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  • 8/4/2019 kath aausin


    Swedish Arts

    Sweden has had many famous artists, among them:

    Johan Tobias Sergel -Swedish sculptor, was born in Stockholm.

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    Johan Tobias Sergel, self portrait from 1793. In his arms is his son Gustaf, and at his side his common law wife

    Anna-Rella Hellstrm.

    Carl Milles- was a Swedish sculptor, best known for his fountains.

    - sculpted the Poseidon statue in Gothenburg, the Gustaf Vasa statue at

    the Nordiska museet, the Orfeus group outside the Stockholm Concert Hall and the Folke

    Filbyter sculpture in Linkping.

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    Carl Milles by his desk in the Millesgrden in Sweden 1955


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    Anders Zorn -as one of Swedens foremost artists who obtained internationalsuccess as a painter, sculptor and printmaker in etching.

    - The Port of Hamburg, 1891

    - The little brewery, 1890

    - Self portrait, 1882

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    The Port of Hamburg, 1891

    The little brewery, 1890

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    - Self portrait, 1882

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    Carl Larsson - was a Swedish painter and interior designer, representative of

    the Arts and Crafts Movement.

    -His many paintings include oils, watercolors, and frescoes.

    -He considered his finest work to be Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), a large wall

    mural now displayed inside the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts.

    - Breakfast under the big birch tree

    - Christmas Eve (19041905).

    Carl Eldh -was a Swedish artist and sculptor.

    - The Branting Monument

    - Statue of August Strindberg

    Lately the art of Sweden has been influenced by culture and includes modern

    paintings and sculptures.

    The influences of Swedish art have has mostly come from continental Europe,

    especially Western Europe: the other Nordic countries and countries like France,

    Germany and Italy

    Swedish Literature

    Verner von Heidenstam - his literary debut came in 1887 with the collection ofpoetry Vallfart och vandringsr (Pilgrimage and Wander-Years).

    Selma Lagerlf- was arguably the brightest star of the 1890s, and her

    influence has lasted up to modern times.

    - Two of her major works :

    The Wonderful Adventures of Nils andGsta Berlings saga

    - was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, mainly for her storytelling abilities.

    y Pr Lagerkvist - was a Swedish author who was awarded the Nobel Prize

    in Literature in 1951.

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    - wrote poems, plays, novels, stories, and essays of considerable expressive power and

    influence from his early 20s to his late 70s.

    His works

    -Onda Sagor (1924)

    -Gst hos verkligheten ("Guest of Reality", 1925)

    - Barabbas (1950, filmed in 1953, 1962)

    -Dvrgen ("The Dwarf", 1944) - It is considered his most important novel and the

    most artistically innovative


    Sweden shares the tradition of Nordic folk dance music with its neighboring

    countries including polka, schottische, waltz, polska and mazurka.

    The accordion, clarinet, fiddle and nyckelharpa are among the most

    common Swedish folk instruments.

    Kalle Jularbo, who was famous throughout the early 20th century.

    - The most famous Swedish accordionist.

    This instrumental genre is the biggest one in Swedish traditional music.

    Many joined Spelmanslag (folk musicians' clubs) and performed on

    mainstream radio and TV. They focused on instrumental polska music, with vocals

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    and influences from other traditional genres becoming more prominent since the


    Swedish music has also included more modern and pop influences.

    Swedish pop bands like ABBA, Roxette, Army of Lovers, Ace of

    Base,Alcazar, A*Teens, E-Type

    ABBA is the best-known popular music band from Sweden, and the only one that

    ranks among the best-known in the world, composed of members Agnetha

    Fltskog, Bjrn Ulvaeus, Anni-Frid Lyngstad, and Benny Andersson.

    With ABBA, Sweden entered into a new era, in which Swedish pop music gained

    international prominence after winning the 1974 Eurovision Song Contest.

    They sold a total of 380 million records around the world, making them the second-

    most successful group ever, after The Beatles.

    Sweden is the third largest music exporter in the world, with over 800 million dollars

    in 2007 years revenue, surpassed only by the US and the UK.


    -is considered a national pastime in Sweden.

    -the sports with most participants are handball, football, golf, gymnastics and athletics,

    while the sports with the largest number of television spectators are football, ice

    hockey, handball, golf, motor sport (especially speedway) and athletics.

    Football is the main sport.

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    Fish(particularly herring), meat, potatoes and dairy products played prominent roles.

    Spices were sparse.

    Famous dishes include Swedish meatballs, traditionally served with gravy, boiled

    potatoes and lingonberry jam; pancakes, lutfisk, and Smrgsbord, or lavish buffet.

    Akvavit is a popular alcoholic distilled beverage, and the drinking of snaps is of

    cultural importance. T

    The traditional flat and dry crisp bread has developed into several contemporary


    Regionally important foods are the surstrmming (a fermented fish) in Northern

    Sweden and eel in Scania in Southern Sweden.

    In August, at the traditional feast known as crayfish party, krftskiva, Swedes eat

    large amounts of boiled crayfish with boiled potato and dill.


