kanouse's furniiure storetest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... ·...

CONTAINS MORE H@ME* THAU A2JT OTHER PAPER. '•!'• HflS THE LARGEST t :\: : :i; Northern New Jersey. ;»; VOL. XXVI. DOVER, MOREIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1896. NO 17 ERA, PUBLJBUED KVEBT HUDiY BT I'UbLIBBERS A»I> PROPRIETORS. \ffiot on Blachodl Street next 'door to the 'National Union Jlunk. IBBICS OF tJUBSORIPTION INVABL ABLY IN AD VAN OB. isnYKAii..;- laoo IONTUH; ICO 'IIUKK MOHTUH ADTBETI8INO BATES. 500 660 800 10 00 18 60 1600 1650 WOO Ftircontage added for extru. Local notloes fifteen cents per line. I AnWITT R. HUMMKR. Heal KitaU) and.lnau ranee Agent, Ullloe over Tbe Oao. Htcbarda Co.'s Store, DOVEH. N. J. D 1 H. II. A. BENNETT (til, UOI.I1 ANDC1IKHTSUT HtH. IJOVHH, N . J . 18 to U A, II. c HOURS -11 toUP.M. 17 to 8 I*. M. ' BPE0IA.L attention given to DISEASES of WOMEN and CHILDREN. E u UOKKK J. COOPER, ATTOUHEY AT LAW AMD MAHTKH AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY Onioe Iuthe Tuuo llulldJug, J, A. lion's STORK, D0VB11. N. J. TAMKB 0, COOPER, DOVER, N. J. iNsuruncoUrolierendCoaiiuiMlutierot Deeds. KIre,hife,HtBani Hollar, Employer.' Lia- bility aud Live, Htoolt Insurance. Uur ln- irance Insures. lte*l Estate bought and )ld uti Cbuimltwon. 87-1 jr. ^EO. O. UUMMIHB.W. D., QKNBKAL PRACTITIONER, Hb BPH0UL1BT IH THE THtAHXKT Or EIH1U- •UX1BU AND UALABUL DIBKA9U. Office onnorth aide of Blackwell street and alwut 900 feet nest of Warren street, SOYBB, K. J. TOHN DRUMMER'S 0 HEAVING inn HAIR 0U1TIMI SAM)0N, MANSION HOUSE, COH. DLA0KWK. AND 8UBSBZ BTRKT, DOVBH, H. J. Tli» nltra kmbeen entirely rofltud I; » nait mamiw. Lulles 1 and Children's Hair Cutting a specialty. lleory VI, ttlllcr, Hvnrj U, Htney, lluBl), Bull, Pl)!ll)i H. HofTmtin, CIIM.Y.HWBO.'M. 1). Paul Hevcre, Kdmand D. Hnlwj, Joliu Thatcher. Kugetia B, Hurt* AHBKTH, Tftiiuary Int, IBM |l,»Ki,815.ao LIAUlUTim DUD deposltorfl (1,11)5,1117, t? Int. Dividend Jan, 1, 10,30.1.83 [•OB. R, WILLIAMS. UABON » ' FOOT OIUU, N. J. Conlracta taken lor all tluda of wort In either Hoe of bosluees and the best nifttorlale fihd Btti Bilrs and e r Hoe f and the best tor furnished. Betting Boilers and covering Hteara Plpea . with 'Asbt ecilty Bo p . Asbestos 00106 near Central Uepot ort In torlale vering specialty. 2S-1J. LIARTIN LtlTHBR COX, COUNTY 8UPBRINTEN3ENT OP PUDLIO SCHOOLS IrncK-BiacitwiLL BT., DOVKH, N. J. HDUBB : 9 A. u. to 13 K. every Saturday. 0' |LIVER S. FREEMAN, CARl'EHTEB AKD BUILDBR. PlanB and specifications mads and contracts taken. Jobbing always particularly attended to. (Mure l«fo at the Brick Drug Store of Mr. Wm. H. Uoodale or at tto po«t olllce will be promptly attended to. Corner Union and Riter Streets, Dover, M.J. r p H E NBW JERSEY IRON MINING CO. omu roa BALB lo lota of 5 acres and upwards andseveral Rood building lota In Port Oram, N. J. Address L. 0. BlIBWIHTllj Beo'y, r pHOB. JOHHBOS, Manufacturer and Dealer In MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, MANTELS and all workln Marble audUranlta. All work of tbe beet order and prioee reasonable. BLACKWK.1 Smitr, -.• DOVER, N. 1. ^ 1. ROSS, ATTORHBY-AT-LAW, BOUC1TORA»D MASTER IN CHASCERY JUID NOTARY PUBLIC 8TASHOPE, •? Niw JMIMT. Dr. -W. E. DERRY, DOVER, N. J. HOURS; 1 to 2^0 and 0:30 to 8 P. H. daily, mcept Mundny. Sundays 1 to3 only. OtrriOE SPECIALTIES J Eje,Ear,lWaiid Throat Dlseaaefl, 45-U WILVOX & BERM DOVEE, K. J. H . m , gpeclScatianB far building*, contract* taken and materials rumlihed. Jobbing Promptly Attended to BLATE ROOPa-Wefurniuli nnrtrdaas slate and put oualata roofs bycoixl inecbdii.us. ftcltot'a Bheathlng Paper ivlwiiyii on hnnd. K Odlce andSbon onBlackwell St., uext to IDcver Lumber Company'i Mill. 1 M. R. WXLCOX A B WM. S, COUUARD FDHHITQBE, CHRPETS. SPPGS, ElG. UPHOLSTERIHG done . in all its brandies Buoxwut iT., DOVEB, N. J. ROCKAWAY, fl. J. AGENTS FOR THE AUTOMATIC . STEAM HEATERS. Duplex Htw.ni and Hot Water HWIIITB. Thi> niuile of wrDUL'lit boiler iron, have (.imper 1 andetiUmflupL-riorltyi:. tho following Wiito; < loiny In futtt: SlmiilJclty of const nidi ou; No icnwlti.o JoInU ; h'u lung Hues or heathitr nir- dlnicult U> lint)) CIPAII i VJU»}' li>inaiu.ee; No coal U) Lift to tlia t«]i of & larire uuunuclno; I'erfetit uifnLr. AU klndB of I'] u mI) In ft, itoofltiR nu<l Rheut Iroi Work satlHfaotiirily oiwutal. ]u xtock at all time Blovta anj Hot Air FuniaecH of urery (k'rk<ri]ition ; Hardtvart), Cullury, Tin-ware. Oil tiloilm, Cari.e'r etc,, I/ihlsh «nJ Trenton Dual, Ijimiffl, ftuuU, Oils, FtUrUinkx ft-al.wmi.i Hort'a Hnltb-r IluckH THE H0BJII8 COUNTY SAYINGS BAHH, IKCOItPUllATKD MA mill 3.1, |NT«. I'reddant—HBNKY W. MILLER. VlcfrPnakU-ut—AUKKLIUH D. HULL. 8ocret*r>* ncd Trenniror—H. T. HULL. |l,312,US0 50 arplua H3.1SH.70 »,,8»,BlM0 InUrett U declarej nod paid In January tnd July o( each yoar from tha profits of the pre- vious nix months' bUBlneaa. Dopotjlt* mada on or before tbe 3d days of inuary, April, July and Ootober, draw in- terest from tbe lit days of B&ld montbi ra- ipaoUreljr. DANKIN0 EOUHB. A. u. to 4 P. u. dally, except Baturdiy. .nrdnyi from tf i. H. to 13 u. (noon] and from T toS P. H. BETTER THAN BANKS You couldn't make a better investment of money than by the purchase of diamonds, setorunset. Theydon't rust, moths don't eat them, they don't fluctuate in value to any appreciable extent and you can always realize on them very nearly their value. They make fine presents or heir- looms and are always excel- lent collateral. When you want first water diamonds or any jewelry, first see J. W. KIRK, DOVER. N. J. .. . NOTICE. MORRISTOWN, N. J. Deposits made on or before: APRIL 3<l till draw .merest from APRIL ist. ' II. W. MILLER, H.T.HULL, President. ScCyiHHlfrea... March Oth, I KM IB 4* GOLEMAN COLLEGE, Newar licit conti-miilnliiiK a FliralnFM Course are to twnfUKitiil with thin colli"«o la refer- nut excelled liy iiDvinrilltutlnn In UieUul Usl Bin ten BOB BE0AD STREET, NEWARK Ovnr entrance tothe Central It. It. cf IS'. J. depot CQLEMAN N&T'L BUSINESS COLLFGB lAMOS H. VAN HORN, Ltd. WHY NOT USEA P O k T W N D KANGM? I Carpet fliracles Jjl are being wrought by us at the rate of a dozen rolls a S, ® day—here are proofs for the doubtful. $J 25 rolls all wool Ingrain, re. Oifl gularly 7Jc, yd, now 59c, yd, QW) 25 rolls Ingrain, were 60c. now 40c, per yd. 25 rolls Ingrain, were 65c. now 40c per yd. *5 rolls Velvet, were $uzS now 85c. yd. U U Also about 50 pieces of remnants at a uniform price of 65c. a yd,— w Qjn quality and cost to us npc considered—Velvets, Moqucttcs, Brussels in- 0|n eluded. Bring exact size of room with you, Cjjj) aa BEDROOn IK 1 SUITS • tjp AT ^ AT ijn $12.8S (Ml Every Suh'sjjjj worth $20. the W old price-bcvellcd ». plate mirror, solid IW) HEADQUARTERS TOR ALLKINDS OF RUBBER GOODS Woonsocket Boots $ 2.60 Best Wool Boots 2.25 Good Quality Wool Boot 2.00 Best Arctics 150 Good Quality Arctics 1.25 Women's Best Rubbers .35 Missess" Be&il liubbers .30 vJhilds' Best Rubbers .25 Everything in proportion HEAGAN SHOE CO. Opp. 0 . L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J. oik, delicately carved. Tll,..n=..ll,|l,t, IT PAYSTOI::;; „, _ NOW ^-*»«•"'-• -" Dover's Most Popular Store ,. L. EJ H 3VI A. INT tfc CO. Uur t\mt iQi|] piircli»Bli)|j and ilK)t <MB1I BtlInn rln^ ])cn|)leo( Dtvprund vlrlnlt? iireat ail'diitanet., Niohitrrfo at'. ciniiilt lieru We fully spprwlato tliat tb» iwiula exwet lo luiy mere cheaply lier« than »ny where e'dft, ntitl It Intif-nu-o their Utj I i l srormlized Hnt our iw'rmiiKe Dctarlmintrewbrctht;'!! | m , nmV] «.„ uu BloJ , C H|P •tfAHOS H. VAN HORN, Ltd. 'jjfpurnltnre, Curpcts, Stoves, Etc, l ^} 'J MARKET ST.1|/> J J\ Near Plane St. M * '-^NEWARK, N. J. Cy) aOODS DCLIVCRIiD PREB TO ANY PART OP STATE. REMOVAL Dr. A. Q. FREEMAN Has removed his Dental Office to rooms over Fierson & Co's. Clothing Store DR. H. C Continues hie position withDn. FREEMAN DOVER LUMBER CO., BLACKWELL STREET DEALERS IN LUMBER •:- OF -:• ALL : KINDS Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings. &c. BRACKET and SCROLL SAWING DONE TO ORDEH COAL, WOOD AP BUILDING HATEB1AL always on hand. Having lately erected a large Coal Trestle with COVERED POCKETS and a capacily of one hundred cars, we can supply onr trade with DRY AND SCREENED COAI .nri~ desiring tohandle their own coal can hayc It screened and loaded with out shoveling Business Practice From the Start 'Learn to do by doing." Business Practice from En trance to Graduation make our College a room of Business Shorthand and Typewriting Taught thoroughly by an experienced teacher. Leading makes of Typewriters. No School in New Jersey offers better advantages. Send for catalogue of Dover Business College Fred H. Wildriok, Principal Dover, N. J. WHY SUFFER FROM LACK OF LIGHT, Cot Vexed Every Day with Poor Lamps? BUY "THE MILLER" LAMPS braUl.Tlanrm£nibtf£irrii;Vo 1^ vt liiwo i. iiridk.117 no wear mil 10 u IV. m.k. nmrr Ilinn n lliatinnnil »»rl*tt«i nil ftvlc—iu nKAUTlfuLand hlunlR JahjnimlMatli llKhl 1limns, club, fiiurn, Ftcl'irr, Otmrch, ie, Jo. If j»ur dsilnr ivill tiol •upl'lj isenuhie "JlMer' 1 1-imin rtlll Ulr Id ful that. * "Miller" Urop.or »n elcmnt Onjx ami Ilrnwt Tnltu. tta.hlri.itd M JIIANDPACTHREKN In J"U MILLER & CO 2B * 30 . W ^ S B *W D - W * 1 ^ III IL Lull 01 UUif ((j(| PufJi l'|.)bnl. 1'irkrL AlUmlijSt., N. y. i i U i > n l l , (*-!•*«r I'wtl Mrnllirp buy ".lIll.I.KIt" OIL l HAVE THE ON THE BEST LINK OF HEATING STOVES s RANGES In tha World, yt-wa of experience *nalilm un to tot the defect ami nlnnJon all iton h»vlug abjecltonsblB features Tor ths best in tlie market ouil lowprices. A hrgo line at bousefarnlsbingi lucludtpg many scoclaltioa an Lflinian'd Foot Wurnmra, Washing Machines, Wrlngen, Bteel Ronnipled Ware, £o. PLTJEBING, STEAM AND HOT WATJ3B HEATING Tin Work of all klndt to ordrr at tbaold stand. D. S. ALLEN, Dow, N. J. er t y , D In ami al"-nrn srormlized Hint our iw'rmiiKe ri Vnii hiv tha aivnntitcs of imr plm» ( 1 1 / ( J H t / f ( H f V t w imr VlI pj In ami aln BHIWII largor ccury riny Vni V|I1V(H([, Bll(l IIIU-f(l*/< JTI/ii(rm / / ( / | kttlf pricex for*f (HU litre tlmt jnu would jay e Sale all week from Saturday, March 21 to 28 10c V()ll ANY 0? 'llllCKi: 3c. I'OK ANY fiF THKSK U'arnitr'* fiofc Yoasl l-cuirl Tapioca 1((1 BMP iiiellne tilovo Pol lull HKll 5c. VOUANV OJ'TIIKKK 7c Hlc- To Hmln ('rftcfct-rM t f SOlltl llNlUrJ 1-411). lleHl IVJIJUT 1II). nest l-'rHiiuli I'rmii'fi Ili^it Hmiti JU'fll lk<Kt Itrcrit or fjiml) .. 12c. MIR AKV OK TIIKSK !TM; I'alirornln KL'K I'IIIIIIH 7c Killt ANY OF Jlir.SK lleiit 1'IK'H JVi'i lU'HtKmnkwItjImilMt'r* Iti'tl >lllk rmnViihi'il alnittli's ]Hu ViiHiiliiif 9c. r a n ANYoi-TUKSIC Extra specials for Saturday, March 21 only KiiRiir Curwl Hams Hie Ihiflt. lleor JIoloRtia liu \lt*t Uuiioui, mrdo/.., So K^K K I Htriutlj* frfwli He Ik-ntCnrnwl Uft-f, lit .... rV llrat(IOIIIIHII, HI .... f,OcTe;L It* I.VIJltln Ki-ck Cln S5C COITWJ ICc 1(V! Glim 1 irri| w L. LEHMAN & CO. Jftjiltol Hero insy lia Men In reality ilto ivorhiiiRri nf (.(treat (.overnuicnt, and mote enl knowledge IIIHV B<ciireil In u fuw cloyn Lliitu euuld be pler,:u:l Troni h<,:U njth nnirtlin of Htudy. Tho Pfiiiisjlvaiiln Huilrnml C<]iii|)aii}\ hliort vucittlnu uutiuKnt iiraH expenee Tho arcou 1 inixfnllorn, btitli eu route unil itt Wutliliigttiii, ore the br»t iilitulimtile, ami a .ourJ-it ngeiit and chaiiofn aecniipnny earli tour tlirouglinuL to louh u(t*r the comfort of tlio pnrliciiiEtilJ. The tuuru wilt luiivo No« York ami I'hllv di>ll)bla UBRII IH, Aiirll Suml SI, nnd M»y uratf, lucluilfnKlronijKirtntionard two iloyn' amiimiindntiniiB at WaKhlnKlan'* l»»t elx, IH <i:i.r>0 from New Voik, $11.^0 riom iiailclpliiii, $\"4S> from Iteadiug, ntul ]iro* •llnimta ralw Trfin oilier |ointe: JI4..M) from Kow Yurli, liit-ludlng moalu uii route. llptalleii IttuciarlL's will hu sent onop[|llt;(i- tinu toTourist. Agtinl, 1llhl Broadway, New York, or ltooni-lll, Uroml Htrwt Kliitlan, .rlftjibla. St., NKWAKK, TKBSTHN, KUlZAllKTIt *Nn HAHWAY f6rj.J. J *NI> HAHWAV. ^ •wwv5 AN IMMENSE LINE OF CARPETS A.T Kanouse's Furniiure Store Roll Top Desks a Specialty Everything in the Furniture Line CALL AND EXAMINE THOSE GRAND PIANOS Coii. BLACKWEIX AKD WAIIIIEN STIIEETS, Grand Spring Opening Hew York jiUim Store ON April 2d and 3rd AN KLECiANT DlKl'LAY 01" EASTER MILLINERY All Hie latest tnuvltWIii TIIIMMKD ANn IJNTltniMF.I) HATS SimoNsirrs All llmliilmt ili'HiRiia In VKI.VET, SH.lv AKD Cl.OTH CAIT. nil IH-Clitirully trininicil. A!r>o In light nii.l (Jill k dotli, A tiiw line of WHAI'I'EIW AND (.'OIlSl-Trt -> to> - : - DovEn, N. J. E CORMISH FlflMO •' i55 OMUN MCTORY, U,. iSilpa • yO',rr car hit and i* er-iertain you wdile you arc litre: £ tvlieihcr yun uuvur uul, onmti and ^ "--- - (tf Jjce lur yourself tinw tiia- 5! Isuine oHitci, nur linaiicr i J yards, nur li.iicnl dry Lilm oiul ilio f . ' l)tttctim|ipeilf;ii-torynneaiih. Let 111JH meet yr.ii ncracinally nnil thnkc you bv£ hand. A feu- moment..' plenum dial will J n frltudi nml do ui Kood "U aroimil. If « you cttnnot ponibly vhit 4«, ihtii tend fur nur iBgj ft i fanntUan, »llh ll!attnl!oi» of alt tii/diJTertnt "tvlerLde'liV'u'i with 'pf i " * fo? culi'and 5 - tponthtinltillmsntrhn.tciuit.n pockets. OarmUtDRnnwll\roitVnunathlnRRnd T, [ wlU »re yoo moiier. Orrrifendtxr* telitittd. VISITORS AHE ALWAYS WELCOME. jH OORN1GH a OO, WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. U. S. A. C ntvisircl of llHllflT.1, minor r«ntrnv(-nlcn. It incaift jiriacljilt} vt<l imiKiitliiiiz. Tl.ti vn 1!IP four linen uf 1 inuld hr-in llio linnRPnf CLrlhL It iva tin' iruliuiigEclioul for tliecliurrb, ithiiiiiitloi iTlmsoiia o[ inablrR llm life of ever; irtoil.ilt. Tqoili'K to give the hxiyta letfptiui in tint n-nr futuro We nr« wire the hoyB will li« lliwed to taow tlilrtmid will all l>t>iiii linml (beu iliL- time coin^ Tlio bn)V iiieetlug iioit .Sunday will he led by Kugrno Ayers, COIUP obt, IKIJB, anil enjoy mrj(!iii"*UnK. 1'. K Duilol* ivill l>e Hie o^aVcr at tlie eo'H tnretliig licit Hunilsy at -I o'cltok Ht An InteieillDi.; Trip to WaihlnBton, D. 0, via Penn»jlvftnla Hailroad- In cniiniileHrig tlrn |>lenmr»s uf a trip to 'nthlDBtnn OUB mint not overlook Ilio In- uf A Trim Snake 8tor/. Tlvrenl<lMi(.>oaiul Inrnsof J. N. VaiiD;r- icnk, nenr New a m i i a n t o w n . o r e *nj>|i!iod vlth miter hy incnns of a byilroullc rnm.Btid liocjttcii] linslefii In HSBOU I ha i»laca aliout orty jeors. LGUI wuck Ilia water apjioared 0 l:o diut off ffiim |IICH[IIK out, tbrough the ifttte pi [jo ninl ro'u tn tho rum bourn to tbe leiplitof several foet. Timpipe in or terra oltu, INTOinches IndlomcUr nml a limit tlilrry fiel lntg, Hiiptjlng Into u atnM ditch. Mr. Dcthcuh i-Dn^lmlM that this wns'.e jiljw bad hrcLuiie filled u|i, begun at once to take it ii],. Helind not [irocetileti far before tlis tbb becania a[i|mrent. Taklug up a see- tiou of t)i,« It na« found to contain it mmu of ei so rollHlup toRother as to eiitlrtly 1 HIP drain. The millie Imgth of the of 'M feet «ns taktu out and by the Umo the lost section vina roachnl mmutj-one .koi bodbeen diHturlied from tbtdr wintei irUra. Tiiore.wero water Hunker, garter ikeiof all *it'*trcm twolre to thirty incliei In length. Tney wtrenotpurtlcularly lively, hut jtt not in a torpid condition. Tbo wu*te plpo tind not l>eoQ entirely free )r itnnie time, but.yet tbu water hud not Kiveu nnytroulilu until this ({me when tlio investigation nm niada with inch itartling results Uiiloulat Gmette. Ills Ui a uk-ety tbu \>\nvi> lie bunlimp; Inmur- ilily anil faitbfullj lilltJ. EveryL?ily Vu-w thb"Majur," nn<l ll'a sufa to nay lie hat li'.t nt'iny witliln tbu city llnt^. Wlmt an lntfrfitii.fi lin'ik he could writu itl tbu iu^ldo eiiiiiKM wllhin the White UOLIMQ walls during bio #Uiy tlieroln. The lights ami Bi of tba lives of Grant, Uftyei, tJartl 11, Arthur, (Jltwtlaml a"d Harris .,, ^ tb«y i>|> penrtil "lifiti olT duty und mirroundiid Uy Ihtlr h IUBOIIDIJ, «U]'IiinK an It wero f ruintbe "tbnnie to tbe lionio," would matin plea^tiiK read in j,', mid a record that could only lie ipde up by one tlluaLed an (IIH Majur Ima eti\ during tlie atliniiilKtratlDiiB nsnied. Tliu liter memliors of Uucle HaitiV narking farcii re all ooei)[jlNj{ pnnilinnH wlihili they till flth oieelloiil rcnirdx. We mini Thau. 1''. wajx?, wlii) BO riiitnfutly illled for HOling a iue positions of truot within tlieTrennury, Ut who now ucunjtidK e()Ually an hljjb a |IOH1 lion will, the U. S. Kiprem <>., mid |i(ior Joo I.muliert-iiBara to lii« Biilien— lnved hy That IDTear Old Will. Tbe suit referred to In tbe ERA nbout 19 uontbi ogu of Mrs. Mlnnls B. Lyinaii, wliloit if William H. Lymna dweuse ugainst Un. Joeeplilae M. Ntrkolaa to(stnblfib an oM nil], and take tlie valuable (iropsrty devlgod to Mrs. Nicholas by her mother—William H. ni) docoaeed, being tin executor and trus- tee, and entitled lotlia lucotne tberwt during bin Ufa time, lie executed tbs trust until its death, about two yean ago; HU widow Nuiling an eld will BIIIOIIK binpapsn* broujht nult Iu Philidel[ibla. whea thetrust will originally probated over twenty yexra ago, it aside thetrust will and sleza (lie jip erty. Ihlt wna promptly decided against . Lymau by tbe Flilladelphia Courts. Anotber suit was thru brought in Naw York, wtiert the parties now reside, whichhas ecently been decided by Ibe Bupieme Court ind imbllsbed In the L*w Journal, d i i m l o s tbe cate, andvesting In Mr« Nichoiaa the entire property. Tills ends juitly a IDDKcon- tinued litfutlun. Fcaoh Budi Ate Blutad. There seoms to bs nodoubt wbatorer that there will be no Morris county peach crojifor this year, OB thq,bud» IIIUP beea nlmost com- pletely blaated, onlj one bera and thera bolng mnd alive. Mr. F. H. Gsrrabmnt, of BrootBlde, basnn orchard of .1,000 trefa, nnd lu a thorough rch a fotv daTB ago hefound but one live i). Tbe blosnom buds are not only blasted, but all ebrlveled up, as if tbeInjury bad oc- urrtd floni9 time ago. It ia eaid the recent freezing stormtoac- countable for the losa, but Mr. Garrabraut tbiuta from tbe appearance D[ the buds that it occurred previous totint time. Ho ft over that maybe, it Ii very well tied that tb«ro will bo no Morris countv rtiichea this jesr, thus entsllinK a Laary pecuniary loss on tbe farmer*, anda log* aa well to all wbo love the luscious nud ffliote< some fruit.—Banner. GEBHAN VALLEY. Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Wolsb eutcrtulneil n number nf fi-fonda last TbumrJay evening. Slelgbiog has been good throughout tbli iefnity eitiro last 1-rlday. James Bwaits hai purthaecd tbe property belotiKlng toIIIH falber, IHHHC Snarls, If ' aned.for theHumort-VH. liBLiwroacp, of Ktjiult, wis theguutof Jilts Lulu Swnchlmnior over Kundny. Mm. (Jin. Larlson, of Doicr, bus been wmiiog aten days ID town. Tbe tomisblp oHlcpm ibat wrre recently elected wore uworn In on Kattirday I I r nnrl Sirs, McFicati spent Hlloday at Dra ken town. finm. Bcaddm, ol Hchooley's Mountali panned through town on WedaeflJay with rled load of ladle* out fora rldn Aaron rhilbotver, of Culifnn, n|:ent Tnes- pny evonltiK »lth JIIM Euirim Swsckburner A ileigbltiK party ut young people went oul 'ufdlny evming for a KWOJ time. Dr. B-lward Bntton hnn purchased the par . inoKe lotadjniuini; tbo Lutheran manes 0 Nathan Anthony. Ma olo Krom a. lutUr written byKev, J. Ounderinan of Dhnouiinle.Mlch. tro aro permitted tainak< thlH extract: "I have no hesitation In re- com mend lriK Dr. King's Nat* Discorery tl"i rcsullit were pilmnst iimr'vploiiH In tbo lit i»f itlf*. While I *a< |«»lur of (be llAptist Cburoli at Hivts Jflnctlon KIIP was brought duwn nlth Pneumonia nucreed ng I.n Orlj'iH 1 . To'rlbl<i|iaroxyi>imi>rcougb- ng nouM Irntt lionn with llttli) inUrrtipHon nid it peeniftl as If sbe couM not ourvlve bem A friend recommended Dr. King's <uw DIsci.Tflryi It was ipilck in its wort and ilghly satisfactory in n-sulu." Trial bottles rce at Robert Klll{(()r«'dt I>rnK Store, Duvor, ?. N. Jenklna' Drug «torf, Cheiter, N.J, UeK ilnr nli- Win. anil J 1,1X1. Bnctilen'i Arnica Salve, Thfl Bnnt Salre in tho world for Cute, 1-uiwn, Horos, Uloora, Salt Uheum, Faver. Boros, Totter, Cliapped hands, Chilblains, Corm ntid all Bkln Kruptiona, and positively i Plli-B, or no |»y reo,uirod. It Ii guiiran- eed to give perfect eatlnfaction or monej*re- funded. Vdca US cents par hoi. For Bale by Robert KiUgore, DruggUt, Dover, R. F . F. n. f o n k h l , C%Ht«r, N, J. WASHINQTON bard wotl, except tur a local lake If, an It nlinuid be, the City of tlio Na- tion. Heremfure HOIIIU of Uie Cuiit,'r«Mn»>n who, liy rwiNin prompU'ii by telllhlitiPfh, i'l>- tres. If ufrce library WQH nutiUd sn that .he]joo[ik' tint inclrnutiidtani't'ri U\ ]C)HH?H» U 1 lint L'tmKrowloiinl library, wmi» ni'isi iiviuif I'oilunk could n't Rot an appro»<*f« Mini 0111 tboNational treasury for a library fT IU pi><i[>h-, forgutliiiR or not wanting to llnd out that tbu mnHB ol itibaliitinlH of Lliin plm-o tbeir Jupal icMdenuea elsfWUtre, und tho liti of (i frpo lilrm-y lirro v-ill Intlirectly 1)0 productive uf gmd u> tlio Ntatt-t to ivljfnh Lbo patrons of It belong, and llierii In nogainl 'eiuou why our Uncle Bboiihl not add bfa mite In that contributed bytho Jl.Htrltt for 'I'beMorriN County cuntfiiKent icrvanU of Uuclo Humare L'. nii'uty locaUd. Mojur I'rudeii, the AsuiKtant 1'rlvate Hficrotary :tio President*, romiina the dine Tave a* of fathiT— [iromptin theexxmtlon ol hidotllcial duties—he IH sndly mM'cd by hltt C(iiii|iiiil'inn Nevumlnoe the days of Honest John Hill m tlio fourth DUtrlut !>ra>ti HI exealleully repretunted in now, nntl the Con veil l l m which nominated Uablon Pllnny for CuriRri-si tin nn nifxhko nhei. they Inxitled mi I)in opting tho :i'>inli<nli')n nfler rflpcnU'il d*>clttiatlmi. He has ancrilked III* buflnesi B fourth bn« gulnvd by hlx los«. It in 1—it's i-nrely-'.iiat IL llrst term glvm a otamlvrbat kind of n nt>iU--j'nati ho will dc- volopint'i. ntiwy IHIJIIIIH 1 to t l io front nt otiif ami U rankwi anting tbo (Irst liuhfut' liable In hiH flfortw {jii»t libu tlio VlwUbmi- uelldr), lie never Itti 110 nlgbt or dny until he misUrtt the mibjo^l and in nwly nt orre to [irPH»ut It In it* bent or worrit aspect When this ajijiroprlation bill naj ujtnnl anHTurt B-IS made to strike frnm it All a]>liroiiriutl"iiH that were InUiidrd for infltitn'ioin of ntu-l- arinn cherauter, a mu'luu was rmde ti ntrine the amount approprinteil fir core of Ytonl m ind Homeless Colorml People, but foi the effort of Mr. I'ltnoy it WOIIM hovo euc* ceeded. It would he D great inlstnko If be In lint returnpd, provided be will owept.ashi- expeiiencB tills year will make him a very valuable member for a second tvnn. lit Is aneasily appronched Tlie poor man pcskin^ dd, tbe old sulditir wanting his pension, ran mmmand hii attention juntas easily and so- iiiro hlri efrorts tnthulr behalf as tho con- stituent whore bank account is represented by ftix flgures, and ax a fitting conclusloi y tbi»oommunica'ioi whnt theU'usblngton " Next to IjoudeasUfter oits another young Hew Jortey member who han the |ie m> of Mahlon l'itnoy. When you illai tbe e you fe«l an It It had been mleprlnted, that tbe mnn should be named Whitney or I 1 ut nan), or something vtith which you are familiar. Us is rather a good-looking young man, wears glftwei, and has a iuio->tb face with an upper lip wbfeu must otice bavo csr- •led a mustache. Young Fitney roabe^ a good speech, anil is K»id tfl be doing good work ou tho Appropriations Committee. Ho baf attracted the attention of tbe H->ma once by prov log familiar with a very unfamiliar Bubject, tbeboundarydUputebetween Alaska and Urltlib Columbia. Junt wliat brought him into tlili knowledge or auoolatod him with this question Ii not evident." L. SPARTA. Wm. Andtetta WBBhome last Saturday and Junlay. Wo were very much pleased to see him back. _ Irs. Wm. Hollluehed'A mother died lust Saturday morning, tibe wai a ver; old lady. Wo have had line sleighing for tbu past week. The Sparta Debating Club met last Friday night and debated ou: "llwolvtd, That the pen is mightier that, the Sword." It was dfc'iled in favor of the alllrmattve. Tbe Bit question is: "Itfsolved, That tbe stage docs more barm than good," Tbe chief din- (.utanti are Ainon Uunton On tba afllfttiatlve side and Robert Liutr. on tha negttlvo. Calvlu Lawrence irna in town last week visiting his p\rentt. Mrs. Jennie Bbumud h'vsSMurfd a situation as schoolteacher at thepub'Ic school houso, Look out. Miss Jennie. TITO of the tench ire ibo taught (cbool there have been married, m\ It may lie citching. John Berry, Crow Htockholm, wm In town ]a»t Saturday and Sunday. A disease called "pink-eye" is prevalent iround towa. Harry HulHnshed *as homo lait week rrom Blair Hall, BlaicBtowu. ecuniiH.Eii. fAAKBB. George Darkman was called'to Tre lad Tuesday to attend tbe (imftrai of a co Mrs. Peter ltiblnnon entertained U Htevf na and Jennla Sctauyler overfinml ft.T. John Carllale ani Oeorge S^h'ijNr vmits a tlylnjr, trip to Dover last Saturday. Mrs. It. Backer has returned from bar a toy at Bound Brock and was around to attend her musio ttcSinlarBon H&turday. KIIBH Uockonhory and wife vliltcd their eon, Kmmett, at IVajiack hat, Friday. 0, Homier bu moved into Sam 1'Jckles' tenement home. There are two wagon loii-inuf gypilea cani[)- iuK In Pbill|> tk-buplur 1 ., old harn. Krastui Button has gone to Lobinon, whnro bo hat) acceiitcd a clerkship witb hiH.hrotber. Wewi»h him «uca>ss. Nowton IlolTmnn IHt[iiito eick at this n-rlt- InfC. Owing to the snow Btorm tbero wo school hero on Monday, although there were (|ul*6 a tewicholamout. H, Fleming nnd family nere the guoits of Hotrard UilAnbraat on Tucviay. Rov. C. W. Wood lindcharRoof tliofcui at ChPftur church last Hunday morning. Mill"! nji,t*-iv: S^imU autliorl/liiK o incirpi-TM,; nn n city ; Hi.uitt* ND. -Ml, i« fimm mn-rilii-nlly t-j nlidii lift- in- x- pnllck'nHmll hi- iiiiifl;S,-iintoNo. : l J[, lllihhl.ltl •nrl. line I.i i-lti.s;K.>i.atK No. •Jll, ^nvUUne r '>r Hi., ciu-ti.m nf nn Aldcriuaii-at-large in ndina furnpiioiritiinitit.if ttirou sltildnj; fund routmirr.i<>iH in cuiiititM huvirirf n bonded UII; Kfiinlf No, J-Vl, providing thiit tmw iih'iuHlriilrHtflti^cliifn mayU|>ii<d in live iiiNttiliniuiti'. Svriali' Sn. l!") 1 .', providing ihuL L'hnptfi-;i, l.nva nf ]-'.i\, hlmll wit lijiply ti [•Iinrter ikrtiimsof l\-i in cHlu.i nf ID,U(Hlor IUM. sSi'imlnKo. Mitj, i>r'ividiii£ that (Tinted 'f iimiiiMl ti-.tii.iun t'.U'f.L nt li:..-.!.;;;:.^-.-.. iliall cnriHint of NipurintRMiltml or iJiihllciu- itnieMdn »nd four [tvr.*<ms to InrtpiijirUe,! by .lie OonTimr. Tim llopubllran As'uiulilyiiiL'ii htl-1 ncan- ?MB 1-Vlilny mxl l)\edtlu> tinin fur final ml- i'liirniiient for Wndnt'slny L'-V.li iimt. Tliln MDCIUHIOII iahmdly pitting tUliu (! jvoruar .ud tt!» Hnnti', who wnntii di-t^nlution to liiko plnc-o on Mmcli-J). Onu reason fur tlio iiti to ak.i ticf U mi the ui>b tlio vari bwitbirc «i 11(5*s uf til wuit fiiiiHi tin tli»y Lbouglitlt rt! thrit a R^niral law for .r lmroiisln n-id for v«li',|«t.- o iliX'lureti conatittitimml Htutiite I.whs Abill niv- nbj-a will l>? introduced nd,of i».iir»u, It wllln.jnin iit^ii'x It und Iinve It K<i us i-liannolH of le«i*!ati-iu, tho (!i)intfttillnni»l amonil- iou hill', tho Uii-I'ipu-Unu hill t.. •Ai,,.. out Lhu lay rlHtif C XllllDIl 1'it'IH, Wllioli ,. In vioifof tiiU iill.ua- uld be wine to mt>ad or tlio tlUt- K) i m-oi.il read Ins, wh iiifi'i-riuK iwweron tlie Ktnlu D.ilry li.Bjwotor, Ur. Hkiimer queij- lL>jflnUtfoii. As far is undirM 10J the hill, bi> mid it Ingltdated of . llico 11 very ellldent oilU'=r, nnd eonse- ntly hi nnw njipustd tu it. Mr. Moi:plier- u bill lull] nvi Tlx-rn tcniuon refilingdeUalu Friday iif- which rcqu're^ the Uxa- Lion of i,|| bunk stock nt tho \>\m;a wbora the :mnkiiiS liistltiillmi h 1 mUoil, nml not in the lUrfct whern tlio holdum TORIU. It waiad- trcatiHl byMefsri 1 . l^icon ami Tliom, nud op- [ioied hyMesiTF. W'olliug nnd Hui'd. Mr. Tliorn wild ttmliill wus n good one. Mn IOII'W uf tin ex Ktnto'illlnni wtionpsutUih) dnya every ywir In n Lot el in Treutw, hut loruof that city couM ^lalniBd to tiea resident of -Munmuiith roimly, O'Awr holtirri of 1 is 11 It ioi-k Imvo RVrtilM tho pujinont of Uxnaiu hu same way. IUIA Urn* the ulty of Iron to rj iVfih ileprlvril of u large revenue which juitly itlunjjed to it. Mr. Kofd KQ!J that tbe bill win nnt a fair me, l.ri'.usfl It rniorpd tbu irltltsof the .S'ats it tliD uxiten'o Dfrtral dfutrlcts, wbero many i»lder» ol linnh Htock live. Tlie hill n-nHpH^Dl.iiiuchngiiliHt tbe wishes of rurol rrprnne.it(it)vi<H, Mr. Mullungave notlcn tlmt ha would naxt Ftkrnovu torelieve the Comtiiltteft of Muui* psl Corporations uf the bill conailidallug Harrisoni*ni Kenrny. Among tho bills pnssitiR tbe buusa were tie lollowdiK: HoiiHdHo 2.W, IncruiiiltiK the sal- ryoflhoiwinlHsrspf tboNewark Coinmin- ion n( Aa'esirnrnt lo $l,rH)U a year; tiouns No, V.li, limiting tbe time for hunting noo<l- cock; House Nn. Uli, givtofi local boards of lealth poirer to pats ordlnunceo coinpellluR nlllt dealers to register; Houao Ne. U01, pro- idlug that the a'ook of bsnkn »hatl be taxed In the district where tbe banking Institution is located; Uoima No.ffl,coFupelllnR school brnrdito pay tenchersat tlioood of every echool month; Uouau No. iiut authorizing M:bnolbnnrdn to borrow money wltb which Pi \>iy t^ncliera' salaried; HOURS NO. '21% grftiitlngan extension of tlmots prontlsiory notes lnnued by 1) loo 111field to pay for its sow- eri;Uou»o No. £i(), fifvlng property-n«nors luincorpirated towns tlveyears In nblch to payfomtre't liuprorttneptd; House So, 110, a the rate of interest on arrears of taxes nnd Rssossraentsin citlyi; House JnintltMttlutloQ Ho. 1300, autborittcg the Governor to continue tho cjaiailsaloii ap- pointed to determine the advisability of House No. .1, mitboiklng toirnsaip commit- 0 divide townships into otreoMlgbtlnR dsiHoUBeNo. ;(0T, liifransliig tbe Hilary of tbe Prosecutor of Pleas of Pasaaic County; Bouse No. 3W, amending th» District Court it; HouseJfo'. 144, providing for the liceue- Ing of onRinoers who ruupngluea of over 'Si horso power; House No. 11(1, authorizing cities of over 15,00(1 Inhabitants toappoint a upprlntBiideut of Street", . f Siicerlateiident nf Public Instruction Po- land rent a retly relating t^tha purcbais of •Haclott'a Modem BnUh's of Trcntou," In respoi»ototb8.|uory of Ap«emblyniati Wai- ling-, In whirl) ho HUted that tbe committee, coDHtBtfng or hinisetf, tbu Comptrolloraud the ?rnor, had not nctuilly mado the pur- :hBse, bocaupo it had 110 authority to do so. , Further on, he Haid that tho committee < mid have inailo the ant uul purclinso, only fur the law iiroliiltlliog tho expenditure of any money not authored by the genera] npiiropriatlou bill, Ur. Fleming ollVred a tit of amendment to the Erlo Track Elevnti'n lilll, over whlcli the LIOUB« had the big llftht yeptcnlar, which In practically n MihKtltute to tho original bill. It C i) tho railroad coiimin)' to submit J Electric Bitters. Electric Blttnrs | B a medidne mltwl forntiy seasnn, hut (wrbana more generally needed, irbon tho Innsuld exhausted feeling prevails, rhen the liver ia torpid ami sluggish anil tbo need of a tonic nnd alterative Ia fult. A. prompt U*e of IhU medicine h»s often averted long nud perbapa fatal liiiioun fever medicine will act more surely In counteract- ing ind freeing the HTSUIQ from the iniUrlnl puioon. HcBdscbf, Indigestion, ConvtlpntloD, Ulxzlnesa yield loElectric BltUrs. .*Vl3. and fl.lW per tKittle ac Drus Hcoreii or llobert Killgnro, Dover, aud F. N. Jenkins, Cheater, N. J. Specials for Hatch. Drew glngkamn So.; Indigo blue prints . p > atlipr-proot ticking IHc ; fibre chamois lUc,;' per tnuNlla 7o. at tbe Dover B u i r of J. II. j Jrlmm, a plan for elevating ita tracks in Jo rue j City tho municipal authorities within sixty dayn after the approval ct tbe bill. The trfu-lts must ho elovated witlitn two years [ter tbe pauige of the bill. Honalor \'oorheer, Monday night, In tho upper brunch, i,iLroduc;d tba atnt-ndmiata to tho CoiKtltutfon etTictinK the judiciary, which were prepared tty n majority- of tha BiMH-iiil coinnilltea of lawyers. They nre the name ax published last week In tbo Bally Ad- vertiser. The nntl gambling ntii'iidineut WM not among the amendments, andtjeurttor Voor- hcen Faid tlmt that they are bfliiig redrawn nnd will be Introduced at tbo end of tlie treclc. A delation of dru?Rtsta from Newark and Jerjpj- City Buccpod^d In liaving Sfnator Hbinu'a pbiimmceutical 1)111 recommitted. Tbe bill provide that thograduates of tho lewark Uohool of I'tianuacy of those clerks irving seven years in a drug store do not ntted to pass a, reRiilnr State oinmination. Herat3r Bradley introduced In the Senate a resolution ou old Pi'Goyertinr Nen-ell. Bcvfml clubn the honor of bavinjt; inveutod tho llfenavin? nervlro, and this gives Onver- nor MBKOII tho credit. Tlio prearahlo recDR- n'x?ja-n1 minpHiiinitH ex G over nor WllHrvui H. Newell an tho originator of tbe life mying 'Vices while n Cimgrcssvnan from tho Second District nf tbH State, In 1515. Mr, Hklnu tirlclljron the rcHilutiona, Hiving tlmt although it was rnttier a Into day for auch itloii, jot ho pnnsiilcred it particularly lilting that It should In thus rcogulzed. The reso- lutions were uimnl'iimisly ud ipted. Mr, Kogera preaenioii a resoi'-tlou, which as adoptml, uildni; llio opinion of the At- torney-0 out! rnl i>a the. constitutionality of Houaa bill lit, )lullocli\, serai-nunithly pay- lent of wsgoMiusnsuri?, Mr. K^Eord olforel i\ reaolut'tn that the Judiciary CommUlopli? requested to report Bfinato Ifll, thti Twelve Slgaon bill. Tho rrsolutlon wnilobt. Among tbo few hilln pirwd in the Huuate aa the one to rotuive the cluucl In tho tltlo Continued on fourth iiuae,

