karnataka common entrance test (kcet 2011)

8/7/2019 Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET 2011) http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/karnataka-common-entrance-test-kcet-2011 1/6 L \ 1~1,,'.U l,M m,de I' .l..!mill' .... i I"~[IIC:hn~l'ilAI with I left bimi, ..... ......... C,'I'I .... "OIJs ..... s.~. He I~ l}1l ;).'11'11111 1Sm&OD, .lroVOlUllD IOma 00...... P '. 15nUl ~ady. UI~ wife ~..~ he'_ bren unwell for a coopIr 01 da)'J -' .... "-. h.... lII. He has h '""~"er, ,rdl bt-en givtng him ilililIS medil::llliOlll. W1IM:h of_",." I~:>h 1:'1 ~<.!m~ lD be m0RI u~C'lul in findmg., imme4lalely R'VCl'libie c:_ lot .. ~)'rnp!."ms 1I) BIiJ'i)d Jlh1Cl)~C 1t=~;;1<; d) 1" roponin lC'o'cls Z. A 50 },C.1f' old female wiln end stage renal di5ease (E.5RD), de"t~ "".....,. rut>c-n:-ul(1:<;i ..., W hieh rm~ of the folltJwmg IDl.Lilli sboukl be esed in a nxtuced dole ., .3.1RifilDlpicin p) ~gQonia;mjc c] Pyrill.aIDide d) ~ 1. A youog man presents ,with jaundice Md llt:'b.ing. Uis viral serology showed MiIiIt IkpalilisF.. mfi?oCtioo. ,",..tlld~ of the fool[uwiDg is 111.l4! of Hepatitis E1 ,,) Chronic Ilcparitis :11 ...... (1)':> OCJ.:U r.<. h) lk.p::lLltU. E cun be pfeven[r=cI by pasnve immuniZIDDIJ c) Trannnissron is by fc;::o-'l.ll'alroute d.1 CD IIlfccti.t1t1 W Ith hepatilis 13 i~ rcq.ulrerl for palhogeneclly 4 A pauenr pn::..:nt:;. ..... i[tJ ;3iuJ1,1iL~. Ph),!!iiL'M ~:O;illllinatiUJl rrvcals an enlaraed II~ liver, cr of the ahdomen sho ..... s <I cirrhutic h . .. ~r with" larie man. cr guided biopy vf th e Jll,a~~ t!el1mr .... JJr:lTC~ :iJ. r,uLlgn;U1t rumor tlenved from bepatic parenchyma) cdls. Infection · ...... ub which f)f tke follQwing viruses .... ·ould most di~clly rrlated to die dcvr:'lopmeDt of IIIlS 'rllm[}J ~ a 1 Ep~lem-Banr yi:ru~ C) H uman T -Iyrnphoc)'k v irus ") H IIIIl8D. Herpes v1J11;5 Iype A d) Ht:patitis B vinn S. A W year old malo: ~~<=nt~ witll B 2 day bistof)' of;li jC:Yele Ic:it ear ache wid! & bunIiIW '5enutWn ill rhoe ~ilf and 10M (If ta8IC. 1'IIere: is left sided wcabell or bod! upper _ Io .... 'C' racial mUKlc!L. ficia1 seuattoo js normal, A few vnicles ~~ ill tbt:~ WbaI. is the mos' likely diaJnosi!L ? a, Bell's. palsy c J Diplllhc:n.;t

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8/7/2019 Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET 2011)

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L \ 1~1,,'.U l,M m,de I' .l..!mill'....iI"~[IIC:hn~l'ilAI with I left bimi,..... .........C,'I'I .... "OIJs.....s.~.He I~ l}1l ;).'11'11111 1Sm&OD, .lroVOlUllD IOma 00...... P '.

15nUl ~ady. UI~ wife ~..~ he'_ bren unwell for a coopIr 01 da)'J -' .... "-.

h....lII. He has h '""~"er, ,rdl bt-en givtng him ilililIS medil::llliOlll. W1IM:ho f _ " , . "I~:>h 1:'1~<.!m~ lD be m0RI u~C'lul in findmg., imme4lalely R'VCl' libie c : _ lot ..


