just a little gimmick? gamification 2014 - core mechanics, fields of application and future...

Just a little gimmick? Gamification 2014: core mechanics, fields of application and future prospects

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Just a little gimmick?

Gamification 2014:core mechanics, fields of application

and future prospects

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Gamification: a definition.

Use of game design elements in non-game contexts.*

*Deterding et. al; 2011

Quelle: http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3p4jhw

digital games: a niche product?

● global revenue 2014: 46.5 billion $1

● USA: time spent playing/capita: 23.2 min daily

● Average player:

Quellen: 1 http://bit.ly/1eJsALr; 2 http://bit.ly/1D8MzQR,

digital games: a niche product?

● global revenue 2014: 46.5 billion $1

● USA: time spent playing/capita: 23.2 min daily

● Average player3:○ 31 years old (39% are over 36) (!)○ 48% female○ mobile!

Quellen: 1 http://bit.ly/1eJsALr; 2 http://bit.ly/1D8MzQR, 3 ESA 2014

Gamification = something new?

Source: soldiershttp://www.bmlv.gv.at/abzeichen/; couponhttp://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabattmarke, boyscout uniform: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pfadfinderkluft

What are games good at?

Games give instant feedback.Source: http://www.computerbild.de/fotos/Super-Mario-Galaxy-2-Allgemeine-Tipps-5381209.html

What are games good at?

Playing games is rewarding.Source: http://nightmaremode.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/level-up.jpg

What are games good at?

Games give room for error.Source: http://nightmaremode.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/level-up.jpg

What are games good at?

Games provide comparability.Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/videocrab/280787884/in/photolist-qP7sq-5mYYnM-5bsEUU

What is Gamification good at?

Changing behavior by- stimulation through reward engines- reachable goal definition- providing momentum through social

mechanics (social glue)

→ Short term behavioral change Vs. long term.

Gamification mechnics I

points→ instant feedback

Gamification mechanics II

badges→ rewards, reachable goal

Gamification mechanics III

highscores→ comparability, bragging

Player Types

graphic: http://frankcaron.com/Flogger/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/frankcaron_playerTypes_flat.pngconcept: Bartle, 1996

critical reception of the term

Ian Bogost: “Gamification is bullshit” [exploitationware]

Jane McGonigal: “With gamification towards a better world.”[alternate reality games]

Gabe Zichermann:“Crush the competition with gamification.”

Bogost: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_BogostMcGonigal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_McGonigalZicherman: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ictqatar/6845230869/

Believe the hype?

Quelle: http://www.gartner.com/newsroom/id/2575515

Believe the hype?

Quelle: http://www.smartinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/gartner-hypecycle-2014-emerging-technologies.jpg

Dividing games and gamification

gamifying something Vs. making a game

game designers: perversion, misuse, boring, Skinner-box, turf war

→ detach concept of gamification from games. Think mechanics on a more abstract level.

Fields of application

- messages that are difficult to grasp

- short term attention-spikes

- increase of interaction through stimulating self efficacy

- (political) campaigning


Game Based Learning to be more widespread

Serious Games expected to increase (proper games that often times use a metaphorical approach to make certain real life topics experienceable)


- term will vanish

- afterlife of mechanicsin campaigns andmarketing mix


~ 2007 - 2020


Which successful social media service uses gamification mechanics?

gamified features of

Goal: Facebook needs users to repeadedly create fresh, personal content. Needs data for advertising.

Task: Connect with friends!

Instant feedback: likes, comments, shares

points: likes, friend-count, followers, engagemant metrics

social status = representable


Source: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München / ARTigo

Raising engagement

Quelle: https://www.zombiesrungame.com/


Source: http://www.memrise.com/

political campaigning

Source: http://www.idfblog.com/

Practical example:Gamification of the house rules

Campaign: ‘Rücksicht hat Vorrang.’ → not the sexiest topic ever.

Task: Raise awareness for house rules and frequent violations. Raise engagement on blog.

Point to get across: House rules benefit everyone. machen.

Practical example:Gamification of the house rules

- Development time = 2 months- User enforce house rules on blog

- badges for users and aSHARED SCORE.

- reaching score goal = possible prize forall players; 5 levels

Practical example:Gamification of the house rules

running time: 16.09.2013 – 04.10.2013

generated users: > 1.000

1.920.165 awareded points

170.000 interactions

average points/user: 1.951

massive increase in blog traffic: + 377% (!)

more data here: http://digitalaffairs.at/2013/10/09/lets-play-gamification-wiener-linien-hausordnung/and here: http://digitalaffairs.at/2013/10/15/wiener-linien-gamification-fun-facts/

a few recommendations

- set definite goals- use MDA-Framework, narration!- make game design document:

define grammar, tonality, terms to use- use cloud service (Google Drive)- analytics programme- get good technical partner- invest time in testing (diff. user types) mom


ConclusionGamification = Use of game design elements in non game contexts

Gamification itself is nothing new.

Core mechanics:

instant feedback through points

badges as rewards and goals

social status represented through levels

bragging rights through high score lists

Gamification and games are farther apart than one would think

Think of gamification mechancis as part of the media mix in campaigns

intrinsic motivation > extrinsic motivation in the long run

Reading list:

● Johan Huizinga: “Homo Ludens”

● Roger Callois: “Man, Play and Games”

● Kevin Werbach: “For the Win: How Game-Thinking can revolutionize your business”

● Ian Bogost: “Persuasive Games - The expressive power of videogames”

● Jane McGonigal: “Reality is broken - why games make us better and how they can change the world.”

Interesting projects

Physics game “Ludwig” -->http://www.playludwig.com/

YPD-Challenge → http://www.ypdchallenge.com/

Financial Literacy Game “ Cure Runners” http://cure-runners.at/