kehilataynu...iyyar-sivan 5780 / may 2020 kehilataynu our community’s monthly newsletter a p r a y...

Iyyar - Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless this entire congregation, together with all other holy congregations: they, their families, and all that is theirs; along with those who devote themselves to establish synagogues for prayer, as well as those who enter them to pray, and those who provide for their maintenance, wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, food for guests, bread for the hungry, tzedakah for the poor, and shelter for the homeless; and all who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of this community and the Land of Israel; may the Holy One reward them, remove sickness from them, heal them, and forgive their sins. May God bless them by making all their worthy endeavors prosper as well as those of the entire people Israel, their brothers and sisters. And let us say: Amen. Rabbi Dana Bogatz Thursday, 6/4 ••• 7:30 pm on Zoom We are more than a month into NY Pause. As a congregation we have quickly adapted in order to provide the essential services of a synagogue: Spirituality, worship, learning,…………….…page 3 25 th Annual Julian Y. Bernstein Distinguished Service Award Ceremony H o n o r e e : D e b o r a h B l e i w e i s President........Mindy Steinholz The coronavirus pandemic has touched every community across our state, our country, and the world. It has upended our daily lives. Things we did not imagine only a few months ago...…. page 4 Z o o m w i t h R a b b i D a n a Meeting ID = 8284049836 Check your email for password Sisterhood……Fran Olmsted In April we usually have our last meeting of the year, and then take a vacation over the summer beginning our meetings again…….. …...… 5 H a p p y S h a v u o t

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Page 1: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed

Iyyar - Sivan 5780 / May 2020

KehilataynuOur Community’s

Monthly Newsletter

A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed our ancestors,

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, bless this entire congregation, together with all other holy congregations: they, their families, and all that is theirs; along with those who devote themselves to establish synagogues for prayer, as well as those who enter them to pray, and those who provide for their maintenance, wine for Kiddush and Havdalah, food for guests, bread

for the hungry, tzedakah for the poor, and shelter for the homeless; and all who faithfully devote themselves to the needs of this community and the Land of Israel; may the Holy One reward them, remove sickness from them, heal them, and forgive their sins. May God bless them by making all their worthy endeavors prosper as well as those of the entire people Israel, their brothers and sisters. And let us say: Amen.  

Rabbi Dana Bogatz Thursday, 6/4 ••• 7:30 pm on ZoomWe are more than a month into NY Pause. As a congregation we have quickly adapted in order to provide the essential services of a synagogue: Spirituality, worship, learning,…………….…page 3

25th Annual Julian Y. Bernstein

Distinguished Service Award Ceremony

H o n o r e e : D e b o r a h B l e i w e i s President........Mindy SteinholzThe coronavirus pandemic has touched every community across our state, our country, and the world. It has upended our daily lives. Things we did not imagine only a few months ago...…. page 4

Z o o m w i t h R a b b i D a n a

Meeting ID = 8284049836 Check your email for password

Sisterhood……Fran Olmsted In April we usually have our last meeting of the year, and then take a vacation over the summer beginning our meetings again…….. …...… 5

H a p p y S h a v u o t

Page 2: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed May 2020 2

Page 3: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed

Rabbi’s Message

DonationsWe thank the following for their kind and generous donations -

Yahrzeit – Anne & Martin Rubenfeld, Carol Gold & Wayne Schechter, Morton Bensky

Kiddush – Anne & Martin Rubenfeld

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – Howard Andersman – Beth & Howard Becker, Arleen & Paul Schefflein, Carol Gold & Wayne Schechter, Barbara Ninos

Social Action – Amy Burckhard, Lee Walker

Dear Members and Friends of First Hebrew -

We are more than a month into NY Pause. As a congregation we have quickly adapted in order to provide the essential services of a synagogue: Spirituality, worship, learning, friendship, and community. Thank God for Zoom! Still, we are in our individual homes, without the benefit of gathering in our synagogue.

Remember the old joke about the Jewish guy stranded on a desert island? When a rescuer comes, he gives the rescuer a tour of the island, proudly showing off the synagogue he built for himself. Seeing a second building the rescuer asks what that is. "That is the synagogue I would never step foot in." answers the stranded man.

We are like that stranded man, awaiting rescue, and needing to keep our practice alive in the absence of the usual resources. We are missing our sanctuary, and the Sifrei Torah, Siddurim, Humashim it contains. And miss the kitchens for preparing communal meals, and the lounge and gym where we shared them.

