this stuff really does work once you

put it into action. Betty Rocker, her real name is Bree but she takes action, period.

Actually, this right here is a video testimonial ad that is the first one here. This one right

here it says refuses. These people landed on the sales page and didn't buy. And so this is

running right here and this goes right to the sales page. Actually, it goes to the success store,

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 9

it's part of the sales page. Right now she's in the middle of creating a new video that's going

to link from Facebook directly to the order form, and it will convert. I know it will. But it's

only going to be displayed after warmed up people. So as she gets more parts into her...

Mark: How does that work then if it got an ad for people who refused? So they got to the sales

page and decided no. How did they see this then? Was it an [Unintelligible 00:29:42] or

something, how did it work?

Keith: Good question. The way it works...

Mark: Or is re-targeting?

Keith: Yeah, these are all re-targeting ads. And if we have some time in a little bit here I can pull

up the ads manager and basically show you exactly what I mean. But it's going to easier

when I'm showing you this map. It'll make way more sense to you. These right here more

sales coming from that, it costs $10 per checkout to sell a $47 product plus upsells in the

membership site. Not bad at all, right? Spend 10 you get 47. It's because of this right here.

I've been talking about this strategy for 2 years and it's been really difficult to get people to

buy into it because the direct response world which is where I started has a hard time

because sometimes it's hard to directly measure the LLI right off the bat. But the goodwill

created and is now the custom audiences that we can develop, Facebook are so powerful.

And also, it's cross devised. So we can bring mobile traffic visitor to this blog post and we

can re-target them with that video on the desktop, does that makes sense?

Mark: Yeah.

Keith: It's really powerful. Let's go to the next slide here and then I'm going to show you guys. I'm

going to map this out. Hopefully it'll make a lot more sense for you. This right here is a super

basic funnel. I call it Facebook funnel segments. You want to start thinking about this as the

top of this funnel is fans or goodwill content. This is like a blog post, we call this ungated

content. They don't have to opt-in to consume it. This is a fan, we run light getting campaign

so just in the background maybe $10 a day where you're getting new fans every day. There's

a lot of reasons why you do want fans because you can re-target them with ads and then

you can also have more social proof, more friends of fan connection targeting which is the

most powerful part of that. It's hard to explain without really showing it in the Ads Manager.

The point is this is the top of your funnel here, fans, goodwill content, as people move down

the next step would be what, a lead magnet, a webinar, or maybe a coupon, or a demo of a

software. Whenever you're kind of main, front end lead is your next logical step, right? After

they opt-in they might land on a front end sales page, right? This might be a $49 product.

Free plus shipping offer. It could be a 99 product. It could be a webinar in some cases, right?

Then you have the front end order form for that product, and then you have your upsells.

That's a super basic funnel and I want you to think about this as it's kind of lukewarm. It's

just like shaking their hands at that party and having that conversation, right? This is kind

of setting the appointment here to meet with somebody in the real world. This is when you

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send them a proposal here. This is when you send them the actual credit card and autopay

for it. You have higher ticket stuff. That's the main kind of funnel segments.

What I'm going to do now is I'm going to walk you through. I'll go on the white board here

and show you how this works in the Facebook world and how to really design this. If you

guys can't see this great, then what will do is go online and show it to you there.

Ralph: Keith, let me just ad in that you can still drive traffic directly to a landing page for a lead

magnet and capture email addresses, you can certainly do it. We still have clients that do it

and we do it ourselves. But if you really think about this funnel right here and the way that

the real world works is that in the offline world you meet that guy at the party who asks

you to do business with them or set the appointment 3 seconds after you meet them. That's

almost like asking for a name and email address in your first interaction. It's somewhat

unnatural. What Facebook is doing is they're sort of dragging advertisers, kicking and

screaming. A lot of direct response advertisers and a lot of the clients that we have are direct

response. They want leads, they want people that capture that email, put them into a

nurture sequence and then ultimately sell them maybe low end product and then a high

end product, and then something maybe on the back end. Facebook in the algorithm, the

way that it works now is that if you try to drive a tremendous amount of traffic just to a lead

magnet Facebook won't allow you. In most cases, so it's dependent upon your niche and

how competitive it is, and so on and so forth. But if you're talking about it like the coaching

niche and the business niche for example, they will not give you the impressions in order

to get as many leads as you want unless you actually have a step ahead of that. If you really

think about that, like that first step is like that ungated content. It's that tip on the 529 plan

that you meet when the guy gives that to you at the party that you meet. And then maybe

you think about hiring unless you're a financial planner after that.

Facebook is really mirroring the real world and I think they always wanted to do this

whenever they started with the ad platform about 2 years ago, really making it much more

robust. But now advertisers are realizing that they have to adapt to this way of doing it or

they're not going to get the impressions, or they're going to pay more for leads, or they're

going to get into situations where their account is getting into a bad situation, or lots of ads

being rejected which we see all the time. What this ungated content, this step ahead of the

lead magnet does, Ahead of the lead is it actually warms them up so that they end up buying

in the back end more. They're a more qualified candidate for you.

Facebook is dragging everybody to this. We always knew it was there. We advocated doing

it. Now everyone's forced to do it this way. I think we're seeing this, the ad spend that we

have with our clients, and it's just going to become more and more stringent as time goes


Mark: Good point Ralph.

Ralph: Okay cool. Let me know if you can't see it. Basically, what we want to do is... Remember that

funnel that I just showed you. Think about this row right here as that funnel. The top here

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 11

is your cool, interest-based targeting. And then over here are your fans. As you go down this

further and further you've got fans and then you have non-converted website and video

custom audiences. They're not leads but you have to think about it that way because in

Facebook when you have a fan you can always target fans only in your ads, right? And then

non-converted website and video custom audiences, what that is, is anybody that wounds

on a blog post. They now go in that website, custom audience and Facebook. Just copy and

paste. The pixel we have a lot more advanced trainings on how to do this, it's very simply

actually. It's like Facebook Ads University. Basically, you get a thousand people to blog post.

To a blog post which is right here. Then you're going to have a thousand people on that

Facebook website custom audience that you can now re-target to your opt-in page or to

your sales page. So it's really important to understand.

