keck laser guide star adaptive optics system: 1 st & 2 nd milestones aowg telecon oct. 17, 2003...

Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson, R. Lafon, D. Le Mignant, P. Stomski, D. Summers, M. van Dam, P. Wizinowich

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Page 1: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics

System:1st & 2nd Milestones

AOWG TeleconOct. 17, 2003

A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson, R. Lafon, D. Le Mignant, P. Stomski, D. Summers, M.

van Dam, P. Wizinowich

Page 2: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,


Review 1st light results Preliminary definition of 2nd light

milestone & progress Other priorities

Page 3: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

LGS AO Top-level Milestones

05Q2 – Operable for science by OA & 1 expert

05Q3 – 1st queue scheduled science observing

Top-level milestones (as of fall/02): 03Q4 - 1st corrected images on NIRC2

with laser• Achieved Sept. 18 & 19, 2003

04Q1 – LGS AO facility operable by AO experts

04Q2 – 1st engineering science 04Q3 – 1st shared risk science

Page 4: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

First LGS Milestone Definition

Definition of the first corrected LGS AO images on NIRC2 (KAON 235) .

Success Criteria: Achieve a Strehl ratio > 0.2 in Kp for the AO corrected image in the following situation:

NIRC2 image with an exposure time > 30 sec. Down tip/tilt loop closed on a NGS V > 13 mag.

• Achieved SR = 0.25 in Kp on a V = 14 NGS. Higher order loop closed on the LGS.• Average seeing conditions.

• Excellent to extraordinary seeing. Telescope elevation > 60 & < 80. Science object < 5 arcsec from NGS star. NGS < 10 arcsec off

the image rotator axis.• Both NGS and LGS on-axis for 1st light.

Rotator in vertical angle mode at optimal angle for laser.• Also demonstrated in position angle mode.

Page 5: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

First LGS Results (UT 9/20)“Audentes Fortuna Juvat”


Extraordinary seeing

Page 6: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

HK T Tauri B (UT 9/20)

3 color image: H, K’ & L’ are blue, green & red, respectively.

•NGS Vmag = 15•Strehl = 4% at H & 12% at K’.•FWHM = 0.14, 0.11 & 0.13 mas at H, K’ & L’.•Exposure time = 30, 40 & 72 sec at H, K’ & L’.•Position angle = 145•240 counts from LGS on wavefront sensor at 500 Hz

The star shown at the bottom right is the 106 yr old classical T Tauri star HK Tau A. HK Tau B at top left is believed to lie in the dark lane of a circumstellar disk.

Page 7: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

The LGS AO Team in Celebration

Page 8: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Acquisition Camera image of the LGS (UT 9/19 after optimization)

LGS Rayleigh scatter

LGS FWHM varied from 1.4 to 1.8 arcsec

Altitude ~ 88 km

Page 9: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Acquisition Camera image of the LGS

with the primary mirror unstacked

LGS best segment FWHM from 1.4” when stacked image

was 1.7”

Page 10: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Significant Technical Progress (in support of this

milestone) STRAP operational standalone as tip/tilt sensor LBWFS operating in 1x1 & 2x2 pixel binning

Providing focus to WFS stage & centroids for optimization Wavefront sensor tracking versus elevation Image sharpening based on LBWFS centroids successful Laser image quality & power fairly stable Laser diagnostics operational

LGS size qualitatively correlated with pointing & PIB images Laser pointing with M3 Operation scheme & prelim automation successful Plus:

Laser Traffic Control System operational EPICS upgrade for WFC command processor operational K2aoserver operational for idl & Java tools (from HQ)

Page 11: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,











IR transmissivedichroic


Sodium transmissive



Offload to telescope

Offload focus to


(Tip/tilt to Laser)

Light fromTelescope

LGS AO Control

Pupil Orientation(Subaperture gains)

TSS x,y,z stage

Page 12: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Laser Diagnostics

Page 13: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Error Budget# Error Term RMS Error (nm)

NGS LGS What LGS errors can be reduced?1 Camera 113 113 Fixed by NIRC2.2 Fitting 128 128 Fixed by DM.3 Telescope 60 60 Fixed by telescope + AO.