If Jews have learned nothing else in 4,000 years we have learned to be mobile. As we retreated to our homes we rediscovered the

Judaica that would give shape to our newly available time for learning, prayer, and ritual. (Thanks to modern technology we can join together through Zoom.) In the interest of speedy accessibility we made downloads of the selected services being offered. But we are the People of the Book - we need books for our religious life! Every Jewish home should have a Siddur/prayer book, and a Humash/Bible. While it is not necessary to have two of each like our stranded Jew, having the one you like to use is necessary. [How well we now know that one day you may end up unable to attend a synagogue!!]

For your convenience we are again offering the opportunity to order a prayer book and a Bible for home use. (If you would like a copy of Siddur Sim Shalom "the 'old' siddur" at no charge, please contact me directly to get one) A sheet with page numbers will be distributed to help you find your way around, no matter which siddur you choose.

Stay safe, be well, and keep in touch! Feel free to email me [email protected] or call/text 203-913-3380.

See you on Zoom!

Rabbi Dana Z. Bogatz

Mazel TovTo Leslie & Bill Rubin on the marriage of their son Seth to Lindsey Calabro on Sunday, April 19th. The Civil Ceremony was performed by the Mayor of Wayne, NJ in the driveway of Lindsey’s grandparents with social distancing adhered to. The Jewish ceremony will take place in October (or when parties are once again allowed). May 2020 3

Page 4: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed

President’s Message

Articles for the June Newsletter are due by Monday, May 25 May 2020 4

Page 5: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed

Sisterhood………………Women Enjoying Jewish LifeIn April we usually have our last meeting of the

year, and then take a vacation over the summer beginning our meetings again in September. Now, nothing is normal. Schools are closed, we’re confined to our homes, and we have had to cancel our last two meetings. Our lives are transformed, and when people will be able to meet in person again is not clear. However, we are all connected as a community whether we are together physically or not. We are lucky that we live in an age where we can at least stay connected online, using the Zoom platform, and so on May 3 at 10 am we will have an online get together. The meeting program will be our very popular “You Be The Judge” Jewish ethics program. Please look at your Sisterhood emails for the Zoom program ID and password. It will be great to “see” everyone.

This is a difficult time for all of us. I am sure everyone has read a lot of advice for getting through a pandemic from people certainly wiser

than myself. I just want to reiterate that we are all under stress and urge us all to be especially kind and patient, with ourselves, and with everyone else.Addressing kindness to others, I note that Sisterhood has an ongoing drive to provide financial support to our local Food Pantry (Fred’s Pantry). Our members have come through with great generosity on this project but -- this is not a one shot deal. If donations continue, we will try to get money to the Pantry every month until we are able to go back to providing actual food pantry items (as we usually do).

I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I can’t wait till we are all able to get together again. Until that time, remember that Sisterhood is a true Sisterhood, and we are here to help. If anyone has ideas they would like to suggest about things that things that we can do during this time, please don’t hesitate to do so.


Please check your email for password May 2020 5

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After a lengthy recuperation Alice Krochmal is once again available to teach individuals (by phone). Learn to read Hebrew. Learn to read or chant a Torah reading or Haftarah. Build skills for following along in the siddur.

As Shabbat morning services resume in May, there will be opportunities to try participating in a new way. Contact Alice at [email protected] or her cell 845-654-0646.

H a p p y N e w sPlease check your email for password May 2020 6

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Please check your email for password

Please check your email for password May 2020 7

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Get wellFirst Hebrew wishes a speedy recovery to: Alice Krochmal, Sandra Glicker Gilmore

25th Annual Julian Y. BernsteinDistinguished Service Award CeremonyH o n o r e e : D e b o r a h B l e i w e i s

Thursday, June 4 • 7:30pm – on Zoom

Friday, May 8

The Rubin family in honor of Sara’s birthday on May 11 Irene Reiss in honor of Graham Reiss’ birthday on May 12 The Bleiweis family in honor of Grace and Bobby’s wedding anniversary on May 12 Phyllis & Mark Stern in honor of their granddaughter Estella Mae Slagle’s birthday on May 13 The Radparvar family in honor of Rebecca’s birthday on May 15 Friday, May 15

