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Post on 16-May-2020




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Abandoned!! Cherished ignored Important

Accused!! ! Innocent Impoverished Abundant

Angry Calm Inadequate Valued

Annoyed Soothed Imprisoned Free

Anxious Tranquil Intimidated Courageous

Betrayed Loyal Judged Accepted

Controlled Soverign Lonely Befriended

Criticized Complimented Lustful Pure

Deceived Honesty Manipulated Respected

Depressed Happy Oppressed Empowered

Discouraged Encouraged Overwhelmed Supported

Enslaved Emancipated Pain Relief

Frightened Reassured Powerless Capable

Frustrated Satisfied Rushed Patient

Grief Joy Stupid Smart

Heartbroken Loved Unappreciated Appreciated

Hopeless Hopeful Ugly Beautiful

Hungry Satiated Vulnerable Protected

!!Contents of the deck: !Your Karma Deck contains a total of 72 cards. !36 Karmic Debt/Good Deed cards which have blue backs. 36 Karmic Credit/Bad Deed cards which have red backs. !Each Karmic Debt/Good Deed card is paired to a Karmic Credit/Bad Deed card. !!Initial setup: !Put the cards into 36 duplicated pair piles with blue cards on top of red cards. !Reassemble them into a deck so the deck is blue then red then blue then red each pair on the other. !!Fast play 2 people: !Fan out the cards and have one person pick out a card that they feel drawn to. Ask them if they want to tell or receive the story/card. The teller gets the red card which the can see. The receiver gets the blue card which they cannot. Skip the next section and start reading again at Final Setup. !!Important: Before dealing or picking any cards, it is important to know, you put blue cards in your hand so that you can see them but other players cannot. You put red cards in your hand so you cannot see them but other players can. The red cards start as Hidden Cards. !This game can be played with 2-36 players but is best with 4-6. First determine the largest number equal to or less than 72 that the number

of players will divide into. This is how many cards each player can get. !Example 1: You have 6 players, 72/6=12 so each player can get up to 12 cards. !Example 2: You have 5 players. The largest number that 5 will divide equally into that is equal to or less than 72 is 70. 70/5= 14 so each player can get up to 14 cards. !Example 3: You have 4 players. The largest number that 4 will divide equally into that is equal to or less than 72 is 72. 72/4= 18 so each player can get up to 18 cards. !The numbers of cards in the above three examples, namely 12, 14 and 18 is the maximum number of cards each player can have. If you want a shorter game use less but give everyone the same amount. !!How to deal: !Playing with more than 2 players means you won’t know who has your matching card. This is more interesting. To avoid having the same players get matching cards every time, vary the dealing pattern. Deal clockwise one round, then counterclockwise one round, then in cross patterns (like an X or asterisk) for a round then repeat. !Tarot play !Instead of reassembling the paired cards into a deck, one at a time, each player picks a blue card, then another player takes the paired red card. As this happens, be mindful to keep the number of blue cards everyone gets equal. !Final setup: !Rotate the Red Bad Deed/Karmic Credit cards in your hand so that the Bad Deed is facing up.

!Rotate your Hidden Blue Card so that the Enlighten figure is facing up. !In all cases, no one may receive both cards (blue and red) from a paired set or see their red cards. !Goal of the game: !Our cards represent our personalities, our ‘Karmic Fields’. This is the energy that surrounds us lifetime after lifetime drawing in some experiences and people and pushing away others. !The first goal of the game is to ‘know’ what is in our Karmic field. We seek to become aware of the parts of our personalities that are hidden from us. This takes place in the first round of the game called the Guru round. This is where we get past our defenses and accept that we have used our Free Will poorly and made others suffer. !The second goal of the game is to see how our poor use of Free Will, the suffering we have caused others, has now come back for us to experience. This takes place in the second round of the game called the Warrior round. This is where we learn that the Universe is Fair. !The third goal of the game is to transform our personalities. This is where we choose to offer the other player a good experience rather than a bad one. This takes place in the third round of the game called the Saint round. This is where we learn that the Universe is Loving. !There is no traditional ‘winner’ since everyone ‘wins’ at the same time. So, how would someone be the ‘best’ player? The game revolves around your storytelling ability. So, the ‘best’ player is the one who can tell the most entertaining stories. The person who can not only tell great stories but also intertwine different player’s stories together and creates the most laughter is the ‘winner’. !

