juvenile justice in america chapter 2 tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and...

Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

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Page 1: Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

Juvenile Justice in America

Chapter 2

Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

Page 2: Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

Submit: Case Study: Juvenile Delinquency: Needs

Select two case studies (from the three below) and write a 4 – 6 page paper (excluding cover page) that addresses the following bullets relative to each case study you select. As you address each bullet outlined and consider each case, you will also need to think critically about the uniqueness of the specific culture, how the people involved in the situation are communicating within the culture in which the situation is occurring, and take into account variables of the specific culture. Your paper should be written in narrative form and clearly address the following.

Page 3: Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

NOTE: You may want to consider using resources beyond the textbook to support your points.

What theory best explains why the juvenile profiled is engaging in delinquent behavior?

Explain the theory in detail

Explain why this theory best explains the juvenile’s delinquent behavior

What sociological and psychological variables are there in the case study?

Based on your selected theory, develop an intervention for the juvenile that is appropriate for the specific cultural circumstance.

Page 4: Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:

Length should be 4 – 6 pages, excluding cover page and references page

Double-spaced and in a 12-point font

Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained

Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).

Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful

Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics

Appropriate citation style should be followed

Page 5: Juvenile Justice in America Chapter 2 Tonight we will be discussing next week’s assignment and readings

If I were writing this paper:

Title Page (Does not count towards page count)

Case Study 1: Abby or Justin or Ryan (pick 1) Name/define theory.

Explain how Theory works List characteristics of theory and apply it to the facts from

your scenario. Remember to cite sources

Tie in one or two other theories that could also explain this behavior and do the same thing with them (list these as secondary causes)

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If I were doing this (continued):

Case Study 2: Abby or Justin or Ryan (pick 1) Name/define theory.

Explain how Theory works List characteristics of theory and apply it to the facts from your

scenario. Remember to cite sources

Tie in one or two other theories that could also explain this behavior and do the same thing with them (list these as secondary causes)

Reference Page (Does not count towards page count)

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Example (do NOT use this case)

Billy Bob (age 15) lives in with mom (Juanita) and her boyfriend (Carlos). Carlos and Juanita ignore BB and what he does, use drugs, and have been telling Billy Bob for the last 10 years that he is stupid, no good and will never amount to anything. Billy Bob wants a new car, but knows that he will never be able to afford it by working, because he is stupid. So he quits school and starts selling marijuana. He is caught with 5 pounds of Marijuana.

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Title Page (http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/)

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Outline of what I would do:(I love subheadings)

Case Study 4: Billy Bob Social Process Theory Define: View that criminality is a function of

people’s interaction with various organizations, institutions, and processes in society (cite source).

If the social relationships we rely on daily are generally positive and supportive, we will likely succeed, irrespective of what socioeconomic group or class we are in (cite source).

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Conversely, if those relations are destructive and dysfunctional, conventional success is unlikely (cite source).

Inconsistent discipline, poor supervision, lack of warm, loving, supportive parent-child relationship leads to delinquency(cite source).

Apply this to case – BB’s parent/father figure are not supportive, not warm, put him down.

Likely outcome is delinquent behavior

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Continued Second Applicable Theory: Social Reaction Theory

(also called Labeling Theory) Define: View that people become criminals when labeled as

such and when they accept the label as a personal identity (cite source).

Everyone gets labels: smart, geek, cute, weird, etc. If you hear it enough, especially from those who matter, and you begin to believe it (cite source).

BB told stupid, never going to amount to anything, dropped out of school, id something that he thought he didn’t need special skills or education for.

Labeling resulted in his seeing no way to get ahead, other than crime.

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Third Applicable Theory: Strain Theory Define: Views crime as a function of the conflict between peoples’

goals and ability to achieve them (cite source). Most people have similar aspirations, but they don’t all have the same

opportunities or abilities. When people fail to achieve goals through approved means such as hard work and delayed gratification, they may attempt to achieve success through crime (cite source).

Unequal distribution of wealth and power; Poor schooling; Frustration, anger, disappointment, depression, fear; Alternative methods of achieving goals; drop out; drug use; American Dream - Failure to achieve goals (cite source).

Apply to BB

Reference Page

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• Assumptions are OK if they are reasonable• Citations – APA is goal, but decent attempt. • Length – 4 pages means 4 pages, not 3 pages and

a line.

- Max is 6 pages – believe it!• Everything goes through Turnitin.com• Please don’t send me rough drafts for approval –

if you mess it up, I will allow you to redo it.

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What we are going to cover now:

We are going to cheat and cover next week’s materials so that you can do the assignment easier.

I suspect that you have all taken Criminology, but a refresher won’t hurt.

