justification of table of contents images

Justification of Table Of Contents images By Evie Theodore

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Post on 16-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Justification of Table Of Contents images By Evie Theodore

2. Table Of Contents Images After taking my pictures, going through them all and then narrowing down my choices, I was able to select the best seven images. At the end of the presentation I have selected the two images (main and secondary) I will use for my front cover. 3. Main Images 4. Research behind my poses I See Stars album cover promoted by skateboards and skaters Skate park with graffiti decorated by skaters Kellin Quinn grafitting Avril Lavigne with her skateboard Pierce The Veil album cover promoted by The electric guitar promotes music but the banner promotes skating 5. TOC Main Images1) Advantages: Good use of Mise en Scene The model is positioned well, giving the illusion the angel wings are her own or she had created them Disadvantages: Distractions such as the other graffiti art and the construction fence. The model is standing in front of graffiti and holding their skateboard to the side. It is representative of those who enjoy skateboarding or graffiti as it can show a musician in an urban environment or different aspects that influence rock music. Image A) of Kellin Quinn, lead vocalist of the famous band Sleeping With Sirens, is spray painting a wall. This is representative of graffiti artists or the target audience as he is looking over his shoulder cautiously, in fear of being caught as typically most graffiti art is believed to be an act of vandalism. Therefore the model can be perceived as just created the angel wings and is stepping back to pose with their work, incorporating the idea of art being influential with music and behaviour. The use of Mise en Scene can be representative as the clothing the model is wearing is overall neutral as it is black, however items such as the jacket and the hoodie may represent skater groups such as indie as they are stereotypical items of clothing. The use of the sunglasses as a prop brings to mind that the model is secretive and mysterious. This can be supported by the use of the limited lighting as the picture was taken at night which further gives the illusion the skater model discreet and unseen. The use of the jewellery as a prop promotes the femininity of the model which contrast their clothing and skater image which is stereotypically represented as masculine. Image B)below of rock star Avril Lavigne also goes against this stereotype as she is known for being a female punk skater and musician. A) B) 6. TOC Main Images 2) Advantages: The camera is closer to the model, allowing features to be clearer The skateboard is seen at a better angle than the previous image Disadvantages: The model is standing at a bad angle and is not in line with the wall so the wings look out of place I chose to have the models back turned to the camera as it supports the idea that they are secretive and mysterious. The lighting used also supports this as it is very limited and looks like it is night time in the image , which represents graffiti artists or skaters as this is the key time they would go out to do their work as they wont be caught or disturbed. The skateboard is shown at a better angle here. This is representative of those who enjoy skateboarding or graffiti as it can show a musician in an urban environment or different aspects that influence rock music. 7. Image Chosen 1) I chose to use this image as it more effective than the other in conveying that the model is both a skater/rock star as in this image the audience is able to see their face. This image also still is able to retain a sense of secrecy and mystery through the use of the models black clothing and sunglasses which are simple, dark and do not reveal too much about their character. I also prefer the way the model is standing in this image as they are in line with the wall and able to display the graffiti angel wings. 8. Secondary Images 9. Research behind the poses Fall Out Boys first album cover. Jared Leto hiding his face from the camera. 10. TOC Secondary Images Advantages: The models poses seem casual and friendly together. Disadvantages: The angle of the left models legs seems strange 1) A) B) Fall Out Boys first album cover Jared Leto hiding his face from the camera. I wanted the models to physically touch in this image to represent a connection and friendship. The model on the right is supposed to appear camera shy or disinterested in the picture through the use of the prop of the red baseball cap. This is reflected through Image B) below as the rock star is also using an item of clothing to help hide their face. There position against the wall is also representative of friendship between two people or band mates. This is reflected through Image A) below of the ban Fall Out Boy. In this picture all the band members are sitting with their back against the wall and almost leaning on one another showing their comfort and good relationship with each other. This can be representative of the target audience as they will idolize band members and their friendship or be able to relate to it with their own friends. 11. TOC Secondary Images Advantages: The models poses seem casual and friendly together. Disadvantages: Although the model on the lefts facial expression is natural and makes the pictures seem like it is unexpected, but it would have looked better if they were looking at the camera Their shoes have been taken out of the shot 2) I got the right model to slightly move their head back from the left and stare at the left model (despite the fact you cant see their eyes, this is still evident from their body language). The Left model is looking down and laughing. This can be represent friendship of band members or the target audience themselves as it shows they are connected e.g. through the colour of their clothing and they are both wearing jeans. The model on the right is supposed to appear camera shy or disinterested in the picture through the use of the prop of the red baseball cap. This is reflected through image below as the rock star is also using an item of clothing to help hide their face. Also there position sitting on the floor can display their relationship. For example the left model could be playfully mocking the right, but they are still comfortable around one another e.g. shown through the way the left model is laughing. This can be representative of the target audience as they will idolize band members and their friendship or be able to relate to it with their own friends. Jared Leto hiding his face from the camera. 12. TOC Secondary Images Advantages: The gesture can be representative of shy or antisocial people such as punks and goths like the models. Disadvantages: It may seem offensive to some people (although it can be edited) 3) I selected this image as it is a high angle two shot and conveys the relationship between the two models as they are sitting below the camera and are separated from it, therefore the viewer, by distance as if they are in their own world or private conversation. They are sitting quite close to each other which shows that they know each other well. This can be seen as typical in a relationship with band members looking at Image A) which is of the band Fall Out Boy. They are all sitting close by to one another. The very last band member on the right is slouched very low which shows he is comfortable with his band mates. My image is also able to reflect Image A) as the models are not smiling just like the band. This could represent a close group of friends or a sub-culture e.g punks, that are being disturbed by an outsider with a camera, which is why the band and the models are disinterested/defensive. However it also displays a contrast between their personalities. The left model is doing a typical rock star pose and looking directly into the camera, while the right model has their head lowered so their face is not visible as it is blocked by the baseball cap. They are making a rude/ defensive gesture as they cover their face. This could be representative of a shy person or a temperamental rock star that doesn't want their picture taken . This can be seen as typical for a celebrity or a rock star as shown through image B) below. Image B) is of the rock star Jared Leto. Similarly the right model is wearing a dark jumper and displaying their hands close to their face as a defence. A) B) Fall Out Boys first album cover. Jared Leto hiding his face from the camera. 13. Image chosen 2) I chose this image out of the others because the models are contrasting each other in their poses. While one is encouraging the camera and posing, the other is keeping their head down and hiding their face while making an offensive gesture. The gesture could represent an anti-social or temperamental rock star. This could be representative of two groups the product will me aimed at: Goths and punks. The models costumes are also supposed to contrast each other. Similarly they are both wearing a black item, however they are overall different. For example the left model is wearing boots and dark grey jeans, giving a sense of consistency in style and colour. However the left model is wearing light denim jeans, white trainers and a red baseball cap, not showing their face or hair or showing off their props like the left model. The right model appears more masculine, uncaring and in control by making the gesture to show they do not want their picture taken. This representative of the masculine and feminine balance of a rock band and promotes equality to the audience. The left models jewellery is representative of women e.g. the bracelets, but also incorporates some masculinity such as the boots and the skull ring showing equality- that women can do or wear what men do. The two shot also represents friendship and the unity of the band. As it is at a high angle two shot and conveys the relationship between the two models as they are sitting below the camera and are separated from it, therefore the viewer, by distance as if they are in their own world or private conversation. This can also be representative of the target audience as they will idolize band members and their friendship or be able to relate to it with their own friends.