Perhaps the best way to ‘win’ is when you find yourself experiencing ‘karma’ of one sort or another in the real world and you use a strategy from this game to make it easier to deal with. !Guru round - !Pick the order that people will go in. There is no advantage to who goes first. If one player has more experience, let them go first to show any new player(s) how to play. !The first player chooses a Bad Deed card from their hand and locates the player with the paired Karmic Debt card in their hand. We will call the player with the Bad Deed card BD and the player with the Karmic Debt card KD. !It is important to remember that a player can only offer a Bad Deed so someone with the matching Karmic Debt. !BD must invent a story where KD did a Bad Deed to KD in a previous life. The Bad Deed must use the word in the KD card in the story. !Good stories begin with the time frame and location of the lifetime as well as the gender of BD and KD in the story. More on good storytelling will be discussed later in these instructions. At the end of the story, BD should say “In this lifetime I felt ____” where ____ is word of the story. !Once the story is told, KD must deny (say it never happened), minimize (claim the story is an exaggeration), justify (explain why the circumstances made it okay or necessary or how they deserved it) and counterattack (attack the other person for making the claim, call them a liar and a hypocrite accusing them of what they are saying you did). !Once KD goes through all the mental defenses to the situation, KD can finally say “I made you feel _____. That was a poor use of my Free Will.” then and both KD and BD will take their paired cards and put them down on the table (grass, floor etc.).

!This is then repeated for each player. BD players should try to pick cards so that everyone gets a chance to hear a story every turn. !!Warrior round - !Now that the KD card is visible, it can be worked on. In this round, a second story is told that takes place in a lifetime after the first story. In this second story, the roles are reversed and now KD receives the _____ experience from BD. !Once the story is told, KD says: !“In this lifetime I experienced _____ because in the past I _____ you. I understand. That’s fair and I’m sorry.” !Saint round - !In this round, KD says the following: “We’ve been making each other feel _____ over many lifetimes. Let’s stop.” Instead of returning _____ back to you and continuing this cycle, I’d like to be more loving and offer you something different.” !KD then rotates his or her Karmic Debt card to make it a Good Deed card and says to KD: “I’d like to offer you _____ instead.” !KD will say something like: “I’d like instead to offer you _____” If the original word was hunger, then KD could offer to make BD a snack. If the original word was criticism, KD could offer a compliment, and so on. !BD then tells one last story: !“I had _____ (negative word) due me but instead you have given me _____ (positive word). I have to give you credit for that.” BD then flips over his or her card turning the Bad Deed into a Karmic Credit and

ogives it to KD. KD then flips over his or her card turning the Karmic Debt into a Good Deed and gives it to BD. !The interaction ends with BD (now GD) telling a story about a time in the future where he or she does a Good Deed for KC (who used to be BD) and ends with something like: !“And now whenever we meet anywhere in the universe in the future, we will offer each other ______ (the positive word).” !!This completes the storytelling for this pair of card. !There is no requirement to finish one story before moving on to another but it does keep the story fresh in your mind. If you are unable to come up with a story however, try a different card. Each player, when it is their turn, decides whether to move a card pair story to the next level or start another story with another card pair and then come back to their other story later. !Example !In this example, the word is Deception. !Guru round !BD: “2500 years ago we were two old nomadic women living in Outer Mongolia. You sold me a milk goat that gave no milk. KD: “I did no such thing you are a liar. If I did, you are exaggerating, it gave enough milk and if it didn’t give enough milk it was your fault, you didn’t feed it right. I’m insulted you would accuse me of such a thing. In any case, if I did what you say I was surely justified in doing so. You’ve done the same and worse to others…” !“Wait, did I deceive you?” !BD: “Yes.”

!Both players put their Deception cards down in front of them !Warrior round !BD: “Because of that dry milk goat, 500 years later in Ancient Rome I sold you chickens that were past their egg laying prime.” !KD: “I experienced deception because I deceived you. That’s fair. I’m sorry I did that.” !Saint round !!KD: “We’ve been deceiving each other for thousands of years now. I prefer that from now on we are honest with each other. I was going to sell you my car but it has an oil leak. I wanted you to know that.” !BD: “Thank you for your honesty. You could have been deceptive, after all, in our last interaction, I sold you chickens that wouldn’t lay eggs. I give you credit for that.” Cards are exchanged and both are oriented with the Good Deed and Karmic Credit facing up. “I look forward to interacting honestly with you in the future.” !At this point, if one of the players wants to, a future story could be told. !BD: “The year is 2125 and we are in a spaceport on Mars. You come to my stall and ask to buy a flux capacitor because the trans light drive in your ship isn’t working. So I ask you a few questions… “When you get near a black hole, does your flux capacitor glow? Yup, that’s ‘yer problem right there. You just need to adjust the compression coil on your magnetic containment field… where’s your rig? I get off for lunch in half an hour, I’ll show you how to do it…” !Now the stories are Good Deeds going forward in time. !Storytelling basics !

