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5.0 LAPORAN AKTIVITI PEMENTORAN 5.2 Laporan Kajian Tindakan Researcher : Syukriyah Hafizah Binti Mohamad Title : Problems in reading text comprehension among primary school Students 1.0 Problems statement From my observation, many students in primary school especially school that located in rural area are having difficulties in comprehending English text. During my experience as a part time teacher last year, I notice that many English teachers complain about the comprehension problems among pupils. Students with this problems usually have limited ability to translate and decode words in sentences. When they are unable to understand the meaning of words in text, they will definitely facing difficulties to understand the meaning of the whole passage. Among the obvious reasons that causes the problems to happen are

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Program Pembangunan Guru Baru


5.0 LAPORAN AKTIVITI PEMENTORAN5.2 Laporan Kajian Tindakan

Researcher: Syukriyah Hafizah Binti MohamadTitle: Problems in reading text comprehension among primary school Students

1.0 Problems statementFrom my observation, many students in primary school especially school that located in rural area are having difficulties in comprehending English text. During my experience as a part time teacher last year, I notice that many English teachers complain about the comprehension problems among pupils. Students with this problems usually have limited ability to translate and decode words in sentences. When they are unable to understand the meaning of words in text, they will definitely facing difficulties to understand the meaning of the whole passage. Among the obvious reasons that causes the problems to happen are lacking in background knowledge and lack of vocabulary. Besides, students who learn English as their second language are having more challenges in comprehending the text because they have to interact with more than one language. 1.1Meaning of ReadingReading is a complex activity. Reading, whether in a first or second language context, involves the reader, the text, and the interaction between the reader and text (Rumelhart, 1977). If the reader is able to derive or construct the meaning of words and sentences printed on the page, the interaction is considered successful. Reading is also a meaning-making process involving an interaction between the reader and the text (Singhal, 1998). Thus, reading can be describes as the ability of readers to bring meaning to the text.

2.0 Focus of researchReading comprehension involves the ability of understanding the intended messages of a text (Iwai, 2010). Readers use mental activities in order to construct meaning from the text. This process involves the passages, the reader and the context. Goodman (1996) and Smith (1986) suggest that readers go through an ongoing process while reading which involves the continuous process of sampling from the input text, predicting what will come next, testing and confirming predictions, and so on. Readers do not read word for word, but rather use their background knowledge, and various strategies such as predicting and confirming to comprehend text. As being mention before two major factors that causes problems in reading comprehension are lack of vocabulary and background knowledge which are going to be stressed in this study.2.1Lack of VocabularyOne of the major issue students have to struggling with in reading comprehension is the insufficient vocabulary knowledge. Some students could not even get the message or what is the text is all about because of poor vocabulary. Having rich vocabulary knowledge is another key element to better reading comprehension (Hudson, 2007). According to Iwai (2007), The more frequently ESL/EFL learners come across unknown words, the more likely they are to get confused about comprehending what message or messages a text carries. While reading the text student will totally be lost and could not comprehend the text at all if they continually having difficulties in understanding the meaning of words in the text. Thus, students need to develop their English vocabulary capacity in depth and width to encounter the problems. In reading a text, misunderstanding about the exact meaning of some words also can occur. Certain words in the English language can have more than one meaning and confuse English-language learners because they do not consider the meaning of the word in the contexts (Iwai, 2010). So, this matter can make students confuse and get wrong meaning of the words. Perhaps they could not understand the whole messages of the text that the writer want to deliver to the readers. One example of words with more than one meaning is table. The meaning can be a piece of furniture or schedule. Student interest will definitely be decrease when they could not comprehend the text regarding the poor vocabulary. Hui-fang Shang (2006), suggest that teachers must choose reading texts at an appropriate level of complexity and reach the standard of their vocabulary. The topic has to hold students interest to increase their motivation for learning. Family background also can influence the ability of pupils in mastering English language. For children that have been exposed to reading habits since they are small will definitely have better vocabulary and can comprehend text easier. Parents and the family environment play a significant role in preparing children to read. Parents are the first teachers and spend the longest time with them (Morrow, 1995). According to Irwin, (1967), They (parents) provide the intellectual stimulation and the emotional atmosphere essential to reading achievement.

