keeping kids safe on the road


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Post on 17-Jun-2015




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DESCRIPTION | This document examines the importance of road safety for drivers with child passengers. It offers some statistics about the dangers of the road and looks at what people can do to keep those in their vehicle safe. It looks at safety and booster seats, good driving habits, and other choices people can make to be responsible parent-guardians while children are in the car.


Page 1: Keeping kids safe on the road

Keep Your Kids Safe on the Road: Important Information for Parent-Drivers

Every parent understands that the safety of their child is their number one priority in all

situations. This is especially true when on the road where seemingly small choices can

have life or death consequences. The way a parent chooses to seat their child in the car,

the kind of safety equipment that they use, and the way they conduct themselves on the

road are all important factors for caretakers to consider every time they get behind the

wheel. This article looks at the choices that parents can make in order to ensure they are

doing everything that they can to keep the car a safe and fun place for their family.

The road can be a dangerous place for young passengers. According to the World Health

Organization, car accidents kill over 800,000 children under the age of 18, every year,

and are the leading cause of death between ages 10 and 18. Safety devices like seatbelts

are built to protect full-size adult drivers, and poor fitting seatbelts can be ineffective or

dangerous to their smaller, more fragile bodies. This means that car seats and booster

seats are necessary to provide optimal safety for a young passenger.

Not all car seats are created the same, and it’s important to make sure that you have one

that is age and size appropriate for your young passenger. Before reaching age two, all

children should be seated in rear-facing car seats. Rear-facing seats are the safer option,

in general, and should be utilized until they are outgrown. Once a child’s legs are too

long to fit comfortably in a rear-facing seat, however, front facing seats become the best

option until approximately age 5, at which time the vehicle should be outfitted with a

booster seat.

Booster seats are a relatively new addition to the protective seat family, but they bridge

the gap between full-fledged car seats and regular seat belts. Booster seats help young

passengers ride a little higher so that seat belts hit them in the right parts of their body for

maximum effectiveness. For a more comprehensive guide for which seat is right for your

child, the CDC has created a helpful guide that can be viewed here.

It is also important to remember that good safety equipment is not a substitute for good

driving habits. Even more important than ensuring that your child is protected in the

event of an accident is making sure that accidents are avoided in the first place. This is

best done by following all rules and regulations of the road, utilizing defensive driving

skills, and making sure that your vehicle is well-maintained and properly functioning.

Children can be a distraction, and it is important that your attention be devoted to what’s

happening on the road, no matter how demanding the pressure to focus on the child may


It is often a good idea for new or prospective parents to take a traffic school class to brush

up on their basic skills, and reframe their priorities and expectations for driving, now that

they have the added responsibility of a child in the car. A defensive driving course such

as those offered by NTSI can ensure that you are the most alert and aware driver that you

can be – both for your sake and for the safety of your new family.

Page 2: Keeping kids safe on the road

The roads used to be a far more dangerous place, but, thanks to advancements in safety

technology and a better idea of what drivers need to do to protect those dearest to them,

they are now safer than ever before. The protection of your child is nothing to take for

granted, so it is important to ensure that, every time you head out on the road, you are

doing everything you can to arrive at your location safe and happy.