kashi frozen pizza media plan


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A student media plan for a UNC-CH advertising class.


Page 1: Kashi Frozen Pizza Media Plan

KASHI2011 Media Plan

frozen pizza

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Sally FryAlison Coppock

Stephanie HubbleJanine Shao

Maria Harrigan

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Introduction | 03


Kashi, a division of Kellogg Company since June 2000, is focused on healthy, natu-

ral and convenient foods and is a premiere health-food provider in today’s market. To relate to their consumers, Kashi promotes a mind set of healthy and natural liv-ing, harnessing this identity with its tag line, “Seven Whole Grains on a Mission.” Once a little-known sup-plier of cereals and snacks, Kashi’s product offerings now include fro-zen meals, waffles and has recently introduced a line of frozen pizzas.

In the past, Kashi has relied on television ads to promote their products and events. Kashi has only promoted the launch of their frozen pizzas online and through point of purchase displays. To date they have spent approximately $197,300 (a mere .63 percent) of a $31,462,400 media budget on Kashi Frozen Pizza.

From an offensive approach, we propose a primary target audience of women ages 25 to 44. These women are fitness-conscious, highly educated and career-driven. They are motivated, single, young professionals and focused, work-ing mothers all of whom are not

necessarily current users of Kashi products but do subscribe to a healthy eating lifestyle. The sec-ondary target audience is women ages 45 to 54 who are already fa-miliar with the Kashi brand.

Peahen Creative wants to raise awareness of Kashi’s new frozen pizza line and recruit new, loyal Kashi consumers. Our research reveals that consistently poor prod-uct placement and brand aware-ness make it difficult for Kashi Fro-zen Pizza to successfully break into the frozen pizza market. We want to grow Kashi frozen pizza sales by 15% (to $40 million) by the end of next year. At least half of growth must come from Kashi’s main com-petitors.

To remedy these findings and to ex-pand the Kashi customer base, we propose an integrated media cam-paign consisting of print and out-door ads, events and promotions. Additionally, we seek to retain the loyalty our secondary target.

This national, integrated campaign will obtain an estimated 450 GRPs at a frequency of 5 and a reach of 90 on a $10 million media budget.

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04 | Introduction


01 Situation Analysis

Marketing Objectives

History of Brand

Creative History

Questions about Media Mix

Trends in the Category

Target Audience


Timing and Purchase Cycle

Competitive Analysis






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Introduction | 05



Situation Analysis Objectives & Strategies

Creative Brief

Marketing Objectives

History of Brand

Creative History

Questions about Media Mix

Trends in the Category

Target Audience


Timing and Purchase Cycle

Competitive Analysis



Media Overview


Target Audience

Budget / Media Mix Summary

Media Schedule


Creative Brief







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Grow Kashi frozen pizza sales by 15% (to $40 mil-lion) by the end of next year. At least half of growth must come from Kashi’s main competitors.


The product is Kashi Pizza. It is made by the Kashi Company, which is a division acquired by Kellogg Company in 2000. They have trademarked the con-cept “Kashi Seven Whole Grains & Sesame®” for many of their products. The seven grains include whole oats, hard red winter wheat, rye, barley, long grain brown rice, buckwheat, and triticale – a hardy hybrid of wheat and rye. Kashi brand is best known for its line of natural cereals, snacks, crackers, and frozen waffles, with total sales for all Kashi brands es-timated at $560 million.

The following information takes a look at the history of the Kashi brand, including the 4 P’s and Kashi’s cre-ative history in order to identify strengths and weak-nesses that will be revealed later.

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Situation Analysis | 09


In 2009, Kashi frozen pizza products were introduced. On the website, the tag line is “Pizza lovers, rejoice: Roasted Veggies, unique mushrooms, rich sauces, tasty cheeses, all on our 7 Whole Grain crust.” A fuller de-scription, available below, is used to promote Kashi’s line of whole grain pizzas after clicking on a specific pizza flavor:

We’ve been busy again in our Kashi kitchen. Now, we are excited to introduce our All Natural Thin Crust Frozen Pizzas – a naturally nutritious and delicious addition to our frozen pizza family.

The pizza crust is made with our signature blend of Kashi Seven Whole Grains & Sesame with flax seed and is wood-fired to bring out the natural flavors. Our pizzas are topped with real, wholesome ingredients - things like roasted vegetables, unique mushrooms and tasty chees-es. We take great care in combining these ingredients with flavorful sauces like our Tomato Pesto and Tomato Parmesan.

Kashi All Natural Thin Crust Pizzas are a wholesome and convenient option. Delicious varieties are available in the freezer aisle of your local grocery or natural food store.

Kashi currently offers seven flavors of All Natural Pizzas, in All Natural Thin Crust: ‘Basil Pesto,’ ‘Caribbean Carni-val,’ ‘Margherita,’ ‘Mediterranean,’ ‘Mexicali Black Bean,’ ‘Mushroom Trio & Spinach,’ and ‘Roasted Vegetable.’ These pizzas are approximately three serving sizes.

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Product (cont.)The nutrition facts of each of the pizzas detail that a serving size is, for the most part, one-third of a single pizza; however, based upon our primary research findings, each pizza, is, in reality, a too-awkward of a size in that it is too large for one person. But is too small for two people. This makes Kashi frozen pizzas difficult to utilize for family-style meals.

Was that paragraph awkward to you? That’s how many consumers feel about the Kashi pizza size.

Price Kashi frozen pizzas are typically priced between $6.99-7.99. Some sales promotions reduce the price to $5.99. Other stores ask $10 for the purchase of two pizzas.

PlaceThe Kashi Pizza brand is distributed nationally in retail stores including both natural food stores as well as conventional grocery outlets.

Kashi pizzas are, in every case of our primary research, placed on the bottom shelves of frozen food sections either with other Kashi products or other frozen pizzas. For consumers actively seeking the product, this makes the pizzas difficult to find. For consumers simply browsing the frozen food section, this makes it is easy to simply glaze over them.

PromotionKashi Frozen Pizza advertising is currently very limited. The creative history of the brand will be discussed in further detail on the following pages.