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Page 1: Kanouse's Furniiure Storetest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · BOUC1TORA»D MASTER IN CHASCERY JUID NOTARY PUBLIC 8TASHOPE, •? Niw JMIMT. Dr. -W. E. DERRY, DOVER,





t:\: ::i; Northern New Jersey. ;»;




\ffiot on Blachodl Street next 'door

to the 'National Union Jlunk.


isnYKAii..;- laooIONTUH; ICO




10 0018 6016001650WOO

Ftircontage added for extru. Local notloesfifteen cents per line.


Heal KitaU) and.lnau ranee Agent,

Ullloe over Tbe Oao. Htcbarda Co.'s Store,



• I JOVHH, N . J .

18 t o U A, II .c HOURS -11 toUP.M.

17 to 8 I*. M. 'BPE0IA.L attention given to DISEASES





Onioe Iu the Tuuo llulldJug,

J, A. l i on ' s STORK, D0VB11. N. J.


DOVER, N. J.iNsuruncoUrolierendCoaiiuiMlutierot Deeds.

KIre,hife,HtBani Hollar, Employer.' Lia-bility aud Live, Htoolt Insurance. Uur ln-

irance Insures. lte*l Estate bought and)ld uti Cbuimltwon.87-1 jr .

^ E O . O. UUMMIHB.W. D.,




Office on north aide of Blackwell street andalwut 900 feet nest of Warren street,





Tli» nltra km been entirely rofltud I ; » naitmamiw. Lulles1 and Children's Hair

Cutting a specialty.

lleory VI, ttlllcr, Hvnrj U, Htney,lluBl), Bull, Pl)!ll)i H. HofTmtin,

CIIM.Y.HWBO.'M. 1). Paul Hevcre,Kdmand D. Hnlwj, Joliu Thatcher.

Kugetia B, Hurt*


Tftiiuary Int, IBM |l,»Ki,815.ao

L I A U l U T i mDUD deposltorfl (1,11)5,1117, t?Int. Dividend Jan, 1, 10,30.1.83




Conlracta taken lor all tluda of wort Ineither Hoe of bosluees and the best nifttorlalef i h d Btti B i l r s ande r Hoe f and the best torfurnished. Betting Boilers and coveringHteara Plpea . with ' A s b t ecilty

Bop . Asbestos

00106 near Central Uepot

ort Intorlalevering





IrncK-BiacitwiLL BT., DOVKH, N. J.

HDUBB : 9 A. u. to 13 K. every Saturday.



PlanB and specifications mads and contractstaken. Jobbing always particularly attendedto. (Mure l«fo at the Brick Drug Store ofMr. Wm. H. Uoodale or at tto po«t olllce willbe promptly attended to. Corner Union andRiter Streets, Dover, M.J.


o m u roa BALB

lo lota of 5 acres and upwards and severalRood building lota In Port Oram, N. J.

Address L. 0. BlIBWIHTllj Beo'y,


Manufacturer and Dealer In


and all workln Marble audUranlta. All workof tbe beet order and prioee reasonable.

BLACKWK.1 S m i t r , -.• DOVER, N. 1.

• ^ 1. ROSS,






HOURS; 1 to 2^0 and 0:30 to 8 P. H. daily,mcept Mundny. Sundays 1 to 3 only.

OtrriOE SPECIALTIES J E j e ,Ea r , lWa i idThroat Dlseaaefl, 45-U


DOVEE, K. J .H.m, gpeclScatianB far building*, contract*

taken and materials rumlihed.

Jobbing Promptly Attended to

BLATE ROOPa-Wefurniuli nnrtrdaas slateand put ou alata roofs by coixl inecbdii.us.

ftcltot'a Bheathlng Paper ivlwiiyii on hnnd.K Odlce and Sbon on Blackwell St., uext toIDcver Lumber Company'i Mill.1 M. R. WXLCOX A B




. in all its brandies

Buoxwut iT., DOVEB, N. J.



HEATERS.Duplex Htw.ni and Hot Water HWIIITB. Thi>niuile of wrDUL'lit boiler iron, have (.imper 1andetiUmflupL-riorltyi:. tho following Wii to ; <

loiny In futtt: SlmiilJclty of const n idi ou ; Noicnwlti.o JoInU ; h'u lung Hues or heathitr nir-

— dlnicult U> lint)) CIPAII i VJU»}' li> inaiu.ee; Nocoal U) Lift to tlia t«]i of & larire uuunuclno; I'erfetituifnLr.

AU klndB of I'] u m I) In ft, itoofltiR nu<l Rheut IroiWork satlHfaotiirily oiwutal. ]u xtock at all timeBlovta an j Hot Air FuniaecH of urery (k'rk<ri]ition ;Hardtvart), Cullury, Tin-ware. Oil tiloilm, Cari.e'retc,, I/ihlsh «nJ Trenton Dual, Ijimiffl, ftuuU,Oils, FtUrUinkx ft-al.w mi.i Hort'a Hnltb-r IluckH



I'reddant—HBNKY W. MILLER.VlcfrPnakU-ut—AUKKLIUH D. HULL.8ocret*r>* ncd Trenniror—H. T. HULL.

|l,312,US0 50arplua H3.1SH.70


InUrett U declarej nod paid In January tndJuly o( each yoar from tha profits of the pre-vious nix months' bUBlneaa.

Dopotjlt* mada on or before tbe 3d days ofinuary, April, July and Ootober, draw in-

terest from tbe l i t days of B&ld montbi ra-ipaoUreljr.


A. u. to 4 P. u. dally, except Baturdiy..nrdnyi from tf i . H. to 13 u. (noon] and

from T to S P. H.

BETTER THAN BANKSYou couldn't make a better

investment of money than bythe purchase of diamonds,setorunset. They don't rust,moths don't eat them, theydon't fluctuate in value to anyappreciable extent and youcan always realize on themvery nearly their value. Theymake fine presents or heir-looms and are always excel-lent collateral. When youwant first water diamonds orany jewelry, first see


. . . N O T I C E .


Deposits made on or before: APRIL 3<l

till draw .merest from APRIL ist. •


H . T . H U L L , President.


March Oth, I KM • IB 4*


licit conti-miilnliiiK a FliralnFM Course are

to twnfUKitiil with thin colli"«o la refer-

nut excelled liy iiDvinrilltutlnn In UieUul Usl Bin ten


Ovnr entrance to the Central It. It. cf IS'. J. depot




I Carpet fliraclesJjl are being wrought by us at the rate of a dozen rolls a S,

® day—here are proofs for the doubtful. $J

25 rolls all wool Ingrain, re. Oiflgularly 7Jc, yd, now 59c, yd, QW)

25 rolls Ingrain, were60c. now 40c, per yd.

25 rolls Ingrain, were65c. now 40c per yd.

*5 rolls Velvet, were$uzS now 85c. yd. U

U Also about 50 pieces of remnants at a uniform price of 65c. a yd,— w

Qjn quality and cost to us npc considered—Velvets, Moqucttcs, Brussels in- 0|n

eluded. Bring exact size of room with you,




SUITS • tjpAT ^A T ijn

$12.8S (Ml

Every Suh'sjjjjworth $20. the W

old price-bcvellcd » .

plate mirror, solid IW)


RUBBER GOODSWoonsocket Boots $ 2.60Best Wool Boots 2.25Good Quality Wool Boot 2.00Best Arctics 150Good Quality Arctics 1.25Women's Best Rubbers .35Missess" Be&il liubbers .30vJhilds' Best Rubbers .25

Everything in proportion

HEAGAN SHOE CO.Opp. 0 . L. & W. R. R. Depot, DOVER, N. J.

oik, delicately



IT PAYSTOI::;; „, _NOW ^ - * »«•"'-• — - "

Dover's Most Popular Store, . L. EJ H 3VI A. INT tfc C O .

Uur t\mt iQi|] piircli»Bli)|j and ilK)t <MB1I BtlInn rln^])cn|)leo( Dtvprund vlrlnlt? iireat ail'diitanet., Niohitrrfo at'.ciniiilt lieru We fully spprwlato tliat tb» iwiula exwet lo luiymere cheaply lier« than »ny where e'dft, ntitl It In tif-nu-o their

Utj I i l srormlized Hnt our iw'rmiiKe

Dctarlmintrewbrctht;'!!|m, nmV] « . „ uu BloJ, C

H|P•tfAHOS H. VAN HORN, Ltd.'jjfpurnltnre, Curpcts, Stoves, Etc,


^} 'J MARKET ST.1|/>J J \ Near Plane St. M* ' - ^ NEWARK, N. J. Cy)



Dr. A. Q. FREEMANHas removed his Dental Office to rooms over

Fierson & Co's. Clothing Store

DR. H. C

Continues hie position withDn. FREEMAN



LUMBER •:- OF -:• ALL : KINDSSash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings. &c.


COAL, WOOD A P BUILDING HATEB1ALalways on hand. Having lately erected a large Coal Trestle with COVERED

POCKETS and a capacily of one hundred cars, we can supply onr trade with

DRY AND SCREENED COAI.nri~ desiring to handle their own coal can hayc It screened and loaded with

out shoveling

Business Practice From the Start'Learn to do by doing." Business Practice from En

trance to Graduation make our College a room of Business

Shorthand and Typewriting

Taught thoroughly by an experienced teacher. Leadingmakes of Typewriters. No School in New Jersey offersbetter advantages. Send for catalogue of

Dover Business CollegeFred H. Wildriok, Principal Dover, N. J.

WHY SUFFER FROM LACK OF LIGHT,Cot Vexed Every Day with Poor Lamps?


braUl .Tlanrm£nib t f£ i r r i i ;Vo1 vt liiwo i. iiridk.117 no wear mil 10 u

IV. m.k. nmrr Ilinn n lliatinnnil »»rl*tt«i nilftvlc—iu nKAUTlfuLand hlunlR JahjnimlMatlillKhl 1 limns, club, fiiurn, Ftcl'irr, Otmrch, ie, Jo. Ifj»ur dsilnr ivill tiol •upl'lj isenuhie "JlMer'11-imin

r t l l l Ulr I d ful that. * "Mil ler" Urop.or »nelcmnt Onjx ami Ilrnwt Tnltu.


MILLER & CO 2B * 3 0 . W ^ S T« B *W D - W * 1 ^III IL L u l l 01 UUif ((j(| PufJi l'|.)bnl. 1'irkrL A lUmlijSt., N. y.i i U i > n l l ,

(*-!•*«r I'wtl Mrnllirp buy ".lIll .I.KIt" OIL l


HEATING STOVES s RANGESIn tha World, yt-wa of experience *nalilm un to tot the defect ami nlnnJon all iton

h»vlug abjecltonsblB features Tor ths best in tlie market ouil low prices. A hrgoline at bousefarnlsbingi lucludtpg many scoclaltioa an Lflinian'd Foot

Wurnmra, Washing Machines, Wrlngen, Bteel Ronnipled Ware, £o.


Tin Work of all klndt to ordrr at tba old stand.

D. S. ALLEN, Dow, N. J.

er t y ,D In ami al"-nrn srormlized Hint our iw'rmiiKe

ri Vnii h i v tha aivnntitcs of imr plm»( 1 1 / ( J H t / f ( H f V

t w


pj I n ami a l nBHIWII l a rgor ccury riny VniV | I 1 V ( H ( [ , B l l ( l I I I U - f ( l * / < J T I / i i ( r m / / ( / |kttlf pricex for*f (HU litre tlmt jnu would jay e

Sale all week from Saturday, March 21 to 28

10cV()ll ANY 0? 'llllCKi:


U'arnitr'* fiofc Yoasll-cuirl Tapioca1((1 BMP

iiiellne tilovo Pol lullHKll


7c Hlc-

To Hmln ('rftcfct-rMtf SOlltl llNlUrJ1-411). lleHl IVJIJUT1II). nest l-'rHiiuli I'rmii'fiIli^it Hmiti JU'flllk<Kt Itrcrit or fjiml)


!TM; I'alirornln KL'K I'IIIIIIH

7cKillt ANY OF Jlir.SK

lleiit 1'IK'H JVi'i


Iti'tl >lllk rmnViihi'il

alnittli's ]Hu ViiHiiliiif

9c.r a n ANY oi-TUKSIC

Extra specials for Saturday, March 21 onlyKiiRiir Curwl Hams HieIhiflt. lleor JIoloRtia liu\lt*t Uuiioui, m r d o / . . , SoK^KKI Htriutlj* frfwli He

Ik-ntCnrnwl Uft-f, lit. . . . rV llrat(IOIIIIHII, H I . . . .f,OcTe;L It* I.VIJltln Ki-ck ClnS5C COITWJ ICc 1(V! Glim 1 irri| w


Jftjiltol Hero insy lia Men In reality iltoivorhiiiRri nf (.(treat (.overnuicnt, and moteenl knowledge IIIHV l« B< ciireil In u fuw cloynLliitu euuld be pler,:u:l Troni h<,:U njthnnirtlin of Htudy.

Tho Pfiiiisjlvaiiln Huilrnml C<]iii|)aii}\

hliort vucittlnu uutiuKnt iiraH expeneeTho arcou1 inixfnllorn, btitli eu route unil ittWutliliigttiii, ore the br»t iilitulimtile, ami a.ourJ-it ngeiit and chaiiofn aecniipnny earlitour tlirouglinuL to louh u(t*r the comfort oftlio pnrliciiiEtilJ.

The tuuru wilt luiivo No« York ami I'hllvdi>ll)bla UBRI I IH, Aiirll S uml SI, nnd M»y

uratf, lucluilfnKlronijKirtntionard twoiloyn' amiimiindntiniiB at WaKhlnKlan'* l»»t

elx, IH <i:i.r>0 from New Voik, $11.^0 riomiiailclpliiii, $\"4S> from Iteadiug, ntul ]iro*•llnimta ralw Trfin oilier |ointe: JI4..M)

from Kow Yurli, liit-ludlng moalu uii route.llptalleii IttuciarlL's will hu sent onop[|llt;(i-

tinu to Tourist. Agtinl, 1 llhl Broadway, NewYork, or ltooni-lll, Uroml Htrwt Kliitlan,



f6rj.J. J*NI> HAHWAV. ^




Kanouse's Furniiure StoreRoll Top Desks a Specialty

Everything in the Furniture Line




Grand Spring Opening

Hew York j i U i m StoreON

April 2d and 3rdAN KLECiANT DlKl'LAY 01"

EASTER MILLINERYAll Hie latest tnuvltWIii


All llm liilmt ili'HiRiia In


nil IH-Clitirully trininicil. A!r>o

In light nii.l (Jill k dot l i , A tiiw line of


-> to> - :- DovEn, N. J.