1I) BIiJ'i)d Jlh1Cl)~C 1t=~;;1<;

d) 1 " roponin lC'o'cls

Z . A 50 },C.1f' old fem ale wiln end stage renal di5ease (E.5RD), de"t~ "".....,.

rut>c-n:-ul(1:<;i..., W hieh rm~ of the folltJwmg IDl.Lilli sboukl be esed in a nxtuced dole .,

.3.1RifilDlpicin p) ~gQonia;mjc c] Pyrill.aIDide d) ~

1 . A youog man presents ,with jaundice Md llt:'b.ing. Uis viral serology showed MiIiItIk pa lilisF .. m fi? oC tio o. ,", ..tlld~ of the foo l[uwiD g is 111.l4!of H epatitis E 1

,,) Chronic I lcparitis :11......( 1 ) ' : > OCJ. :U r . < .

h) lk .p ::lL ltU . E cun be pfeven[r=cI by pasnv e immuniZ IDDIJ

c) Trannnissron is by fc;: :o-' l.ll 'alroute

d.1 CD IIlfc cti.t1 t1 W Ith hepa tilis 1 3 i~ rcq.ulrerl f or pa lhogenecl ly

4 A pauenr pn: :..: nt: ;. .....i[tJ ;3iuJ1,1iL~. Ph),!!iiL'M ~:O;illllinatiUJlrrvcals an enlaraed II ~liver, cr of th e ahdomen sho.....s <I cirrhutic h...~r with" larie man. cr gu ided biopy

v f th e Jll,a~~ t!el1mr....JJr:lTC~ : i J . r ,uL lgn ;U1 t r umor tlenved from bepa tic parenchym a) cdls.

Infection ·......ub which f) f tk e fo llQw in g viruses ....·ou ld m ost di~clly rrlated to die

d cv r: 'lo pm eD t o f III lS 'rllm[}J ~

a 1 Ep~lem-Banr yi:ru~

C) H uman T-Iyrnphoc)'k v irus

" ) H IIIIl8D. Herpes v 1 J 1 1 ; 5 Iype A

d) Ht:patitis B vinn

S. A W year old malo: ~ ~ <= n t~ w itll B 2 d ay b is to f) ' of;li jC:Yele I c :it e ar ache wid! & b u n I i I W'5enutW n il l rhoe~ilf and 10M (If ta8IC. 1 ' I I e r e : is left sided wcabell o r bod! upper _

Io....'C' ra cia l mUK lc !L . ficia1 se ua tto o js n orm a l, A few vnicles ~~ ill tbt:~

W baI. is the mos ' likely diaJnosi!L ?

a , Bell 's . palsy

c J Diplllhc:n.;t

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d) IOOm l

I r . i u n l l l _ ! t lio,l1 . I l rJI l~fl1 ' i. iN' l . Ir .m:. f1 . 1 : - 1 0 1 .1nt I;;J 'Llml develops In the ro rtn o f in compa libU .,.

tilt' fil,l Ihlng 10'~ d..,n~ i~

J , ' SW .. tilt.' U::Ul,,1\1:'10U

b) In] l t}'Uroct~nlwllch.lbe gL, ' ~nS:L,!\

(~ I n,l Ch ln rpheT 'lt :'r ai 't'li ilC m;t lc al t: ' 1 ,0 be g1veVl <;tdt

d ) ln j Fru sc ffi]d e to be gi,'o 'e T'l

'6 , S111 .


11ro un d :!;u pc rfic lal dos-iOrlS il l tbe mouth wbich roakscc to fmill ttlc so caned

snail OJrk IIIcers are :;ec:il itta ) P riln .a r) '" syphili.s 'h) S ecO Il(lacy ~yphll1S