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Situation Analysis | 11

In-Store Investigation

North Carolina Counties

» Weaver Street Market - Carrboro, NC » Harris Teeter - Carrboro, NC » Harris Teeter - Chapel Hill, NC » Harris Teeter - Durham, NC » Harris Teeter - Raleigh, NC » Lowes - Clemmons, NC » Whole Foods - Chapel Hill, NC » Whole Foods - Raleigh, NC

Locations Visited

Blue dots reflect locations where Peahen representatives were sent

to collect data.

An in-house investigation at a sampling of regional grocery stores re-vealed the findings shown on the previous page. During our research, we found that Kashi Frozen Pizza is often unavailable in more than two flavors, and is consistently surrounded by more influential natural brands.

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KASHI BRANDING HISTORYWhen Kellogg Company took Kashi under its giant wing in June 2000, Kashi was a little-known natural cereal and convenience foods com-pany. A decade later, the brand has set itself apart from competitors by establishing itself as one of the premiere health food suppliers in the country. While the road to success has not been completely smooth, Kashi has learned from its mistakes. It understands that the healthy-living consumers who buy their products are motivated by a mind set. Today, to relate to them, it has created a mind set of its own, fully em-bracing its wellness identity and explaining its products as:“Seven Whole Grains on a Mission.”


TelevisionKashi TV ads focus on the brand’s nutritional benefits, as well as a stance on changing the world for better. Kashi advertising promotes a healthy, happy lifestyle and emphasizes that Kashi is “on a mission” to make your life better through good-tasting, healthy food.There are three major types of Kashi ads:

Active Lifestyle - Includes nutrition, but also promotes physical activity and the importance of eating food that works with your body.

Healthy Lifestyle - Promotes that Go-Lean Crunch has “as much protein as an egg” and positioning that healthy food can taste good, too; also includes the importance of making healthy food choices when other, less healthy choices are tempting.

Happy Lifestyle - An emphasis on promoting social justice and change through events that highlight the importance of acts like recy-cling and fighting poverty.

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Situation Analysis | 13

Events and Promotion

Annual Tour: Kashi hosts an annual “Day of Change” mo-bile wellness tour, encouraging people in 17 different lo-cations across the country to live their healthiest lives. At each stop, people are free to sample Kashi products at the Kashi Café, and learn yoga or new recipes in Kashi’s educational activities area. Most recently, Kashi has teamed with Burt’s Bees® in this event to embrace natural personal care as well.

Kashi teams up with Silk Soymilk, selecting offices in Chi-cago, Los Angeles and New York for a breakfast promo-tion to drive the sales of their GoLean Crunch Cereal. Surprising workers across the country, they offered free breakfast and information about healthy lifestyles. The tar-get was college-educated women 25-54 as well as others seeking healthy food options.

Kashi Snack Drive: Kashi held a healthy trading post in four different cities, offering people the opportunity to trade in junk food for their products – granola bars, crack-ers and cookies.

Kashi partners with Emergen-C and Whole Foods Mar-kets’ nonprofit Whole Planet Foundation in an effort to raise money to fight global poverty. The company made a promise to donate $1 from each purchase of select items, up to $35,000 in total.

Kashi says, “Recycle This Box to Get Rewards,” offer-ing green-conscious consumers the opportunity to enter codes inside their boxes on the RecycleBank website. Points earned are then redeemed for rewards from local and national businesses as well as Kashi coupons.






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Other Media


Kashi’s home page is easy to navigate, simple and bright. The website begins with descriptions of the different product offerings and the vari-eties of each product. These descriptions include photos and nutritional information as well as a social media component where a user can “like” a product via Facebook. A natural learning section is the second com-ponent of the website. It contains health and fitness, healthy living, and natural foods tips. Thirdly, the website boasts 229 different recipes that contain natural ingredients. A fourth component is Kashi’s lifestyle tools section. This section provides resources for tracking fitness and health progress by taking one of Kashi’s challenges. It also asks for users to post what they have accomplished that day. Kashi has used its web-site to create a community of Kashi consumers through surveys, e-mail newsletters, comment and review sections for each product, and post-ings of accomplishments.

Social Media

Kashi’s Facebook page opens with their “Hunger Knockout Game” which a user must allow access for in order to play. As of April 2011, about 42,000 Facebook users “like” Kashi. On Kashi’s Facebook wall, users actively post their positive or negative opinions, concerns or ques-tions regarding Kashi products and Kashi is very active in responding to these posts. Users also have begun discussions via the discussions tab regarding specific products, coupons or complaints. Lastly, people have the opportunity to upload and share photos (positive or negative) with Kashi products in them. Kashi has not deleted or edited negative photos or posts about Kashi products.

Kashi does not have a Twitter.

Point of Purchase Displays

Kashi uses end-aisle displays in some grocery stores to display their frozen food products and capture shoppers’ attention. Kashi pizza is placed in these displays with other Kashi products.

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Situation Analysis | 15


Burt’s Bees®Kashi is currently partnered with Burt’s Bees ®, a natural beauty and skin care brand, for the Day of Change Tour (May-September). This tour exhibits components of a healthy lifestyle – a Kashi café, an education area, and a personal care area.

Patagonia®Kashi, along with Patagonia®, an outdoor apparel and gear company, supports the documentary film, 180° Degrees South. This film follows young people on an expedition through Patagonia and highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle defined by natural living.

Kashi also sponsors the Kokua Film festival along with Patagonia®, Stonyfield Organic®, and Kokua Hawaii Foundation. The purpose of the film festival is to support environmental education.

Kashi Frozen Pizza Advertising History

Kashi has advertised their frozen pizza only online and at point of pur-chase to this point. On their website they list the different pizza flavors; however, there is not much interaction on the Kashi website specifically with frozen pizza besides the product information.

Since Kashi only advertises their frozen pizza online and at point-of-purchase, this gives them a low advertising spending budget for the product; however, competitors are spending in television and maga-zines which garners an exceptionally large audience resulting in large share of voice.

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16 | Situation Analysis

QUESTIONS ABOUT MEDIA MIX In the past few years, Kashi has done the bulk of its advertising on television and through various events and promotions. Kashi is now in prime position to launch its pizza line though an effective media mix, complementing past creative executions.

National television has already established Kashi as a familiar brand among Americans, while events and promotions in specially targeted cities throughout the United States have been especially successful in bringing added attention to a diverse array of Kashi products.

In select regions where Kashi may be looking to retain and/or acquire customers, events and promotions can generate extra buzz around the brand and product. In particular, events and promotions are excellent ways to communicate the Kashi spirit and to create a branded, product-centered experience.

