june 21 2012 neah bay constitution tunnel space shuttle-other-launch-business plans template sales

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Introducing a New Product

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed.
Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Strait of Georgia High Speed Rail Train & Highway Tunnel Crossing

Space-Shuttle-Other-Launch-Business Plans

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

CandidacyCandidacy EventsCandidacy Pre-announcement Events Candidacy Pros and Cons Announcement of Candidacy- formation Team,post a website,statement o " I'm in to win," file official paperwork for pre-candidate for Crofton-Cowichan to preliminary 60 days to Election Poll Date. Campaign Staff And Policy Team: Initial Team; Team Of Advisers And Political Operatives; Campaign Manager-manage campaign spending, prevent factional disputes within the campaign, and recognize candidates that are serious threats early take action to win; Deputy Campaign Manager And Coordinated The Advertising; CHIEF CAMPAIGN STRATEGIST Polling Manager Strategist-polling firm-free trade bill unions; Campaign Spokesperson; Chief Operating Officer Of The Campaign; Senior Advisor Communications Director; Lawyer/General Counsel For The Campaign; Finance Director; Lead Media Consultant, Campaign's Policy Director; Director Of Scheduling And Long-Term Planning ; Deputy Communications Director; Senior Policy Advisor; Chief Technology Officer, and Senior Policy Advisor. Campaign Workers for the Anna" TEAM.ADVISERS and SUPPORTERSKEY REGION AND SUBJECT SPECIALISTS TO FOCUS ON AN INTENSE RECRUITING BATTLE MLA Campaign Staff - 8 to 14 Senior Staff;12 To 20 Top Paid Staff; 85 To 161 Nominally Paid Staff; Overall REORGANIZATIONSTRATEGIST CHANGESFUNDRAISING Campaign Chair Political And Finance Leader GOAL is to raise at least $1 million in 2012-13. Donations - quarterly percent of $1.0 million - donations from CONTRIBUTORS - Donors Giving The Maximum And Minimum; Contributors To New Contributors. the conclusion of the election cycle in May 14 2013, campaign must not be severely in debt; owing hundreds to millions of dollars to staff and outside vendors. ACCOUNT MANAGER WRITE OFFS must clear from the outset and determine if the funds are lent by the candidate declared and tax; continue to raise funds to confirmation as MLA; Record all from first quarter to ends of terms; large campaign funding must be noted; enable funds to pay off all creditors; pollster pay and to whom the campaign still owes.campaign must deal with preventing financial and potential "bundling" scandals. The campaign must announce it has put into place tough procedures for vetting major contributors, including running criminal background checks, Pollster-raised questionable financial bundles gone to POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES and to re-election campaigns, Campaign Officials must decide regarding what to do with those funds


Richmond, British ColumbiaClimate chart (explanation)JFMAMJJASOND154 6 1123 8 2114 10 384 13 568 17 855 19 1140 22 1339 22 1354 19 11113 14 7181 9 3176 6 1Average max. and min. temperatures in C

Precipitation totals in mmSource: YVR[hide]Imperial conversionJFMAMJJASOND6.1 43 334.8 46 354.5 50 383.3 56 422.7 62 472.2 67 521.6 71 561.5 71 562.1 66 514.4 56 447.1 48 386.9 43 33Average max. and min. temperatures in FPrecipitation totals in inches

Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island
Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Strait of Georgia High Speed Rail Train & Highway Tunnel Crossing

Space-Shuttle-Other-Launch-Business Plans

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Manufacturing of All Products, Parts in BC Serviced in BCMan Made IslandsMan Made Island Station:Midway across the Strait of GeorgiaConstitution Tunnel Tribal Island Towers Midway Station High Speed RailMarket Tourism Deck Sales

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed.
Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station


Richmond, British ColumbiaClimate chart (explanation)JFMAMJJASOND154 6 1123 8 2114 10 384 13 568 17 855 19 1140 22 1339 22 1354 19 11113 14 7181 9 3176 6 1Average max. and min. temperatures in C

Precipitation totals in mmSource: YVR[hide]Imperial conversionJFMAMJJASOND6.1 43 334.8 46 354.5 50 383.3 56 422.7 62 472.2 67 521.6 71 561.5 71 562.1 66 514.4 56 447.1 48 386.9 43 33Average max. and min. temperatures in FPrecipitation totals in inches

Long-term Goal

The intended goal and the reason for my entering for the MLA position in the BC Provincial Election, May 14, 2013, is to promote legislation that will provide all BC residents with free, no tuition university to the end of the second year, to the end of the 200 level. Economic development requires a new Transportation Crossing.

