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Post on 19-Nov-2015




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nife keening


KeeningBasically, it refers to what happens to any of the configurations when they are under intense stress. Self-induced or environmental stress.Stress-lock or lockup.Keening is hwen stress reaches its peak. Body will do things under stress. Psyche does the same thing. It pulls away to most important things to focus on. Stresslock referes to part of keening where automatic functions take over. Body terms when your body is sick.Keening, what happens when your psyche is fighting stress. Stresslock, when person has engaged in activity that causes so much seizure that they're locked. As engine starts to shake. If you did that everyday for long periods, the brakes would start being stuck in their stressed state when they should return to normal levels in a healthy system.Keening, minor modulator, acting out, firm voice, yanking your chain a bit. Stronger than you would like your modulator acting for you. Modulators are like the handlers, conscious powers like the talents. Handlers will normall be handsoff unless talents are going to mess up. They are wired with protocols that are meant to help you out. Nai and Xyy can wave it off for a while until environment takes side of Zai and Vyy.When Vyy comes in a flood, it goes into emergency protocols. Zai saids hold on, there's a flood. Cabin will shut off a bit (Nai and Xyy). As Nai'xyy we are conceptual, we are concerned about people, beings of the cosmos. Xyy. We like a romance to natural law. We like natural law to have a poetry it and enact it in a poetic way. However, that view ignores some things, like things actually are. There are some rough things in nature, not really rough, but Xyy sees it as cruel, tends to personify. Nature is what it is, and it's for us to find our place in it. Zai knows that. It doesn't wonder about cosmic nature of the floor, you simply accept it. Cold way. Vyy in practical way, modulate the poetic cosmic view.You are walking like you are with your nai and xyy but you are being laughed at. Nai and Xyy gets you fired up and crazy. There are going to be people who are more demanding and they will push back and you will fall unless you have your Zai and Vyy to push back and show that you are right.Offside polar vyy is very intense, happens from birth, always there. Keening stress is always there.Zai will keep you from messing up and using messy words on your poetry. Whether you are a scientist, musician or anything, there is a poetry to the way you see things and you will speculate on what can be done with it. THen you use your powers to teach it. The issue is have you started pushing too much. Xyy keening is easier to overcome. We have to explain to our friends so they can get it. Needs to be an internal editor. Zai will warn that maybe you are going too far, maybe you are pushing too belligerently. Like a cold shower. Slowing of the psyche. Nai'xyy who favour zai, there is noticeable tension in the body and voice. Nai has so much information and give it to the articulator. Nai'xyy talk in sprints, where tongue cannot keep up with torrent of words. that doesn't get the best reaction all the time. Sometimes you get very excited about something and push it very hard, zai can modulate it to make it palatable to others.There will be impassionment that comes with ideas. Strong attachment to idea of hero for Nai'xyy as for all xyy users. You can persuade someone of something that they don't agree with after they leave. You bulldog them with intensity Wild horses reigned in. Pause in between words. Zai keeps you on the beat. Taking chilly pauses, time out to assess. Adaptive power, it can be very fast. Hitler vs slow speaker. 1st person will check what other people are saying if they have different opinion, different theory, not what they themselves are saying. Can cut you down faster. Tension in body when you notice yourself using Zai, cold shower. Is it being done correctly? That will determine whether it's opportunity or injury.Left brain wild is like you can't stop it. Zai gives you pauses.If I don't do my thought right, I can pop my bubble. And i have to restart it. It's annoying but it's not a big deal. If it didn't happen it can be twice as big. Zai is going to call Vyy in to strengthen its authority. For some reason you weren't listening or weren't listening fast enough. Once Nai'xyy start talking they are nervous at first but they get into the idea. Talking in front of class. Opportunity or injury. Higher intensity conversation than cafeteria talk. More tense. Bigger win, bigger lose. Remove yourself from win-lose thing. Each time you go in, you use your native powers and are not sure if you can get it right. If you do it right, you bring advanced part of character. If you get it wrong Zai can make you flinch in the future. (Klokov saying how it's bad to fail too often in training).Pulling in Vyy. Zai will pull in Vyy to give you stuff that you have to listen to. Or you can't think fast enough. Left-brainers often get worked up in situations that don't use your abilities.e.g. test, lab test. Glass, chemicals, fire. More intense. Lab element for nai'xyy going to be physical movement of objects. Needs to be ability to think big thoughts while doing hand things, a bit on auto.Opportunity side is that automatic pulling is going to make you more kinetic. Movements sharper than normal. Nai'xyy are either very dreamy or are always there. But latter is an altered state. Body becomes more graceful, more kinetic energy and confidence. Bad element is you will drop into a "bullet-time" or visceral time. Things happen so fast that you use vyy so fast, but you can process it in slow aesthetic way of using vyy. If done correctly it will give you other character to play, but when this happens there is a roughness. "Ampaged". Unusual for nai'xyy because we are conceptual. When we move to the physical by peaking, there is a rush of kinetic energy we don't have access to normally. Can make as jittery or even weak, we don't know what to do with it. Altered state, it's narrow in scope, Vyy outside of it is not giving weight, not like nornmal vyy user. Roughness, too fast. Break the beakers, spill the thing. Good energy, good confidence as long as energy doesn't overwhelm you. Move the energy through your body and don't let it set into you. We need to get it under control so it doesn't get us. Sudden getting of resources to do a physical thing. playing guitar, experiment. Something physical that has high risk to it puts intense energy on us. If we can focus it we can be very depth, very dextrous. Unlike main vyy users, you are like another person who is very amped.Zai is very still. Stone-facey before Vyy. Energy coming into body, desire to do something. You can do most extreme movements or controlled. If you focus it will be amazing. But it will be very tiring. Liquidy sensation. Zai is saying it's going to give over to Vyy. You are still seeing this because you are Nai. Nai never goes away. But now it starts thinking it's giving authority away to Vyy. It can feel odd, but it can be very powerful and also injurious. Difficult to control first few times you use it. Nervous energy and you want to do this. It doesn't go away, but it begins to transfer to other things. You will start getting Vyy view on life, very kinetic, primitive. Liquidityness of spirit, it is what it is. Altered state is not a bad thing. For you to make your art, your perfect presentation, ritual etc, you have to do keening. Hyperattention. Nai'xyy can be friendly, but when intense part of project comes, you have hyperattention and can be very harsh. Feeling that vyy must be addressed right then or there will be epic failure. Very different from our normal way of being.Game-time, welling up of kinetic energy. Successively: Chilly, slowing us done, fixating on things, extremely intolerant on slowness. If you miss the next beat you will fail. We're going crazy with conceptual idea, we chill with Zai, getting amped up with Vyy. Go on dates, presentation, high stakes venue, jam that kinetic energy in a way that's very dynamic. Good use of energy. using it awkwardly, muting it, is bad use of energy.It can take a long time to jar yourself out if you've used it wrong for a long time. It gives you new sense of being. You need to feel taht it's a new way of being. If you dont work with the energy it can make you very weak. if you are supposed to exert and let it go the right way.Nai;xyy feel persecuted by Vyy. The world, sounds etc makes everything uncomfortable. Mind in furthest state/