The other thing that Facebook has made so many improvements on lately is video. So if I

run a Facebook video ad now, if I used a video view's objective, we're actually improving it

now. And you can use other objectives. But still I want a video and I want to run a video at

to a webinar. Then I do that and I [Unintelligible 00:38:52] we go and get 100 registrations.

Typically with the video, Facebook is going to cost you anywhere between 1 cent to a 6

cents per view, sometimes up to 10 cents per view but it's like a super small audience that

typically around 1-6 cents per view is where you're going to pay. And now Facebook will

add all those viewers onto your website, onto your new custom audience. So it's re-

targeting list basically. Now you can not only re-target people that land on a blog post but

you can re-target people that watch your video in the news feed even though if they don't

click through. It's super powerful. It's massive branding. So we're on video ads, I run video

ads all the time to a webinar or I run video ads when I promoted this launch the digital

marketers just did and I was cool because, yes, I was promoting a product but I was also

building my own website custom audiences as part of my videos. So I was branding myself

in massive ways. With [Unintelligible 00:39:54] always be thinking about what this mark

or this social media statues because people are not always ready to buy yet right? So you're

always trying to figure out how you can use direct response marketing but also how you

can be creating goodwill along the way, that's what we try to do.

If you look at this here what I've done here is called, we have 9-step Facebook process, 9-

step campaign blueprint. The new step one is to design the user experience. This is the user

experience design that you're going to do for your business. For me for example, step 1 is

right here and I've got a live campaign. Can you guys see that right here? This right here is

basically asking people to click like. So it's says "Getting all the life in social media? Like us

and watch current case studies on how we do it." I'm not saying click like if you like

Facebook or click like if you like leads, I'm actually saying click like if you want watch case

studies on how we do it. I'm telling people to click like if you want to hear more from us.

We don't want to just trick people. We want quality. We want those fans because we're

going to be able to target those fans with these ads down here and get a lot cheaper clicks

and a lot cheaper leads. But we can also get a thing that's called connection targeting. Next

time you go to Facebook take a look at the news feed and up there you'll see an app or even

just a business Facebook page that says, "Ralph Burns also like this. Ralph Burns and 47

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 12

others also like Nike." Have you ever seen that? What that is, is social proof and that's called

connection targeting. That's when I might say I want to target fans of digital marketer that

also have a friend that is a fan of dominant web media. So you get that connection targeting

and it gives you lower click costs, higher click through rates, that's higher conversion, right?

So you definitely want to do that but it's cool because you can set-up a Facebook like

campaign in about 10 minutes and just let it run 5 bucks a day if you want forever. It's just

running in the background.

And this right here is targeting cold interspace audiences, right? So we've got cold

audiences going to your right campaign. The one right here, this is the blog content page

just like the one I showed you with Betty Rocker. This one here says blog post. Here's the

exact process we use to ensure maximum success with our high-end clients' Facebook ad

campaigns. When I've got the word blog in the parenthesis right at the beginning. So people

see the sponsor but they also see the blog. Their guard goes down, right? You get higher

click through rates. You probably can't see these numbers right here but it's got 870 likes

with 406 shares. It's in the business niche, this isn't like weight loss and spirituality, this is

super passion. This is like some people stuff. Because this it's a blog post you get those high

share rates. Something like webinar ads and stuff like that it'll be like 10-1. I might have a

100 likes and 10 or 5 shares. It's really not close but that's okay. Basically you have this here

which is targeting cold audiences. Somebody that likes Infusionsoft or Facebook

advertising. That's going to drive traffic to this right here which is un-gated content. This is

an un-gated blog post where they can now have to opt-in. However on this blog post like

right below that video I've got a button that says download the 9 Step Mind Map, because

I'm talking about my 9 step process on that blog. So this blog post right here has a 22% opt-

in rate on that blog because I've got a lead box right below that video. It's a button that just

clicks and pops up in the opt-in. This is actually getting the high opt-in rate. Anyways that's

not always the case. So you know I can be in the case if it's very relevant. As we move our

way down this... Let's do this here. Is this making sense, is this not still confusing you guys

so far?

Let's go down a funnel a little bit here. Now, right here this a regular, we call this a link post

ad, this is where the most common out that you see that it mentions a clickable link. So if

you click on that image it takes them on Facebook, right? This right here says managing

paid traffic, question mark. Don't hold the 9-step social traffic checklist and mind map

template then implement it in your business. By the way, everybody on this call right now

can have this download. I'll give you guys the whole PDF, you can have it.

[Crosstalk 00:45:26]

Ralph: Also, I'm not quite down with it but I've got a template. It will look more like this. If you

guys want I can give you guys the template too and it's actually a lucid chart template. So

you can actually take this template and I'll make it shareable. And then you can actually

build your funnel from this. I think that'll be super helpful.

Mark: Excellent Keith, thank you.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 13

Ralph: We're not done with our stuff right now. Basically, if you look right here this right here,

managing traffic, "Download the 9 step social traffic checklist and mind map template and

implement it in your business. So this right here is going to stick with writing here. This half

is driving traffic to its squeeze page right here. This is just a long basic squeeze page where

they download the checklist. Now, I want to display this ad to fans and to people that have

been to one of my website custom audience. This right here is going to be targeted to fans

and to non-converted website audiences, or even they watched one of my videos that

haven't yet opted in. This right here, this is a link post that's going to a squeeze page but it's

not going to cold traffic. It's going to warm traffic. And so I can take them up to a squeeze

page and that's okay. Another way I can do this is I might run a video ad. I like to run video

ads if I'm going to an opt-in page where people don't know who I am yet. If I was running a

video ad I would run that to cold traffic. Notice I just got the blue line here, this one doesn't.

Yes, we could run these ads to cold traffic. But I'm telling your right now, people don't know

who you are and you're just going a late post ad to a squeeze page. You're going to get super

low relevance scores with super high click costs. It just doesn't work that well. It doesn't

mean it can't work. I promise you that it can with that really, really good copy when it is a

longer copy. If you're going to do that you're not going to do any of this stuff we talked about

here, you're only going to run a link post ad then I would suggest using really long copy in

the post and give them some value away first before they take the business squeeze page.

