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About Your Presenter…

• President of Vertical Measures - Offering SEO, Link Building, Social Media & Content Development Services

• Instructor for the Content Marketing Institute & Online Marketing Institute

• Author of Accelerate! Move Your Business Forward Through the Convergence of Search, Social and Content Marketing

Available on Amazon

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Why Focus on Search?• 93% of all buyers online

or in stores use search prior to making a purchase

• 86% of searchers conduct non-branded queries.

• 94% of buyers click on organic links versus 6% on paid links for branded queries.

Sources: GroupM, Did-it, Enquiro, and Eyetools.

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Universal Search Results

61% of all search results

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Develop Your Strategy

• Why are you creating the content you are creating? • Who is your audience and who are you?• Where do you plan to publish your content?• What will you measure? • What is different a year from now?

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Start With Keyword Research

• Keyword research should be the foundation

• What keyword phrases do your customers use? (Analytics)

• Use tools like….

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Soovle.comTwitter: @ArnieK

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Question & Answer Sites

1618 results

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Google’s Discussions in SearchTwitter: @ArnieK

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What Works For Your Competitors?Twitter: @ArnieK

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Long Tail is the Key!Twitter: @ArnieK

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Content Ideas in a SpreadsheetTwitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Create Great Content

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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All Different – But Core Items

• Content is found through social media and search engines – so optimize it!

• Web pages, News, Local, Images & Videos1. Links pointing to your content2. Titles & title tags (viewed in results)3. Description meta tag (viewed in results)4. Image alt text tags 5. H1 Tag (headline tag – only one!)6. URL structure (short & include KW’s)7. Page load times

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Search Optimization Elements

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Promote Your Content• Understand who your customer is and where they are

online.• Conduct PR and blogger pitches• Develop relationships & build partnerships• People share your ideas, link to your content.• Those references and citations will help with rankings

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Distribute or Repurpose Content

• RSS feeds• Email Campaigns• Social Media Sites• Video, Photo, Presentation & Podcasts sites• These links will help your rankings!

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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Build Links to Your Content

• Identify low hanging fruit– Internal links– Blog & forum participation

• Targeted Links via…– Competitive research for similar content– Use search operators to find opportunities

• Ask your clients & suppliers for links!– Offer t-shirts, gift cards, discounts, etc. – Or even a good old fashion reciprocal link

• When all else is equal, links win!

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Twitter: @ArnieK

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• Measure for successes… and failures

• Check your rankings, traffic, conversions and other key metrics

• Focus on the strategies that are providing the best ROI and keep rolling out the content

Twitter: @ArnieK

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Success Like This…Twitter: @ArnieK

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For the Convergence All 8 Steps Matter

Twitter: @ArnieK

Free 24 page guide at VerticalMeasures.com

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Thank You!



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Contact: 888-476-1881 www.VerticalMeasures.com

More Traffic. More Leads. More Business.