kaz software: a study on business communication system

A Study on Business Communication System of KAZ Software 05 th May, 2015

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Page 1: KAZ Software: A Study on Business Communication System

A Study on Business Communication

System of

KAZ Software

05th May, 2015

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A Study on Business Communication

System of

KAZ Software

Submitted to

Md. Iftekharul Amin

Assistant Professor

Institute of Business Administration

University of Dhaka

Submitted by

Kishan Kumar Ganguly (BSSE-0505)

Minhas Kamal (BSSE-0509)

SaifUddin Mahmud (BSSE-0524)

Mostaque Ahmed (BSSE-0530)

Institute of Information Technology

University of Dhaka

Submission Date 05th May, 2015

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05thMay, 2015.

Md. Iftekharul Amin Assistant Professor Institute of Business Administration University of Dhaka


According to your guidance we have performed a research over the business communication system of KAZ Software. We are submitting the report to you on the basis of our findings.

The primeprinciple of this report is to present a 360 degree view of the business plan and communication system of the company. We conducted the research through interviews of the HR manager and interns of the company, and resources available on the internet.

We hope you find this report satisfactory.

Sincerely Yours,

Kishan Kumar Ganguly (BSSE-0505) Minhas Kamal (BSSE-0509) SaifUddin Mahmud (BSSE-0524) Mostaque Ahmed (BSSE-0530)

Enclosure: Report

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Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. i

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Origin of the report ............................................................................................ 1

1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................. 2

1.4 Scope .................................................................................................................. 3

1.5 Limitation ............................................................................................................ 3

1.6 Methodology ...................................................................................................... 3

Company Overview ............................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Company Background......................................................................................... 5

2.2 Vision .................................................................................................................. 6

2.3 Products and services ......................................................................................... 6

2.4 Areas of expertise ............................................................................................... 8

Findings................................................................................................................................ 9

3.1 Objective based findings .................................................................................... 9

3.2 Summary ........................................................................................................... 14

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 14

Reference .......................................................................................................................... 15

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Executive Summary

KAZ Software follows a complete informal business communication

system. Principal media of communication are electronic, verbal &

written. Working environment is very flexible over there. There is no

strict job hierarchy.Employees here consider the company as a family

and preserve a soft friendly atmosphere. They also maintain a group

over the social network Google Plus, so that they can stay connected

even when they leave the company.

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1. Introduction

The overview of the whole report is discussed here. In this

part, we have put light upon the background, origin, objective,

scope and our methodology.

1.1 Background

The purpose of this document is to present our research &

findings on the business process of an organization. We have

chosen KAZ software as the organization to study. We have

studied different aspects of the firm and tried to understand how

to represent the overview of their business plans and programs.

1.2 Origin of the Report

As requirement ofour Business Communication course, we

had a project of conducting a study on an organization. For that

purpose, considering our possibilities and scope we have selected

KAZ software firm. We visited them and met several persons of

the organization and collected data. On the basis of that research,

this report is generated to represent our findings.

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1.3 Objective

The objective denotes the overall goal of the entire

research. The total objective of this project can be broken down

into two categories-

1.3.1 Broad Objective

The main objective of this study is toobserve the business

processes of different domains of a well renowned

organization&get a clear understanding of the whole business

process of the organization in order to complete our BUS-503


2.2.2 Specific Objective

Defining different sectors: First we need to define the

sectors we are going to consider in our research. We will try to

observe their internal and external communication &main

operational divisions or sectors of their business.

Collecting data: After defining and deciding the sectors, we

will collect the data for each and every sectors. For the data

collection purpose, we will meet the associated person of the

firm. In this regard, we can also find help from the bank website

and their annual report.

Interpreting the data: We will interpret and analyze the

data. We need to specify them according to our project objective

and scope.

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Result of the analysis: At the end we need to come to a

conclusion about the analysis. All the scattered data must be

organized and a result must be generated.

1.4 Scope

In this sector, we are drawing a line of the boundary of our

research. We selected ‘KAZ Software’ for our project. This

company is providing services mainly for foreign software farms.

So, it is not possible for us to have an exact view over their work

flow based on a single meeting. We have gathered information

about what do they provide, how they maintain organizational

culture, their recruitment procedures and internship facilities.

1.5 Limitations

This document provides only an overview of the workflow of

the company. We cannot assure that the document would be

enough to understand details about the functionality of the whole


1.6 Methodology

We have divided our whole methodology of the research in

some distinct phases. They are illustrated here:

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Step1 – Organization selection: The selection of a suitable

organization is of first concern. We had to select an organization

considering the learning scope, data availability, convenience of

communication, organizational structure and most importantly -

meeting our project aim. KAZ Software is one of the best firm in

the software industry. As it has enough experience in the field, by

studying this organization, we hope to learn about various

versatile sectors of business and communication.