Seeing as competitors with larger budgets often turn to television, a cluttered and expensive option, to advertise their products, Kashi has a ripe opportunity to dominate on other less expensive media outlets and still receive a large share of the overall media voice. Kashi has estab-lished itself as a healthy lifestyle brand, so taking advantage of media other than television could provide the brand with the chance to give itself a more active, energetic and personable feel by reaching women on-the-go via print, Internet and events.


Kashi spends approximately 0.63% of its media budget on Kashi Pizza ($197,300 out of $31,462,400) in the “current year”, and all of it is spent on internet advertising and point of purchase displays.

There are no records for the Kashi brand spending on Kashi Frozen Pizza for the previous two years, although the budget for “last year” was $31,348,400 total and for “two years ago” was $36,370,500.

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Situation Analysis | 17

TRENDS IN THE CATEGORYThe demand for natural and health foods has witnessed rapid growth over the past decade, accounting for organic products making their ways into 75% of conventional grocery stores. Increased demand for items that are healthy, tasty, and “green” contribute to recent interest in natural and organic foods.

The appearance of more health-conscious food stores like Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have made natural foods more accessible and afford-able. Healthy food options are sometimes considered exclusive due to high price tags, but sales of organic foods are up 4.4 % in the last year, 2010. That number is more than double the food industry’s overall rate of growth, indicating an upward trend in the demand for natural/healthy foods.






1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

U.S. Sales of Organic Food

Sources:Nutrition Business JournalOrganic Trade Association

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We take an offensive strategy in selecting its target au-dience. Kashi is strongly encouraged to spend where it has the best opportunity for sales, creating a focused advertising campaign directed at those who are current-ly purchasing competitors’ products.


After detailed analysis, our selected primary target au-dience includes working, highly educated women be-tween the ages of 25 and 44. Not only are women much more likely than men to buy into the Lean Cuisine cat-egory (index of 117 vs. 59), but they are even more likely than men to purchase frozen pizzas as well (index of 104 vs. 91). Additionally, they are more loyal to Kashi brand cereal (index of 108 vs. 81). Working women demon-strate significantly higher indices, or likelihoods to buy, than women on average across all product categories. Those with graduate and advanced degrees are fitness conscious (index of 177) and loyal to Kashi cereal (157).

Moreover, this primary audience can be segmented into two groups, reflecting the contrasting life stages of wom-en in this age group. To illustrate these groups, we have chosen to embody them as generalizable ideal types a) Kate and b) Ava.

A secondary audience, women between ages of 45-54 represent an audience which is already familiar with the Kashi brand via Kashi cereals. This target is represented by c) Eleanor.







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Situation Analysis | 19

Well, the honeymoon period was enchanting while it lasted, but 38-year-old Kate has re-cently been thrust into the joys of new moth-erhood. Luckily, she and her husband1 are financially secure enough to handle dish-ing out hundreds on diapers2 in addition to the hefty mortgage3 on their single-family home in Seattle4.

In her free time when she’s not reading Par-enting5, Kate can usually be found working out, shopping or watching Masterpiece Theatre. But let’s get real: girl’s going a tad stir-crazy on ma-ternity leave and can’t wait to get back to her high-paying job in health care6. After all, that Master’s Degree has to be put to good use to save up for the baby’s education.

1 Line 65 Demo Data2 Line 302 Lifestyle Data3 Line 434 Lifestyle Data4 Line 88 Demo Data5 Line 193 Media Data; Print6 Line 42 Demo Data

KatePrimary Target


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Life in the big city is everything Ava ever dreamt it would be. At 26, she’s finally gotten her big break, working for the biggest accounting firm1 in Boston2.

Single3, childless4 and loving it, Ava is able to live a very active lifestyle. Even though she might not admit it, she can’t get enough of NPR, lis-tening to it on her iPod during every morning work commute on the T. Dancing with friends

is one of her favorite activi-ties, in addition to Happy Hour, which

Ava takes advantage of every Friday. (Satur-day morning yoga helps her recover.)

1 Line 34 Demo Data2 Line 94 Demo Data3 Line 64 Demo Data4 Line 68 Demo Data


AvaPrimary Target

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Situation Analysis | 21

Whoever says retired life is boring certainly hasn’t met 54-year-old Eleanor. After leaving her high-powered professional job1 outside Philadelphia2, she is not about to move to Florida and call it a day.

Eleanor is almost always busy, splitting her time between baby-sitting her young grand-children, shopping at Bloomingdales3 and riding her horses4. She reads The New York Times every day5 because she loves to learn, her latest project being cooking6. Elea-nor has even started her own herb garden7, so she can always add fresh basil to her pasta sauce. It’s an Eleanor original recipe.

1 Line 28 Demo Data2 Line 93 Demo Data3 Line 127 Demo Data4 Line 839 Lifestyle Data5 Line 186 Media Data, Print6 Line 719 Lifestyle Data7 Line 1424 Lifestyle Data

Secondary Target


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Alarm goes off. Kate wakes up to her husband, about to leave for work, bringing her a cup of coffee in bed. Naturally, it’s a great start to the day

The baby wakes up; Kate feeds him and treats her-self to a bowl of healthy cereal

Kate loads the baby into her jogging stroller & sets out for a run on the trail behind her house

The baby takes its afternoon nap, & Kate does some multitasking, eating a Lean Cuisine while checking e-mail

Ava wakes up, jumps in the shower & dresses for Casual Friday at the office

Pulling a granola bar out of her bag, Ava munches as she rides the T to her building in downtown Boston

A client brings 3 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts for everyone; Ava resists the temptation, snacking on some Wheat Thins instead

Ava and her coworkers Kim and Leanne have a healthy lunch at a local deli

Eleanor wakes up to sun-shine splashing across her bedspread & drinks a mug of herbal tea as she reads the Friday New York Times

Donning her classic leather riding boots, Eleanor heads to the stables to ride her horse April

Eleanor meets up with friend Patty for a lunch full of local, organic ingredients at their favorite café in town

Eleanor stops by her son’s house to drop off a birthday gift for her grand-daughter

Day in the Life: Friday

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Kate, baby in tow, heads to Whole Foods, picking up some yogurt, ham & a frozen entree for lunch tomorrow

Kate’s husband returns after getting out early from work. The two play with their baby in the living room