Roxann Intriligator in honor of Josh & Kelly’s anniversary on May 17 The Schefflein family in honor of Elan’s birthday on May 17 Carol & Harold Schlacter in honor of their granddaughter Jamie Ariel Schlacter’s birthday on May 17 Alice Krochmal in honor of her sister Barbara Simkin’s birthday on May 20 Irene Reiss in honor of granddaughter Mia Shelli Avni’s birthday on May 24 Friday, May 22

Carol & Harold Schlacter in honor of their children Guy & Susie Schlacter’s wedding anniversary on May 27 Roshi Newman in honor of grandson Daniel Evan Litchfield’s birthday on May 29 Alice Krochmal in honor of her daughter Risa’s birthday on May 30 Friday, May 29

Roshi Newman in honor of grandson Daniel Evan Litchfield’s birthday on May 29 Alice Krochmal in honor of her daughter Risa’s birthday on May 30 Roxann Intrilligator in honor of the birthday of her grandson Benjamin Moses born on June 3 Alice Krochmal in honor of nephew Michael Bennett’s birthday on June 4 Friday June 5

The Krantz family in honor of Jeremy’s birthday on June 5

Page 9: Kehilataynu...Iyyar-Sivan 5780 / May 2020 Kehilataynu Our Community’s Monthly Newsletter A P r a y e r f o r T h o s e W h o S e r v e t h e C o m m u n i t y May the one who blessed

YahrzeitsThe following Yahrzeits will be observed during the months of April as noted on the memorial

plaque in our sanctuary:

May their memory be a blessing to all

Adolph Hillman……..……Iyar 7 ( 1‐May )Harry Jacobson……..……Iyar 8 ( 2‐May )Florence Feldman……..…Iyar 9 ( 3‐May )Benjamin Sachs……..… Iyar 9 ( 3‐May )Samuel Wald……..………Iyar 9 ( 3‐May )Jerome Leonard Seid……Iyar 10 ( 4‐May )Edith Weiss……..………Iyar 10 ( 4‐May )Hilda Cooperman……..…Iyar 12 ( 6‐May )Jack Flower……..………Iyar 12 ( 6‐May )Celia Greene……..………Iyar 13 ( 7‐May )George Levinton……..… Iyar 13 ( 7‐May )Nathan Rosen……..……Iyar 13 ( 7‐May )Pauline Jacobs……..……Iyar 14 ( 8‐May )Deborah Weitzman…….Iyar 15 ( 9‐May )Jacob Wertlieb……..……Iyar 15 ( 9‐May )Barbara Brown……..……Iyar 16 ( 10‐May )Sigmund Imber……..……Iyar 16 ( 10‐May )Nathan Stolzer Kohn……Iyar 16 ( 10‐May )Sylvia Sidelman……..……Iyar 17 ( 11‐May )Harry Bergman……..……Iyar 18 ( 12‐May )

Diane R. Jacobson……..Iyar 17 ( 11‐May )Lena Price……..…………Iyar 18 ( 12‐May )Shirlee Rubin ……..…… Iyar 19 ( 13‐May )Isidore Brenner……..……Iyar 20 ( 14‐May )Anna Hyman Shelov……Iyar 20 ( 14‐May )Sarah Hocherman……..…Iyar 22 ( 16‐May )Louis Rubenfeld……..……Iyar 22 ( 16‐May )Albert Segal……..………Iyar 22 ( 16‐May )Selda Soshie Bloome……Iyar 23 ( 17‐May )George Gibbs……..………Iyar 23 ( 17‐May )Julius Dickman……..……Iyar 24 ( 18‐May )Sophie Garber……..……Iyar 26 ( 20‐May )Lena Weinstein……..……Iyar 26 ( 20‐May )Rose Gibbs……..……… Iyar 27 ( 21‐May )Sandria Nachamie……..…Iyar 27 ( 21‐May )Mildred Weissman…….. Iyar 29 ( 23‐May )Marilyn Haber……..………Sivan 4 ( 27‐May )Joseph Zuckerman……..Sivan 4 ( 27‐May )Leonard Siverstein…….. Sivan 6 ( 29‐May )

Sad NewsIt is with profound sadness that we share the news that Howard Andersman, age 56, passed away suddenly on Saturday, April 5th. Howard, along with his roommate and friend Adam, had been a regular at First Hebrew for more than 30 years. His group home residents and staff, and members of FHC, were his family.