4 Bandwidth - TT 128 128Could be worse. Depends on STRAP. May need to optimize.

5 Bandwidth - DM 80 80

Will be worse initially (need to lower gains because of noise). Improve with optimizing subaperture gains (from LBWFS) & better system matrix.

6 Measurement 80 100Balance with DM bandwidth error. Improve with laser beam quality, optimal focus on Na layer & more power.

7 Other NGS 105 105 Fixed8 Measurement -elongation 0 112 Fixed by projector location9 Focal Anisoplanatism 0 239 Fixed by atmosphere10 LGS Calibrations 0 150 Could be worse. Reduce by using LBWFS centroid offsets.

11 Telescope focus 0 30Improve with optimal LBWFS to FCS control. 0.17 mm error produces a 0.016" blur.

12 Measurement - laser jitter 0 50Implement up-link tip/tilt. Monitor tip/tilt & periodically re-center with FSMs.

13 Measurement - TT 0 40 Depends on NGS magnitude. Trade off vs bandwidth - TT.14 Other LGS 0 70 ?

RSS = 270 423

Strehl at 2.1 um = 0.52 0.20 Note that our 1st light LGS milestone is for SR = 0.2

Page 14: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

2nd LGS Milestone Definition

Proposed Criteria• LGS facility operable by AO experts (by end of Dec/03).

• Performance Success Criteria:1. Achieve a Strehl > 0.2 in Kp for a V > 15 mag NGS.2. Achieve a Strehl > 0.1 in Kp for a V > 17 mag NGS.6. Corrected images on science camera < 5 min after slew.9. Nod time < 20 sec (including opening & closing loops).

• Operability Success Criteria: 3. LGS AO operable by 3 AO + 1 laser expert (+ NIRC2 operator).4. All software tested & released in a controlled version (by Dec. 15)5. Demonstrate correction over 50° < EL < 85°.7. Off-axis science demonstrated for a target > 20 arcsec from NGS.8. Nodding demonstrated over a 5x5” field.

• Numbers indicate relative priorities.• Faint performance higher priority than off-axis operation

Page 15: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

2nd LGS Milestone Tasks# Subsystem Priority Task Lead Team Planned Actual1 STRAP 1,2 Significantly reduce background AB PW 11/05/032 STRAP 1,2 Optimize to achieve 5(?) mas rms on V=17 EJ MvD3 STRAP 1,2 How do you eval STRAP perf on V>13? MvD4 STRAP 1,2 Fix diaphragm JC EJ5 STRAP 1,2 Determine if Na rejection needed EJ MvD6 STRAP 1,2 Implement background compensation offset EJ MvD7 STRAP 3,6,9 Hardware integration into WFC JC EJ8 STRAP 3,6,9 Software integration into WFC EJ 11/17/039 STRAP Decision on spares for STRAP PLW 12/31/0310 LBWFS 1,2 Significantly reduce background DLM SH,AB,PW11 LBWFS 3 Define next steps in auto & calib & proceed DLM SH,MvD12 LBWFS 3 Automate LBWFS calibration EJ DLM,SH13 LBWFS 6 Autoset integration time vs STRAP signal DLM SH14 LBWFS 7,8 Realign &/or eliminate vignetting over 20x20" PW AB15 LBWFS 7,8 Maintain lenslet-DM registration over 20x20" DLM EJ16 TSS 6,7,8,9 Auto reposn up to 20" off-axis in < 10 sec PS 10/07/0317 WFS focus 1,2,5 Increase FCS range to >~250 mm AC 10/07/0318 WFS focus 1,2,6 Autozero LBWFS focus by adjusting Na alt DS 10/11/0319 Laser pting 1,2,6,9 Offload average WFS t/t to laser pointing AB DS20 Laser pting 1,2 Determine how soon UTT needed MvD AB 11/20/0321 Laser pting 6,7 M3 EPICS control from OBS JC SH 10/30/0322 Laser pting 6 Autoposn M3 vs elevation DS 11/17/0323 Laser pting 6,7 Autoposn M3 up to 20" off-axis in <10 sec DS 11/17/0324 Laser pting 8,9 Autoposn laser pting for a 5x5" nod DS

