katanning senior high school

Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership KATANNING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL An Independent Public School NEWSLETTER 7 4 August 2017 Congratulations to: The students who achieved 100% attendance for Term 2. Great effort! 2017 Country Week Team for their comradery and sportsmanship! Bush Rangers on a successful Camp to Millstream. Thank you to: Follow The Dream Year 7’s who will collect and organise the Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers for the school. BANK DETAILS TO MAKE PAYMENTS You may prefer to pay school accounts and excursions costs through Direct Deposit. The school bank account details are as follows: Bankwest Katanning Account Name: Katanning Senior High School BSB Number: 306-014 Account Number: 496740-9 Please ensure you add the student name to the payment details. The school also has Eftpos and Credit Card payment facilities. KATANNING SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Golf Links Road Katanning WA 6317 Principal: Ms Carolyn Cook Associate Principal: Mrs Sharon Poett Middle School Program Coordinator: Mrs Louise Armstrong Senior School Program Coordinator: Mr Frank Gaudin Manager Corporate Services: Mr Patrick Kennedy Phone: (08) 9821 9800 Fax: (08) 9821 2912 Email: [email protected] Website: www.katanningshs.wa.edu.au Canteen: (08) 9821 2937 Bush Rangers at Millstream

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Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership


An Independent Public School

NEWSLETTER 7 4 August 2017

Congratulations to:

The students who achieved 100% attendance for Term 2. Great effort!

2017 Country Week Team for their comradery and sportsmanship!

Bush Rangers on a successful Camp to Millstream.

Thank you to:

Follow The Dream Year 7’s who will collect and organise the Woolworths Earn and Learn stickers for the school.


You may prefer to pay school accounts and excursions costs through Direct Deposit. The school bank account details are as follows:

Bankwest Katanning

Account Name: Katanning Senior High School BSB Number: 306-014

Account Number: 496740-9

Please ensure you add the student name to the payment details. The school also has Eftpos and Credit Card payment facilities.


Golf Links Road Katanning WA 6317

Principal: Ms Carolyn Cook Associate Principal: Mrs Sharon Poett

Middle School Program Coordinator: Mrs Louise Armstrong Senior School Program Coordinator: Mr Frank Gaudin

Manager Corporate Services: Mr Patrick Kennedy

Phone: (08) 9821 9800 Fax: (08) 9821 2912 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.katanningshs.wa.edu.au Canteen: (08) 9821 2937

Bush Rangers at Millstream


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

Principals Report

We have had an excellent start to Term 3, thank you to parents, students and staff.

I have returned to act as Principal for Term 3. Mrs Louise Armstrong has also joined us as the Middle School Program Coordinator. She has hit the ground running and is doing an amazing job. She comes from Beaconsfield Primary School and brings many skills with her.

Over the holidays 28 cameras were installed for school security. The students have found them intriguing and interestingly behaviour and classroom attendance has improved.

The Associate Principal and the Senior School Program Coordinator have been meeting with Year 10 students for subject/course selection for 2018. It has been very pleasing to see a large number of parents engage in this process. The decisions made now are very important for the rest of the student’s High School education.

Unfortunately the two demountable buildings we have are being removed. We fought hard to keep them but the Department is in very short supply and in high need of them. They were to go in early August but this has been delayed as the oval is far too wet for the trucks to drive on.

The academic class – Academic Curriculum Excellence (ACE) program we introduced this year has been doing many interesting things, this includes a Bell Shakespeare led drama workshop. On the 9 August the students will go on a camp to visit Curtin University in Perth.

Carolyn Cook

Thank you to the families who have paid their student Contributions and Charges to date. Subject charges and contributions are used by the school to provide items and resources consumed by students in subject areas. An up to date student statement will be posted each term to student mailing addresses detailing subject choices, charges, contributions and the balance owing. Payments can be made via;

Cheque, Cash and Eftpos during office

hours 8.30am-3.45pm

Eftpos - by telephone (savings, cheque and credit card)

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Please use student name as statement reference.