U,. W« iSilpa • yO',rr car hit and i*er-iertain you wdile you arc litre: £tvlieihcr yun uuv ur uul, onmti and ^

"--- -(tf Jjce lur yourself tinw tiia- 5!

Isuine oHitci, nur linaiicr iJ yards, nur li.iicnl dry Lilm oiul ilio f

. ' l)tttctim|ipeilf;ii-torynneaiih. Let 111JHmeet yr.ii ncracinally nnil thnkc you bv £

hand. A feu- moment..' plenum dial will Jn frltudi nml do ui Kood "U aroimil. If «

you cttnnot ponibly vhit 4«, ihtii tend fur nur iBgj ft

i fanntUan, »llh ll!attnl!oi» of alt tii/diJTertnt "tvlerLde'liV'u'i with 'pf i " * fo? culi'and 5- tponthtinltillmsntrhn.tciuit.n pockets. OarmUtDRnnwll\roitVnunathlnRRnd T,[ wlU » r e yoo moiier. Orrrifendtxr* telitittd. VISITORS AHE ALWAYS WELCOME. jH


ntvisircl ofllHllflT.1,

minor r«ntrnv(-nlcn. It incaift jiriacljilt}

vt<l imiKiitliiiiz. Tl.ti

vn 1!IP four linen uf 1

inuld hr-in llio linnRPnf CLrlhL It ivatin' iruliuiigEclioul for tliecliurrb, ithiiiiiitloi

iTlmsoiia o[ inablrR llm life of ever;


Tqoili'K to give the hxiyta letfptiui in tintn-nr futuro We nr« wire the hoyB will li«lliwed to taow tlilrtmid will all l>t>iiii linml(beu iliL- time coin^Tlio bn)V iiieetlug iioit .Sunday will he led

by Kugrno Ayers, COIUP obt, IKIJB, anil enjoymrj(!iii"*UnK.1'. K Duilol* ivill l>e Hie o^aVcr at tlieeo'H tnretliig licit Hunilsy at -I o'cltok Ht

An InteieillDi.; Trip to WaihlnBton, D.0 , via Penn»jlvftnla Hailroad-

In cniiniileHrig tlrn |>lenmr»s uf a trip to'nthlDBtnn OUB mint not overlook Ilio In-


A Trim Snake 8 tor / .Tlvrenl<lMi(.>oaiul Inrnsof J. N. VaiiD;r-

icnk, nenr New amiiantown.ore *nj>|i!iodvlth miter hy incnns of a byilroullc rnm.Btidliocjttcii] linslefii In HSBOU I ha i»laca alioutorty jeors. LGUI wuck Ilia water apjioared0 l:o diut off ffiim |IICH[IIK out, tbrough theifttte pi [jo ninl ro'u tn tho rum bourn to tbeleiplitof several foet. Tim pipe in or terraoltu, INTO inches In dlomcUr nml a limit tlilrry

fiel lntg, Hiiptjlng Into u atnM ditch. Mr.Dcthcuh i-Dn lmlM that this wns'.e jiljw

bad hrcLuiie filled u|i, begun at once to takeit ii],. Helind not [irocetileti far before tlis

tbb becania a[i|mrent. Taklug up a see-tiou of t)i,« It na« found to contain it mmu of

ei so rollHlup toRother as to eiitlrtly1 HIP drain. The millie Imgth of theof 'M feet «ns taktu out and by the Umo

the lost section vina roachnl mmutj-one.koi bod been diHturlied from tbtdr winteiirUra. Tiiore.wero water Hunker, garterikeiof all *it'*trcm twolre to thirty incliei

In length. Tney wtrenotpurtlcularly lively,hut j t t not in a torpid condition.

Tbo wu*te plpo tind not l>eoQ entirely free)r itnnie time, but.yet tbu water hud not

Kiveu nny troulilu until this ({me when tlioinvestigation nm niada with inch itartlingresults — Uiiloulat Gmette.

Ills Ui a uk-ety tbu \>\nvi> lie bun limp; Inmur-ilily anil faitbfullj lilltJ. EveryL?ily Vu-w

thb"Majur," nn<l ll'a sufa to nay lie hat li'.tnt'iny witliln tbu city llnt^. Wlmt an

lntfrfitii.fi lin'ik he could writu itl tbu iu^ldoeiiiiiKM wllhin the White UOLIMQ walls

during bio #Uiy tlieroln. The lights amiBi of tba lives of Grant, Uftyei, tJartl 11,

Arthur, (Jltwtlaml a"d Harris .,, tb«y i>|>penrtil "lifiti olT duty und mirroundiid UyIhtlr h IUBOIIDIJ, «U]'IiinK an It wero f ruin tbe"tbnnie to tbe lionio," would matin plea tiiKread in j , ' , mid a record that could only lie

ipde up by one tlluaLed an (IIH Majur Imaeti\ during tlie atliniiilKtratlDiiB nsnied. Tliuliter memliors of Uucle HaitiV narking farciire all ooei)[jlNj{ pnnilinnH wlihili they tillflth oieelloiil rcnirdx. We mini Thau. 1''.wajx?, wlii) BO riiitnfutly illled for HO ling aiue positions of truot within tlieTrennury,Ut who now ucunjtidK e()Ually an hljjb a |IOH1

lion will, the U. S. Kiprem <>., mid |i(iorJoo I.muliert-iiBara to lii« Biilien— lnved hy

That ID Tear Old Will.Tbe suit referred to In tbe ERA nbout 19

uontbi ogu of Mrs. Mlnnls B. Lyinaii, wliloitif William H. Lymna dweuse ugainst Un .

Joeeplilae M. Ntrkolaa to (stnblfib an oM nil],and take tlie valuable (iropsrty devlgod toMrs. Nicholas by her mother—William H.

ni) docoaeed, being tin executor and trus-tee, and entitled lo tlia lucotne tberwt duringbin Ufa time, lie executed tbs trust untilits death, about two yean ago; HU widow

Nuiling an eld will BIIIOIIK bin papsn* broujhtnult Iu Philidel[ibla. whea the trust willoriginally probated over twenty yexra ago,

it aside the trust will and sleza (lie j i perty. Ih l t wna promptly decided against

. Lymau by tbe Flilladelphia Courts.Anotber suit was thru brought in Naw York,wtiert the parties now reside, which hasecently been decided by Ibe Bupieme Courtind imbllsbed In the L*w Journal, d i i m l o s

tbe cate, and vesting In Mr« Nichoiaa theentire property. Tills ends juitly a IDDKcon-tinued litfutlun.

Fcaoh Budi Ate Blutad.There seoms to bs no doubt wbatorer that

there will be no Morris county peach crojiforthis year, OB thq,bud» IIIUP beea nlmost com-pletely blaated, onlj one bera and thera bolng

mnd alive.Mr. F. H. Gsrrabmnt, of BrootBlde, basnn

orchard of .1,000 trefa, nnd lu a thoroughrch a fotv daTB ago he found but one livei). Tbe blosnom buds are not only blasted,

but all ebrlveled up, as if tbe Injury bad oc-urrtd floni9 time ago.It ia eaid the recent freezing storm to ac-

countable for the losa, but Mr. Garrabrauttbiuta from tbe appearance D[ the buds thatit occurred previous to tint time.

Ho ft over that may be, it Ii very welltied that tb«ro will bo no Morris countvrtiichea this jesr, thus entsllinK a Laarypecuniary loss on tbe farmer*, and a log* aawell to all wbo love the luscious nud ffliote<some fruit.—Banner.

GEBHAN VALLEY.Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Wolsb eutcrtulneil n

number nf fi-fonda last TbumrJay evening.Slelgbiog has been good throughout tbli

iefnity eitiro last 1-rlday.James Bwaits hai purthaecd tbe property

belotiKlng to IIIH falber, IHHHC Snarls, If 'aned.for theHumort-VH.liBLiwroacp, of Ktjiult, wis theguutof

Jilts Lulu Swnchlmnior over Kundny.Mm. (Jin. Larlson, of Doicr, bus been

wmiiog a ten days ID town.Tbe tomisblp oHlcpm ibat wrre recently

elected wore uworn In on KattirdayI I r nnrl Sirs, McFicati spent Hlloday at

Dra ken town.finm. Bcaddm, ol Hchooley's Mountali

panned through town on WedaeflJay withrled load of ladle* out fora rldn

Aaron rhilbotver, of Culifnn, n|:ent Tnes-pny evonltiK »lth JIIM Euirim Swsckburner

A ileigbltiK party ut young people went oul'ufdlny evming for a KWOJ time.Dr. B-lward Bntton hnn purchased the par

. inoKe lotadjniuini; tbo Lutheran manes 0Nathan Anthony.

Ma oloKrom a. lutUr written by Kev, J. Ounderinanof Dhnouiinle.Mlch. tro aro permitted tainak<thlH extract: " I have no hesitation In re-com mend lriK Dr. King's Nat* Discorerytl"i rcsullit were pilmnst iimr'vploiiH In tbolit i»f itlf*. While I *a< |«»lur of (bellAptist Cburoli at Hivts Jflnctlon KIIP wasbrought duwn nlth Pneumonia nucreedng I.n Orlj'iH1. To'rlbl<i|iaroxyi>imi>rcougb-ng nouM Irntt lionn with llttli) inUrrtipHonnid it peeniftl as If sbe couM not ourvlvebem A friend recommended Dr. King's<uw DIsci.Tflryi It was ipilck in its wort andilghly satisfactory in n-sulu." Trial bottlesrce at Robert Klll{(()r«'dt I>rnK Store, Duvor,?. N. Jenklna' Drug «torf, Cheiter, N.J, UeKilnr nli- Win. anil J 1,1X1.

Bnctilen'i Arnica Salve,Thfl Bnnt Salre in tho world for Cute,1-uiwn, Horos, Uloora, Salt Uheum, Faver.

Boros, Totter, Cliapped hands, Chilblains,Corm ntid all Bkln Kruptiona, and positively

i Plli-B, or no |»y reo,uirod. It Ii guiiran-eed to give perfect eatlnfaction or monej* re-

funded. Vdca US cents par hoi. For Bale byRobert KiUgore, DruggUt, Dover, R. F .F. n . fonkhl, C%Ht«r, N, J .


bard wotl, except tur a local

lake If, an It nlinuid be, the City of tlio Na-tion. Heremfure HOIIIU of Uie Cuiit,'r«Mn»>nwho, liy rwiNin prompU'ii by telllhlitiPfh, i'l>-

tres. If ufrce library WQH nutiUd sn that.he]joo[ik' tint in clrnutiidtani't'ri U\ ]C)HH?H» U

1 lint L'tmKrowloiinl library, wmi» ni'isi

iiviuif I'oilunk could n't Rot an appro»<*f« Mini0111 tbo National treasury for a library fT

IU pi><i[>h-, forgutliiiR or not wanting to llndout that tbu mnHB ol itibaliitinlH of Lliin plm-o

tbeir Jupal icMdenuea elsfWUtre, und tholiti of (i frpo lilrm-y lirro v-ill Intlirectly

1)0 productive uf gmd u> tlio Ntatt-t to ivljfnhLbo patrons of It belong, and llierii In nogainl'eiuou why our Uncle Bboiihl not add bfamite In that contributed by tho Jl.Htrltt for

'I'beMorriN County cuntfiiKent icrvanU ofUuclo Hum are L'. nii'uty locaUd. MojurI'rudeii, the AsuiKtant 1'rlvate Hficrotary t«:tio President*, romiina the dine Tave a* of

fathiT— [iromptin theexxmtlon ol hid otllcialduties—he IH sndly mM'cd by hltt C(iiii|iiiil'inn

Nevumlnoe the days of Honest John Hillm tlio fourth DUtrlut !>ra>ti HI exealleully

repretunted in now, nntl the Con veil l lmwhich nominated Uablon Pllnny for CuriRri-si

tin nn nifxhko nhei. they Inxitled mi I)inopting tho :i'>inli<nli')n nfler rflpcnU'il

d*>clttiatlmi. He has ancrilked III* buflnesiB fourth bn« gulnvd by hlx los«. It in1—it's i-nrely-'.iiat IL llrst term glvm a

otamlvrbat kind of n nt>iU--j'nati ho will dc-volopint'i. ntiwy IHIJIIIIH 1 to tlio front ntotiif ami U rankwi anting tbo (Irst liuhfut'liable In hiH flfortw {jii»t libu tlio VlwUbmi-uelldr), lie never Itti 110 nlgbt or dny until hemisUrtt the mibjo^l and in nwly nt orre to[irPH»ut It In it* bent or worrit aspect Whenthis ajijiroprlation bill na j ujtnnl an HTurtB-IS made to strike frnm it All a]>liroiiriutl"iiHthat were InUiidrd for infltitn'ioin of ntu-l-arinn cherauter, a mu'luu was rmde t i ntrinethe amount approprinteil fir core of Ytonlm

ind Homeless Colorml People, but foithe effort of Mr. I'ltnoy it WOIIM hovo euc*ceeded. It would he D great inlstnko If be Inlint returnpd, provided be will owept.ashi-expeiiencB tills year will make him a veryvaluable member for a second tvnn. l i t Isan easily appronched Tlie poor man pcskin^dd, tbe old sulditir wanting his pension, ranmmmand hii attention juntas easily and so-iiiro hlri efrorts tn thulr behalf as tho con-

stituent whore bank account is representedby ftix flgures, and ax a fitting conclusloi

ytbi»oommunica'ioi whnt theU'usblngton

" Next to IjoudeasUfter oits another youngHew Jortey member who han the |ie

m> of Mahlon l'itnoy. When youillai• tbe

e you fe«l an It It had been mleprlnted,that tbe mnn should be named Whitney orI1 ut nan), or something vtith which you arefamiliar. Us is rather a good-looking youngman, wears glftwei, and has a iuio->tb facewith an upper lip wbfeu must otice bavo csr-•led a mustache. Young Fitney roabe^ agood speech, anil is K»id tfl be doing goodwork ou tho Appropriations Committee. Hobaf attracted the attention of tbe H->ma onceby prov log familiar with a very unfamiliarBubject, tbeboundarydUputebetween Alaskaand Urltlib Columbia. Junt wliat broughthim into tlili knowledge or auoolatod himwith this question Ii not evident." L.

SPARTA.Wm. Andtetta WBB home last Saturday and

Junlay. Wo were very much pleased to seehim back.

_ Irs. Wm. Hollluehed'A mother died lustSaturday morning, tibe wai a ver; old lady.

Wo have had line sleighing for tbu pastweek.

The Sparta Debating Club met last Fridaynight and debated ou: "llwolvtd, That thepen is mightier that, the Sword." It wasdfc'iled in favor of the alllrmattve. Tbe

Bit question is: "Itfsolved, That tbe stagedocs more barm than good," Tbe chief din-(.utanti are Ainon Uunton On tba afllfttiatlveside and Robert Liutr. on tha negttlvo.

Calvlu Lawrence irna in town last weekvisiting his p\rentt.

Mrs. Jennie Bbumud h'vsSMurfd a situationas schoolteacher at thepub'Ic school houso,Look out. Miss Jennie. TITO of the tench ireibo taught (cbool there have been married,m\ It may lie citching.John Berry, Crow Htockholm, wm In town

]a»t Saturday and Sunday.A disease called "pink-eye" is prevalent

iround towa.Harry HulHnshed *as homo lait week

rrom Blair Hall, BlaicBtowu.ecuniiH.Eii.

fAAKBB.George Darkman was called'to Tre

lad Tuesday to attend tbe (imftrai of a coMrs. Peter ltiblnnon entertained U

Htevf na and Jennla Sctauyler over fin ml ft.T.John Carllale ani Oeorge S^h'ijNr vmits a

tlylnjr, trip to Dover last Saturday.Mrs. It. Backer has returned from bar a toy

at Bound Brock and was around to attendher musio ttcSinlarBon H&turday.

KIIBH Uockonhory and wife vliltcd theireon, Kmmett, at IVajiack hat, Friday.

0, Homier b u moved into Sam 1'Jckles'tenement home.

There are two wagon loii-inuf gypilea cani[)-iuK In Pbill|> tk-buplur1., old harn.

Krastui Button has gone to Lobinon, whnrobo hat) acceiitcd a clerkship witb hiH.hrotber.Wewi»h him «uca>ss.

Nowton IlolTmnn IH t[iiito eick at this n-rlt-InfC.

Owing to the snow Btorm tbero woschool hero on Monday, although there were(|ul*6 a tew icholam out.

H, Fleming nnd family nere the guoits ofHotrard UilAnbraat on Tucviay.

Rov. C. W. Wood lindcharRoof tliofcuiat ChPftur church last Hunday morning.

Mill"! nji,t*-iv: S^imU


o incirpi-TM,; nn n city ; Hi.uitt* ND. -Ml,i« fimm mn-rilii-nlly t-j nlidii lift- in-x- pnllck'nHmll hi- iiiiifl;S,-iintoNo. :lJ[,


•nrl. line I.i i-lti.s;K.>i.atK No. •Jll, ^nvUUner'>r Hi., ciu-ti.m nf nn Aldcriuaii-at-large in

ndina furnpiioiritiinitit.if ttirou sltildnj; fundroutmirr.i<>iH in cuiiititM huvirirf n bondedUII; Kfiinlf No, J-Vl, providing thiit tmwiih'iuHlriilrHtflti^cliifn mayU|>ii<d in liveiiiNttiliniuiti'. Svriali' Sn. l!")1.', providing ihuLL'hnptfi-;i, l.nva nf ]-'.i\, hlmll wit lijiply t i[•Iinrter ikrtiimsof l\-i in cHlu.i nf ID,U(HlorIUM. sSi'imlnKo. Mitj, i>r'ividiii£ that (Tinted'f iimiiiMl ti-.tii.iun t'.U'f.L nt li:..-.!.;;;:.^-.-..iliall cnriHint of NipurintRMiltml or iJiihllciu-itnieMdn »nd four [tvr.*<ms to InrtpiijirUe,! by.lie OonTimr.

Tim llopubllran As'uiulilyiiiL'ii htl-1 n can-?MB 1-Vlilny mxl l)\edtlu> tinin fur final ml-i'liirniiient for Wndnt'slny L'-V.li iimt. TlilnMDCIUHIOII iahmdly pi t t ing tUliu (! jvoruar.ud tt!» Hnnti', who wnntii di-t^nlution toliiko plnc-o on Mmcli-J). Onu reason fur tlio

iiti to ak.i

ticf Umi the

ui>b tlio vari

bwitbirc «i

11(5*s uf tilwuit fiiiiHitin tli»y Lbouglitlt

rt! thrit a R^niral law for.r lmroiisln n-id for v«li',|«t.-

o iliX'lureti conatittitimmlHtutiite I.whs A bill niv-nbj-a will l>? introducednd,of i».iir»u, It wllln.jniniit^ii'x It und Iinve It K<ius i-liannolH of le«i*!ati-iu,tho (!i)intfttillnni»l amonil-iou hill', tho Uii-I'ipu-Unu

hill t.. •Ai,,.. out Lhu layrlH tif C XllllDIl 1'it'IH, Wllioli

,. In vioifof tiiU iill.ua-uld be wine to

mt>ad or tlio tlUt- K)i m-oi.il read Ins, wh

iiifi'i-riuK iwweron tlieKtnlu D.ilry li.Bjwotor,

Ur. Hkiimer queij-lL>jflnUtfoii. As far

is undirM 10J the hill, bi> mid it Ingltdatedof . llico 11 very ellldent oilU'=r, nnd eonse-ntly hi nnw njipustd tu it. Mr. Moi:plier-

u bill lull] nviTlx-rn

tcniuonrefilingdeUalu Friday iif-which rcqu're^ the Uxa-

Lion of i,|| bunk stock nt tho \>\m;a wbora the:mnkiiiS liistltiillmi h 1 mUoil, nml not in thelUrfct whern tlio holdum TORIU. It waiad-trcatiHl by Mefsri1. l^icon ami Tliom, nud op-[ioied hy MesiTF. W'olliug nnd Hui'd.

Mr. Tliorn wild ttm liill wus n good one.Mn IOII'W uf tin ex Ktnto'illlnni wtionpsutUih)dnya every ywir In n Lot el in Treutw, hut

loruof that city couMlalniBd to tie a resident

of -Munmuiith roimly, O'Awr holtirri of 1 is 11 Itioi-k Imvo RVrtilM tho pujinont of Uxnaiuhu same way. IUIA Urn* the ulty of Iron to rjiVfih ileprlvril of u large revenue which juitlyitlunjjed to it.

Mr. Kofd KQ!J that tbe bill win nnt a fairme, l.ri'.usfl It rniorpd tbu irltltsof the .S'atsit tliD uxiten'o Dfrtral dfutrlcts, wbero manyi»lder» ol linnh Htock live.

Tlie hill n-nHpH^Dl.iiiuchngiiliHt tbe wishesof rurol rrprnne.it(it)vi<H,

Mr. Mullungave notlcn tlmt ha would naxtFtkrnovu to relieve the Comtiiltteft of Muui*psl Corporations uf the bill conailidallug

Harrisoni*ni Kenrny.Among tho bills pnssitiR tbe buusa were t ie

lollowdiK: HoiiHdHo 2.W, IncruiiiltiK the sal-ryoflhoiwinlHsrspf tbo Newark Coinmin-ion n( Aa'esirnrnt lo $l,rH)U a year; tiouns

No, V.li, limiting tbe time for hunting noo<l-cock; House Nn. Uli, givtofi local boards oflealth poirer to pats ordlnunceo coinpellluRnlllt dealers to register; Houao Ne. U01, pro-idlug that the a'ook of bsnkn »hatl be taxed

In the district where tbe banking Institutionis located; Uoima No. ffl, coFupelllnR schoolbrnrdito pay tenchersat tlioood of everyechool month; Uouau No. iiut authorizingM:bnolbnnrdn to borrow money wltb whichPi \>iy t^ncliera' salaried; HOURS NO. '21%grftiitlngan extension of tlmots prontlsiorynotes lnnued by 1) loo 111 field to pay for its sow-eri;Uou»o No. £i(), fifvlng property-n«norsluincorpirated towns tlveyears In nblch topayfomtre't liuprorttneptd; House So, 110,

a the rate of interest onarrears of taxes nnd Rssossraentsin citlyi;House JnintltMttlutloQ Ho. 1300, autborittcgthe Governor to continue tho cjaiailsaloii ap-pointed to determine the advisability of

House No. .1, mitboiklng toirnsaip commit-0 divide townships into otreoMlgbtlnRdsiHoUBeNo. ;(0T, liifransliig tbe Hilary

of tbe Prosecutor of Pleas of Pasaaic County;Bouse No. 3W, amending th» District Court

it; HouseJfo'. 144, providing for the liceue-Ing of onRinoers who ruu pngluea of over 'Sihorso power; House No. 11(1, authorizingcities of over 15,00(1 Inhabitants to appoint a

upprlntBiideut of Street", . f

Siicerlateiident nf Public Instruction Po-land rent a retly relating t^tha purcbais of•Haclott'a Modem BnUh's of Trcntou," In

respoi»ototb8.|uory of Ap«emblyniati Wai-ling-, In whirl) ho HUted that tbe committee,coDHtBtfng or hinisetf, tbu Comptrolloraud the

?rnor, had not nctuilly mado the pur-:hBse, bocaupo it had 110 authority to do so.

,Further on, he Haid that tho committee <

midhave inailo the ant uul purclinso, only fur thelaw iiroliiltlliog tho expenditure of any moneynot authored by the genera] npiiropriatloubill,

Ur. Fleming ollVred a t i t of amendment tothe Erlo Track Elevnti'n lilll, over whlcli theLIOUB« had the big llftht yeptcnlar, which Inpractically n MihKtltute to tho original bill.

It C i) tho railroad coiimin)' to submitJ

Electric Bitters.Electric Blttnrs |B a medidne mltwl forntiy

seasnn, hut (wrbana more generally needed,irbon tho Innsuld exhausted feeling prevails,rhen the liver ia torpid ami sluggish anil tbo

need of a tonic nnd alterative Ia fult. A.prompt U*e of IhU medicine h»s often avertedlong nud perbapa fatal liiiioun fevermedicine will act more surely In counteract-ing ind freeing the HTSUIQ from the iniUrlnlpuioon. HcBdscbf, Indigestion, ConvtlpntloD,Ulxzlnesa yield lo Electric BltUrs. .*Vl3. andfl.lW per tKittle ac Drus Hcoreii or llobertKillgnro, Dover, aud F. N. Jenkins, Cheater,N. J.

Specials for Hatch.Drew glngkamn So.; Indigo blue prints .p>atlipr-proot ticking IHc ; fibre chamois lUc,;'per tnuNlla 7o. at tbe Dover B u i r of J. II. j


a plan for elevating ita tracks in Jo rue j Citytho municipal authorities within sixty

dayn after the approval ct tbe bill. Thetrfu-lts must ho elovated witlitn two years

[ter tbe pauige of the bill.Honalor \'oorheer, Monday night, In tho

upper brunch, i,iLroduc;d tba atnt-ndmiata totho CoiKtltutfon etTictinK the judiciary,which were prepared tty n majority- of thaBiMH-iiil coinnilltea of lawyers. They nre thename ax published last week In tbo Bally Ad-vertiser.

The nntl gambling ntii'iidineut WM notamong the amendments, and tjeurttor Voor-hcen Faid tlmt that they are bfliiig redrawnnnd will be Introduced at tbo end of tlie treclc.

A de la t ion of dru?Rtsta from Newark andJerjpj- City Buccpod^d In liaving SfnatorHbinu'a pbiimmceutical 1)111 recommitted.Tbe bill provide that tho graduates of tho

lewark Uohool of I'tianuacy of those clerksirving seven years in a drug store do not

ntted to pass a, reRiilnr State oinmination.Herat3r Bradley introduced In the Senate a

resolution ou old Pi'Goyertinr Nen-ell.Bcvfml clubn the honor of bavinjt; inveutodtho llfenavin? nervlro, and this gives Onver-nor MBKOII tho credit. Tlio prearahlo recDR-n'x?ja-n1 minpHiiinitH ex G over nor WllHrvuiH. Newell an tho originator of tbe life mying

'Vices while n Cimgrcssvnan from tho SecondDistrict nf tbH State, In 1515. Mr, Hklnu

tirlclljron the rcHilutiona, Hiving tlmtalthough it was rnttier a Into day for auch

itloii, jot ho pnnsiilcred it particularly liltingthat It should In thus rcogulzed. The reso-lutions were uimnl'iimisly ud ipted.

Mr, Kogera preaenioii a resoi'-tlou, whichas adoptml, uildni; llio opinion of the At-

torney-0 out! rnl i>a the. constitutionality ofHouaa bill l i t , )lullocli\, serai-nunithly pay-

lent of wsgoMiusnsuri?,

Mr. K^Eord olforel i\ reaolut'tn that theJudiciary CommUlopli? requested to reportBfinato Ifll, thti Twelve Slgaon bill. Thorrsolutlon wnilobt.

Among tbo few hilln pirwd in the Huuate

aa the one to rotuive the cluucl In tho tltlo

Continued on fourth iiuae,

Page 2: Kanouse's Furniiure Storetest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · BOUC1TORA»D MASTER IN CHASCERY JUID NOTARY PUBLIC 8TASHOPE, •? Niw JMIMT. Dr. -W. E. DERRY, DOVER,

Friday, Mar. 20, 1896.



S T A T E C O N V E N T I O N .

Tim lW\>uh)uMU vote in nf Srw ,Ter*-v uml all

iiiC alinil llii- ri-criil KTVJII i>olili«ii relurui

tin!) uj ilflrKUifh lunKInU- tiiuvculiuu tt'lw lit1 MiltHu- TnvUir (iiH-ru II--HM-. in Ilif city iifTrriilTJ:un*fuy. April ili.nl laoYlwk mxiu. fnrtheiiJUM- i>r mJtrfliiiK four il.lt'KalcHul UrRi' nuilfi...ulli'iiiiilrH, p!t<|i-i;iilfn to tli'' Itciiiiltlk'im NBUOUAIi u:i vent Ion. v-lik-li will tisM-uitili- in SL l^uLt u

U- !«)H\!!lllll.ilH>( VtUltlMlltMt tlil.l.H

l-TUl ."0 U>

this f._..„ .jntM-nUNo- - - .. .urn' ili'li'tiilc fur ivii'h two liiimlrrM . . . ,iiili-h cu»l tit ilit- lii"! liuU-raiitin-iiil eled;,uu- ili>H-at*i for i iuh rnu-llmi llR-rmf L-J,,!,.' liiuidr, ,1 iul,d, Hi,, wl.l d,-l.'Ki.t<w fm. . .__,iiiiu 1) d> tie diiiJ.rli'iiinl unmiiK tlie twiiwid auli.liasKiiK i.f Ilif inuiitifM by (lie. nni>ectJ

I'mtir the ruli-hliervu.run- ailo)>t(il, tinilfli-HUIinii ttiil l«Te.|ltlml tuclw:! B! tlili

.•ulitliii urn!rr t"ih nilf will l» a* fiilluwa:M)milH\... II' Mlil<lln*'«IJWxrli JVI SliuiuioilUl....

iftiJ liistrk-w, in [!»• Niiim ninmuti1 rnH.il fur lli« uuwliuUou o f » Ue\irmciiUHlv«

If In any ('uiittrfHsloiinl dlntrlit Ilit-ro U no _.(iiililluiii Ci>i!);r>*siii)iiiU ('mil ml I lee, the lleiiublfcal-Stuif (.'oiiuuliiitt will a|juiliil from tint rwuJeot

.tmmltuw for UioiiuriKMttiof callu-l (tnivriili'm lo elect district delegate*nler i if tin- Hqiutihcan State Cmiiuiitttw,1 i FilASKLlN ML'ltrHY,

(.A11UET A. 1I0BAKT,

JOHN Y. FOSTER.Swretarj.

ark, N.J. . FVIi.flO.lKW.