Page 16: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

2nd LGS Milestone Tasks# Subsystem Priority Task Lead Team Planned Actual25 Laser 1,2 Document reln between PIB & pting AB DS,RL26 Laser 1,2 Document reln between on-sky & PIB image AB JC27 Laser 1,2 Document reln between power & WFS signal JC AB,RL28 Laser 1,2 Doc output power & image quality fluctuations JC RL29 Laser 1,2 Improve image quality & output power RL JC30 Laser 3 Implement FM200 JC 10/07/0331 Laser 3 Resolve cooling capacity problem PW JC32 Auto Optim 1,2,3,6 Integrate SW to gen WFS cogs from LBWFS MvD33 Auto Optim 1,2,6 Implement gains as function of pupil position MvD34 Auto Optim 1,2,6 Overall DM gain MvD35 Obs Proced 3,6 Review & update observing procedure AB DLM 10/10/0336 Obs Proced 3,6 Automate appropriate steps AB DLM37 Obs Proced 3,6 Document calibration procedures DLM AB,EJ38 Obs Proced 3,6 Define AO expert roles & implement training AB DLM39 Obs Proced 3,6 Define laser operation & implement training RL JC40 Cleanup 4 k2aoserver implementation LC DLM 10/10/0341 Cleanup 4 Crate boot from k2aoserver LC PS42 Cleanup 4 Telemetry halts while writing diagnostics(v3.6) EJ 10/10/0343 Cleanup 4 Implement local disk for WFC EJ44 Cleanup 4 Verify AO parameters are properly saved DS45 Cleanup 4 AO & laser SW releases PS all46 Cleanup 4 Fix background make (v3.6) EJ 10/10/03

Page 17: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

2nd Light Run Summary(Oct. 10&11)

Cirrus/clouds for entire run. Managed to project laser through holes for short periods

Inadequate time to demo good LGS AO correction Laser progress

Ran from summit control room (no laser access reqd) Start of night alignment adequate for night Much progress on understanding laser pointing

LGS AO progress Progress on punchlist items, especially focus correction Some training with tools No progress on STRAP limiting mag since background

high again (had been reduced prior to run) Good NGS science performed through cirrus

Page 18: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

Other AO FY04 Milestones

NGS FY Quarter Description Actual1 04Q1 AO characterization workshop 10/24/032 04Q2 V2 ORR 1/21/033 04Q2 Pre-OSIRIS tasks4 04Q3 Pre-nulling tasks5 04Q3 Handover to Operations6 04Q4 OHANA demonstration

Other FY Quarter Description Actual1 ? Hire Contos replacement2 04Q2 K1 laser RFP distributed3 04Q3 K1 laser contract placed4 04Q3 KPAO error budget & point design(s)5 ? Keck Foundation WFC upgrade?6 ? AODP atmos characterization effort?

Page 19: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

NGS AO Tasks

# NGS Mile # Task Lead Team Planned Actual1 2 K1 AO enclosure cleanliness mods Nance 11/30/032 2,5 Complete k2aoserver upgrade LC DLM 01/02/043 2 Implement auto KAT-FSM offloading DLM Booth 01/08/044 2 Implement auto reuse of AO parameters DLM Booth5 2,5 Document K1,K2 FSM range CN6 3 Implement OSIRIS fold mirror on K2 JB7 3 Implement OSIRIS/NIRC2 calib lamps on K2 JB8 4 K1 image rotator recoating & realignment JB MdV,TS 12/12/039 4,5 K2 image rotator recoating & realignment JB10 4 Implement chopping with tip/tilt mirror EJ CN11 5 Implement 1"/pixel WFS mode MvD DLM12 5 Increase K2 FSM unvignetted range13 5 Define requirements for K2 Ops handover DLM RG14 6 Implement OHANA fold mirror on K1 JB JW