Those who are doing that Mark’s figuring out a way of how we can kind of shake their hands,

give them that tip then bring them to my accounts.

[Unintelligible 00:48:02] which is in that squeeze page. So in this case I've got a video right?

If I'm in a video I can target my video to cold traffic. I'll target it to cold traffic and to my

website custom audiences and to my fans. So I'll target that to all three. And now we'll go

this can be a video ad that goes to the squeeze page, or it can be a video ad, right it goes to

a webinar. This screenshot right here is actually a webinar video and takes you to a webinar

landing page. Yes, you can drive cold traffic from Facebook to opt-in pages. It doesn't work

that well if you're just doing it this way to a squeeze page. I'm just telling right now. And

also Facebook hates that. They really do. They want you to do this stuff. Something to really

understand right now is that you know how I said that if somebody clicks on your ad and

they go to your landing page, and they bounce her back to Facebook right away you get a

low relevance score, or if you…. 49:08] that if she did a lot of negative feedback, so people

can put negative feedback on your ad, that will give you higher click costs and lose your

impressions, and it will give you a lower relevant score. And if that happens too much then

you can hear your account banging and you don't know why. When you're running an ad

like this to a squeeze page I'm only showing that to people that have already visited my

website, or watched a video or some [Unintelligible 00:49:34], you don't get as much

negative feedback because they trust you already. Does that makes sense?

Mark: Yeah.

Keith: That's why it's okay to do that, and that's why I would rather, especially if you're just

starting out I would not run a link post ad to a squeeze page, I wouldn't do it. Unless you

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 14

have a lot of history in your account. Because if you get some negative feedback right away

they'll just ban your account.

Ralph: Hey Keith, let me just add something in there in the left hand side, the yellow, orange, and

then sort of darker orange, those are sorts of levels of warmth toward the eventual sale.

You have to think about a fan getting campaign, a like getting campaign is a warmish lead.

Somebody says yes, they click on your ad, they like your page, they say, "Yes, I do want

social media tips" or whatever your niche is. Then you have now your first interaction. I

think as direct marketers we're all super focused on I got to build my list, I got to get my

email address so I can cultivate them through my autoresponder sequence, which is great.

However, in Facebook you can actually create levels of warmth up to that lead. The lead is

probably hotter than a fan and it's hotter than somebody who has clicked on an ad and

actually been captured inside your website custom audience. Think about these as all lead

lists. I think that's probably the best way to think about it. A fan is a potential lead. You can

market to them. You can send them your offers, your low priced offers, your core offer

eventually. Anybody who clicks on a ungated piece of content and then their pixels is now

in a new lead list inside your audiences. And then the next stage as Keith just explained.

Then you can actually put in the next level of commitment. Now I'm going to give you

something in exchange for your name and email address, or maybe just your email address.

So it's a much more natural progression down the funnel so to speak. But it also really

mirrors the outside world, and that's really what Facebook wants. If you do it that way you

keep your account provided that you stay within the terms of service, the policy, guidelines,

and so forth. As long as you do that you stay in Facebook's graces.

Now remember we started a brand new ad account for a client or a brand new campaign,

we always start with this progression. Link campaign first, ungated blog post content, killer

content, and then as the lead capture or webinar registration, and then them on

[Unintelligible 00:52:18] from there. But think about those boxes as your own lead list, like

you own them, and you can market to them as long as you're advertising on Facebook, and

it's really, really powerful.

Mark: I just got a question there from Annie. Is there an advantage or disadvantage of having a

personal and business profile? I'll be curious about that as well. Have you noticed any

difference if somebody was advertising under the personal Facebook account or a business

account. You got different kinds and types of account, right?

Ralph: It's a business page that you can advertise from your personal profile. A legitimate personal

profile has to be attached to a business page. But all advertising comes out of the business

page it may be a business profile but all your advertising needs to be done from a Facebook

business page so for that answer is...

Mark: I think what you mean is you can have a business profile, you can also have a celebrity,

that's what I'm thinking of, celebrity profile. A celebrity profiles can advertise too can they?

Ralph: Correct.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 15

Mark: Is it an advantage or disadvantage on any kind of account or is it doesn't really matter?

Ralph: In most cases its business pages that we advertise through but we also have profiles that

are celebrity profiles. They typical don't advertise through that, they usually advertise it

through their business page. I don't think there's an advantage one way or the other. But as

long as that business page, in essence what you're talking about is a business page. As long

as it's attached to a legitimate personal profile for a legitimate person on Facebook, you're

in Facebook's good graces.

Keith: Definitely. Everything you see here has to be original from a business page. So when it

comes to organic, just engaging with your circle of friends and stuff like that, that's where

your personal profile is for. And in doing stuff on your personal profile is okay related to

your business Think about it like in real world. Like you go to a party, you're going to talk

about personal stuff, you're also going to talk about business. As far your efforts from a

profile is related, I think it's okay to talk business on it, just not too much. Just use your

judgment just like you would in the real world. As far as this is concerned you've got to have

a Facebook business campaign and then it stems from there.

Mark: Great, thanks.

Keith: It's just tough to see but I've got the whole thing here exactly what Ralph says. So you want

to bring people down this naturally, right? What I like to think about is these different steps

in the funnel, not in your funnel yet, this is your audience, to a fan, to your website, reading

your content, consuming your content, to becoming a lead. Now they're on your email list,

now they're on your customer list. Think about if you're using a CRM like Infusionsoft or

Ontraport, you can do this a little bit in Aweber too. So basically you want to tag your

visitors, you got your all subscribers list and then you have your hot leads and then you

have your customers, right? There's a lot of different ways that you want to... Basically you

want to tag your subscribers, right? And you want to do the same thing with Facebook but

the cool thing is they don't have to actually opt-in. You're building these audiences in your

back end of your Facebook account depending on where they land. Right here where they

click like, they're a fan, they visit a blog post here, they're now inside this audience here. If

they watch this video here we're going to be inside this audience here because they watched

a video. Now what I know there's a third in this audience I can now place some kind of

different ad in front of them. So if you see down here what I've done is I've got, we literally

just finishing up on our new funny, we still have to do a couple of live webinars to add that

into our sequence. We've been building up a new funnel for my book that's in bookstores

and stuff for quite file. We're finally just finished with it all. You'll see here not only

[Unintelligible 00:57:01] for students but for our own funnel. We've got students right now

that have all of these they're just children. Like Betty Rocker right now, if you look at this

here. I'll kind of drive a little bit deeper here and show you how it works as you get further

down the funnel.