    Cheers: prost

    do you speak English:sprichst du Englisch

    good day: guten Tag

    good luck: viel Glck

  • 8/4/2019 kath aausin


    hello: hallo, tschss

    how are you: Wie geht es dir

    Idon't know: ich wei nicht

    Idon't understand: ich verstehe nicht

    many thanks: vielen Dank

    my name is: ich heie

    no: Nein, nein

    sorry: entschuldigen Sie bitte

    sorry: wie bitte

    thank you very much: danke schn

    what is yourname: wie heien Sie

    yes: ja

    you're welcome: bitte

    cheers: skl

    do you speak English: talar du engelskagood day: god dag

    good luck: lycka till

    hello: hej

    how are you: hur r det

    Idon't know: jag vet inte

    Idon't understand: jag frstr inte

    many thanks: tusen tack

    no: nej


    sorry: urskta

    thank you very much: tack s mycketyes: ja

    you're welcome: ingen orsak


    officially the Kingdom of Sweden.

    a Nordic country on theScandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe.

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    At 450,295 square kilometres (173,860 sq mi), Sweden is the third largest country in

    the European Union by area, with a total population of approximately 9.4 million

    The Culture of Sweden

    One of the key characteristics of Swedish culture is that Swedes are egalitarian in nature,

    humble and find boasting absolutely unacceptable. In many ways, Swedes prefer to listen to

    others as opposed to ensuring that their own voice is heard.

    When speaking, Swedes speak softly and calmly. It is rare that you were witness a Swede

    demonstrating anger or strong emotion in public.

    Due to the strong leaning towards egalitarianism in Sweden, competition is not encouraged

    and children are not raised to believe that they are any more special than any other child.

    The Family

    The family in Sweden is extremely important and as such, the rights of children are well


    Either the mother or father is entitled to be absent from work until their child reaches 18

    months old.

    A parental allowance is paid for 480 days, which is intended for both parents. Sixty of these

    days must be used by the minority parents. For this reason, this element of the allowance is

    often known as Daddys months

    . Anyone travelling to Sweden will notice the family friendly environment of most resturants

    and other such establishments. Even trains have a toy and play area!

    The Role of Hospitality

    Sweden is a largely egalitarian and relaxed environment, hospitality and eating

    arrangements are often a formal affair.

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    It is more common for guests to be invited to a Swedes home for coffee and cake as opposed

    to a meal, but, if you are invited for a meal then ensure that you:

    Are punctual as it is considered extremely impolite if you are rude. In the same essence, do

    not arrive too early. It is not an uncommon event in Sweden for guests to sit in the car until

    the last minute or walk around the block until the expected time of arrival has arrived!

    Dress smartly as to otherwise would be considered disrespectful to the hosts.

    Do not ask to see the rest of the house as Swedes are general very private and it is likely

    that the only room (other than the dining / sitting room) that they would expect you to go to

    would be the bathroom.

    Due to the egalitarian values of Sweden, it is strongly recommended that you do not wear

    anything flashy. Even senior directors or executives do not dress any more elaborately than

    average employees. As such, avoid ostentatious or, obvious jewellery.

    When eating, keep your hands in full view, with your wrists on top of the table.

    . The European eating etiquette should be adhered to in respect to knife in the right hand

    and fork in the left.

    Do not start eating until the hostess has started.

    Do not take the last helping from a plate.

    Finish everything on your plate as it is considered rude to leave any food uneaten.

    Do not offer a toast to anyone more senior to you in age. When offering a toast then lift your

    glass and nod at everyone present looking from those seated on your right to those seated on

    your left before taking a sip. You should then nod again before replacing your glass on the


    It is important that you do not discuss business at the table as Swedes try to distinguish

    between home and work.

    During formal events, the guest seated on the left of the hostess typically stands to make a

    speech during the sweet, to thank her on behalf of the whole group.

    Always write or call to thank the host / hostess within a few days of attending the dinner.


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    -takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional


    Executive power is exercised by the government, led by the Prime Minister of

    Sweden. Legislative power is vested in both the government and parliament, elected

    within a multi-party system.

    Judiciary is independent, appointed by the government and employed until


    Joe Hill

    -also known as Joseph Hillstrm

    -was a Swedish-Americanlabor activist, songwriter, and member of the IndustrialWorkers of the World (IWW, also known as the "Wobblies").

    -Hill soon managed to become a well-respected songwriter for the workers' association.

    His most famous songs include "The Preacher and the Slave", "The Tramp", "There is

    Power in the Union", "Rebel Girl", and"Casey Jones: Union Scab", which generally

    express the harsh but combative life of industrial workers

    Olof Palme

    -Sven OlofJoachim Palme

    -led of the Swedish Social Democratic Party from 1969 to his assassination and two-

    term Prime Minister of Sweden, heading a Privy Council Government and a cabinet

    government from 1982 until his death

    Hans Martin Blix

    -is a Swedish diplomat and politician for the Liberal People's Party. He was Swedish

    Minister for Foreign Affairs

    - Blix was also the head of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection


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