kaliningrad09 karlsson social economic issues in sd

Social and economic dimensions Social and economic dimensions of sustainable development Dr Ingrid Karlsson The Baltic University Programme, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable Development Sustainable Development Uppsala University, Sweden [email protected] 1

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Kaliningrad09 Karlsson Social Economic


Page 1: Kaliningrad09 Karlsson Social Economic Issues in Sd

Social and economic dimensionsSocial and economic dimensions of sustainable development

Dr Ingrid Karlsson

The Baltic University Programme, Uppsala Centre for Sustainable DevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentUppsala University, Sweden

[email protected]


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Sustainable development ‐ the essenceof it…

Sustainable development is defined as Susta ab e de e op e t s de ed as

meeting "the [human] needs of the presentmeeting  the [human] needs of the present without compromising the ability of future 

ti t t th i d "generations to meet their own needs." 1


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Sustainable development and its three main components


economical social


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Understanding the links and the scales – global/regional/local2,3

Human well‐being‐basicd d h l h d i l l i

Indirect drivers of change: demographic economicstandard, health, good social relations, 

security, freedom of choice or actionchange: demographic, economic, sociopolitical (governance etc), science and technology, cultural and religious

Ecosystem services: i i i (f d t t )

Direct drivers of change:provisioning (food, water etc), 

regulating (climate etc), cultural(recreation etc), supporting (production


change: land use change, biodiversity change, technology, inputs (fertilizers etc) harvest, climate change, 

t l di t tetc) natural disasters etc


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Cont Understanding the links2…Cont. Understanding the links2

Ecosystem services Constituents of well-being

ProvisioningFood, water, wood, 


SecurityPersonal safety, secure

resource access, security from disasters F d f


Nutrientli il


RegulatingClimate flooding


Basic material for a good life

Adequate livelihoods, 

Freedom of choice and action

cycling, soilformation, primary

prod ction

Climate, flooding, diseases, water purification…


sufficient nutrituous food, shelter, access to goods

HealthStrength, feeling well, access 

Opportunity to be able to 

achieve well‐production… Aesthetic, spiritual, 

educational, recreational…

g , g ,to clean air and water

Good social relationsSocial cohesion, mutual

respect, ability to help others


respect, ability to help others


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D fi i i l d i di i dDefining social and economic dimensions needs cross‐and multidisciplinary studies and ethical 

and political considerations

Ethics/rules for the society/legislation/control mechanisms  – the alternative is collapse of the society

Legislation and rule of law to set targets for society vs individual rights –e.g. need or greed??

Ethics for individuals should guide attitudes and behavior of the individual and a sense of responsibility given through ethical education/religion/social values

It is strongly argued that a prerequisite for a true sustainable development is the involvement, the participation, from everyone in the society 


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Social and economic dimensions for todays´ needs

50 i di t f t i bl d l t di t U it d N ti50 core indicators for sustainable development according to United Nations (social and economic indicators in red) are agreed upon within the following necessary components of sustainable development4:

•Poverty•Governance•HealthHealth•Education•Demographics•Natural hazardsNatural hazards•Atmosphere•Land•Oceans, seas and coasts,•Freshwater•Biodiversity•Economic development•Global economic partnership•Consumption and production patterns


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Is more money what we need?5Is more money what we need?5


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…or could we use our resources differently?6


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…for instance for better health care, a crucial ingredience of human needs/wellbeing5


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An identified weak part of the sustainability chain is confidence and trust 

For instance, confidence in

• rule of law (security and justice for everyone)

• low levels of corruption7

• a well functioning and open societya well functioning and open society,

• free media, 

• Independent creativity (researchers and artists are encouraged and supported)are encouraged and supported)


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Examples of non‐sustainable social and economic dimensions:

• Poverty

• High unemploymentHigh unemployment

• Low education

• Low quality health care systems

• Discrimination (ethnic sex age etc)Discrimination (ethnic, sex, age etc)

• Information and communication is restricted

• Criminality and violence

• Financial mismanagement• Financial mismanagement

• Corruption 13

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The worst cases of unsustainable d l l l d i l ldevelopment at local and regional scales 

are an effect of the misrule of authoritarian regimes

Recent examples of social and economic non‐sustainability:Recent examples of social and economic non sustainability:

• Destruction of economy and agriculture (Zimbabwe)• Destruction of economy and agriculture (Zimbabwe)

• Bad management in natural catastrophies  (Burma/Myanmar)

• The disappearance of the Aral Sea (Uzbekistan)• The  disappearance of the Aral Sea (Uzbekistan)


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C t l b l iCan we create a global consensus on savingresources for  generations to come: g

Preserve natural resources and biodiversity (the environmental dimension but with economic implications)dimension, but with economic implications)Preserve and improve cultural heritagePreserve and improve human and material resources for good Preserve and improve human and material resources for goodhealth care and medical systemsPreserve and improve human and material resources for high quality educationPreserve and improve human and material resources for industry productionindustry productionPreserve and improve human and material resources for food productionp


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References1The World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987.http://www.wsu.edu/~susdev/WCED87.html

2Mill i E t A t 2005 E t d H W ll b i2Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. 2005. Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Washington, DC, Island Press.

3ICSU‐UNESCO‐UNU. 2008. Ecosystem Change and Human Well‐being: Research and i i i i i d h ill i i i lMonitoring Priorities Based on the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Paris, International 

Council for Science.http://www.icsu.org/Gestion/img/ICSU_DOC_DOWNLOAD/2350_DD_FILE_ICSU‐UNESCO‐UNU_Ecosystem_Report.pdf

4CSD indicators for sustainable development. 2009. http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/dsd_aofw_ind/ind_csdindi.shtml

5 Deaton, A. Income, Health, and Well-Being Around the World: Evidence From the Gallup World Poll. 2008. Journal of Economic Perspectives — Volume 22, No 2. (http://www.aeaweb.org/jep )6I l h t R 1999 Gl b li ti d P t d V l Th W hi t6Ingleheart, R. 1999. Globalization and Postmodern Values. The Washington Quaterly 23:1, p. 219. © The center for Strategic and International Studies and the Massachusetss Institute of Technology.

7I f ti S i f D (INDEM )F d ti 2009 Di ti f7Information Science for Democracy (INDEM )Foundation. 2009. Diagnostics of Corruption in Russia 2001-2005. Preliminary report. http://www.indem.ru/en/index.shtml 17