2.2Background KnowledgeAnother problems regarding reading comprehension is lacking in background knowledge among students. According to Nigel Stott (2001), some students' apparent reading problems may be problems of insufficient background knowledge. Widdowson & Cook both emphasize the cognitive characteristics of schema which allow us to related incoming information to already known information. This covers the knowledge of the world, from everyday knowledge to very specialized knowledge, knowledge of language structures, and knowledge of texts and forms they take in terms of genre, and organization. Thus, in reading process, schema or background knowledge which are obtain from our everyday daily life experience, help the student to connect their previous knowledge with the new information in the text so that they can have better understanding about the messages of the text. Readers rely on their prior experiences to understand what they read. They can relate the passage with their existing experiences to get a better picture of the content of the passages. As stated by Iwai (2010), research shows that having rich schemata (background information) on a subject matter is related to better reading comprehension. For example, if the readers read a title such as Mountain Hiking, and if they already know what Mountain Hiking is all about, definitely it will be easier for them to comprehend the text better than students without background knowledge on the topic. To guarantee successful reading, Nigel Stott (2001) suggest that schemata play an important role in constructing meaning from text. As a result, reading instructors need to relate to the EFL students background knowledge for better reading performance. Hence, according to Singal 1998 It is therefore important that teachers know as much as possible about the cultural, linguistic, and educational backgrounds of their readers since many of this factors that influence reading. Teacher plays a very important role in helping pupils to activate their previous knowledge about the specific topic that they want to teach.Due to cultural differences students might have a hard time to understand a text that is not culturally familiar to them. Singhal (1998) points out that readers who do not possess cultural background knowledge on an English text, are limited in comprehending the text messages. Student can comprehend the text better if they are already being exposed to the content of the text through their daily cultural life experiences. Although all the variables and factors surrounding the issues of how culture shapes background knowledge and influences reading are not fully understood, there is agreement that background knowledge is important, and that content schema plays an integral role in reading comprehension. Overall, readers appeared to have a higher level of comprehension when the content was familiar to them (Singhal, 1998). According to Sharmini Ghanaguru et al, the method to increase the ability of reading comprehension is by activating appropriate prior knowledge or schemata related to the text. Teacher may selects a word, phrase or picture about the main idea or concept in the text or topic. Then, the teacher begins to discuss with the students about the subject so that students can generate and see more ideas related to the topic being discussed. Next, teacher ask the students to look at the text, the title and picture and ask questions that may evoke relevant thoughts and memories related to those items. In this process, background information are build by the activation of appropriate prior knowledge through self-questioning about what is known of the topic. Teacher also may ask about the vocabulary and the format of presentation. When their schemata related to the text are activated, definitely the interest and motivation to read and know more about the topic will be increase (Sharmini Ghanaguru et al).

3.0 Objectives and conclusions

There are few strategies can be apply to help students to cope with reading comprehension problem. The approaches used by teachers also play a very significant role to decrease text comprehension difficulties among students.

The first strategies that can be used by teachers is semantic mapping as suggested by Kemba A. NNamdi (2005) . Teachers may choose the topic and present it to the students by putting the key word or phrase on the board. Then, teacher will discuss together with students about the topic before they go through the text. Together, teacher and students will develop categories and subcategories of related word or topic on the board. The categories or subcategories must answer the WH-questions related to the topic so that students can create earlier images of the topic that they are going to read. Teacher can lead student to predict the information that they believe will be in the text. After that, they read the text and compare their earlier predictions with the content in information actually contained in the text. They may add the information from the text as they read it. This is an active process that can enhances the development of effective comprehension strategies.Kemba A. NNamdi (2005) also stated that suitable reading materials according to the level of students also can generate the interest of students to read. Students also must be exposed to read English material since young so that their vocabulary and thinking skills can be developed. Text comprehension will be easier for them to accomplish when they are already familiar with English language. Pupils can also participate in the creation of classroom materials. A lesson in writing stories or poetry writing, after editing, can become a part of the permanent collection of materials of the classroom. There can even be an exchange of materials between classrooms. For example, pupils in higher grades could write stories for the younger pupils, or children in the same grades or pupils at the same level of reading comprehension can exchange texts by class. This enables the teacher to develop a library without the burden of having to create all the classroom texts and at the same time gives the pupils a chance to feel responsible for their learning, help others, contribute to the classroom environment and develop a positive attitude towards learning.