Kate’s mom comes by to baby-sit, as Kate and her husband head out for their traditional Friday night date

The couple returns after a great dinner in the city, & Kate goes to bed after a long but rewarding day

Ava and friends head to the bar around the cor-ner to enjoy half-priced cosmos at Happy Hour

Sufficiently “happy,” Ava jumps back on the T to head home & cook some stir-fry for dinner

Ava goes out on the town with the girls, burning up the dance floor at their favorite salsa club

Arriving home after a great but exhausting night, Ava goes to bed & looks forward to yoga in the morning

Eleanor heads back home, watering her herb garden & washing some cilantro for the salsa she’s planning to make

Eleanor prepares the salsa as her husband bakes some pita chips; it will be the per-fect side dish to their Kashi Mexicali Black Bean pizza

The couple digs in, sharing the details of their days with each other & making plans to go out on the lake tomorrow afternoon

Eleanor & her husband fall asleep, listening to the crickets chirping outside their window

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Budding Maternals, Fit Single Ladies and Green Grandmothers live in many locations across the United States. But upon closer look, there are certain regions and DMAs that are particularly densely populated with our primary and secondary target audience members. Four regions – Pacific, West Central, Middle Atlantic and New England – are among those our target most often calls home. These women typically live in cities and large metropolitan areas within the regions.

The highlighted regions of this DMA map show regions where the se-lected target audience are most likely to live based on their indices for healthy, active lifestyles.

Kashi frozen pizza is a low involvement product, being widely available at grocery stores throughout the country at under $10 each. At such a low price relative to other consumer purchases, Kashi frozen pizza of-fers the chance for consumers to try the product at low risk. With each serving about 2-3 people, it is typically used in afternoon and evening, acting as either lunch or dinner. Convenient to store, consumers may buy several Kashi frozen pizzas at a time, then keeping them in their freezers until they so choose to use them, which can range anywhere from 1-3 times per week.

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Highlighted DMAs demonstrate areas where indices were high for our target audience in psychographic groups such as Health/Natural Foods, Running/Jogging and Improving Health. DMAs in purple show the top ten DMAs that represent combined high population and indices for these psychgraphic traits. In Section 02, Objectives & Strategies, we will discuss chosen DMAs selected for heavy-up.

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The following competitors were selected for their similarity to the Kashi brand and for their offering of a frozen pizza product. Since Kashi pizza falls into the “healthy frozen food” category, Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice naturally are two significant competitors. They are some of the first brands that come to mind when envisioning healthy frozen food, and in general target people with a healthy fitness lifestyle. Amy’s pizza attracts the same consumers that prefer organic food. It is about the same price and size as Kashi pizza and is often placed directly beside it on the shelves according to our regional research. Similarly, Newman’s Own pizza is usually located adjacent to Kashi on grocery store shelves. It is made with organic ingredients and is about the same size of pizza as Kashi pizza; therefore, con-sumers looking to purchase an organic pizza may consider Newman’s Own.

Additionally, all competitors listed here are distrib-uted nationally, like Kashi.

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Lean CuisineLean Cuisine is a brand of frozen entrees and dinners sold in the US, Canada, and Australia. It is owned by Nestle. The brand began as low fat, low calorie versions of Stouffer’s products. It began with ten items and expanded to include 100+ meals. Today Lean Cuisine includes traditional din-ners, ethnic dishes, pizzas, and frozen and bagged snacks. The items are grouped into seven recipe collections: the new Casual Cuisine, Market Creations, a whole-grain Spa Cuisine, Café Cuisine, Comfort Cuisine, Simple Favorites, and Dinnertime Cuisine. Lean Cuisine is available in gro-cery stores throughout the nation. Its motto is “keep life deli-cious.”

The brand name “Lean Cuisine” is considered by the FDA as a nutrient content claim, so all Lean Cuisine items are required to meet the “lean” criteria of less than 10 g fat, 4.5 g or less saturated fat, and less than 95 mg cholesterol . Lean Cuisine items are also calorie-controlled, with most items in the 200-300 calorie range, with a minimum of 140 calories and a maximum of 400 calories.

Healthy ChoiceHealthy Choice is a brand of refrigerated and frozen foods owned by ConAgra Foods, Inc. ConAgra now sells a broad array of dishes through its Healthy Choice brand, includ-ing frozen dinners, side dishes, cold cuts and other meats, canned soups, ice cream, bread, pasta sauce, and even popcorn. For Healthy Choice’s frozen meals, the products are divided into five categories: Steaming Entrees, All Natu-ral Entrees, Select Entrees, Café Steamers, and Complete Meals.

Healthy Choice is also a main competitor of Lean Cuisine. It is required to meet “healthy” criteria by the FDA, since it includes “healthy” in its brand name . This includes a re-quirement to be below 480 mg of sodium in addition to fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol targets.

The Competition

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Amy’s Kitchen

Amy’s is a private company established in 1987. Their tag line, “We love to cook for you,” reflects their position-ing as “delicious,” “homemade,” and “vegetarian” food designed for the organic, vegetarian or vegan consumer. It speaks that vegetarian food can taste delicious and there are endless options - even in international cuisine. Amy’s Organic Pizzas cost between $7-8 per regular piz-za and approximately $5 per single-serve. Other Amy’s products include Asian meals, soups, desserts, entrees, Indian meals, snacks, burgers and kids’ meals. Some of their products are gluten free, light in sodium, vegan, no cholesterol, low-fat, certified kosher, dairy free, lactose free, soy free, or tree nut-free. Amy’s can be bought at nearly every grocery store (from Weaver Street to Whole Foods to Target to Harris Teeter), online, internationally, and on many university campuses. Current users (based on brand positioning) are likely those who prefer organic food, vegetarians, vegans, or those who have special di-etary needs.

Newman’s Own

Newman’s Own is a private company established in 1982. They position their pizza product as a company focused on all-natural ingredients, thin crust=fewer carbs and “top of the crop toppings.” The Newman’s Own brand posi-tions itself as a “feel good” brand where it boasts making food and great meals for the common good. Its website also strongly displays Newman’s Own’s philanthropic ef-forts – another piece in its “common good” positioning. Other Newman’s Own products include salad dressing, sauce, salsa, marinades, steak sauce, drinks, cereal, popcorn and wine.