Form a Cowichan-Richmond Area Council Economic Institute.

Modernize TransLink, integrated TransLink with a high speed rail system, the SoBCtrain commuter service. Southern BC Transit.

This will create the equivalent of almost 9,600 jobs-years of new employment. (SoCal califhighspeedrail)

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed.
Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Customer Wishes

BC Public

Customer needs and wishes

Requirements of the BC People


Council of Economic Advisers

Protect & Maintain a Middle Class

Protect & Maintain Economic Mobility

Maintain Upward Mobility

Jobs Housing- SF Single Family Housing

Education Free 200 Level University Trade Labor

Creative Business Financing

People of BC Requirements

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed.
Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Customer Needs

Main Attributes For a Strong BC Economy

Product Attributes Customer Needs

BC Transit Investment

CEO/Management Avoid CAP overspending due to ability to test the space for precise fixture and branding requirements. Better "sell through" and less "mark down" due to improved stock management, resulting in higher net margin and Gross Margin Return on Investment (GMROI). Reduced logistics cost as there will be no more overstock returns to warehouse Improves cross functional team collaboration for buying and merchandising, marketing and store operations. Retail Operations & Visual Merchandising Greater productivity during new store openings, with less man hours and overtime required. Delivers precise retail execution through the creation of accurate planograms and fixture guidelines. Improves cross functional team collaboration for buying and merchandising, marketing and store operations. Significantly improved stockroom management, due to the elimination of "overstocks". Improved communications with shopfitting and retail design companies resulting in an earlier sign-off. Concession companies can obtain optimum space, by proving size of range, rather than being dictated to by the host store. Buying and Merchandising Better "sell through" and less "mark down" due to improved stock management, resulting in higher net margin and GMROI. Improves cross functional team collaboration for buying and merchandising, marketing and store operations. Ability to test designs and collections in a retail environment at the buying stage, therefore creating visual merchandising concepts at an earlier stage of the process. Marketing Avoid CAPEX overspend due to ability to test the space for precise fixture and branding requirements. Reduction in PoS wastage due to accurate planning and testing of concepts prior to investment. Improves cross functional team collaboration for buying and merchandising, marketing and store operations. Deliver a consistent brand identity across multiple stores on a regional and global basis

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed.
Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Cost Analysis

Financial Advantages for BC & US

Quality & Price Competition

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Crofton was founded in 1902 by Henry Croft, who owned the nearby copper mine in Mt. Sicker. He built a smelter on the coast and exported the refined copper. Unfortunately the residue leftover from the smelter blackened the local beaches and the small glass particles often stuck to peoples' feet and hands. In 1906 Henry Croft sold the smelter to Britannia Mine. The smelter closed in January 1908, and soon after, rumours began that a large sawmill would be built. Nothing came of the rumours and when Henry Croft died in 1917, his namesake was struggling to survive.After the Smelter: This stagnation lasted until the mid-1950s. British Columbia Forest Products Ltd. saw the potential of the area with its deep sea, stable workforce and abundance of lumber, and began construction of a pulp and paper mill in 1956. The mill opened in December 1957, and continues to operate today. Owned until 2001 by Fletcher Challenge, it is now owned by Catalyst Paper.

In 2001 a layer of ash fell upon the town staining nearly every house. The ash was determined to be a result of improper burning at the mill. Due to its fault in the incident, the mill owners paid the expenses for the extensive clean-up of Crofton and improved the burning process.

In 1955 a wharf was built and a ferry service to Saltspring Island began. BC Ferries now operates the route and in recent years has improved the local roads to reduce traffic congestion.

Seawalk: Early in the 1990s the Crofton Community Centre Society decided to create a scenic walkway along the Crofton shoreline. In 2002, Crofton's 100th anniversary, phase one of the seawalk was completed. As of 2007 the first two phases had been completed and a third phase was in the planning stage. When completed, the seawalk will stretch from the wharf and ferry terminal to Crofton Beach, a distance of over one kilometre.