'l'lii> outlook: now ie that Dover will rtnultuiu.er Its jircaeul charter, M tbe kmsadmeotJ|iro|i<isEH] litve run agalnit a snag liHoui«. The objection Is that tbt bill h u notlu.l B fair trial, ami tliat It ttbould be glr*ny«nr at least lieforo it Is tinkered with. Tliiwi.rot feiiturn of (lie affair In that Duvar wllIe without rcprewn tut ion on the BoanlTrw holders.

Tliu talk of tmsslng a law merging tlie springnnd full eluctfous won't do utall. The i

fleet iuiis have gotten to be tlie vehicle tbrougliwhich llie uver&ge voter vouta bU pullticsiupltt's mid gutd rosily to ajipport tbe reguUijmrty ticket in tlio tall, TLIi IHBIIOWH by tientiilta in iwveral of the townBbljw of Morrisc.iuntj lust week, It nould tolta tbree daya

1 couut tbe votialf tliei» year.

i were but one eltc

fcx-Heiiatur Mi'l'bmun lias navrrlucking In political discern meat ff batever e]Mbe waj lmva larked. Being interviewedh* doVB ago ba mid " that bis great fear wun Ixilt in ibu Ui niccratlo party at tbe NatioiulConvention, the silver mt-n joining the Poptrliit jwrly. li the silver Democrats boltal,be mvt little ebanm ol tlie Detoccrats wlaningIwcnuso tbe wilirf Bouth ami part of the toutb -west wculd jirobably go with tbe bolters. Ueffared lliat tbe UeuicerntH fu the north, >tleaut a grt'ttt niiinv of them, would then votetin- Runuhllcaii ticket if the Republican!ui|o|)t*il it strong, sound money platfom

Tbe tlcvoriior hna not yet sent In Ibe np-jpintnient nf a succcf&or to Htat« Huperln-tendeut Poland. Tbe rumor In the newB-\x\fre tliat Mr. Fnucl-, ot W«st(leld, wouldKFt tbe nppolntmsnt at tbe solicitation ofMcnator Voorbws is not backed up by anyK"(xl evidence. On the othur hand Iftrufl that the Chancery Clerkabio has beenten<lor«l to Kenator Voorbeei, It Is not like|ythnt the Htate Huj*rIotendency wlti go thename way, us thorn are not enough oftlcerifor the Governor to be lavish with any oneof his f rbnd). Tbe selection ot Mr. Voorbeeswould lie one heartily approved by Repobli-c-nua throughout the State.

Frt 1 the returns thus far In relation (0llie elecllun of delfgatfi to the ItepuhllcaiNallnnai CoDyentfon It would look likemay thing for JIcKluley, but it is beit to**u.(t until tUa ConvocttoQ m««U l»tor« bet-ting v«r; heavily on who will be the noml-neo, McKinley bw much strength In thisUtate, anil wll! probably divide tbe delegationwitb Heed. In the event of Qarrett A. H<bart being ablo to secure •eccnd place shoulda western man be nominated tbe probabiltira are tbat out of BtaU pride the New Jer-,ey dflegstlon would lolidlfy and gtvo tbelrmilled support to McCinley, We bare Mno other mme than Mr. Hobart't mentionedfrom tbe Hast, aad he would be a,v«ry Kaddition to the ticket. His superb tnanagft-imntof the Grigga campalgc from noralw

marka him aa 0 • of tbemoat skillful politic*] organlien In the Re-puMlcao party, and be poseiset ()tialltlfsttuitnould make him a worthy Incumbent of tbe1'rentdentlsl ofllco, should the necessity arrivefor him to serve there. Personal preference!will be abandoned by the Jersey delegate! iftboy ci «tho second place on tbe ticketfor a Jeneynian by so dolcg.

At tbe election in Washington townshipla*t week the workers of the itrtJght Detno-trutlc ticket tried to make capital afttasttbe Citizens' Ucket by Insinuating that lbar»uiu soroethlnft crookeil about lb« punbAMof the two road machines bought In 1803 and1814. The story came to the cart of JtoobW. Welab, a member of tbe Township Com-mittee, and at the meeting of the Committeeon Saturday be demonstrated not only thatthere had bun no crooked work, but tbat thetoonsbiphad got tfaa machines US betow tberegular price by jaylng spot cash. Whentbe machines were bought th» tawpiblp badno funds OQ band, and Mr. Welih gave bitcheck, taking the notes o( th« township, %aitbe tranuctloa was one of adrantace to thetowmhip to tho amount or $30. Tbe troublewith tbe Washington township Democracy i*tbat the Citizens* ticket baa made a seriousInroad ID their ranks and theydo Dot hesitateto make In&louatioui agalnat the men whogave tbat ticket its greatest strength. Noon« believed tbat Mr. Welab wai aulity ofanytlilug crook'd in these transactions, butbe took good care to produce tbe minute*and the vouchers, wbicb at til time* wrre

o|wn to tbe mentemptlble rumor.

who circulated the ton-

Tbe appropriation bill providing for tbeState's ezpenwa for the fltcal year endingOctober HI, lfcirr, was Introduced In the Seutoyesterday by Mr. Rogers, and the sum pro-vided Is t'2,i7$fii)l.32.

Por several days tbe Democratic neipera of tbe BtaU have been using oonilder-abla fpace to prove that ths ordinary ex-penses of conducting the Bute's governmenti« far (a eiww of lu t y « r , and any of tbolaat ttw }e&n. Cotnmtnt has beeo buedupon garbled reports or wbat the "deflciency"bill and the general appropriation bill wouldcontain when prepared. The statement hasbeen made tout tbo ordinary expense* of tbeBtate for llie coming fl*c*J year would eznedthose of ISO! by eomuthlDK like $000,000.Tbfs la wholly without foundation. AM amatter of fact, tbe ordinary eipeaws. u "the |t»iieral appropriation Ull introduceAny, are Ins than any year tlnoe 18ffit.

SUte ComptralLv VV. B. HtnoockbMpre-;»Ted tbe following tabulated tUUoentnhowl.ig tha receipt* and Uie ordinary andextraOTdlnary dUbuneinenUi (or the lass fouryiarr, in order tbat tbe peoplti nay knowjust -what h u become of thtlr money;

Totals O,0M,D09.17 «AW4.H5.B3Lra extrnonlloar)- expeudlturai STP,0U.S<



m ttmxwTotali

Lew extraontlnar/ expeudlturu

Itecelnic UloburieuuiiU.Slatofuad .....J»,ire,Wl.B3 -"School fund £03,7711.38

Totali. S9,SSI.TM.S«M extnonUnarj ezpondltutea

Hecdpta. Ulsbunemcuta.Total or appropriation lair, Bute fend |i,M8,K99.9tTotal ofipproprUUoa law, school fund Bl CO.OO

Totol KTotal supplemental appropri-

ation Uw, school fund . . . . . | 1,000.00Total supplemental appropri-

ation Uw, Stats fuodV, £38,677.03 830,077.00

Untlnur , !!,BC6,01l>.031M7.

Becetpta. Dlsbanemeiits.Appropriation hOI, BUta

tumt .' tijZi$£tl.taAppropHaUon blU, school

rood ax.ooo.oo

POST KOBSIB.Euos ti. Budd wss the only Kepubllca

rlected in the naturally Democratic to*ns bl(of Mount Olive, which w j s more tliao I could

a whole column ol eulogy of tliat gtutlean'i popularity, Everybody lu Moi rt

OUIB lowiiBblp taows Uuble Budd. Be hada pretty bird batUe, but he gut thare, and letmeuT there i" oo IIUQ >• the township merecompetent to perform tbe duties of tbeoillosto which be was elected than air. Budd, if beLi a Ilepuhllcan. I'aul Day also w u the onl.KeuubUc&n «l(Cted la tUnbury taw tub lo. InUili polllug jilaoe, where the most of the peo-ple have known him ever since hu waMa littleboy, he rail a guod way ahead of hli ticket, asdid Jw, MuCuuuell, tbe PtimocraUi; candidatefur the tame olllce, who was alto elucted,which B9ena luuny, but It is not. Mr. Daywait elected to HU the imexpired term of Con-rad or Tliutnu J. Allen, wbow Iituliu<e*|ii him too buay to give much of bis tilto towtutblp ttiralra. Over lu Bfrani CtpUUcComiell drops into bis old place and basnothing la learn of tbe dutleo uf liln ofllcae.The ptopla of that township know be willmake u. good TowDihip Clerh. Th&i triedblni btfor*.

Somebody tella a pruttr good utory atHootchman out ou tbe Pacific slope who made

fortune raising fruit, and whoso pride washi» olive orcnard. AIt*r be bad na\a\ 'good fortune he vhlted Kcotland, aud whilethere his friends persuaded him lo take inother parts of Europe, aad be did to, golug toFrance aud Italy, and also to K*vpt and theHoly Land, whore lie visited the Mount ofOUm aming oUier plaoea. Qencrtl iltio* tibald to bate asked him what bs thousht of Itall. And be uld Europe was very fine an<Egypt was very old, but lie did not thinL

!b of the laud In Anla. " Why, 1 went totbe Mount of Olive*, Do you know thenalu't auy olive* thers to np«ak off I raioe

lore olives on uiy rauch tban they do In tberbole of tbe Holr I-arnl."From titanuo|>B cooioi a itorr of bow one

man got his jaw broken last Sunday n(£bt.Where wai be at I How mucb canal waterdid he carry to the fijuare Inch I Stanhope Isgetting a reputation, for toughnetp, the tortof toughness one sees In tbe tenderloin dhitrlotof New York. They nay that a few of tilan-bope's women we pretty tough, too. Homeuf them have boeu eeeu staggsring throughthe ulreeti *ud aetmed by all telling toglory la it. Bomt of them are boieis,too. John L. Sulliran and Mr. JamM J.Corbett will bave to look to their laurels.A story Is told tbat one ot them waa seenwith a pair of black eye* which auotbur ofthe fiugha gave ber. If this li a specimen olthe'' E»w woman " they talk BO mucb aboutI hope i t m l l t a i e her A good while to gelbere, hltanbope may bave a monopoly oftbat kind of women, Fort Morrii won't Tjcaloui. 1 am not giving anybody away no1

but It la ocly fair to lay there are some toiigtitorlet told about eouie ot tbe Htantwpe niceu well, liook out your slot don't find yotout, gentleuien. Vuu may hoodwink jouioeiitbhorF^ut there it one eye tliat ilumberettnot, uor Kleejutb, which ft o& the lookout forthe " darkneen that wastetb At noonday," ID"thewomra whom feet take hold on. lulland people wboneither fear Qod uor rojartimati.

"A i-ormpoudence fixed wi' heavel i eure • noble anchor,"

though ths heathen rage and Imagine a iafnthing, When Hla book of nmeinbrance Isopened wLIcb of us can face the record, "Tbeblood of Jeiu» Christ oltnnieth from all iln."Else were we all a pretty tough lot, but Inthe light of tbe end of the century there oughtto be ionic Improvement In tbe race, and thereIs, despite a female boxer now and then it)d

nan out of whom were east sevendevils, was pot a circumstance to same or ttieBUnhope women, At the »me time the ma-jority of the fltanhope people will comparefavorably witb tbe majority of tha men audwomen of other towns In Intelligence andmorality and all that mafcea people respectedand useful men and women. The eieeptiowonly prove the rule, Ordinarily my oeigb.-bors1 private buiineea Is noiie of my bualneM,but when people choose to make public nuis-ances of themselves they beooine publio prop-erty and tbtlr acta a n evsrybtdj'a busfrntB.But I did not start out to preach a sermonand I bave no Idu tbat tbe people this talIs aimed at will pay any attention to It. Ueitime 1 am compelled to talk this way I maygive names and nobody will BUD the ERA forIbel either

Tbe new board or education stands as It didIn Roxbury township except that Or. Wig-gins Is out because he refused to serve anylonger. 1 bave forgotten tbe name of hli•UDoeaaor, If 1 erer heard It. Over in theborough of Netcoug they take a little moreInUrestln icbool matters than they used to.There were 01 votes cut over there, G. H.Lungergot 00 and Silas Conkllng and Chu.Stolpe 01 each. These three were elected forthree jean. In Byrsm township, Bout*county, the election waa held In the Khoolhouse at Stanhope. A. fl. Cope waaeltcted chairman and H. A. Timbrel leo-retary. There were four It dies presentbut they did not try to vote, because the ap-propr'atioo wbtcb the Board of Educationasked for (13,000 for text books and currenteiptnBei for the coming year) were voted forunanimously, auidtbelr vote w « notneeefsary. Funny old law that won't allow *woman to vote for trustees and yet aha anybe a trustee, or rather a member of the Boardof Education, If Ue men ohoo» to elect her,aa in tbt caw ol Abrmm Hewitt's daughterthe other day, and yet sha may vote to taxtbe Inhabitant* 1100,000 of the township for •MW school hotiM at Amity, or BrooklynLock, If she so choow, and tbe chief ] <atioedoes not shake bis hoary look) at bar for do! ngit l But I suppose It la good law «od Ida notpropOM to quarrel with it. Dr. C. R. Naldanrefused to allow his name to go before thevoter* again, Instating tttatMtae joungtr manshould have a back at the office. It l i nottaring anything against the board to aay thatthe doctor bas been one of iu most Intetllgintmembers. Qeorg* T. Kolgbt was elected Inhit stead. The other two (8. J. Peterson andD. A. Rullliton were re-elected} Now iffeel compelled to roast some ot the SUnbopepeople oooaatonmllr, because like Topsj, theyare so wicked, know all men whom It concernsthat 1 never yet knew them to refu«e what-ever money v « asked for the education oftbelr children and I have lired pretty oloseneighbor to them for a good many years. AsHook at It tbat one trait in tfceir charactercovers a multitude of tins.

Bern* of the Hew York papers a n tryingto bave fun with Tom Platt I notice Mr.Platt don't say much, but heoomea out on topevery time. The papers might just as well,to all seeming, hoaw a file us pound TomPlatt. John E. atllhollaod and tbe Tribunetry to dawn him la valtu Tbe World, theJournal and tbe other fellow don't stem tobave mucb better success. Mr Platt seemsto get tbe votes, no matter whether he tries toKet delegates to« Chicago Convention forGoTtrnor Morton In York State or to piuhthe Ration Eiclse bill at Albany. Hall Tom~latt!

The snow Is going away pretty fait In spots.Mr, Trimmer and his gang and tbe HacketU-town wood train bave been busy getting tbesnow out of the y&rd for a few days back.

UPPBB HIBBBMJA.We have bad our share of the snow. It fell

about eighteen Inches In Hibernla. This Isthe first time, too, this winter that the ileigh-

- ' i u been good, and we notice that Uiayoung people are making good nae of It whileit while It lasti. Blelghf og parties have be<ftUtbetalktinoflltoanM.

The temperauce meeting held In the churcht Lower Hlbernia laat Saturday evening by

those who signed the pledge some few weeksago was well attended. Some of ths mem-ben spoke and others sang, and all seemed tobo eager to trample that monitor, rum, under

>Ot.Mrs- Rogers, tbe widow of tbe Ut* Daniel

Rogers, of Lower Hlbernla, wai murledhurt- Friday evtnlng to Birauel Andenoo, ottbls place. The ceremony w u performed byRev, Stout Oa Saturday evening the boyimstdi things lively around the oouple'i newhorn* by »hootlos and rattling tint untilSamuel treated the crowd.

O H of Joseph. Wharton't men, s. Hangvnao, while QIIlo* bucket* In tbe bottom otthe mine, waa struck In tbe foot by a chunkof ore which fell from above him. His footwas mashed, but not io badly that It will bareto betaken off.

Principal H. J. Weaver took charge ot hiasobool the t int of this week.

Th* Beach Glen Sunday school gare aaoyctw supper oa Wednesday erasing at theresldmoeot Mr. Duolop. Afewwsekiagothis Sunday school gare to a few ot the boysand girls earthen contribution boxes in thetoitn ot oranges, which they were to takeand ask their friends to put something Inthem, and last night they were opened. Aprise had been otftrei to the one who shouldget tbe most money In tbelr orange, whlobwas won by Hits slary Reynolds. Hbi hid(8.65 I think tbs whole amount tsken IDthis way wu about 130.

Prayer meeting this (Friday) evening atMr* Potter's residence.

IBUH1A.D. Bell's child, tbat was reported betUrlast

nek , had a relapse and died on Saturday

Mr, and Hrs. D. Able attended tbe mar-riage of Mr*. Abbe's aliter, Mlsa AmoliaRsokls, of Cbeiter, to Dtnle] Bketlengsr, oftbe same place, on Thursday of this week.

John Bwackfaimer aad family and Hn , U.E. Toorp, of Flanders, vlilted tbelr brother>f this place last week.

Ulsi Lena Able bas returned to Cheat r towork at ber trade.

Beorga C. Reid bos bean treating himself1 a new buggy.

DQYIHSJ Neckwear ItnBorium.All the new attractions for Easter at Plsr-

ttn ft Oo**, DoTir,

For Rent.Hall lot

1*0 |*r) ir Apply 101). it. IlLMMKK.

Wanted.for Eeusral housework. A mud cook. 1


('<>r. lllarltWfll and Warrt;u HUHOV.T, N . J

Tor Rent.J by T. J. KnUtbt. B**i lixatliernia mo. I era I e. A|'|>]>t<)'SCOSETCUNfl IHON WOHKR.

Hmuiio|>t', N .J


WEDNESDAY, Al'ltlL 1st, ]SWI,

•>i M.. Bitlif Treotou iloiue, 'in-nUiu. N'. .1,.I.Wl^t.r.Y l>l!U.U*,h.


Experienced saleslady Wantediiiilllm-ry. N»tiiiit-r l u v d i i M y . H I « K | I V .

Wanted.liuy. I,(no imiidliv iiulkii. I

i A l l i v i

BooKheeper Wanted.

] in«ifliik.1 IxxikktHjH-r wantfd lu a lurKf rot 11n BXMU, enn.fr>' anil liunlwnre tiioic, JIIIHI IxivrK-iuva and tlioroiigltty tmdennnnil 1I1111I1nii-y. lieotli-Niai* ur lmly. State salary nmi n-

An Ordinance.An onllnauiv to n-uulale ou'l cnntrol llie trail'

of B liuciiHe to Wll L'M«r, Inrr. tit- mid otl.tr Mnr ferine li It* I 11i(ii(irHtiy (tie \t\nnn. add In Kn liUllaril fl'i'l INM)I riHini, iirnnifd lu ((«irjn-Wnnn'rori Wnrn-n htrtN't.ln Uovcr.

Sr:r. I. ll.-il.inlnlii.-.l lit tl.- Mttnr. llfinnAI'TiTiifii mil I'-.il M CXIIIU'IIIIIKII ,,r Ihy— : n ll.t-ii— wmiitail lu l l . - r i t^H. tVitmer.dii

• ' I ' l l I !•»•*>, IU Wll l i ' i i T . li-'^r. u lr - t iHt lut

t o Hrur) > i n l f r . li

- n w . i l i a l l

'lli'Km tlitiruiiy


ItiKiiy rnim Hie dale lutwof toni-. A. I). irfiH. wilil Ik-rtiHf Hiil

b ' '


WEDNESDAY, March 25thUie ffilkmiiiK | rM»)Hl |in>lM>rri-: 1 (lOOD TKA!OF ItOliH&f. Vis liwid Hillulj i-owH. uuiiiliiK liprudt,» jearliDKf. 8*J I'IVMI, ullh H7 tali it w. 4 lmxt<HCWH, I Huti tin*, a plulfonn spring wapinn, 1 rtaiibob iili'il*. a linriwK, aw a njiHutt tnot It, a cultlvators, 7 p](IBS, -'fsrm WIITOIIH. I n>a<t cart, diiuh

i-r. I f*nnln(( mill! 1 reni-vr am) lilnJ-r,„ drill, I fodder cuttrr, I Imj tmian, liay rat;corn iheller, (trinil ntouv, picks, nhovela, Hii),f'JI11

tiot-H, iHixen, wlillllBirp(Ti, in [oim tiirn rnrtt, * tonol hay, !Uk) icnllous KMX) cliler vluruur. mid i "MUI I uml oiHale Id

will 1M- tnmlo Icnonn on Any nf tale byI'AVH) C. HRATTY,


the Hleptifn Huilil fnnn.


B Ihrwyeu-otd hslten, comloR In. 8

I toni or hay, 8 farm wajrons, buckboard, twowberlcart, top baggy, a SIIURIIB, cutter, set ueavi-*~"*ile barnesa. BCI liajde harnwi. lot of bonw tx>\

graJu drill, new; horaa rake, new: eullty', 8 cultlrntort, 0 plows, S harrowa, Unu roller,iw, com abeller, straw cutter, outs by tioracv ; tuy rlKitlu^ S )ih«t of been, laixe churn,

and butter worker, lot allH. cans and cooler* 1'new butter tubs, lot of two-Inch tawed plank, 8grain cradles, B T M ecytliea and Hllcks, a barreUtood dder Tlaesar, lot of forks, rakee, BIIOTCIB,hoea, chains, anil m»ny otliM- articles too noiistomeDUoa.

•Jeto comments at lao'cloukaharp. If siA fair day. Conditions made Unownon c»t>y CHARLES CONL


II a«ll oa tha premise*. iltu*W on the road load-Injt from Cbwter to Peapack. quarUir of a milefrom Chester Central depot, oo

THURSDAY, March 26th,

by tbelr side, 4 coming In profit, * ehoati, SO born'w d fowls, farm wacoc, backboard, new; plat-

"gbt sled, hone rake, S Syracuse ploiri, doutilplow, itiiins tootii harrow, mowing mmchlne,

furrowlnjf efed. set team liarneM, w t Tnick Har-ness, «et ilnglo naniMn. act lieary fir neU, set lln.itfly nets, fur robe, light tap robe, gnndjtone; grak

kets, S00 peacb oorers, hay by tlie tiand kttchea turoltuw. Alto will tand lot afluats on tlio road lead'Colman*s to Callfon, with barnInn and a good fruit orchard.

Bale to commence at 18 o'clock sharp. lfBtormjnext lair day. CoadlUoai nutJ* known on day olHie by LAUIBON & DUNK.

ceniiieiie ol iistumin u Ut Bicn-irft lent ctnmg.

To ALt TO WHOM TRESB raiUKHTt >liOaxrriNa:MSis, In the jiidffmf nt uf Uie Itoanl of Dlrec-raof tbelUcJiai^lkhC&

nMSis, In the jiidffmf nt uf Uie Itoanl of Dlrectoraof tbelUcJiai^lkachC&iiipaiiy.a corpora-tion orKtmlud under tits lawn or this State, it l iubeen deemed adcuabto and n)oat far the benefitof auclt oorporatloQ tliat Uie name nhould be did-Mlvetl before U« eintntlou ol lti« Utne UntUdin Its C«rtiflc»t* of OrKuiiutlnn, an ajipoar* b;a uulr autheuJcatfd record of Die proew-dln* osaid Board of Directors of inch corpontUon liddIn acwmlanoe wltti the provialnns of an art fu-ll t l ) "A t ncerning oonwnlions," si>-

and the w»enU ininplientat

In acwmlanoe wltll t leu) "An act concerning oonwnliopro*ed April 7, itTO.and the w»enU inin(hereto, wlilch Mid rcccrd, Including tbeIn writintt of "two Uilrdn In I n U r t

Idem," of Mid conwration that mn± din-olution eliouldtakeplaw,a«by aald act retiulredwriog been by nld vorpontlon deposited lo m

Kuw^lhervfofti, I. Henrj a Kelwy, Becretan- o!8Ut*i of the Blat«of New Jeraey, beinK mtlafleJ bydue proof that tbe rMulrements of™An act con-oemlDK vonioniUoiu,'r approved April 7,1876, andthesnpplemenu UMTCOI, rtUtlve to the dtaoliiUonofoorporaUoiia, hare been fuUy oomplied with by


1 thereof; whicalaJd certlrecerdot Uwproceedlitn i

— -.sand of record In my uldoIOceaa provided by Uw.

In testimony whereof I hare nomiatoMt my hand and affixed mr offltdal a«*I

IL. 8.] at Trenton, Uili slxteeatli aayof March




•etwoen Byron K. Stkkle and Oeoire W, Btlckl«csecaton of B u m b o K. Stickle; drceMmd,compUIiianU, and Lawrence Crow and MaryAnn. hi* wife, defendant*). Ft. fa. for sale ofroortgind premises. Jtetumitble to Stay Terra,

QUY HINTON, (W'r,3 Y «lrUis ol «w »,1KIY« «tfil«d writ of flwl farlu

Hotue In Uorristown, N.

MONDAY, the DOtb day of AI'AIL neit,

D. ifM, between the hours of » U. and Ajock P, M , that U to say at 8 o'clock la the,

afternoon of said day. all that tract or parcel otland and premise*, sltoate, lying; and Wnp In

36Dwn»hlpofBocka»ray7Jiia«»7jouatyU[ &or-rla and Stata of New Jersey. And beJn/uio samebud and pnmuM which were conrtjed io tliesaid llartin Crow by John Buckley u d wife, byd w l dabd June Of. 1S7S, and In » l d deed butt*!and bounded u follows, to-wlt:

BajlDBlnratUtftronrUi conutr of a lot of landcCiTMrwdbr aikl John Buckley and wife to oimrtclc HnHey, by <le«d datedT March SOthTmrontUnfc theooe Q) north thlrty-tnm iegnk utiion« In the third line of the a id Patrick" Hurleylot, two chains and flfUr-one and a half links to Utnjddltiortbe road k*Unc from Uouat Hope I

to a course i

aUtr fret to the place- r — i - . , lug about twenty-two liun-

dredtlis of an acre, more or baa.Dated March inh, IBM.

^ EDMUHD A, BACKKa, BherlO.Cknalol* tad b*. p. f |7 »



We are the leaders of Fine trade. Others lead in soni

capacities, but when you want to be stylishly dressed,

and well fitted with a good garment

Remember we're the folks that do it

Our Spring Styles arc now ready for inspection. All th

leading blocks in Derby Hats now on sale including,

Dunlap, Youman, Youngs, Miller, Etc., EU.

TAYLOR BRO&«™si., Doifiirs Popular ClolilBfs ««'.«•










• l a s OB" o-EjAisa enso




Roberts' Cash GroceryBLACKWELL ST. DOVER

Finest Mmneaotn Flour, per bbl $4.25

Best Elgin Creamery Butter 26

Good Elgid Creamery Butter .20

Strictly Fresh Eggs 18


4 can* QooA iii 'lv Jim* Peoi . .1 cun Ooorf Peicbei1 can Gnod Apricot*2 cans Halmnn1 enn Boston Haled Hi

GROCERIESwnrfl itt . . . .

rtilw. (Jwxl Rio*Bll>«. Hlaroh.;I k Gold Dint-..

O l1(1 Ibo. llus31tn Diy ?nehnR»»t 1'ninn

PftrklVinRound RtealtPorter Home S'e&fc...SirNnUtetk..., . . . ,Best HuRar Cured HwiBfBt Sugar Cured Bac

TEASQIKX] TBIUM ID til tbtw> prices

-. 40c H5c Wo ffl)3 II

,;;;;• JJ] PLATE BEEP Jrjiftc h'g ilutum , i0iHi flail<sMH> I0o

, llo Vnl IV«M fl» i(i(jUo Itlli B-nc i(to,J2e


Roberts' Cash Grocery.


W. P. TURNER & CO.Will open corner of Blackwell and Sussex Sts., opposite

Mansion House, on '

Saturday, March 21,18%with a first-class stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's

Clothing, Hats, Caps ANDGent's Furnishing

Do not purchase anything In our line until you have seenour goods and prices.

Our assortment will surprise you.Our prices will astonish you.



FURNITURE3 piece Oak Bedroom Suits, well made and finished, each

Oak Sideboards, bevel plate glass . .

Also a large assortment of Sideboards at$22.00, $24.50 and $27.00

6 ft. Oak Extension Tables .

Oak Centre Tables from . .

Full Size Woven Wire Springs .

Full size Cotton Top Mattresses

Linoleum, square yard

Large assortment of China Mattings


. . $10.00

$15.00, $16.00, $19.00,

FEED, HAY, GRAIN, ETC.Strictly Pure Feed, 100 Ib. bag .