d) Congenl:tal syphilis

9. T reatment of choice fo r b a !!.a l cell c;,ucinmll:l or skin is

a) SUl'gicil eXC;!;;10n b) Rad10tberapy

r ; ; ) Cherno~h.er:Jjp)' d} Laser sUTgery

W. Ac.c .ording to thl: : " ru le o f nine" in bums . \\Ihal is th e ~ceTlla.ge o{b lID lS il both the

upper hmb~{In d lower \iu -.h s a re 1DvO lo .'e,d

a) 24% 11) 36% c) 54% d) 72%

\ l. \Vhich of the foUowing Is NITf a constitucnt of VirchoW's triad '7

a ) Dam age to e[ ld oth~L ium due [0 injury ur infialIlinatioll

b ) D i.m in ;!> lied r ate o f blood flow

c) lfIcrrased c:oagu.1ab;lity uf blood

d) ! .n c re as .e d v e no u s blood pfC.s~lJr~

n. The .....eakesi pan and mcst v u ln era ble p . : : 1 l t [or t'racll'uC ill the m_afid lb le is

: ' 1 ) Ram.l.1 s of mand ib le b) Cundylill' neck

c) Ang\e of the u'b'-mJII I ie d) Region ot' tht: canine tooth

\), COtnlD.Oi'll;;~\. leca il '. ocaUQI'I of a lh)' :rogJos.sal cy~t is

1 1 . ) ROOf of mouth 't) Subh~01d b) SuprahyOid

\4 . ' T h e : 5 l i . m u rJ ) In the reglOO of thyroid cartiIIII

bu. {Of parath 'I) C b r o o i . c bu ~'~d bypc:rp\asia in secondary hyperparathuooonUl.-iaa iI


.l""Ca1c;lCIWa . 1&V-C Cbromc : ~ . b} Chronic hypocalcaemia

q~nua d) Chronic hypam .apar ... -

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b) o S y stcmic !':o clc ro sii>

d) SYSl.Cmic lupus erythematosuS

Ph:umL-'rrhl~:.tJ~I",m'l:;' .111..m~ InlfU th.: mHiul :l1l~';lTy I ;!I .m ti~ cu n he trca !cd w ilh

:I) L..A'lGl\e. . .Cl...ll)11w ~ n , "ll1lnl ll1.lrl'Ln IlJ l,K ;JtI .;~u~iur~ with "imm margin

d Rahl.lthcr:lr) 1 - 1 1 cn':lill,lht:rapy

'. TIl!? c : > ,I ,1" 11 ;.:1" 1I' .J~"'JCPl1:'d WIIIl , 1 1 l l'I l-V;LJI IL l th L l - o

31 SI.ll[H.~ .,.111: ()SI b) SohlMJI hum:; ·y~l

(1 R.,.dI~uJ.II' ('y~1 d ) C ilu b u lo .m a xillL I TY C:YSl

C) l'l1 d.r~ .,m .J ~ s :.!I1othn 11<nIAC [rI'Y

J.\ r\~kll~fLLIcystic cm.:iI lOll1:1h .1 f"'d e l'lo 1'imph omL i

c 1 hl~('Icpldc:rm~id carci noma d) l'icomorphiC' AlJe I'LOmlI

. Pc r i. ap lca l ('emer\tO-L1S5~(lU~ dppla~ia occu rs frDqoel1 t.ly in ibe

,,) • bllJihular posterior region Ill) 1:mdib.ular amcrior region

c ) M Lx,lIarypl.1slerior region d) Maxillary rrrllCl'lor region

. In reflected 1i~hi, dead tracts are seen as

a 1 \ \ 0 ' hite zones

c) Purple zones

1)) Black zones

d) A wmbln ;1 tio I IJ or white & black . 'Zones

. Anile inf~110TI O 'ITbac ter iu which affects the nC'I'VOIJl:> sy~tem

J) Syphilrs Ib) Mcliodnsis c) TclJ,f1US

Kopli~'1)spots an: commonly seen H I

:1) M easle b ) Rubella

d o ) Thlarem"ia

c] Chicken pm.d) Sm II pox

2, A form (It ,ibrous dyspl3Sl :1 occurring in children is termed as

: . 1 ) 1onoslotic form. 1) Polyo!;I\'lic torm 1 , ; ) C r . u : l lo f a ! . . i. a 1 funJI d) ChcrubisiJI

