juvenile incarceration trends jeffrey a. butts, ph.d. john jay college of criminal justice

Research and Evaluation Center Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey A. Butts, Ph.D. John Jay College of Criminal Justice City University of New York Webinar for the National Juvenile Justice Network April 30, 2013

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Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey A. Butts, Ph.D. John Jay College of Criminal Justice City University of New York Webinar for the National Juvenile Justice Network April 30, 2013. Placement Cases. 1985. 2009. Change. All offenses Violent Crime Index Property Crime Index - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Juvenile Incarceration Trends

Jeffrey A. Butts, Ph.D.John Jay College of Criminal Justice

City University of New York

Webinar for the National Juvenile Justice Network

April 30, 2013

Page 2: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 3: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 4: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 5: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 6: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 7: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Page 8: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

All offensesViolent Crime IndexProperty Crime IndexOther person offenseOther violent sex offenseWeapon offenseDrug law violationSimple assaultNonviolent sex offenseStolen propertyOther property offenseObstruction of justiceVandalismDisorderly conductOther public orderTrespassingLiquor law violation

105,200 11,200 48,800

700 1,100 1,600 5,800 6,200 1,700 2,800 1,600

16,100 3,000 1,200

800 2,000


133,800 16,100 33,100

2,400 2,000 3,800

11,800 16,900

1,000 2,300 1,400

29,200 5,800 3,900 1,600 2,000


28,600 4,900

– 15,7001,700

900 2,200 6,000

10,700 – 700– 500 – 200

13,100 2,800


0– 100

Source: Sickmund, M., Sladky, A., and Kang, W. (2012). "Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2009." Online. Available: http://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezajcs/

Placement Cases

1985 2009 Change

Page 9: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

All offensesObstruction of justiceSimple assaultDrug law violationViolent Crime IndexVandalismDisorderly conductWeapon offenseOther person offenseOther violent sex offenseOther public orderTrespassingLiquor law violationOther property offenseStolen propertyNonviolent sex offenseProperty Crime Index

105,200 16,100

6,200 5,800

11,200 3,000 1,200 1,600

700 1,100

800 2,000

600 1,600 2,800 1,700


133,800 29,200 16,900 11,800 16,100

5,800 3,900 3,800 2,400 2,000 1,600 2,000

500 1,400 2,300 1,000


28,600 13,100 10,700

6,000 4,900 2,800 2,700 2,200 1,700

900 800 -

(100) (200) (500) (700)


Source: Sickmund, M., Sladky, A., and Kang, W. (2012). "Easy Access to Juvenile Court Statistics: 1985-2009." Online. Available: http://www.ojjdp.gov/ojstatbb/ezajcs/

Placement Cases – Sorted by Size of Change

1985 2009 Change Sum of positive changes=45,800



Page 10: Juvenile Incarceration Trends Jeffrey  A. Butts, Ph.D. John  Jay College of Criminal Justice

Research and Evaluation Center

Jeffrey A. Butts, Ph.D.Research and Evaluation CenterJohn Jay College of Criminal JusticeCity University of New York

[email protected]

