keelin revolutionary war

The American Revolution By Keelin

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The American Revolution

By Keelin

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The French and Indian War was a war between Great Britain and it’s two enemies, the French and the Indians of North America. This is one of a few things that started the Revolutionary war.

French and Indian War 1754-63

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The Sugar Act April 5, 1764The Sugar Act is another thing that

started the war. Here’s why. The King taxed the Colonists and that made them have to pay extra for sugar, coffee, indigo and even some kinds of wine!

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The Stamp Act March 22, 1765 Again, the King taxed the colonists. But this

time it wasn’t sugar. It was stamps. And in addition to that, every letter, newspaper, any kind of paper had to have one of the taxed stamps so they had to pay for them!

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Boston Massacre March 5, 1770The Boston Massacre started when a colonist started

teasing a guard, then someone threw a club. After that snowballs were being tossed. By now there were a lot more people. Then it started getting bad! The British soldiers fired!!!! FIVE people died! In the picture it looks like it was the soldiers fault ,but, it was the colonists. The picture is drawn like that because it was drawn by a colonist, Paul Revere.

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Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773

The Boston Tea Party was not a real tea party. It did, however, include tea. It started when a group of colonists, who called themselves the “Sons of Liberty”, met at the Old South Church for a meeting. Sam Adams said that they should do more than just talk. Since there

were still taxes on tea, they dressed like Indians and dumped the boxes of tea into the water!

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First Continental Congress September 5-October 26, 1774The First Continental Congress was a

meeting with representatives from twelve different colonies. There were fifty-six representatives all together. They all met in Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to talk about British taxes.

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Paul Revere’s RideApril 18, 1775Paul Revere’s ride was a famous ride. It

started with a mission from Dr. Joseph Warren. Paul rode with William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. As he rode, Paul shouted, “The Regulars are out, the Regulars are out,” NOT “The British are coming, the British are coming, because they were all British.

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Battle of Lexington and ConcordApril 19, 1775 The battle started in Lexington. It was

British soldiers vs. the colonists. The colonists were told by they’re captain, John Parker, not to fire until they could see the “whites of the soldiers eyes”

which was meaning to save ammunition. Then the “shot heard ’round the world” was heard. We don’t know who shot first, or which side they were on. 174 minutemen were wounded and 73 died.

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Battle of Bunker HillJune 16, 1775 The Battle of Bunker Hill wasn’t actually on Bunker Hill. It was on Breeds Hill. The British soldiers were walking in their regular orderly fashion, when they heard a gun fire! They were really confused. Then they figured out the problem. The minutemen were hiding behind trees and stone walls. The British were no match for the colonists. The soldiers were driven back. Many people died.

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Declaration of Independence1776

The Declaration of Independence did great things, seeing as it was just a piece of paper. The idea started when the King of England was ruling the British the way he wanted and not the way they requested. Then Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. When it was finaly finished about a year later, someone with a really loud voice stood on a balcony and read it aloud to all the quiet, listening people that were waiting below. Soon after that, many people signed it like, John Hancock, Sam Adams and John Adams.

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Stars and StripesJune 14, 1777The colonists were getting tired of being connected with England. They decided to have a flag. A flag of their own. Then George Washington gave Betsy Ross, a seamstress, a plan of a flag. The flag had a circle of thirteen stars to represent the thirteen colonies in one corner and thirteen stripes, again, to represent the thirteen colonies. The flag has changed over the years, but the red white and blue will always be a symbol of America.

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Alliance with FranceFebruary 16, 1778Since the colonists had won many battles

against the British soldiers, France realized they were strong and independent. Then France joined the colonists as an alliance. They brought supplies such as soldiers and ships. The British were mad that the colonists had extra help from France.

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Treaty of Paris1783

The Treaty of Paris officially ended the war. The Treaty was signed in Paris by people like John Jay, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. The Treaty was a great thing because the colonists were finally free from the British!

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THE END2013-2013I am REALLY sorry the most amazing, best

slide show you’ve ever seen is over. I’ll try to get copies soon! Hope it really is the best slide show you’ve ever seen. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!