kegan constructive developmental theory

Robert Kegan’s Constructive-Developmental Theory Orders of Consciousness

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Presentation about Kegan's Orders of Consciousness


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Robert Kegan’s Constructive-Developmental Theory

Orders of Consciousness

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Participants will construct definitions of “worldview” and “meaning-making” from the subject-object perspective.

Participants will compare and contrast Kegan’s orders of consciousness.

Participants will discuss possible ways to help others move from one order to the next and support others in overwhelming situations.

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Why is Kegan’s theory different? How is it helpful in education?

• It points to another, less judgmental way to understand differences in adult behavior• It is not primarily based on intelligence• It provides a basis for finding common ground• It describes a specific way of making sense of our environment, including relationships and responsibilities•It extends Piaget’s theory beyond adolescence

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Piaget’s Theory of DevelopmentBased on mental structures that determine how one perceives experiences.

Stage 1(sensory-motor intelligence, 0-2 yrs): organizing stimulation, assimilating experience, accommodating to the environment, and organizing a schema (model) of the world.

Stage 2 (preoperational thought, 2-7 yrs): using language and other symbols, understanding the value of rules, situation-bound, no logical/systematic organization

Stage 3 (concrete operations, 7-11 yrs): mental operations on objects or mental representations, realization that others have intentions, purposes, and points of view.

Stage 4 (formal operations, 11-15 yrs): thinking about possibilities and alternatives, thinking about thought

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Meaning-making: process of understanding the world; level of complexity

Subject – we are; structure of knowing; the essence of a thing or personObject – we have; content of knowing; the part that can be observed or changed

Worldview: perspective; way of seeing the world

Subject-Object Perspective

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Kegan’s Orders of Consciousness

• 2nd order: Durable Category – “It’s all about me!”– The person is defined by their point of view, needs, and wants. They are able to

recognize that others have needs and wants, but cannot necessarily make decisions based on processing that one set of needs comes before the other. They do not recognize that they control their perspective. They tend to make decisions based on social perceptions, their own perceptions of situations, and impulses. Long-term planning and consequences are not heavily weighed.

• 3rd order: Cross Categorical/Traditionalism – “We’ve always done it this way!”– The person is defined by their interpersonal relationships. They make decisions

based on how it will impact their relationships with others. They are able to understand abstract concepts. These people can recognize and are impacted by their inner states; however, they are not yet able to modify their inner states or analyze their preferences. They tend to understand things from different points of view; however, there is still an emphasis on their perception being the right way of doing something. There is a focus on following rules, traditions, and norms.

• 4th order: System/Modernism – “I wonder what would happen if…”– The person defined by abstract systems, theories, or ideologies. They are able to

recognize multiple relationships and roles within the social structure. They can reflect on their own actions and modify future behavior to achieve desired results. They tend to make decisions based on their consistency with an over-arching theory or ideology. This person tends to think more along the lines of systems of interactions.

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Order of Consciousness

Relationships School/Learning

Work Community

2nd Order:Durable Categories/Imperial

Others have own perspectivesControl of impulsesStable needs/habitsSelf-interestedConsequence-based

Sense of agencyNeed respectNeed positive experiencesProcess physical concrete properties

May call in sick oftenTends to act impulsivelyEnjoy creating thingsLook out for self

Understand the need for rulesChoices based on immediate experiencesVote based on self-interest

3rd Order:Cross-Categorical/Interpersonal

Coordinate different needs of othersNeed for approvalMutualityUphold a promiseDifficulty letting go of harmful relationships

Need for peer approvalUnderstand connotation and denotation

ReliableLoyalMake commitments

Accept the given order of right and wrongVulnerable to attitudes of othersChoose because of short-term interestsVote based on impact to social network

4th Order:System/Institutional

System of relationshipsSelf is different from others (boundaries)Choose between values and ideals

Self-directedMake inferences and generalizationsTransfer knowledgeSelf-reflective

LeadershipVision-settingSelf-initiatingSelf-correctingResponsibleSee relationship to the whole

Commitments are centralEvaluate the cultural values and beliefsVote based on more global analysis

Responses in Daily Environments

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2nd - Durable Categories 3rd - Cross-Categorical 4th – System/Complex

How would these situations be viewed from each order of consciousness?

• Your child is failing math, reading, etc.• You have been asked to do more than you think you can manage• A close relationship seems to be always conflictual

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The level of development cannot always be

determined from actions, but from the reasons for

and thought-process behind those actions.

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Challenge and Support

Balanced Approach“people grow best when they continuously experience an

ingenious blend of support and challenge; the rest is commentary”

(Kegan, 1994, p. 42)

Holding Environment“provided both welcoming

acknowledgement to exactly who a person is right now…and

fosters the person’s psychological evolution” (Kegan, 1994, p. 43)

Appropriate Helping“we will never be well understood or well helped if we are seen as

‘unsuccessful’ in the exercises of tasks that require a fourth order of consciousness precisely because we are not actually engaged in tasks

of fourth order consciousness” (Kegan, 1994, p. 99)

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Transformational Learning

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Critical questioning to identify underlying assumptions, beliefs, and values

Facilitate or engage in dialogue in a safe environment

Challenge them to see things from a different perspective

Collaborative activities, role-play, simulation, experiential learning

Encourage creating life histories, journal writing, and self-reflection

Transformational Teaching

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Supporting Others

Understand that one Order is not better than another, just

more complex.

Non-judgmental assistance


Recognize and don’t overwhelm

Guidance through complex systems

Fair rules

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ReferencesBrookfield, S. (2010). Developing critical thinking: Challenging adults

to explore alternative ways of thinking and acting. San Francisco: Josey-Bass Publishers.

Kegan, R. (1982). The evolving self. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Kegan, R. (1994). In over our heads: The mental demands of modern life. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Ketcham, S. (2008). A question of capacity: Can adolescents practice

discernment?. Journal of Youth Ministry, 6(2), 11-29. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.Marienau, C., & Segal, J. (2006). Parents as developing adult learners. Child Welfare, 85(5), 767-784. Retrieved from MEDLINE with Full Text database.Merriam, S., Caffarella, R, & Baumgartner, L. (2007). Learning in

adulthood: A comprehensive guide, third edition. San Francisco, CA: Josey-Bass.Mezirow, J. (1997). Transformative learning: Theory to practice. New

Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 74, 5-12.