Step 2 – Proposal preparation: A proposal provides an

overview of whole project. Here, we set our goals, specify the

objectives, define project scopes clearly, describe the

methodology, provide a timeline chart with the activity we are

going to follow, detail the team members and budget.

Step 3 – Public Information gathering: There is some

information which is publicly available like in the website or

advertisement, article in the newspaper or magazine. First we

tried to gather all of those public information. We then filtered

them and chose only those data which are needed in our context.

Step 4 – Communicating with data sources: For our further

steps of research, we needed to have direct communication with

the organizational authority. We tried to a find a link with

someone who occupies higher position in the firm and could help

us by providing information. We met Mrs.

MonjuraAkterChowdhury, HR Manager and conducted an

interview. We also talked with one intern from IIT 4th batch and

an employee from IIT 3rd batch.

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Step 5 – Proper data collection: Proper data collection is the

most important phase for this project. This firm provides

worldwide services. Their communication process with their

clients is largely based on web. In order to find out our objective

oriented data, we had a plan to set up a questionnaire set. We

had met the related persons of the organization and interviewed

them according to that questionnaire.

Step 6 – Data interpretation: After the interviews and all

other phases of data collection, all the data is organized and

interpreted according to our defined objective. This stage led us

to the final result.

Step 7 – Result and finalization: The final stage involves

creating a clean, professional document, with graphical

enhancements, formatted, and ready to be presented as our

business project.

2. Company Overview

An introduction regarding the whole company is projected

here. The data in this section have been mainly collected from

secondary sources.

2.1 Company Background

KAZ Software includes designers, engineers and content

specialists. It is of the leading custom software companies in

Bangladesh for software development outsourcing.

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They offer software development and content management

services to international customers across multiple industries.

They understand the challenges that our customers face within

and across these industries. They provide practical, pragmatic and

powerful solutions to address those challenges.

Getting great software out to users is the single goal that

drives them. Their mix of skills and talent means they have

everything to meet that goal in one place. Design, development,

testing, deployment, content and anything in between those

clearly defined roles.

2.2 Vision

They believe they are good at what they do because they

have the four ingredients – passion, skills, culture& process.

They are always on startup mode which ever project they do

- their passion drives them, their open culture brings out creativity

and innovation and their strong skill base and experience coupled

with their tried and tested development process makes great

software a reality.

2.3 Products & Services

They have wide experience both in development platforms

and business domains.

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They don’t specialize in particular technologies, but they are

proficient and experienced with a wide array of tools and systems.

Every product is unique and they try to fit the right team with the

right skills for that particular product. Our teams have worked on

web applications, created desktop applications and built

numerous mobile apps.

Some of things that they have built:

• Social app with localization

• Large financial content portal

• Desktop based tax optimization tool

• Corporate data management application

• Document repository

• Database driven file system

• Content rich web application

• LDAP management tool

• iPhone/Android/Windows mobile applications

• Online holiday management tool

• Location content service

• Location based social app platform

• Flex based Visio like diagramming tool

• Desktop based diagramming and layouting tool.

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• Symbian application

• VoIP billing solution

• Mobile content solution

• Stock trading portal

• International trade research and management tool

2.4 Areas of Expertise

Because of their involvement with all kinds of projects their

SQA teams are exposed to a variety of technology and business

domains. This helps them to provide unique resources bringing in

skills, experience and ideas from very different sectors.

• Variety of web applications

• eCommerce applications

• Social and location based tools

• Financial calculations tools

• Visio like drawing tools.

• Desktop tools

• Device drivers

• Mobile applications

• Face book integration

• High traffic eCommerce applications

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• Optimization algorithms

• Web service interface loading

• Numerical data heavy applications

• Large database search

• Large XML based content search

• International trade documentation

• Transfer pricing rules

• Government regulations classification

• News creation and maintenance

• Rates and other numerical data

• Financial calculation

• Software Testing

3. Findings

3.1 Objective based findings

To find out about the business strategy of KAZ, we set up an

interview with their HR manager. The set of questionnaire for the

interview was suited according to our needs. The findings we got

is describes below-

The goal of their business activities: It is a software

company. They mainly provide support services and produce

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software for tax and international trade. They provide these

services for clients overseas. They also provide support services

for a few of the companies in our country. But most of their

clients are from foreign countries and their business activities are

mostly aimed to them.

The company’s work sequence: They gather work from

clients from overseas. One of their directors resides in the U.S.A.

He also helps them gather work. Clients contact with them also as

the clients learn about them from their website. KAZ is also a

member of BASIS and sometimes they get some clients through

them. Actually they get most of the support service related work

of our countries and other countries through meetings of BASIS or

some other meetings of such form.