1. Mereflek

1.1 Saya mengajar di Kelas 1 Fatonah bagi mata pelajaran Dunia Seni Visual.1.2 Masalah yang saya hadapi bagi kelas ini adalah murid-murid menganggap hasilan seni yang dibuat adalah tidak penting dan gagal untuk mengapresiasikan hasil kerja mereka. Ini adalah kerana mereka tidak diberikan pendedahan mengenai sesi apresisi yang perlu dijalankan disetiap akhir sesi pengeajaran sebelum ini.1.3 Ini terbukti apabila murid-murid gagal menerangkan hasilan kerja mereka apabila diminta dan membuangnya apabila tamat waktu Dunia Seni Visual.Hanya beberapa orang murid yang menyimpan setiap hasilan yang dibuat.1.4 Saya juga mengadakan temubual dengan guru yang mengajar kelas berkenaan sebelum ini.

2. Fokus Kajian

2.1 Daripada refleksi di atas, di dapati murid2.1.1 Menganggap apresiasi hasilan kerja adalah suatu perkara yang tidak penting bagi mereka. Apa yang penting adalah hasilan seni mereka disiapkan mengikut arahan guru dan dibuat kerana mereka disuruh2.1.2 Tidak diberikan pendedahan mengenai sesi apresiasi yang perlu dijalankan setiap akhir sesi pengajaran.2.1.3 Murid tidak mengetahui pengertian apresiasi yang sebenar kerana mereka dianggap terlalu kecil untuk diberi penerangan.

2.2 Jika perkara ini tidak ditangani dengan segera, ianya akan menjadi lebih teruk. Mereka akan terus tidak menghargai hasilan kerja mereka dan Pendidikan Seni akan terus menjadi subjek yang terpinggir.2.3 Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, saya akan cuba mengaplikasikan teknik lakonan dan kaedah Kotak Muzik Pendidikan Seni Visual (PSV) dalam membantu mereka memahami sesi apresiasi yang akan dijalankan.

3. Objektif Kajian

3.1 Secara amnya murid akan dapat memahami dan menghargai hasilan kerja seni mereka.

3.2 Secara khususnya:-

3.2.1 Meninjau kefahaman dan pengetahuan murid-murid Tahun 1 di Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Setebu tentang bidang membentuk dan membuat binaan.3.2.2 Mengenal pasti keberkesanan sesi apresiasi dalam bidang membentuk dan membuat binaan bagi murid-murid Tahun 1 di Sekolah Kebangsaan Padang Setebu.

3.3 Kajian ini akan melibatkan 21 org murid dari Tahun 1 Fatonah iaitu yang terdiri daripada 11 orang murid lelaki dan 10 orang murid perempuan.

4. MerancangSaya merancang akan mendapatkan data bagi tinjauan masalah menggunakan kaedah:

i) PemerhatianKaedah pemerhatian akan dilakukan sepanjang aktiviti pengajaran dilaksanakan dan segala butiran pemerhatian akan dicatatkan selepas aktiviti dilakukan.

ii) Analisis data

Analisis terhadap hasil pemerhatian akan dilakukan untuk melihat dan menilai pemahaman murid tentang aspek yang dikaji iaitu mengenai apresiasi.

4.2 Perlaksanaan tindakan yang akan dijalankan ialah:

BilAktivitiLangkah Perlaksanaan


Kaedah G J- R- B- W- R Langkah 1 :Kaedah ini adalah menggunakan akronim untuk memudahkan murid menguasai unsur- unsur seni. Maksud akronim ini adalah Garisan, Jalinan, Rupa, Bentuk, Warna dan Ruang.

Langkah 2 :Cara ini adalah guru menyediakan nota ringkas bagi setiap unsur seni yang diedarkan kepada murid 10 minit sebelum tamat waktu pembelajaran untuk murid-murid membacanya.

Setelah murid mahir tentang unsur seni tersebut, murid perlu membaca serta menerangkan tentang hasilan bidang membentuk dan membuat binaan yang telah dibuat.


Kotak muzik Pendidikan Seni Visual (PSV)Langkah 1:Guru akan mengedarkan kotak yang diiringi dengan muzik(lagu) kanak-kanak. Guru yang menentukan di mana kotak muzik dimulakan dan kotak tersebut bergerak daripada setiap murid. Apabila lagu dihentikan, murid yang memegang kotak ketika itu haruslah menjalankan sesi apresiasi pada masa itu. Murid tersebut akan ke hadapan kelas kemudian mendengar arahan yang guru berikan.

Langkah 2Murid tersebut kemudiannya membuka kotak dan memilih dua kata kunci seperti WARNA dan RUANG dan membuat apresiasi mengikut kata kunci itu. Murid lain yang memberikan komen turut menggunakan kata kunci yang sama. Hasilan murid akan dipamerkan di dalam kelas.