Modern Day: Crofton remains a small town after 100 years of existence. In 2000 the town water supply was changed from Crofton Lake to the Cowichan River. This is considered a great improvement since Crofton Lake has for years been rumoured to have been used as a dump site by local residents.

In September 2006 Crofton was included in a regional bus system connecting it to nearby Duncan and Chemainus. Prior to this the only public transportation was a bus between Victoria and Nanaimo without regional stops.

Because of the location of a BC Ferries terminal, Crofton continues to attract a small number of tourists each year, mostly on their way to Saltspring Island.

Crofton has a Saturday morning market from the first weekend in May to the first weekend in October located in the green space next to the ferry terminal.

Richmond, British Columbia
Strengths and Advantages

Special Features and Advantages For Crofton Vancouver Island BC Introduced

Constitution Tunnel Election May 14 2013 Newcastle Island Provincial Marine Park Brechin Mines

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Aboriginal Reserve Neah Bay, US

Neah Bay, US

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Crofton was founded in 1902 by Henry Croft, who owned the nearby copper mine in Mt. Sicker. He built a smelter on the coast and exported the refined copper. Unfortunately the residue leftover from the smelter blackened the local beaches and the small glass particles often stuck to peoples' feet and hands. In 1906 Henry Croft sold the smelter to Britannia Mine. The smelter closed in January 1908, and soon after, rumours began that a large sawmill would be built. Nothing came of the rumours and when Henry Croft died in 1917, his namesake was struggling to survive.After the Smelter: This stagnation lasted until the mid-1950s. British Columbia Forest Products Ltd. saw the potential of the area with its deep sea, stable workforce and abundance of lumber, and began construction of a pulp and paper mill in 1956. The mill opened in December 1957, and continues to operate today. Owned until 2001 by Fletcher Challenge, it is now owned by Catalyst Paper.

In 2001 a layer of ash fell upon the town staining nearly every house. The ash was determined to be a result of improper burning at the mill. Due to its fault in the incident, the mill owners paid the expenses for the extensive clean-up of Crofton and improved the burning process.

In 1955 a wharf was built and a ferry service to Saltspring Island began. BC Ferries now operates the route and in recent years has improved the local roads to reduce traffic congestion.

Seawalk: Early in the 1990s the Crofton Community Centre Society decided to create a scenic walkway along the Crofton shoreline. In 2002, Crofton's 100th anniversary, phase one of the seawalk was completed. As of 2007 the first two phases had been completed and a third phase was in the planning stage. When completed, the seawalk will stretch from the wharf and ferry terminal to Crofton Beach, a distance of over one kilometre.

Modern Day: Crofton remains a small town after 100 years of existence. In 2000 the town water supply was changed from Crofton Lake to the Cowichan River. This is considered a great improvement since Crofton Lake has for years been rumoured to have been used as a dump site by local residents.

In September 2006 Crofton was included in a regional bus system connecting it to nearby Duncan and Chemainus. Prior to this the only public transportation was a bus between Victoria and Nanaimo without regional stops.

Because of the location of a BC Ferries terminal, Crofton continues to attract a small number of tourists each year, mostly on their way to Saltspring Island.

Crofton has a Saturday morning market from the first weekend in May to the first weekend in October located in the green space next to the ferry terminal.

Richmond, British Columbia
Strengths and Advantages

Special Features and Advantages of Richmond BC Introduce Constitution Island Economic Development Introduced

Constitution Tunnel Election May 14 2013 Newcastle Island Provincial Marine Park Brechin Mines

Neah_Bay,_Washington State United Statesl "Neah Bay is a census-designated place (CDP) on the Makah Indian reservation in Clallam County, Washington, United States. The population was 794


Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Special Features and Advantages of Richmond BC Introduce Constitution Island Economic Development

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Richmond, British Columbia
Strengths and Advantages

Special Features and Advantages of Richmond BC Introduce Constitution Island Economic Development

Historical populations Year Pop. % 1991 126,624 1996 148,867 +17.6% 2001 164,345 +10.4% 2006 174,461 +6.2% 2011 190,473 +9.2%