Let's say your goal is to get somebody to the results page. This right here is a sales page for

me where somebody can get my book for free plus $4.95 shipping. It's a bonus for training,

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 16

not in a Facebook passport system. This sales page right here I've got a link post ad that I

will be putting in front of leads, people have already opted in. The only way I want a link

post which is like the one you saw appear where the link is clickable, it's not a video ad

basically to somebody that I know is already opted in. So maybe they've already landed on

the sales page but they just haven't bought yet. So I'll run a link post ad targeting leads, they

can then like in sales page here. I'll run a short video ad kind of like this one up here. It's

targeting leads, people have opted in, then to sales page but not [Unintelligible 00:58:34],

this sales page typically people will get that after they opt-in to my lead magnet. If they opt-

in but they don't buy then they're going to see a video or take some there, right? Because

it's a video ad I feel comfortable that if I know some of you have back here on one of website

custom audiences maybe they read that article up that we posted up there that we're

promoting, maybe they aren't a lead yet but they've just consumed some of my content, I

will run a video ad to that person, taken into this offer because it's an impulse buy $5 offer,

and we'll convert. Just like Betty Rocker is doing right now with her video ads with the

people that read her blog. Though you want to think about these different campaigns as

where audience are going to put them in front of. These are basically lists. They'll see these

lists inside Facebook growing every single day as people hit these different pages that's part

of your full. Then if you want to go down over here to the customer section, this is super

advanced stuff here that we have a client right now running a VSL 30-minute video in

Facebook normal news feed driving traffic right to the order form. [Unintelligible 00:59:53

is setting on now for her campaign.

So it's a VSL in Facebook and with Facebook right now what they've done is they've added

a button that was our little call to action button right there that you can have right on the

screen. So when somebody's on a mobile device and they're strong [Unintelligible

01:00:11] their news feed on their mobile device and they see a video and they click play

it'll go full screen. So they'll be watching at full screen. The your call to action will be right

on their screen. It says get it now. Then you click on it then you can take your product to

your order form. Do I recommend doing this? No, I don't at all but it can be done if you kind

have a really good well-written video which everybody on this call. If anybody wants to do

something like this I would say this would be the best program to go through because this

is all... The only reason this is working around now for our clients is because it's one of the

best copywriters. She's out doing an event with Dan Kennedy [Unintelligible 01:00:54] next

fall. He's awesome and basically learned from your guys there's a whole world. This right

here is possible but I don't recommend it unless you have really good copy. You could offer

the same thing over here.

Ralph: The one thing in that video I will say is that he educates. I think if you look at all thing...

Keith: And it's only working on mobile too. [Unintelligible 01:01:19]

Ralph: Yeah, there is a pitch at minute 25 but it's the same point they were talking about here, you

have to educate, you have to shake their hand first before you pitch them. It doesn't get into

the pitch until the last 7 or 8 minutes but the first 20 plus minutes is all education. And it's

good content. Thing about that. You can deliver the same type of technique in a lot of

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 17

different ways. You can do it through video, you can do it through just blog post where

people are actually clicking and going to your website, and you're educating them, and

they're starting to understand who you are, you're providing value. Provide value first and

then ask for the ask, the opt-in, the webinar registration. Facebook rewards you with

cheaper clicks, with more impressions, and as you see in the example with Betty Rocker, in

her case we're not even bothering with leads we're just going over some content and then

right to a sale for a $47 product because the content is so good, so engaging, [Unintelligible

01:02:25], her targeting and everything is spot on, all the other sorts of things, all the

copywriting stuff that you guys are teaching as well. She's really good in that regard. But

you're educating first, and I think that's really a huge C change in Facebook now is that you

didn't have to do that a year ago. It's almost like now you're being forced to do it, it's because

of the algorithm change.

Mark: Keith if I can just ask on the left hand side you got leads and subscribers there for custom

audience. That tracking pixel, that also divides up into different types of custom audience,

how far they've got along the funnel, is that right? So for example for latent subscribers how

do you know that custom audience is just latent subscribers and is not the one above it?

Keith: Yeah, great question. Ralph, would it be easier for you to explain it or me? I think I know

this question. Basically, what you're going to do is inside Facebook, my [Unintelligible

01:03:35] to show him it's on Facebook.

Mark: I'll see if I can rework the question. You've got different types of custom audience and how

warm they are. You mentioned a little back that you would maybe send your leads and

subscribers to a video. How do you know inside Facebook that there are leads and


Keith: What you do, for me, let's say I want to target people that have opted in. Let's say after they

registered for this webinar they land on this sales page over here, right? This is my thank

you page/sales page. This right here, whatever this URL is. Let's say the URL it said

[Unintelligible 01:04:19].com/thankyou. Inside Facebook you're going to create a custom

audience and call it thank you, whatever your lead magnet is, right? That is that URL,

everything's tracked within the URL. Let's say you have a blog or a Wordpress site, you put

Facebook's website custom audience pixel one time, in the main theme general settings,

and in the header of your site one time and that's it. You never have to worry about the code

again. All you do is you go into Facebook and tell them which URL you want to contract, and

that's it. If you use something like lead page areas or something like the different sub

domain you just put the entire URL in there and then that's how you track it. When you go

on to create your ads, what we do in Facebook we just say, "I want to include these books

and exclude these books." So if I'm going to run an ad to a lead gen page I want to exclude

on my leads. I'll just exclude [Unintelligible 01:05:18] or call it webinar thank you, or 9-step

checklist opt-in. Things like [Unintelligible 01:05:26] we can show you what we mean.