Types of business activities they prioritize: KAZ prioritize

works related to international trade, tax and support services. But

it depends on the context. If they get work related to their goals

and context, they are good to go.

Dependency on teams: Each project they receive, is divided

into modules. After that, they assign individual teams to develop

each modules separately. They mainly work on teams so obviously

they are highly dependent on team. Individual effort are not less

important, but joining team is a must.

Their mode of communication: The members follow

complete and pure informal approach. They have almost no

bureaucracy. All the team heads and others are very much

accessible and very much helpful. Even the interns have very close

relation with them and their team heads. If someone faces any

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problems, he instantly contacts with his team leader and gets

help. They have, together, formed a community. They have a

group on Google and everyone, even those who do not work in

our company now, still are in the group and a part of our


Their mode of development: All the products they develop

are based on proprietary rights. None of their work is open

freelancing or open sources. They mainly do the work mentioned

above which are not freelancing, rather can be termed as support

service. Simply, it means they do the works that theyget from

other companies.

Their business model: They are very flexible in this regard.

That’s why they don’t follow any rigid model & they change from

project to project. They mainly provide service to their clients. So

they actually follow service model. But most of the times their

customer are a business itself. In that sense, they provide B2B

(Business to Business) model.

Work distribution:Different team is good on different

technologies or tools. More specifically, different teams have

experience on working with different problems. So teams get the

chance to select their work based on their expertise. Different

teams also share their experiences on meetings and seminars to

improve skills of other teams.

Communication with external parties: They are already

member of BASIS. So, they get the chance to meet with other

companies in their meetings as well. And as theywork with other

companies, so they have very much close connection and good

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relation with them. And they have not been working so much with

Government though they work for Government overseas. So,

globally they are closely connected to the external parties. But

locally, they are limited to BASIS and other companies only.

Trainings provided for fresher:Fresherare always learning

here. They provide all types of facilities for them to learn. The

team leader is always ready to provide any sort of help needed.

They also hold meetings often. On every week, they hold a ‘Tech

Adda’, where they discuss about their work and also learn from

others. They hold this sort of seminars quite often to be aware of

what everyone is working on, and also to learn from one another

like a family. They also hold some seminars like schoolings where

theyteach, take exams, grade on them and also at the end of the

seminar, they try to provide prizes to the best performer on the

exams. So, trainings are always there to learn from.

Conduct of recruitment and interviews:Recruitment is

conducted as other companies conduct them. They have no

problems taking familiar people also. Because if someone

recommends of a person who works well, then why not let him

work with them? They also provide advertisements on

newspapers and on their websites and follow a full formal

approach like interviews and so on.

Preferredkind of employees: They prefer employees who

simply can match with the context of the company. They do not

have any specific preference, rather, if they find that the person

has proper understandings and knowledge related to the work,

they gladly hire them.

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Specialized training for communication improvement: Their

communication approach is very flexible. So the employees get

accustomed to the environment very easily. They provide

trainings mentioned above. Though no specialized training for

business activities. They believe that their mentioned trainings are

good enough for a trainee to collaborate very well with them.

Work time: They from 11.30 AMregularly as programmers

tend to work long hours at night. They continue till the evening.

What they seek: When recruiting for any position, the

common thing they look for is, if the person interviewed is a

problem solver or not. By problem solver, they are indicating the

people who can think on the solution space. As they are a

software company, it I very important for them to think on the

solution space of a problem. So they seek such people.

Expectations from the interns: Actually interns are there to

learn, so it is not important how much they can gain from them,

rather it is important for them to know how much they can gain

from the organization. They provide a lot of facilities for them to

learn. The organization have no benefit there. They are just trying

to help the interns to become an asset in this field. They may not

work with the organization in future; they may work in other

companies as well. But what they are doing is we are helping

them learn and trying to contribute to the future growth of

software industries in this way.

Total time for each projects: It depends on the project. They

have teams who are working on a project for more than 7 years. It

is because they not only make software, they also provide

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maintenance services as well. So, some teams work on it for a

long time. So, it depends on the work the teams do.

3.2 Summary

KAZ mainly follows a very flexible approach in conducting

business. They mainly adapt their strategy based on the project in

hand. The company depends on team based operations. For this

reason, to build team relation, they maintain a very informal

mode of communication. They have successfully formed a

community of close relation through their culture.

4. Conclusion

The mode of business interaction and conduct mainly depends on

the service that the organization provides. Each organization adapts its

culture according the market it exists in. KAZ is a software firm

dedicated to develop software based on teamwork. That’s why it has

built an overall culture to foster teamwork.

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5. Reference

1. KAZ official website (www.kaz.com.bd).

2. Facebook page of KAZ (www.facebook.com/kazsoftware).