just one yesterday

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  • 8/13/2019 Just One Yesterday



    a short story

    Picato Caine

    The characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons,

    living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.All rights reserved

  • 8/13/2019 Just One Yesterday



    I remember everything: the night, the plan and the kiss. Everything was

    unexpected. Who wouldnt thought that a douche bag like me would get a score to a pretty,

    innocent girl like her? She was gorgeous, honest and amazing while I was the opposite.

    The night was young. The evening sky was dazzling with stars from the

    heavens. The clouds were imperceptible in vision. The breeze was calm and the humidity was

    not that damp. It was the perfect night for victory, the night of a new spark.

    Man, hooking up with this girl would be the greatest thing ever. Next week

    shes going to be bullied by your goons, be miserable and youre gonna be awesome. Tyler,

    my best friend, said while pulling my Bugatti to a stop at the parking lot of Ricardos Pizzeria.

    Tonight was the night that I would get my long awaited prize, my membership to an exclusive

    fraternity and I doubted about it.

    Tyler I dont want to do this. This is freakin insane. I removed my seat belt

    and messed up my waxed hair. I was sporting my favorite vintage, camouflage jacket and

    faded Levis jeans. Id never thought that this would end up this way. That I would set her up

    to be tortured and molested by a bunch of drunken freaks. The way that I would care for a

    stranger, but as the weeks burned to an end, Id noticed that shes special. This was too much

    for her. All the good times wasted for this evening.

    Do it for us, do it for the brotherhood. Marley is just a doll, Hale. Play with


    Shes not a toy, man. Shes more than that! I protested as I opened the side

    door. Marley is not like those bitches that I used to date. She doesnt wear too much make up

    or short skinny skirts. Shes not dumb at all but unexpectedly, I lured her into this booby trap

    and she was about to pay the consequence.

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    So shes something special. So much of this love fiascoYada, Yada, Yada,

    Rodrick wants us in order to strengthen his alliance. He wants you cause youre the son of

    the former alpha. Tyler sounded like a retarded jackass and I dont want the sound of that.

    Thats it! Im quitting this stupid game, I reached out to my car keys and

    plotted an escape.

    But man, you cant. Tyler uttered while he sent out a signal from his beeper.

    I cant believe youre letting me down, man. I thought you were my friend, I

    started my first step to the pizzeria. I needed to rescue Marley before they get their hands on

    hersaving her was my main objective.

    I was, a minute ago. And then it all happened. The fraternity showed up all in

    their dark leather jackets. The boss, Rodrick appeared wearing an all-black suit, gently hitting a

    baseball bat to his palm. As I saw them, I thought it was going to get messy. I then dropped

    my own beeper and ran to the pizzeria facing the fear. My aim was to get her home safely.

    This commotion was not about her, it was about me. Settling it alone was the best thing to do.

    I then saw her. She was gorgeous as always. She dressed herself up in white jeans and a

    corral toned top. Her long black hair styled perfectly and her brown eyes were dazzling with

    surprise as she saw me.

    Cmon Babe, we have company. I said as I pulled her from her seat. She was

    startled by my actions, filling my mind with questions to be answered but I refused to answer

    them all.

    Whats happening here? Whats going on?

    Im getting you home. I want you to be safe. We rapidly ran, exiting from the

    pizzeria. I parked my dads Volkswagen a few meters away for an escape plan. I hoped that

    this would turn out according to my plan.

    Get in. I ordered but she was whining about the sudden change of plans.

    Im not getting in until you explain whats happening,

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    Marley, the fraternity is following us. Their problem, they want me. Now, get in.

    I opened the side door and gently pushed her in, taking her seat. I took my seat as well,

    igniting the car to life. I looked at the side mirror and noticed that they were coming. The gang

    was in their motorcycles and sedans.

    The lack of street lights was kind of disturbing. Distinguishing the road with only

    the headlights was hard. The tires screeched as we spin around to face north, accelerating too

    fast in order to lose those stags. Sudden gunshots were perceived by our range and Marley

    was crying. Her moans were seizing the situation.

    Hale can you please tell me what this is about? she cried out. Her brown

    eyes were filled with tears and its a pity to see a girl cry like that.

    Babe, listen to me. All they want is me. Were gonna settle this and everything

    will be fine.

    Why are a bunch of guys following you? What do they want? Let me


    I was the one who brought you here. They asked me to date and make your

    life miserable but I refuse it. You made me realize things that I dont deserve and I dont

    wanna lose that. I cant lose you. And there was it. I said it all to her. A douche bag

    confessed it all. I was confessing my love for her (very clich, right?) and sweating out every

    drop of fluids out from my body. She was speechless and I dont blame her. I took a sharp

    right, racing forward, blowing through several stop signs without a pause. The road was all

    ours. No sudden cars were appearing along the way, thinking that wed lost them. After a

    while, we came out to a gasoline station a few blocks away from her house. I pulled the car

    to a break. I went out, unlocking her door. She left the car anxiously.