Bankwest Katanning BSB 306-014 - Account 4967409

Please don’t hesitate to contact the school if you have any enquiries regarding your child's account statement. Contact details are; email [email protected] or call the office on (08) 9821 9800. Mr Patrick Kennedy Manager Corporate Services


IMPORTANT DATES Semester 2 2017

For up to date information please visit the School Website:



9 Aug - 10 Aug 9 Aug 10 Aug 16 Aug - 18 Aug 17 Aug 20 Aug 22 Aug - 25 Aug 24 Aug - 25 Aug 28 Aug - 14 Sept 7 Sept 12 Sept 15 Sept - 17 Sept 21 Sept 22 Sept 22 Sept

Year 9 & 10 ACE Uni Camp Bush Rangers - Tree Planting Sport & Rec Excursion - Albany FTD Science Camp YohFest Excursion Bush Rangers Kayaking Excursion WACE Uni Camp Clontarf Defence Camp OLNA School Board Meeting 6pm - 8pm Conference Room Primary School Enrichment Day Bush Rangers Camp Whole School Assembly 12.10pm - 1.05pm 2018 Yr 7 Enrolment Forms Due Last Day Term 3

Although the best of care is taken in planning school events, the above dates are subject to change without notice . We recommend staying up to date with information advertised in the school newsletter and on the school website.


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

Year 9 ACE Panel Discussion In the last week of Term 2, students in the Year 9 ACE English class participated in a panel discussion on the following topics: Social Media: Friend or Foe and Bullying: What is it and how do we move forward? To prepare for this topic, students read the novel Destroying Avalon, undertook research on the pros and cons of social media, the effects of bullying, what we currently do about bullying in our school and ideas on how to move forward. The school psychologist came to visit the class to discuss these topics and she provided students with some fact sheets informing them of warning signs, and what to do to help themselves and their peers if the need should arise. Students also created some beautiful artwork (memes, posters, dioramas) to educate their peers on the effects of bullying; these have been placed on the notice board near the library. The actual panel discussion took place in the KSHS Library and we were very fortunate to have two parents and one other staff member attend the session on the day. Students did a fantastic job of undertaking the panel discussion and they had some valuable insights into the topics; as did the parents and staff. It was great to be able to invite parents into the school to watch or participate in one of our activities and I look forward to organising more sessions like this. I would really like to thank the students for doing such a fabulous job of the panel discussion, the parents for attending and Mrs Cindy Kowald who helped the session and the morning tea to run smoothly. Your time is much appreciated. ACE Excursions Coming up in Term 3, ACE excursions include; Romeo & Juliet Rewind performance at the Town Hall - Wednesday 2 August 2017 We have been very fortunate with this performance. The Shire of Katanning have kindly subsided this performance for our students to attend and Clontarf have offered assistance to bus students down and back. I would like to thank our students Tayla Doyle, Jarrod Williamson, Jackson Bishell and Jayden Severin who assisted with creating promotional material for the performance. Year 9 & 10 Uni Camp - Wednesday 9 August 2017 In Week 4 the Year 9 and 10 ACE students will go on an overnight camp to Perth. The purpose of the excursion is to visit Curtin University; however we are making the most of the trip and are attending the theatre where we will see Bell Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice. We were very fortunate again to receive the theatre tickets fully funded by a Bell Shakespeare program Hearts in a Row. In Term 4 we are planning to visit UWA with the Year 7 and Year 8 ACE students. I will provide information as soon as possible. Mrs Carmen Anderson



Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership


In Term 2, the students read the novel, Boy Overboard by Morris Gleitzman. They then looked into the plight of child refugees across the world by watching short films, viewing images of children in war torn countries, and writing descriptive narratives and responses. These activities aimed to help the students to step into the shoes of these children and imagine their life through their own eyes. Excellent work samples were written by Mikayli Kafi, Ira Azmie and Madison Pepall. Katy Steed 7ACE English


I can see it. Vast blue and cold here my journey begins from Syria to Greece I am scared and very, very cold it was probably a bad idea to wear a summer dress on this sea expedition.

The journey is long. I am cold and tired. I help my mother who is water. I can hear the moans of tired parents, the cries and screams of young children and the groaning sound of hunger and boredom. I can see almost nothing else in the water but our small rubber boat, hear the squeak of life jackets rubbing together relentlessly because of the bouncing boat.

The crew are announcing that there is no more fuel, so we have to paddle to a nearby which luckily is Greece. I am relieved that the long, tiring journey is over. I can see that the crew are directing a large mass up a steep mountain with a thin path. They say to follow the path and we will get to the police who will give us our ID’s and VISA’s. I look back to the shore from the top of the hill and I see discarded life jackets, belongings and lost children screaming. The walk seems to be going forever and I keep zoning out not remembering my last steps. We finally arrive in a small camp like town. We are met by the police, as the crew said they are helping us get our ID’s And VISA’s. We are now leaving the police station. We are safe. I can go to school safely. But I miss my old school, my teacher and my friends. I am glad we are safe, but I still miss Syria.