3 Rh pump is coP 'lrnonly JS~oci< lted with

a, hun de11clenC), ::Iilemia

c) Erythr6bl;Js,tom feuilts

4 . 0)1.1[1 de sabre is c omm on ly associutcd with:1) PcmprugL ls

c) E,n <lhem a mulrilermc

In ) A'~lastk anemia

J) Sickle cell anemia

25. Histoiogi .ca l appeamnC' l : o f ·'Abb'Llfl.lllg o r .c J rl, !pp ing oW' is !:lmmonly seen in

a l I lltr ai.1 e rma li ne~'I1S b ) Ju .nctional ncvu

c) Compound news d) Epithelioid nevus

2(}.The caus-ative Oligenlfor "OclIlogl.mdular syndrome of pa rinoud" is

. I.) Arachnia propiuoica b) Bartonella benselee

c) Bifldobac:lenum. denLium d) Mymba.cterium lepnc

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1 - I e " 1 1 1 o L ' ~~Implt: .. viru- hill Lh ." I! r I~ h c h t i r n lI~liI~

J.l ClWlllh"ltl

tl ~l!LI'l1.l.lC' 111 ~1-r;..udfl ~lItrh;.lle

C \ U) ;tl!lrI'IlHb

'oe tI KCTi3tm ~1.ilphalC

5Jb I~ PL'W tlb....: ~~..tern ;, Ii.nH\ 11to he e It'cLwe J.~mn"l

3' ACltn.,m 1 . : 1 " \i~;':!J~U'" b) L1ClUh:J:Lillus acid"ph,lu

,,' Slll"l,tt'CtN.:nls, Lnut :m~ Ii) VciUonct!<t pa,-yuld

OT r~ilCl w~Lhgr.am'~ : > l < ! . l C l ?

h l C .m oidi.l alb'lcan<;

o J I S 'lr~ rlO ( QCCus ITIl.ltan

. \\ hid'! of w t : f.....nu wm g m gal'll51L1S does

al ACL1n. . .nn~"'D i5raehi

d : o . . ' t ) L:onJ~.('riu[fl lub~r{·.l!.o~b

\""'Nch \11,hc loUowmg is NOT a fCi1turt: o~ HUlcllillWfl'~ triad '?

al Fa~ial nerve para1~sis. b\ MulOcrry molars.

c lOcular iIllCr<;Uli:J.I I IT:Hl1it l5

_ The lC'Ib~co p r e p J l " < . J . t l l : 1 1 1 nlliflt)' u:;ed to clean the toO!.h isa) Khaim b) Ma''I·a c) ~hsheri

d) D"huliitl

Z - The Clli'lCept whIch vi~ .....s heai1h. as 'ab..eni:c i 'rOIJ\ Jist:;J.st:' is caned

al.6i.ome.dieal cum::epl til Ecological CUllCt:Jll

d .) Ho!i~tic concept

c l I'IQ2 d) 2002

,3 ·1be (re4~ lenc , of a di:.Ea;,C or ~h3Iildefi::.fI(, e,pre~:;e1J pc'] u nit ~ 1 z.e of thep o- pu btio


or grllupm wh.lch 1 t j_ " oI.I~f\' cJ isa 1 Rale h) Rauu c, Propm1ion J} A \iCIage

34 , T he c:oilWOIl t[[ : : .1 a.pproo,ch to [1 ;.1 (am " t h~po lllf :'~ i< ; r s

L L ~ De ...criptive s . t l . . l d y b, L sc control lully

c I (' 0 on "tudy d) Ra~lJOIHIll:d (;onl:roHed trial

]5, Th.: brmhi~lg mdhoo t"eCUlomclLc!co.!tor indiv~(hl.ah with open intcrdental paces Wlth

m1 !.;.m g I'lJ pL I 1: J.e a nd npl.)s,ctl root surfaces i~.