Maybe Ralph can get on up and ready, it might easier. I can show you that. It's a little bit

more [Unintelligible 01:05:36] but this stuff right here, whenever we take on a new

coaching client we'll typically spend a couple of hours working through this.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 18

What I want everybody listening right now is to really try to realize is that you do not have

to build this whole thing. Having this template I think is really powerful because it gets you

kind of motivated and single holes you need to fill for your file. But if I was going to take

somebody who walks in this training right now and they hadn't run any Facebook ads yet.

I'll tell you what I would do. We have a 9-step process but first thing I would do is I would

figure out what your league magnet is, right? It's kind of blurry there but I would figure out

what your kind of Facebook appropriate offer is. Is it going to be a checklist, is it going to

be a cheat sheet, is it going to be a webinar, webinars work great. Kind of figure what that

is. So you figure out what your lead magnet here is, so you've got your lead magnet and we

would create that. And then you get yourself goodwill content, right? That's the blog post.

Do we need to write a blog every week? No. One peace of content can blow an entire

campaign. You don't have to be a prolific writer. Just think about writing a piece of content

is hinting at education but also many people know they need more, all right. Basically our

[Unintelligible 01:07:05] be one piece of content. And if they couldn't do that then maybe

I'll have them do video ad, because the video ad can sometimes do that same thing, right?

And then I will also have them run a fan campaign in the background. We might spend 10

bucks a day or 5 bucks a day on fan like campaign. This is also going to help figure out which

audiences are most responsive which I'm sure are kind of the best ones to use down here

with the rest of your lead gen stuff. So then I might spend $10 a day amplifying this content.

We knew that everybody that lands on this page, we're going to be able to target back to

our lead magnet page, this landing page here. We've got a sales page here and what we can

do now is everybody that maybe opts in or visits the goodwill content but doesn't but

maybe we want a video ad or a video testimonial ad if we have one. We can take them going

to sales pitch. That's what I would do. One piece of content, go to the landing page, run some

fan getting campaigns, and maybe have some kind of retargeting campaign bringing people

back to your sales page. Keep it simple. Does that make sense?

Mark: Yeah.

Ralph: I just wanted to add on to this. It's almost like you can target people based upon behaviors

so accurately now in Facebook just like you can on behaviors based upon like Infusionsoft.

Either it's tagging or separate lists so you can segment out where they are in your funnel

and tailor your message based upon their previous action. That's how scientific it is now

with this website custom audience stuff. Sorry to interrupt you there Kevin.

Kevin: Oh no problem. Actually we wrote a long piece on big data and how they could just look at

it as a DNA string and see all the different clips of customer have in common with another

customer that was just... If they just recorded the entire pike coming in and out of their

house or the internet. They could find out what movies they were all watching, what

segments they sell with all the other stuff. You didn't have to do anything sophisticated all

you needed to do was go, "These guys, I'll have this 10 string inc common. I'll watch this

movie, or I'll watch this commercial, or I'll have this 10 different strings. But the questions

I have for your other than that is are these people staying inside of Facebook as far as your

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 19

list forever, or do they end up on get response of Infusionsoft and all the other ones? That's

what everyone calls it, so I was...

Ralph: Anybody that becomes a fan of your goodwill content, that was a list inside Facebook. It's

not an asset that you own so you always have that risk. Which is why you're always be

running lead gen I think. It's part of the piece, right?

[Crosstalk 01:10:06]

Kevin: ...become your property, the name of your relationship that Facebook no longer has.

Ralph: When you opt-in you're less [Unintelligible 01:10:18]

Bond: I've actually put in a re-targeting pixel. The other thing I want to also say that we're just not

touching on is there's a lot of boost to your income just by re-targeting people who are

already fans and visiting your webpage because we have traffic that comes to the Gary

Halbert Letter that we don't capture. That's only touch. Because of the re-targeting pixel, if

you're Facebook or even a Google one or whatever, you can go out there and when they're

cruising around they see you pop up again, and that goes back to what you were saying

Keith about good branding. [Unintelligible 01:10:53] answer these questions too. But I have

one question, I want to know how well do you think look alike audiences do, or do you have

any tips for that? Because when you share us the profile of that retargeting list, the look-

alike audience is so huge and you just salivate. I would love for those 3 million people to

convert that way. But I know that Unintelligible 01:11:15] is down so I'm curious what your

experiences are.

Keith: I would let Ralph answer that and I'm going to sit down here for a second and answer some

of these questions because that's a great question, because it really depends on the amount

of data you have. Some cases it look like audiences, the only thing you can target and it's the

best audience. Most cases when you're just starting out you're going to layer. You want to

answer in a better way Ralph?

Ralph: Yeah. I think if you're creating your look alike audience how did you do it? Do you

remember what you used, did you use a website custom audience pixel to create the look

alike audience?

Bond: Basically whenever I have a custom audience or I go in and select somebody else's fan page.

But yes, in this particular instance what I'm talking about is when I go in there I look at the

audience that's building up, and by the way this goes to exactly what you're talking about.

When I go in to my ads manager I see this list of people that grows every day and those are

the people who visited our site but not necessarily opted in or gave us an email. And so that

particular one will have a look alike. If there are other look alikes but I assume people

who've already visited the Gary Halbert Letter are a much higher and better prospect. Look

alike for that versus [Unintelligible 01:12:32] it will look alike that might be just a fan of

somebody who's also a fan.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 20

Ralph: Yeah, it totally makes sense. A look alike audience for website custom audience is probably

in our experience, it's potentially a good list. The best look alike audiences that we use and

sometimes we use them without any other interest targeting at all are from a conversion

pixel. If somebody goes to the Gary Halbert Letter and then opts in, the more conversions

they are on that pixel on the thank you page the better that look alike audience potentially

is. For example I'll give an example of lookalike audience, a friend of ours is using like

22,000 conversions on it. We've got a client that probably has at least that many on there

maybe 40,000. It's like the golden pixel for us. And that look alike audience is incredibly

powerful. We make iterations of that based off that pixel for a variety of different things.