Fine Yellow Meal, 100 Ib. bag $

Wheat Bran, best, 200 Ib. sack 9

Fine White Flour Middlings, n o Ib. sack . . i

C o r n , 2 bushe l s a c k , 1 1 2 l b s . . . . .

W h i t e O a t s , Z',4 bushel s a c k , 7 5 l b s .

C r a c k e d C o r n , 1 0 0 ib. s a c k . . . .

N o . i T i m o t h y Hay, in smal l b a l e s , 1 0 0 l b s . . . <

N O T E - - A l l o u r P e e d , d r a i n , E t c . Is p u t u p In f u l l w e i g h t



January Clearing SaleOf Jackets, Oapes, DrescGoods, Hosiery, Housekeeping LiDens and Laces

JACKETS DRESS GOODSLftdiM' Jscket la black,


refuUrprtcc|3,s,l ,'



UID. lQh|.rt«ulkTprice tic, st

tinflnUh,nvulvpriceKta.,at 7&

« I n . Black Bergo, regular prioefl.af.. «72<ti ID. Duu:k UcnrietU, t\\ wool, rvgulor

pnot7Sa,s>t« I n . Black Barge, all wool, regular price


Udlu' Bluk Horn, HeniiBdorl dye, 80

LadlM'BUckUoM, n 1 5l

We wish to oall atleution (o the new Btyle of Corset calloiA r m o r s i d e . Ga&rauteed not to btoak down ou the Bides. Ffi(8 9 0 ; worth $1.25

Spool Bilks, 100 jda, 8 eta. spool Spool Silks, 50 jils, 4 ots. spoolSpool Oottoa, any make, 3 ots. spool

S B " THIS 18 NO SPECIAL BA.VE HDUBUG.want. When in need of anything else oall again

Buy what

: STORECorner Blackwell and Morris Sts, DOVER


Ladies' Storm Bnbbers. verylandaome article, bonght by. the

finest phTBiQus, New Jersey BobberShoe Oo,M'fg,42o. pair..ChiliW Soft Dongoln Springleel Button Shoes, rery Rood wear-

ing, Noa. 8} to 11, J5o. pair, threelairs for $1.60. Same grade, Nos.

to 8, iSe. pair, three pairs forO0

I o n i a

XIV hBela, 11.50 pah-.



a. a«IOMI aaiw.


Dress SkirtsIN—

Storm Serge,

French Serge,




51.4910 $8.98

mi. B lue c».DOVER, N. J;




Our Carpet Dep'tStands Prepared - ^ -

i t A dozen flrat^olftss mULUuoturon ftrorepresented in the itook. All tbe newspring stylei are now ready in great va-

Tapetry Brussels,Ingrains, Bundhai Wilton,Axminsters, Body Brussels,Velvets, Royal Wilton.



777 and 779 Broad St., Newark, N. J.



b O V E R , N. J.



SpeotaolM and Bye Olauw

rrumoM OIVEK TO BrPAEisa of F i m WITOBI •OLOOIB, JlWElBI, 4o. '


fIi250DDoes Slavery Still Exist ? W ( ! f


DR. WTOHETTE 18 THE M lBUVTBOX'OP" '"a!""n l o t ! M W«MOIikiin in 12 HOURS.7~ Dn. MATCHETTE'S "SSiE;.lr




ConlmU Ukes u d miudsU lonlatea.'KSTIMATtS DIVES OH Al.L


Sand for Sale.Pecwu nUOnt MBA tat Moulding or BuUdlnt

*"~m. will do mull to lnqoJi« at UM lulMcrlbTB burls elwwbm. Dallrund uintlierBU» »., L. * W. R. R. orO. B. B. of N. J.







" Wanted.Job and odd, loU, tOto, «ndJ. of merehiolliie

etc. LumbarMd tuppllMCtorWuoo DukenuM.

•Unjto . tUMt. l IV Jrtirt rtocBofSjpo'1

a, B. HAmrau>,K

, "«'•

Page 3: Kanouse's Furniiure Storetest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · BOUC1TORA»D MASTER IN CHASCERY JUID NOTARY PUBLIC 8TASHOPE, •? Niw JMIMT. Dr. -W. E. DERRY, DOVER,

Friday, Mar, 20,1896.


" >OCAl< JOTIIM 38.

Tajlor Eros, have taken the ugarcj for theUcCJIure bicycles.

The ralii yesterday spoiled u great many

Tbe Ne» Jersey Central rallro&d has or-•lentil 1,000 new freight cars.

Over 1H0.1XX) tout of ke have buen bnrrented «t i'ocooo this winter.

Tbe Guy Brothers' Mlostrolii will be atUaker Opera House c n tbn UOLU.

Mini M»mrale Campbell lies very ill withpueumoitia at ber bums on Mt. Hope avenue,

Mlti Mamie O'Cnnuell, of Mt, Fern, hai*n vlsltiiig IrlendB ID Summit ami N

York,Tumor & Co., open their new clothing etoreD the corner ot Black well and fiusiexBtretta,

tmnotrow.Tbe deepest it now of the scama fell Mouday.

lbs aun Is high enough to carry

Surrogate Pltr§-»n and wife entertained Bjiarty of friends at tbeir hams on Black wellitreet last night.

Tbt rumor on the streets that a man badbeen killed at Hiberala yesterday vai utterlywithout foundation.

The venerable Jotiah Meeker, of Bucca-tiinoa, Is very ill, and bis friends fear tbathe may not recover.

Aoecla, Lodge, F. and A. M., have rentedtbe ball Iu tbe McDavft building end willoccupy It after April 1st.

Nall* tbat sola a year ago for W) cenU a kegire now Belling at 12 60; a fact due to demandratber tban increased ralue.

Secretary Pawley.of the Jersey City V. MC. A. was in town Monday, and waa cordiallyweloomed by many old f riuuds.

Pitcher Ortb, of tfae Philadelphia!, has anew upehoot, which It calculated to give tbecrack Utters of the League a chill.

Presidont Cleveland has approved tbe act{(ranting four cwrnona and twenty balls forthe soldier*' monument at Newton.

Harry Thomas has had his face bandagedthis week, the result of hav Ing been bitten Intbe cbeek by a dog Saturday night.

Tbe changes effected by Roberta, the grocer,iu bla (tore room add very muoh to thi con-venience and attractlvenm of his store,

The pupils of the PortOram school enjoyedn lielgbrldi on Wednesday, and they were atoppy lot es tbey passed through Dover,

Tbe new township oflieem for Randolphtownship were sworn lato ofrlce Monday.Tbe meeting was hell In (he engine home.

Notwithstanding tbe bcavy fall of snowtbere was but Kttl* delay In tha running ofpassenger Iralii* on the Lukawanna Monday,

During an altercation In tbe bar-room ottbe Stanhope Houw on Saturday evening,Fletcher Brown bad his jnw broken by atick -Kagle.

Tbe Hen Jersey Democratic State Conven-tion vlll bs held In Trenton on May 7th. forthe election of delegates to thB Chicago Con-vention in July.

Jobn H. Bennettr of Haokettstown, hatbeen appointed to tuooecd Rev. 11. P. Lambas Superintendent of tbe New Jersey Chil-dren1! Bone Society,

Ht. Patrick's Day parade In New York waithrough BIUBD aud mud, but the sons of Erinwore not deterred by tbB bad walking andthey made ft a field day.

It U rumored thst Mn. Williams, betterknown a* Annie Oakley, tha crook shot, hasbought tfae Miller farm nmr Fomptou Plains,and will fit tt up for her own use.

M i n o l t a Hall b u resigned ber positionIn tbe public school. Hfaa Lambert oilll takeher room and Miss llheta Cb&mbre will takeMiss Lambert's room In the annex.

Notwithstanding tbe Inclemency of theweather this week the erangallstlo aerrlceaIn the Prwbyterlan church are well attendedand nitch Interest b u been shown;

There are gravB fears of another inunda-tion i ron thittl .n and. tbs taalting snow, andmany cellars about town are under water,but not BO desp as tbe Febru%ry 11 tod.

Tbs Cbronlds, of Morrlrtown, will moveInto Its new building next week and whenMttled will have one of the moat elegant andconvenient homes of any newspaper lo HewJersey. • - • . • •• - '

The Vigilant Engine Company are bendingtrery effort to make their Ewter Mondayball, the most auooeriful ot any recently beldand* there Is promise that they will be suc-cessful. -

Jobn Baric, an M. and E. engineer residing•t PhlUIpiburg, bas given up for the presentonaocouutof nervous trouble*. He eipeotato rest several- months and then resume bisposition. .

An authorized statement In reference tothe new church will be mode to the congre-gatlon'next Bandiy In tbe First M. E. Churcb.Also a detlgnof tha contemplated buildingwill be shown. ,'

The Randolpn Township Bridge Committee•old two bridges at tbe Mansion BOUM yet*terday. The masonry was said to Josephr*ugiioy, and the Iron work to tfae Canton

. Bridge Company.The Epwortta league of the Grace Church

will give an ennlvinary entertainment to-night, a id • very good program boa beenarranged1. After tbe entertainment refresh-ment! will be served.

Ths concert given by the Enterprise Bandla front of the Opera House Wednesday nlgbtwaa thoroughly enjoyed by all wbo besrd It•nd the comments made were highly compli-mentary to the aklll of tbe band, -

CharleeBUIlwell, Jr., of. Morrtatown, wfaow u admitted to tfae bar two weeks ago hairented an oflloe In the Flerson building oppo-site tha Park. hoUl, and will begin the prac-llceoriawhereabont April lit.

J. HeJrhouse, the jeweler. Is refitting hisitore, patting In DITT wall caiea, tables andcounter ahow cages, When cimpleted It willbe one of tbe floest and best arranged jewelry•tares In Kortbern Hew Jersey.

Tfas anniversary entertainment of theJnnlor Lcsgue witlba gi<«nln the-First M.E.Church on Friday evening, Admlfslon fivecent* Rnam will be ssrved. If stormy ouFriday evening-, will b« held on Saturdayevening. - -1 •

Woolsey Van Horn, eon of D, T. Von Horn,Df this town, died at bU borne at GladstoneyeiUrday'of typhoid fever, after an Illness ofa month.-: Drowsed left Dover two years agoto take tbB position of) station agent at Olad-atom, fie leaves a wife and one child.

Contractor Vreeland has tha contract tomaki alterations in tbe building owned by J,Prank Ma*al: now oconpted by MePberson &Co, TU floor of the storeroomi wlllbelowerodto within four Inches of tbo sidewalk, a plateglim front will be put In and the two upperfloors Will be arranged Into fl»t*.

Jobn Pierce, baciacemaater on tbe Dovereipreas, was tends,ed a sorprlsa Tuesdaynlgbt, and among thoso who attended werethe fUckettstown baad, whose excellentmusts lidded much to tbe enjuyment of tbeoccatlon, "Jack" li one o( the moat popularmen on tho road, and a Jtllycocd fellow,

Joseph P. Jsrdlne, senior member of Usorgan building flrm of Qeo. Jardlno tt Co.,New.Turk, died on Friday, ihd bla brother,

nrd G., died on Sunday. Ia both cansthe enuio uf death was heartdlaease. ThiRrm ot George Jirtlne & Co. built tbe largepneumatic pipe organ In our PreflbjUrliClmrob; . - .

Rav. J. J. Hall, who bas been In charge ofor Us church at Mt. Hope, his been tram-ferred to South Orange, and Ibo people ofMount Hops have lost an earnest tjilrltui'adviser and a faithful f ileud Father Hall laone> of t be broadest minded and kindest heart-ed men who ever officiated In this vicinityand wa regret hij departure.

. r g e L, Senior, wbo formerly livedDovw, nnd who was bar temper far BernardJohnson, until Jobnscn soil out, foil down anair shaft la Mew York on Tuesday and Is nowIn Btllovue Hospital with no bops of recov-ery. He was on the roof with Daniel Arm-strong, DUB «bom he boardDd, and both felltogether, Armstrong being killed instantly,Tbe roof was illpptry and It is presumed thaione or the men slipped and to save hlmseilgrabbed the other and both fdl through Us

LUOK.Tbe Dig 61x DromaUc company of Fortrsai presected tbe drami " A FlBberman'siuck," at Daker Opera House Wednwdayilgbt to a crowded bouse and an appreciativeidlence It would b* mAQlfeaUy unfair totke a comparison betwe«n the Big 61x Com-

pany aud a regularly organlxed profeisionaliromatlo company, yet such a contrait mightl» drawn without discredit to the local com-

The members of tbe company are all'oung people who luve always Uvodat PortIram and Dover, aud we do not belisie thatme of them baa bad an hour's training Intage craft or tbe art or acting, yet the man-ler in whfch they acquitted U«mselTss naa;.tdluil.i(i in k high degree, onJ Nraml olhem Bbo\fed marltfd dramatio telent R. S.

Kfng give a very Intelligent Interpretation>f Tom .Uanley, a poor flihernan, and LbsHero of tbe play W. HUl.and W. J, Cham-pion aa fkiuire Hammond and son, depicted a

raue of vlUalns In a muloItnUy natural wayi get the audleuoe "up agalnit thtm, andrerybody was glad whan joit retribuUonrertook them. D. J. Ksttrlck bad a good

lomed; part in tbe charaotar of David Uorri*and Le made the moat ol tbe part, and made

Mt. George A. Flartey was vary daver Inbis presentation of Bl KIdder, A ttags-itruck

itb, who wasn't as much of a fool aa belonked to tw as he tried to make others think

was. UiisRosePiartejmadBaaweetaud:barmlng heroine, and Hiss Ellubeth Brayilayed thB part of the hero's mother well,'be Soubretta part, Ruth Hanley, Tom's' iter and Bl Kidder'a eweetheart, wu per-!ormedby Ulss Annie Davey, of this town,md ahe Burprieed bar friends and delighted

the audience by ber piquant rendition of thepart. Little KitU* Bcbmltt played the childpart dxttilltjiitly, and taken altogether it

performance of wblcb the company have arigbtto feel entirely wUifled.

Tbe music of tbe orcbestra was a very>1eaalug feature of tbe entertainment, as werehe soloi by l£r. Ellin and Mn. PlarUy.

POLIOB 0OVBT NEWS.It In very peculiar, but nevertheless a fact,

:bat when residents from suburban villagesitrlkatbls city end begin hitting the bottlehey get all tangled up, lose their senses and

take everybody to be jajB. This waa tbef one individual last Saturday night, and;he fair name of Mott Hollow wae trailed Inthe duet. This particular vUtor waa BethItalter. He isa df cent-looking tort of a chap,nd not at all a bud fellow, He Is ooe of

"What will you haw, boy if fltep upmd bain out with me, boys," but last Batmty eight be overstepped the limit. Ha wasilled.butrtfusedtoabowhisbaud. Officer

Hggan was the caller and toll clubs blgh,He ordered Beth again to keep qolet, butloth wis In Jagsville and thought be bad

Hegan pat.But to bis lorrow be found differently,loally Hagan caught the fellow so ai to look

ilm up, Tben It was the row began, Bethacted like • crwy man. Tbey broke a plate;!iw window in Havens' book store, when J.?. Force ran to Etgan's assistance. Bothlen had their hands full, but Beth bluffed

them and tried to freess out, but It wan nogo. The nippers were poton and the rakeioffround Beth In a oell. Buoday morning he>as truly contrite, He knew nothing of'bat he bad done or said tbe night before, It

was his ant arrest and he vowed that It'ould be his last. He told Judge Gage thatlebad been naught la a threshing machine,

but tbere were no chunks of sympithy forith In that court room, so be was fined |1

md ooeta and pay for the window. Total,16.50

Ton^Murray, a "hobo," struck town and'as arrested by Officer Hagao. He WM sen-

tenced to three days' work on tbe straeta byuitlce James H. Brown.Matt. MoGratb, a oltlun of thB world, was

arrested by Offioer HSKSJI and be will workIx dayi for tbe town If ba doesn't escape'rom th) Street Commissioner before his timeizplres.

Council Keetinar.Tbe Common Council went In session Toes-

lay even'ng at 7:30 o'clock aa per adjournedTuesday evening, March 12th Inrt. Present:Mayor Wolfe, Recorder Beach, AldermanBaker and Cotmdlinen Bpargo, Young,

Ickeraon, Fetty and WhlUhead.On motion, the reading of the minutes wu

dispensed with.Recorder Beach stated, io«geitiui that a*

lOthiog bad bsen heard from Treoton, tbeCouncil adjourn till Thursday evening, theI»lbinit,,at7o'olock.

AldarmauBakerdemaotfedthrt tbeappll-cailos (or license traufer now pending beacted upon, whereupon • motion wu mad*and carried tbat the said application be tartanrom the table and referred to the Licensecommittee, wbo returned the same approvedty tiro of Its members, and on motion ths

said transfer was granted, and the Ordinanceuommlttee praaented an ordlnanm regulating

same, wblcb. was adopted by a unanimous-ote of the Council.

A motion wsa made and oarried tfaat tbsCouncil adjourn till Thursday e venlng, tii*Dthlnit.,atT:80o'olook.

An adjourned session of. tie Common Coun.ell waa held but evening la council room at

o'olock. rreient Mayor Wolfe, KeoorderJ«ch, Alderman Uulllgan and CounollnMnIpurgo, Young, Dlokenoo, Petty and White-

head.The minutes of the idjourned meeting w m

read and app-oved.Up n the rccommenlatton of Recorder

Beach, the council took a raceas subject to acall from the Mayor, providing the same be

it latter than Friday evening tt 7 o'clock.

. THB SCHOOL MEETING.Tbe annual school meeting for tbe election

of tru»tm and to approprlaU mapey for tberunning of the schools next year was beld inthe armory on Tuttisy night, and there was

large attendants and a sharp contest be-;ween the two tickets wblcb were In tbe fit Id.

Tbe meeting was called to order by PresidentBesch, and C. B. Gage was chosen att chair-

and B. H, Berry secretary. Tbo reportif tbe District Clerk w u read and orderediprend upon tbe minutes as follows:


U. in Collector's liandj Mircliitt, !H\«..(iC,«iU-li'.RECEIPTa

re ronn tBUte school l&xforisan »njiiB.sw

-inn liW.ftJOajiproiirfatfom... (Mx<VInUTMt un Hur)ilusnirmiiie SW.HK

" District (axdnpllt»i« IHW) HOIiwi ftaw

Ootnpany M B « t p U o n .Tbe arrangements a n about completed for

the second annual reception of Co. U, Secondregiment, which Is to be held Wednesday,April 8tb: Deoorator W. 8. Collard ha« thecontract for decorating tbe Armory, whichwtllbeteryelaborato.

Prof. Fred Voss,of Newark, will furtiihmnslo fur this occasion. Fine nfrtshmenU

rill be served. A number of toe ofBcers oftba Second regiment will attend, and mem-Mrs nlll appesr In full service) uniform.

Thfi committee will eadeavor to make this,tbeir second reception, a brilliant affairTfae tickets wlU be fwaed by ths members oftbs general oommittee and are not transfer-able.

A Bonaway.A horse belonging to F. P. Birch n o away

Tu-f[Uy«nd broke iUneck. It was attache*to a sleigh la which were Miss Bad!* Kloh.ardi and Mia Fanlins Dnnham. Kin Rloh-aids wudrlvlDg.anJ wishing to turn aroundsbe drove Into Monmouth avenue, where thssnow banks were not io high and a tarncould barooro easily inode. A* the horse waspart m y around It staled suddenly, throwingthe young Udteeont, and finding Itself loot*duhed out of Moaavuth avenue and doomMorrlBBtrMtaCiUblghHtspacd. There) wua freight train on tbe crossing and ths animalnnagBloet it with sufficient force to breakIUneck. Tho ladlsa were uninjured by tbeirupset.

A H i w Optra H o w e .Mauger Eaker faas had plans prepared fornew opera bouts, and tbey xre now in tho

nanda of contractors for entimates. Mr.Baker bos not definitely decided to build tfaenew optra facUM, but It would be a Brestthing for thB town If he should carry out,theplan. Tfae building will have a seatingcapacity of 1,000, with a stage OOiW feet.Tbere will be two galleries and tiers of b o m ,Tbe eiita "ill be so arranged that neithergsllery will «mpty Into i t s mstn lobby, butwill b* separate. If Mr. Baker decides U.build, the ground will bs broken i t ence

Sponlnc Hotaa.The Defender Hue Bill Clnb, of Port

Oram, has been mgsn ln l for tto'NMoa ofm wltli the following memben: Fred.Curtis, a i.\ Henry Doney, I h i JsmeiHill, a ; Beoj. W. Chlrgwln, 3b. (Oaptaln):James Welrn^ I, f.; Harry Honoe, c. f,L » . Mulligan, r. f.: Jobn Woolcock, 2 b.,

j Wllllsm HulshlMr,' p.; J>, P. Newlln, Man-1 ager.' All olnbi under ilghtoen years oldwlsblns gamu please, address L. P. NewlloManager. , a t

Beverelr Burned. .Judion Button, englneec at the DOT or Iron

Works, is Buffering from severe born* e»c*edby acid. Ee bad a bad toothaoho and got slittle TIO! ot oil «f tmoks to apply to the gum-The oork ot tbe bottle stuak and be gave iHidden bard pull, tbe cork cams out and thictmtBDtaflewoutlnbisface. His face istadl;blistered and hi* eyes affected, but It I* bopitbat the sight will nob be Injured.

Open for IoineoUsn.A beautiful new line of Infanta' long drasts,

long sUrU and short white drones all markedto sell Ht popular prices » th« Dorer Buarc f j , 0. Orlmp,

lliiIBM !

' t 'IBM

k'w'y t']i.)tauilo!plit')t.

TulUon . . . . . : .ftlat* for KCIHMI llbnuiM.tklioul HiitertaluiimmIwueflt of B L ,.Jt<Kjka an d o LI wr pro pertywild, ln*t ordsnii4tecl..... . . 1T.4

EXPENUITUBES.kl Iwudsnml iott-nvl t 1.WB,u.i

Teadieni'wUai-lt-i lsl,i«o,uoJani tors 1 . . . . : i i.oto.wi

' lllslrlct Clerk' 1iK.HU

fientofuc• " " Aniiotj for nnnual

aieetloft.;Dover Water Co. for watert o r lioulia, nUUuuor>- ntiil

New HchoiteiMUra dTiUiifc scItoks for

Bnl. In folleciora- liand March 17, mm, ,,.%UW

oodnof Uie dlnlrlrt ouiBUndlOK, |in,WXJumWrnf dilidrvti nt wtiool w w u . 1,0

'• " " " •• n>((liAfr I.«r8wntp- pomllment M3

Dail/ atteadBDct! HIHThs next Mulnees was the nomination and

election of tru«teee. P K. EverettnomlnaiedI. K Bennett, Joseph N. Brown and Fred H.!)eaoh for 3 years, end Ororga Plrrson for S'ears Alexander Kanouse nominated Ar-

thur \V. CoLdlct, llobert H. Dulatdacd Cieofarks (orJl vean, and Jamee 0. Cooper forjears. L. D Tlllyer and K. K Bvereti'ere named as tellers aodtho polls wrre

opened at H.80 o'clock. When the polls mereoloaed an hour latur tbe secretary bad ,HO!i

imes on hU Hit. When tbe votes were count-d tbe 'o'lawlug wm thn rem't:R H. Dolsnd, KHi.A. W. Condlct, 1112.Qaorgel'arki, 1M.J 0 Cooper, 11HB. R. Itennett, l.W.F. H. Bescb, U7.J. N. Brown, UHl.George I'lersou, 147.Tbs chaimiBu aiinnunoeil that lbe four

lr«t named bavlng received a iimjority of all;be votes catt were duly elected.

The appropriations we- e voted as e»bed for>y the Board without quettlou, excfjit tbe

mot e«ked for payment (f the DistrictClerk's salary. The Board aeked for *200(

and an amendinent was offered to maks it>IOO. tfce same aa Uit year. Tbe vc terx, bow-

er, dwided that $300 was not too numb, 47'ottngfnr tbe latter amount agtlntt IB for

tbe former,The re** Board met Isst night ami organ-

leed by electing M V. B, Bearing, Proddent,and 0. H. Berry, District Clerk.

Tbe new members of tbs Board are inon'ho will give Intelligent attention to thelutles of their oMce. Mr. Bennett who was

defeated by one vot* bae been a school trtisto o'or 21 years.

Qod's Amenoan Volunteers,Capt. Davis has formally announced tuat!• oflloem and aolitlersrf the Darnr branch

of tin Halvation Army have withdrawn fromthe latter and heve united with the Dew

ivament unde* Commander Bnlllt'gtcnBooth, under the name of God'e American'olunteen. We do net believe that the

branch could have etlated here bad It stuckths Englhh organisation, flinoe the people

have learned of the autocratic manner Inrbicb General Booth has dominated tbe,Heirs of the Army, and Ibe tone of sllghtly-

ooncealed contempt with vrhloh he epeaks cfAmerican affairs ft has been evident to ditln-Urtsted onlookers that the power for good of

Salvation Army bad been very ruaUrUllyThe thousands of earnest workers

who comprised the Salvation Army will con-tinue their good work, and th« result* of their

ibsre will not be injuriously affeoUd bychanging to a distinctly national orgtnka-tlon. It takes nothing from ctaristlau char-loter to show patriotism, and we look to soaivsn greater acceailona to tbe ranks of thbrolODtMrs than the Army could have bopedor.Next Tuesday night Commander Balllng-

m Booth will address a meeting In tbeArmory, and It la needless to say that tbebuilding will be packed. An admltBlon feeDf 10 cent* will be charged.

The Ola Kurd Mine.Tbe Hurd Mining Company at Hurdtowo,

ti. J , bavaa1 andoned operatlonsln the bottomof tbe old.Hurd mine and am now at worktaking out the sides, After following the'tin to a depth of about 5,600 they bare de-

cided to discontinue operations la tbe bottomM the ore oouU not be mined profitably atthat depth, aa it Is not practical to workIrilllng machine* on tbe sides. A few goad

hammermen can find steady employment atthe mine. The air la very good and being arerj dry mine It makes a desirable place to

work. ~ -Tbe mine has been under tin efficient man-

agement of Capt. Jack Hocking, wbo hasshown gnat proficiency aa a mlu*r in takingout the pillanaDd sides from the-bottom cfthe mine, without accident of any kind. He

to be congratulated on his BUOOMB thus fsrand now that be is getting up near the sur-face he bat clear sailing before him and bigtblnge may be looked for In ths future fromtbe old Hurd mine.

Bev. Trumbower to Leave-On Bunday Rev. Wm. Trumbower will

olBcia'9 at Graoe M. E. Cnurch for the lasttime as lU pastor, he bavlng aocepted an lo-fitatlon to the pastorate of a charge at Perth

Ambov. Mr. Trumbower Is one ot tbe risingof the Hewwk Cooforemce, and this new

field offers muoh better opportunity for de-velopment His charge here part with himreluctantly. By bis energy and executive

lability he has plaosd the Grace Church In apodtJon where it ia fres from any floatingdebt, aud he leaves It In a condition which Isvery encouraging. There is a bright careeropen to Bev. Trumbower and the people hereheartily wish him Ood speed.

Evano-eiiaUa Meetings.Tfae series of evangellstla meetings begun

in tbe Presbyterian Church last MondsyI night, will be continued next week and theFollowing dlitlogulibed clergyman will

|preach: Monday, Bev. W. H. Woolvertoo,of Boonton; Tuesday, Rer. John Maooaugb-too, D. D., of Morriatown ; Wednissday, Rer.B. P. Gardner, of Chatham ; Thurslay, Rer.William R. Bennett, cf Madison; Friday,Rev, J, C. French, D. R, of Newark. Themeeting* begin at 7 80 o'clock nightly.

Oburah Hotioea.First M. K. Church—Preaching at 10:30 A.

H. and 7:80 P. M. by the pastor; data meetingat 9:15 A. M.; Bonday school at 3:30 p. v.Epworth Leagus devotional servioes at (1:3Ur, K . ; lubject of discourse* approprlsta forthe lait Sunday of tbe conference year.

The people qf tbe Flanders M. E. Churchwill hold a butterfly social at tbe home ofGideon Wock near Flanders on Tuesdayevening. If atormy next evening.

To F i x Ooantr Unes .The Supreme Court ou Tutnday ai'jioiuted

three Coaunlwlonors to determine tbe countylinet between Morris and HuuUrdon counties.The CommlMionan are-AIfnd Tit*worth,of Mlddlerex county ; John W. Queen, ofHudson county, and Aug. W. Cutler, ofWarrsn oounty.

The lice between tbe two counties will, li1B believed, be permanently fixed nexlsummer. -

Vtre at Xount Freedom.Tbe atore bulldlnu belonging lo Nalsoi

Hughson, of Mt, Freedom, WBB burned tailnlgbt, together with all conUnts. Tbe firestarted about 0 o'clock, but we bave been un-abla to h a m tba cause. The building; wa* en-tirely destroyed and w u not Insured. Thistore was run by Edwin B. Thompson endthe stock waa Insured for (1,000, which wlfcover the loe* „

PleriDn'ft Co.oanplMueyou wltbenswiprioghat, "Howart" sod " punttp" an tha taken,

ATHLETIC 00HTE8THThe etbletio coaUsU arranged for Monday

nlgbt at tlie armory by Ibt Climax and TigerIn. hand polo teams vere.wltncsaed by a fair

crowd, tbe storm preventing many from at-tending. ThejudgeiwereCspt.E L. Petty,Albert CUmbreand Ernest Good ell; starter,Arthur D. Kelley ; referee, W. D. Chamber-lain.