;!} R.lnes melhod b) f'll: :U [l'rs D1 elhU!i.lc . \ Ba5~ method !J) S ·m i l . l : ! method

36, ~c ~i1L11J)[U(; bls~lglJa~~de 1J~d ~s <llTlOUlhlol.'ilSh wtuch 1S,effective against gram posi l ive' . ! I I d g r o . l r l l m:gJll\1e ITI.I'TCI(}rgarll~ms. fungi. yeasts a n d viruses 1 :>

:0 ChLllThcxidim: G lUGU" ate 1 . . , 1~ . IU I nc esan

C, DdIDllp mol

]jI, The Nalion.;11Cancer R~~i~ir!f Prutlram I

Melli al Rc~eal'ch in H~ )lear

a) 1972 b) 19&2

d) S;JJ]guiturill.~

.CRVj was mitiated 'hy the Indian couoci1 t J I

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ne I D d i a D Govel'llllJ&:al pa sKd the' IprcItCI"

p to .llb it a dv crtiserD en o f and rrgulalC th e producbaI I .

k JMc r o prodI.tct m t~ year

• 1973 b) J983 c) 199)

lbe world'!!. fin;t artificial .....aier fluoridation plant WIIS .......

a Culemborg b) Grand Rapnu c) Mwkep

The nuonde c ncentralion in 8f; l t : Stannous Auoridc. topkaJ applE"",

a 1000 ppm b 9200 ppm c) 19500 ppm d) t

Milk F lu .ondauoD was introduc db

a Knutson b) BIbb ...·


e) W es.p i

The WHO per iodo rua l ex am In atio n p ro be wetghs

a} S gms b) 10 grru, c) 15 g : m s

Tbe rano between the ach ievcment of program actiVity and die dedraI " "'n_ .....the p lanners had p roposed w ou ld resu lt from the p rogram is . caJIed

a Effect] eness b) Efficiency

c ppropnate ness d) Adequacy

5 The dye used m the Sali\'ary Reductase test IS

I Bromocresol green b) Diazo raClfCi iMI I

Methylene blur: 11)Buic::M_;'

F or s t r e I l J I b m:1nglllity. the V(:Itica] hClgM o f . . f i I IbNd 1iM.. -....

a timm b) 70un c) --

It. rd :irM k ... for POUUOll1J1, muiJIary 8 I I iCa1Or i.lilillb

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. . . . . . , . . . . , . . . t I c :• sanl at)' b} Built"

i\d"antag~ of :J pal· tal "Irap

:n lncrc ed n". ht, \.\ 1 1 1 1 I t.., I 1 ,1

h) R~U ·t!{,n u l '.u \k

) R tt l r Lmul . l tL~HI 1 '1 LhL' m tlc rl Ifll! II sues

dl l.a~ !l1JllIpUl.ltll)U

R~'l f lJillkr ,! 111:-l :u '1:ny j\1;llnr ~ .o nn c ....urr

J) h {neraLly n~'1rtquln~d b, b . required

L I MJ~ bt: u 1 : , , ] L i I May [lot be used

} Spheroid*'

m;1Jor ("~)nnt:CtoTis a pOlK choice fur distal c,;.tcn~l()n RPD.

J Stngl palat;ll strap b) Complete: Palatal CO\'erage

, II. rsc ..hoc sh.'ipctl or U shaped M e d) AnlerioT Posterior or Double Palatal-

RClomrnended con ...·erg~il("t hl:twt."'t:]\ opposing .L....lo l .....ails winch ltpumile retention is

a ) o Llegree b 30 degree l} 15 degree til 45 deglee

15, ~Il case of < i hard median suture line ;H Id an in l~pcr~bk loruS th e maJOI conn t:C to r o f

choice i~~} Smglc palatal strap bl Cun1pkte Palatal coycrag


~I Horse shoe shaped or shaped Me

Sf). H eight of con tou r 1.. a trnn coined bya) Kennedy b) Cumrnes

e y

C) Ue'l'iill d) Applegate

1 The fUllct.~al occhtsal f<.l~:eapplied 10 the periodontal tissues during

• to r du ra llO !'l ot seconds .

a) 0.3 b} O.. s c) 1.0 d) 1.5

~8 ~!ltltpenon ~('I eQ\pln) ' mechanical device to determ ine: 'the relative panlkllill •

..........mace was

.) Fonunati

SI), ProposU II

I) likely cau se o f the disea se

b LtaIl litd)' cause of th e disease

c) 1OI t of die UbIy 00Ul'IC of !be d i 1 I e . D e

') ~tbc ....

.. O ed ' T iI.~s-tfaI~~Gq .. ~~.~ ...

' "

b) c) Applegate