When it comes to look alike audiences the more data you give Facebook on it, like for

example that website custom audience that you're talking about, if it has 100 people in it,

it's less powerful than it has 100,000 people in it by a factor of a thousand. The more you

have there the better potential audience you can actually have it towards the target for lead

generation, for sale, whatever it happens to be. But sometimes those audiences like you

said, they're typically in the US. They're anywhere between 1,2 and 2,4 million so they're

really large. So what we'll do is to narrow those down will overlay the exact demographic

of our ideal customer. If we know that that ideal customer is 35-44 male, we'll overlay that

and all of a sudden that will come down to maybe 400,000-500,000 people. Or maybe we'll

know for example like for a coaching client we all add in an interest of coaching on top of a

lookalike audience. And now that interest goes from a couple of million down to maybe

400,000-500,000. Those are super targeted potential customers for you. The more you can

layer you targeting the better. But if your pixel has, for example that one client that has

30,000-40,000 hits on that pixel we're just using the look alike audience with age

demographics and that's it. And it's converting exactly the way that we want. Unfortunately,

they're not doing a lot of the stuff that we're talking about here with the content

amplification or the ads, so Facebook is restricting the amount of impressions that we're

getting. But you're on the right track with what you're doing because those look alike

audiences are going to be really super powerful for you as long as you use them in a lot of

different ways to test them out.

Okay, I have a question which we were all amazed back in the day that you were now to put

a phone number on a Facebook ad which kind of defeated the whole idea of tracking

anything. I don't know if they got rid of the phone number in the ad. So if they have in the

side. I believe they're just crazy stuff that they allow to happen. Do they ever allow you to

target someone else's custom audience?

Bond: No. Obviously, you can target their fans but you can't target their custom audience. They do

have a thing where you can share a saved audience with somebody else.

Keith: Actually, we were trying to do that the other day because it wasn't letting us do it and I don't

know if that was because they were having those issues with saved audiences but we have

a client that's in the UK that can do it. Like they shared one of their audiences with us. That

can be really powerful if somebody uploads their list. And then you can create like a look

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 21

like audience, or you can share that audience and they can create a look like audience and

target those people.

Bond: Somebody out there listening has got to be the first shared audience list broker, big time.

...that because it's a different animal. I got a shared list, and I got these guys, and then....

Kevin: I have another question, we had Teran Dale on, he's a PPC expert, you guys are the Facebook

experts. I think he does Facebook too because you guys have here stuff, secrets... It's funny

because these all started with Perry Marshall back in the day when I asked him a question.

I said, "Can you reverse engineer a PPC ad?" He reluctantly told us how it could be done. Is

there a way to reverse engineer XYZ's campaign?

Ralph: As far as finding his custom audience, other than just cooking around and generally looking.

Bond: ...Kennedy's audience

Kevin: How would you go... I want to know everything about his audience.

Ralph: There's a couple of different things. Have you guys ever looked at audience insights?

Kevin: Did Teran do that? I don't...

Bond: No, I've only done it for audiences since it's far out. Can you do it for others?

Keith: Sort of, let me show you what I mean here. I'm inside audience insights right now and let's

say I want to look at... How about... Let's do Frank Kern and I can use audience insights and

I will have to be connected to their account. I look at their fans and I can look at the

demographic data. He's got [Unintelligible 01:19:17], 45% men. It's almost the same as

Facebook. That's kind of weird. Page like data, all the different page likes, this is the

relevance to success magazine, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki. This is one of the first

strings that we have people do when they get ready to start a new account. We get them

going here. We have a whole exercise. You create a Google Box spreadsheet and you start

basically brained up in everything that you see in here and you start combining things. But

you can look at activity. I can look at household income for Frank Kern fans, not his list but

his fans. Like I said, if you have your own list you can now do this with your own list but

you got to have the actual list to do more than that. You can do some of that or you can do

things like people like Frank Kern and Ryan Deiss or something, and Bryan [Unknown name


Bond: Can I have the title Keith Krance helps the Halberts steal Frank Kern's [Unintelligible

01:20:28]. Watch that video live. Just like here to watch it.

Keith: You're seeing different ones. If you start to look at... You could look at some things like...

Let's put in like Infusionsoft and Ontraport. You're looking at some of the CRM's, right?

Ontraport... There's different ways to do this [Unintelligible 01:21:03]. Let's just put in...

Ralph: My kind of way.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 22

Keith: Yeah, it's more of an enterprise kind of brand, bigger brand. HubSpot... These are bigger

people, you can start to get so more data that way. There's a lot of different of ways you can

do this. You can put somebody, like a brand up here and then you can also have your custom

audience. I can put in my customers and then you can also add the... This is big enough

obviously because it's [Unintelligible 01:21:40] customers who also like these things. So it's

too small of a list to get data. But you'll be surprised you can get demographic data pretty

quickly from your audience.

Ralph: Just to answer that question, this is one I don't I've even told Keith I've done couple of times.

There's a lot of people use Google UTM's. And sometimes those UTM's are very descriptive.

For a competitor at the campaign term, content, name, you can actually pick out individual

interests for a Facebook ad based on the Google UTM. So if you see your competition and

you click on their ad, you're probably immediately re-targeted. But if you read the URL

string you can sometimes actually pick up what they're interest targeting is. I've done that

on a number of occasions.

Keith: There's a thing that Facebook doesn't have, it's they don't have a good spy tool like Adbeat

and WhatRunsWhere, you can see where people are running display. Facebook does not

have [Unintelligible 01:22:53].

Ralph: I don't want to get caught running something on Facebook Keith.

Keith: That's the one thing you got to remember about Facebook, you've got to be a good person

in every way. Because they could change their algorithm tomorrow and find out something

they don't like you did 6 months ago. I remember watching people from Google get banned

for things that they did a year prior.

If you guys want I can... If you go into audiences on the left side of your ads manager, inside

audiences now, on the right top you can see where it says custom audience and lookalike

audience. This is a question you asked earlier about lookalike audience and here's where

you create a custom audience. I can say let's do website traffic. Select that and let's put

anyone who visits specific webpages, and this is where my book dominate. We'll have Now anybody that hits this page, and I might call that

checklist opt-ins, or checklist thank you page because you're also going to have a conversion

pixel which is a whole another thing. But basically this is where you would create your

audience. I don't have to place the code anymore because I've already done it. You just

quickly create that and it'll be in there.

