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  • 8/12/2019 Jurnal Yayan


    Abnormal Epithelial Differentiation and Tear Film

    Alteration in Pinguecula

    Abnormal Diferensiasi Epitel dan Perubahan film Air Mata Pada PingueculaPURPOSE. To investigate the differentiation of conjunctival epithelium and tear film function in pingueculae.

    METHODS. Twelve patients (12 eyes) who underwent simple excision for pingueculae were enrolled in the study.

    Immunostaining for K1! K1"! K1#! $%&'&! ax*! *+! Ki*,! and

    K1* was performed on the pinguecula epithelium and normal conjunctival epithelium. -chirmer I test results and

    tear film rea/0up time (T%T) were evaluated just efore and 1 month after surgery.

    RESUTS. normal epidermal differentiation of pinguecula tissue! as evidenced y a decline in or asence of ax*

    expression! was accompanied y a decline in or asence of K1" /eratin and $%&'&! and an increase in K1# and

    K1 /eratin. urthermore! the pinguecula epithelium was actively proliferating! as evidenced y positive

    expression of Ki*,! *+! and K1* /eratin. The -chirmer I test results did not indicate any significant differences

    efore and after surgery. 3owever! the T%T was significantly prolonged 1 month after surgery compared

    with efore surgery.

    !O"!US#O"S. inguecula is a condition of anormal epithelial differentiation. It is characteri4ed y s5uamous

    proliferation and metaplasia! resulting in instaility of tear film with normal

    asic tear secretion. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2##"6'#7 2,1#82,1') 9:I71#.11*,;iovs.#

  • 8/12/2019 Jurnal Yayan


    lthough the etiogenesis of pingueculae is still not fully understood! prolonged exposure to ultraviolet0 radiation

    is thought to promote its development.'8, :ther factors (e.g.! p'+ mutation!< increased cholesterol metaolism!"

    development of anormal elastotic materials!1# age!11!12 and inade5uate tear film staility1+) may also play roles in

    pinguecula formation. 3owever! to the est of our /nowledge! there are no pulished studies comparing

    proliferation and differentiation of pinguecula epithelium to those of normal conjunctival epithelium.

    To etter understand the alterations of the conjunctival epithelium in this condition! we compared pinguecula

    samples to normal conjunctiva via immunostaining with monoclonal antiodies to K1! K1"! K1#! $%&'&!

    ax*! Ki*,! *+! and K1* proteins! and examined the extent and distriution of their expressions. $oreover! we

    evaluated the effect of pinguecula vis0a>0vis tear function! ased on tear film rea/0up time (T%T) and the

    results of pre0 and postoperative -chirmer I tests.

    Pingueculae adalah gangguan permukaan bola mata umum* dengan tingkat pre!alensi 'ang

    dilaporkan dari %%*9 sampai +,9. Pingueculae bersifat inak* kekuningan* sedikit terangkat*

    deposit interpalpebral seperti lipid di limbus konungti!a nasal dan temporal. Meskipun

    pinguecula adalah bersifat inak* dapat men'ebabkan iritasi mata #misaln'a sensasi 5 benda asing*

    n'eri* dan mata berair& dan menunukkan masalah kesehatan mata 'ang signifikan di ban'ak


    Meskipun etiogenesis dari pingueculae masih belum sepenuhn'a dipahami* kontak 'ang terlalu

    lama dengan radiasi ultra!iolet 5 7 diperkirakan meningkatkan perkembangann'a. 6aktor5faktor

    lain #misaln'a* p1 mutasi* perkembangan abnormal material ela$totic% usia* dan stabilitas film air

    mata 'ang tidak memadai& mungkin uga memainkan peran dalam pembentukan pinguecula.

    7agaimanapun* untuk 'ang terbaik bagi pengetahuan kami* tidak ada penelitian 'ang

    dipublikasikan membandingkan proliferasi dan diferensiasi epitel pinguecula terhadap epitel

    konungti!a normal .

    Untuk lebih memahami perubahan dari epitel konungti!a dalam kondisi ini* kamimembandingkan sampel pinguecula dan konungti!a 'ang normal melalui immuno$taining

    dengan mono&lonal antiboditerhadap ($) * ($+ * ($, * MU-A- * PA/0 * (i02 * P01 * dan

    Protein ($0* dan Menelaah luas serta distribusi ekspresin'a. Selain itu* kami menge!aluasi efek

    'i$ (a ('i$fungsi air mata pada pingueculae* didasarkan pada tear film brea&( up time )TF*UT+

    dan hasil dari pra5 dan pasca operasi ui Schirmer 4.


    The following materials were used7 hydrogen peroxide! 9I! 3oechst0 +++2 dye! acetone! Triton ?01##! ovine serum

    alumin (-)! and IT&0conjugated anti0mouse Ig@s (-igma0ldrich! -t. Aouis! $:)6 mouse anti0cyto/eratin 1# (K1#)! 0K1"!

    0*+! and 0Ki*, antiodies (9a/o iotechnology! @lostrup! 9enmar/)6 mouse anti0$%&'& monoclonal antiody (cam

    iotechnology! &amridge! %K)6 mouse anti0K1! 0K1*! and 0ax* monoclonal antiodies (-anta &ru4 iotechnology! -anta

    &ru4! &)6 diaminoen4idine (96 9a/o &ytomation! &arpinteria! &)6 and the & /it for mouse (Bectastain Clite6 Bector

    Aaoratories! urlingame! &).

    Patient$ and Specimen$

    De studied pinguecula specimens from 12 patients who had had elective outpatient pinguecula surgery. &linical diagnosis of

    pinguecula was ased on previously reported criteria.1 ll investigations were conducted in accordance with the tenets of the

    9eclaration of 3elsin/i and were approved y the Cthics &ommittee of ?iamen Cye &enter. Informed consent was otained from

    each patient efore inclusion in

    the study. ll study patients were examined at the &ornea and :cular -urface &linic of ?iamen Cye &enter (?iamen! ujian!

    &hina)! etween 9ecemer 2##, and eruary 2##

  • 8/12/2019 Jurnal Yayan


    with previous ocular surgery! contact lens wear! pemphigoid! -joEgrenFs syndrome! or any other type of conjunctivitis or /eratitis

    were excluded from the study. The patients were oserved for at least 1 month after surgery. Gormal conjunctiva otained from

    human donors at ?iamen Cye &enter and Cye Institute served as the control.

    E'aluation of Tear Film Function

    ll examinations were performed in the morning! and all measured variales

    for each patient were evaluated during a single office visit in the

    same dar/ened room 1 day efore and 1 month after surgery. T%T

    measurements with fluorescein were ta/en and the -chirmer I test (without

    topical anesthesia) was performed. T%T was recorded as the average

    of three successive measurements. The -chirmer I test result was

    expressed as the wet length of the strip measured after ' minutes.


    7ahan 'ang digunakan sebagai berikut : hidrogen peroksida* DAP4* pe;arna 3oechst5111)%*

    aseton* Triton /5$,,* bo!ine serum albumin #7SA&* dan 64T-5terkonugasi anti5tikus 4g'messuch asperoIidase#seeimmunoperoIidase staining& and

    alkaline phosphataseare no; used. These en>'mes are capable of catal'sing reactions that gi!e a

    coloured product that is easil' detectable b' light microscop'. Alternati!el'* radioacti!e

    elementscan be used as labels* and the immunoreaction can be !isuali>ed b' autoradiograph'.