Richmond is a coastal city, incorporated in the Canadian province of British Columbia. The fourth-most populous city in British Columbia, Richmond is part of Metro Vancouver. Neighbouring communities are Vancouver and Burnaby to the north, New Westminster to the east, and Delta to the south, while the Strait of Georgia forms its western border. Richmond is the location of the Vancouver International Airport, and theRichmond Olympic Oval was the site for speed-skating events during the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Canada 2006 Census Population % of Total Population Visible minority group
Source: [9] South Asian 13,860 8 Chinese 75,725 43.6 Black 1,390 0.8Filipino 9,550 5.5 Latin American 1,260 0.7 Southeast Asian 1,480 0.9 Other visible minority 9,690 5.6 Total visible minority population 112,955 65.1 Aboriginal Group Source: [9] First Nations 700 0.4 Mtis 495 0.3 Inuit 10 0 Total Aboriginal population 1,275 0.7 White 59,335 34.2 Total population 173,565 100

JRichmond, Climate chart FBritishMColumbiaAClimateMchartJJASOND

Precipitation totals in mm123114154 6 1123 8 2114 10 384 13 568 17 855 19 1140 22 1339 22 1354 19 11113 14 7181 9 3176 6 1

Average max.and min. temperatures in C min. temperatures in Cand min. temperatures temperatures temperatures in C

Constitution Tunnel Election May 14 2013 Newcastle Island Provincial Marine Park Brechin Mines

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Steps Need To Be Taken To Test Public Opinion To Produce a Minimum Viable Business PlanCover All Of The Issues:

Do you want a Tunnel or a bridge: you get the chance to change course and try a different strategy.

Where and what is the best route for the required crossing: an under seabed tunnel, a sea floor tunnel, or a Bridge.

Do you want your opinion represented with customer feedback and to affect or to change the plans presented before you over commit to the spending plan.

Your opinion will be written into an original business plan, drafted into an approved business plan for the construction of Constitution Tunnel Bridge Crossing for the Strait of Georgia: Our BC Strait of Georgia Business Plan.

Next Steps of Action
Minimum Viable Product

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

Elect P. Anna Paddon MLA Crofton-Cowichan Email: [email protected]
Campaign Donations and Volunteers Needed. Constitution Tunnel Constitution Island Constitution Tribal Island Midway Station

By validating that this Transportation Project should be completed by 2020 early on, you get the chance to change the course of Constitution Tunnel and try a different strategy. You get to react to our proposal assumptions and provide early feedback leading to change in the plans before we commit to the spending plan or the original design plan. A key component of identifying and testing assumptions is developing a Minimum Viable Product. The minimum product that we, BC WANTS, for our development plan for Constitution Tunnel and the supporting corridors plans. Just big enough to validate development plans for Constitution Tunnel and the proposed legislationthat will provide free university education to the end of the 200 level and trades provisions.

Any assumption you have about Constitution Tunnel and the products and services needed to build and maintain this Transportation Project should be clarifies for you to understand and plan ofr your economic and social well being, your market. The key is to provide venues and information, public web pages for information and business planning, so that you can gather information, apply for contracts and business property and locations, and also provide feedback. Potential customers can then adjust plans as necessary.

The fundamental idea is that the ideas formulated through public opinion polls, town hall meetings, and public information forums, will be collated and those viable will be written into a full implementation plan of your dream Strait of Georgia Crossing, for the business areas, and products. The opinion poll will be used to formulate proposed plans from your ideas and to test your assumptions. If your assumptions prove correct, then we will written into our Constitution Tunnel Business Plan for our Minimum Viable Product. the full product that you wanted will be made available in municipalities, the media and online for viewing. Then we will accept realty and business bids and proposals to sell the realty and space at Tribal Island Midway Station and Constitution Island. Initiative A Plan .Proprietary-Information-Agreement-(PIA), l "Information technology (IT) and computers; Military and Government; Business, finance, etc Drawings Models, and/or renderings of Constitution Tunnel will be posted, kept update, so you can build from full examples. If you are thinking about opening a restaurant, your Minimum Viable Product could be a few catering engagements related to venues and conventions, or a stand at various local farmers market areas. You can test these areas to see if your product or service will be most viable in that particular location. I encourage you to read The Lean Startup.provide information on the Constitution Tunnel Transportation Project.

Proprietary-Information-Agreement-(PIA), l "Information technology (IT) and computers; Military and Government; Business, finance, etc

Constitution Tunnel Richmond to CroftonColumn 1

Constitution Tunnel13.1

Peace Bridge4.3