First Kvent-W yard dn*h. five entries,Louis Hehuan, Ruvell Bammls, Ruswll Ricb-ardi, Fred. AHgrum and Charles Wllaon.Heiman won. BammlB second.

Second Event-QuarUr mile mn. Hlx to-lea, Q. Reeves, Rupsallf&mmli, Loula Hei-

man, Fred. Allgrum, Uuiaell Hiobardi andlei Wilion. Tue four first named were

nn tbo icrtU-h Hue wilb a tiuar er lip Infftfor uf Blcltardi and Wllion. Tlie race waswell contotted, Allgrum coming cutwlnoer,with Hsiiim's Ktund.

Tblrd KvtDl-Tliree IcgRed race. Two eo-leu, Wallace Wsor and Bert. Palmer, and

[Jeorge Waer and Hume 11 itlchai il-. The o n ->uti uld not get tfatfr Irgt to working iaon until they pasted tbe half dUtance

mark, when tbe leoond pair HOD after a hard

Kourlh Eteiit-Quutar mile walk. Fourentrier, J. J. Vieeland, Jr., Charlea Holler,IWd. Allgtum aud "l'iney" Chamberlain,'reelaud set tbe pace and held it throughout.Klftb Kveut-Sick net . Two entrlea.

AUIB Helrasn and Weitay. Prltta, Ths dle-attce wa< one* around ttm rrom and the bnyarurked hard vnuugh to go arcund ten times,

and wai decided as a drew.Hlxtb Event—Ouo mile bicycle raw. Three

entries, J. J. Vreeland, Jr., Douglas Brood-well and Uharifa Moller. After pssilng tbe

If iinle llnf>, Moll»r dnt>ped out, tndBroad well fell titles, wblcli g»ve Vrtdland on

i»y 'Irtory.Bevtuth Kvent— Relay raw. Twoentrioa,

wo teams, Saromls, Richards, Moller andAllgrum, and Wtlaop, Heimaa, IleevcM andUfl«. Tlie former team won.

The meet cliscd with a game of band polob«tneen tha two teams who hod arranged tfaecouUBts, but it <*ii a dluppoIotlaR game, Inbat neither team pliy»d up to their usual

itandard. Tho score wea a tie to -'.

A VISIT TO MT. PLEASANT MINEThin old mine which Un been In operation

Tor to many y*/ns hnviiiR wltbitood tberarlrd experlenMB of Itusinegs ilejireMlnuH Inhe vast, Is still among tbe few active minesif Northern New Jenty. Tliore 1« no doubtL>ut tbat sbe Ii tbe beat equirp-'d mine In tbBItaU; havIaK a ponderous ooujpDun1) con-oitaiiig.Curtlu BDRfrft of IW horw power

wlifcb runs steadily iiKj dt}t ia a year, and!4 bourt dink day. The cunipsay operatingthis mine bave decide! to utilise t l e surpluspower of tbls enxluo by attaching to (he largely wheel a belt whlcb Is attached to a coun-or* haft, and from Ihrre to a Norwalk air

reotior whlnb was formerlv run by a• wheel. The water vupplv being to un-

certain thpy decided It best to attach It tothsL\irlU« ermine; thi-t will give them additionalpower nifllcltnt to operate six more drills bywhich tbey run ett*n<1 their nprratlona In themine. TbB new developments aaddlsooverlesthat have been made demand more air, whlobthis new compressor will give.

A contract baa been set to drive a drift Ufeot by 7 feet, and about 000 feet long, to alarge body of orB exitltlng to the west from:be preseut mine shaft. Tbls Is b«lng puihed

fast as poeilble and tbry expect to driveabout A0 feet per week until Its oompletlon.

The large number of miners employe! In,hin mine are among the very best clou ofilnetu to be found anywhere; aud a man

coming from Mt. Pleasant mine today !s aimendation for any kind of practical

minion that be may be put at.It Is to be hoped tbat the hlgbstt expecta-

tions uf tbe owner* of this mine may be fullycod and that many jeara of prosperity

may be In store for all concerned.

Fatal Accident,Tbe news was telegraphed ti Boonton eaWy

Saturday morning tbat Redmond U. Mann, ofNewark, formerly of Boon'on, w u Instantlykilled In tbe yards of tbe O., U >nd W.R.R.

Hoboken. He wai a brakeman on a nightdrill, and while at work about 4:80 o'olock Inthe morning caught his foot In a frog, andbefore he could extricate himself tha trainrbtcb waa running backward, struck him

and be met a horrible death. HU body WMiut|ln two, and death was Instantaneous.

Tbe unfortunate man was well known inBoonton, where ba resided for several yearsi>efore removing to Newark, about two and anit years ago. He married Mfsa Clara Bow-

man, daughter of Roswell D. Bowman, whoWSB badly Injured at the Newark ataHou oftbe D., L, & W, K. R. some time ago, andwho it obliged to walk on crutches. Tbeihook received by Mrs. Bowman and Mrs.Munn at that time is thus repeated and la

greater, although they wen almostprostrated then. Tfasy are greatly atrickanand have tfae heartfelt sympathy cf these tirecommunity. A rpeofal car, attached to tbe:;07 p. M. train, conveyed the family andrrlendj from Newark, Tuesday, (the rtmalnsicmlng OQ tbe seme train,) when tha funeral«rvtce took place In tha Methodist Eplaoopal

church, Rev: Dr. E. 8. Jamison officiating.iterment In Greenwood cemetery.—BnlUttn.

• • • • » • ' 'Ascendency of Steel and Downfall of

Iron.Not niaay Tears ago the puddle mill was

tbe only method of making wrought Iron,and throughout Eutern Pennsylvania andNew Jertey a number of these mills wen In>peratlon. To-day, however, the baaio pro-cess for making attel fa specified for three-luatterB of tbe work.

Perhaps the beat ore for making thli openlearth ateel le tbat which comes from thi

Hurdtown mine, leased to tha Hurd MiningCo., a corporation organized for the purposeif working this mloa as Bacoesaors of the

Qlendon Iran Co.When tbe dlenlon Iron Co. aurrendtred

their leaie they turned It over lo yuungtrmen; but theQlindon Iron Co. to-day, bavebeuMofthlsorelnPennsilvanla. Thiamlne

was once 5,600 fees on the slope at an av«rj aged angle of about 2S degrees. Ti>day,bow-' iver, all the lower part of thi mine has beenabandoned, and one who is accustomed towork la tbls mine would scarcely recognizethe place. Tbe air drills a n not used, butmost of the ore li taken out by experiencedbammsramen, Capt. Jack Hocking, the suc-cessful contractor, is In charge, and bs tellsme that be can nse <n this mine a number ofgood, able bodied bammenmen I

Buddea Death.Tb* R-v, William Holliuihed and wife went

immonrd to Camdeu on aooount of the veryiw condition of Mrs. Hollfnifaed'e matter,

Tbey left home In BparU on Friday at ll):i!0u. On 8 iturdey morning just as tbey

rere Biarting f roai a sitter's to see tbe sick atelegram was banded them trbh-h read asallows:

HiAttTA, N.J.. March, 14, Hi. u" Found grandma dead in bed,"After a hurried call cm hltparenU Mr. H.

end wife started for boms and reached thereSaturday night and learned that Mrs.

Elizabeth Waddell Fetters, the m>ther ofHolllnabed, retired In her usual health,

.wakened at about 0 A. U., dressed, went[own stain and returned to her room to,walt breakfatt, throwing herself upon tbebed. One of tbe children paming HBW hnrlying tbere and she gave her usual goodmorning smile. In a few 'momenta oue ofthen went to call ber to breakfast, and find-ing she did not answer, Investigated acd'ttand she w u deed, ber liody being retarm.

Dr. T. H. Andreas wan called and pro-ounced It death fmmapoplexr, Thus with-lutpaiu or knowledge of death ahe passedtway, aged 76 yean, nine monthi and 10lays,

Mrs. R. Waddell Fetters wa , a daurbter ofrnrr Waddell, son of the rector of Ht.

Michael's P. E. church at Trenton. He wasIrst president of Trenton bridg". Her

father's homestead aorossthe river in Mor-risville wa*one of tbo most beautiful. Whenloo. Lttayette aud sUIT ct n<xty vislttd.merica they spent a night Iber*, and Gen.i. dandled Blltabetb, then a little miss, onils knee.

On bar father and mother'* side tbere. w uwealth, position and Intelligence, but likemany others, ine experienced the evil re*ultaof dishonest handling of estates. Bhebecims

Chriitian in eerly life and maintained herIntegrity nmldet all ber Burrows and trlalr,for tbe past twenty years she bas made herhome with ber btloved daurhtor, Mrs. LydlsHoUltuhed.

The shock wai a severe one to the villageof Bpsrla, but especially lo those wbo bad

[peoted to return and find her in her utalth." Bha is not dead, but elfepsth."

A Sleltrnrlde and Party.The home of Mr. and Hrs. Cbas. Olckerson,

of Denrllle, was tbe tceoe of merriment andlyety on Friday evening last, when the olass

af I*) of the Morrlotown Hfgb Bchool, of wblchtheir son Harry is a member, gave them apleasant call Tfae daw lifcd devlded to loraside all fcbool duties for the evening, aud totake advantage o( the sleighing, and chaper-

id by OUB of their teeoheri, Mis* Clara E,Brown, left Morrlitown at B o'clock, arriv-ing In Denvllle at 0 p. u. From that timeuntil after twelve, dancing, game* and card)layJni were Indulged In, after wblcb re-

freshments were served, Shortly after mld-ilgbt they departed for borne, wishing that

the mow would come often end but long.The caai Improved this, their first opuor-tunity of wealing their new das* pins, wblcbare beautifully designed, and on which Isingraved tbe otasa motto, " Trials, then Trlmphe." The following member*, number-

Ing eighteen in all, werepreesnt: MlaeesBue0. Frail, Flora R. Hall, Edith D. White,Edith T. Johnson, Carrie 8. Tonne;, GraceHarry, May WUday, Rea Cook, Jeunle

;ill«, Nettle DeFoe; Messrs.- Harry 0. Dlck-erson, Harry H. Davis, Jr., Carl C. Vogt,Richard V. Llndabury, Harry Mott, GeorgeWeston, Alexander Watts, Sidney fiaidniu,

Oomnusalonera of De*4eAt tUe joint meetinc of tbe LsglsUture but

Wedneedsy tba following gentlemen werechosen as Commissioners of Deeds (or Morriscounty:

Boonton—Oeo. 0 . Kyte, Goo. H. Fitspat-rick, Edmund P, Looker.

Chatham-Amos C. Bathbun, Roswell M.Hancock, Henry W. Tonng.

Chester—William E. Collt*. John H. Van-derveer, John H. Millar,

Hanover—Leander B. Ford, WUllara 0,Freeman,,

Jefferson-John P. Wood, Horace L. Cook.Mendham—Hargraul Dltou.Montvllte-fVm. K. Courtier, John H

Milledgr, Tbomss Capsttok.Morris-Frederick B. Oobbett, James 0 ,

Ilaxen, Benjamin J. Crane.Mt. Olive—Knoe G, fludd, Jacob F. Farce.Fequanaoe—Wm. Roonte, John Bleuvalt,

Jas. ft. McLean.Randolph-Cbaa, H. Bennstt, Johnson U.

Clark.Roekawav-Harry Mutebler.Roxbury—Herbert K. flalmoo.Waiblngton—John E. D. Naugbrignt, AI

pheua IlilT.

Xorrla Oountr Court*.At a Court of Special Sessions t'ld on Mon-

day l u t before Judge Cutler and asioclatea:tbe following named defendants entered pleasto the allegations f mod against them.

William Hopkins, an ex-zonrlcr, ot Boon'ton, charged with having committed anassault and battery upou ofDocr Frank Peerof that place entered a plea of not guilty totbe allegation and was remanded for tria 1 oithe Brat Monday ot April. Cfaarlee Stllwell,Eiq., w u assigned ai counsel.

Wation Lay, a young lad of PorcptonPlains, who Is charged with having stolentwo colts, the proprty of Tunis Rjerwn,entered a plea of not guilty and wu re-manded for trial. W. P. Savage, Ecq , wasassigned to defend him.

John PaJIk, a Hungarian, of Hibernla,entered a plea of not guilty to a charge ofhaving itoltin-e pooketbook oontalnlng |27from a fellow countryman while celebratingat a christening and w u remanded for trialon April 31. John Caltaban, Esq., WBSassigned to defend him.

For the LatestIn hats you mart always go to Plsnon & (Vs .Just received • Urge shipment for springtrad*, - . " '

GHEBTEE.Mn. E, C. Drake, M!w Kmtui H»wdl mid

Varies (ireen attended the CouftrrgathitalJonferer.ee held at Orange on Tuesday,

Fred. Cox acil MIM NBDU Himpftan, nt)over, were tlie RUCBU uf Miss Konnle Case

Hucduy.Aim Jeouifi Berry, of Madison, e^ent Hun-

lay at homeMre. W. A. Uitua «nt*rtained Mn. Prank

Taorn, of TaUrwin, list wwt.H. P. Crater was striL-keu twlco with

paralyslB in a i burl time, be la now able to bemt agalu.

Dr. K. H. UlfTord is umklug a aliurt vIt-itwith bli mother,Mm. J. II, Clifford, at Flilli-

ilpbla.MJtaDora Sltellengtrentertained aeled bid

if young puople from Unrmau Valley on''uoiday evfnhiK.

Oliver Mnrsb, of Now Vurk citj-, wai iuiwn on Friday.A very mil doatb orcurrrd In our iiiWat,

Charlie Tbomee,age 17)eaTs, died en Sundayb t a / l e r ntjtiort HlmsioftJiilioiiJ (ever.

ruoeral lervicui tat beld at tho home ouJuetday aftvrnonn. He wa>. a bright andintelligent young boy and a nood tlundayschool worker, lie ia mourned by a large

rnle of frleads.Bev. U. H OtUwne, Cliarlea and Alunio

Iraeu, Mr. E. V. Drake end Mies EuiinaHowell alUndrd tbe Preabylerion Cliurcb at

: on Tuesday evening and had thepleasure of bobrlug our former pastor, Dr. E.B. England, now at Wfuhlrigton, N. J.

Bav. C, W. Wood, of Fal'iuount, occupiedbe Prfubyteriac ptilpitlaitHundsy.Bev. Htelw, of New York city, »III pmirb

] tbe Congregatlooal Church on Hunday.Bov. C, S. Osborne spent Sunday witli F.

'. Jenkina at Washington.Mr. and Un. Manning Drake, of rlUnhopB,

idled Mn. 0. W. aiemer.A dinner parly wae given on Friday to the

relative* of Dr. W. A. Oreen In b"nor of h\»17 birthday.

The little friends of Merrlan and Cliurlle'sry gavo them a MiirprWe party ou Tbiirx-lay afternoon.Tbe P. 0, H. of A. will re[»at tfaolr cuter-

lalmectentitled" AnclentOrderof Hercules"an March lUtli, at Uornion Valley under tbe>u*plcea of Cbfihir Lodge, N'o. W, 1. 0. 0.F , of German Valley.

Jamea Front Las purctaeied of Peter 1'ettytbe Crou Boods Hotel and will occupy iu thelit of April.

Mrs. tieorge Mulford, of Hohobeti, IB visit-ig her parents.Mrs. Vanandale jsat Muntciair vielting Dr.

i. COID.Urs.Conway, of Haw York city, iuBpond-

IDK a few weuka with her faibor, CalebHowell.

Dauiel Ubeilenger and Mlaa Ainellu Reoklewere married at 1:30 o'clock at tbe reefdout of

bride, Tbe ceremony wan pel formed bylev. (dr. Conover 8. Oiborue. They left on

tlie i o'clock train, taking atrip for a we*k•failing Washington, D. C , and other phctB.

On tbdfr ruturn a recuptlou will bt> held at bin


The Oarpeatsr O u t Acaln.On Tuesday some more new evidence In the

Carpenter cats come to light tbat all goes tomake It look darker for Batnuel. A promi-nent business man of Pbillipiburg, one of thebert known men there, h u testified that hebeard a pistol shot as ha was pawing theBlack well house at about 0 o'clock on the dayof her murder, and Prcwoutor Btryker has>vfdence In bia possession that he Is sure will

establish the foot tbat Carpenter wai in thehouse at that timt. Many peoplewboatflntdid not want to be In any way connected withihe case, a n comity; forward and tillingwhat thsy know about the paae. ProsecutorBtryker also ba* evidence that will establish

motive for the act, a thing that waa arguedIn favor of Carpenter at tbe time of ths In-juest. It will probably be brought up againthis sprlmt, u all of the above facts will hegiven to the new Proeeentor when ba takesill seat.—Warren Tidings.

• Saport of fcamnrlal'-SMpItsj.The second annual report of Memorial

Hospital In Morrlstowo Is being distributedamong ttie patrons of that Institution. Thereport of UM pbjaician In chief ahowattiatthe number of patlenta treated In generalloapltal waa i l i ty five and'In tha annex or

contagions wards, thirty-cue. The averagecost per mcnU of maintalnlnK the hospital,wbloh Includes til laUrlea, was 94.13. Themortgage debt on- tbe property during the

year w u reduced 13,000, leaving abonded debt of $7,000. The new ombulanoecost 1500, of which amount th* Board orHsatlth of Morrlstonn contributed 1350. Adtltrnof Morrlstown ha contributed a »ui

to build an addition tu the BoarletFever ward and work on tbe new buildingwill be commenced aa toon as tbe weatherpertnlU. Of 111 |6,T7216 cub contributionsreceived dnrlng the pest fiscal year $3,100was received through the treasurer of thewomen's association *and 91,830 from tbeYoung Woman1! Guild for tho children1! ward.

Weddlnt- and BlelBhlnar.Wednesday was tha scene ot the gathering

ot two bsppy parties at tbe residence of Dr.and Mrs. David Bpencar, OQ Morris streetTbe first one was a wedding party fromBonnlon, Pa. John B Bbaftr and Hiss ILbxta D. Wlnnegor, wishing to be marriedby thttr old patter, arrived In ths city onUte 1:30 p. u. train and returned at " •matingtaeir stay here Jui t« minutes, duringwhich time they repaired to tbe home asstated and were antud In bolv wedlock. Mr.Shafai la one of tba engineers on the mainline of tae D., L. and W. road.

The Moood party cune In tha evening, sev-eral aletgh loads from Ltdgewood, Theywere tbe young people from Dr. Spencer'sparish, a marry, jubilant company., A mostcordial welcome was extended to them and,after three enjoyable hours, they turned theirfaces homeward, leaving behind them, uwall as carrying back with them, heart*cheered by tba pkasant visit.

Bfae Bayed Her Bon.Th* home and grocery store of Thomas

Smith, tn Green Village, w u buroed to the!ground Sunday.

Tbe grocery store was in a wlog ot the!house, and the fire started, therr. The in'maUa were awakened by tbe smoke and hur-riedly dressed themselves. At first Itsupposed that all got out In safety, but whenthey got ouUtds Smith's mother, who Is 80years old, dUcovered that her son was notwith them. Sbe rushed back Into the bouieand up to bit room, where UM found himovercome with ths smoke. < Ski managed toarouse him aud be got ont In aafstj.

It w u thought at one time tbat the school..juse woald be burned, but the bucket brl-lade confined tha flames to tbs Smith hoots,The atore and house, together with their con-tent*, wen destroyed. The low li obouf17,000; Insured for I1.9M. •. .

Attacked by Footpad*.John Ketchum, an attendant employed In

tbe BUte Hospital at Morris FUini, made arscord u a sprinter Saturday night tinderclrcumstancea that lent wings to bla feet.Ketehutn came to Morristown, and abouto'clock started to return to the hospital, tthe uppar end Df Speedwell avenue be waaaoooated by two roughly attired strangers,wbo barred his further progress. The mm,who, Kttchum lays, were arttentiy tramps,demanded his money and valuables. ThipedMtrian, by a quick movsmrat, dodged tfaewtmld-ba footpadjand ran np the ro^d towardMorris Plaint, He »J« h& woo pursuit ufar u the fathollo ohnrch at the five comers.where be aladed 1 * " l

la reacting bis (molestation.

If a email bottle of Bhakrr Digestive Cor-dial does jou no good, dont boy a large one,

" Prove all things; bold fait that which Isgord." It's not good for everybody, only foithe thin, pale, stok, weak and weary. Foitfarse who are starving for want of digestedfood. Tat those who cannot get fat or strong,because their stomachs do not work as the]ought to.

These are the people, millions of tbemt

wfaom Bhaker DlgestlvB Cordial will core.Food makes strength, mtucle, brain, Mood,

energy-after It Is digested. If not digested,It will do you no good t t all.

Bbaker Digestive Cordial he-lps yonr stom-ach to digest your food and core* Indlgeetlipermanently. When you've tried a small

, bottle, you can tell.Bold by druggists. Trial botti* 10 orat*.'

Harry Unlcbler ties been appointed Cora-ileeioner of Heals by the Ltgliilature.Mrs. Wm. McXfnnon and her sou, Hamuel,

started for Minnesota lait Saturday night toill her uncle, Jubu Dunham. HAtnuel la-nds mskiuit ft bu houm.A youug boy, by toe nameof Oiel), had fala

inn cut very badly at tlie bicycle factory en"" ie»day morning. He was running a groor-

g machine wblcb h u a #iu»ll circular eawi for to groove nlgiles, and the sleeve ot hUirt caught iu tliu saw which drew bla armirier tbe saw. Be was taken to a doctor to

S T . ABLINGTON.Mist Jessie Speaker his returned to school

In Hew Yorkolty.MIHS Grace F-ancuer, of Kauvll, Bpent lait

jaturilay with MUi Kauule I/)»e.The annual Bchonl meeting tor the ulnctlon

of trusteei was held ia the Town Hall lastTumday evenlni. Dr. J L Taylor aud J.H. Loire nero re-eleat«1 fora term of thren

srs eaob, E. P. Totttn fur two yearn andT. Truady for two years to fill (tie unex-

.ilred teroi of Henry Young. It waa vutnlto raise by tax three hundred and Qf ty dollars~ ir current eipenre i and fifty dollar* for textIxwka.

E. W. Kllpfttrlck and family, of Now York,Bpent lait Saturday at tbeir residence ID"uccuunna.

Mre. D. J. McDerie and Mr*. Cope, of Stonhops, if ere guesle bf Un. J. H. Lowecnedayl u t week.

Lut Wodmsdsy a it ranger wearing glasses._ isaed through our town carrying a smallelwstrio battery, and the htt.it report amongour innocent toirmpeople Is, "Oh, the trolleyIs surely golug through. DM you see theelectric Inn I"

List Friday BIIMBS Uattie nnd June Wardwblipered In their father's ear that theywould like to give eeveral of thsir aohool-

latea a BlBlghride, to which tbe indulgentrather readily 'contented. When the gtrladaunted up their friends they found tba; hadmore thin one sleigh would bold, and of

luree they were in a hole, us tbe sajInggoes, for theyreal'ied tbat nil tbe boys wouldhave to be eieluded. Now, we all snow IKIJBl lkeaalelgb ride *B well us girls, Tbey didnot Bay very much, but theli* gloomy faceslold the tele. But a surprise awaited them.When their teacher, Ulna Barson.ra* the sadfa<w* she at once thought of A plan. Chaplin& 8on»' big btba were hired, and at ten>'clook Saturday morning two sled losils at

try children ittrtedout (or a ride. Miss-sou and Mi«B Daisy Lswaaotpd aschnn-ts. The children eitend Ibeir tbsnks both

to Ulss Barson and llr. WardIf there Is anything cur popular townsman,. P. Totten, enjoys more than bis breakfastle iltlgbfnjr. Hi is the flrat to take advan-

tage of tbe beautiful and will be lait in thisisj<e, as on Wednesday cf this week he atart*diu an extended trip, and Is no* probably

trying to exchange runners for whoela Inorder that b« may return to his native haunti.


BTANHOPB.Tbe weather at pment Is variable.Tbe towoBhfp election of Oyrain passed off

very quietly etcent the umal number ot IQ-toilcatod ones made tfae air blue with their

runken swoggPT and profanity.Tfae Hood IB upni us again. We hope It111 uot be a repetition of the other ono.Stephen BalBoa cne of the oldest residents

of Mount Clive towmbij) died on Sunday laitand wu burled on Wednesday of this week.His age was about 60 yean. Be was one of

ie leading farmers and real estate owners aiw years ago of Mount Olive,There w u a great deal of growling by (heFereeera ot tbe highways about the luiulfi

clentamountof road money raised tbls year1u Byram townibtp.

OurpiBtorof the M. E. Church IB pl!bgill sfTalrs together to attend tte annual con-

f i rence.Sleighing has been fine part of this wotk

md every one tbat could raise a rig and wsiable to be out w u enjoying tbe pleasure ofsleigh riding.

TbeStanhope Minstrels will exhibit theirtalenttoamuw tha people ot Stanhope andvicinity on Friday and Saturday ovenings ofthis week t t Clark's ball.

Tbe appointment of Jauua P. Conkllsg asthe law Judge of Suiaex does not peem tosalt everyone, What appointment could we"iave had that would have suited everyone, '

Da*lei W. Qoble h u bf en re-elected Justice |if the peace of Byram township for the third

term.We congratulate our friend EnotG.

npou hfa iucceea over In Mount Ollva In htaelection u Freeholder. He Is a success everytime to whatever position of trust he may beelevated.

Our neighbor O. W King fau been electedto the oIDce wblch requires him to maintainthe majesty of tba law. QB does not havemuoh time to attend to the duttbu tbenoflutnodaobtbe will have enough of Itfor a

good experience. He appreciates the honor.It looks u though weare having our wlntei

[n tee spring. AMICCB,

MBNDHAM.TbeBOhool meetin; Tuegiay evening w u

largely attended and Whltdeldl Cocbran.J.W, tiarabrant, Josan Stltes and Daniel Me-Mulleo were elected members of tbe Board ofEducation.

Tbe Township CommfttFe rait on Saturdayand appointed read supervisors for the coo

ig year.Cochran Bros, faave bought tbe grocery

builneesof Ulature fcContaran, and are nowIn charge. They expect to make Improve-

icnta and push bu»ln«m.Our township b u so far en-aped Its usually

heavy expense for digging throuab ana*drifts. Borne years tula reaches (TOO, bulnothing h u been spent this winter.

A sociable will be beld at the First Churchparsonage on Friday evening uf this week.

Men from U B TliTany Company, of NewYork, are decorating the interior of FrederiiCromwell's bouse.

Meters. Olcott, Bchley and Robinson havibought tbe Beney property ot nearly onethousand acrfS..

SU00A80NNA.On account ofthe tmtibiesln Bpaln, Italy,

Kgypt and Turttey, and mut'ers In tbe Orient,which srem to be Retting vrorse rather thanbetter, it hi* nwms'l unw|*e to alfrnpt t<carryrut tbe plan far a Uedltermnoan-touithlsresfoni nnd therefore thnrteanmhlpOhlo,

htch bad been chartered by tbe New YorkObserver for a ten weeks' trip, has beeiwithdrawn. It Is boped.that byanotherymip m w y be so far mtnred that tbe excur-sion may b* undet taken with nafety andprofit. Dr. Chsrlei AuRtittus Stoddard, oltbe New York Observer, and bla wife, emDr. and Mrs. Btoddard, of Huccanunn*, willgo on "llh their home work and feel thithere were wfie and good reasons for Ihiidlsappnlntuient. A< tbe trip wait planned toprernre for better BTVIJO, the anticipationhas been an Inspiration,-the courtesies andkldne*KM ot the pirish have.added lo thitics binding pattor and people, and tbe prov-idences of the hour are doubtlean among thi"all things" that work together for good.

Dr. H. A. Heatb, of Now York, populareya spseialtit, will be at J. Halrhouee't j«w-ilry store Thursday and Friday, March ailanl 37(b, and wit] examine eyre free ofcbarto. Tbs doctor trill be glad to soa alhaving any eye troubls; such oall willDO obligation! to buy glowi.