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Lean Cuisine Healthy Choice

Ad Spending


Pricing and Promotions


Ad History

A Summary

“Keep life delicious;”Low-fat/low-cal quick and easy meal options

Healthy frozen andrefrigerated ready-prepared foods, “sur-prisingly great taste”

100+ meal options including seven recipe collections;frozen, entrees, bagged snacks, pizzas

Frozen dinners, pizzas, side dishes, cold cuts, soups, ice cream, bread, pasta sauces, popcorn

Frozen meals range from $3-4 per single-serving meal

Each product in the new All Natural Entrees line has asuggested retail price of$2.00-2.49

Nestle spent more than $48 million in domestic measured data in 2010. Spent negligible amount on frozen pizza product

Total media spending has increased 9% in calendar year 2009 to $213 million from$196 million in 2008

Spends most of budget on TV, along with almost 30% on magazines; pizza budget negligible, only in magazines

TV, actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus featured in commercials with direc-tor Christopher Guest;quirky marketingtechnique

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Ad Spending


Pricing and Promotions


Ad History

Amy’s Kitchen Newman’s Own

*** Data not available

*** ***

All-natural ingredients, thin crust, “feel good” brand, focuses on com-pany philanthropy

“We love to cook for you,” Amy’s prides itself on being made “like homemade;” organic ingredients, vegetarian, variety

Over 20 varieties of frozen pizza plus entrees, ethnic food, burgers, kids meals; carries gluten-free, vegan, etc.

Seven varieties of pizza, salad dressing, sauces, salsa, marinades, cere-als, popcorn, wine

$6.99 for pizzas that range from 12.3 oz. or 14.7 oz., online cou-pons are available

$6.00-7.00 per regular pizza, $5 for single-servings; uses coupons for promotion

No television, but fea-tured in editorials from time to time; positioned as “family owned busi-ness”

Television, promotes products by remind-ing consumers that all profits, after taxes, go to charity

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Established Target AudienceCustomer loyaltyCompany reflects brandStrong brand awarenessCommunity involvementHealthy optionVariety of flavors

Niche marketHigh PriceStore selectionPoor product placementProduct difficult to locateSeen as brand for “older”audiences

Few competitorsIncreasing interest in organic and natural foodsNatural food category is growing faster than any other food categoryExpand to younger audience

Competitors have greater advertising budgets (Lean Cuisine/Healthy Choice)Competitors hold large SOVPotential for new and strong competitors



To Review

*** ***

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TARGET AUDIENCE AND MEDIA MIXTo expand the customer base for Kashi Pizza to women aged 25-44 through an offensive campaign with an inte-grated media campaign that includes magazines, inter-net radio, outdoor, events, sweepstakes and an online community presence. A secondary objective is to retain the customer base of women aged 45-54/ This cam-paign has the potential to reach over 63 million women throughout the nation over the course of 12 months.

REACH, FREQUENCY AND GRPSTo create an integrated campaign that will obtain ap-proximately 450 GRPs, a frequency of 5 and a reach of 90 during the peaks of a pulsating campaign.

MEDIA BUDGETTo execute a campaign on a $10 million media budget.

SCHEDULING AND TIMINGTo run a pulsing campaign with four-time heavy-up at the start of each season: February (Spring), May (Sum-mer), August (Fall), November (Winter) over the course of 12 months.

GEOGRAPHYTo run a national campaign with additional focus in the regions of the Pacific, West Central, New England and Middle Atlantic, as well as run a spot campaign in 10 specific DMAs to create a tangible brand experience.







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Internet Radio






Note - Online Community: .05% too small to be depicted here.

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The ideal DMAs for advertising Kashi Frozen Pizza were chosen by carefully observing psychographic trends across the nation. Our offensive media plan targets healthy-lifestyle individuals who enjoy being fit and eating healthy. We focused our research more heavily toward those scoring high indexes for Health/Natural Foods, Running/Jogging and Improving Health. Our DMA choices for spot markets reflect this approach.


DMA HHs A B C D E FTotal

Primary Target*





New York 7582327 111 114 110 100 100 106 2990145 1585162 60.34%

Chicago 3497608 100 114 100 100 129 109 1387791 711265 60.01%

Philadelphia 2969123 98 96 106 99 99 104 1059849 610391 56.25%

San Francisco 2487636 112 124 95 103 113 109 974599 527150 60.37%

Boston 2405584 95 104 98 92 99 106 887379 486547 57.11%

Washington, DC 2332560 99 127 95 97 98 109 926017 480432 60.30%

Atlanta 2248964 104 121 96 108 79 103 960953 441730 62.37%

Seattle 1813147 104 104 95 95 106 100 649867 357743 55.57%

Denver 1480904 114 120 104 100 138 112 553915 282527 56.48%

Pittsburgh 1176914 93 86 112 92 83 101 350461 228846 49.22%

Key to Indices

A Health/Natural Foods

B Running/Jogging

C Improving Health

D Self-Improvement

E Bicycling

F Fitness/Exercising

* Females 25-44** Females 45-54

*** Total Target Audience

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Media Vehicles (Target Audience)

Media vehicles were selected according to high-scoring indices for our target audience. Our primary and secondary audience scored so similarly in media consumption habits that we have decided to conveniently combine them in order to achieve a single, contiguous media strategy. Below is a chart demon-strating our chosen media mix with indices for the target audience. We chose our media mix based upon psychographic data for our target audience, name-ly users of Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine, Fitness lifestyle and Health/Natural Foods.


We selected ten DMAs according to demographic and psychographic data and high population. We want to target a combined area representing about 25% of the national population in order to run an effective campaign. The se-lected DMAs represent areas of high population where our target audience is most likely to reside based on demographic and psychographic evidence. These areas cover our four regions of interest: Pacific, West Central, New Eng-land and Middle Atlantic according to demographic data, as well as regions indexing relatively high for psychographic traits like Health/Natural Foods, Run-ning/Jogging and Improving Health.

Choosing DMAS

Media Vehicle A B C

Magazine 122 119 115

Internet 121 159 121

Outdoor 114 121 103

Newspaper 108 108 120

Radio 97 103 87

TV 94 43 88

A Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine

B Fitness Lifestyle

C Kashi Cereal Users

Key to Indices

Only the heaviest quintiles were used to extract index data. We are only interested in the heavi-est users of each medium in order to learn which media ve-hicles are most effective for our target audience according to psychographic data.

