karlheinz mörth 1 , stephan procházka 2 , ines dallaji 2

Laying the Foundations for a Diachronic Dictionary of Tunis Arabic A First Glance at an Evolving New Language Resource Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2 1 Institute of Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (Austrian Academy of Sciences) 2 Department of Oriental Studies (University of Vienna) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Laying the Foundations for a Diachronic Dictionary of Tunis Arabic A First Glance at an Evolving New Language Resource. Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2 1 Institute of Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology ( Austrian Academy of Sciences ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan  Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2

Laying the Foundations for a Diachronic Dictionary of Tunis Arabic

A First Glance at an Evolving New Language Resource

Karlheinz Mörth1, Stephan Procházka2, Ines Dallaji2

1Institute of Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (Austrian Academy of Sciences)2Department of Oriental Studies (University of Vienna)

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Page 2: Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan  Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2

IntroductionTwo projects

Vienna Corpus of Arabic Varieties (VICAV)

Linguistic Dynamics in the Greater Tunis Area: A Corpus-based Approach (TUNICO)

Text technology + Linguistics

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==> Vienna Corpus of Arabic Varieties

Digital language resources of a wide range of spoken Arabic varieties: dictionaries, corpora, bibliographies, language profiles, best practices

Cooperation of University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences


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==> Linguistic Dynamics in the Greater Tunis Area: A Corpus-based Approach

Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, P 25706-G23)

Main objectives:

Exploration of spoken, contemporary Arabic

Two digital language resourcesCorpus of spoken youth language

Dictionary of Tunis Arabic

Page 8: Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan  Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2

Arabic dialect lexicography

No comprehensive dictionary of the Arabic dialect of Tunis

Basis for diachronic research:• Nicolas, A. (1911). Dictionnaire français-arabe• Beaussier, M. (2006). Dictionnaire pratique arabe-français (arabe maghrébin)• Quéméneur, J. (1961). “Notes sur quelques vocables du parler Tunisien”• Quéméneur, J. (1962). “Glossaire de dialectal”• Abdellatif, K. (2010). Dictionnaire «le Karmous» du Tunisien • Marçais, W. , Guîga, A. (1958-61). Textes arabes de Takroûna. II: Glossaire

Page 9: Karlheinz Mörth 1 , Stephan  Procházka 2 , Ines Dallaji 2

Dictionary of Tunis Arabic

- micro-diachronic and machine-readable- up-to-date and easily accessible lexical information - incorporation of:a) contemporary data from a digital corpusb) various historical sources (e.g. Stumme, H.) - information added is kept traceable to its origin

- basis: data taken from didactic materials - 3 other main sources: newly created corpus, interviews and historical publications

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicContemporary sources

1) Corpus of spoken youth language (dialogues, narratives):

uncommon approach in Arabic dialectology: dialectological interests in language of older people --> only olderforms of particular varieties knownfocus on modern language, contemporary usage and lexicalneologisms

2) Additional interviews to complete the data gained from corpus and historical sources

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicHistorical sources

- 800-page grammar of the Medina of Tunis by Hans-Rudolf Singer (1984): evaluation of data, integration of excerpted lexicographic data into dictionary

- Verification and completion of collected data with other historical resources

- Diachronic dimension helps to understand processes in the development of the lexicon

- Material gathered will allow analysis of recent developments (migration of parents from rural areas, influence by other Arabic varieties, influence of revolution, foreign elements)

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Dictionary of Tunis Arabic

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTechnical issues

Modelling the data



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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTechnical issues

Using the TEI dictionary module to encode digitised print dictionaries is a fairly common standard procedure in digital humanities.

The TEI dictionary module needs to be further constrained:• to enhance interoperability• to reduce alternate constructs• to achieve a high degree of compliance with LMF (ISO


Easy to impose in the creation of digitally born dictionaries.

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicBasic schema

<TEI> <teiHeader> ... </teiHeader>

<text> <body> <div type="entries"> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> ... ... ... </div> </body> </text></TEI>

<TEI> <teiHeader> ... </teiHeader>

<text> <body> <div type="entries"> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> ... ... ... </div> </body> </text></TEI>

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicBasic schema

<body> <div type="entries"> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> ... ... ... </div> <div type="examples"> <cit type="example">...</cit> <cit type="example">...</cit> <cit type="example">...</cit> ... ... ... </div> </body>

<body> <div type="entries"> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> <entry>...</entry> ... ... ... </div> <div type="examples"> <cit type="example">...</cit> <cit type="example">...</cit> <cit type="example">...</cit> ... ... ... </div> </body>

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicBasic schema

<entry id="ktaab_001"> <form type="lemma"> <orth lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktāb</orth></form>

<form type="inflected" ana="#n_pl"> <orth lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktub</orth></form> 

<gramGrp> <gram type="pos">noun</gram> <gram type="root" lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktb</gram> </gramGrp>

<sense> <cit type="translation" lang="en"> <quote>book</quote></cit>   <cit type="translation" lang="de"> <quote>Buch</quote></cit>   <cit type="translation" lang="fr"> <quote>livre</quote></cit> </sense> </entry>

<entry id="ktaab_001"> <form type="lemma"> <orth lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktāb</orth></form>

<form type="inflected" ana="#n_pl"> <orth lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktub</orth></form> 

<gramGrp> <gram type="pos">noun</gram> <gram type="root" lang="ar-aeb-x-tunis-vicav">ktb</gram> </gramGrp>

<sense> <cit type="translation" lang="en"> <quote>book</quote></cit>   <cit type="translation" lang="de"> <quote>Buch</quote></cit>   <cit type="translation" lang="fr"> <quote>livre</quote></cit> </sense> </entry>

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicRepresenting diachrony

…<bibl> <author>Ritt-Benmimoun</author> <date>2014</date></bibl>

<bibl> <author>Singer</author> <date>1958</date> <biblScope unit="page">56</biblScope></bibl>

…<bibl> <author>Ritt-Benmimoun</author> <date>2014</date></bibl>

<bibl> <author>Singer</author> <date>1958</date> <biblScope unit="page">56</biblScope></bibl>

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTools

Viennese Lexicographic Editor (VLE)XML editor providing functionalities typically needed in compiling

lexicographic data

Web-based standalone application

Designed to process standard-based lexicographic and terminological data such as LMF, TBX, RDF or TEI.

Automating procedures

Freely configurable visualisation (via XSLT)

Validation: MSXML Schema

Client-server architecture (php + mysql)

Freely available and easy to setup

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTools

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTools

Corpus – Dictionary interface

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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicTools

corpus_shell... a modular framework of reusable software components to access and publish heterogeneous and distributed language resources such as language corpora, dictionaries, encyclopaedic databases, prosopographic databases, bibliographies, metadata, and schemata.

Language Resources Portalclarin.oeaw.ac.at/ccv/corpus_shell.


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Dictionary of Tunis ArabicStatus and outlook

CLARIN-ERIC (Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure).

Open access and open source.

~5000 entries

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النتباهكم ! شكرًا

Karlheinz Mörth1, Stephan Procházka2, Ines Dallaji2

1Institute of Corpus Linguistics and Text Technology (Austrian Academy of Sciences)2Department of Oriental Studies (University of Vienna)

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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