So when you're in your ads manager and you go into the targeting. If you want I can show

you... Usually we use the power to create ads because once you get used to it it's much

easier. Let's say once your inside your ads manager or the power editor, or whatever you're

creating your ad, I can go and edit my targeting. I'm going fast right now because we don't

have time to go through everything. There's just way too much to learn. Notice this right

here. In this case custom audience. This ad is targeting all customer lookalike and all leads

lookalike. What you can also do is I can say, exclude 30 day opt-in. So if I was excluding this

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 23

30-day upfront it would be excluded, so you'll be excluding your lead. In this case, this is

actually an overlay.

Ralph: It's not additive, it's subtractive.

Keith: Yeah, exactly.

Ralph: It concentrates it even more. You can see she has sort of all three elements. When I was

telling Mr. Bond this question before, she has all three elements. She has her ideal avatar,

female obviously, 27-47, I forget exactly what it is. Lookalike audience is plus specific

interest. This is a super targeted ad using lookalike audiences. And it said if I run the best

ways to target because you get the lookalike audience benefit but you also get the interest

benefit. And it's like you said, it takes people out that are less qualified. It's like the Venn

diagram between the two circles so to speak.

Keith: I'll show you [Unintelligible 01:26:42] right here. Basically, in this one here... By the way

this targeting stuff, all this stuff is important but the stuff that we shared at the beginning,

everybody usually wants to get to ninja targeting tips and stuff like that. This stuff is like

minute compared to the stuff we talked about earlier. It's so much more important I think.

Bond: But the main key thing, you can actually hire out the mechanics usually. What's working

now that's the precious knowledge.

Keith: This one here, it's starting some big, broad audiences like Gwyneth Paltrow, are you kidding

me? Michelle Obama, originally when we were looking at this I was like, "I don't know man,

these are kind of broad. You're going to have to at least do an overlay but this audience is

killing it for her. But what she's doing here is one of the main reasons why, it's because she's

targeting people that they either like one of these audiences and they also have to be inside

her look alike customer list, or our leads lookalike. Let's watch what happens over here. If

you look here potential reach right now is 500,000 people. If I go here and I delete one of

these, let's just take away the I'll leave one. Let's look at the audience. Now it's down to 370.

But now if what happens if I take away both of those. It's like 2.4 million. So 2.4 million

people in that audience. Now instead saying, "Hey, I want to target to somebody who likes

one of these" I'm saying, "I want to target somebody who likes one of these and is also in

my look alike audience of leads and..."

Ralph: That kind of makes sense to me because either the people in these list are role models or

maybe these people are watching a show that has a commercial that reinforces the same

subject matter of what these people are interested... The kind of commercials that are being

run on Dr. Oz. You could have Gwyneth Paltrow going, "Man, I wish I had her body." Or you

could be watching Dr. Oz and you know that they're seeding everyone's mind on this kind

of idea, this kind of weight loss, or whatever, control. I don't know that's the exact answer

but you can see reasons like style of role models or anything like that might play

[Unintelligible 01:29:12] overlay.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 24

Keith: Absolutely, especially if she has the right message, right? If she has the right message. And

that's another thing. This is why for us we love coaching clients. The agency stuff for us is

harder for us to scale. We have so much work that goes involved in the copy and I don't

know if the lead magnet is Facebook appropriate. Being able to really connect with that

audience, figure out what direct copy is for that audience. It's not the easy thing to do but

if you have the basics and really understand the direct response like George [Unknown

name 01:29:58] copywriting then you can always learn this stuff. That's the most important

part, understanding the process and understanding the copy we can teach anybody the

Facebook stuff. For us it's hard for to find people that understand really direct response

marketing and can understand what our client is trying to accomplish. It's hard to train

people. You can't just take people out of school and train them how to understand all these

stuff. That's why if they invested in your guys' program it's so powerful. It's what's the

important part I think.

Mark: I've got a question for Ralph and the UTM. Can you explain what the UTM cords is how you

would find them?

Ralph: Yeah. If you see an ad for your competition in the news feed because you've been probably

targeted by them, in your case copywriting I'm sure you see other their business, coaching,

or copywriting, Keith can probably show example here is that a lot of advertisers especially

if they're agency advertisers that use the Google UTM primer. It works as a tracking code

which helps to target through Google analytics in essence. But when you click on one of

those ads it actually shows up inside the tide... You click the link or something. You can see

it. Sometimes, and it's not on every single ad like on this one for [Unintelligible 01:31:34]

house. He's not using it. He's using I think that's Infusionsoft.

Not on every single one but you see like that stream after where it's UTM... Seattle

[Unintelligible 01:32:02], yeah, that was one actually. Let me get back to that.

Keith: The tax [Unintelligible 01:32:07]. This one, is that what you're talking about?

Ralph: Yeah. It must be a little too late here.

Keith: [Unintelligible 01:32:21]

Ralph: Yup. Campaign, this is for Seattle for June 10th. The medium is probably feed means

newsfeed, not exactly sure what some of this.

Keith: Right, I see it.

Ralph: Stuff is there. After content it's like add one. Sometimes right in there you'll see [Unknown

name 01:32:39], Robins, [Unknown name 01:32:43], or something like that. You can only

guess what those are. As far as the spy tool goes it's not 100%. But if they're using these

tracking codes like they a[re right here, you can say their name...

Keith: Is it their naming scheme that they're using?

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 25

Ralph: Yeah, it's typically their naming scheme. But if they use an automation service like Quaya

or AdEspresso which is a third party which helps you actually manage your Facebook ads,

they'll be really blatant because they'll be ad 1, Jack's face. The actual interest will be in the

UTM itself. And if you're a smart marketer you can read that and know exactly what they're

targeting, or that specific ad. You might say WCA which is probably website custom

audience, or CA lead list. You could do it sort of reverse engineer. It would take you a while

to do it. There are ways to do it which I don't know if that's sneaky or not but I've used it on

[Unintelligible 01:33:58]

Keith: Yeah. Agents has to be effective.

Mark: Keith and Ralph, what I'm going to do guys, I'll take a couple of questions from the audience.