Notes of condolence may be sent to Adam Bernstein, Howard's roommate, and to his housemates Kevin Davenport and Brian London, and staff:

Jay Goulbourn; 34 Huntington Circle; Peekskill, NY 10566

Donations in Howard's memory may be made to FHC for the purchase of a memorial plaque or to the Bikkur Holim Committee which provides support for the special needs community.

May Howard's memory be for a blessing to all who knew him. May 2020 9

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Books by Joe Rosenstein Recent Scholar in Residence

Shabbat Siddur

Weekday Siddur

Pocket-sized Weekday Siddur

High Holy Day Machzor

Memorable Verses in the Torah

Eit Ratzon Series:$42





Conservative Movement

Siddur Lev Shalem

High Holiday Machzor Lev Shalem

Etz Hayim Humash

Lev Shalem:$50




P L E A S E F I L L O U T Y O U R O R D E R F O R M B YC L I C K I N G H E R E . F O R M S A L S O A V A I L A B L E I N

T H E K E H I L A T A Y N U O R T H E O F F I C E May 2020 10

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Phone: Email:

M A K E C H E C K S P A Y A B L E T O F H C , W R I T E" B O O K O R D E R " I N T H E N O T A T I O N A R E A .

O R D E R S M U S T B E R E C E I V E D B YT H U R S D A Y F E B R U A R Y 2 7 T H

Book Title Quantity Price







Address: May 2020 11

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First Hebrew invites you to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat in honor of your family and friends. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, graduations, and more of friends and loved ones!

It’s a Bargain: Only $5 per Oneg!

It’s easy to do: Just fill out this form and your Simcha will appear in the monthly bulletin, the weekly synagogue emails, and be announced from the Bimah.

Send this page with your check payable to First Hebrew Congregation, c/o Sandy Mullen ([email protected]) to First Hebrew Congregation 1821 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566. Please put “Oneg” in the memo section.

Name: ___________________________________ No. of Onegs: ______________@$5_____

Address: _________________________________

_________________________________ Amount Due: _______________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Email: ____________________________________

Sponsor Name(s) to appear as ______________________________________________

Honoree’s Name Occasion Date of Event

1. _____________________________________________________________________________





Please allow 6-8 weeks for publication in the bulletin. You may send in more events at any time on a separate sheet. May 2020 15

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www.FirstHebrew.Org 14March 2020

SCRIP Order Form May 2020 17

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First Hebrew Congregation“O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r G i v i n g”

Torah Fund CARDS for ALL OCCASIONS are available through Sisterhood!

These cards help raise scholarship funds for the Jewish Theological Seminary and other Conservative Movement

educational institutions.The cards are on display in the FHC library and on a flyer in this bulletin.

$5 per card w/envelope$25 per 6 cards w/envelopes

Call or email to have cards sentTorah Fund Chairperson - Danielle Calo914-646-2235; [email protected]

Note: Recognition for all gifts will be provided in the Newsletter (as well as on the particular item if warranted).

All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor for specific advice on tax savings through charitable gifts.



Sisterhood Social Action Project

Non-perishable food items for Fred's Pantry in Peekskill

This will be an ongoing project for the entire FHC

community; bring your donations to our box in the

upstairs coat closet

First Hebrew Congregation“O p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r G i v i n g”Yahrzeit Plaques (memorial) In memory of a member ............ ....................... $200 In memory of a non-member ...... ....................... $300 In memory of and purchased by a non-member... $500 Tree of Life Books (in honor of a birth, Bar (plate on inside cover or Bat Mitzvah, wedding, recognizes your gift special anniversaries, life and names those events, in memoriam, etc.) you wish to honor) Leaf ................. $150 Eit Ratzon ...... $40 Rock................ $250 Lev Shalem.... $50 Root ................ $350 Mahzorim ......... $25 Memorial Plate . $500 Chumashim ...... $54

Brick Garden

A wonderful way to memorialize or honor a loved one One brick (with inscription) ........ ....................... $150 Two bricks ....... ....................... ....................... $275 Library Fund General Fund Gifts (i.e., purchases at library discretion) Specific Purchase Gifts (i.e. book series or encyclopedia)

Other Donation Ideas Gifts of highly appreciated stock or real estate—save on income tax while avoiding capital gains taxes!

