kailynn's volunteer journey with venture 2 impact

I Went To Help Change The World But The World Changed Me By Kailynn Clark Indonesia 2016 Volunteer @ Salesforce.com in Fredericton

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Page 1: Kailynn's Volunteer Journey with Venture 2 Impact

I Went To HelpChange The World But

The World Changed MeBy Kailynn Clark

Indonesia 2016 Volunteer@ Salesforce.com in Fredericton

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When you are trying to plan for the volunteer

trip of a lifetime, you spend your time thinking of

ways you want to make a difference while you’re there and how you can make the

most out of your trip. You don’t spend your time imagining how

this will make you grow as a volunteer, a person and the

impact that it can have on your life and relationships.

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Like many, I am working long hours

trying to grow my career, save money, improve my house , and

volunteer, all while trying to balance checking emails,

catching up on chats, texts, what is going on in social media and

then, after all that, daily chores, to do lists and at the end of my

list was time with family and taking time for me. It is

exhausting to say the least, but this is normal for most. “Busy” has replaced being “good” or “great” when someone asks,

“How are you doing.”

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In Indonesia, I Was Completely

Disconnected. I was immersed into the

way of life in these communities and given the time to self-reflect.

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They Welcomed Us Into Their Villages

And Even Their Homes

telling stories about their families and experiences. I

didn’t have to speak the language to understand their

beautiful sense of community, their work ethic,

and unrivaled connection between their families.

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I Left Every Day Thinking About

Their Balance Of Hard Work And

Family. But there were only five more days, or four more days of my trip left, and

then back to emails, meetings, events... life.

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With only two days left before our trip home and four

amazing days in the villages, it finally registered. Why can’t I have that balance? Why are

emails, meetings, chores and technology my life?

Exhaustion and busyness are not the norm. The “More is More” attitude takes time

away from the things that are important.

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The saying “Less is more” has a whole new meaning for

me. I had heard the saying many times, but I never truly understood it until I visited

the beautiful people on these islands.

I was able to leave Indonesia with a realization that I have

to be better at prioritizing the things that matter most

and understanding what those things are. I need to be productive and not just busy.

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In the Harvard Business Review, Peter Bregman wrote,

“Being busy is not the same as being productive…”If you’re busy you can’t be productive toward your goals, you’re just busy.... If you want to be productive, the first question you need to ask yourself is: Who do I want to be? Another question

is: Where do I want to go? Chances are that the answers to these questions represent growth in some direction.”

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Now That I’m Home,

I Have Been Successfully

Changing My Lifestyle,

my interactions with others and have time

to just be in the moment and be


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On This Trip With Venture 2 Impact, I Was

Able To Take A Step Back and Not Only Ask Myself

Important Questions, but Find the Answers.

I am able to disconnect from the world and spend time with

family and friends. I am more focused and efficient at work,

not multi-tasking in meetings or working on projects by checking

my emails.

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Venture 2 Impact And This Trip To Indonesia

Changed Me. I am growing in the direction

that I have wanted to, but have been too busy to figure out.I am enjoying the moments instead of rushing through

them to get to the next to do item on my list.

I feel blessed to have been on this adventure that has

changed my life, my relationships and my schedule.

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