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The Relationship Between Theory and Research

Research finds methods to collect data, identify variables to be studied, tests variables, analyzes related variables, and suggests new direction for the theory. Theory points the way to new research, helps derive new variables, interprets new and old ideas, builds systems of thoughts, and leads the way to new social and theoretical conclusions.

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Free Will vs. Deterministic View

Free Will Theory- Adults and juveniles choose their actions after weighing the pros and cons of the action.

Deterministic View- Internal and external factors are why juveniles commit crime.

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Is Juvenile Crime Rational Behavior?

Classical School of Criminology: During 1700’s, CJ was geared toward

punishment and deterrence. Created by Cesare Beccaria and Jeremy Bentham.

This created harsh punishments including torture and the death penalty for juveniles.

Age 7 was/ is the common law age for which juveniles can be held accountable for a crime.

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Is Juvenile Crime Rational Behavior Cont?

Rational Choice Theory- Believes incentive and deterrence and focuses on incentives and payoffs of criminal behavior. Criminal Opportunity

Theory- Criminals tend to choose behaviors that are high payoff with little risk.

Luke – come to Luke – come to the dark side!the dark side!

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How Has Determinism Influenced the Development of the Positive School?

Development of Positivism: Human behavior is one facet of the world that is part of a natural order. To change human behavior is impossible Laws can be understood and used People commit crimes for many reasons

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Biological Positivism

Common biological factors determine who is and who is not a criminal.

In the 20th century sociobiologists look at genetic and environmental factors.

Neuropsychologists believe there is a relationship between negative behaviors and ones temperament.

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Sociological Positivism

Social Structural Theories: Believe that social disorganization, cultural

deviance, and status frustration induce the lower class individuals to become criminals.

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Sociological Positivism Cont,

Social Structural Theories Cont. Social Disorganization Theory: Crime is a

result of the breakdown of social control by traditional primary groups (family and neighborhood) because of social disorganization in the community.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Structural Theories Cont. Cultural Deviance Theory: Lower class has its

own cultural history and the motivation to involved in criminal activities is intrinsic to lower class culture.

Focal concerns consist of trouble, toughness, smartness, excitement, fate, and autonomy

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Structural Theories Cont. Status Frustration Theory: Theory suggests that

the destructive and malicious behavior of lower class delinquent subcultures is a reaction to their failure to achieve middle class norms and values.

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Social Positivism Cont.

Social Process Theories: Examines the interactions between people and

their environment that influence individuals to be involved in criminal behaviors.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Process Theories Cont. Differential Association Theory: Criminals

learn crime from others. Learn crime from family and peers.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Process Theories Cont. Containment Theory: Attempts to explain why

individuals do not commit crimes. Believes there are internal and external factors associated with non delinquent behavior.

Internal factors: self control, self concept, ego strength, well developed superego, and high frustration tolerance.

External factors: persons immediate environment is able to hold him/ her to socially expectable bounds.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Process Theories Cont: Social Control Theory: Delinquency depends

on the bond the individual has with social groups such as family, peers, and school.

Main elements: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Social Process Theories Cont. Labeling Theory- If an individual is labeled as

a delinquent they will be a delinquent.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Conflict Theories Socioeconomic Class and Marxist

Criminology: Liberal perspective. Views state and laws as being the economic tools of the dominant class. Caused by extreme poverty and economic alienation.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Conflict Theories Cont. Power and Authority Relationships-

Emphasizes the relationship of authority and their subjects. Power is the most important aspect in explaining crime.

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Sociological Positivism Cont.

Conflict Theory Cont. Group and Cultural Conflict- The entire process

of law making and breaking directly affects deep-seated conflicts between interest groups. Ex. Green Party vs. Republican Party

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Psychological Positivism

Most popular theory in the US.Psychoanalytic Explanations: Developed by Sigmund Freud

Id, Ego, and Superego Fraud believed that the personality was fully

developed by age 5. Oral, Anal, and Phallic stages of development Delinquent behavior related to neurotic development

in personality, defective superego, overly developed superego, and search for compensatory gratification.

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Psychological Positivism Cont.

Sensation Seeking and Delinquency: An individuals need for varied, novel, and

complex sensations and experiences and the willingness to take risks for such experiences.

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Psychological Positivism Cont.

Psychopath: Hard core juvenile offenders. Undomesticated children who never

develop trust or loyalty.

Characteristics of a Psychopath: Charming - Lack remorse or shame Intelligent - Will commit crimes for small stakes Is not delusional - Poor Judgment Unreliable - Does not learn from experience Cannot be trusted

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Psychological Positivism Cont.

Reinforcement Theory: Behavior is governed by its consequent rewards

and punishments, as reflected in the history of the individual.

Rewards of crime are faster than rewards of non crime (future).