kaleidoscope network of excellence professor barbara wasson university of bergen, norway

Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence Professor Barbara Wasson University of Bergen, Norway

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Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence

Professor Barbara WassonUniversity of Bergen, Norway

Page 2: Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence Professor Barbara Wasson University of Bergen, Norway


European research network over 90 research units across 24 countries (23 Europe + Canada)

1100 researchers (2/3) and PhD students (1/3)

Universities, Industry and SMEs, Users’ groups

Budget 9.350 M Euros

Duration 4 years (2004-2007)


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The network’s members collaborate closely both in teams, individually and informally to establish an integrated, sustainable programme of scientific research for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL).

To bring new understanding and creativity to the field of Technology Enhanced Learning, ensuring it can contribute to European Commission initiatives, specifically through the Bologna Declaration and the Lisbon Agenda. These set goals for mobility, employability, competitiveness and dynamism.

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Addressing the Issues

A strategy to drive the scientific field forwardthrough collaboration and convergence, through investigation and sharing of results

Creation of Interdisciplinary teams from different countries, research backgrounds and fields

Building technological and scientific platforms to support researchers by offering tools, services, resources and reference standards at a PhD level

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Addressing the Issues

Developing an understanding of political and social issues important to the field within Europe and proactively creating and utilising communication channels between relevant stakeholders in education, industry (users and businesses) to inform and advise

Devising and implementing dissemination strategies to engage and lobby academic institutions, user and industry representatives and non-governmental bodies

Examining models of sustainability in order for TEL to have a global impact

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Scientific and strategic integration

To build bridges between technology, computer science and, educational, social and cognitive sciences in order…

To provide better foundations to the evaluation of TEL To stimulate the sharing of prototypes and testbed To improve technology transfer and innovation

To develop a shared understanding of the differences and commonalities at a conceptual and methodological level…

across disciplines across cultures research practices

To build bridges between the different educational traditions

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Structure outline


Team leaders



Researcher/ Phd Student

Scientific coordination


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Scientific Coordination

Scientific Manager Nicolas Balacheff, CNRS, France

Executive (5 members)

Core Group (22 members)

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Structure outline


Team leaders



Researcher/ Phd Student

Scientific coordination


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European Research Teams (ERTs)

ERTs are integrating activities, which

target networking European excellence at the level of specific research challenges. Long term collaboration is at the research team level (between research groups of member Institutes).

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Computer-based Analysis and Visualization of Collaborative Learning Activities

Computer-Supported Scripting of Interaction in Collaborative Learning Environments

Conditions for productive networked learning environments

Integrating Collaborative, Inquiry and Experiential Learning

Technology enhanced learning in mathematics

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Production of educational formats

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Special Interest Groups

SIGs are the basic community-building tools of Kaleidoscope. They allow individual researchers and PhD students from all the partner institutions to organize themselves around a problem or a project that they feel is at the forefront of the TEL research scene

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Computer Support for Collaborative Learning

Learning GRID

Computer Supported Inquiry Learning

Philosophy of TEL

Artificial Intelligence in Education

Narrative and Learning Environments

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Jointly Executed Integrating Research Projects (JEIRPs)

JEIRPs encourage the cross-fertilisation of the research of the partner institutions by focusing on the key issues of the field—issues which are intrinsically multidisciplinary

Usually 1 year Internal calls

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Learning Patterns for the design and deployment of Mathematical Games

Digital Language Learning: An Integrated Perspective

Technology enhanced public spaces for intergenerational learning

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Virtual Doctoral School

Shared Virtual Laboratory

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Users Group


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10 Issues for a Research Programme

1. combining collaborative learning, mobile learning and inquiry learning

to question the underlying concepts and theoretical framework

need for a comprehensive approach

2. professional learning and training highly realistic and interactive simulations microworlds and role-play environments

3. blended learning from practical to theoretical perspectives models to support its development and

ensure its efficiency

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4. need for models of learning as an emergent process in complex systems computationally tractable, cost effective, efficient

transfer empirically valid when confronted to actual use

5. need for cognitive and technological foundations to design highly interactive learning objects for a new ecology of learning for models of context-as-construct to inform TEL design

6. need for shared references domain specific evidence research based recommendations understanding of TEL from an epistemological


10 Issues for a Research Programme

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7. “De-compartmentalization” of learning practices examinations and assessment

8. Constant need for tools for teachers and trainers

TEL innovative authoring tools Learning management systems “beyond text and


9. Models and methods to support complex process of adoption of TEL in the different learning contexts

10 Issues for a Research Programme

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10 Issues for a Research Programme

10. to build tools to enhance TEL as an experimental research field

Frameworks for the description of the experimentation settings and processes methodological standards …

Frameworks for the description of experimental data to share, manage and compare data benchmark …

Tools and means to instrument the experimental situation so as to gather experimental data in a meaningful way testbed ...

Infrastructure for the management and sharing of information

the support of research collaborations in all phases

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Network Learning community (CSCL) Learning space (Grid)

Content Simulation, augmented reality Semantically rich representation Ubiquity and mobility

Interaction Reification of interactions Digital imprint of tacit knowledge

Need for convergence to fight research fragmentation

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An integrated vision



Situations• School• Informal learning• Learning at work• Training

• Document• Simulations• Microworld

• Autonomous• Socialized• Collaborative

• Interactive• Wireless• Distributed• Ubiquitous• Trustable

• Knowledge• Ability




Amsterdam convergence

workshopDecember 2006

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Any research unit, private or public

activity in the field of technology for human learning

Access to the resources and to the community building process

Become an Associated member

An open research network acrosscultures, organisations & disciplines