When starting a story, begin with the time frame, location and the age and gender of the person. The more details you give (occupation, family, social status etc.) the better. To make stories more interesting, consider studying a little history. You can even have players be animals in your story of their past lives. Future lives can be on other planets since space travel may be a reality by then. !Good storytellers will find ways to intertwine the past and future lives of multiple players in his or her story. !!Happy version !While this game always ends with good stories, it does start out with unhappy ones. If you are in a storytelling mood but don’t want to start out with Hidden unhappy cards, play the game as if you have already transformed the cards you have in your hands from Bad Deeds and Karmic Debts to Good Deeds and Karmic Credits. You can still tell past, present and future stories, but they are all good stories. You can still have Hidden cards if you wish and have the other player guess at the nature of the Good Deed you are doing for them. Advanced playing options !As you progress in your storytelling abilities, here are some options you can experiment with. !Multiple cards two players: !You have two or more cards in your hand that another player has in their Hidden hand. You create a story associated with these multiple cards. !Multiple players at once: !You choose two or more cards from your hand and interweave two or more players in your story simultaneously. !

!Benefits of the game !The game gives us a fun way way to practice being our better selves. How can you get upset that someone is pretending to be mad that you deceived them by selling them a goat that had no milk in Outer Mongolia 2300 years ago. !As we continue to play we may notice the next time someone accuses us of something or does something to us, we might respond with some humor and responsibility and offer a good deed in return rather than a bad one. !Using the cards in real life !The cards can also be used in real life. In this case when you feel like someone does a Bad Deed to you in real life, you hand them the Karmic Debt card that best describes the Bad Deed. They will have to carry that card with them for the day. The receiver of a card must not defend, deceive, complain or counterattack. They must receive the card, quietly look at it, nod their head and put it in their pocket. During the day, the holder of a card should be mindful of opportunities to do a Good Deed that is the opposite of the Karmic Debt. Then at the end of the day, the holder of the card can tell the giver of the card what they did to pay their Karmic Debt and the card is returned to the deck. !Working with children !The cards can be particularly good with children*. A child is offered to pick a word that describes how they might be feeling. Then they tell the parent a story about a past life they had together where the parent (or someone else) made them feel this way. Children may be more comfortable expressing their emotions as a ‘story’ to their parent. Since the ‘stories’ are funny and made up, they may be more honest with themselves and the parent than if they tried to tell the parent directly what was going on for them. This ‘plausible deniability’ and abstraction can help bring out emotions too charged and painful to deal with directly.

!*You may wish to remove certain cards from the deck depending on the age of the child. !!!!!!!!!! Here are some ideas for time periods and occupations for your stories. If you don’t want to choose, look at a watch, then use the number on the minute hand. If it is 3:14, choose the Iron age (4). If it is 4:20, choose prehuman (0). !(0) Prehuman Mammal, bird, fish, reptile, insect, plant life. !(1) Stone age >10000 BC hunter gatherer herbalist midwife tanner flintknapper fishing shaman bow maker (bowyer) arrow maker (fletcher) net maker / repair fire keeper storyteller cook

basketweaver tribal leader !(2) Agricultural age 10000 BC Farmers, astronomers, wine and mead makers, wheel makers, priest and priestesses, herders and warlords. !(3) Bronze age 4000-1000 BC Wheelmakers, pottery, metalsmiths, clothmakers, tailors, leatherworkers, priests and priestesses, soldiers, rowers, archers, chariot makers, woodcutters, carpenters, shipbuilders, musicians, beekeepers, prostitutes, thieves, spies, kings and queens. !(4) Iron age 1000 BC Alphabetic language, religions, laws and literature, entertainers, doctors and accountants. !(5) Medieval 500 - 1300 Feudalism, tax, collectors, jesters, knights, wars and plagues. !(6) Renaissance 1300-1600 Art, science, philosophy and politics. !(7) Industrialization 1700+ Inventors, machinists, operators. !(8) Revolutionary age 1750-1870 American, European, Latin American and other revolutions. !(9) Technological revolution 1850-1917 Telegraph, railroad, gas and water supply, and sewage systems. Shift from rural to urban living. !!Want to know more? !

This game is part of four offerings. The first is a free phone app to help people keep track of the good deeds they do. The second is a free book on Karma which was the inspiration behind this game. The third is this game which you now hold in your hands. The last is oxytocin, the neurochemical associated with social bonding and kindness. All are available at www.spiritualsecretagent.com. !

Bad Deed!Be Selfish

Good Deed! Be Generous