Lakonan WatakLangkah 1

Murid diminta dan ditunjukkan cara-cara membuat topeng mengikut watak karektor yang mereka minati.

Langkah 2

Murid akan melakonkan watak berdasarkan karektor topeng yang telah dibuat menggunakan dialog dan geraklaku yang sesuai. Murid lain diminta meneka watak berkenaan dan memberikan komen tentang lakonan watak tersebut.

Langkah 3

Guru catatkan pemerhatian apbila murid mampu melakonkan watak kerana ianya adalah salah satu apresiasi karya.

5. Bertindak

Aktiviti pertamaAktivitiLangkah Perlaksanaan

Lakonan WatakLangkah 1Murid memilih satu watak kartun yang diminati. Guru seterusnya menunjukkan cara-cara membuat topeng mengikut watak karektor yang mereka pilih menggunakan kad manila, langkah demi langkah.

Langkah 2Seorang murid diminta tampil kehadapan kelas dan melakonkan watak berdasarkan karektor topeng yang telah dibuat. Murid lain meneka watak tersebut.

Langkah 3Guru mencatatkan hasil pemerhatian.

RefleksiHampir keseluruhan murid dapat membuat topeng dan melakonkan watak karektor topeng yang telah dihasilkan. Walau bagaimanapun, ade beberapa pelajar yang enggan melakonkan watak topeng mereka kerana malu untuk bercakap dihadapan kelas didepan rakan-rakan sedarjah. Setelah diberikan galakan dan didorong, mereka mampu melakonkannya dengan baik. Secara keseluruhannya,objektif kajian adalah tercapai dimana murid-murid memahami bagaimana untuk melakukan proses apresiasi dan mula menghargai hasilan seni mereka.



6.1 Refleksi Umum

Program Pembangunan Guru Baharu (PPGB) merupakan satu program berstruktur yang komprehensif bagi membentuk, melatih dan menyediakan Guru Baharu (GB) untuk memasuk alam pekerjaan. Melihat kepada objektif perlaksanaan PPGB, ia bertujuan untuk membantu GB menyesuaikan diri dengan budaya kerja, persekitaran dan komuniti sekolah bagi meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran.

Proses PPGB meliputi beberapa peringkat termasuk orentasi, pementoran dan pemantauan. Proses ini agak sedikit rumit memanangkan ketiadaan maklumat dan penerangan yang jelas dalam penyediaan PPGB ini kepada GB, guru mentor dan pihak pentadbir sekolah bagi melaksanakan program ini.

Walau bagaimanapun, terdapat banyak perkara dan input yang berguna untuk meningkatkan tahap profesionalisme seorang GB. Proses pementoran dan pemantauan menjadikan seorang GB lebih yakin untuk mengajar dan memahami tugas dan tanggungjawab yang bukan sahaja melibatkan akitiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran tetapi meliputi tugas-tugas pentadbiran.

6.2 Kekuatan dan Kelemahan

PPGB merupakan satu program yang telah banyak membantu GB dalam penyediaan untuk menjadi seorang guru yang lebih yakin melalui proses pementoran. Tunjuk ajar daripada guru mentor membolehkan GB menyiapkan diri dan menjalankan proses pengajaran dan pentadbiran dengan lebih baik. Meskipun GB telah diajar dan dilatih di Institusi Pendididkan Guru, namun tugas-tugas pentadbiran adalah sesuatu yang asing. Oleh itu, proses pementoran telah banyak membantu dalam memastikan GB lebih bersedia untuk menjalankan tugas.

Walau bagaimanapun, ketiadaan maklumat dan penerangan yang jelas berhubung program ini menimbulkan masalah diperingkat awal kepada pihak pentadbiran untuk melaksanakan program. Memandangkan program ini masih baru dilaksanakan, kebanyakan pihak pentadbiran sekolah tidak mempunyai pengalaman dan pengetahuan bagaimana untuk melaksanakan program ini.

6.3 Cadangan

Bagi memastikan PPGB ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan lebih efisien, GB seharusnya dibekalkan dengan maklumat lengkap dan diberikan taklimat yang jelas. Taklimat serentak bersama guru mentor dan pihak pentadbir sekolah juga perlu dijalankan bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan. Pemantauan secara berterusan oleh PPD juga perlu dilakukan sepanjang tempoh perlaksanaan program. Ia akan membantu GB, guru mentor dan pihak pentadbir mendapat maklumat terkini dan memastikan perlaksanaan program lebih lancar.