Scholarships - for youth programs and camps and travel to Israel. May 2020 19

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E m a i l L i s tIf you’re interested in getting emails with the weekly announcements, please visit the website at If you wish to contact the synagogue for any other business, please note that the e-mail address to use is [email protected]. To email Rabbi Bogatz directly, use [email protected].

If you change your Internet provider and/or email address, please remember to sign up for the First Hebrew mailing list again at your new address. Email [email protected] with your request to be added to the list.

The synagogue bulletin is a place not only for news and information about FHC and its members, but also a forum for members to place information that may be of interest to their fellow congregants. We are happy to consider all articles submitted to Kehilataynu; however, we reserve the right to edit for style, and length. In addition, all articles submitted by FHC members are labeled as such and do not reflect the opinion of FHC or the Board of Trustees.

Please keep the following in mind:

• Articles and announcements must be received in the FHC office by the date below.

• Please submit your article or announcement via e-mail to [email protected]. If you do not have a computer, and/or your submission is not available in digital format, you may fax, mail, or deliver your (typed) submission(s) to the temple office.

• Please provide original copies of flyers and photos (faxed copies are not suitable for reproduction) — they will be returned

First Hebrew website Visit for synagogue information, articles, plus current and archived issues of the bulletin. The following month’s bulletin is posted shortly after it goes to the printer, so you can read it without having to wait for the post office to deliver it! You can even view a printable version of the current month’s calendar. Come check it out! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send email to [email protected].

Bingo How many people does it take run a Bingo game? For the Bingo game to run smoothly Bingo needs at least 11 people. With less people it becomes arduous for those who are there. Yes, Bingo has a dedicated group of regulars some come at five p.m. and stay till ten p.m. The regulars come to most of the forty-five games Bingo has. They enjoy the night out and are proud that they raise $30,000 for FHC. Bingo doesn’t have enough regulars so FHC has the “list.” The congregants from list fill the gap of regulars to the amount of people Bingo needs for a night. We find that when congregants work Bingo some realize they like the experience and that’s how congregants have become regulars. If we can’t continue to run Bingo the $30,000 raised would have to be spread among the members and that would be an increase of $450 per unit. An increase of that size would be a difficult burden to many members. If you are coming to Bingo from the list, we need you at 6:30 pm but whenever you show up will be appreciated. The surcharge of $200 for singles and $400 for couples is an added inducement but it is the workers we really need. If you can’t come on your day please, please find a replacement.Thanks in advance for your support, The Bingo Regulars.

Kehilataynu Editorial Policy and Publishing Information

Important Note: Your 2019–2020 dues include a surcharge for Bingo. If a member family meets its two-bingo requirement during the year, the family will receive a credit. Similarly, if a single member meets his/her one-bingo requirement during the year, he/she will receive a credit.

URGENT MESSAGE: If you are unable to attend on your scheduled Bingo night, IT IS YOUR RESPONSBILITY TO GET A REPLACEMENT.

Thank you for your continued cooperation!!!! Workers should report to Bingo by 6:15 pm and are expected to stay until at least 10:00 pm. May 2020 20

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10:00amShabbat Service

Zoom 10:00 am

Shabbat Service

Zoom 10:00am

Shabbat Service May 2020 21

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FIRST HEBREW CONGREGATION1821 East Main Street * Peekskill, NY 10566

Candle Lighting Times/Torah Readings Zoom Meetings

Fri. May 1 .... 7:35 pm Sat. May 2 .. Achrei Mot-Kedoshim Kabbalat Shabbat ........ Fridays @6:30pm

Fri. May 8 .... 7:43 pm Sat. May 9 .. Emor Shabbat Service* ......... Saturdays @10:00am

Fri. May 15 .... 7:50 pm Sat. May 16 .. Behar-Bechukotai Lunch and Learn ......... Tuesdays @12:00pm

Fri. May 22 .... 7:56 pm Sat. May 23 .. Bamidbar Hebrew Class .............. Wednesdays @10:00am

Thurs. May 28 .... 8:02 pm 1st Day Shavuot Minyan ......................... Thursdays @9:00am

Fri. May 29 .... 8:02 pm Sat. May 30 .. Nasso 2nd Day Torah Study ................. Thursdays @ 11:00am

H a p p y S h a v u o t Shavuot W/ Yiskor *Starting May 9th May 2020 22