    Go home, youre safe there. Lock all the doors just in case. Everything will be

    all right by morning. I reached her cold hand and gave her a handkerchief, the word Paradise

    was embroidered in it. We were looking at each others eyes. Her eyes were still slightly red.

    I love you, she whispered as she gave me a kiss. I felt my heart beating like

    a stunted drum. I gasped for air to pacify my senses but the sweet scent from her hair

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  • 8/13/2019 Just One Yesterday



    Oh, I see youre using Terius gun. How ironic, isnt it? He started his soft

    laughter, loudening to a boisterous one as he placed his index finger at the trigger, aiming it at

    my direction as well.

    Can you accept the fact that forgiveness can be the key, the key to open a

    new beginning? Its not Marleys fault if her father murdered Terius. Jacobsen was in the NBI.

    It was his job to do it. Hes long gone and it looks like you killed him. I know he was the one

    who cut Terius strings, leaving me in your custody. But I prefer to change things. This was my

    mission, right? Screw my membership if you dont agree but Im saving her. Shes out of the

    picture. After a second, I gasped for air filling my lungs. I felt the adrenaline rushing through

    my stream as I sustained to target him. I saw a strange smile curling up on his face.

    a sacrifice for young love? How pathetic! If I cant have you then youll be

    worthless. I pity you dont inherited Terius guts. I might as well kill you. Say hi to your father

    and to the Jacobsens for me, He reached out a piece of clothing from his pocket. I was not

    mistaken, the piece of wool was covered with blood stains and a visible word can be seen

    embroidered on it.


    You know, killing him was easy but she was a bit tricky. Sealing it with a kiss,

    how pitiful on your part? He straightened his aim and so did I. I moved my torso a few

    degrees, slowly pulling the trigger. But unfortunately the bad movie ended and my screen

    turned to black.

    I thought about many things. I thought about dying. I thought about letting go

    and be with her. I thought Id saved her. I thought I was the hero, her hero. I thought about

    the alternate endings.

    What if I had continue the plan?

    What if I had played the game according to its rules?

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    What if Im not the son of Terius?

    What if I was the one who killed him?

    What if I didnt leave the pizzeria?

    What if shes alive?

    What if shes the hero, my hero?

    I hoped I had the guts to kil l Rodrick. He was surely a douche bag. The dirtiest

    douche bag Id ever met. I imagined my life, my mirror slowly cracking from its frame. I tried to

    envision the faces of all the special people in my life. Blythe, my mom; Terius and my

    grandparents; Tyler and my friends at school; some people in our neighborhood; and Marley

    but somehow, they were a bit foggy, like I dont know them. I thought that I was halfway the

    afterlife but I was feeling myself. My mind was spinning and surprisingly, I perceived it. I heard

    the puzzle pieces coming together to fix the cracks. The mirror was still shinning. My life was

    still living, breathing giving my heart its beating. I didnt know what was happening.

    Is this hell? But this was the parallel of it.

    This is not the inferno of hell. This is the radiance of paradise.

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    The radiance of the sun lingered in my vision. The clouds were flowing like big

    cruisers in the sky. The sky was flaunting its azure shade. The birds were soaring like rockets,

    reaching for the stars, aiming to touch the heavens. I, myself, tried to do that. I used to reach

    my stars. I used to aim them but I just cant reach them, no matter how hard I tried. Giving up

    was the option but I didnt accept it. I believed that giving up means living in the darker side,

    isolating one from succeeding because of fear. Giving up was like the Game overin reality,

    better to restart it than to pull the plug. The warm shore and gust were inviting me to jump

    into the beach. The cool waves were running like a parade of gravity and a group of chaps

    were surfing them. The ladies were in their swimsuits, flaunting their respective figures. Kids

    were busy making sand castles and flying kites. It was the perfect day to enjoy the sun. If only

    I can.

    I see youre looking at the beach again. You want some fresh air, Hale?

    Blythe asked as she saw me looking out from the window. She was wearing a stained red

    apron on top of her grey blouse and jeans. Her long brown hair tied in a ponytail and wrinkles

    were seen below her chestnut eyes, preparing the kitchen table for lunch. Because of the

    incident, I failed to attend my graduation. I was stuck recovering from the grievances of it. After

    that, I got my diploma and decided to join my mother in the Philippines, together with her new

    husband, Jason. It wasnt bad living with them. Actually, I admired the place, its people and

    definitely the food. Blythe ensured her care, helping me to adapt this new way of living. I gave

    her a nod. She moved to my place, aiding to stir my wheel chair to the terrace.