Page 20: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

K2 AO Observing Calendar

Sept. None after 9/18. Oct. 2-5 NIRC2; 10-11 LGS; 12-16 IF Nov. 8-11 NIRC2; 14-16 IF; 17 LGS; 27-30 NIRC2 Dec. 5-8 NIRC2; 10 LGS; 11-13 NIRSPAO; 15-17

LGS; 16-18, 23-26, 29-31 NIRC2 Jan. 5-8 IF; 5, 9-12, 27 NIRC2

Only ½ night on 1/27 Appropriate gaps for significant AO changes:

15 wk days from Fri. 10/17 to Th. 11/6. 6 wk days from Tue. 11/18 to Tues. 11/25. 9 wk days from Tue. 1/13 to Fri. 1/23.

Larger gaps available for laser changes.

Page 21: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

AO 03B CalendarMonth Date Day Observing Event Tasks (10/16/03)

Oct 20 M STRAP background work (PW,AB)21 T Rearrange WFC VME crate for STRAP & UTT (JC,EJ)22 W Rearrange WFC VME crate for STRAP & UTT (JC,EJ)23 Th STRAP diaphragm repair (JC)24 F AO characterization workshop STRAP diaphragm repair (JC)

Refile with FAA (PS)25 Sa26 Su27 M28 T29 W30 Th CfAO retreat31 F CfAO retreat

Nov 1 Sa CfAO retreat2 Su CfAO retreat3 M Distribute K1 laser reqments 1st draft (RL,JC,DS,PW)4 T5 W6 Th Keck Foundation site visit7 F8 Sa NIRC29 Su NIRC210 M NIRC211 T NIRC212 W13 Th14 F IF15 Sa IF16 Su IF17 M LGS AO

Page 22: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

AO 03B CalendarMonth Date Day Observing Event Tasks (10/16/03)

18 T19 W20 Th21 F22 Sa23 Su24 M25 T26 W ?27 Th28 F NIRC229 Sa NIRC230 Su NIRC2

Dec 1 M NIRC22 T3 W4 Th AOWG LGS planning workshop5 F NIRC2 Dist K1 laser SOW & contract draft (RL,JC,PW,SS)6 Sa NIRC27 Su NIRC28 M NIRC2 K1 image rotator recoat/realign (JB,MdV,TS)9 T ? K1 image rotator recoat/realign (JB,MdV,TS)10 W K2 AO 1/2 LGS AO? K1 image rotator recoat/realign (JB,MdV,TS)11 Th NIRSPAO K1 image rotator recoat/realign (JB,MdV,TS)12 F NIRSPAO K1 image rotator recoat/realign (JB,MdV,TS)13 Sa NIRSPAO14 Su ?15 M LGS AO16 T LGS AO 1st half LGS AO. 2nd half team Keck NGS?17 W NIRC2 1st half LGS AO. 2nd half LGS AO for team Keck?

Page 23: Keck Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System: 1 st & 2 nd Milestones AOWG Telecon Oct. 17, 2003 A. Bouchez, J. Chin, A. Contos, S. Hartman, E. Johansson,

AO 03B CalendarMonth Date Day Observing Event Tasks (10/16/03)

18 Th NIRC2 Team Keck19 F20 Sa21 Su22 M23 T NIRC224 W NIRC225 Th NIRC226 F NIRC227 Sa28 Su29 M NIRC230 T NIRC231 W NIRC2

Jan 1 Th2 F3 Sa4 Su5 M IF/NIRC2 Distribute K1 laser RFP (RL,JC,DS,PW)6 T IF7 W IF8 Th IF9 F NIRC210 Sa NIRC211 Su NIRC212 M NIRC213 T14 W15 Th16 F