The most effective media vehi-cles according to our psycho-graphic data are highlighted in green.

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Below you will find our choices for magazines in which to place Kashi Frozen Pizza ads. We chose them for their high indices among our tar-get audience and for their high audience. The following graphic should help explain our choices in further detail. The age range represented is evenly distributed amongst our target audience, and the average target audience percentage is high. Magazines scored high indexes for most likely to be consumed by our target audience.

Magazine Circulation Audience % Women Avg Age

Cosmopolitan 3,046,000 15,789,000 83 32

Prevention 2,800,000 * 86 54

Real Simple 1,975,000 8,100,000 84 39

Bon Appetit 1,611,930 7,036,000 74 49

Self 1,519,016 6,658,000 93 39

Fitness 1,515,065 * 99 39

Vogue 1,215,027 11,669,000 87 36

Lucky 1,128,784 2,594,000 93 34

Allure 1,082,873 7,447,000 92 32

Marie Claire 1,007,712 * 73 35

Food & Wine 961,050 * 61 46

Conde Nast Traveler

816,066 3,429,000 52 49

Elle Décor 593,945 1,900,000 82 35

W 465,920 * 79 48

Veranda 457,024 * 78 53

* - Indicates numbers unavailable. All data retrieved from each magazine’s current media kits as available online from their respective websites.


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Media Buy

The following chart shows the cost of purchasing ads from our chosen magazines. We have chosen to run full page ads in the top three circu-lating magazines at a pulsing cycle of every other month. We have cho-sen to run half-page ads in the twelve remaining magazines for three months each on a similarly pulsing cycle. Half-page ads have the ad-ditional advantage of being placed next to relevant editorial that makes readers more likely to view and pay attention to an ad. All ads are priced according to 4-color ads.

Magazine Full Page Ad

Half Page Ad

Issues Total Price Notes

Cosmopolitan $237,000 6 $1,422,000

Prevention $143,000 6 $229,971

Real Simple $113,900 3 $226,827

Bon Appetit $87,491 3 $248,535 Discount

Self $113,959 3 $137,970 Discount

Fitness $91,060 3 $842,298

Vogue $140,383 6 $341,700 Discount

Lucky $75,609 3 $341,877 Discount

Allure $76,657 3 $273,180 Discount

Marie Claire $82,845 3 $175,500

Food & Wine $58,500 3 $174,954 Discount

Conde Nast Traveler

$78,107 3 $262,473 Discount

Elle Décor $45,990 3 $234,321 Discount

W $58,318 3 $174,954 Discount

Veranda $58,318** 3 $858,000 Discount

Total $5,944,560

Discount - Magazines with this designation indicate those that run a discount for multiple ads.** - This number was unavailable. The number given is an estimate based off of W magazine since they share similar circulation.

Estimates for Reach, Frequency and GRP can be found on page 45.

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40 | Objectives & Strategies


Another national aspect of the campaign is internet radio, specifically Pandora. Personalized radio al-lows for a consumer experience that is customized to personal preference and act as an even further enhancement of everyday activities. Ads target con-sumers based on age, gender, musical preference and location. This allows listeners to connect to the

ads on a more individual level. Pandora can be streamed both on the internet and mobile phones. This opportunity for mobile advertising is especially effective since compared to online display, mobile ads have higher engagement with higher levels of recall, focus, purchase intent and follow through.

Ads on Pandora, unlike typical radio stations with high clutter, run a maximum of three audio ads or less per hour and banner ads only ap-pear on a phone when a consumer is interacting with it. Because of the low clutter, the ads stand out and have a high impact.

Pandora now reaches more than 24 million people on a monthly basis. This also effectively reaches members of our target audience, since music usage through mobile phones is popular with people in their late 20s.


Media BuyWe are budgeting around $20,000 a month on Pandora, in addition to estimated creative development costs around $1,800. Since this part of the media mix will be continuous and targeted, advertising on Pandora for the entire campaign will cost $250,000, a relatively low cost for the large benefits received. This budget allows for any unexpected extra costs included in web radio advertising.

Estimates for Reach, Frequency and GRP can be found on page 45.

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Our campaign will also feature a series of outdoor ads to increase aware-ness of our events and promotions for potential consumers, as well as awareness of Kashi Frozen Pizza. Those who participate in active life-styles or are already loyal to the Kashi brand are amongst the highest users of outdoor advertising (at indices of 121 and 103 respectively). Outdoor advertising will involve our targeted consumers at a high rate but at a relatively low cost.

We will run outdoor ads for all 12 months of the campaign in our 10 chosen DMAs, with estimated GRPs at 1,245. Reach is estimated at 86.2 and frequency at 14.4 per market. The total is $1,999,595 for the 12 months in all spots of the campaign.


Media Buy

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Events and sales promotions are tried and true practices that allow our brand to connect with customers in a way that is interactive and pro-motes conversation between the brand and customers. Our events and promotions will promote the “Kashi Community” feel to introduce the Kashi brand to our target audience. Customers are encouraged to try our product and share their thoughts in order to expand our customer base. Promotions will include point of purchase displays every three months in order to draw attention to the Kashi Pizza brand.

To expand the customer base, events have been estimated to cost be-tween $50,000 to 100,000 dollars per event. Events will be held in our 10 selected DMAs in major cities, namely: New York, Chicago, Philadel-phia, San Francisco, Boston, Washington, Atlanta, Seattle, Denver and Pittsburgh.


Media Buy

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Category of Expense Budget

Travel Expenses $45,000

Postage Expenses $800,000

Creative Development $10,000

Cost for Pizza Vouchers (Product Cost) $245,000


To embody the on-the-go and active lifestyles of our target consumers, our events in this campaign will involve a sweepstakes in which several customers enter to will win an all-expenses paid trip for two to Patago-nia, Argentina. To enter, request a voucher to try Kashi Frozen Pizza (while supplies last) from Kashi’s website. Additionally, find our Kashi stickers placed in our top four DMAs, including New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and submit pictures of them to Kashi’s website and Facebook page to enter. Stickers will be placed in appro-priate locations by Kashi representatives or affiliates. Three couples will win the vacation, cosponsored by Patagonia® outdoor apparel. Other prizes will include Patagonia apparel.

Below is a break-down of the costs of running the sweepstakes. The total budget for running the sweepstakes will be $1,100,000.