    You know, you are alucky young man, Hale. A year ago, Mr. Jacobsen found

    you. Without his efforts, you might have joined your dad. I was wrong trusting Rodrick. Wed

    even thought that Frank was the one who killed Terius. He saved you and Ill be forever

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    grateful for his deed. Frank Jacobsen found me. He shot Rodrick after I got shot. Id even

    thought that Rodrick killed him. But Rodrick wounded me. The bullet entered behind my left

    shoulder blade, punctured a lung, and lodged in my spinal canal. Instantly, I was paralyzed. I

    was able to recover but unable to pick my foot when I regained my senses. I guess

    serendipity was always on our side.

    I felt the refreshing saline air from the beach as it hit my face. He said that

    Rodrick was the one who killed Dad. He even saw everything, the reason why Rodrick tried to

    cut his strings as well. Blythe positioned the wheel chair to the right side of the terrace. Blythe

    continued. I was so fretted when I heard the news that the paramedics found Marley out cold.

    Theyd thought that herpulse was in the flat line when they found her at her room. Thank God

    shes now okay, I was speechless for a minute. All of a sudden, my tongue was tied. Blythe

    noticed this, changing the topic. So Hale now that youre paraplegic, Im expecting no more

    gun explosions in the house, okay? I hope the incident taught you a very valuable lesson

    your father might rise from the dead to join you in your mafiagames. She laughed, feeling

    her diaphragm shake as it flowed through the wheelchair.

    Promise no more guns for me. I shrugged, glancing at the view. I wished I

    could walk again. I wished I could go back to Ohio, to rewind time and correct my mistakes. I

    wished to be with her. I wished to hold her talk to her sway with her and kiss her. She

    turned out to be the best thing I never had. Suddenly, the phone rang. Blythe went inside to

    answer it so I was alone in the terrace. The smell of paradise went through my system. The

    air was blowing strong, messing up my hair. The air brought that vibe of relaxation in my

    senses, feeling to stay in here forever.

    Blythe returned carrying the phone. She handled it to me and said. Its Tyler.

    He wants to talk to you. I received the phone and thanked her. She swung her fingers,

    signaling to resume her work in the kitchen.

    Its Hale. Talk to me,

    Hale! Hows my boy? Are the girls checking you out? I noticed that his voice

    was croaky.

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    Ty remember. My body is half alive. I cant even walk. So how do you expect

    me to mingle with them?

    Oh I always forget that. By the way pal, I just got my admission to NYU!

    Congratulations man! Im so proud of you,

    Thanks geez. Im so nervous.

    Dont be, theres a bunch of hot college girls in New York. Theyll entertain

    you. He laughed quietly. His soft gasps echoed in my ear.

    Ye-yeah definitely, so have you decided what career are you taking?

    Im gonna be a writer, man.

    I see boredom helped you there. He continued his laughter.

    Absolutely, the late night readings made me so fascinated with literature. Well,

    I tried to read books during the whole healing process. John GreensThe Fault in Our

    Starsand Paper townswere my favorites. It had made me understand that life offers you

    different kind of strings to play with it all depends on our part whether were going to tie or

    cut it.

    I paused for a second and the thought hit me. Ty I know this is off topic

    but how is she? I tried to forget her. I tried to move on but her face continued to linger in

    my memories. She was the one who helped me change. She was the one who gave me my


    Marley left Ohio two days ago.

    Wha-what? She left? Why? I heard soft footsteps, hitting the planks of the

    terrace. The sound was growing closer. I assumed that it was Blythe coming back to check me

    out. But surprising, it wasnt. I placed the phone on my lap and glanced at the sky. The sun

    was at its peak, shining bright like an enormous egg. I breathed in. The sweet scent of roses

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    intertwined with the salty air. I felt a different presence in the in the place. The presence made

    my heart skip a beat.

    I thought you were coming back. said by the voice that I refused to forget. I

    turned my wheelchair around to face the company. The dark curls underneath a lilac sunhat

    and dazzling coffee almond eyes of a divine creature met my gaze. Her presence made my

    head doubt that it was a hallucination, that it was part of a memory. She shifted closer,

    flaunting a sunny dress. I remained still in my position.

    I was but my feet got tired and now they are asleep. After saying it, I

    scolded myself. I sounded like my old self again a douche bag. I heard her sweet chuckles

    though, so I guess she was buying it. She dropped her hat and embraced me like a fat teddy

    bear. I perceived her gasps and felt her drooling tears as she continued to hold me. The scent

    of roses grew stronger, shifting my hands to release the phone to clasp her tighter. I was so

    worried. She said, looking at my eyes. No more guns just roses. I swore to her. She

    continued her chuckles and held my face, filling the vacant part of a paradise, my paradise