6 his a II dfNTbe borough ecbuil meeting was held In tbe

IOUM on Tuetday evening at 7:-T>, OIJ. Courtrigbt, diatrlct clerk, called tbe meet-

g to urter aod Jnhc O, Mott WM elected aalalrrcan, and Qeo. E. MhUox secretary.

len IC BUDDDII •DdEilnnrd Miller w«rt ap-Minted a* teller*, nfter wbfch tbe annual re-

.tort wui presentud and on motion waa ac-cepted nod ordered plaued ou flle. It seeuiain though the bnard of educatluu bad oonild-•ratle trouble under tbe lyatem of nlns mem-aenon the board togetenouRb members out

eecure a ipioruni aud so they tbmigbt theynuld bave It cut dawn to flve, which they

bad pluced on the call, and on motion It wasdecided to *ote by ballot whether we abould

nv* nine or five, which tbey proceeded to do.Tier tbu votes were counted 36 vrere inivor of bavtug ufiis and 42 agafnut, or In

fever of bavlDg tbe board reduced from !• to~. Tbo present board bai BIX members, tbeK'ra member holdlag over until next yeariben only two will be elected. On motioni was decided lo vote by ballot to raise thsJin uf #l,800for tbe maintenance of apubllochool for the ensuing joar. The woretarypanauUiorijted to cast the ballot- Adjourned.I. L. Courtrtgbt, district clerk, requested tbeaard to remain otter the meeting.Jobn E. Drauuln, wbo tor a number of

ears was a resident of Ulddletown, died veryuddenly at tbe poor house l u t Thursday

from apoplexy. Tue funeral w u held at tblslace on Monday with Rev. C. Clark ofllclat-ifr, Interment iu Hockaway cemetery,Mr*. Mary rkbolield, one ot Kockaway's

ildest resident*, paaaed ijuletly away on Tuet-' r morning aftur a lengthy Ulneis. For a

Tiher of yean she b u been living with heri,Ueor(oE.,of thlbploctt Bhewasinbar

>Hh year nf ber age. Eight children surviveher. Tbe funeral »asbeld atthe PresbyterianChurch on Ttaunday afternoon. Rev. T. A.;eeves cdloiaUng. Interment In Itockaway


" Rev. T. A. Heevei and son, Bartow,are vliftlag relatives at Uatteawan, N, Y.

A number of people from this place attend-:d the festival at Mr. Dunlap's at Beach tilsn

I Wednetday night.Dr. Everett P. Coiirtrigfat, of Newark, Isilfrrlng from blood poisoning, caused fromivlng ouo or bla migere sllgbtly cut whileprformlug an operation at Bt, Mlonoel's

lloepltat. He In a son of O h, Courtrlfcht of"Uii place.

Wm. Mattliens made a complaint beforepolice justlcB Binder* today—WednaaOay-that U. K. & G. W. Btlckle and H. D. TutUedid not clean the snow from their sidewalks

Church street. The Judge Isiued the sum-mons and tbe nimhal ssrved them at night,ibeir bearings were called for the nsit day

—Tourwlay—at I) A. u. aud 8 P. a , but what;be reiult wo* we cannot say.

A special meeting of the Common Councilwas bnld In the town ball lost Thursday even-ing with Mayor Strait la the ofaalr and tbefollowing members of tbe board present:

Mutohler, and Nil, Hoagland andMitchell, Tbe newly elecUd ooanollmen wereilw present and sworn In oflice. On motion' appointment of clerk w u laid aver until

Llie next regular meeting. On aiotlon W. B.oodale w u appointed n-anhal forths ensu-igyear. Cbaa Forrester, (be newly elected

commlrsloner of appeal w u sworn In oIBceTbe minutes of previous mwtlng were readmd approved. A communication from Maryffttchsl w u received by the olerk In regardo tlie road as newly surveyed encumberingin her property and en a motion was laidover until the next regular meeting, Onmotion the Janitor waa empowered to procure

necesiary nil aDi fuel for lighting audheatlnn tbs ball. Bill* to the amount ofjino.18 was approved by the flnanoe commit-tee and ordered paid. By the general ap-proval of tbe board the act of employing

ml for the enmlng year wai laid o*erand on a motion the mayor appointed Coun-illruan Boaglandaaacommltleetowaltuponlobn F. Stickle to oacerUln If be would act

as counsel for the borough. Tbe appointmentof all standing committees w u laid over untiltbe next genera) meeting. On motion Messrs,Nix, Uutccler and lUggott were appointed acommittee to frame on ordinance In regardsto dogs lo be acted upon at tfae next regularmeeting. The clerk w u empowered to gettue vouobera from the collector tbat havebeen paid and were Included In l u t years re-port. Adjourntd until March 30lh.


Mrs, James Gallagher is confined to herjiiiB with pneumonia.A parly was, held at tbe home of Walter

Kelt last week.Alice Minton, of Dover, Is spending a few

lays with her mother at this place,Police JustloeStllwell, of Morrlstown, spent

lunday in town,Mrs, Neil, the mother of our milkman, ta

sick wltb pneumonia.John Bailey has moved from tbe Tonkinouse on Foundry street to Mn. B. B. O ram's

boum on Fraoktyn avenue.Edith Stickle baa returned to bar home li

tewsrk after visiting frlsnds at this plaos.Edward WebiUr b u been removed to the

!Ute Hospital at Morris Plain, where he willundergo treatment.

Calvin lAwrenoo, ot Newark, spent Bundayat thii place.

Tbe contract for tearing down tfae old roll-InR mill hai been given to 8, M. Mattox.

ALWAYS LEADINGThe clothing trade of Morris County with new and attractive

designs iu Clothing, Nobby Nooliuonr, tlio latest filmpoa in Huts

and always the lowest prices for tlie bout goods attainable. The

old firm hare excelled alt uthern, the new firm of

PIERSON & CO."Will excell them in their exceptional February reduction sale.

Every garnieut has been murked iu plain ligures with a red letter

ticket indicating tbe ox not cut. This ntock must bo disposed of

regardless of proBt to procure room for tlio stock of S P R I N G

C L O T H I N G already purchased. The assortment frill consist

of Men's Heavy Ulsters, Men's Overcoats, Suits, Pea Jackets

and Heavy Pants. Boys' Ulttors, Koytj' Overconta and Pen

Jfioketa. About fifty Boys* Buitn, if they will lit your boy, price

no object, Henvy Gaps, Gloves and Uudonvear will ulao liove

to go

PIERSON & CO.Opp. the Bank, DOVfifS LNfll|| GlQtt|tBFS Dover, N. J.

WE KEEP 'EM TOO!Bicycles, we mean, of course


$85 RELAY FOR $70$65 RELAY FOR $50



Choice Clover and Timothy Seed


POST OBABf.John Mitchell, 8r., returned from Batte

City, Montana, on Friday evening of laste«k. Heoouldstcurenn employment there

where men are cons'antly being laid off, soreturned home.

Tbomea Cocking and family returned toAmerica alter a six months' visit to Englandon Saturday morning lost Tbey enjoyedtheir trip, but America Ont, always.

Two aletffh loads of our young people spentdelightful evening at Mr. Loury's on Fri-

day evening last.Our school truiteee election w u held on

Tuesday etealng in tbe school bouse with alarge number of voters present. Tbe follow-ing were elected fur their several term*:Three yearp, Dr. Elce and E. S. Hence; twoyears, E. W. Rosevear acd John Tsagne, andme year, Frank M. Williams, A queer »JB-em o[ voting was held, although lawful, ItlAog tbat men wbo received the blghaat

camber of ballots waa not alscted, becausevery voter bad to mention on hisbaUat tha

jumber of yean ho desired bU choice toserve, thus candidates were chosen for thewbole three different terms.

Quite anumber of oar townspeople attendedtbe perfertnonoe ot "A Fisherman's Luck"in Dover on Wednesday evening:, A fineaudience greeted the "Big BK Dra "Company," and received them warmly.

Several cellars are again swimming inwater, owing to tbe heavy rain and meltingof mow.

Our new council held a special meeting onTuesday evening All ofilieri who were re-quired furnlahed bonds. We bave beard orno appointments yet. •

After u<lcg every means poeilble to keepthe furnaca In running order. The manage-

lent were finally compalttd to give up theIdea and she b u blown out. Tbla will throwa number of man out of employment, and Itwill be tome time before tba furnace can berepaired and able to rnume operations.John Corberry was quite badly burnt onTuBiday afternoon while working on thipipes. His face aud band received th* worslburns, his clothing w u burnt nearly oil him,but a good how and water saved him fromfurther barm. He is Improving nloely,

Pytbian concert Wednesday evening next.Jos. Tregenia resigned bis position as a

Qremta at tbe Mt. Pleasant mine.On Wednesday several loads of our school

children were frosted to a slelghrlde byPrincipal Potter.

Work-Is still golDg ahead repairing tb<-old tuDDeL

The silk mills ceased working; overtime anSaturday last. REGULAR.

Letters Bemainlatr Unclaimed la thePost Office at Dover. N . :,

DOVKB, N. J., Uar. 20, IIMTB. Mary Clark Hatter Francis ClarkMr. David Carleeon Mrs. Marv CbamptonDnverEmplOTRt'tAgtWrn, QrlttlsMrs. Dara Uolmes Mr. Jacob HaferMr. Wm. T. Hill Hrs. Charlie JohnsinMr. PBDI LUDEC Ml'9 ^<lia XAwnnceGui Lnrta Mr. Qeo. UilkmsnU n . K.mlra NHF Mr. Cambell PuleaMrs. Nlta V. Roe Misa Mtcnrte StickleMrs R. Wflllamwn Fr. A. Wilson (S)Manager DruiJi Bteotrical KaglnMrtng Co.

To obtain any ot the above letters n y " atvertlsed " and giva date of tbb list.


DIED-1! ED LIN-In Davar, Htrah 11th, IBM, Will-

iam Qearge, son of Paul Q. and FlorcniMtdlln, ag*d ID years.

W I N S T O N - I Q Dover, March 10th, 1600Ruth, daughter ot Charlea sod Kite Win'•ton, aged 19 monthi.

Saa flhore Batna at Home.For 25 ota. you can buy a bog ot Bea Bah

at KUlgore's Comer Drug Btore that willtniks fiS salt water haths.

Every Oneflcdi the tmt tsMrtmiat In Spring Ovsrooatiat Plirtoa & CoH,

Buff Brick Building, Dover. Telephone 8 B.

The most sensible style of the Century

Silk Waists s Shirt WaistsHave come to stay

Evolution rings in samechanges however, and thisyear they.are different.

YOU WflHT THE LflTESTI The Natty Waist of to-day differs from her sisterof last season. They areconnected but not twins.

You will pronounce infavor of the new.

We also have the newTinsel Dress Trimmings, Buttons,

and Oriental RibbonsWe have those pretty

COLD AND TINSEL BELTSand lots of new spring novelties

Ed. L. DickersonBlack well St.. Dover, N. J.


Ladies' Fine muslin UnaeiweatAT POPULAR PRICES

Corset Covers 15c, 25c, 39c, 50c

Night Dresses 49c, 50c, 59c, 75c,$1.00, $1.50

Skirts 39c, 50c, 55c, 75c, 79c, $1

Drawers 85c, 29c, 37c, 39c, 50c

Chemise 25c, 29c

The ladies' will find it to their in-terest to inspect this stock

Wm. H. Baker Store Co.

Page 4: Kanouse's Furniiure Storetest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/... · BOUC1TORA»D MASTER IN CHASCERY JUID NOTARY PUBLIC 8TASHOPE, •? Niw JMIMT. Dr. -W. E. DERRY, DOVER,

of the ,iroi*rty in f'a'iaic county, whichned by Mile. Maiie Aimw, th

O|*m »lngBr, but recently purcldsfj byCbBrtua )•:. O'Connor. The otbcr* |«BM-d

with •Ills kg

aii'i Lope to win intUe race. A manwith a weight on bisIn-dtli can't, expectto compete in lifeand business withthose who are notb a n d i c u p p t d . A

or uLteiiiiug lutUrtt iy jiroUsrt in tbU State.

Tie liilla introJui'itl in tiiNo, SJH, Mr, Williani--Prlt* i-tlon of 1*

tht time. If liiabrain is heavy, andbis blood Blufrftish,because of coiisLipa*lion, he will not una-cted in doing any-thing very well.Constipation Is the

use of ninc-tcntht: uf all;ttitsd. It isn't con aide red

sicklies* by most people, butil ii jut.t the same, l l iswrioiiH mclucfis, because itciimes almosl all of tlie ill-lituHb of mankind. Symp-toms of it ure Mill own ess,

, yPillcts. Thev are petfcctly sim

u. They area speedy

cure for

pic-perfect.)" , nnd yet they m

ruin than ninny medicines whichHtronir that they put the ny&tem

ler. The creat advantage oft Pellets" is that they cure

pcnutitiMilly. You don't have to keep ontuk!ti[r Ilium. Von don't acquire a "pellethabit." Take them regularly for a while,and you ure cured permanently. After

itn von fin

n J.n.l In bttie j-Mrotinge of Ui

Jersey l.lty llminl of wurka to tlie JutwCity Ikmrd of Finance, sii'l Mr. far roll ul

t» it Hi« ..(•jwotiun* were MI loud thaHpt-al.fr Ik-ritume wits fui-o&l to rap ttverutiiiii-s (or order, but that hat)cll'ti-t tm tho former rp|>reieiitatirc n( the

? District"at Anns Breidenliftch nut calks],

mid Mr. Carroll nan forced to inbuilt to tbeiin-vUntiI- and go outilde tbe bar of tlieHffi.e. Ha \>rt,le*te<), claiming a right U) tbt-ilfnir as an ei-iiietntier, and a tery ebort timentU'r lie was Dinted A R* em My in on Uagney of-(eri'il H rt'itolutlnn rxteutllnff U) Sir. Carrollthe tirivflrge of tbe floor.

S.tfflkpr DerouBfe, in jutting tli

themostobsti-natecough.It cannot fail

ifTcriiii; from indigestion. There arcdicines ofTorcd for t

pose on whidi dniRftists makeprofit. I'ur this reason, some cinwould rnthiTsell the uher tiiitiRn. If yourown health ii of rnari; Jnibortnncc In youthan Hit- dniERist'i prosperity, you will in-sicL oti having what you ask fur.

»•, to '-',inlul dill giving

i of tliixminimum t'Liiiipeiini-

kcil that It did not carry[nilo paH«nge>rayi or a yid he wanted that in utter tb<

ordouble tnuslutlu track rIn t*ro l.jr u »uMr. Hecl imilt-J the v«i*.t-rii

epeal mi art of IflNtfenr<r diillcult for Ux ihlrk

vrx to evBdn taxation by incurring temporaryindebtednettf, was defeated after • i t ronn n

hodbcin made for He pauage by Awmt.lynmri W«lHi>g, whn nrg*d tbatan Uiiju^t iHbLTiinlnBtinn by allowing eietnption wlere a debt was contracted with B n In

.d denying it where tbedebl wa

In Buying a Pianoor an Organ

- 1,111 4:i,maintain vtuittiiHousi) 011 tliirdHoon and ffpiiwlltskeraord'i ' t 'T* wt lit it, nan Intbelti

ijin-BtlnK tin* NOu-grtMito wort for tho t-stablifiliment or aretr,,at ft>r cr.n«iniiiitlvt!» at tbe I'BICAB Na-tional 1'nrb in New Mt-xlcu.

Arvunp tbt h ^Hruftlo No. I HI, enables H nek en sack to

No. IK7, nuke* it

.inferred on comtii •»round e untiled mu-unfair cmditioriri on•u>r i-niil It nan nutnil way* to miluUinn.ami call iimului-

l>l b» trusted to eierdne

nlcijial h>=trolley nta

Lie to»f


*;iy tiny wi'rnWolf HntTniiin

tjtKir lil^'iuiiy In Nit.16 PIFTH AVHNUR, NEW YORK

Mr. Herd ill so {by ,i vote of :W to 10•ndiM-rflu tboKennte

t providing fi>r[ tliu l^iiilatiire.aiiil mnk-'H tt'im four ywirn liistiiid

Oriental Pile OintmentCures Piles.

Kur nftwti yuan ]>htt|elans harabeitn lJivsicrililuit It. l! bas never

Htiy doxignaUd county; Hrn«lo No. -Jim, [irovidfH for vf nlllatlnR, bestingnm] liKhtlug LIieHtateNiiriniilH-hooli HeuuteNo. Ii, nmkfN a qucruin In Hoard nf Truitew

The Advantagesof PreparedMince Meat

tol orphan aHjluin to ciunlutIt rfllfves die vnlu at once,

nn<) ((iili-klv "ilavH all lunHinuiatloa.Sun<ri>rs from mio ilimnsHtiiK andrpiilly 'lan^roiiH tniubh' w | l | MTSlime nnU mlii br iu»1ftlnK that theirrlniKgi»t dllHllj-OltltSTALPlLEOlWT-fE.Ni. NiitlilnttUiiMuagwvl. HhouidIwuiwl whhtheiillepltie.

D l M ll *11 tt anil nlao

,ve; Buiinto No. SM, re)aloe tof land miiUr foreelo.ure; Heuato No.

lill, auiUorlze* Hoard* of CrfebolJera to•'liatigo Iitratiuti of rimdaflboiit to be improved;

trlum]Hi ... iThe niplntn nHliini-i.T -11Jiliriion nml II I InIMi!lmM|iM.i |[i

B! should be huneslly coered by every honsewitV.has great advantages, asone trial uf iinriillty lm:k-iiii nml WiillhiK. nl.

ul hluycr- nf 1'fnrl Bryan, w i o jilmvnlthu Xi'H'i.nrl (K.r.) jull Clii'mki'i-

Bill, tlm Indian Ti-rrilnry Imiiilll, WllH;LI1 ISxiit'iMl Knrh|iinInn hiiK 1 in i (It'll In Culm—Clm!

elwlwl for f«ur yeare, |eleven nt tiiu ullior. TLU

t Kfimlorfl tip otrv.iIstlmtigl.t the timpiidiiipni

Ttie foliate Jud) a ervniiiu hill,llihifi In T1L-W nrlll It |*!ll)timriudiui Van Unit.

York i-ily, willAiliimy tlmtitnutur of Nbo stalo nsi-1It ul nun bill.

W. H. Cawlcy & Co,, Prop's




To introduce oar uiaRuificent asaortmeut by far the bent iu Newark weoffer tho following specUl values

Best Quality Skirt LiningFn nil hliades of tans, greja nnd other colois »ud also Q I On llrf

liliick fine kid fiuiuh. regnlar piioo So., HpecM Q J'Gu yU.

Fibre Chamois InterliningThe very l>ebt iuterliciug made, iu nil eolora and all weights, flDn Illf

rrgnlar price 2iic, Bpecinl at Qull LjU.

Imitation Hair ClothIn fjrny ami blarli n perfect Biibstitute for thu genuine, 7 I Qn 1||J

regular jirlco 12Jc., sptoial at ( rfiu y|] (Samples of any of the altovc sent on ;t|)lilicalion ami mail orilers rarefully and

ickly executed.

L. BAMBBRGER & CO.147-149 MARKET ST., - - - NEWARK. N. J

D1 UCIlffilffliBN HA1LH0AD.


Depot In New Ycrk, foot of Barclay 8L tadfoot of Christopher Bt,

June 34th, 16U5



CUT BOUVD. A. M.WKBTB00Bb. A. U,0:848

Boeton express* 6:41

4:3$ Milk czprew"••1 Uoreraooom.

Oswegoexprew* 6:10 Barton mallDover exprw* tj;M r *" "

,s to tliouelita of l il i U l d

Stoves, Ranges and Housefurnishing GoodsHojnlmi " I'KHFKCT" nml " 1'BOVIDEST" brich set and iwn,

n.AI>O[j.O,l,AKKWnOl), I'AKAflON U, MARKKA. IIOVKH,ONlir\CuIlNKAK(lI^ WUul*)l»*iVMlJieeelel1riitedBlw«y8rBl--r

rlilTfiHwuM ItloiiAnUrtni%ftI-Milliei:i'iiprairav(.riulUUh'JiKNrATOKdMA

Quick Meal Gasoline Stove.?,

THE - CHICAGO - STEEL - TOWERfor pumping nutcr. Tower anil Wlie?l nolnulwl ta prv


PiumDing, T l g n g , Stem, Hoi Water and Hot flli Headiigmh. felltiintw cliwrfullj lurnlatifd &

J . T . K E R R , opp. PaU HOtBl. BHGtwell 51.. D o v e r , N . J .

Hopatcou^ eip.* 7:12Hackettetuexp. 1-MWaebJngtoaflpl.«8:(UBuffalo ezpruo* 8:BttKoatonexpieu 8:44Dover ftocum. U:40Bcrantoa exp.* 11:12Uoveraooom. UdO

P. M.12;«

Elmlr* exprees* 1:84Butonmall 2:44Oswego expreat* *rfWDo»er aocom., 4:05

8:17DoveMilk eiyre*Kuton aocom. ^7UllkexpreM* 8:5T

"Via. Boonton Branoh.

Blogb'ton mail* a:5o110:17

H'k«ttnt'Bi ppi* nm

Dover aooom. la^TEaston expn«B 2:OGEloolraeiprerw* fl^sCover aocom. 8:25Eoatoo expran 5-oa

Dover acooia. lO iaBuffalo etprew* lOiCU

DOVER AND MORRISTOWNUftva ArriveDovor. Moirfatowii.6MA. U. 7;17 A, H7:30 " 7^9 »8:44 " fl;13 "0:40 " 10:10 •'

HMt.u. hlBr.H.2:44 |'( 3:15 »

5:56 " d.26 "«^3 " 7:01 "HrffT " »;05 "

I * a « ArrivtiMoniabtwa, Dover.6:03 A. k. B;34A.U7:41 « 8;15 »S:M » u-fa ••

10:30 " 10A8 «U:5B " 1Sfl7p.v,

8^5 '" 3;5a f)

si5S " H!S "6rf» « 7:1B "7^2 " BtO2 "

10:08 " 10:88 "

LEAVE NEW YORK FOR DOVEli!AH :a0, 6:00, 7&3*, 7:20, 9fl0*, «KW, U;30*

10:10, A. ll.; 12:00 if. 1:00*, 3:00, S:di, i;00»4:20*. 4d», GilO*. 5:U), 6:lX), 7JO«, 8:10* 8-B0tttfiO*. 12M.

•Vis. Boonton Branch,

Uden tlmt In allilvll CAKM the nKrevnieiit of nlnt Jarora i» rase nt iwuG Bball 1« regsrdwl a» Una!.

Oilier Mil* Introduced were:Mr. Walling (by reijuedlj, makeult lawful

fir defendant iu attacbuif tit CMIS toenter aia|ipfnranc4 wilbout filing a bond whtiievetlie acUou la brought in B JutttiVn court

Mr.Bcovelibyrrque8t),Bim to livery itablekeepers a Hen prior to any chattel niorlupon (in? horbe for its board and k«j).

Mr, Hcovel (by rriiueall, ni|uln>t*ll pa

Hliall prevent Itsleading to It are oj)

Mr. Smart, cxens long n

vInB while any gsto

pis tbe widowi of deceanedthey remain unmarried.

from taxation to tho amount of #500 worth*»( I'roperty.

Mr. Ilarriaon, authorlzts tax collectors Iutownnhlps Ui correct clerical errors mado bytlie Awmirr.

Mr. llerton, rtmorea tlie limitation uuoabenevolent a*acciatious as to amount or prop-1erty they may hold.


Tbe Lcgidatiire deToted itielf [lrluclpallyto trolley legislation, the dliouaiou of oleo-margarine and the pawiage by tho Heuato ofHenator Voorbecu's bill leglelating out ofolllceoii March II 1st the I.»y JudgesCourt of Common I'leas.

Asaembljuiaa Bauer1* bill limiting streetiMIroads in flnt-closs counties to chargingbut one fare for a ride anywhere on their

Cotmtitmioiial omuidniuitB pthe appointment ed liittilin of IHTnainliiutinnii haTn bet-n rejected by tho Kei

u , pn.yi.HiuK gainMing and frovldlDR fob

ptbo electio i frodUttk-ts.

Tho arunal ajipniprintioii bill for the llwalyear lii-Rliiulug next Novemtier noa re|«irtv*to the lloiur. It [iniviilfB for a totnl expooil-Iture, inJf pendent of tliu Htntu school tiki, of#2,*J.VJ,e;Hs ami not of fi .'*<!,< XXI, as bns bcui

At tlionlRln f i of tno Uniis« Npeabeh

lines In the!J1 to Si.

Inty was pnutd by a vote of

The UOUM also passed another of Hr.Uauor's anU-trolley bills. This bill r<<iuiresall etrtet railroads to bine their can properly heaUd and ventilated. -

Another trolley bill, Introduced by Mr.Ullmmo, and providing that trolley com-panies vhall light the reads through whichtliey run was defeated, receiving only fourvotes.

ABHiiiblynjan Flomluji'a tracli elevationbill came upon second reading In ibe Hvihtn tbe amendments ofTered by Mr, Flem-ing latt week giving tbe,Street and WaterC l l j power to order and iupervl»

d t d A hCoromluiihe elevatic

p pw M adopted. Another amend-b

p amendment, offered by Mr. Lower, practically mail-ing tbe law apply to Jersey City and not toNewark was lo«t. An amendment by Mr.Duncan providing that the New JaneyCentral an well as tba Feoiiijlvanta RailroadCompany thall elevate IU tracks In Newark

reftdiDg.The Got

Tbe bill was ordered to a third

>ta recommitted ABMiubljmantr'i bill prohibiting trollev roadi from

rarrjlDg frtlgbt. A number of Benatonexproitfid theniBelvei In favor of an atnend-uiunt giving to municipal autboritlea controlof Ihe queation, Jt !• probable that tho Bon-alo will act favunvblj on such as amendment.

The House pniKd tbe follawtiig billgSenate 1VJ, Imposing a fin* on any one throw-ing in tbe itroota broken glau bottle*, metal,looeu stonoa, eartbenxaronrotber •utwtAiiLlltolj to cnuie injury to travelers, carriage,or bicycles ; flue, £i If bicjcle tire- is pane-ttirod and $10 if noy penon Is Injured. Sen-ntoar, r(([iiirlng non-retldenU of the Rtate

L . to obtain ollcenw tor bunting anil (lulling.':. Senate GO, repealing tliecbarterof the W'lt. Jcrtey Onnie Protective Ainoclatfon. S«uate

2H, repealing act forbidding flihing withnets In Delaware Bay from June 10thAugiMt 15th. Oenot* 24S, providing lor tbedischarging of liens when they havo beenBatfiDtd or ths parlies concerned have re-moved frnm tbo State or bare died. Houiw:I3», providing tbi t in cotiutlen tbat own itonecnulien tbe Doanl of Cliooeii Frmfauldenmay use micli crushed stone to build and re-pair roadi. Hotite'u, requlHng Clerk of everyboard In *acb city, at the dow of e«cb Q«calyear, to fubmlt a itnteniont of claims agaimtnucb. board, end If any .urpliu remain over,snob mrplutage chall be deducted from tbefollowing year's appropriations. HDUH 211,nulhorUIng street railifay*, incorimratKl

. under a special act, to extend Ita linen, jub-- Ject to the mmo provlilom goTernlog those

ccrapdoloi incorporated under tbe general•trett railway net. House 107, extending tbepolice pensioDlcg act to tbe Clerk or tlieJersey City Poll™ Board. House £H, pro-viding tbat distinct and fleporate water doaettpball lie provided toe tb» texes In all fncbirlti, Houna 310, allowing FreeboWrn cfMlddlo§ex county, wlien directed b j vote oftbe people, to build a bridge over tbo Had-tan, connecting Ferth Amboy with SouthA'mlHjy. Jlonse 2.11, enabling tbe voters otthe town of Montclalr to vote appropriations

. for building macadamleed roadi.

The bill prohibiting the ute of coloringmatter In oleomargarine and tbe sale of ran-

pDerouiue annouticed that fining to tbe cfusion in tlie nfternooii tbu aanftitant clerk

i unable to correctly record tbe vote onHouee hill J'o. UK!-tho two-ceot lorry bill.Tledimied that the roil L<j again called onthe bill, anil ruled that only tlioa- pieneiit'hen tbe bill was lielug dUcuswd would be

allowed to vat«. The Hpoaker ulsositd thata revirtlou of the roll showed tbat tlm bill waskilled, and nut passed,* an was at fim au-nounceu. Tl,e original bill wa> then called,vrben Itnppvaroil that !•'."> bad TnteJ tor thebill and L>I sgaiDHt Tho Breaker then de-clared tlie bill lott.

House bill No. '-IV2, probibttlDg tlie rhlo nrgift of t-ignrctti't to any perton under -I

Established 20 Years

F. F. Bircn, Prop

yean of ago waAt the evening n

theiu bill*: HOUPO 10-",f

::! to 1:1.tho House pBN.-tedtilcs tbe borougbs

hof East Rutherford anil CarhUiit to join lubuildings macadam road ; House 2(Et, amend-ing Central Bcbool law of le'JI, by providingthntoocb section or the school dlitrictB shallbe entitled toattdiool trustee anddoeiawiwith the " rebate" ?yntom ; liome :I1H, pividloR tbat city ninrtluls in third-cla>K cltl•hull be appoints] or elected for three years;BOUBBJHT.. providing that nil lionorably dU-:bsrged loldiera liulding auy municipal oflkefor which no term Is flit J shall bold the nameduring good bebsvlur; Howeim. oonipelllng

3l trustedH to public their annual report.e Hanate pasned tbo following hllln;

Must Use The KnifiBald tbe Burneon, but Dr. David

nedy's Fuvorltn ittmeily was taand the Knife Avoided.