Estimates for Reach, Frequency and GRP can be found on page 45.


Media Buy

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44 | Objectives & Strategies


Online presence will be instrumental in promoting the “Kashi Commu-nity” to introduce our target audience to the Kashi brand, allowing users of our online and social media to interact with each other in a way that would make Kashi a resource to promote a healthy and natural lifestyle, from sharing favorite recipes to favorite outdoor spots. Online presence and social media is essential for brand extension and communicating our goals. With the last website renovation dating back to 2007, we are allotting resources to make our website appealing and easy for our users. We will increase the use of our Facebook page through our sweepstakes campaign, in addition to using the page as means to keep people thinking about Kashi and the Kashi community.

Increasing our online presence would not require a media buy. We set aside $5,000 in our budget for creative expenses needed to revitalize Kashi’s web presence in order to accommodate our plans for advertis-ing Kashi Frozen Pizza.


Media Buy

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The chart below breaks down our media mix, budget and reach, fre-quency and GRPs.


Budget% of Total

BudgetReach Frequency GRPs

Magazine $5,944,560 60.05% 86.2 4 350

Internet Radio $250,000 2.53% 39.9 2.5 100

Outdoor $1,099,494 11.11% 86.2 14.4 1245**

Events $1,500,000 15.15% * * *

Sweepstakes $1,100,000 11.11% * * *

OnlineCommunity $5,000 00.05% * * *

Total $9,899,054 100% 90.5 5 450

* Total Reach, Frequency and GRP values are given per month.

** GRPs were not used in calculation of total GRPs to provide a more realistic estimate. At Peahen Creative, we don’t believe in inflating numbers.

We cannot calculate CPM due to the nature of our integrated cam-paign - there is no accurate way to determine impressions for several of our chosen media vehicles.

As you can see, this budget leaves a contingency of $100,946 for unforeseen expenses and creative development.

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Real Simple

Bon Appetit






Marie Claire

Food & Wine

Conde Nast Traveler

Elle Décor




Internet Radio

Pandora Radio







Point of Purchase




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Real Simple

Bon Appetit






Marie Claire

Food & Wine

Conde Nast Traveler

Elle Décor




Internet Radio

Pandora Radio







Point of Purchase










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50 | Creative Brief


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Creative Brief | 51

Kashi is a natural foods company looking to promote their new frozen pizza line. There are seven products: ‘Basil Pesto,’ ‘Caribbean Carnival,’ ‘Margher-ita,’ ‘Mediterranean,’ ‘Mexicali Black Bean,’ ‘Mushroom Trio & Spinach,’ and ‘Roasted Vegetable.’ Our goal is to grow Kashi frozen pizza sales by 15% (to $40 million) by the end of next year. At least half of growth must come from Kashi’s main competitors. We’ll achieve this goal with an offensive approach, targeting current users of other natural food labels.

Target Audience

Our primary target audience makes a distinction between “Fit Single Ladies,” (ages 25-34) and “Budding Maternals” (ages 35-44.) The main division be-tween the two categories is age and life stage. In general, these women are working professionals, active and healthy. They are already consuming natu-ral, healthy foods but are not necessarily familiar with the Kashi brand. Our secondary audience, “Green Grandmothers,” consist of older women already familiar with the Kashi brand; not necessarily grandmothers, but wise in their choices of healthy foods.

Our biggest challenge will be to convince consumers that Kashi stands above other, similar brands.

Tone and Image

Kashi is a casual brand, with an environmental focus. Think “green,” not “gra-nola.” Our target audience wears business suits, not Birkenstocks. They are open to healthy choices, but not necessarily brand loyal – yet.

Important Messages

Kashi fits well with a healthy, active, on-the-go lifestyle. Frozen is fresh. Pizza is perfect for families.

Deliverables, Media MixMagazines: A total 18 full-page ads in three women’s magazines and a total of 36 half-page ads in fitness, lifestyle and women’s magazines.Internet Radio: Pandora Radio adsOutdoor: Billboards and DisplaysEvents/Promotions: Events and Point of Purchase displaysSweepstakes: Sticker Campaign (design stickers, website content, sweep-stakes entry interface)


$1,800 for Internet radio $10,000 for sweepstakes creative, $5,000 for online development. We have left over $100,000 in contingency for additional creative development.

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54 | Appendix


Kashi Pizza Case - background material documentKashi Website - Kashi Frozen Pizza Product Pagehttp://kashi.com/products/category/Pizza

Kashi Website - Kashi Frozen Pizza Product Pagehttp://kashi.com/products/category/Pizza

Feelings About Kashi Frozen Pizza serving size:Fitness Magazinehttp://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/expert-advice/diet-detective/kashi-all-natural-frozen-pizzas/ Epinions Review for Kashi Mediterranean Pizzahttp://www.epinions.com/review/Kashi_Mediterranean_Pizza_epi/con-tent_432859352708Frozen Food Review of Kashi Five Cheese Tomato Pizzahttp://heateatreview.com/category/brand/kashi/Only the Internet’s Best Reviews – Kashi Mediterranean Pizzahttp://otibr.com/food/kashi-mediterranean-pizza/

According to these internet review sites, many people feel that even though Kashi Frozen Pizza is technically three servings per box, the pizza is often used as a single serving. While not necessarily a problem, it is important to take into account when considering promotions for families buying pizzas for multiple people.

Prices were taken according to primary research conducted at a sampling of regional grocery stores near the Peahen Creative office.

Representatives from Peahen Creative traveled to food stores located near Chapel Hill, NC to gain a better understanding of current Kashi Frozen Pizza positioning.

Kashi Websitehttp://kashi.com, specifically information found under “Meet Us” tabKashi television ads found on YouTube. The types of ads were determined by viewing a wide variety of Kashi ads from the past several years.

Kashi Website – Eventshttp://kashi.com/events

Kashi Websitehttp://kashi.comInformation regarding point of purchase displays was gathered during primary re-search.

Kashi Website – Eventshttp://kashi.com/eventsInformation regarding competitors can be referenced on page XX.