By Mikayla Kafi

Work by Madison Pepall

Work by Ira Azmie


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

At Katanning Senior High School we recognise and applaud 100% attendance. Regular attendance at school has a significant impact on student learning and achievement. The odd day off school does not seem like much but it soon adds up causing students to fall behind in their learning, achievement and progress towards excellence. Students with 100% attendance for Term 2 were awarded a certificate at our assembly last Thursday. Congratulations to these students it is to be applauded.

100% Attenders for Term 2 are:

Term 2 100% Attendance

Jaylen Anyon Year 8

Anthea Aye Year 7

Clarice Aye Year 11

Jaidyn Cole Year 9

Alyssa Cronin Year 7

Montana Daly Year 12

Paul Drage Year 7

Eh Ku Paw Year 8

Kelly Erasmus Year 10

Sajid Fayazi Year 8

Sujjad Fayazi Year 11

Guraki Hannan Year 7

Sharon Hunt Year 7

Asyilah Imran Year 11

Nur-Afiqah Imran Year 8

Adam Jolly Year 9

Erin Jolly Year 8

Jordan Ladyman-Palmer Year 12

Emma Lucas Year 12

Hayden Prosser Year 12

Tehono Rangawhenua Year 12

Ryan Reeves Year 8

Samantha Reeves Year 10

Ebony Riley Year 9

Shaliza Rochmond Year 8

William Roe Year 7

Shaun Shackley Year 7

Has Plah Shae Year 9

Ethan Spicer Year 9

Jaksyn Taylor Year 7

Courtaney Woods Year 7


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

The Year 8 Deadly Sista Girlz have started working on their cupcake decorating skills, they absolutely love their decorating sessions, because at the same time they get a chance to yarn about things, and also put their skills to work on something that is edible. The girls are preparing for an upcoming morning high tea party, the girls will invite their mothers, aunt's, nan’s and staff. The girls are learning to prepare, cook and clean, all in a time limit of their sessions.

Melissa Riley Great Southern DSG Program Manager



Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership


Hi everyone hope you enjoyed the holidays. On the 30 June Miss Watson, School Nurse Sharon Muir, Mr & Mrs Watson, myself and 15 cadets travelled to Millstream Chichester National Park in the Pilbara near Karratha. We went through many towns on our travels these are a few of the places we can tick off the map - Geraldton, Greenhead, Carnarvon, Karratha and Millstream. You may have heard of the adventures we took part in, which included a Welcome To Country, long bus rides, the amazing race and a quiz night. Our main job with the DPaW Rangers was removing invasive Indian Water Fern and water lillies from Chinderwarriner Pool and nearby channels. This is a sacred pool so we had to be respectful and quiet whilst working in the nice warm water. We managed to clear out all the channels and most of the pool which was an amazing effort.

Other jobs included fire plot monitoring and clearing spinifex along the Camel Walk Trail. We also enjoyed spotting Aboriginal rock art at Deep Gorge, exploring the low tide at Dampier, swimming at Deep Reach and looking for Roger the olive python… I could go on for pages.

Activities we are looking forward to this term are: tree planting at Pingrup, as the rain will help the plants grow; a Sunday day trip to Albany for a kayaking expedition which will include lunch; and then to finish the term we will be overnight hiking at Wellington Dam. Lots of different things to do, depending on the cadets interests. Mrs Hiddlestone - Leader

Millstream Lookout of Fortesque River

Chindermarriner Pool ‘Before’

Travelling to Karratha

Dylan and Tyrell looking for rock art in Deep Gorge

Amazing Race with Ranger Kate

Chindermarriner Pool ‘After’


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

The power of the written word… Most days in Follow the Dream we start our sessions with a literacy warm up but recently I changed it into more of a literacy challenge. A challenge that would provoke thought and test the way in which we think about stories and writing. A little more work than a warm up.

For this challenge first as a group we rehashed what a synopsis was. The students decided a great way to describe it was a ‘short description of what happens’. We also quickly went over what genres are and gave some examples of different types like thriller, action, fantasy, romance or science-fiction. Next I gave the students an example of an alternative synopsis for a well-known movie. This example had been skewed to create the feeling that the movie was a thriller. You may have come across this one on the internet…

A man’s wife is brutally murdered by a serial killer and his son left physically disabled. In a twisted turn of events his son is kidnapped and the dad has to chase the kidnapper thousands of miles with only the help of a mentally disabled woman.