The Uninii and Adti-rtlKcr of H-iclif*V., recuntly nublifhod UIP followtnit lntereBiIng account of tinir William W. A.lanisolHoutli nvetiue, tlmt c t y wut *»vc(l froniinful nperathn l>v thr use of Dr. I):

VUr. Adanma'ldi "Ttirca yrara ago Itaken wilblililneyilfeenFovtry lwll)-;ntUI wan comulutcly i>r.ialrnt(Hl : In fact, miliad tbat (lie tiny was setfr.r ibn docttriierfoni! an cjwrutlun upon HIP. BUL I dtddiI would not tulimlt, I Imd born imtwater biths, ami, lu fact, ID -rlv everyWHS tried t> bp|p me. U|MHI tliu rl ly i

operation I contniriictfl tin* mo cf 1!David Keifrom tbiit inuot long bef(. .1 bad no reti

I vi

of pet"it autbarUiug the

cms who fall to pay flnefllrapowd underniuofcijul ordltiancps ; House No £>0, re-quiring all fpooliof thread to be marked wltbtbe number of yurdxiproviding for tbe tfiremen who get Injured o

ISM119; KtnateNo 171,half pay of

of one-half pay toor irfao died frc

my, also giving a pensioniido<rs of Jlremni klllwl,Injuries incurred

doing lire duty, ai>i>H»Duly to cities havingpalrl flru departments; liouso No. S1H givesBoanh oC FreeholJera piwer to pay membersof Coantr Boards ot Election, and providestbat chsllengera nhall uut bo paid; QouieNo. ;&> creates a Dlntrlct Court In P&BHIIOCity ; Senate No. 2M amends tbe Lloyds In-surance act tiy permitting non-residents whoown property in New Jersey to engage in tbeLloyds insurance business 111 tbli Htate.

Tbe Benatfl also rusted Uoase bill No, l.'IT,authorizing Com in on Councils to Issue suu-

Senator Herbert said privately tbatthe bill vrai directed agaimt the "greengoods1' biiftlnene, Henator Dal; said tbe hillr u directed against a single police olllcer,vhose friends would uot textify against him.The IIOUM paoied the following bll l i :

House No. :iX) provides tbatoue-balf of theraooey Rceife<I by Jersey City from liefltiwashall be used for street Improvements ; HouseNo. 3SJ, giving the Jewey City authoritiespower to purohaie SIUH for public parks;S N id h

dd butter, came up on second reading Is tbeSenate, The rancid butter cUtuo wu addedlait week by an amendment from Mr. Paly.

Mr. Parry presented an amendment strik-ing out tbe rancJd butter clscs*, which wascarried, leaving Ute bill u it orlginaily ap-peared.

Mr. Stokes then protentod on nmecdmeutwhich ezeepted ths bill aa applying to oleo-margarine mado for export. This was alsoadopted. »

Mr. Daly attempted to get the bill amendedi to Mverol particulars, but all hlinpjataln la


pSenate No. 1DO, providing thatagaitint abutting property owners for ntonroads may lie paM in fl?eannual infitnlliiipnLs

Tbe Deficiency bill hoi now tbe uinctlon ofthe House. There wnsconsiderable ofT-banded

nunent on tbo Mil, and Itn-anexpectodthatare would be some formal expresjloo when

tbs till! came up for consideration, but it basb«en comidercd and passed on, without much

tpreMton.It become uecewary jestofdaj for tbe coin-

ilt teetoauienJtbe bill, and a request wa«made to amend tbe bill on third itadlug, sothat It would not bave to lie re-cngroueJ,but this wai not allowed, and Mr. Walling,of MooiuoutU, offered an ameodiMont,

It was deenjbd mlvibstlo lu go into thu oom-mttteoot tha wbnle, and a resolution to t intollect WIB p9Me<i. AuMtnbljraanwin called to preside.

ill bOnan to (juln, n

of ttie tron bis eirr willdl-d

nil H


FAVORITE REMEDYto many people, for it revrtl my life."

In speaking to Mrs. Aifani*, the ."Ab->ut a year ego 1 wai In n Very fecblrtiuof hfaltb, bfiQR completely run dnwn1 baa doctored cnutldemtilv, but wttlmut au'permanent relief One dnv not nf m t iR>k'tiborn advlned me to txl.e D-. D*?id Kenurdy[fvontfl Remedy, which 1 did. Jly trnubl

p e l and hr a IOPK nhlle I wiM ] f ki

unable to ba about ata ' l ; but after taking'enr dows I wan romplpuily rured, and nonjoy good health "Hundred* of men end ivomen with tin

run donu" conditfoii, unable tn wo' h bavrecovered health and ttmnittn tbrouch ttilremirkible remi-dv. It iiurifl»« the hloi.istln tbe liver and bidntya to a bi alt by ac.ioila cacei of rheumotitm, kidney, tlver on•irlnary troubles, It is a well-known t>\ "

offering an nm atattsd by Mr. Wallingendment to tbe Item un clerical

belp for (be clerical force oftlie ClmoQlce, cutting tbe amount dawn from #15,5000*11,1)00.

Alterably man Walling la o Domocrnt, fromMuoinoiiU). l ie thcugfat tbs amount namedIn tbe bill w u entirely too tilgb, and not van-slatent with tbe btatemouta made l>y AllanMcDennott before tboBonale inrestlgatiDgCoum!:tee, »s to tbe clerical expenacf of theoRlce, He staud tbnt tbe ivxpeuie was $10,500a year, but, nnder ttie Item la tho DtjQdencyblll.lt lookci) (u if tboSUts wasgcing to

lobe a now7 baab at about f 2J,(W0.Hecrelury Tic^, for the Joint Committee on

Appropriations, oi pi allied that tbe baali WH«made upon information received bath frnmtie Gomjttroller and tbe Ch&nntj cilice.


Lailioa' Storm Kubbers,handsome nrticlo, bought by tb(fmostphyBique, New Jersey KubbBiShoe Oo, M'f'g, 42c. pnir.

Ohikh' Soft DonRola SprinHeel Button Shops,Terygood wear-ing, Nos. 8J to 11, fCc. pair, throopairs for $1.60. Snmo grado, Noa.5 to 8, 45o. pair, tkroo puirs fo».80.

Lndios' Satin Snnclals, LouiXIV hoBls,tl.50 pair.


CRUSHED STONE.Any BIM or quantity, dellrrrerf on the lion n

Ihe Delaware, iAckananoa and Wwiern n. R. andOntrai tt. IL of New Jersey. Addnwa

QKOttOE BHAW. Bnpt.,X. J.

Sand for Sale.ftr Mniiiillnjt ointiuirti of the


I. urC. II. iLcif N. J.

JACOB ItlbNER,Iroula, K. ,T

m D |H-r can. Tliu 1.Hi Dr. Arthur l)t|iUillliotutlni nilli-<li-ivi'win nmvlL-tftl in tlm i-imilt i-iitin tliiTiMi,l,,»n Lluin»K»<if kltlinit Ills wlfo and >m

oo' Jlirnni IVar^ull uf linviirid, X. V,,ivin t(i|i,l/rd witli liU Wit. Imlotnvlth.jysicr.i, In .finimlui buy, n(T Arvtriii'. II,-WUH plcknl u|i iitieotHclrMH by L'liriii'liiuStultli ami taki-ii nsliuru Tiiunc-liii..iiurKiilry ijiiwii vt Port bind, Mi-, with it fullfnru nf Ilih, wen I imliorn mi Nlggor lnliiinluiT Iliddufiird, and Is u tolnl Ins-.

uiH wiiHlMitunljytliuftlo-Kitilui' fiillinTcrn in tiin t'linlco of iliiliiKiiln-t<i tlm St. I...UI-. uinvuiitliin In tlio Thirty.tlilrtl niiiKru.sliiiuil illstrlul, Krlo itMiintv,N. V. Tliu :i|i)>plliit<) (IITISIDII cf ilu<stiproinu coin t nlllMiiKil thu nmvb'tloii ofex-Pulku Jn»|iM-t(* MuUuKliiln of Nnw

• Yurk ilty N.lin Wnyup, tlio m>BrurlinrKdil wltb iniiiiliriug Sto|i||iMi l'nwcll,in ]lftiniittt«!iid, X. V., tin Saturday lu-st.lnmlc Ji cimfuHihiti In wliltih bn miyitlimArthur .Muyhcw, who \* aim unilur iirn-rt.

{ klllud OIL- olil mini, and iluit iiu wax withilin nt Uiti tlniD—BiMtJiitnlii K. hfwU,is-llnt iiuirttliiil of llruoklyu, uml Ills nxiliitiiiit, Mr. Ulco, worn itrrostitl oti dlitirKof>( uuiii|)l|ulty In iirnon IMISOH I t |H TL-

jmriet l i n Homo t h a t K i n s Muiu-lok himolTercd ac i ionnis t e n m of pumw t n i l i >I tn | .- i n , ,|llt (,ti|.ii,nn ruirlirttAit Ht t r

-1 iIGuii-a>(l Dr. Carl IVior^, tb» >-x-ploror, (if in-iiiK n iiiurdnrur ami "merelyroliukotl tlio ^tivoniiiicnt, thrirby cmtnln^tliu griftti'fit e.\(.liuiiii'iit The All-aliwuthe lirlUiiinlaiiiidtlio.SatnnliiKifr Cuntn'KFnnuo, wltinlng lla< Prl t d'1-lniitioiirBurret 11. Vnn Ankon, fitrinrrly thu hus-band o( Mrfl. (Vnruii 1>, Amircws, wifni.r

il|instill court justice, died nt Ciuimi-Biin, N. V., Iti mi Imtina HHJ-1I.HI

Henry Hi-rglilll, wh» n nlinrt tinin a^oralo tti ii (Jblcn^ri iut\VMpa]>Dr ulTurlii^ iuill hlm^i'ir iibMihucly fur t!ijMmt li.Kt liU;B* nml IUUKN \vlilliroxiicrlim>ntliiK wltbIliislill^ht——A Voto In tlm fotialu on

(tin Cnlinn resolutions win frmontmi liy

luuri. lliiwloy tfiven nnllwi iluit ha willnovc for HiiotliiT oiinference mi ilii-ri-H.i-

lutlons l(o].orled that nnsntliithins li,,.twoun (iri'M llritiiln and Vitiii'/in-ln furBottk-nient of the t'rmtii Inclilmit In Vin-

•uolrt luivn tiLont In-illi i]fini|ih'lmlSecrotnry Carlisle |i,m Np]xiliitnl Hi'iiryIvcs Cold. <if Uhlciigii to (insist elm Miprr-

.. nrcliitfli;t nf tlm trimxury In ]in>|nir-IIIR jilaiiB, xiieillhiitimH mid (irnwhtK^ Inrtho now ('lilciigD imbiitt t>ul1diiiK><; wilnry

H yi-ar Kilwnrd DI.IIIKOII wa«i.r .lobii .Slmnbty in front nf tlm tiu-iloon lit Now York. Tb (racily '

grnw cm nf II qufirrcl nliuui luivimnt for iL! rinks, In wh;ili Donlgim iiiiilcitid Slum

MniitUy, >lnri-li 10,Speakerx- iili iniulii public prlviitu lut'tn

nntudii (jf Int. futlicr, Soi'roliirr llninlltniKIHII, ngardl 'K (.'utum liolllin-ntiify r,'mUnions In tioiii'ml (irimt'H niliniiil-ilriithi

-<4o' nf Kprt--


nitil i

n Goiii|>nny nf iiilHiln tn I'mnkfurtocrvu tlm IHIIIH in tlu< mn-llnituftliliittiru A |irlsiiiu-rlti Hi. Paul Inliiuntlilwl nti a miUtl t-rlintMtl, wnHim FmiicU". for ywintllliiL' IvmkKT U . i a u n s M , llurtnudn V»\ to HI-«, *i l p .po.smlly for Culm, with nrnin for tlio In-Bitrgonlw A htiirm fnun Tuxnx slnn-feSew York city ami many inches <-r MW\\fnil Tbo otllci- i.f llm It.muic V t:,.Clunk works. In WB-H. Mnclwiitti nrn-t,

f York, wnn wrockitl by luirnlars, vrtioil tD blow mipti tin; wife win, driimiiltuA prlsoncir In Ji<lToniiiii .Markut I'ollao

cnurt. Now York, irind tn mtnuk Miigh-;rate Cur noil, but only mmwdod In strlk-nit bin: with bin Imt, wlilL-h j ) 0 tliruwtttlio b.nob Kdltorlnlft in tli« titirnmnirons Hlmw tlio frli-ndllo-t tnAlng toward<ti|(1nnil owlrg to t!i« prn,tfN0 of LordwIlHbnryto nld Jtnly In Afrhui—-It laojiorUil from Hinnnii Iliat nnn S|ianlxliMilniiiii flrod imnnmithmrolumn, inlstak-HR It Tor n bivud of ItiHiirgctitM. Thirtyoldlm lira ropitrtud to linru hwn killednit woundotl Kdwanl .lardlno, ayti'or

inomburof t lmllrmnt (irtiiKr .turdlmuV;Co. nf Now Yurk, urKiui Imlldiii^ died of

oart illoonw. His hrtithur mplred fromlio sumo cntHu two dnjrn ltL'for« Kx-

;jostni(intitr (Junornl John Wnnnnmkitr wimtiud fl,unu fur liiipnrtlnit ulion runtriH-tIxir—— Ki-Govorimr Irelnml of TOXIHIH•nil—Mlsfl Ciirnollnf-elbolB. Hi ymtanh],

tvliowontto Kuroiio with tir>,n(Hl, to so-DUto ii fortune ot •.lO.OnO.Oiitl whifh NlraDllovi'd alio had inliorltnl, wns onn ofin Fti'emRo pnfsoiif^rft whn lomli'd ntnltiitmru Thmtiiut O'llrk'n.tho Aintp.an bunko iimiret whn nbct mid kllbdlu Wndik-II, nmxl.or AmorlDuti emuk, In»rls on ainrch 271u-t, 1ms hacn Kt>ntnnn>di liminl Kurvltude fur life Tlia firm 1».riiiulnnal tiliofii inntoh between Grout

Irltniii nml tint Unltwl Stnt<M. nrmnxudul iimnngt'ii by Ilia Brn.klyn Chest elubr America nod tbo British Che'i i-luli nfimtoii for Knfthnu, vtn* won tiy llio

iinciH Tinker, mm of tlio nttm prmiiiiii*nt(fftlng men hi itlioiln Irtlnmi, died iniwtuubut Tho (Jlilntuu K..vcriJiiirnt•t purntintit'il U<i,!)lio Hiivurlnn uriny rlllo*tlm typo of 11 for t l nplitta HUclionHrcH.1 alnnldy mill. In (Icminntnwn,

i., wiw partly Jtistroyid I17 (lro. Thoi» Is (Htluiatnl nt t2l),(ll)«—Tint freightmllora in the Hmitliern railway ynrds nti!Tiinitrl«, Va., nro out on' t i Htrlkn.IB inoti refund m work with nruro In-

Trir.,1,^ M.ircli 17.In ii iliepiitcli from Hiivniin, it lit tintedit HHTO Is wiirti anxlulyln Hpitnlsli c\t-fliit the [([ipitnint freuilom wllli which

rfl lu tint Ifllaiul A iiujmtcl" f r l Sracus, Yunc/nelii, miyi ihiit il Ii IHI-oil tlmt tlio Vuiio/nelati K-tvernnicrit

i rnculvoti ml vice from WnflhliiBtuil tlmtUruim Inirldeitt m n u hn goparatcil

un tbo boundary dUputo Tlio llinif.-lomil lumkof nnaton tun bniuiilit

It Invrlilch It Is shown tlmt Abralimnilto SDcurod ll,U()0,nOOof tbo recent Is-i of bomlH fnr nti Inruatiiient of U emits

Full cif Curium tl|lin md llallio WHK\XB.

But ono nf llio most tmtot(uiulnRplncos v;nz ilio Haiisuutio Unnm, or iiiti-iciuu, iivliioli Ktaufls hi llio Fiuupgnaij,ou tho TyilrikobrrgBc It U tho lnHt ra-

„ Imiiitnlion occtiiiicdbytbiit no-torious riiiR (if German traders who Bot-tled down in fiuryeii, Norway, in thefonrtmmtli century nml monopolized Itst'oiiiutorite fnr somo 200 or UOO yents,until ita jiowcr viis final ly brohou Intlio eigli trout Ii century. All tho other

Imve been burned or otherwisedestroyed, uutl this was tho ouly ODeleft Btuixliiig.

Wo climbed Un to 11 room ill the fioa-id Blory, nliout 8 by 15 feet Bqnnre,

nud horo woro BIIOWII II wrgo nuiiibor ofUH uiliolcs former ly ut-eil by these

old lnercliuutH. Tliero WWD scales andwelnhtH, ilio latter being of two BorU—ono for buying ond oun for fitolw-kfj, ]f,r.teniH, cantllontickft,boioa, wa^l)ii)B bowW, driukiufi cupsand tiiiikiinls, mncliiiieH for choppingcabbago ami elnvos with bags for rnok-ing collections iu olmrdi. Wo woie alsoBIIOWII Iimiptf tlint were fed with oodliver oil, not thfiu UFOC! for inedioiunlpnrpai(ts; decoratioua iiimlo of strips ofdried coMwh, aud thoiuius of tbo league—half nu englo nut) linlf a cori, tho Int-tor Kumiountcd by a crowu M'lifch sng-geatod iho origiii of tlio term "codfisharifitocrncy."

Tlieti, tlironjilKn durk, rickety Blatr-wuy, wo continued our uliuib to tbothird etory find woro ahowu tho mor-cliuntB' biiniucKB oflico uud tho apurt-mcuta for tlio clerks uud bedrooms forall. Tlie.so liiPt woro the most curious oftho whole unit, for the bods ure con-Etruct<<d like tin) berths of n ship and areclosed on ono Hide with hinged or slid-ing doors, whiloon tbo other ahuttersoi«n to ii passage beyond to eunblo thefoinnlo domestic to malro tho bedflwithout ontt-riug tho men'a rooms. TlioUniiHeatic ennmmuity vm supposed t obo Htiieily colibnte in order to preventHH .ntiiiilierafroni iutPnuurryiDg with

'cgiuntf, uuil tliDH allowing the UO'to obtain a share of tho monopo-

lized trade.— Boston Transcript

A l>*r*rt Taket Sncand OrowtL,Sir Geoffrey HUIIKOII, the colobrated

Engliuh dwnrf of ilio fioveutoeiith ceii-tnry, wn.s doulitlR.«s tho most widelyknown human i-uriosityof hi« time. Hewna born of pun-ntu of the iiormnl aizont Riitluudshiie iu 1UID. At birth beweighed JOSH thiin a pmiui] and n half,

only 8 iiichra in leugth. He diduot begin to walk uutil after the end ofliis tliinl your, liin hciRlit nt that timehoinglt'fH tliun a foot. At the em] of hisPOToutli yoar LPIVIH tiilpii jnio thn turn-ily of tho Duke or Buckingham, imvIiiRbotweou tho npesof a null 7 years addedbut four inchci io Ilin Btaturo. WithBnckioghnin he livedttutil 80 ycata old,nt which tiniB ho-\VUH ouly 18 inches iuheight when equipped in fashionuUohigh liock-d Mioi\i.

At tho ngo of o, howover, a remark-nblo change mniu over the midget, andfor tho next live years liis growth WASns reuuirliublQ for its rapidity us it hadproviouBly been, for itn buckwarduMa.At the n|>e of Ho his height had boonBOtint I,iB' fw-t. At an It was 8 feot uudU iucbes I How or why this remarkableohaiigo wns brought itboat woa a q u a -tion too deep fnr tliu Sooioty of RojnlSurgeons, who, timo aud ngaln, discuss-cd tho phenomenon without arriving ntliny but infill1 tory ooDolosions. Hodaonlived to be OH,which Is thtoo times theuvcruuo length of life among giants.—BL Louis Republic •

MnuufaoturorBbarn Bollen. BmMinSlacki.OUVaii

loel Pans, Orn Bncket*. and all hiHheet Iron Work.

REPAIRING PROMPTLY MTENOld llollem ukeu In cxclmt'gp. Coal and i

Wood a^rrellad nnd I/iore Lltuf-Halr,Planter, Oment, Front anil Common

Brlolt, 7la)t|{ine, Step,. CurbingBill., HlaU Momoie, Ku-., lite.

Cor. Horrie and Dickorson Bts.:DO-1TJE1H.. KT. or.



Beers, Ales and Porters,

tod manufacture* ot tlie beat

Soda and Mineral Waters.





Cigarsfor cts.


Greatest Sacrifice of PricesWithout Reserve-Without Record to Value.

THOUSANDS of SUITS,worth tn, $34 anil$35; must go at

THOUSANDS of SUITS,worth $a6, $38 and$30; must so at

OUR FINEST BELdlANWORSTED S U I T S ,worth (3s ; must go at

THOUSANDS of OVER-COATS, worth $30 to$35! must %o at

THOUSANDS ot OVER-COATS, worth $3S to$30; must (o at

THOUSANDS of OVER-COATS, worth $33 to$36; must (o at

ALL OUR ULSTERS,Including finest crudesIrish Frieze, Shetlandand Fur Beaver .worth*3> to $401 at


I2.0 0


IQ.OO|2 ioo



CHESTER BRANCH.Eastward, Station*. WettwardA.M. P.M. P.M. AM, P.M. P.M7:53 I2:UO 4:10 Cbeeter 10;33 3rfH 6-1H7:5U 12:14 4:10 Hartoo 10:83 3:fl7 fl-ia8:trJ ia-ia iw ironi. iula 3 ^ o-iu8:0U 12:&1 4M KeuvH U:,U iik flS6:14 12:27 4:10 Jucotloo 9M 8:a3 6:676:17 12:») 4:HI Port Oram U 40 9 35 5:t48;20 VIM 6:00 D o w ojtfi ^ fi'S

Tho H&okettebma Esprem stope M PortOrtun Koiag east kt 7 23 A. M. ; going weat »t7:21 P. if.


(Anthracite ooai oaed exoluairely. iDrarinadaanUmaa and oomlorL

Tlmt can't bo disputed that I ltwp Uio lareentand nnwt etwk of \V[on and Liquors In thisojunty. Sly stock N n wlwl HUB of bibson, GoldenWwlding Old finw Mnrj-lan1 Ctuh H J b l

nnwt etnty. Slylding, Olk I

ors In thisbson, Golden, H gJibncl,a Kentu-1--

Wmifflng. 6 ld CrV,«, SuVrj-iamT oKb, ,, I ( iIJIacUmora. Ihdinpnt, MononKahola ana K B . ,CIIIUB iirkts ranrtnK from 6*0. a qt. unward.

Full linn or linjwriwl anil Domestic QIng, Port*.Slierrii*, CatAwliiu, Winter Drinks, Jmnolci " " -Klimnrl, Itock nnri live, Hrnndy anfl line Cfrom We. a qt. upward.

L. D. SCHWAB?,Op,i. C. n. U. ot N. J. Depot,, DOVKK. N. J.


Jomity of MorriR matin on thr. Tvj or Jnimnry A. D.onH ThouMml E



Egyjii HinlIk wy

ortle toprey of tlm miwaiy.

il I Vra tullove lliafy l luoun like meu iu

iu ortler to uttruct nml muke.1tlm miwa


Black well St., DOVER, N. J.

No contract too large lor my equipmentNo contracl loo small Tor rny ptrsona


Stewart Butldlns,Broadway u d Chambers St.,

194 Broadway, below Fultoa S tNEW YORK.




Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron

Roofing, Zino, Sheet Lead,

Lead Pipea, Pumps, &o.

Lumber, Coal, Wood

«nd Mason's Materials

( SUCCESSORS TO A. JUD8ON OOE )Unt«« full Hne«to.«ryUlngra|,,|Wf01.Bn|ldl








House-Heating Steam Gene-

rator a specialty.

T. BMITH. T H O S . K A R K 1 K 0


Masons and Builders,

DOV1B. R. J .

Conir.cu lor all kinds ol .ork taken i tllmaMrlaHtiinilibBd. tnttimi nperl«»t

la S T « 7 branch of muon work.


enoiiihaTitdiUmHnKiinHtlliuMUiKiof Sinifon b It one Inte

of tlm County of Jlorris, .ItSIl,to n S filej wiiiieiimltiraatlioriilUrinatioa,to ttie4uti«erlber,og• in-liL-Mre UIH Tivi*nty Kl^hlli Jar ot Outober next,; Ix'liif-Kino MOIHIIH from th»,lat«of laid onler; andnny Cnilltor tu>Rlec(lne to Iirinj; In nnd ethlblt hlior her ctaliii,underoaU.araffinuatIiin,«IUif>] the

ii BO lirnlU'd, will tw foruver lurral or his or heraction Iliercforagnlnst the Admlnlgtmtrii.

tinted the Tiriiiil.yKlRlitl.itay or January A. D.

IIB r/BL« i» twaor HiHon I.ITFJ, I8WI.


For NBW York, Newark and Elia-abeth, al 6.62, A. M.; 8:21, 5:46, p.H. Suntjaye, 6:63 P. u.

For Philadelphia at C.62, A. «.;8:24, 5:45 P. M.

For Long Branch, Oooan Drove,Asbury Park and points on NewYork and Lone Branch Railroadat 8:24 p. K.

For all stations to High Bridraat 052, A. K.J 8:24, 6:46 p, at. Suii-clajs, G:63 p. H.

For Lake Hopatoong at 6:62,A. at.; 1:10, 6:44, p. M.

For all stations to Edison at 0:52A. K.; 1:10, p. M.

For Bookaway at 9:16, 11:47, A.«.; 3:46, 6:16, 7:16 P. u. Sunday.,4:16 P.M. '

For mbemia at 9:16 A. u.j 3:46,P. • . Sundays, 4:16 r. 11.,

For EastoiUllentownandMaual]Ohnnk at 6:62, A. M.J 834, 5:46,- P.M. Snnclays, 6^3 p. K.

p i B T XJ t l Itf 11ST O '.'"•

Lea™ New York at 6*0, 9:10A. M.; 4:00 4:15 p. M. SuniJaya, 100P.M.

Leave Bockaway at 6:45, A. H.;1K)2,8:15, 6:36, 6:85 P.M. Sun-daya, 6:44 P.M.

Leave Port Otam at 9:11,11:42,A. M.; 8:40, 6:10, 7:10 p. u. San-days, 4:11 p. H.

; ; 0 5 p M !Leave High Bridge at 8:10,10^7

A. M.J 6:10 p. M,. Sundays, 800 p. H.J . B. OLHADSEH,

8ml. Bupt

H. P. BALOW1H,Ow. Paat A n .

Sheriff's Sale.MOMB,,O.«,..

llvtvi^ii IJOUIS Dolniui. uoinnlnlnnikt.ATiilw. BI,«™T:S,!i£JTISFI K1

UT. fJn contract, tteturfiablt '" *A. I)., INC.

Jiiitts H. NuattDorn, AU'y.

A tndtie at tlie Court IIOUBV ID Slorrlslown, N. J., 0MONDAY, Uio WUi day of MAIICII next,

A. D., 180(1. twtwwu tic liou^nf Yi 11 and 8 o'clock

»^d^y.J«]jiUiocj^lo,driKllt title nnd lilSmtlies, eltuatu, in tiio Toivnalilpa of ]tocl»wUr^a!IpTenmn, Slorrls Cdiiuty, Kuw Jenwr •

TUB Fmsr TRACT Jtiuitotn Itockaw&r townalinJ wu conveyed to Abrnliain W. Sliaweerbrinn KlaulKnn Ijy deed doled A»ril H *°"- --•--wnlwl in Iiooli.v, IS. pace 5111, &awMiili lilw orUie rowl IcflJinB from

TucBuwHi) TiurrlHlntwolotBBitimlelnHock-wny towiinhipnnd wnacoiiTojfHl to wiU Abwtuun

i>, HiiawKfr and MorrlH L, filiowirer by dw>d from

iud .wanted In the Morris Cou»'- rSzSSL I%I™.i'


M oonloliu

tituau-tl In Jpfl>nKm town-

s'SiSaiyr"1"?1 fr*-


Machine & Iron Co.

AIR COMPRESSORS, of high-est efficiency:

HOISTING ESOINES, duplexand nversaHe.

PUMPINO ENGINES, ttrongand economical,

OORNISB PUMPS, dovlit orsingk. \

GEARING and PULLEYS, Urgeand email.


I'lironlcIeBml Era.

SHERIfF'S SALE.U CiuncaRi or S i » Jmat.

J. H. NEIOIinoUll, Sofr.j \ «rtuc of Ilio above atntoil writ ot Ifcrl fwloa

" In my hands. ] wliall uiposa for Mlo at U:v»ndu, at Ui. Court I louSli l&SSm%



Practical Plumber, Tin and

Sheet Iron Worker.

Steam and Hot Water Heat-in?.

BLPA°CKWEL£KK'' Dover, IN. J .

T. PenmanBover.N.J,.

Estimate* ctwtrtmiy QaantMd

JtbMij ri SncUtr

MOSDAY, thrA. I). JflUn. butw«.u „oulocfa P. M., Hint \B V

•I H A n c i I next,of la M. and

nyetl tn tliu11 Ont'ti, I1Q[

•' irrli Con..•» 8)0, 4c.iftiyi5H,, 193,).




GO UGH-SYRUPto p]<a»t ami a p « b l a U.K, It. 'nuilai

«nd upMtinuit ijoaUUu, it> r^ .Ubl .propers™ and lu artaln onratlTi

action nadersIE.orjs of Uumotta«lrabl. ocraih ramadlM <k .

u>.a.,. ; :•/

Woe 25c. 50c and S1.00 per tollli

BSTABUaHKb 1630.'