I'll ask the guys if they have anything else. And for Michael Miguel, "Can you re-target these

businesses?" I assume that question's been asked for you Michael, if not you can just type it

in. From Mary, "I get the difference, keep levels of traffic. But how much variety of ad should

you have for each of those levels called Traffic, wrong traffic, etc." I think what Mary means

there is do you have just one ad for cold, interest-based targeting or would you have a lot?

Keith: I think I understand the question. Like I said before, let's say you want to get started. You

want to run one content piece like this, to a piece of content. It's one campaign but you

might, for example in your advertising organization you might have 10 ad sets of different

targeting. You like to separate those out in different ad sets as much as you can but it's like

one main ad. And then maybe you're split testing. Let's say you start out with three different

versions of this image. And you can test the different image. And then maybe you find our

which image is winning and then you can test different copy. That would be the way to look

at. Let's say... Basically, you don't have to have a ton of different campaign's going as you're

first starting now. It'll also depend on the size of your audience.

Bond: The bigger the audience is, the ad has to work its way through that, the longer that ad will

run before you have to come up with something fresh or something new. But you're always

going to be looking at and changing your ads, and creating something fresh eventually, or

testing different things. Just leave the biggest ware to start working on the media's list. Keep

going at that until... That makes to a good question. Is there a tell-tale sign or something that

tells you that an ad is played out and it's time to move it on before Facebook says, "This

thing got some native feedback or [Unintelligible 01:36:52]." Because one thing I did see for

a while last year was some people got really sick and tired of some ads that they didn't

mind. It's just they got sick of seeing it 6 times a day. Then they got the negative feedback.

Keith: Totally, good question. It's not super scientific on that, however there's a couple of ways.

One is the frequency is the big one. You can look at your campaigns and you can see if the

frequency which is the amount of times that ad is displayed to individual user starts to go

up. Then you might start to look at things. And if you see the frequency starting to come up.

Or maybe your click through rate is starting to decrease a little bit then that's a sign.

However, you have to realize, let's go back to Facebook. There's a huge difference between

this news feed ad here and these two right column ads here, right? This news feed ad pretty

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 26

much takes up almost the entire news feed. This is content, and this is native advertising.

Facebook will not display this ad over and over to the same person. They're limited to a

frequency of two. However, if you have this ad over here, if you want to have a frequency of

30 to a smaller audience they will let you continue to run that. But you'll start to see your

click-through rates go down and your cost per click come up a little bit. It kind of depends

on what you're goal is. If you're trying to get people to show up on a webinar and you want

a high a frequency kind. But it kind of depends. But you can really start to see inside your


Mark: Kevin, did you have any other questions?

Kevin: No, that's great.

Mark: Bond, you're good?

Bond: Yeah, I'm good. Actually, I just wanted to add something because the thing is this is so

ingrained in Kevin and I because you talk about how warm the lead is. It's based on their

actions and everything. This has always been a numbers business, on Facebook, off

Facebook in everything. But I want to point out another thing which is in the future it's

going to be very lucrative to take a look at you old ads because in newspaper advertising

you could run a campaign and it would to start to no longer be run up. You couldn't be

profitable. But you let that thing rest for a while then all of sudden you can hit the papers

again. I just want people to remember that if you're watching this a year from now take a

look at the ads that are working right now because there's a good chance that the audience

may have gotten a break. That's what it is really, it's just like a relationship.

[Unintelligible 01:39:32]

Keith: That's a great point. That's one reason why... Let's say you're going to run an ad and you

want to split test three images. Sometimes by doing that it actually will help because you're

rotating your ads at the same time. Just realize that Facebook is weird that way. If you have

more than two or three ads inside ad set and Facebook a lot of times will limit the

impressions that you're getting, they'll just give the one that's getting the highest click

through rate and try to "optimize it." Like you said, you just might have to pause it, weigh a

little bit, and then restart it up again, so absolutely.

Mark: Guys and for everybody who's listening, first of all I'd like to say in behalf of Bond, Kevin,

and myself, thank you so much for the time you've both given us today, we really appreciate

it. For the audience if you're new to Facebook I think it may be to hard to realize just what

you got today because it's information that you won't get anywhere else, and it's

information that's working, so it's a real privilege for these guys to share this with us. On

behalf of everybody, guys, thank you very much.

Keith: No problem. I'll send you a link. If you want I could actually give you guys this right now. I

can put it in the chat, a PDF version of it real quick here.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 27

Mark: You can put it in there, go to meeting chat, can you?

Keith: Yeah, you download it here and I'll put it in the Dropbox.

Mark: Maybe while Keith is doing that, Ralph there was another question, what's your thoughts

on special coupons, offers for fans of a particular product? The offers, do they work well, if

people have an offer?

Ralph: Only if there's a real incentive. There's like a discount coupon or some kind of code that

gives them something that they ordinarily wouldn't get if they were to buy it in a 3-year

normal channels. There's got to be a real steep discount or something really special

associated with it. That's when we've seen offers work the best. For coupons or discount

codes those work really well on re-targeting because you're going to get maybe your full

priced offer, but then maybe they don't take it but then you now have them pixeled and you

can re-target them with another ad that maybe says, "Hey, I noticed that you're still

interested in whatever it happens to be. Get 20% off now for the next 24 hours", or

whatever happens to be. Run that ad to that website custom audience because you know

they're already interested, they just need a little nudge to push them over the edge. I would

use it in that way. We don't use offers quite as much as we used to.

Keith: If you're in a local business like a restaurant, a Facebook offer will work all day long. For

certain types of national type of businesses it's going to be something you're going to want

to offer up to somebody that's already camping in your world, and it's such a great deal,

people will show the heck out of it. I see some great Facebook offers ran for sure. I used to

run them quite a bit actually. There's some cases that they can be pretty good, a cool thing

to do too. I would try it out for sure.

Mark: Excellent. I've got the PDF. For those who are on the call you can get it now, otherwise I will

put it in the member's area for those who missed that. Guys, I think we'll wrap it on there.

Keith: Thank you very much.

Ralph: Thanks guys.

Kevin: You bet.

Bond: No problem. Talk to you soon. By Mark, Keith, Ralph.

Keith Krance and Ralph Burns Webinar 28


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