It sounds like a Liam Neeson movie, doesn’t it? Well if you haven’t figured it out yet this is actually an alternate synopsis for Finding Nemo. It’s still what happens in the movie but the emphasis has been flipped around to make it far more dramatic. Nemo does have a physical disability in his little fin that makes him a weaker swimmer. Marlin travels with Dory who suffers from short term memory loss, a mental impairment.

The students worked with the tutors to plan out how they could take a well-known story and flip its synopsis to fit another genre, throwing the reader.

Here are some examples of their work. See if you can figure out the story.

Parents are killed in a freak accident and two sisters are left to live on their own. The younger sister is struck by the older sister and cursed for life.

Shenielle (Frozen)

Farmers have a rodent infestation which results in a boy’s cross country journey relying on the help of a wild beast.

Darren (The Good Dinosaur)

A young girl with ghastly telepathy burglarizes and terrorizes her school Principal. Jaida (Matilda)

A girl, who was stolen as a baby, lives locked away from the rest of the world. When she finally escapes she travels on an amazing journey and shockingly discovers her royal heritage.

Daniel (Tangled/Rapunzel)

A peasant falls in love with a beautiful girl. The peasant, who is always accompanied by sidekick who communicates through actions due to not knowing how to speak, is forced to save not only his love but his town as an evil villain tries to take over and rule the world.

Aaliyah (Aladdin)

Woolworths Earn & Learn The year 7’s will be running the Earn & Learn program for the whole of Katanning Senior High School as a numeracy project. They will be responsible for collecting and tallying the stickers and then doing the electronic data entry. The program will enable the school to earn equipment that students can use in class. KSHS have arranged a box in Woolworths so you don’t even need to leave the store with the stickers, just place them in there and we’ll do the rest! This year we are aiming for 30,000 points which is 8,000 more than last time.

Mrs Caitlyn Fitzgerald Program Coordinator Follow the Dream: Partnerships for Success



Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership


DENTAL HEALTH Teeth are important and help children to eat and speak. Unhealthy teeth will cause children pain and discomfort. To help keep children's teeth healthy, it is best to:

Brush teeth after breakfast and before bed each day, with a soft toothbrush and a pea size amount

of toothpaste. You may need to help kulunga if they have trouble brushing all of their teeth.

Brush all sides of the tooth; the back, front and tops of teeth.

Feed kulunga healthy foods and drinks; this will help to keep teeth healthy. Try to avoid food and

drinks with lots of sugar.

Older kulunga and adults should also floss each day.

For more dental health information, go to Child and Youth Health or Dental Health Services. The Katanning School Dental Service provides free general dental care to school children ranging from pre-primary through to Year 11 (or 17th birthday). Contact them on 98211734 Monday to Friday between 8am – 4pm for further information.

SUGAR Eating too much sugar too often can cause problems like tooth decay and weight gain. Foods that are good for teeth are also good for a growing healthy child. Sugar is often hidden in everyday foods and drinks and can be written as cane sugar, glucose, molasses, sucrose, fructose, lactose and maltose.

Health bars, roll-ups and dried fruit are also high in sugar and can stick to teeth more easily, putting teeth at higher risk of decay. These foods should only be eaten occasionally in small amounts. Healthier food and drink options for children include:

whole fresh fruit or fruit salad

veggie sticks and dip – carrot, celery and cucumber are great for dipping

cheese and crackers

plain popcorn

plain water

Child and Youth Health Interpreter Service http://www.cyh.com/ http://www.dental.wa.gov.au/about/interpreter.php

School Dental Therapy Centre Dental Health Services http://www.dental.wa.gov.au/clinics/locate.php?type=school http://www.dental.wa.gov.au/


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership

FRIDAY NIGHT ROLLERBLADING Sessions are booked for Term 3: 4 Aug, 25 Aug, 1 Sept, 22 Sept From 6:00pm until 8:30pm Price - $4.40 Junior Entry Fee $5.50 Senior Entry Fee $2.50 Blade Hire Any further queries contact the KLC on 9821 4399.


BORN TO MOVE WHEN: Friday Mornings (excluding school holidays) TIME: 9:30am - 10:15am COST: $3.30 AGE: 2 - 4 year olds. FREE for gold members

WHAT IS IT? - It is a 45 minute class in which a parent or caregiver also takes part. The music is written for the class with lyrics that act as sung instructions, leading children through simple moves that build body awareness and balance.

For any other queries please contact the KLC on 9821 4399.


Katanning Senior High School Vision—Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Leadership