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Appendix | 55

For Kashi:Line 6 Competitive Data - Kashi Fresh Pizza (Total 197.3, Internet 197.3; with all dol-lars reported in (000))Line 17 Competitive Data - Current Year Kashi Total (Total 31462.4; with all dollars reported in (000))Line 36 Competitive Data - Last Year Kashi Total (Total 31348.4; all dollars reported in (000))Line 56 Competitive Data - Two Years Ago Kashi Total (Total 36370.5; all dollars reported in (000))

Natural and health foods on the rise:http://www.dallasnews.com/health/nutrition/20110318-recession-racked-shoppers-still-spend-on-organics.eceInformation from chart, U.S. Sales of Organic Food:http://www.fmi.org/media/bg/natural_organic_foods.pdf


See references for the following pages, 19-21.

Kate1 Line 65 Demo Data -- Married Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 96 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 111 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1092 Line 302 Lifestyle Data -- Clothing for Baby <1 Year/Bt Last 6M.-Underwear (ex Diapers)[Any] Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 264 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 78 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 863 Line 434 Lifestyle Data -- Banking Services Acquired last 12 Months [Home Mortgage (1st)] Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 115 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 187 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1104 Line 88 Demo Data -- Pacific Mktg Regn Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 105 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 120 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1105 Line 193 Media Data; Print -- Parenting Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 118 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 100 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 826 Line 42 Demo Data -- Healthcare Practitioner and Technical Occupations Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 211 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 155 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 156





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56 | Appendix

Ava1 Line 34 Demo Data -- Business and Financial Operations Occupations Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 147 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 168 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1192 Line 94 Demo Data -- New England Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 112 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 110 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1863 Line 64 Demo Data -- Single Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 114 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 117 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 944 Line 68 Demo Data -- No Child in HH Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 97 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 93 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 115

Eleanor1 Line 28 Demo Data -- Professional and Related Occupations Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 142 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 178 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1432 Line 93 Demo Data -- Middle Atlantic Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 78 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 101 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1233 Line 217 Lifestyle Data -- [Bloomingdales] Dept./Clothing/Specialty Stores Shopped Last 3 Mos Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 109 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 165 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1874 Line 839 Lifestyle Data -- Pet Ownership # Horses in Household [Any] Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 60 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 80 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1145 Line 186 Media Data, Print -- NY Times - Daily Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 108 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 188 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 2086 Line 2168 Lifestyle Data -- Leisure Activities - Cooking for fun [Personally partici pated Last 12 Months] Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 117 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 168 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 1437 Line 1424 Lifestyle Data -- Garden Activities Engaged in Last 12 Mos [Herb Grow-ing] Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine Primary: Index 131 Fitness Lifestyle: Index 145 Kashi Cereal Primary: Index 204

See references from pages 19-21.




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Appendix | 57

See references from pages 19-21.

See DMA selection chart on page 36 of section 02. Objectives and Strategies.

See DMA selection chart on page 36 of section 02. Objectives and Strategies.

COMPETITIVE ANALYSISFor references about each competitor mentioned on this page, please see the rel-evant reference for the page on which they are discussed in greater detail, pages 27-28 of section 01. Situation Analysis.

Data for Healthy Choice and Lean Cuisine obtained from:http://www.fda.gov/Food/LabelingNutrition/ConsumerInformation/default.htm

Amy’s Organichttp://www.amyskitchen.comNewman’s Ownhttp://www.newmansown.com

Lean CuisineLines 24, 25, and 26 (combined) Competitive Media Detail Data - Lean Cuisine Brick/Style Frozen Pizza, Lean Cuisine Frozen Panini, and Lean Cuisine Frozen Pizza (Total 53.3, 14169.6, and 0.1 respectively, which combines to be 14,223; all dollars are reported in (000))Line 24 Competitive Media Detail Data - Lean Cuisine Brick/Style Frozen Pizza (Con Mag 53.3; all dollars reported in (000))Line 25 Competitive Media Detail Data - Lean Cuisine Frozen Panini (Con Mag 3897.5; all dollars reported in (000))

Healthy ChoiceLines 4 and 5 (combined) Competitive Media Detail Data - Healthy Choice Frozen Panini and Healthy Choice Frozen Panini & Soup (Total 3224.3 and 15.3, which com-bines to be 3239.6; all dollars reported in (000))

See references for page 28.









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58 | Appendix

MEDIA OVERVIEWInformation in Media Overview has been acquired through the use of MRI data found on the following pages.

MEDIA MIXMagazines were chosen according to their high index across three psychographic identifiers: Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine users, Fitness Lifestyle, Kashi Cereal Users. Magazines were chosen for our media mix if they scored high across these three psychographic groups. The chart below gives the index numbers for each magazine and their accompanying psychographic data.




Magazine Circulation A B C

Cosmopolitan 3,046,000 140 130 109

Prevention 2,800,000 143 106 192

Real Simple 1,975,000 143 183 236

Bon Appetit 1,611,930 117 164 181

Self 1,519,016 193 187 203

Fitness 1,515,065 180 170 110

Vogue 1,215,027 119 120 141

Lucky 1,128,784 298 193 216

Allure 1,082,873 175 121 151

Marie Claire 1,007,712 219 130 178

Food & Wine 961,050 137 136 175

Conde Nast Traveler

816,066 141 160 164

Elle Décor 593,945 230 107 229

W 465,920 289 147 284

Veranda 457,024 268 131 196

A Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine

B Fitness Lifestyle

C Kashi Cereal Users

Key to Indices

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Appendix | 59

Cost of Radio Advertising: http://costofradioadvertising.comKoegel, Kathryn. “Radio Rampant.” Pandora Mobile White Paper. Pandora, May 2010. http://cont-sjl-2.pandora.com/public/videoad/2010/09/PandoraMobileWhite-Paper.pdf

See page 37 of section 02. Objectives and Strategies for a table outlining MRI data for media vehicle choices.

DMAs chosen according to information provided on page 36 of section 02. Objec-tives and Strategies.

While other explanations for scheduling and timing have been made throughout our presentation of media mix, here is a description of scheduling/timing for magazines:

Cosmopolitan, Prevention and Vogue magazines have already been described as running every other month. The remaining twelve magazines are scheduled accord-ing to the following methodology:

Average ages of readers were used to make groups of three that represent an age range that includes all ages of our combined target audience. For example, Fit-ness, Marie Claire, and W magazines have average ages of 39, 35 and 48. They are grouped together such that they run every four months. This way, there is a consis-tent number of magazines running during all months of this campaign.

If you cannot find a reference for something you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact our office for a detailed explanation of our methodology. All external sources have been cited here or otherwise in this document.





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